Louis Ginsberg Has International Reputation

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Louis Ginsberg Has International Reputation :THE ATERS N u N D A Y LouisGinsberg, Paterson's Poet Benedictine codemy Fair Lawn's ene Woocllincj City's Vocational Guidance Service TV ProgramsFor The Week Complete Short StGry Leo W. Eirich L." Itl, N. 37 OCTOBER 1 1951 i of the Week Where InsuredSavings Roy T. Hurley, president,was Paterson's Jewry joined with elected to the additional post of their brethren throughout the EARN MORE chairman of the board of the world in the ceelbration of Rosh Curriss-Wright Corporation. Hut- Hashonah, the Jewish new year. Icy-replaced Paul V. Shields, who Temples and synagogues of the remgned in accordancewith an city were filled with Jewish men, understanding which he made women and children who marked with the board of directors at the the holiday with solemn prayer. time he assumed the post in Ap- ril, 1949 • ß George J. McCormack, Fair CURRENT RATE Lawn's fabulous weather proph- The Paterson Education Asso- et, has predicted a white Thanks- ciation, whose membership in- giving, followed by a long cold mudes a majority of teachers in snap- with only two days of ALEXANDERHAMILTON SAVINGS the public school system, re- warmth in between- until De- newed its campaign for teacher cember 10. & LOAN ASS'N salary adjustments at the-Board of Education meeting. 0 P. CHARLES BRICKMAN, ExecutiveVice-President ß The local ordinance which re- quires landlords to provide a mi- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Laz- nimum temperature of 70 de- SHerwood 2•681S zara, of 560 Park Avenue, be- grees in apartments until May 1, came the proud parents of a baby went into effect on Monday. boy, Gerard Francis, born at St. ONE COLT STREET PATERSON, N.J. Joseph's Hospital. The baby • OppositeCity H•11 weighed six pounds and six ß ounces.Mrs. Lazzarais the for- Du Mont'sEast Paterson plant, met Lois Glockof Maywood. which is the largest television receiver manufactuing plant in • the world, is rapidly being con- verted to defense production, Dr. Wilbert Mozelaar,38, of 72 AllenB. Du Mont,president, an- NorthSixteenth Street, Prospect nounced. Du Mont'santicipated Park,was seriously injured when TV receiverproduction for next ¾0U R 8ST HIlV-AL 1 he fell sixteenfeet off a ladder year has beenset at forty per- whilepainting a houseowned by centof thisyear. Anthony Atema, at 178 Brown Avenue,Prospect Park. • The industrial clinics and ex- O hibit of the Greater Paterson Chamber of Commerce was held Sheriff Chris L. Edell, Demo- at the Alexander Hamilton Hotel cratic candidate for re-election, from Wednesday until Friday. opened his campaign headquar- Two officers from the procure- ters at the Carroll Plaza Hotel, ment division of the armed serv- 230 Market Street. ices were present. The congregation of the Ger- ConstantinBoldyreff, l•ader of an underground movement be- hind the iron curtain, discussed manweekobservanceMethodist ofChurch, its 70thatan- 9 - "Human Rights and Fundamen- NorthFirstStreet, began itstwo- tal Freedoms" at the opening of Rev.Olin Y. Shute, district su- ' ' •////•/. 614MAIN the Community Forum, spon- ' perintendentniversarywith of athesermon Newark by con- the //////////2'//////////////////•'/'•/////-•///////• sored by the Greater Patersonß fe.rence, who spoke on "The Councilof Churches. Church'sTask." BOULEVARD FUEL OIL CO. Acceptance by Dyers Local No. Donald A. King, assistant man- 1733, TWUA-CIO, of terms of a ager, and William C. Spinnler, OIL BURHERS new agreement offered by own- special agent, both of the Pater- ers of 70 dye shops in the Pater- son office of Charles W. Camp- Insfallafion and Service son area averted a strike by n{ore bell and Associates, the Pruden- thah 4,000. employees at the last tial Insurance Company's New- SHerwood •-3G40 minute. Workers won a two-year ark agency, are attending the contract calling for a six cent an annual three-day company busi- hour raise now and on October 1, hess conference at Palm Beach, 58-64 FIRST AVENUE PATERSON, N. J'• 1952, besides other .benefits. Fla. iii i i •1 i i i . See_what moderni livingreally means!' ' PublinhedEvery •unday by -- ' ONICI• COMPANY •I¾•-- 1.70-172 •le •treet - - - Paterson,New Jer•y - LAmbert 5.2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, : :, Editor •nt r d as Second @lass matter August 24, 1928, at the Post Come fo America's Most Beautiful Or e at Pater ,n, ,N.J., u,nder the act of March 3, 1879. Ourdoor and Casual Furnifure Store CHARLESKAUFMAN, National. Advertising Representative YOU are cordially invited to come in and insp ct our colorful display of the lates and newest Volume XXIII •-- No. 37 furnishings for casual living. With pardonable pride and pleasure, x•e tnx ite you to park your Single. ,p 5 Cents .,•i?•.;.22 $3.00a Year by Man car at our door in our ample parking space and browse through our wide and comfortable aisles and sa,•e time and ,ffort of a trip to th city. You'll see how much real enjoyment can be CONTENTS packed into everyday living. You'll come a•vay . •ith exciting new ideas to add charm and gaiety to living, for den, rumpus and play rooms. Drop in... today. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs / day and Friday until 9 p.m. ARTICLES GuidanceService Helps Men and LAGROSA Women Select Vocations 3 ß ROUTE FOUR ß PARAMUS, iqEW JERSEY Poet Without the Long Grey Beard_ 7 Fair Lawn's Star in the World Series 13 The School House on Broadway_ _8, 9 Pic ur of a Man Trapped by House Cleaning 11 Beautify your homeWith the MOLONEY DOOR DEPARTMENTS ALUMINUM COMBINTION hronicle of the Week_ _Inside Front Cover TheMoloney LIFETIME Door Portrait in aricature (P. Charles Brickman). 5 ß is the productof precision The Woman's'Viewpoint 14 engineering,using the high- Editorials .. est quality materialsin a In The ailba 2 mo d er n 91an f producing TV Programs 16 nothingbut doors. Complete Short Stow 15 :. America's Most I )• Eg: Leo W. Eirich, ehairnmn of the United Beautiful Door . ..- . n nunity Chest and Council 1952 Red Feather ('aml)•ign, has long been active in community THEMOLONEY ,.•'• DOOR- ,(.n c,.• and civic affairs. Eirich also has headed A Screen Door in Summer-- A Sfo,rmDoor in Winter Passaic County's C•ncer campaigns during the past few year• Mr. Eirich is a vice-president of the First National Bank & Trust Co. of Paterson. $71.25 INSTALLEDCOMPLETE NO EXTRAS TO BUY [[ BLAUvELTREFRIGERATION CO. ßLIFETIME DEPENDABILITY jj SALES&SERVICE -- 24-H,OUR SERVICE ßLIFETIME ECONOMY -II ßT• CompleteStoreFixtures-Cases-Coolers ßLIFETIME BEAUTY II 1// FrozenFoodC,l:)infs il CompleteRefrigerationCompressors SUBURBAN FUELCOMPANY .•, 3-S $TRAI HTSYRE T PATERSON.N.J. 7S0ROUTE 17 PARAMUS.NEWJERSEy. Dear Editer: I went for a ride last Sunday to Greenwood Lake along New Jerseys beautiful highways. It is a shame that so many riders have to endanger the lives of themselves, their passengers and others by careless driving and spe .ding. ß ß We were riding along slowly ß : in order to enjoy the fine scen- ß . ßß , ery and the cars kept speeding past us either on the left or right. They didn't seem to care whether our lives were in dan- ger or not. They only seemedto care f.or themselves. It's hard to think why so many drivers are in a hurry all the time. I doubt if they save much time by speeding. It's a sad thing that we have to build beau- tiful highways in order to make it easier for people to get places only to have riders ruin every- thing by speeding. Yours truly, o. JOSEPH HAI•TNETT. GODSHILL,SERENE AND PEACEFUL vacation village on the Isle of Wight,England, has a •hurch from which the foundationstones were supposedto have beenremoved by the devil. Dear Editor: Why are there so many moth- er-in-law jokes in the maga 'nes? I'm a mother-in-law myself and my son-in-law always tells me LINDA DARNELL was lovely Hol- that Im just like his own lywood fixture for 10 years before mother. she posed for a "chee$.cake" photo. Scenes in her next movie It is unfair to make such a call for a beach rendezvous joke out of anything as serious with co-star Stephen MeN lly. as this. Sometimes I think these jokes help create a lot of trouble b-tween a mother-in-law and her son-in-law. MRS. FRANCES WEINSTOCK. Dear Editor: I want to tell you that I find using your weekly television page very convenient. I always tear it out of the magazine after we are through reading it and keep it on the television set. As long as I'm on the subject, I wonder why we can't get bet- ter television programs. Every week the same comedians seem- to have the same programs. I haven't had my set long but I'm getting tired of seeing the same thing all the time. Yours sincereb, tlARRY S,HAW. ! A•; ß WO Gu dance..-- rvice Helps Men and .... Select Vocations ß ; ChoosingRight Field of Work Importantto Happy Life Fin ' a .vocation to which he is He also found that for similar rea- "The work is hard, but interesting l•st s• •l in abilities and emotionally sons, the field of optics would not be and I like it very much. The people I is a jor factor in the total happiness conducive to contentment or satisfac- work for are very fine, so that I am of an' dividual. Helping such individu- tion. quite fortunate in that respect. They als fin their suitable fields of work is John however did have a scientific have included me in several organiza- an ev¾yday job of the Vocationalaptitude and a desireto do farming.
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