North Pacific Union October 6
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North Pacific Union October 6 1969 VOL. 64, NO. 39 COLLEGE PLACE Cileanef WASHINGTON NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER VOP Is a Friend Official organ of the North Pacific Union There are sweet people in Sweet PROGRAM CHANGE Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Home, Oregon. Consider this recent The Twentieth Century Miracles communication from a listener to The multi-media showings scheduled for Editor: Mrs. lone Morgan Voice of Prophecy: in the Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324 October 11-18 as advertised Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla "For many years I have been a very September 22 GLEANER have been Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker small but regular contributor to your postponed. Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland work, having sent two dollars each Elder Gordon Engen and Elder Second class postage paid at College Place, month. I failed you recently because Bob Seamount were injured in a Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each year, at the College Press. Subscription price of business difficulties, but now here is plane accident. Elder Engen is still $2.00 a year. five dollars—two for August, two for in Hinsdale Hospital recovering NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All September, and one extra. material must be channeled through from several fractured ribs, a your local conference office. (Manu- "I am not a member of your denom- broken collarbone, and a punctured scripts originating outside the North ination; I have other commitments; Pacific Union Territory must be sent lung. to the Union Conference office in all of them are appealing for more Portland, Ore.) funds. I am considering dropping A revised schedule of showings one or two from my list, but not The will appear later in the GLEANER. NORTH PACIFIC Voice of Prophecy. I always think of UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY your organization as a friend of many 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 years. Then, of course, there are many who Phone: 235-4121 (Area 503) "I have enjoyed your radio broad- are regularly stationed here at Fort HHES, 2101 N.E. Flanders, Portland 97232 Lewis, McCord Air Force Base, and at casts and your literature. Also, I ap- Phone: 234-0503 Madigan Hospital. We have received preciate your courtesy. You are not E. R. Walde President always asking for money . letters of thanks for the place the L. W. Crooker Secretary-Treasurer Center is filling. We try to accommo- T. M. Ashlock ...Sabbath School, Pub. Relations "For sometime I have been on your date a 1 1 their needs by supplying Robert Babcock Civilian Chaplain, prayer list in behalf of one of my Ft. Lewis, Wash. housing, meals and transportation. sons . please continue to pray for Gerald Brass MV, National Servicemen's Recently, two men were here who had Organization, Temperance him, and thank you for your prayers finished a term of service in Vietnam. D. E. Caslow Lay Activities, in the past. I would like to think Radio- rv, Medical They had about six months left in the J. W. Griffin Associate Auditor that no one else will let you down Army and were assigned to Madigan J. R. Hoffman Evangelist when the broadcast is in special need." C. P. Lampson Publishing Hospital. These men made the Center Sunny Liu Ministerial Assistant, Radio reaches, and The Voice of their home until they were discharged. MV Assistant Prophecy wins! W. L. Massengill Trust Be a part of The Voice of Prophecy Of course, some have problems for M. E. Rees Stewardship winning team. Pray for the broadcast; which they need help. I cannot stress Lee Anderson Office Manager. enough the importance of registering Home Health Education Serv. enroll someone who needs Christ in W. H. Shephard Religious Liberty, with draft boards as Conscientious Industrial Relations, The Voice of Prophecy Bible course, Self-supporting Institutions and, as God blesses you, think of what Objectors. Quite a number give up T. W. Walters Educational The Voice of Prophecy can do through their CO status, or do not file for it, W. E. Wasenmiller Auditor more radio stations. when they register at 18 years of age. HERBERT FORD They have called me when in trouble. LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Public Relations Director They do not go on to Fort Sam Houston ALASKA—J. C. Hansen, President; Richard but stay here and go through the reg- Roberts. Secretary-Treasurer; 718 Barrow ular infantry basic training with guns. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Telephone, 272-3833. Your Servicemen's Center They are required to train on Sabbath; they are not released to attend church. IDAHO—G. W. Liscombe, President; Duane Your own Servicemen's Center here Huey, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 7667. The Army is not very sympathetic with Boise, Idaho 83707. Telephone, 375-7524. in the Northwest is doing everything them and tells them, "You had your MONTANA—G. C. Williamson, President: possible to stand ready to help our Warren Dick, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. chance when you registered for the Box 743, Bozeman, Mont. 59715. Telephone, servicemen. We have men coming to 587-3101 and 587-3102. Make wills and be- draft and didn't take it." quests payable to the Montana Conference our center who are on their way over- Association of Seventh-day Adventists. seas to Vietnam, Korea and Europe. PLEASE, young men, in order to OREGON—W. D. Blehm, President; R. C. We have men, of course, who come spare you trouble and save the good Schwartz, Secretary; Vernon J. Jester, Treasurer; 605 S.E. 39th Ave.. Portland, here to the Fort Lewis Reception Sta- name of the church, go to your local Oregon 97214. Telephone, 236-2187. Make wills and bequests payable to Western Ore- tion to be processed before they go on pastor to help you file for your CO gon Conference Association of Seventh-day to basic training at Fort Sam Houston status when you register for the draft. Adventists. Texas. Many come from the Midwest UPPER COLUMBIA—R. C. Remboldt, CHAPLAIN ROBERT BABCOCK President; I. E. Gray, Secretary-Treasurer; such as Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, etc W. 1025 Indiana. Spokane, Wash. 99205. Director, Servicemen's Center Telephone, FAirfax 6-1550. Upper Columbia Book and Bible House Phone: FA 7-6631 or FA 6-1550. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your new address with ZIP CODE NUMBER, to North Pacific Union WASHINGTON—W. L. Murrill, President; Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. Vildio's Finest Hour B. L. Cook, Secretary-Treasurer; 4414 Include name and old address as it appeared Woodland Park Ave. N. Seattle. Mailing on previous issues if possible send address Address: P. 0. Box 1585, Seattle, Wash. label). OICE OF PROPHECY 98103. Telephone, MElrose 2-5862. POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 to North Pacific with Washington Book and Bible House; P. 0. Union Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. Box 1526, Seattle, Wash. 98103. Telephone, CP133411 H.M.S. RICHARDS MElrose 2-7656. 2 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER ISIOUS VSROADCASTE RS iP VOICE OF PROPHECY POST OFFICE BOX 55, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 243-4266.245-2349 September 25, 1969 AN OPEN LETTER To Our Church Members in North America There are so many opportunities just now to expand this radio ministry by taking on more stations, that we have been impressed to call on all our members in North America to support the annual Voice of Prophecy Offering to be taken in all our churches on Sabbath, October 11, and also to become regular monthly sustaining members, so that we may take advantage of what we feel are providential openings. We have a great burden, too, for the tremendous reaping program that should be done in North America. We have been sending this message out over the air waves for 40 years, and millions are now waiting to be gathered in to our fellowship. Requests are coming from conference administrations and from laymen for public evangelistic crusades to harvest the interests created by the broadcast; this is particularly urgent where the Daily Broadcast has been running for two or three years. We need your help to pay the sal- aries of several evangelists who are waiting to come, if we can extend the calls and be assured of financial support for them. To expand the number of radio stations and launch forth into a wider evangelistic outreach, we really will need a large offering on Sabbath, October 11, and then regular monthly support thereafter. If everyone would just send in something, it would be so very reassuring and helpful. There is a third major project, that of developing a Youth Broadcast with a strong follow-up program. We need to do more for the young people of North America. Elder Douglas Pond has been asked to coordinate this work with all haste. Perhaps you are not aware that the Spanish broadcast in the United States is today experiencing its most rapid growth. Large numbers are accepting the message through the Spanish-language broadcast and its Bible School. But much is yet to be done. Now we need the assurance of support from our members to encompass these projects. Do you know that it requires about $10,000 per working day, or $50,000 per week, to carry on the present program? We must increase this substantially to encompass all that needs to be done. May the Lord bless all of you as you earnestly pray about this and respond gener- ously and sacrificially. Would you please write to us about it? We shall look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much, and may God bless you richly. On behalf of the 160 Voice of Prophecy staff members: ek-f-diA H.