MOVIE and RADIO GUIDE: the National Weekly of Persona Liti Es a Nd Programs
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How Radio Sold Willkie to America Stories about Martha "Our Town" Scott and JeHrey "My Love Came Back" Lyn_n ~ MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Persona liti es a nd Programs • We present a new format for better service to our readers H EAR that horn blowing? Th ..1t s us. end the THE CONVENTIONS ARE OVER Md most horn i$ ours, too. We're tooting ;t for '" r~dio steners wi breathe" d~ .p sigh of relief. good rellson. In this !nue. Mr. Ripley, is II print GrMted thet AmeriC(lIns (life now concerned w:!h ing <'HrMgement which permits us to do some· prepersd"ess es never before. grented thet mor{ thing which hlls never been occomplished in the citilens "re concerned about their government motion·picture end ("dio magazine field. Move nevertheless most of the broodcosts from thc over lind we'll tell you the story. Democ.r~tic meeting in Chicego reached" ne ..... In the fif\t place. we h/lve always detested low i" inlerest. wlIrrnfld·over news and pidures. We hllve hlld This wta not the f"uit of the networks. They no possible u,e for review~ of 1I screen play long did their best. supplying over $5,000 worlh 01 "fter that screen play htls left our local theoter. mikes "lone to provide the fiMS! technicel ser Yet, in going ov('( ell the publ:clltions in the f.eld vice. They sent b"ttlliions of their best engineer: lhot is exactly what we were getting. We didn't <'Ind commenlators. They wor~ed d"y end night 'ks it. So we fghfened Our own schedules. to give listeners perfect prcgr"ms. But the Demo Don t Ioc>~ now. but some1h'f19 is happening to crllts f"iled to cooper"le. They emitted s.o mu~~ • pages 5. 6 7. 8. 37. 38 39 ~nd 40. They ~re in Columbia·. Albert Wlrner (left) ilnd Bob hOT e' r th"t the nelion promptly swooned jnt~ ietterpress, w.,ich is " tec~nicel term for e spe Trout labor mlghtUy-but In vain_to en unprecedented heat wave. Pol"t,c'"ns <'Ire not ciel ,peedy \Or! of printing. Their being in letter overcome the boredom of the convention. enfert,,;ning \pe,,~ers. It must be obviou$ te press guar.-sntees thai Ihe new~ (lind the reviews most of us who listened th(lll they (Ire not ever and the picture$ thereon w": be the very I"test very intelligent speakers. It would be mut't :n My pubiic(lliion in oor teld. ~inder. both to the liste"er ".,d to t~e politicO".,. Specific,,1 y, if ·f heppens 1" Hollywood trli~ CONTENTS to forget "II obout convel lion brotldc"stil'lq week. you eM read "bout it ·n Movie (lind R(lId·o come "e.1 electLon time. Gu·de f'leAt wed, We ere l'ae only publi.;afof'l Movi., in th;, field w~;ch owns Its own presses. Of'lly by Smillt-Town Smooth Ie By extremely close eooper(lltion eM news be col Frilnc;. Chille. Jr. THE STARS ON THE COVER: Mercuri,,! lect&d edited, printed .-snd distributed from BOII·Offlce Dark Hor.e , Irish-born Errol Fly"n. end d"rkly be(llutiful. born Award for Dlltlr'lgul.hed Acting. 4 Coos! to COftst w:t h ~u(h ~peed. But we (lire row i,,-the-Philippines Br8l'ld" Mars~ ~ "dd romonce· Thll Week in Hollywood 5 in-Technicolor to Werner Bros.' e citing ~ga of doing it. Only in Mov'e (lind R"dio Guide, if you Thl. Week on the Screen 8 pleflse wi you find mCivie-((lIdio news items Md "I Married Adventure" 9 the se". "The Seo Howk." "dv ,t..,rer, pl"yboy review! wh ' (Ire news_ The Boy. From Syracua" 10 lind idol of 0 million women, Errol Flinn's c"reer I'm Glad t Failed My Screen Tnt . is well known: obout Brende M"rsh,,1 , who pl"ys Anonymoua ..... 12 her second big.time picture· role in "The See HOW IS A GOOD TIME to elpl(lin this How\" very 'ittle hlls been told most movie· Redio chang in )u' contenl\ p(llge. Frllf\~ly. we want goers. Brende Marshttli wos bom "rd:, Ankerson h b able 1 ,al:' mOre directly to our readers. Coming Radio Event. 13 in the Philippines. I'ved on there until 1930. when Th" March of MUllc 14 The old seh.rp didn't she W(lS sent to S"n "nlo"io, Te_ttl to ""end On Short Waves 15 high school. Only twenty three now Brend" had permit it. If we get Thi. Week'i Progral"1' 16·32 (lin inleresting or F irst Famlile. of Radio 33 been bitten by the "cting·bug early in life. As a gr(ltify"ng letter we Adventure. In Llltening By resu't ,he s:ept. "te end wOT~ed at acfng WMt to be (lble 10 Leslie Lieber 34 through h'gh school ".,d co ege, gett'ng her rept.;bl·sh it. Such (I How Rild lo Sold W\llkie t o America first bre"k .f\ 1937 &S the le(llo In W've' of To· letter for '"st.-snce. By T , H . Trent 36 morrow 01'1 BrO<!ldw",y. "fter lIn U'lsuccenful test as th's one from Thll Week Along the A lrlaltOI. 37 for the screen she WttS tested " second time Ch.arl., G. Neffis. On the Bilndwagon 40 s·gned by Werners A Pilrent·. Guide 41 Mr. Norrs neech no and given the leed Brain · Bulters: V. O. L.: Mr. Fil lrfa. 42 oppos:te Joel Mc· introduction for Birthday": Bull. ilnd Boners; Punle 44 everyone remembers You Alked for Them Facing Page 44 Cre" in Espionllge him for his gre,,1 nov· Agent'· (IS her first els S~lt. 'Seed, Programs lIssignment. She likes Bress Bre~d.· ~f'ld Week of Augul t 3-9 .... 16-32 to cook ploy tennis m~ny others. He <'Ind swim. She's f;ve writes. "I used to be ~ m"g"linemM <'Ind I know M. l. ANN EN BER G , Pu blisher feet three, weighs 110 pounds. <'Illows ~ome t hing "bout putting <'I m<'lg<'lzine together Curtil Mitchell. Editor Md m"king it in teresti ng . Since I hove been (I herse'f $15 <'I week Vol. 9. No. 43. Augult 3 · 9. 1940 spending money, subscriber to Movie ond Rodio Guide I h<'lve 731 P lymouth Court. Chicago, Iii. <'Idmi red your cro ftsmMship ond ol~eody have which she usuelly dis· covers isn't enough Brenda Mar.hail sent in subscriptions to be sen t to tw o of my' and Errol Flynn friends. Now I wish to subscribe for three more . before the week is A ched for $12 "ccompMied the letter. As we over. As 0 result of were s"ying, we li~e 10 t"l~ "bout letters of th<'lt her work in "The Sea Howk," Ardis Ankerson. sorl. We mention the ched not bec"use we Me now M<'Irsheli. is expected to win full-fledged impressed by Mr. Norris' solvency in these to x st"rdom from Werner Bros. he"vy times but to indic"te th<'lt he w"sn't kid ding. We "ren t. either. in "ssuring him th(lt this ned ye"r's plens for Movie <'Ind Rodio Guide WE WAHT TO CAll ettention to our story, guerMlee its reoders the most interest:ng series 'How R"dio Sold W illk,e to AmericlI," on p"ge of stories, pictures (lnd services they heve ever 30. We thonk Mr. DM Golenpeul for the oppor received. tunity of presenting Mr. Willkie's "'Informotiof\, For M immediete story e.(lImpie toke Lunch PI.e(lse re~"rh. ~y the w"y. the entire prcgr<'lm eon et the W "ldor£' by lI~o Chose. M;ss Ch<'lse wdl be reprinted In full in (I forthcoming Random is " great edress (lnd en inveterete luncheon House publicetion which is titled The 1941 outer. We ferreted out the fect thet she is elso Inform<'ltion Please' {$2.00/, edited by Do n e clever writer. Her story will run ned week. Golenp<'lul. Every I;stener wi I enjoy the volume. t/U" SMALL-TOWN SMOOTHIE How stage actress Martha Scott achieved movie• stardom with one good role-and acting ability! By Francis Chase. Jr. ARTHA SCOTT ill the girl who make fOOd In pictures." Today Martha Scott is hailed as the she turns in a telTlf1c job of acting). was tested tor the role of Me Martha Scott is the girl about whom nnd of the year. From a smashing per The public Is talking about Martha M tanie in "Gone With the Wind," ProduCf!r Sol Lesser said, when he was sonal triumph in "Our Town," she Scott. Producers are fighting for her and was told by a blunt hut we1l casting EmU1/' in the sensationally jumped to the leading role opposite services. Hall a dozen eligible Holly meaning castina-dlrector: sucxesstul "Our Town"; Cary Grant in "The Howards ot ViJ' wood males are paying her court. Who "The kindest thin, I can say to you "She's deftnite1y not the type." ,inla," whkh she is now completing is she, anyway? is to return to the nage. You'll never That was a few months ago. (and in which, the grapevine reports, When Sol Lesser boucht the rights to Thomton Wikkr's Pu1ltzer pme asked about her, start.