PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS. SUMMARY OF SANITARY REPORTS. Statuas and progress (fepidenmies. Asiaitic cholera.-According to an official notification, 1 case of Asiatic cholera was reported May 2 at Ashabad, Transcaspian province of Russia, and 1 case May 4 at Tzaritzin, government of Saratow, Russia. In view of the threatening danger of an epidemnic of cholera, arrangements have been made for the construction of barracks and a bacteriological station at Wilna, a city with a considerable trade and a population of about 100,000. Wilna is a railroad center, the capital of a province of the same name, and is situated only about 100 mniles from the German frontier. Because of iniforniation received by the Austro-Hungarian Governlment, that Asiatic cholera has ceased to prevail at Baku and Batuimi in Transcaucasian Russia, Austria-Hungary suspended the sanitary measures adopted against ariivals from the places mentioned. Bubonicplague.--It was announced May 20 that bubonic plague had broken out in the Bahrein Islands, Turkish territory in the Persian Gulf, with a Mohainmedan population, engaged principally in the pearl and tortoise fishery and the exportation of dates and other fruits. The fishery emiploys during the season a large number of boats, and some Bahrein ships are enmployed in the India trade, a sort of shipping difficult to regulate in regard to sanitation. During the week ending May 13 there was a fatal case of plague at Manila. The previous week 2 cases of the disease, with 1 death, occurred at Manila and 2 fatal cases at Cebu. June 20, there was a deatlh froni plague at Waipahu, inear Honolulu. Yellolw fevei'r.-As sbown from reports, the west coast of is comparatively free fromi yellov fever. Ecuador, which does not appear to share the plague epidemic prevailing in Perui and Chile, has suffered, however, fronm yellow fever (luring the past six months, deaths being reported fiom Guayaquil, the last during the week endingf May 23. These cases have occurred during the half year of rain just finished, ending with it the local trade on the estuaries of the rivers dependent on wet weather for navigation. Guayaquil is on the mail route, 835 nautical miles south of Pananma, and connected with the places north and south by a port-to-port service. The public 92 1203 June 23, 1906 1204 health of Guayaquil is of especial importance to United States inter- ests, because it is the only port on the Pacific coast of South America in which the volume of trade engaged in by United States vessels %pproaches that carried on under the German and British flags. A railroad operated by an American company extends inland from Guayaquil, the chief market for foreign goods. Work is being done on railroad connections between the port and Quito, the capital, in the Andes, nearlv 10,000 feet above the sea level, a height which in the past has been reached only by a journev of 320 miles by means of pack animals, difficulties of transportation having their fortunate side in limiting the spread inland of epidemic disease. The consul at Belize, British Honduras, reports under date of June 9, that the last case of yellow fever there occurred June 1. At Puerto Cortez, Honduras, 1 additional case, fatal, was reported June 6. In the canal zone there were 18 cases and 3 deaths from June 1 to June 12. The consul-general telegraphs from Panama under date of June 16 that in fifteen days there had been 24 cases of yellow fever and 6 deaths, and that the epidemic is increasing.

GENERAL SANITARY INFORMATION. Ainhumn and leprosy.-L. E. Ashley-Emile, of Mopra, Zaimbezi River, East , discusses in the Journal of Tropical Medicine, February 1, 1905, the question whether ainhum, which is spread widely over the African continent, particularly on the west coast, is a mani- festation of leprosy. Zambaco Pascha, an authority on leprosv, is of the opinion that this obscure disease is a modified form of leprosy, a view in which Ashley-Emile coincides.2 He believes ainhum to be a leprous manifestation occurring in persons not the subjects of typical leprosy, but of a leprous diathesis. Classical leprosy and ainhum have not been observed occurring together in the same person, but the subjects of ainhum often present the facial appearance of lepers and are in close family relationship with them. ifortality 8tatWtscs of the United Statesfon 1903.-In the present number of the Public Health Reports a table is published giving the mortality statistics of 1,423 cities and towns in the United States for the calendar year 1903, compiled from 1,423 reports received in reply to 3,750 circular letters sent to local boards of health and health officers. The table for the year 1902, published in the Public Health Reports for August 7, 1903, did not contain, as does the present one, a table of the annual mortality for the year under consideration as estimated bythe Bureau of the Census. The mortality for 1902 was reckoned only according to the population for the census year 1900 and the locally estimated population. The census population for the year 1903, the added feature of the present tables, has been estimated by the Bureau of the Census in accordance with a provision whereby 1205 June 23, 1905 that Bureau is directed by Congress to prepare such annual estimates in the interval between decennial censuses. The method used by the Census Bureau in the preparation of the annual estimates is the so- called arithmetical one. a system which, though admiiittedly subject to uncertainty, has been shown by experience to come nearer to accuracy than any other available miethod. Director S. N. D. North, of the Census Bureaui, writes, in his letter of transmittal of the estimates of population of the larger cities of the United States in 1901, 1902, and 1903, that the imethod " rests on the assumption that the annual increase for each year since the last cen- sus would be one-tenth of the deceninial increase between the last two censuses. The country as a whole, and most of the States and cities," he continues, "are growing with a steadily decreasing per cent of increase. As this condition has obtained in the United States for the last twenty years, it is likely to hold good in the inmmediate future. Under such conditions the arithmetical method hlas been proved more accurate than any alternative methiod available." The Director of the Census states that undoubtedly in a number of individual cases the estimates will ultimately prove to be wide of the truth, but even in such cases it is believed they will be of value in establishing a basis for the computation of statistical rates. The estimated population (local), on which mortality has also been estimated in the tables, is that furnished directly to the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service by the local boards of healtlh or health officers in their entries on the forms used in making their reports. The favorable features of these local estiniates are evident. They were made by officials on the spot at the very time the death statistics were furniished and were gathered fri-om police enumerations, directory canvasses, and intimate personial knowledge of local conditions. The particular instances in which the census and the local estimates are at variance and the resulting diveigence in annual imiortality can be seen by an examination of the tables. The tables, which do not include towns of under 1,000 inhabitants, cover an aggregate popula- tion of 22,400,567, according to the United States census of 1900, which gives the total population of the mainland of the LTnited States as 75,994,575. The population covered, as estimated December 31, 1903, by the Bureau of the Census, is 24,072,374, and as locally estimated is 2.5,430,232. It should be observed, however, in drawing conclusions from these general figures, that in some cases the estimate of popula- tion of individual municipalities has not been furnished by the Bureau of the Census, from inability to obtain data, and is hence omitted from the tables. All the places included in the tables except Honolulu (population 39,306, census 1900) are comprised in the mainland of the United June 23, 1905 12046 States. A distinction is made in census work between the mainland of the United States and the entire area of enumeration, excluding from the mainland enuimeration the population of Alaska and Hawaii and persons in the military and naval service of the United States (including civilian employees) stationed abroad. There were in 1903 about 3,750 cities and towns in the United States having a population of 1,000 or over. The exact numlbers can not be precisely determined, except after the lapse of a certain period, for the reason that munici- palities are constantlv consolidating, large cities by suburban exten- sion absorbing surrotunding incorporated places, and places of all sizes meeting others in their spread from initial centers. Figures from 1,423 of the 3,750 municipalities were utilized. Thus the grand totals furnish fairly accurate annual mortality figures for the urban population of the United States for the year 1903, namely, 16.12 per mille of the Census Bureau's estimated population for the year and 15.43 per mille of the locally estimated population. A cal- culation of annual mortality founded on the official United States cen- sus for 1900 yields a rate of 17.52 per mille. The tables published for the year 1902 gave an annutal mortality of 16.84 per mille, reckoned on the United States census of 1900, and 15.38 on the locally esti- mated population. The variance of results obtained by the use of the Census figures for 1900 and of the local estimates is seen to be greater with the advance of a year from the date of the decennial census. The object of the yearly United States census estimate is to rectify such variances, as far as possible, and for this reason has been used in preparing the tables of mortalitv. The tables show a grand total of 43,269 deaths from tuberculosis in 1903 among the population covered by the reports. In 1902 the tables gave 41,404 deaths from this infec- tion among a population of 22,469,816, based on the official United States census for 1900.

UNITED STATES. [Reports to the Surgeon-General Public Health and Mairine-Hospital Service.] Vwtcciaation in Bo8toa, .s The following is received from the Department of health of , through Surgeon Woodward, uinder date of June 15: For the eight months beginning October 1, 1904, and ended May 31, 1905, there were 1,749 vaccinations with the State virus. Of these 1,692 were primary vaccinations and 57 secondary vaccinations. For successful primary vaccination 276 certificates were issued; for suc- cessful secondary vaccination 12 certificates. During this time there were returned 12 cases of unsuccessful primary vaccination and 11 cases of unsuccessful secondary vaccination, or 23 in all. Of the 12 1207 June 23, 1905 unsuccessful primary cases, after researification 4 returned success- fully vaccinated. The remaining 8 did not coIIme back to this office.

1ae- Certiti Vci- Certifi- nae. cates Cates issued. nated. issued. October: Februiary: Primary...... 116 72 Primary ...... 6 6 Secondary ...... 7 Seconidary ...... 8 2 November: March: Primary.37 22...... 3 Primary.16.9 Seconidary ...... 1 0 Seconidary ...... 1 1 December: April: Primary ...... 8 3 Primary ...... 1628 Secondary 2 1 Secondary ...... 5 2 January: May: Primar . .11 71 Primary . . 1,470 141 Secondary ...... 18 1 Secoindary ...... 153

Report from2n Gulf Quaranttine, Miss. -Steam8shp -iamn diIsctarged ffrom quarantine. Passed Assistant Surgeon Wille reports, June 12, as follows: The steamship Hiram was discharged from this quarantine yester- day morning, June 11, there having been no developments beyond the 2 cases of yellow fever previously reported. This vessel was held seven days after sulphurization less live hours, whiclh time would be consumed in proceeding to Mobile. Report from7 GCuzfport, fiss.-Death from enteriefeter. Acting Assistant Surgeon Sheely reports, June 11, as follows: During the past week there occuried 1 death froin enteric fever in the third week; otherwise there is nothing of importance to report.

INSPECTION SERVICE, MEXICAN BORDER. Ins.'pection, at EaYgle Pass, Ted. Acting Assistant Surgeon Hunie reports as follows:

Week enided June 11, 1905. Persons inspected oni trains .169 Persons held .0

Iwtpection at LE7 Iv.Yo, Tex. Acting Assistant Surgeon Alexander reports as follows: Week ended 9June 10, 1905. Inspection Mexican Ceiitral passengers, 217; inspection Mexican Central immigrants, x7; inspection of, 2; inspection of Spaniards, 4: inspection certificate cautse of Jeath of corpse trani.sferred into the Ulnited States, 1; disinfection of soiled lineni imported for laundry work) 517 pieces; vaccination of children of immigranits, 7. June 23, 1905 12108 Inspection at Laredlo, Tex. Acting Assistant Surgeon Hamilton reports, June 13, as follows: Week ended Jtine 10, 1905. Passenger trains from Mexico inspected, 14; persons on passenger trains fromn Mexico inspected, 592; immigrants on passenger trains from Mexico inspected, 49; immigrants from Mexico vaccinated upon entry, 13; persons detained or refused entry for reason of being from or having passed through Tierra Blanca within five days, 37.

STATISTICAL REPORTS OF STATES AND CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES, YEARLY AND MONTHLY. CALIFORNIA-Los Avnyelv.e. Month of Nlay, 1905. Estimated popu- lation, 180,000. Total number of deaths 256, including cerebro-spinal meningitis 4, diphtheria 1, enteric fever 4, scarlet fever 1, whooping cough 4, and 57 from tuberculosis. Sacramento. -Month of May, 190S5. Estinmated population, 35,000. TottQ number of deaths 49, inicluding diphtheria 1, enteric fever 1, and 3 from tuiberculosis. Stockton.-Month of May, 1905. Census population, 19.500. Total number of deaths 14, ineludingr 1 from tuberculosis. ILLINOIS-D,lvan ile.--Period froimi May 5 to 31, 1905. Estimilated population, 25,090. Total numnber of deaths, 34, including 3 from tubercuilosis. RocAford.-Month of April, 1905. E.stimated population, 37,000 Total nunmber of deaths, 43, including enteric fever 2, and 4 from tuberculosis. INDIANA. -The Monithly Bulletin of the State board of health gives the following: Total number of deaths month of April, 1905, 2,639; rate, 12.1. In the corre- spoinding mnonth last year, 3,322 deaths; rate, 15.2. In the preceding month, 3,656 deaths; rate, 16.2. Deaths bv important ages were: Under 1 year, 309 deaths, or 12.6 per cent of the total deaths; 1 to 5, 142; 5 to 10, 51; 10 to 15, 52; 15 to 20, 110; 65 and over, 730, or 29.8 per cent. Some iinportant causes of death were: Pulmo- nary tuberculosis, 344; other forms of tuberculosis, 46; typhoid fever, 27; diphtheria, 13; scarlet fever, 23; whooping cough, 14; pneumonia, 223; diarrheal diseases, 18; cerebro-spinal meningitis, 46; influenza, 35; puierperal fever, 15; cancer, 86; violence, 132; smallpox, 4. LouISIANA-XeNm Or(beamv.-Month of May, 1905. Estinated pop- ulation, 325,000; white, 239,000; colored, 86,000. Total number of deaths, 712; white, 422; colored, 291), including diphtheria 2, enteric fever 6, whooping cough 6, stmiallpox 1, and 92 fromii tuberculosis. MICHIGANN.-The total number of deatlhs reported to the department of state for the month of May, 1905, was 2,700, a decrease of 322 from April. The death rate was 12.5 per 1,000 population, as compared with 14.4 for the preceding month. 1209 June 23, 1905 By ages there were 456 deaths of irnfants under 1 year, 140 deaths of children aged 1 to 4 years, and 837 deaths of elderlv persons aged 65 years and over. Inportant causes of death were as follows: Tubeiculosis of the lungs, 204; other forms of tuberculosis, 28; typhoid fever, 22; diph- theria and croup, 28; scarlet fever, 5; mealsles, 20; whooping cough, 16; pneumonia, 171; meningitis, 43; cancer, 147; accidents and vio- lence, 181. There were also 18 deaths fromii sinallpox: 1 in the city of D)etroit, 1 in the city of Big Rapids, Mecosta Countv; 1 in Walker Townshiip, Kent County: and 15 in the city of Granid Rapids. MINNESOTA- Wfioaanz.--Montli of May, 1905. Estimated popula- tion, 23,000. Total nuimber of deaths, 18, incluiding diphtheria 1, and 2 fromii phthisis pulmnonalis. NEw HAIMPSHIRE-Feankli). -Month. of May, 1905. Estiniated poptulation., 6,000. Total niumlber of detaths, 5, inieluding 1 froiii tuiber- culosi-s. Jlw4a98

ARRIVALS OF IMMIGRANTS. Report of imminqration at Baltimore.

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER, Baltimore, Jubne 17, 1905. Number of alien immigrants who arrived at this port during the week ended June 17, 1905; also names of vessels and ports from which they came.

Date. Vessel. Where from. aliens.

June 12 Barnstable ...... Port Antonio ...... 1 14 Beacon ...... do ...... 1 14 Alice J. Turner ...... Governors Harbor . . 2 15 Chemnitz ...... Bremen . . 1,888

Total ...... 1,892

LOUIS T. WEIS, Commissioner.

Report ofimmigration at Boston.

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, Boston, Mass., June 10, 1905. Arrival of alien steerage passengers at this port during the wveek ended Saturday, June 10, 1905; also the names of vessels and portsfrom which they came.

Number arrival.______Where_____from._____IDaterofi Vessel. of aliens. Where from.

4 June Cymric ...... Liverpool ...... 736

5 Admiral Farragut ...... Port Morant ...... 3 6 Winifredian ...... Liverpool ...... 3

7 Cambrian ...... London...... 1 8 Admiral Schley ...... Port Morant 8 10 Corean ...... Glasgow .. 287

Total ...... ' 1,038

GEo. B. BILLINGS, Commissioner. 1211 June 23,1905 Report. of immigatqrtiso at Key IWFt. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, Key IeVest, Fla., June 5, 1905. Report of arrivals of alien steerage passengers at this port during the wveek ended .June 3, 1905; also names of vessels and ports froin which they canme.

Date of mber of arrival. NeXe_ Where from, liens.

May 29 Martinique . . Habana...... 19 30 Mascotte ...... do . 90 June 1 Gussie ...... 143 Miami . . do...... d0.. 50 2 Martinique ...... do ...... 3 3 Mascotte ...... - 76

Total...... 381

JULIUSi Orro, Immigraniit Inspector int C'harge.

OFFICE OF THE COMIMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, , Fla., Jtmne 12, 1905. Report of arrivals of alien steerage passengers at thisport duriing the week ended Jt'ne 10, 1.905; also name.s of vessels and ports fronm which they came.

Date of of arrival, Vessel. Where from. Ntumberaliens.

June 5 Martinique ...... Habania ...... 3 6 Miami ...... d o .. 54 7 Gussie ...... do ...... 48 8 Mascotte ...... do ...... 42 10 Miami ...... d...... (loo.... 67

Total ...... 214

JITLII S OTTO, Immnigrrant Inspector in Charge. Report of immigration at Newv York.

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMI(GRATION, Port of New York, .Jt'ne 1], 1905. Report of arrivacls of alien steerage passengers at this port during the week ended June 10, 1905.

Date of Numnber of arrival. Vessel. Where from. aliens.

June 4 Umbria...... Lierpool and Queenstowvni 473 4 New York ...... Souithatmpton ...... 544 4 La Touirainie ...... Havre ...... 9...... 35 4 Vigilanicia ...... Hatbaina, et(.c...... 12 4 Capri ...... Rio de Janeiro, et( ...... 15 4 Albtini ...... Liverpool, Nova Scotiat ...... 1 5 IPiarisin...... Glasgow...... 134 5 Nord America...... Genoa and Naples...... 1,191 Peruigiar ...... Pailermo and Naples. .1,229 5 Pannonia ...... Fitime and Plernio. .. 1, 247 5 Blucher ...... h.m....r...g...... Ilmbiirg ...... 1.448 5 Calderoni ..... Rio de Janeiro, et .. . 6 Itynda,m ...... Rotterdam ...... 1,194 6 Citta di Geniova ...... Genoa and Naples.1,386...... 1, J86 June23, 1905 1212 Report of arrivals of alien steerage passengers at this port during the wveek ended June 10, 1905-Continued.

arrival. Vessel. Where from. Number of

June 16 %IarcoM Minghetti ...... Genoa and Naples ...... 846 t; Fijnlan(d ...... Antwerp...... 1,419 6 Morro Castle .....Ha...... Habana...... 22 6 Oscar I ...... ('openhagenI 7 Kaiser Wilhelmi II ...... Bremen ...... 765 7 Astoria ...... G...... (lasgow ...... 397 7 Cretic ...... Genoa and Naples...... 2.,022 7 Friedrich (ler (Gross;e .. Bremen ...... 1,923 7 Lio it ...... S...... g..Stga...... 1...... I 8 Napolitan P'rince ...... Naples, Palermo, etc.. 1,125 8 Alajestic...... Liverpool anld Qucenstown 542 8 Caroniia ...... do ...... 530 8 Georgia ...... N.a...... Naplesl and Trieste ..... 990 9 Liguirin .Ge.. n.. . G t atid Naples ... 1, 143 9 1Oser tia ...... Copenlalgeni...... 9 9 Lniaa...... Palermo. 7 10 Btienos Aires ...... Genoa and Nalples, etc ...... 9'25 10 Lneaniia ...... Lisverpool and Quieenistowni 328 10 Rhatia .....mb.6...... I. 8-6 10 Ia Stavoic ...... Hatvre ...... 721 10 British Empire ...... Antwerp...... 3 T'otal..2.4...... 24,0389

a D)eserter. RolBERT AVATCH1RN1-, Commrissioner. Report /f bnlnigratirn at 1% iladelphia.

OFFICE OF THE (C031MISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, , Pa., June 12, 1905. .NAumber of alien steerage passengers at this por7t during the wteek enzded June 10, 1905; also names of vessels and ports from tihich the!, came.

Date of of arrival. Vessel. Vse.Weefo.NTumber|Vhere from. aliens.

Jnine 6i Noorlland ..Qne.... en...Qti(Tel stowni and1 Liverpool 365 6; Carthrma1 ...... at r...... 5...... 5 May 19 Pallulll ..... hlieldls ., 1

T'otal .371 ...... 371 JNO. J. S. RODIGERS, (obuintissioner. Rej)ort of hi11))?/eqratiow (ti PStn Juawn. OF FICE OF TItE CONT.MINSIONER OF IMMI31GRATItON, S5an Joan, P. 1., June 5, 1905. Number of alien inmnigy,ants who arriuted at this port during the week ended ,Jane 3, 1905; also names of ressels aril ports fiomn which the!, camle.

Date. WVessel. here from. Numberaliens.of

May 2f \IoW(ONidvo ...... 8 denoa, (Cadiz, Bareeloai, and Malaga18 31 Miginl .altlart ...... Pa.ina...... ttlmt ceallorct an(ldCanary Isltands' 2 i(lelphliat ...... P...... Perto Cabello ainid Ctnral¢ao 2 ' Juine S,AM S3ilioll ...... Bordeauix ald St. Thomais 7 Totail ...... 29

(GRAHAM L. RICEF, CGommnissioner. 1213 June23,1905 J7n1pection of birm igrants. MONTHLY.

Number of I

Number Number immigrants I Number ~~~~~~~~certified for of immi- of immi- Place. Place. Month.Month. ~ofgrantsimmi. grants grnsn td rjcinoaccounttn>ofllgatd RmrsRemarks. spected.1in-, pas;sed. Irejected dnerudontgirous, Ior loathsome diseases.

1904. Aberdeeni, Wash ...... July ...... 1 1 0 O ,May r 1| 1..0 0 Columbia River, Oreg... May ...... i transaction-s. Iloilo, P. I ...... Apr 4 30 4 4 Laredo, Tex ...... Apr ...... 175 167 18 I !lay 138 133 ' 3 Mattnila. P. I ...... Apr ...... 167 163 4 4 Naco, Ariz ...... May : . 278 271 1 2 San Franiciseo, Ca l lay...... 1,381 1,274 107 154 Zamboanga A 3 0 0 June 23,1905 1214 Rekports irern national qarantss.e

IT Week f Name of station. ended- Name of vessel. Daritel Port of departure.

~~ -_ UiITED STATES: 1 Alexandria, Va ...... June 17 .. .. , . . 2 Beaufort, N. C ...... June 10 ...... 3 Biscayne Bay, Fla...... June 17 ...... Bocagrande, Fla.- 4 Punta Gorda...... Maly 2'7 ...... 1( Juine I ...... -.-.-..-::-. I.--.-.-.::.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-:.-:: Puntara.a. 6 Brunswick, Ga. ....Jdo 7 Cape Charles, Va. June 1,7 8 Cape Fear, N.C...... June 11 ...... 9 Cedar Keys, Fla ...... June 1(7 ...... 10 Columbia River, Oreg...... IJune...... d 11 Cumberland Sound, Fla. . .I .. - Nor. bk. Tana ...... June 6 iAlgoa Bay .... 12 Delaware Breakwater Quarantine, Lewes, Del.

13 Eastport, Me. June 15 . 14 Eureka, Cal . June 10 15 Grays Harbor, Wash...... do ...... I. 16 Gulf Quarantine, Ship Is- Am.m...... schr. Starkea...... Ray 30 Veracruz ...... land, Miss. - Nor. ss. Hirma ...... I Jtune 3 Puerto Cortez Am. schr. Kate Feore .... June 4 Colon......

It. bk. Olivari ...... do Buenos Ayres via Barbados. Am.schr.DorisM. Pickup Cardenas ...... Br. bktn. Hornet...... June 5 Colon......

Am. schr. Susie B. Dantz- June 8 Progreso ...... ler.

17 Ketchikan, Alaska...... rune 3 ......

June 10 ......

13 Key West, Fla ...... do ...... 19 Los Angeles, Cal ...... do...... 20 Newbern,N.C .... JJune 17 ...... 21 Nome, Alaska ...... JJune 10 ......

22 Panama, Panama...... June 17 ...... 23 Paseagoula, Miss . June 10 ......

24 Perth Amboy, N.J . . do ...... 25 Port Inglis, Fla 26 ... .. Port Angeles, Wash . ...... 27 Portland, Me . ...... 28 Port Townsend, Wash...... do .. Br. bk. Eaton Hall ... 'June-O10Iqu'i'que......

29 Reedy Island, Del ...... do ......

St. Georges Sound, Fla.-

30 East Pass ...... do ...... 31 West Pass ...... do...... 32 St. Johns River, Fla.

33 San Diego, Cal...... a Previously reported. l 1215 June 23, 1905 and inspection stationts.

o L)ateof ~~~~~~Vessels ; of vessel, en- Destination.l Treatmenit and passen- dtpr Ispected-- and gers, aetirgo. tore. ~~~~~~~~passNed.

------;------!No transactions...... report...... sXs 2 ...... 3;.------No...... do...... asb...... I.1\. .. .*ell1l1.. .. 4 ...... I1 vessel sp:ken and passed. 2 5 ...... I vessel passed withiout...... ilnspe(tion...... report ...... N...... No ...... 7 ...... N...... o. No transaictions...... 7...... 9 8 i----.. . . No :tansactions.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . 9 ...... No report ...... 10 . . . do...... 11 Ferniandina ...... Held for discharge of bal- vessels spoken at n (I. last and disinfectionl passed. 12 ...... 4

''''''''''''''''''- , , ...... 13.2 7......

14! ...... 1...... tn s - ...... 16 Pascagoula ...... Disinfected and hel.( Junie 4 ...... 7 Mobile ...... do ...... 2deathIsfrom yellow fever i...... at liatratntine. Gtulf port ...... do . June .-----9 ----- do..Fumigated to destroy rats.. Jurne 5......

Mobile ...... Held for observation . do 2 eases euiterie fe er. Ship Islanid ...... Disinifected aind held for Junie 8 1 case maliriall fever observation...... Paseagouila ...... Disinfected ...... do ... ------

17 ...... No transactions .

...... do...... o. 18 K::::::. 9 19...... No 1 ...... ...... 9 ...... Yi-n 'a -i 20 .... No report . 21 ------...... - . . do.. ,,,,,,, 22 . . . . 2vesselssl)oken and passed 0. 24 . . . . No tranistactions ...... 25 25....NoNo o t...... 2I6'}toll4ttOlS...26 . . . d. ' ...... 27 ...No transactions...... 28 Blakele...... Prtial disiPfectioui ...... Junie 10 Cre%svth;ttledel(othiiTgaid.I 5S )bedding disinfected. * (ilzGlandularexanlinatioln, Br. ss. Saint Helenao, i l fronit Karatsu, Br. ss. Beckeufhfam, froml Moji, atndcl Muroram. shliFp Ret1ue, fromji Acapulco), schr. W\ilbert1,.Frliitll,; from Kobe, andi(1 Br. I-k. Eaton Itall, .froni 1(1ii- (file. 29 ...... Glandular examination, 1I Br. ss. M.n1nningtry fromii Sinvria; Br. . Jolmn Bright frol \Vera- cruz, andi(i Gtidlsbv from Bomibaty. t'. S. -S. Dixie froIII (C(olo Tb2arrded anCi paissed: 1I (cuse enteric fever. .jt.....N report...... 31 . No tranns,aictions. 32 ...... 11 vessels spoken ai. passed: 3 steamliships pass5etd without inispec- tioii.! 33 ...... ' June 23, 1906 1216

Reportsfrom national quaranttine

1.. a Week Date of Name of station. ended- Name of vessel. arrival. Port of departure. z UNITED STATES-Continued. 34 San Francisco, Cal...... Juine 10 Br. ss. Queen Alexandra. .| June 56 Shanghai......

35 San Pedro,Cal ...... do ...... 36 Santa Barbara, Cal ...... do ...... 87 Santa Roea, Fla ...... June 11 Am. schr. Donna Cris- May 81 Alvarado and tina.a Veracruz. Dan. ss. Sarmatia ...... Juine 7 New York ...... It. bk. De Gregori Gio- June 9 Buenos Aires..... betto. It. bk. Innocenta . do ... Fort de France... 38 Savannah, Ga...... Junie 10 Br. schr. Success ...... June 6 Habana .....

39 Sitka, Alaska ...... June:3 40 SouthAtlanticquarantine, June 14D ...... Blackbeard Island, Ga. I...... I......

41 Southbend, Wash do...... 42 Tampat Bay, Fla ...... do., . m. sehr. Augustus H. J une 6 Colon ...... Babcock.

43 Washinigton, N. C June V7 ...... IIAWAII: ......

44 Hilo ...... May 2 7 45 Honoltulu .....d. do ...... 46 Kahblui June 3

47 Kihei .... May 7 - 48 Koloa ...... do. ------v------o----*------1------...... -*------@------...... 49 Lahaiiia Juine 3 50 Mahukona .Ma 2'7 ...... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: ---- . 51 Cebu ...... y 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~.. 52 Iloilo do

Maily .L ~~~~~~~~I... .

53 Manila...... Apr. 21 Amn. launch Colona ...... Apr. 12 Lucenia

Anm. coast guiard cuttter Apr. 24 Palanove Buisuianga.

Br. us. i Apr. 27 Honigkong and Amoy. 1217 June 23, 1906 and in*pection stations-Continued.

i Vessels 4 ~~~~~Treatment of vessel, paLssen-Daeo inispected Destitlation. dere and carg. depar- Remarks. and ture passed. z

34 San Francisco.... Fumigated to kill vermin.. Junie 6 Presionslyat other0rien- 15 tlI ports. Crewv vacci- niated anid effects disinl- fected. Glandular ex- tlu i naio1tio A mii. s,s. China from Honigkong. Temperatnire taken Amil. ss. Sani Jutin fromi An- con. 2 vessels borde(d anid passed.

...... No trainsactions .do ...... 37 Penisacola ...... iFumigated ...... Junie 5 2 ves,sels boarded anid 2 passed.

..... do IHolds made clean tine 7 ...... I...... do iFumigated ...... 38 Savannah ...... Fumigated and held ...... Previous port, Rio de 1 Janeiro. 0 ne vessel spoken passed. Xo ...... , - " ...... ----.-.-...... - --.*-.-.-.. report 39 1---@*we*1 atind No transactions...... 41 42 Port Tampa isinfectedand held ase nmularial fever ...... 2

43 No report ......

...... No tranlsaction4s 44 ...... ------No 45 ..... rel)port 46...... No transactiOn.u...... No report ...... 47 I...... '&8 ! r ,,,,,,,... 49 ...... No tranisactions ...... 50.1l ...... 2 46 barn(cs inspectedl and I 50 passed. *52 ----- ; I vessel ftmligiailted to (le- 4 stroy verminii. Malaria Am. schr. Lar- 51 ry, frrau Zamboanga. 53 ilManila Disinifected. VesseXl reXles-.|...... No newv cses smaltillpox. 5c ed. Personnel detainied. All iw.rsoi- in (letemi- tiomi, inlwiudig thie pa- tienit, released Apr. 2S. do. Disinfected ...... Apr. 26 1 case smi Ilpox ona rrival ...... Vessel remilaniidedto Malar- iveles. Platient removed to hospital. Crewv and I passientgers batimte ani effects mmmd bnagguge (dis- inifected. 29of the cre tind 3 steeraige plassenl- gers, whol hatld been re- (ently suceessfully vae- cinated, releised wvithn the vessel. NenrlvI all the steerage passengers, more thlain 71 in mitinii- ber, were sick with dys- entery, b)eriberi, or tin- berculosis. As many als possit)le were placed in Eospital. 3 deaths )(- cnirre(d aimnioig these from chronic dysentery and 1 deathi from tnb)er- culosis. The simlalllpox catse will probably die from ehroic ddysentery. .... do ...... do Apr. 27 71 crew, 21 second-class ...... and 200 steerage pa,sisenm- gers batihed anId effects disinfected. All inspect- ed. 3 ves4els fumigated to destroy vermin. Members of crew oni 29 vessels vaccinated. June 23, 1905 1218 Reports from national quuarantine

= | Name.0 of station. ~~~~~~~~~~WeekName of veKssel. Date o Port of departure. ended- arriv.l.

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS-Con. 53 MIanila .M May 6 Am. coast guard cuttter Apr. 24 Palano.e Busuanga. a

Br. ss. Zafiro ...... M...-ay 2 Hongkong......

54 29 PORTO Rico: 56 Poiee .. June 3 . I I. 57 San Juan.(1( ...dCarmelita ...... May 30 Puerto Cabello

S. S. Philadelphia ...... May 31 . Suibports-

58 Aguiaidilla ...... do ...... 59 | Arecibo .do . 60 1 Arroyo . do . 61i Fajardo ...... M.May 27 . !lune 3 ...... ' 62' Humacao ...... do ...... Id-

63 Mayagtiez ...... I do ...... I.I.| . I. a Previously reported. 1219 June 23,1906 and inspection stations-Continued.

Treatment ofvses asi-Date of Vessels E Destination. gers,ofnde rgssel depar- Rmarks. iipce and z l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ure. passed.

53 Manila ...... Disinfected ...... No new cases smallpox. 66 Smnallpox ptatient died April 30. 2 ship's offi- cers released May 4. 5 deaths in quiarantine; 4 of chronic dysenitery, 1 of smallpox an(d clhroniie d-senitery...... do . do .May 2 Vessel sent to Mariveles for semianniiual dsinfec- . tinil. 3 vessels fumniiga-| ted to destroy verimnini. Menibers of cre*v on 24 vessels vaceiniated. 4 steerage passengers vac-

...... 651 ...... 2 mpt., ld...... 5 5| 57 nPammta,ikl...... Vene- Hleld...... May 31 1 vessel boarded and Mzelt. palssed. .... New York...... ddo ...... do ...... ]54:.,e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~irmate(l.2 ...... 58.1lNo tranisactions......

58 ...... No transactions ...... 60 514 ...... No transactions......

612...... -- ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 62363 ...... ------....------93;__ _ 93 June 23,1905 1220 Report from State and

0 Week ~~ WNameofstation.Name of station,~~~ ended- Name of vessAI. arrival.Dateof Port of departure.

1 Baltimore, Md ...... June 17. 2 Bangor, Me ...... do . .. ..I 3 Boston, Mass ...... do ......

4 Charleston. S. C ...... June 10 ...... 5 Elizabeth River, Va ...... Junie 17 ...... 6 Galvestoni, Tex ...... Junie 10 . .---- .------7 Gardiner, Oreg ...... do ...... -...... 8 Marcushook, Pa ...... June 17 ...... 9 Mobile Bay, Ala ...... June 3 Nor. ss. Frmand . My 28 Neuvitts...... Br. schr. Clharlevoix ...... do M.MIrtanza...s. Nor. s. 'onldor ...... M.....ay29 Ceibai. Nor. ss. Brew xter.... . do Bocas del Toro ... Nor. ss. Hispania . do Iimui..... Nor. s§. Ft. Morgan . ay 30] Bocas del Toro ... Schr. B;anea Cefalu M...... y 31 Rulatanl.. Nor. ss. MIt. Verno .....June. 1 Limon . Nor. ss. Hirtam ...... june 2 lPluerto Cortes.

1Or. ss. Daglin...... Jun11e 3 TamIipiCo...... Jumne 10 Br. schr.Bartolli . Juuue 4 Cairdeis... Sehr. J. C. Clifford. do... Sagua ...... Nor. bk. Beniares .do ... Liverpool ...... I Nor. bk. Axel.. do Iarat. Nor. ss. Sorland ( d ..- Mata7as..... BRr. ss. I Iltyd :.....e .J5Tanipico. Nor. ss. Alm ...... do ... Progreso. Ger. ss. Bound Brook. do ... Bocas del Toro

Nor. ss. Egda ...... June 6 Coatzaeoalcos Nor. ss. Ft. Gatines ...... Bocas del Toro . Br. ss. Fkcrnfield ...... IJine 7 TamuI1pico...... Nor. ss. Belize ...... June 8 Belize. SI). s4. Satuirninia ...... June 9 (ienfnegos . Nor. ss. Colomnbia ...... d....o .-.Bocas del Toro ... Nor. ss. Titlis . . Junie 10 St. Thomia. NNo(r. ss. Espaiia.. . . do ... Pluierto) Cortes .... 10 New Bedford, Mass ...... June....3 ------.. 11 New Orleais, La ...... June 10 Am. sehr. A. T. Stovell a. June 3 Mexiean ports.... Br. ss. Olvimipita ...... June 5 Belizte ...... Nor. ss. Origen . do Limol . Br. ss. Sahara ...... do ... Progreso. Br. ss. Beverl .Junie 6 Bocasdel Toro.... Nor. ss. Venuis ...... (10do ... Limoii ...... Nor. ss. Tauniton ...... Jumie 7 .... do ...... Nor. ss. Sapphire ...... June 10 Colon via Belize.. Ger. ss. Helvetia ...... do ... Mexican ports.... 12 Newport News,Va ...... June 17 ...... 13 Newport, R.I ...... do ...... I...... 14 Nw York, N. Y ......

17 Providence, R. I . .... do ...... -...... 18 Quintana, Tex . do ...... 19 Sabine Pass, Tex ...... do ...... 20 St. Helena Entrance, S. C...... do ...... 15Passavallo,Tex....doa Previously|...... reported...... I--.-.--.------1221 June 23, 1906 municipal quarantine 8tation.

Vessels Treatment of vee.el. passen- Date of inspected z Destination. gers, and cargo. depar Remarks. and S3 passed. I

...... No report ...... do . I ...... do ...... 15 ...... No report ...... 6 ...... do. 7 ...... 8 ...... ----...... do...... 9 Mobile ...... Disinfected...... do ...... do...... d...... do ...... 4 ...... do . d ...... do...... do .-.-. ... do ...... do ...... do .-.-...... do...... do ...... do ,...... do ..-.-.-.-.- ...... Remanded to Gulf quar- . * alartiae; 2 cases eellow 1...... fever...... do Disinfected and held ,...... do ....-.-.-.Disinfected ...... --.--... 5 ...... do ...... do . do......

do . Disinfected and held June 11 ......

do . Disinfected ...... ----

..... do ...... Disinfected and held .June 6 ...... do. do . June 7 ..... do .Disinfected...... 'la a'r'ia','I1 'ease"; en'te'ri ...... fever, 1 case.

..... do . Disinfected an'I held. June 11 ......

..... do . Disinfected...... Disinfecteddo and held ...... June 8 ......

do ...... Disinfected ......

do ...... do ......

.do...... do ...... do ...... Disinfected and held. ..

...... do ...... 10 ...... No report ...... 11 New Orlesns ..... Disinfected and held. June 8 ...... do Disinfected . June 1 ......

...... d o . do ...... do .Disinfected and held. June 8 ...... do .Disiiifected. June 6 ......

...... do ..... do . ......

...... do do June 7 ......

...... do ...... do. June 10 ......

...... do .Disinfected and held...... 12.12 ...... No report ......

.. 1 ...... do ...... 13 1...... do ...... 1 -----...... do ...... 16 ...... 1------...... do ...... 17. . -.. 1-- ---...... do ...... 18..-...... - . . 1------...... do ...... 19.. --..... 1------...... do ...... 20 ...---., ...... 1---- -...... do ...... June 23,1906 1222

Smalpox in the United SZates as reported to the Surgeon-General, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, December 31, 1904, to June 93, 1905.

For reports received from June 25 to December 30, 1904, see PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTs for December 30, 1904. [NOTE.-In accordance with custom, the tables of epidemic diseases are terminated semiannually and new tables begun.]

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Alabama: Mobile ...... Dec. 19-Jan. 9. 3 ...... From vessels in "I port. Total for State ...... I 3 ;...... Total for State, same period, 1904. Arkansas; Fort Smith...... Dec. 11-Apr. 22 9 Pulaski County ...... Jan. 21...... Present. Number ofcases in Pulaski County from Sept. I to Dec. '20,1904, 120, with 8 deaths.' Total for State ...... 9 I.. 1; ...... Total for State, same period, ..I 35 1904. California: . . .. . Los Angeles...... Apr. 9-Jtune 10.. 6 ...... San Franicisco ...... Jan. 22-Apr. 29.. 7

Total for State ...... I 13 Total for State, same period, 79 1904...... Colorado: .. . .. Adams County...... Jan. 1-31 ...... 1 ...... Boulder Couinty...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 11 Delta County ...... Mar. 1-31...... 1 Denver County ...... Jan. 1-ar. 31.. 5 Eagle County...... Mar. 1-31...... 1 Garfield County...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 11 ...... Gilpin County ...... Jan. 1-31 ...... Huerfano County...... Feb. 1-28 ...... I 1 ...... Jefferson County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31... 5 ......

Lake County...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 5 ...... i

Larimer County ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... 198 - 1.. Las Aniimas County...... Dec. 1-31...... 1 ...... Otero County ...... : Feb. 1-28 ...... Park County...... Jan. 1-31 ...... 1 Pueblo County...... Jani. 1-31 ...... 1 Rouitt County...... Feb. 1-28 ...... 2 ...... j Teller County...... Jan. t-31 ...... 10 We!d County...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31 ... 19 Total for State ...... 275 Total for State, same period, 532 ...... 1904. District of Columbia: ...... Washington...... Dec. 1-June 10.. 28 ...... Total for District ...... I...... 28 ...... j ....--..1 Total for District, same pe- 54 riod, 1904. : Jacklsonville ...... Dec. 18-June 10.. 62 West Tampa City ...... Mar. 19-Apr. 15.. 7 3.~l Total for State ...... 69 Total for State, same period, ...... 144 1904. Georgia: Macon ...... Jan. 22-Mar. II..

Total for State ...... 1 Total for State, same period, ...... 14 1' 1904. _ , Illinois: Ann Arbor ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 5 .',"", Cairo ...... Mar. 28-Apr. 3... Chicago ...... Dec. 25-June 17.. 1223 June 23,1906 Smallpox in the United State8, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. . Remarks.

Illinois-Continued. Danville ...... Dec. 18-June 15.. 56 5 East St. Louis...... Jan.1-Jtine 1 .... 52 9 Galesburg ...... Jan. 28-June 3... 10 Peoria ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31... 11 -''''''-i-

Total for State ...... I. 552 54 Total for State, same period, 237 4 1904. Indiana: General...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31...... 16 Allen County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 4 Clark County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... ''''''''i'. Delaware County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 2 1 Elkhart County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 2 ...... Floyd County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 20 ...... Gibson County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 ...... Johnson County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 ...... Kosciusko Counity ...... Apr. 1-30 .:. 1 ...... Lake County ...... Feb. 22-28 ...... 1 ...... Lawrence County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 10 ...... Madison County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 25 ...... Marionl County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 Infection brought from St. Louis. St.Joseph County (South Bend) June 4-10 ...... 6 ...... 1.... Shelby County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 Spencer County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 13 ...... Sullivan County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 5 Switzerland Counity ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 ...... 17 1.... Tipton Couinty ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... Vanderburg County (Evans- Mar. 15-Apr. 30.. 26 ville included)...... Washington Counity ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 21

Total for State ...... 159 20

Total for State, same period ...... 39 .1 1904. Iowa: Davenport ...... May 1-3 ......

Total for State .: .... .;

Total for State saime period, ...... 11 1904. Kansas: Jan. 30 Allen County ...... i.... I-Apr. 22 ...... Anderson CouInty ...... Jan. 1-31 1 5 ...... Atchisoni County ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28

Bourbon County ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30... 80 ------I Brown Couinty ...... l.Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 132 Chase Counity ...... Feb. 1-28 2 Cherokee County ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 15'2 7 Clay County ...... Feb. 1-Mat r. 31 ... 2 Dec. 30 - - Cloud Counity ...... 1-Apr. 47 ...... -----1- ...... Dec. 30 10 Coffey Counity ]-Apr...... 8 Comanche Couniity ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... Crawford County ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 202 M ar. 1-31 Dickinson Counity ...... 3 ...... Feb. 1-28 D)oniphan County ...... 3 ...... Douglas County ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30... 14 Edwards Couniity ...... Mar. 1-31. 8 Ellis County ...... Dec. 1-Mar.31l 194

Ellsworth County ...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30 46 ...... Franklin County ...... -,.Dec. 1-Mar.31 50 ------1 Geary Countity ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 224 Gove Couinty ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31 ... 63 ......

Graham County .. Dec. 1-Apr. 30 53 Dec. 1-Mar. 31 1'.... Greenwood Couinty ...... 5 ...... 1 Hamilton County ...... Apr. 1-30 ' -- - - Harvey County ...... Jan. I-Feb. 28 . 9 Jan. 1-Feb.28 ...... Jackson Couinty ...... 6 1-31 ------1. Jewell Couinty ...... Mar. 1 Johnson County ...... Apr. 1-30 1 ...... Feb. 1-Mar.31...... Kingman County ...... 60 ...... Kiowa County ...... Mar. 1-31 2 Labette County ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 14 Lane County ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28 15 Leavenworth County (Leaven- Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 8 ...... worth included). Lincoln County ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31 120 Linn County ...... Dec. 1-Mfar.31 64 ...... I Logan County ...... Feb. 1-28 ...... 4 June 23, 1905 1224 Smallpox int the United States, etc.-Continued.

Placer Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

-- Kansas-Continued. Lyon County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 195 1 McPherson County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 102 Marion County ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30... 392 ......

Marshall County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 35 Miami County ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 197l 2 Number for January no given. Mitchell County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... 76 1. Montgomery County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 12 Nemaha CouIIty ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30... Neosho County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... *1 901 1 Ness County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 12325. Norton County...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30 Osage County...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 25 ...... Osborne County ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30... Ottawa County ...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30 ... 18 .* Pawnee County...... Jan. 1-31 ...... 3'8...... Phillips County...... Dec. I-Apr. 30 ... Pottawatomie Couinty...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30... Number for January not reported. Pratt County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... Rawlins County ...... Jan. 1-Feb.28 ... 64 1...... Reno County...... Dec. 1-Mar.31... 49 Republic County...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30... 35;-.--...... Rice County ...... Mar. 1-31...... Riley County ...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30 ... 6,...... Rooks County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30... 28 ...... Do.

Russell County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 ... 44 ...... Saline County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 146 ...... Sedgwick County (Wichita in- Mar. 1-May 27 ... 26I ...... cluded). Shawnee County (Topeka in- Dec. 1-Apr 30.... 28 ...... cluded). Sheridan County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 ... 3-0 ...... Smith County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 9 !,..... Stafford County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 4. Sumnier County...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1...... Thomas County...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 Trego County...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 11 ...... Wabaunsee County ...... Jan. 1-31 ...... Washington County ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30... Wilson County ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... Woodson County ...... Dec. 1-Mar. 31 ... Wyandotte County (Kansas Dec. 1-Apr. 30... City included). 7... ---- Total for State ...... 40 ---- 1 38612 ...... Total for State, same period, 26...... 1904. Kentucky: Covington ...... Mar. 23-May 20.. 12 .. Lexington ...... Mar. 12-Apr. 29.. Louisville ...... Feb. 3-Apr. 13... 241 1

Total for State ...... I...... 38 1

Total for State, same period ...... 1 16 1904. Louisiana: New Orleans ...... Dec. 18-June 279 4 Forty-eight mpqrted. Pointe Conipee Parish ...... Mar.1-31 1 ...... St. James Parish ...... Mar. 1-31 ...... Present. St. Joirn Parish ...... Mar. 1-31 ...... Do.

Total for State ...... 280 4

Total for State, same period ...... 114 5 1904. : =l- Madawaska Region ...... Dec. 1-31 2 ------1 Perry ...... Feb. Portland ...... Apr. 2-8 1

Total for State ...... 4

Total for State, same period ...... 146 1904. ------&fassachisetts: - - - - -1 Boston ...... Jan. 22-May 6 _! 6 1 Everett ...... Jan. 1-14 . 5 1 One case from s.Cymric

Haverliill ...... May 28-June 3 1 ...... landing at Boston

Hyde Park ...... Jan.1-14 2

Lawrence ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 18 6 1225 June 23, 1905 Smallpox in the Tniited States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Massachusetts-Continued. ... Lowell ...... May 7-JuneXl7...17 ...... Quincy ...... Apr. 31-Mltay 20"( ...... 3| Total for State ...... 34 2 7 1 Total for State, same period, ...... 17 1904. Michigan: Allegani Couinty...... Apr. 1-30...... 1 Alpenai County...... Mar. 1-Apr. 30 ...... 2 Areniac Couniity ...... Feb. 1-28 ...... I. 1 Grand Traverse Countity ...... Dec. 1-31 . . 1 Kenit Counity (Graind Rapids Apr. 2-June 10t...6 21 Jackson Couinty (Jackson in- Dec. 1-Mar. °1 ... Jl10 cluided). Mecosta Countity (Big Rapids).. May 1-31...... 1 Shiawassee Counity ...... Feb. 1-Nlar. 31 . 3 Washtenasw Cotunty (Anin Ar- Apr. 2-May 20 ... 3 . bor inieluded). Wayne County (Detroit ini- Jani. S-May 28..S... 30 1 cluded). 41 Total for State ...... 2...... 201 Total for State, sanme period. . , 8 6 1904. MNinnesota: Aitkin C ouinty ...... Dec. 20-26 ...... 9...... Beltrami Countyt ...... Feb. 20-Apr. 3 ..... Bentoni County . . Ma y16-22 ...... I...... Bluie Earth County ...... Apr. 10-Juie.)5. 1------Carltotn Counity ...... Feb. 7-Jtune 10 ...... Carver County ...... Mar.M 28-JIune 49 ...... I Cass Couinty ...... Jan..... ,n. 31-Feb. 6 ... 8 ...... | Chisago County ...... May 2-29 ...... ' 11 Clay Couinty ...... Jani. 3-Apr. 24 I'...... Cottonwoodl (Cou)tnty ...... Feb. 28-Mar. 6...... Crow Wing Couinty ...... Dec. 27-Mar. 277 20...... Dakota ('County ...... Jall. 31-MIay 1 ... 1...... Faribault Couniity ...... Apr. 10-17 ...1...... Fillmore County...... Jani. 31-Feb. 6 ... 1...... Goodhuie Conntsv...... Jan. 10-23 . 2 Hernnepini Co ty ...... Dec, 20-June ... 49 1 Houston Coiinty ...... Dee. 27-Jari. 2 ... 9...... Huibbard Coun(ity ...... Apr. 18-24 ...... 2...... Itasca Coutnty ...... Jtat. 31-M1ay 2..- 4...... Lake Couinty ...... Jani. 24-Apr. 17 33 ...... Lesueiur Couinty ...... Feb. 13-9 3 ...... Lincoln Couniity ...... Mar. 14- pr. 24 7.. Lyoni County . . Jani. 17-MayS.... 9 1 McLeod Couinitv ...... Dec. 27-M%ay 29 66...... Marshill County ...... Feb. 7-Juine, s.... 347. Martin Couinty ...... IMar. 28-Mlay 219 46 .... Meeker county ...... Dec. 13-Junse5 91 Millelacs Counity ...... Feb. 28-June a3... 9...... Morrison Countity ...... Dec. 20-.June 5...' 5...... Mower Couniity ...... Jan. 3-Jtunie 5 .... 42 1 NornAn Couinty .. M....ay 233-29 ..2...... Otterttil County . . Dec. 13-June 3 !44 .. Pine Couinty ....May.. 22.y1 1. - Polk Countyt ...... Mar.M 28-Apr. 24 6 1 Ramsey County ...... e..De. 27-Junle 5 41 1 Red Lake Couinty ...... Feb. 2,2-May 22 119. . Rice Couint: ...... Dee. 13-M%ay 1.5' 7 St. Louis Couinty Dec. 27-MIay 29. 66 . Scott Conllty3 ...... M...... Nay 9-Junel.e.3 17 . Stearns Coniiity ...... Dec.D 20-Juniie 5 , 238 .. . Steele Countn ...... ay 2-29 4

...... 17.....17.3 StevensStevensCotintyConnt~~~~~ ...... Jan. 17-Apr. 17 3 Todd Couinty Dec...... Dec.20-Juniie 103 2 Wabasha Coiity Mr....N . lar.14-20 .. 1 Wadenat County ...... )ec. 27-NMay 29 42...... Waseca ...... D. 27-Apr. 3 28 Coninty . Watonwtan Coiunty ...... Apr. 4-June 8 Wilkin Couinty ...... Dee. 13--Feb. 13..' 2 ...... Winona Couinty laii. 10-16.. Wright Couinty ...... Jtan. 31-June 5 69 2 Yellow Medicine Couinty ..F.eb. 13-Apr.33.... 4

Total for State ...... 1,701 10 Total for State, same period, ...... 1,558 22 1904. ' i - June 23, 1905 1226 Snallpox in the Untited Sates, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Mississipp1: Gulfport ...... |Jan.20 ...... 2....2 Natchez ...... MMar.27-Apr.8 2......

Total for State ...... - 4

Total for State, same period,I ...... 1904. Missouri: St. Joseph ...... Apr. 16-June 10.. 73 ...... St. Louis ...... Dec. 18-Juine 10.. 581 60

Total for State ...... 654 60 Total for State, same period .230 9 1904. Montana: Beaverhead County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 1. Carbon County ...... ,.Jaui. 1--Mar. 31 ... 1 1 Cascade County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 1...... Custer County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 4...... Dawson County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 1. Deerlodge County ...... Jan. 1-Mlar. 31 ... I...... Fergus County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 18 . Gallatin County Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 1...... Lewis and Clarke...... County (He-..Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ...... lena included). 2 . Meagher County...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ... 2....-.-. Missoula County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31.. 1...... Park County ...... Jani. 1-Mar. 31 ... 7...... Silverbow County...... Jan. 1-May 22 ... 5...... Sweet Grass County...... Jan. 1-Aar. 31 3 3 Teton County...... Jan. 1-Miar. 31 6...... Yellowstone County ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31...i 113 12 Total for State ...... | 167 16 Total for State, same period,. 17 . 1904. Nebraska: Omaha...... Feb. 12-JIune 10.. l 30 . 8 South Omaha...... Mar. 19-JIune 10 ......

Total for State ...... 38 .. Total for State, same period.. '16 1 1904. New Hampshire: Manichester ...... May 20-27 1...... Nashua ... Apr.30-May27 9...... Total for State ...... Total for State, same period, . 94 1 1904. New Jersey: Camden ...... Jan.1-7 ....1.....1 Jersey City ...... Apr. 24-30 ...... - 5

Total for State ...... 1 5

Total for State, same period ...... 74 13 1904. _ New York: I

Kingston ...... May 14-20 ...... 1. Mount Vernon... Feb. 26-Mar. 18.. 3...... New York ...... Dec. 18-Juiie 10..! 40 7 Total for State ...... 44 7

Total for State, same period, . ....97 - 4 1904. North Carolina: Anson County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 2.....2 Ashe County ...... Nov. 1-30 2. Beanifort Counity ...... Nov. 1-30 17! Bladen County ...... Nov. 1-30...... 14i...... Cabarrus County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 2...... Camden County ...... Nov. 1-30 59...... Cartaret County ...... Mar.M 1-Apr. 3...., 15 ... Cherokee County...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 25 Clay County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 5 Craven County...... Nov. 1-Mar. 20...1 13 . One case imported. Durham County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 6 Present. Gaston County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 1227 June 23,1906 Smallpox in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

North Carolina-Conitinued. Ureenie County ...... N' 1-30 ...... Henderson Counity ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... Lenoir County ...... lNov. 1-30 ...... 26 . Mecklenburg County ...... INov. 1-30 ...... New Hatnover Counity (U'il- ov. 1-Dec. 31.. 6 . minigton included). Onslow County ...... Nov. 140 ...... 80 Pamlico Coullty ...... Apr. 3 30 . Pender County ...... iNov. 1-3n ...... I Person County ...... iNov. 1-30 ...... 3...... 3 Pitt County ...... Nov. 1-30 .3 ...... Richmond Countity ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... -4.9 Robeson County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 1 . Rockingham County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 1 ...... Rowani County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... Rutherford County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 5 Sampsoni County ...... Nov.N 1-30 ...... 1 .... Iresenit. Scotland Countyt ...... NNov. 1-30 ...... -.-.. Union CouIIty ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 24 .. In southern part. Wake County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 45 .. Warren County ...... Nov.N 1-30 ...... | Wayne Couinty ...... Nov. 1-30.o..... 2 . Wilkes County ...... Nov. 1-30.. 7.-..

Total for State ...... 548.. Total for State, same period, ...... 483 2 1904. North Dakota: Barnes County ...... Dec. 1-Jan. 31 ... 3 ...... Cass County ...... Dec. 1-Jani.31 .... 2...... Cavalier Couinty ...... Feb. 1-28 . - ----1 Grand Forks County ...... Mar. 1-31 ...... 1 . Richland Counity ...... Mar. 1-31 ...... 17 1. Walsh County ...... Dec. 1-Jan. 31 .... 1 ..-

Total for State . 2.5|- Total for State,same period, .. 338| 3 Ohio: Allen Couinty ...... -Dec.10.... 19 ...... A~thensCounty ...... July2-Dec..1 .... 1 Auglaize County...... Juilyv2-Dec. 10.... . 1 uBelmont County ...... Juily 2-Dec. 10 .... . Champaign County . July .... 3. Columnbinna ty ...... Nov.5Iy-Dee. 10.... 2 ...... 1. CosioctonCouinbignaCounlty...... No...... July 2 Dec.Dey2t)c.10....]O 2...... 1 CrawfmagdCouintyCounilty...... Ju1y2-Dec. 2...... Coshcto ...... Jul v 2-D)ec. 10 .... 1...... 3 Cuyahoga CoulntyCoullity...... Jnly2-Dcc. 10 1 1 fiedCminrtv ...... -Dec.1l ...., 2 ...... y3 DarkeCra County...... July2-Dec.0'Jtil'y .1.... 3 2.1. Erie County...u...... July 2- Dec. 10.... 3 . Fairfield County...... July 2 Dec.10.... 1...... Franklini County...... Julv2-Apr.30.. 15 2 Greene County...... Jiilv 2-Dec. 10 4 ...... Guernsey Couinty...... JuIV2-Dec.10.. 32 Hamilton County (Cincinnati Dec. 24-May 19 137 3 included). Lawreinee County ...... July 2-Dec. 10.... 4. Logan Couniity ...... 49. iJuilyv2-Dec.10....' 1 LorainiLoraixICounity.Juy"De.0...,oUIlty...... ,J uly '2-Dec. IO0...... 1 LucasCounty(Toledo included,, Nov. 5-Jutne 10 104 .1 Mahoninig Couniity ...... uly2-DDc. 10.... 2 1 Meigs Coint ...... y iuly'2-Dec.Ju 10.... 4 . Miami Couiut ...... July 2-Dec. 10.... 10 . Montgonmery Coinity..s July 2-Feb. 11 ... 2 -.----- Muskingtum County J 2iI v-Feb.4 ..... 6...... Noble Coi ty ...... ' J uly 2-Dec. 10.... 103 .- Perry Couinty Jly2-Dee.10.... 15 . Pickaway Cot ...... J De. 1.... 1 ...... Pike Coit ...... Jl 2De.10.... 1...... Ross July 2-D)ec.10.... 110 . County 1. SciotoConiinty ...... ulv 2-Dec.10.... Stark Couniity ...... Nov.'-Dec.10 1-...... Summit Couniity ...... Julv2-Dec.10 ...... 1 1 Trumbull Cotunity ...... JJuly 2-Dec.10.... II. Tusearawas Couniity...... JuIl 2-Dee.10.... 2 .|. Washington County...... July 2-Dee.10.... 1 . Wood County ...... Jully 2-Dec.10.... 6.

Total for State ...... 652 7 Total for State, same period, . 3,274 97 1904. June 23,1905 1228 Smallpox in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deatths. Remarks.

Oregon: Portlanid ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 2j

Total for State ...... 2 Total for State, same period ...... 1904. Pennsylvania: Adams Couinty ...... Jan. 1-31 ...... 6...... 6 AlleghenCyoity...... 9-15 1...... Bedfor(d Colunty ...... lan. 1 -31 ...... 20 !...... Blair Cotiuntv ...... Feb. 3-Juinie3 .3 9 ...... One case from Huntinig- don Cambria Cotinty Cambr. Jan. 1Feb. Jtn25 ... -e.2...... |33l Counity. Clearfield Cotunty ...... Jan. 1-31 64. I1 Center County ...... Jain. 1-31 ..23.. Dauiphini Couniity ...... im. I-Apr.29 .... 28 . Fayette County ...... Ja. 1-31 ...... 4. Jefferson Counity ...... Jan. 1-31 3 Lancaster County ...... Jani. 1-31...... 2 Lebaniion CouTnty ...... Jan. 1-Juine 10... 122 ..... Philadelphia County...... M ar. 19-25 ...... Tioga Couniity ...... Jatt. 1-31 ...... 72...... York Couinty ...... Jan. 1-June 17... 141 . Tot&l for State ...... 529 1

Total for State, same period...... 2,121281 1904. SUMM &RY.

Total reported ...... J...... July 7,1904 ...... 334 30 Do ...... Aug.25, 10m4..... 113 3 Do ...... Nov. 2.5,1904 ..... 102 4 Do ...... Dec. 15,1904 ------409 Grand total for period ....I...... 958 37 Statemenit showinig the preva- lence of smtallpox in Peninsylva- nia duiring the fouirteenl mnonths commencing Nov. 1, 1903, anid ending Dec. 31, 1904: Allegheny Couinty...... 8fi54 135 Adams Couinty ...... 1 ...... Blair Couniity ...... 26 Beaver County ...... 6....." 36 5 Bedford County...... 11 Berks Couniity ...... I...... 25 1 ------Bradford Couiinty ...... 43 Bucks Countitt ...... -...... -.-.-.-. 12 ...... Butler Couniity...... 18 ...... Cambria Cotsiity ...... 42 ...... Clairion Couutxy ... 1I ...... Cleariel(d Cotiuits ...... ' ...... 58 39 ...... Coluimbia Couinty s...... 1 ...... Ceniter ...... I 37 Couniity ...... Chester Couiilty ...... ! ...... 11 Crawford Cotunt. . . 9 ...... CumberlandlCounty ...... u...... 3 ...... Carbon Countv ...... 4...... 4 ...... Clinton County ...... 2| ...... i 2 ...... Dauphin Couniity ...... 150 ...... 40 cases reported in No- vember occurred in Oc- tober. Erie Couinty...... I...... 171 .....e ...*-@ Fayette Count. 110 6 Fratinklin Cointsy ...... Nov. 1-30, 1904... 2 Greenie County ...... 40 ...... Hnintingdon Couinity...... 1 In(liania Couintv ...... 79 9 Jefferson Couniity ...... 12 3 Lackawauina Coniit... ..I.. 12

LaTncaster Couinty ...... 7 ...... Lebanion County ...... 131 Lehigh Couinty ...... 222 ''''''''i' Luzerne Couinty ...... 19 1 Lycoming Couniity ...... 28 3 'Mercer (ounty ...... 48 1 Monroe County ...... 3 ...... Montgomery Couinty. . 35 ...... Northampton Cotint.....s I...... 321 ...... 1229 June 23,1905 Smallpox in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Statement showing the preva- lence of simallpox in Pennsylva- nia, etc.-Contintied. Northumberland County ...... 138 Perry Couunty ...... 17 ...... - Philadelpthia Couinty ...... 1,599 . Schuiylkill County...... S349 21 Snyder Co(unty ...... l ...... 1 ......

Somerset Couinty ...... 1 ...... Sullivan County ......

Suisquehanna County...... Tioga Couinty ...... 2.... ------. Outbreak began at Morriq Run, Tioga County, in July, 1904, and was treat- ed as chicken pox. Uniioni Colunity ...... 10-.-.-.-1 Venanigo Couinty...... ------Warreni County ...... 1 ...48 Washiingtoni Countv ...... 25...... Wayne Cotunty...... Westmoreland Counity...... 1 12 York Couinty......

...... 5,;:7 Total ...... 5,837 525 Rhode Island(: Provideriee ...... May 7-13...... -_ TotaLl for State ......

Total for State, same period ...... 1904. South Carolina: Camden ...... Feb.12-18 ...... 1 ...... - Charleston ...... Dec. 11-Junie 10 3I,6 1 Georgetown ...... )ec.25-Jan. 26.....33.-----33 .j Greenville ...... Jan. 1-M,ay 27 ...: 46 20 Total for State . 21 .116...... I

Total for State, same period ...... 90 i 4 1904. . Tennessee: 1 1 2 Memphis...... Dee...... D.2-Jtne 17 1 2 Six cases imported Nashville ...... Dec. 18-June 3..., 75 ...... Total for State ...... 20 2 Total for State, same period, . 584 8 1904. - Texas: San Antonio ...... Apr. 1-30 -..- 2......

Total for State ...... I .... Total for State, same period, ...t...... 1904. Utah: Box Elder County ...... Apr. 1-30 ... I...... Cache Couniity ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 .... 94 . Carbon County . Dec. 1-Jan.31 .... 3 . Davis Couinty ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 ... 45 . Grand Counity ...... Jan.I 1-Nlar. 31 ... 2 Iron Counity ...... Jan. I-Mar. 31 ... 8 . Juab Counity ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30.... 4 . Millard County ..l Jan. 1-Apr. 30 ... 11 . .Nlorgan County ...... Apr. 1-30 ...... 1 .... Salt Lake Couinty (Sttlt Lake Dec.1-Apr.30 354 1 City included). Sanpete Couniity ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 n 12 ...... Sevier Coutnty ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 58 Summit County ...... Jan. 1-Mlar. 31 f; ...... 6 Tooele County ...... Dec. 1-Apr. 30 17 1 Utah Couinty ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30 ... 120 . Weber County (Ogden in- Dec. 1-May 31 20 . 20. eluded). Total for State ...... 7.561 2

Total for State, same period, . . 22 |.| 1904. -.. '-.. June 23,1905 1230 Smallpox in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Washington: Adams County ...... Dec. 1-31. 1. Cowlitz County ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 1...... 1 Kittitas Couinty ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 1 ...... Lincoln Counity ...... Jan. 1-31 ...... 1 ...... Mason County ...... Mar. 1-31 ...... 1 Snohomish Countv ...... ,:::: Mar. 1-31 ...... 2 Spokanie County (pokane) Dec. 1-31 ...... 2...... Wallawalla Counity ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 28.... 2 . One case imported.

Total for State ...... |...... 11 . Total for State, same period, ...... 186 ! 3 1904. West : - Morgan County ...... Dec. 1, 1904-May 200 .. 25, 1905. Wheeling . Feb. 24-Mar. 4... 1 .

Total for State ... . 201 . Total for State, same period ...... 20 1 1904. Wisconsin: I Appleton ...... I May 1-June 3 .... 6 1 La Crosse ..... Apr. 10-June 10.. 7 . Milwaukee ..... Dec. 18-June 3.... 223 Total for State ...... 236 6

Total for State, same period, ...... 200 ...... 1904. Statement showing the preva- lence of smallpox in Wiscon- sin during the four months commencing Sept. 1 and ending Dec. 31, 1904: Ashland County ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 3...... 3 Barron County ...... Nov. 1-Dec. 31... 22 ...... ---| Brown County...... Dec. 1-31 ...... Burnett Counity ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 3 . Columbia Cotunity ...... Dec. 1-31 16 ...... DouglasCounty ...... Sept. 1-Dec.31... 83 Gates County ...... Nov. 1-30 ...... 4 . Granit County ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 3 .-.-.*. Juneau Couiity ...... Dec. 1-31 .... 1. La Crosse County ...... Sept. 1-Dee. 31..., 28 ...... Langlade County ...... Dec. 1-31.'. 5 ... Marquette Counity Dec. 1-31 ...... 5 ... Milwaukee County ..:..... Sept. 1-Dec. 31... lOu ...... Oneida County ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... 1...... Portage County ...... Dec. 1-31...... Sawyer Counity ...... Dec. 1-31 ...... Waushara County . Sept 1-30.1 ......

Total ...... 308 .

Grand total ...... 11,164 285

Grandtotal,sameperiod, 1904...... 11,171 500

Yellow fever in the Uneited States as reported to the Surgeon-General, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Ser-ice, January 7 to June 23, 1905.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Mississippi: 0 Ship Islanid...... June 3-6...... 2 2 From s. Hiram from Puerto Cortez. Arrived at Mo- bile on June 3; remanded to Ship Island. New York: New York Quarantine...... Junie 7...... 1 1 From ss. Seguranca from Colon. Case was quar- antined on Swinbiirne Texas: Island. Galveston ...... Dec. 31 ...... 2 From ss. Horatio from Para via Barbados. 1231 June 23, 1905 C(erebro-spinal meningitis in the United Slates as reported to the Surgeon-General, Public Health and Miarine-Ilospitat Service, M1farch 16 to June 23, 1905. [These reports were received in response to circutlar letter datedl MIarch 16, 1905, published in Public Health Reports of MIarch 24, 1905, patge 484.]

Place. Date. Catses. Deaths. Remarks.

California:I 1Los Angeles ...... Apr. 1-30,190...... 1 Oaklatnd ...... Apr. 1-30,9519 .2 San Francisco ...... July 1-Dec. 31,1904 -...... 16 Jani. 2-Mlay 27,190 6

Total for State ...... 25 Colorado: Deiiver ...... July 1, 1901-Nlar. 13. 15 31, I90,5. Pueb)lo ...... 1-Sept. 30, 2 2 1904.

Total for State ...... 17 17 Connecticut: Bridgeport ...... May. 1-311,1905 4. Derby ...... MIayN 1-31, 190.) 1 . fIhIrtfordI ...... May 1 31, 190 , 2...... New Britain ...... Ma 1-31190-5. I . Ntv Haven ...... a.en.- Sept. I-Dve. 31...... t 1901. Do ...... Jan. 1 -ay 31, 31 19

Norwalk ...... May1.1.1-311905 .... I...... P'tttiam ...... Ma.2 1-;;2, 1905 .... 2 -----.. Waterburv. 1-31,1 ...... West hlaven ...... l -:1l, 1905 .... 2...... Total for State ...... 4. .,,...... T8 37 Delaware: 15 Wilmington ...... Jtulyl 1, 1904-Mafyv I 15 27, 1905. Total for State ...... 1 15 Illinoi s: Belleville ...... Apr. 1-7,1905... Chicaco ...... Jan.- 1-M\ay 29, 1905. 9 Totatl for State ..1...... 0... Indiana: Getnerail ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 30, 1905... 159 Total for State ...... 159 Kansas: Gove ('otinty ...... Apr. 1-30, 19(05 .... 3 1 WVichita ...... Apr. 92-9, 190a.... 2 2

Total for State . ., 5I Louisiana: Shreveport...... Sept.I-Dec.31,1904 2 Do ...... Jan. 1-Feb.28,195 ...... 1 1

Total for State ...... ;...... 3 Marvland: Baltimore ...... Nfar.M 22, 1905 ...... Total for State ...... 1.2... Mass,achtisetts: Brocktoti ...... Mar. 1-31, 1905...... 1 Fall liver ...... Apr.1-Nlity27,1903 5 3 Haverhill ...... May14-20, 1905 2 2 Lawrence...... M...lar. 25-itne 10, 42 27 !190i.. Lowell ...... Mar. 11-Jutte 17, 79 49 1905. Lynn ...... Apr.2-11Mty27,1905, 6 11 New Bedford ...... Apr.30-May6,1905 1 Newton .. ... Mar.l-A pr. 30,1905 2...... Quiney .....Mar.26-Apr.l.1905, 2 2 Taunton ..... May 20-27, 1905 1I Somerville ...... Aug.1-Dec.31,1904 . 8 June 23, 1906 1232 Cerebro-spinal meningiiis in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Massachusetts-Continued. Somertield ...... Jan.i-June 3.1905 13 13 Springfield ...... Mar. 1-31, 1905.... 3 3 Worcester ...... Apr.9-May 27,1905 8 11

Total for State ...... 1611 134 Michigan: General ...... Julyl1-Dec. 51,1904 ...... Present at 57 places, with 60 deaths. Do Jani. 1-Apr. 30.190 ...... 19 0.Present at 44 places, with Ann Arbor...... Mar.5-11,1906 . . 1 170 deaths. Fortv Grand Rapids ...... Apr. 8-June 3,1905 4 6 deaths occurred during Port Huron ...... Sept. 1, 1904-Jani. 6 the imionth of Mlay. 31,1905.

Total for State ...... 13...... 4 | -- Mississippi: Natchez ...... July 1, 1904-MIay 6 5 24, 1905 Total for State .------...... - 6 5 Missouri: St. Joseph ...... Apr. 16-Junie 10, 3 3 190.5.

Total for State. .... Nebraska: South Omaha ...... Feb. 26-Apr. 30, 2 1 1905.

Total for State. . 2 1| New Hampshire: Concord ...... Apr. 1-30 . . 1 Manchester ...... Apr. 1-May 31 . . 37 Nashua ...MMar. 1-Apr.22,0 ...... 1 5 4

Total for State ...... I ...... 42 New Jersey: Jersey City ...... Jan. 1-31,1904 ...... 55 Do ...... Jan. 1-1May 14,1905 ...... 100 Newark ..... Apr. 2-Juniie 10, 82 56 1905. Passaic ...M...... Mar. 1-31,1905 2 2 West Hoboken ...... Apr. 2-30, 1905 3 * 2 Total for State.87 215 2 New York: Amherst ...... M...... ar. 1-31, 1905 ...... 1 Albany ... Feb. 1-MIr. 31 .9 1,700 deaths were reported 1905. dtiringthecalendaryear Auburii .... . Feb. 1-Apr. 30, 4 1904; 640 deaths were re- 1905. ported during January Batavia ...... Feb. 1-28, 1905...... 1 and March, 1905. Buffalo ... July 1-Dec. 31, 17 1904. Do ....Jan. 1-Feb. 28,. 2 1905. Cohoes ...FFeb. 1-Mar. ;31. 3 1905.

Esopus .MaMtr. 1-31, 1905 ...... 1 GoshEci ...... FFeb. 1-Mar. 31, 4 1905i.

Hempstead ...... Mar. 1-31, 1905 ....1...... Hudsoni ...... Feb. 1-28,1905...... 1 Ithaca ...... Jnily 1, 1904-Apr. 2! 1,19(). Jamestown ...... M. ar. 1-31, 1905...... 1 1 Kingston ..... July 1, 1904-Juine I 1 I 8 v1905. Little Falls ...... F(b.1I-Mar. 31, 2 1905. 1 Lockport ...... Feb. 1-28,1905 Middletown lar. 1-31. 3 Alount Vernion...... t...... Feb. 1-28.19051905...... 1 Newbtirgh ...... Mlar. 1-:'1,l'.190 .... 1 New York ...... Dee. 1-31, 1904 .... 95 Do. Jan. 1-Jtine 11,. 714 ]905. 1233 June 23,190 Cerebro-spinal meningitis in the United States, etc.-Continued.

Place. Pate. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

New York-Continued. Niagara Falls...... Apr. 30-Juneif, 3 2 1905. Ogdensburg...... Feb. 1-Mar. 31 ...... 2 I1905.

PortClesterPoughkeepsi...... Me ....A 1-3u1,19051-31, 19053!...... , Rochester .. Mar.1-June7 1905 3 2 Rome...... May I-Aug. 31, ...... 3 1901 j Do ... Janii. 1-May 20, 1 3

Schenectady ...... Julvr1-Dec. 31 , ...... '7!

Do ...... 3,...... Ja . I '%a . -1 8; 1905. Syr.cuse ...... Feb. I-Milvl31, ...... I ...i6 1905. TroS ...... July 1-Oct.31,1904 7 Do .Ja. I1-MJar 31,1905 7 38 Wtarwictk ...... Mar. 1-31,1906 ...... Wliitestown .... MAar. 1-3.1').1905...... 1 ' Soracs.'Feb.Yonkers... ~ ...... Feb. 1-Mar.1-Mar....131, . 146 1905.

Total for State ...... 22...... 221 93,5 Nortlh Carolina: Charlotte .....MIar. 1-31, 1905.. 2!

Total for State ...... 2 Ohio: I Cincininati ...... A...... A pr.l-M1ay 12,1905 40 26 Clevelanid .... . July 1-Dec.l,104 6 Do . Jan.1-1Junel16,1905 7! 30 Columnibus ...... May 25-31 3 Findlay ...... Dec. 18-24, 1904 2... 2 Do . Apr. 2-8,19t)0.. I I Ironitoni ...... Jtuly I-Dec.31,1904 2 2 Do ...... Jau..i-May311905 5 Springfield ...... Sept. 1-Dee.31,1904 6 6 Do . Jatn. 1-31,19)5..... 3 2 Toledo ... Apr.1-3May27,19051 1 7

Total for State ...... 67 90 Pennsylvania: Allentowi...... M...... ltar. 26-Apr., 1905 1 1 Carbondale and vicinity...... July 1-Nov.30, 1904 1 5 Oine case, 1 death from township surrounding city. Do ...... Jan.1-Mar.31 1905 I 8 Two imported from New I jlYork; 3 from towniships suirrounding city. Chester ...... ISept.1-Dec.31,1904 41 4 Do ...... Jan.1-Feb.28,1905 5 5 Lancaster ...... ! Mar.26-Apr.1,1905 2 2 Philadelphia ...... Sept. 1. 101-June 50 32 10, 1905. Plymouth ...... July 1, 1904-Apr...... 8 I1,1905. Shenandoah ...... ug.1-Nov.20,1904 5 5 Do...... 1..... -MJtii. I-.lar. 31,1905 3 3 Wilkesbarre ...... iJuly 1-31, 1904 ....j 1 1 Do ...... Apr.l-Mlay 20,1905 5 3 Total for State 7 77 Rhode Island: Newport ...... 3far.M 1-31,19ob..... 1 1 Providence ...... iApr.8-June I0,1905 10 16; Total for State...... 11 17 Texas: San Antonio ...... Apr.1-30,1905 ...... Total for State ...... 2...... Grand total .. 515 1,803! June 23,1905 1234 Weekly mortality table, cities ot the United States.

j i Deaths from-

_QC S.C Cities. I 45

13 1 I Altoona, Pa ...... Junie 17 38,973 -' 15 1 :.l ...... Auburn, N.Y ...... June- 10 30,345 113 1 Baltimore, d ...... June 17 508, 9.57 17t176 27 ..... 4 2 Binghamton, N. Y ...... d.o....* o... 38,617 ...... 560,892 ...... 1 Bostoni, Mas;s (do IS5s5 'O ...... t- 5 1

...... June 10 654 *5 Braddock, Pat 15, 15 ...... 2 ----...... Brocktoui, Malss ......' 40,063 , , .... Butte, Mont June 11 30,470 ....i4t '*- ...... Bambridge, Mass , June 10 91,886 00 I ...... Bamden, N. J ...... Juitne 17 75, 935 ...... Camdeni, S.C ...... Jue.June 3 2,441 '------i - Do ...... --- Juniie 10 2,441 4 I 1 Charleston, S. C ...... do..., 55, 807 9 .... i---- Chelsea, Nlass ...... do 4, 072 7 I 1 .... Chicago. Ill .------, Juine 17 1, 69s, ,575 445,,5,1.,,!4 660, ...... 4 1.... 8 4 9 Chicopee., Mtass .------do -<.. 19, 167 ...... j ...... Clevelanid, Oliio ...... Jutne 16 381, 7;66 11,11 12 I I I. ....2 . .. . 1 2 Clinton, Mass .-. ------Junie 17 13, 667 Covinigtoni, Ky ...... do(... 42, 98 ...... 3 Danville, IIl...... Jillie 8 16,3 1 Dayton, Ohio ...... June 10 8.5,333. 2 1 4 ...... Dunkirk, N. Y ------..d( 11,616 ...... I.... . 4, 2 Everett, MaIs .(...... 1. 2 ----2...... 1...3...... Fall River. Mass ...... Jtunie 17 104,8;3 32 3 ......

Findlay, Ohi) ...... ( s 17,613: 211 4 Galesburg, Ill .------June 10 18,607 20; .4g ....' I...i Grandl Rapidts. Mich ...... do .. 87, 565 3 2 Hyde Park, Mass ...... do 13,24-I ;) I..;... i------t- - .... Jacksoniville. Fla ...... do. 2$S, 429 2o; 1-4"I"" ...... ---- ...... Jersey City, N J ...... Jule 11 206, 433 102 8 6 936 Johnistowni. I'at ...... June 17 35, .1,i-! -- 6..--t.-.,-,..-. Kingston, N. Y ...... Jtunie 10 21.535 ,,i..1~..~...... : : : : Crosse, Wis. 21, 89.5 ...... 9;n3a 1- ...... 1 .. -- Lawrence, Mass ...... do 62,559 1257) 3 ....-- ...1 1 i 2' i Lexinigtoni, Ky 26, .369 3 ...... Los Angeles, Cal do ItrY. 479 4sz 11 251 3 1 2- Lowell, Mass ...... ti'ie 17 94, 969 Ludin-,ton, Mrichl...... -.-.-do..., 7,166 ...... McKeesport, Pa.. June 34, 227 170 .... . 11 Ga ...... d.. 74(6 107sz ...... Macon, do 22, 2

Manichester, ;N. . do 56;, 97 21 3 I

Massillon, Ohio - o 11,944 5 ...

Melrose, Mlass ...... 12.962 Memphis, Teuini 320 4 1 ..I. I Middletownt, N. Y...... d. 14,:522 21 3 o 315 Milwaukee, WVis ...... d... 28f5, 7(i7 14 ...... Mountit Vernioni, N. Y..... Jtunie 17 21,228 7 .... Nashua, N. 11 .Jue 10 23, 98 Nashville, Tenn ...... June 17 80,865 10 2 .. 3 Newark, N. J ...... June It) 246,070 82) ...... 5" 442 New Bedford, Mass ...... u.nIiTie 17 13, 31 4 .... , 1 411 17 !3 0-;....14 i- I--- - Newtutryport, Ma;s ...... Jutne 10 14, 78 ...... ::I:::: 1 New Orleatns, La ...... tio . 287,10-1 1107-i 21 7 .....w .... 3 Newton, Mass ...... do 33, 3i's ...... 2.1 Do. June 17 33,587 ~~~~~~...... I New York, N. Y ...... J.Juue 10 3,437,202 Niagara Ftll N, Y...... dO ... '9,457 31t 4 f9...... Norristowni, Pa ...... June 11 22,265 10 2 ..... j 9.9!..2 ...... North Adams, MaIass ...... June 17 24,200 4 ...... Northampton, Mass ...... Julie 10 18,643 4 ...... Omaha, ...... do 102, 55., 25)I...... 'Nebr 13 ...... Oneonta, N. Y ...... do 7,14 8' 1 .' Philadelphia, P.t Jtune 17 1,293,697 420 69 ...... U 3 .... 3 .. --- Plaintield, N. J ...... Juine 10 15,369 8 ...... 1 ...... --...... '-:: ...... 18 ...... ,,,..... Port Huiron, Micls (io 19, 102 ....2 .. 1 ,,,, June 3 145 ...... Portland, MIe ...... 50, 11672.... 10L3189 120 ...2 ... .. 310 Do Jutle 10 50,145 1,312 2 I''i''i''...... ,,,1....I.2,--....--..| , ..I...... 4 ...... Providence, R. I 175,597 ...... 3 ...... 1...... Quinicy, Mwas ...... *....d(o..., 23, 899 S ......

...., June 12 961 ...... Rea(ling, Pa ...... 7, 24 3 .... St. Joseph. Mo ...... i Junle 10 102,979 16 3 i .... San Francisco, Cal do 342,782 120 20 .... I...... Shreveport, La ...... do 16, 013 ...... ---- 12 DoJ J J e 17 16,013 .... i.... Sioux Falls, S. Dak Junie 10 10,266 4.... I.... I...... 1235 June 23, 190$ Weekly mortality table, cities of the United Sates-Continued.

04) S Deaths from-

9 0 IV 0 a) Cities. 0 ~0 a0s0 X a) o! a) 0 .0 IM 0 a) .0 a) .0 0 0 a) 0, 0 8'C 8' 0. sl

South Bend, Ind...... June 10 35,999 12 2 ...... South Omaha, Nebr. 26,001 ...... I...... Springfield, Ohio ...... June 9 38,2.53 10 ...... i. Do ...... June 16 38,253 15 ...... *.. . Steelton, Pa ...... June 17 12,068 4 ...... j.... 1 Tacoma, Wash...... Junie 10 37,714 10 .I...... 1 Taunton, Mass...... do.. 31, 036 5 ...... 1-- .... Toledo, Ohio ...... do. 13, 822 27 ...... ,.... Trenton, N. J ...... nJune 17 73,307 ..1.... Washington, D. C...... June 10 278,718 14 ...... Wheeling, W. Va ...... do . 38,878 8 .2 ...... Do June 17 38,878 7 1. Williamsport, Pa ...... Jutne 10 28,757 8 .... 1...... Wilmington, Del...... Jtine 17 76,508 24 ...... Winona, Minn...... June 10 19,714 5 .''....;......

Worcester, Ma...... do .. 1J8, 421 40 .... Zanesville, Ohio ...... May 6 23,538 6 . ,,,,j, ...,,1,, ...... Do ...... May 13 23,538 7 .... Do May 20 23, 538 11 12...... Do ... May 27 23,538 fi

fortatity 8tatistics of 1,42g. c;tie. and tow?n., of the tll ited Stat.s fo the year ondled Decemiher 31, 1903. The f6llowing table shows the mortality of each city, incorporated town, and village, the niortality rate being based uipon the population according to the United States census of 1900, the Census Bureau's estimated population for 1903, and the local estimated population for 1903. It also grives the total mortallity from certain contagious diseases. This table has been compiled and prepalred in the Bureau of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service from replies received in response to the following circular letter, which was addressed to every city. incorporated town, and village in the United States having a popula- tion according to the United States census of 1900 of 1,000 or nmore. The total number of letters thus addressed was 3,750; 1,716 replies were received, of which numniber only 1,423 could be utilized, 293 being incomplete. 94 June2,1906 1236

Form 8958.] [Circular letter.] Information relative to mortality and morbidity statistices. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE, Washington, D. C., January, 1904. -To the Secretary of the Local Board of Health or Local hIealth Officer. SIR: I have to request that you will furnish this Office, at your earliest convenience, with the following information relative to the mortality and (as far as possible) the morbidity statistics of the city, incorporated town, or village of...... during the year 1903: Population, United States official census of 1900 ...... Estimated population...... Total nuimber of deaths from all cauises, includinig those from noncontagious diseases, accidents and violence (stillbirths excluded) ...... Death rate per 1,000 of the estimated population ......

Disease. Cases. Deaths. Disease. Cases. Deaths.

Tuberculosis ...... M...... Measles ......

Smallpox ...... S...... c... Scarlet fever ......

Varioloid ...... Diphtheria ......

Typhus fever ...... M ...... Membranous croup ......

Typhoid fever ...... Whooping cough ......

A penalty envelope, addressed to this Office, is inclosed for the return of this cir- cular letter, and you are further requested to return the letter in case it is found impossible to make the desired entries in the above table, with a statement to that effect. Respectfully, WALTER WYMAN, Surgeon-General. Name of city or town ...... Reported by 1237 June 23,1905

-q.gnoo SuidooqtA cs.

-dn snoulojqui puv vliaq V


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El bo C 0 a, abow-4 Oc Z June 23, 1905

-qgnoo RuidootiM

-dnoiw snouvIqrauiTu e p U is vuaqlqt(dr


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. . * * 0 . * . * ...... * * . . . . . * * * . * ...... @0 . * . * . . . * * . * . . * ...... ~ . . . . * * . * . . . .. * * . * ...... * . . * . . 0 * * ...... ;o v...... @ ' ' * @ . . v _...... _a ...... r. . . ga ox gL ,S!. 4 .4 3? or. §- 0 4ziD: o to _@w@ 0 1241 June 23,190115

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~~~~~ZZZZZZZZZZZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~out g WO2U2rJ2CIC.T .1 June 23,1906 1264

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-sosnva _4 ilia Taoij sqluap 11310,L

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0 .0 I-, 0 &- 0 C) 7, .0 C z = hc k-0 b-4 -4 -4 z z z z ZZZZZZ40 0 Ot. 44 a. 9L4 Z., OZ. 96 June 23, 1905 12968

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~ o 1271 June 23, 1905

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.. . . . cr t > E C 5;z= c Wz E:

CD 46&,. Z a 04 June 23, 1906 1272

-1: : : 1 .... N ...... _eD...... S. . . _. . . H ...... * 4qSnoo.3uidooT, ...... * * ...... * * . * ...... *NN CoCoCo . . . .. *_ *_l . * *_co *_ duoi CoO0oO H ...... snouiiaqumsnoojuaEuxul * . * . . . . . u i * . . p swaqiqdia . . .

* . * ,-. 0 > *c _ .~AJ NSto _ * * . . * . . . *.aAaja JaIXUDS ...... * . . . . * .

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- g Y O fl > MV4te~ 0 ;] = t X - ;t, g W,+*.E 12)73 June23,1905

cq Cq _____I

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0 . C.t'00 0-mC.Lt-01-',DnN0 or-0i0C 0"z- 0 .k-10


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,, - ~ I,- ' n -- L ;L = o, i C6 -44 -, o,C 6a iC ~~:jC FOIREIG:N AND INSlLAIZ.

AFRICA. Reportfrom Cape Colony-.Plagae-Fxam7inationfor plaque-infected rodents. COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Cape Townr, Cape of Good Hope, Alfay 15, 1905. The following report by the medical officer of health for the Colony, on the occurrence of bubonic plague in the Cape Colony for the week ended May 13, 1905, is published for general information. - NOEL JANISCH, Under Colonial Secretary. Port Elizabeth.-No case of plague was discovered during the week. At the plague hospital 1 case remains under treatment. 256 rats (29 found dead) and 327 mice (26 found dead) were bacteriologically examined during the week, of which 12 rats and 10 mice proved to be plague infected. Uitenhage.-82 rats (7 found dead) and 87 mice (5 found dead) were bacteriolog- ically examined during the week, of which 2 mice proved to be plague infected. East London. -8 cases of plague were discovered during the week, namely: 6 native males (3 found dead) and 2 native females. At the plague hospital 2 European and 1 colored male were discharged, and 1 native male died. 16 cases (including 3 from King Williams Town and 1 from Fort Beaufort, the latteradmitted during the week), remain under treatment. 107 rats (63 foundI dead), 21 mice (17 found dead), were bacteriologically examined during the week, of which 17 rats and 3 mice proved to be plague infected. King Williams Town.-No case of plague was discovered during the week; 208 rats (166 found dead) and 70 mice (60 found dead) were bacteriologically examined during the week, of whichl8 rats and 8 mice proved to be plague infected. Queenstoum.-1 case of plague, in the person of a native, was discovered (after death) at Mousa during the week. The patient had recenitly arrived in the Queenstown- district fronm East London. Other districts of the colony.-No plague infection was discovered either in man or animals. 414 roaents were examined during the week fromii the Cape Town harbor board area and the shipping in the harbor, and 606 were examined by the medical officer of health for the city from the Cape Town municipal area. A. JOHN GREGORY, Medical Officer of Health.for the O,olony. BRAZIL. Reports frov?, Bali a-Jaortuary atatb4ic-&Sallpo. (tfld typaus,fever. Consul Furniss reports, April 17 and 24, and May 1, 8, and 15, as follows: During the week ended April 15, 1905, there were interred in the Bahia cemeteries 71 bodies. The causes given for interment were the following: Aneurism, 1; arterio-sclerosis, 5; asphyxia, 1; berberi, 1; 1274 1275 jtine 23,190 Bright's disease, 2;hronchitis, 4; canicer, 1; cerebral congestion, 4; cirrllosis of liver, 2; diarrhea and dysenitery, 6; diphtheria. 1; epi- lepsy, 1; hepatitis, 2; malarial fever, 3;meningitis. 1; organic diseases of heart, 1; pneunmonia, 1; pulmonary tuberculosis, 7: rachitis, 1; senile debilitv, 1; stillborn, 1; syphilis, 1; tetanuis, 1; tetainiusneona- tortim, 2; typhus fever, 1; other cauises, 19. Week ended April 22, 1905, 68 bodies. Causes given for interment: Arteiio-sclerosis, 3; beriberi, 4; bronchitis, 2; cerebral congestion, 2; death by violence, 3; diarrhea and dysentery, 7; ganigrene, 1;hep- atitis, 2;malarial fevers, 4; oIganic diseases of heart, 4; pneuimonia, 3; pulmonarv tuberculosis, 7; rabchitis, 2; senile debility, 3; septi- ceveiia,. 1: stillborn, 8; tetanus iieonatorum, 1; enteric fever, 1; urtemia, 2; other causes, 8. Week ended April 29, 1905, 58 bodies. Causes given for interment: Alcoholism, 1; asphyxia, 1; arterio-sclerosis, 2; beriberi, 1; Bright's disease, 1; bronchitis, 4; cerebral congestion, 2; cirrhosis of liver, 1; diarrhea and dysentery, 10; fibroma, 1; hepatitis, 1, imalarial fevers, 3; nephritis, 1; pulmoniary tuberculosis, 1i; senile debility. 1; still- born, 2; syncope, 1; syphilis, 1; enteric fever, 1; other causes, 6. Week ended May 6, 1905, 66 bodies. Causes given for intermnent: Arterio-sclerosis, 3; Bright's disease, 1; bionchitis, 8; cereb)ral conoes- tion, 4; cirrhosis of liver, 1; diaarrhea and dysentery, 9; erysipelas, 1; hepatitis,1; malarial fevers, 3; nephritis, 1 , organie diseases ofheart, 2; pneumonia, 1; pulmonary tuberculosis, 14; rachitis, 1; scabies, 1; senile debility, 1; stillborn, 2; snycope, 1; tetaius, 2; other causes, 9. There were repofted 5 cases of smallpox, with nio deaths. Week ended M1ay 13, 1905, 87 bodies. Causes griven for intelment: Apoplexy, 1; arterio-sclerosis, 4; asphyxia, 1; beriberi. 1; Bright's disease, 1; bronchitis, 3; cerebral congestion, 2; cii'rhosis of liver, 1; diarrhea and dysentery, 7; epilepsy, 1; hepatitis, 2; malarial fevers, 7; meningitis, 5; organic diseases of heart, 3; pleurisy, 1; pulmonary tuberculosis, 14; senile debility, 5; septicawmia, 1; smallpox, 1; still- born, 8; syincope, 1; tetanus neonatorum, 1; other causes. 1,5. During the same period there were reported 11 cases of smiallpox, with 1 death. Report from Rio J(le,de ro-l8pection of vesseiS- ('olera avd plafP(e in &'tr'iotw co?ntriesEt,rr@9qrat;to(n and ii. /qratin; Argentina-Afortality in citiex in Brazil; playue in Sdo Pau70d; rn?allpox and yellaa' fever in Rio. Acting Assistant Surgeon Stewart reports, Mlay 16, as follows: During the week ended the 13th instant the following v-essels were inspected by me before departure and bills of health issued fronm this consulate-general: On the 10th instant the Gernan steamiship (apri, for New York, with a cargo of coffee, 1 first-class and no steerage passengers from this port, buit with 2 first-class and 8 'steerage pas- sengers fromii Buienos AyrIes, and no change in the personnel of the crew while here; on the 11th instant the Britisb steamslhip (a.tilian Prince, for New York, with a cargo of coffee, no passengers and no change in the erew while here; on the 12th instant the British ship Ka,nl,iGra for Philadelphia, with a sinall cargo of manganese ore, no passengers, and 3 new menmbers of the crew taken on while in this June 23, 1906 1276 port; and on the same date the Norwegian bark IWakefield, for Bruns- wick, Ga., via Barbados, for orders, with no cargo, in stone ballast, and also with a small amnount of sand ballast from the Plate region, I passenger, and no change in the personnel of the crew while in this port. No other vessels left this port for United States, Canal Zone, or Cuban ports during the period uinder consideration. Bubonieplagne in C/tile. There have been no reports received here from Chile for almost a month, with the single exception of the following, received on the 14th instant fronm Santiago: "There are now under treatment in the lazaretto of the city of Valparaiso 160 persons who are suffering from bubonic phlgue." Immn igration and emn?q,ration, in, Argentina. During the mionth of April, 1905, there entered the ports of the Republic of Argentina 16,872 immigrants, and departed from the same ports 13,289j thus leaving a's a gain in the population the numnber of 3,583. 'CGolera in Persia. A dispatch has been received from Teheran, P.ersia, stating that 3 deaths from Asiatic cholera had occurred in that citv on the 12th instant. 3oirtality in the State of Sao Paulo. Sao Patlo (capital).-Population estimated at about 225,000. Week ended April 30, 1905. Total deaths 84, not including 7 stillbirths. Causes of death: Whooping cough, 1; nmalarital f&ver. 1; tuberculosis, 3; cancer, 2; diseases of the nervous 'svstemii, 11; of the circulatory system, 7; of the respiratory system, 8; of the digestive system, 23; of the urinary system, 2; congenital debility, 5; senile debility, 2; violence, 4, and diseases badly defined, 8. Natives, 68; foreigners, 16. Daily average number of deaths, 12. Week ended May 7, 1905: Total deatls, 93, not including 14 still- births. Causes of death: Bubonic plague, 1; measles, 1; grippe, 1; enteric fever, 1; dysentery, 1; malarial fevers. 2; tuberculosis, 2; scepticfemia, 1; anchylostomiasis, 2; general di.seases, 2; diseases of the nervous svstem. 9; of the circuilatory svstem. 10; of the respir- atorv system, 13; of the (ligestive system, 20; of the urinary system, 1; of the skin, 3; congenital debility, 6; violence. 1, and diseases badly defined, 1. Daily average of deaths, 13.2. Natives, 68; foreigners, 25. Santos.-Week ended April 30, 1905. Total deaths, 31, not includ- ing 3 stillbirths. Causes of death: Tuberculosis. 1; cancer, 1; gen- eral diseases, 1; diseases of the nervouis system, 3; of the circulatory systenii, 3; of the respiratory svsteml, 3, of the digestive system, 10; accidents duriing puerperal state, 1: disease of the skin, 1; congenital debilitvy 2, and diseases badly defined, 3. Natives. 24; foreigners, 6. Daily average of deaths, 4.42. Canq)pnav. -Week ended April 30, 1905. Total deaths, 24; no stillbirths. Causes of death: Tuberculosis, 3; septiceemia, 1; syphilis, 1277 June 23, 1906 1; diseases of the nervous system, 1; of the circulatory system, 5; of the respiratory system, 3; of the digestive system, 3; of the urinary system, 1; congenital debility, 1; violence, 4; diseases badlv defined, none; poisoning, 1. Natives, 17; foreigners; 7. Daily average of deaths, 3.41. lortal?ty of Rfi de Janeirofor the waeekZ ended Jlfay 14, 1905. During the week ended on the above-namied date there were in all 281 deaths. Of this number 18 were caused by yellow fever, with 42 new cases reported, of which number 29 were confirmed before the issuance of the report. Nine of the deaths octiured in the hospital Sao Sebastiao, and the remainder in 6 of the citv districts. At the close of the week there were 41 cases in the hospital and 3 other uinder observation. This report does not seem so favorable as the last one, and it is verv difficult, indeed impossible, to predict the futurle frnom the informnation at hand. Variola caused only 3 deaths with 8 new cases, and at the end of the week there were 24 cases in the hospital SAo Sebastiio. There were no cases and no deaths from buibonic plague, anid there is but 1 case remaining in the hospital, convalescent. There have been no cases of plague in this eity for 3 weeks, and there has been only 1 death during that period. Other causes of death were: Measles, 1; whoopingocouoh 1; grippe, 11; enteric fever. 1; beriberi, 1; elysipelas, 1; malarial fevers, 2; tuberculosis, pulmonary form, 58; other forims 3;,septicemia, 1; cancer, 2; diseases of the nervous systenm, 25; of the circulatory svstenm, 41; of the respiratory svstem, 37; of the digestive system, 40; of the urinary system, 10; puerperal septicmemia, 2; diseases of the skin, 1; congenital debility, 9; senile debility, 5; violence, 7; and suicide, 1. By localities: In houses, homes, hotels, etc., 187; in civil hospitals. 27; in military hospitals, 3; in Santa Casa de Misericordia, 56; in asvlums, convents, etc.. 5; in localities unknown, 3. Natives, 201; foreigners, 78; and nationality unknown, 2. All yellow fever deaths this week were among foreigrners. Daily averagce of deaths, 40.14; samie for the preceding week, 36.14; and for the corresponding week of 1904, 49.85. Rate per each 1,000 of the population, estimated at 905,000. 16.19. Highest range of the thermiometer, centigrade, "7°; lowest, 17.30; average for the week, 21.29-. Total rainfal for the week, 5.16 mm. Recurrenee of yellov fever at Rio de Janeiro folloiwi'nq on commence- ment of hartbor ?work8s-Jllortabity amiong ft.h [in bay. The following report from Consul-General Seeger, dated May 20, has been transmitted to this Bureau from the Department of State: Yellow fever, which has prevailed in this port for nmany years, had been almost completely eradicated, when recently the following coin- cidences were observed in the Rio port: Commencement of dredging in an infected part of the harbor for the new harbor works; great mortality among the fish, of the bay; recuirrence of the vellow fever in an epidemic form, and this in the winter season. June 23,1905 1278 During the construction of the harbor works in Santos the same conditions were observed, viz, great mitortality among the fish and an alarming increase in the number of yellow fever cases. The question naturally arises, Has the alaInminglv bad sanitary con- dition of the fish, which are so largely consumed b)y a harbor popula- tion, any direct bearino on the increase of vellow fever; oIr are the fish victims of the same conditions that produce the yellow fever epidemic?

BRITISH HONDURAS. Reportfrom Belize, fruit port- Ye-o?" fee?er. Acting Assistant Surgeon Carson reports as follows: Week ended June 8, 1905. Present officially estimated population, 8,500; number of deaths, 10, incluiding 1 from vellow fever; prevailing disease, malarial fever; general saniitary condition of this port and the sur- rounding country during the week, infected. Bills of health were issued to the following-named vessels:

Number of Number of Pieces of Number Date. Vessel, of passngesafrgntaerepassengers bage crew. foromt. in transit. !disinfected.

June 2 Salybia . . 38 28 3 5 2 Olvmpia .. 41 0 j 0 3 Beize. 18 0 0 0 8 Magician .. 38% 0 1 0

COSTA RICA. Reports from Lmn, fruit port-Savitary imnpreme;ents. Acting Assistant Surgeon Goodman reports as follows: Week ended June 3, 1905. Estimated population, 4,000; number of deaths, 7; prevailing diseases, malarial fever and dysenterv; general sanitary condition of this port and the surrounding country during the week, good. By order of the health officer of the port, numerous drains have been constructed from back yards into the cemented street gutters; many sidewalks, formerly of dirt and necessarily with puddles of water, have been replaced by cement pavements. This is in the line of sanitation, as lessening the number of places for ovipositing by the mosquito. Bills of health were issued to the following-namled vessels:

Number of Number passengers NumberofNmeo'PeeoPieces of Date. Vessel, of crew. frmthis in transit. disinfected. p-ort.

May 28 Limon ...... 2 430 0 29 Sarnia .53 19 2 0 31 Origen .23 0 0 0 31 Venuis ...... 3...... ' 8 0 0 0 June 1 Miami ...... 46 3 0 0 Taunton.2* ...... 24 1 0 0

Two bills of health for Panaman ports were viaied. 1279 June 23, 1905 Week ended June 10, 1905. Number of deaths, 4; prevailing dis- ease, malarial fever; general sanitary condition of this por't and the surroundinig country during the week goo(l. Bills of health were isssued to the followinig-named vessels:

umero Number of Pieces of Date. N ii ber ~~~~~~ Date. j Vessel. OfNcmbercrew. passengersfrom this passengers baggge port. intasti rni.dsnetddisinetd

June 4 San.Jloei ...... 22. O 0 5 Alleghany ...... 4(; 1355 0 6 Katie...... 2...4 1 0 1 0 7 Hispania ...... 21 0 0 0 7 Alps ...... 5 0 10 0 7 Montevideo...... 127 43 104 0 8 Picunre . 50 8 0 0 9 Mt. Vernon .21 0 0 0 10 Ellis .33 3 0 0

Three bills of health for Panaman ports were visaed.

CUBA. _Rq)port froil (-/enfr"eGyo(s- J V)pectiOon qf e.e. ls. Acting Assistant SuIrgeoni McMahon reports, June 13, as follows: During the week ended June 10, 1905, 5 vessels, with a total crew of 139, no passengers, were inspected, and bills of health wete issued to ports in the United States. All of these vessels were in good sanitarv condition; no sickness aboard of any of them. Rep)ort from fHibana- hn.pection of 'exv8elx. Surgeon Wertenbaker reports, June 12, as follows: TJeek enzdedi June 10, 1905. Vessels inspected and bills of health issued - 21 Crew of outgoinga vessels inspected - 899 Passengers of outgoing vessels inspected -972 No quarantinable diseases have been r-eported in the city or island during the week. Reportfio-m1 Jfatazas-c lW4pectiofl (fvcf .sel.-IrC fdsomur? dettwn ofsteaws/m /) AlmU6ri((pl-Dmp1/ t/ierta((.am/l}(1 caldletfereer. Acting Assistant Surgeon Nuiiez reports, June 13, as follows: During the week ended Jtunle 10, 194)5, bills of health were issued to 6 vessels bound to the United States. Precautionary detention in quarantine while in port was observed with the British steatnship Al/nmerian-, wlhich arrived here Juniie 4, on her way fromu Liverlpool to New Orleans via Barbados, Trinidad, Puerto (Jabello, Curalaao, Barranquilla, Cartagena, and Hlabana. She cleared for her port of destination via Ctibarien, Cuba, On June 8, with no sickness on board. Two cases of scarlet fevser and 1 of diphtheria were officially reported in the city duiring the past week. The reports on thie epidemic of measles have been discontinued; therefore it is no longeI- possible to ascertain the number of cases prevailing at present or in the future. June 23, 1905 1280 No quarantinable diseases have been reported during the week within this district. Rep)ortsffr'n Santiagyo-Insp?cti)o qf 'es4aw48-Precaut-iaary detention of steanoIinsh Str/;ifx cfDAwer. Acting Assistant Surgeon Wilsoni reports, June 9 and 13, as follows: Duiring the week ended JuIne 3, 1905, bills of health were issued to 5 vessels bound for the United States. No quarantinable disease has been reported. During the week ended ,June 10, 1905, bills of health were issued to 2 vessels bound for the United States. No quarantiniable disease has beeni reported. The British steaimship Stvait. of Dover, which arrived Jtune 5 from Colon, was kept in quarantine to complete the five days of obserivation. There was no sickness on board. The steamer left June 9 for Philadelphia. ECUADOR. Rej)ort.fro)u G ayat,ail-iifortaity- Yellow fever-In8pection of

Acting Assistant Surgeoni Gruver reports, May 205, as follows: Week ended May 23, 1'905. Present officially estimated population, 60,000. Mortality fromi all causes 68, as follows: Bilious feveer, 1; cere- bral fever, 1; gastric fever, 1; infectious fever, 2; paludie fever, 4; pernicious fever, 10: yellow fever. 2: enteric diseases, 13; grippe, 1; tetanus. 4: tuberculosis. 7: whooping couglh, 3; stillbirths, 4; cause unkinown, 1; from all other causes, 14. On May 22 steamiship _Tutcapel, froIli Chilean and Peruvian ports, cleared for Aincon. Canal Zone. One passenger fromii Callao was put in quarantine. Fi-e cabinl and 13 steerage passengers sailed froi here. Vessel was fumiigated. GERMANY. R?eoit fiwoin Berlin-Playgue in &SoaitdAV frica and Anwstralia. Consul-General Mason reports. Junie 3, as follows: Lqyp)t.-Duriing the period froiim May 13 to 20 there were registered 2 plague cases in Daianhur. Bviti,ASoh?tth Ifrica.-Cape Colony: During the period from April 16 to 29 there were registered in Kinig Williamis Town 5 cases of plague, anid in East Lonidon 8 cases. QOteendand.-During the period fromi April 1 to 15 a fresh case of plague occurred. Xew Swth lfVale.-During the period from April 7 to 10 there occurired 4 fresh cases of plaguie in Sydney. \ DeatA rate of BcrhiT and otIer c-itie8. The death rate of Berlin fom- the week enided Mlay 20 was lower than that of the pr-ecedinig week, amiounting, calculated oii the year. to 16.5 per thousantd of the population, thus being, however, higher than the 1281 Jtine 23, 1905

rate for the same week of last year, in which it amounited to onlv 14.8 per thousand. Of the large German towns and cities, iolre thlan a third showed less favorable health coiiditioiis than Berlin, including Munich, Nuremberg, Carlsr-uhe, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Magdeburg, Breslau, Konigsberg, Rixdorf (with 18.6). Oni the other hand, the fol- lowing cities showed nmore favorable health conditions than Berlin, namely: Hamburg, Stuttgart, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Brunswick, Han- over, Charlottenburg (with 13.3), and Schonieberg (with 11.1). The rate of iiortality in London was also lower thani the Berlini figure, that of Paris and Vienna being higher than the rate of this city. The infant death rate, amounting to 4.1 per vear and iiille, was higher than the Hamburg rate, but lower than the Municlh and Leipzig figure. There were registered 123 deaths fronm phthisis pulnionalis, 122 deaths from acute diseases of the respiratory organis, 41 deaths fromii cancer, 16 deaths from scarlet fever, 7 deaths from measles. 3 deaths from diph- theria, and 3 deaths from influenza. Finally, 18 persons died by violence. GUATEMALA. Report firon Livi?np8t4o, frwUit )ort. Acting Assistant Suirgeoni Peters reports as follows: Week ended June 3, 1905. Present officially estimated population, 3,500; no deaths reported; prevailing diseases malarial; general s:anitary coindition of this port and the surrounding country duringr the week, good. Bills of health were issued to the following-nanmed vessels:

NmeofNuimber of Pieces of Date. Vessel. Number passengers passengers ofecrew. from this in transit. baggage port. dsnetdaggagfetd

May 30 Olympiam...... 41...... l ...... June 1 Belize .. 18 ......

The steamer Olymnpia cleared from Puerto Barrios.

HAWAII. Death from piapie at 11hu/fip/a. HoNor,uLu, J?ie 21, 1905. WYMAN, IVa1hiqvqton: There was a death fromu plague at XVaipahu near Honolulu on June 20. COFER. HONDURAS. Report fr omsd Ceiba, fruit port. Acting Assistant Surgeon Rtobertson reports as follows: Week ended June 10, 1905. Present officially estimated population. about 4,000; one death; prevailing diseases, malarial, mostly imiild type but a few severe cases; general sanitary condition of this port and thle surround- ing country during the week, good. June 23, 1905 1282 Bills of health were issued to the following-named vessels:

Numberof Number of Pieces Date. Vessel. ofNimbercrew. passengersfOm this pangesi of port. intranst. disi eced.

June 5 JamaicaL ...... 16 0 0 0 6 .Jos. Vaccaro ...... 29 0 0 0 8 Condor ...... 17 1 0 0 9 Bratteni ...... 16 0 0 0

Re)ort from I'tPerto Cortez, frait port- Yellotvfever. Acting Assistant Surgeon Carter reports as follows: Week ended June 1, 1905. Present officially estimated population, 4,000; 4 deaths, including 3 from yellow fever; prevailing diseases, yellow fever and malarial fever in all types; general sanitarly condition of this port and the suirrounding countrv dturing the week, infected. Bills of health were issued to the following-named vessels:

Date. Vessel. ofNumsbercrew. INpasmsengersoffrom this NumberP"as'egrof Piecesaggof _. port. in transit. inspected.

May 29 Hiram 14 '29 0 45 Juniie 1 Olympia ...... 41 0 | 2

Number of aliens sailing from this port duiring week, 9. Yellow-fever cases and deaths-Sanitary meastures-Fnnigation of vessels. JUNE 6, 1905. I have to report another death from yellow fever, making 4 deaths in all since the first case was reported. The situation up to date is 8 cases and 4 deaths. Of the 4 cases on hand 3 are discharged and 1 is con- valescent. The last death reported was that of a native girl. She was treated by the Government surgeon, who reported tile case and death as of yeilow fever. The cleaning and oiling are continued and 3 doctors are iiiakingf a house-to-house inspection. All steamiiers com- ing to this port from Mobile and New Orleans are carrying marine medical inspectors. Steamers are being disinfected under my super- visionl tenipeyatures of all on board being taken before sailihg, and as far as possible every precaution is taken.

INI)IA. Rqpoi t ,oJ7 (indCuttt-f eCth Of e,qee-_1JifrTT0itty from cholera h(Ind ]JlaqaLf-JL'( asar&% $r rat eXteriainatiown recowouended for Botnlalt. Acting Assistant Sturgeon Eakins reports, May 18, as follows: Duiring the week ended May 13, 1905, bill of health was issued to the steamship Gordon Castle, bound for Boston and New York with a total crew of 41. The uisual precautions were taken, holds fumigated, andirat guards placed on wharf lines. 1283 June 23,1906 During the week ended May 13, 1905, there were 31 deaths from cholera and 324 from plague in Calcutta. In Berngal during the week ended May 6, 1905, there were 2,641 cases of and 2,435 deaths from plague. 3feas&uresfor rat extermiination reconemendedfar Benqaal. The Bengal Chamber of Commeree has wiitten to the government of Bengal relative to the extermiination of rats as a preventive meas- ure against plague. In its letter it calls attention to the good results following crusades against rats and intimates that any measures adopted bv the government toward the extermination of rats would meet with strong support. It suggests that to be of real service in preventing plague epidemics any efforts made againist rats should be widespr-ead and cover every district of the city and should be per- sisted in througlhout the year and not confined to time;s when plague is prevalent. In closing the letter reference was nmade to the measures adopted at Giiridih and their attendant success.

ITALY. Report fromn Naples-Inspection of vessel8--R.jeectbonq recoinmendel Infectionis diseases in Italy. Passed Assistant Surgeon McLaughlin reports, June 5, as follows: During the week ended June 3, 1905, the following ships were inspected at Naples:

Steerage IlargePiecesbagof 'Pieces of Date. Name of ship. Destination, passengersinspected gage in- -baggagdisin- and passedt sjwected fetd ~~~~passged.~~~~ ~~

June 1 Baionne ...... Philadelphia ...... I 1 Rma .New York 1,263 150 1,450 1 CittA di Milano ...... - do - 1 461 110 1,650 2 Konig Albert - do... 1,496 200 1,7501 3 Italia ...... - do -963 70 980

Rejections rec'iommended.

Date. Name of ship. -chomTra-a. Favus. trachoma.SIuspcted |Supectedfavus. causes.Other Total 1 June Baionnie ...... -...... -...... 1 Roma ...... 42 5 53 ...... 3 1f 1, CittA di Milano ...... - 38 19 1 2 11 71 2 K;inigAlbert ...... 29f 30 1 7 72 3 Italia ...... 38 | 33 3 3 6 B 83 147 14 135 6 27 329

Infectious dis8eases in Italy. For the week ended May 25, 1905, the followingf reports were officially registered: Smallpox.-There were reported 9 cases in 5 coinniune.s of the Prov- ince of Lecce, 3 cases in the Province of Palermo, 44 cases at Catania. Cases were reported, too, in the Provinces of Chieti and Avellino. 97 June 28, 1905 1284 Measles.-The malady is epidemic at Pitoniano and San Vito (Rome), -at Cesena (Forli), at Palmoli (Chieti), and Latiano (Lecce). In the last-named commune there were reported 800 cases. Enteriefever. -Few cases. Epid'mric cerebro-,pTial 7nendngiti&s.-Cases were reported in the Provinces of Cosenza, Avellino, Ronme, Catania, and Lecce. The number of cases of infectious diseases in Italy for the month of Januarv, 1905, was as follows: Measles, 13,351; scarlatina, 1,089; smallpox, 657; enteric fever, 1,385; diphtheria, 2,105; puerperal fever, 288; pulmonary ttuherculosis, 499; pellagra, 280; hydrophobia, 2; anthrax, 114, and glanders, 2.

MEXICO. Reportsfromi. Progreso-inspection axedfumiqation ofvessels- Weather conditions. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harrison reports, June 2, as follows: During the week ended June 2, 1905, no quarantinable disease was reported in Piogreso or Merida; deaths from other causes not learned, buit will be reported next week; weather remains warm and dry, but tempered bv almiiost constant sea breeze and occasional rains. The following-named vessels have been dispatched: May 28, steamship Viqilancia, New York, via Habana, crew 79, passengers from Progreso 54 (to New York 13); steanmship Iroqreso, Texas City, crew 25, was fumigated. May 30, steaniship Floridian, New Orleans, crew 42, passengers in transit to 5, was fumi- gated. May 31, steamship Acylorth, New York, crew 23. Period from lMay 27 to June 9. No quarantinable disease has been reported here or in Merida. In Progreso there have been 11 deaths from the following causes: Athrepsia, 1; railway accident, 1; dysen- tery, 3; miialarial fever, 1; tubericilosis, (intestinal), 1; worms, I; denti- tion, 1; paralysis, 1. Mosquitoes are not numerous or annoying and aie seldom seen aboard ship here, even at wharf. Ships cleared: June 3, steamnship Sahara, New Orleans; crew, 31; was fumigated and sealed. June 4, steamship Ilavan, New York via Habana; crew, 100; passengers fronm Progreso, 67 (to New York 35). June 8, steamship Helvetia, New Orleans; crew, 35; was fumigated and sealed. June 9, steamship jlyomo, New York via Campeche; crew, 18. Report from Tampico-Inspection and fainiqation ofvessels-lfortu- ary statistics. Acting Assistant Surgeon Frick reports, June 12, as follows: Week ended June 10, 1905. Inspected and passed, 3 steamships; personnel (crews), 125; passengers, 3. Funmigated and passed, steam- ships, 1. lortutary report. Remittent fevenr, 1; nephritis, 1; alcoholism, 1; diarrheal-enteritis, 1; railroad accident, 1; pneunmonia, 3: pulnmonary tuberculosis, 2; mili- ary tuberculosis, 1; intestinial tuberculosis, 1; ulcerative stomatitis, 1; 1285 8 June 23,1906 meningitis, 1; infantile diarrhea, 1; syphilis, 1; dysentery, 1; gan- grene of the face, 1. Total number of deaths, 18. Estimated popu- lation, 20,000. Mortality rate, 46.80. No quarantinable disease reported during the week. The sanitary situation continues about the same as reported last week.

NICARAGUA. Reportfroin Blete,#eldk-Nro precautions yet takeb aqainst iit)ortation ofyellow feverftronm British and Spanish honduras. Acting Assistant Surgeon Layton reports, June 6, as follows: The governor of this department (of the entire east coast of Nicar- agua) has been petitioned to proclaim quaiantine against both British and Spanish Honduras. So far this request has not been granted.

PANAMA. Reports f,.on col(on- Inspectiwn and fua1ninqat,on of vessels- JI'dlo .fever ,uataton in Cilon, and Panania- Ccase reomvued.from stea(nsh?p Finance and cesselfaiqated. Acting Assistant Surgeon Mohr reports, June 3, 4, and 12, as follows: During the week ended June 3, 1905, the following-named vessels cleared for ports in the United States and were granted bills of health: German steamship llene, for New York, via Santa MIarta, Colombia, May 29, with 61 crew anid no passengers. American steamship &rguranca, for New York, Matr 31, with 72 crew and 140 passengers. British steamiship Straits of Dovqer, for a por't in the United States, via Santiago, Cuiba, MIay 31, with 24 ceiew and n1o passengers. British steamship Beverly, for New Orleans, via Bocas del Toro, May 31, with 43 crew anid 1 passenger in transit. British steainship Rhida, for New York, via San Blas coast, June 1, with 8 crew and no passengers. British steamship Ailaqipei'an, for New Orleans, via Miexican ports, June 2, with 40 crevw and no passengers. The British steamship Beverly, bound for New Orleans, was fumi- gated in all the living compartnments, as per the inclosed certificate. The British steamship Str9aits of D)over, bound for Santiago, Cuba, was fumigated in all the living comDpartmnents by the Isthmian quaran- tine service. Wreek ended Juine 10, 1.905: Norwegian steamslhip &fulp/ir, for New Orleans, June 3, with 19 erew and no passengers. American steaamship Adeanoe, for New York, Jtune 4, with 63 crew and 103 passengers. British steamship &fntown, for a port in the United States, via Dai- quiri, Cuiba, with 27 crew and no passengers. Norwegian steamship Beern.0n,on, for Mobile, via Bocas del Toro, June 5, with 22 crew and no passengers. American schooner O0scar G., for Pascagoula, June 6, witlh 7 crew and nio passengers. rl June 2S, 1905 12S86 Norwegian steamship Preston, for New Orleans, via Bocas del Toro, with 34 crew and 5 passengers. British steamship Antilluzn, for New Orleans, via Jamaican and Mex- ican ports, June 7, with 74 crew and no passengers. American steamship Allianca, for New York, June 8, with 64 crew and 23 passengers. British steamship WVanderer, for New Orleans, via Mexican por-ts, with 39 crew and no passengers, J une 10. The steamships Saphir, Belvernon, and Preston, bound for New Orleans, were fumigated in their living quarters prior to sailing. The steamship Santona, bound for Daiquiri, Cuba, was fumigated by the quarantine officer of Colon. Yell7ow-fever situaton. JUNE 4, 1905. Since my report of May 30, 1905, 10 new cases of yellow fever have occurred on the Isthmus, as follows: Panama, 4 (2 Americans, 1 Peru- vian, 1 Spaniard); Colon, 6 (all Americans). JUNE 12. 1905. The sanitary condition of Colon and Panama shows no improvement during the past week. Since my report of the 4th instant 4 new cases have been admitted to the hospitals in Panama (2 Americans,-2 Italians). Two deaths from yellow fever have occurred in Panama during the week. In Colon 4 cases (3 Americans, 1 Ecuadorian): One death from yellow fever occurred in Colon during the week. The case reported on the 11th was removed from the steamship Finance, to sail for New York on the 12th instant. The patient was a passenger from the Pacific coast and was just five days out from Corinto, Nicaragua, when he landed and passed quarantine at Panama. He came directlv from the ship at Panama to the ship at Colon, arriv- ing here in the afternoon of the 9th, and was taken sick during the night of the 9th. He was removed to the Colon hospital on the 10th, and on the following day pronounced to be a case of yellow fever. The after part of the ship, to which the case had been confined, was immediately fumigated under the supervision of the quarantine officer of Colon and myself. Yellowfever in Panama increamsing. [Received at Bureau over telephone from Department of State of Juine 17, 1905.] PANAMA, June 16. SECRETARY STATE, WIashingtom. Yellow fever, 24 cases; 6 deaths; 15 days; increasing. LEE, 0Con8ul- General. Reportfrom Bocas del [lioro, fruit port. Acting Assistant Surgeon Osterhout reports as follows: Week ended June 3, 1905. Present officially estimated population not obtainable; 2 deaths; prevailing disease, malarial fever; general sanitary condi- tion of this port and the surrouinding country during the week, good. 1287 June 23, 190

Bills of health were issued to the following-named vessels:

NubrNumber of Number ofPicso Date. Vessel. Destination. of crew. from this pasegers baggage.

May 27 J.B.Camors ...... Colon...... 0 (a)4 27 Ellis ...... New Orleans 34 3 0 6 30 Herald ...... Colon ...... 0 ° (a) 31 Bound Brook ...... Mobile ...... 331 0 15 June 1 FortGaines ...... do...... 210 0 0 2| Beverly ....N..."New Orleans ..... 43 1 0 3 a Not inspected.

PERU. Reports from Callao- Vaccination ofemigrantsfor the Canal Zone. Assistant Surgeon Lloyd reports, May 6 and 22, as follows: During the month of April, 1905, 12 certificates of vaccination were issued to passengers going to ports in the United States and Panama. Snmallpox on steamships Guatenmala and.Mexicofrom Chilean ports. MAY 22, 1905. The British steamship Gutatemala arrived at this port this morning, en route to Panama, with a case of smallpox on board (crew). The steamship Jfexr?ico arrived yesterday, coastwise, with smallpox on board. Both of these vessels were from Chilean ports.

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Report fiwnn lXlanila-Plague at Manila and Ceb'u-Ins,pection and fumi7gation ofvessels. Chief Quarantine Offlcer Heiser reports, May 15, as follows: During the week ended May46, 1905, quarantinable disease was reported as follows: Manila, plague, 2 cases, 1 death. Cebu, plague, 2 cases, 2 deaths. The following-named vessels cleared for ports in the United States or its dependencies: On May 1, 1905, the British steamship Indrani, with 57 crew, en route from Yokohama to New York, via Iloilo, was granted a sup- plemental bill of health. Final inspection to be made at Iloilo. On May 1, 1905, the British steamship Taming, en route from Hongkong to Cebu, was granted a supplemental bill of health. The vessel carried 69 crew and 40 passengers. During the week ended May 13, 1905, quarantinable disease was reported as occurring in the city of Manila, as follows: Plague, 1 case, 1 death. The following-named vessels cleared for ports in the United States or its dependencies: On May 8, 1905, the U. S. army transport Dix cleared for Seattle, Wash., with 132 crew and 5 passengers. All on board were inspected at the hour of sailing. June 23, 1906 1288 On May 8, 1905, the British steamship Oaklburn, with 32 crew, cleared for Boston and New York, via Iloilo. Vessel was fumigated throughout while in port. Final inspection will be made at Iloilo. On May 12, 1905. the British steamship AJPnfo(nq, en route fromi Hongkong to lloilo and Cebu, was granted a supplemental bill of health. (Ciew, 66; passengers, cabin, 92,0, steerage, 24. On May 13, 19005, the American steamship Hylades cleared for Ta- coma, via Hongkong and Japan ports, with 48 ci;ew and 3 passengers. All closed spaces of the vessel, except hold No. 3 and cabins, were fumigated witlh sulphur while in port; 1,943 pieces cargo certified. Persons on board were inspected at the houir of sailing. Q uaanttine tr, of the & eice be tAe PlAilieppc IJslandds (irua/y tAe iowntAh qf JMarch, 1905, a.fJ/lloqwt'.':

P'ORT OF MANILA. Bills of health issued: To steamers for- United States ports .------...... 7 Foreigni ports.------40 Domestic ports. ...--.. 188 To sailing vessels for- United States ports...... 1

Foreign ports. -- 0 Domestic ports ...... 151 Total -..--..--..------..------..--- 387 Vessels inspected: Steamers from- United States ports 5

Foreign ports. ------36

Domestic ports ------.-..-..-...... ------183 Sailing vessels from-

United States ports ------.-- 0

Foreign ports .------..- - ..... 1 Domestic ports ...------.-- 124

Total- I ..------...-----.------349 Passengers on arriving boats inspected: On steamers- Cabin - 1,564 Steerage ...... 8,547 On sailing vessels- Cibin .------: ..-. 2 Steerage- -.------455

Total ------10,568 Persons vaccinated: On steamers- Crew-397

Passengers ...... 46 On sailing vessels- Crew . 400 Passengers. 9

Total ...... 852 Crew on arriving steamers inspected-. 8,974 Crew on arriving sailing vessels inspected ...... 1,264 Persons quarantined for observation, suispects, and contacts ...... 90 1289R June 23, 1905

Persons bathed and effects disinfected ...... 1,565 Persons remaining in quarantine from February ...... 754 Persons remnaining in quarantine March 31 ...... 28 Vessels remaining in qtuarantine from February ...... 1 Vessels in quarantine ...... 3 Vessels remaining in quarantine March 31 ...... 1 Steamers disinfected ...... 3 Sailing vessels disinfected .l ...... 1 Steamers partially disinfected ------3 Steamers fumigated to exterminate veritin .------22 Sailing vessels fumigated to exterminate vermnin .- .- ...-.. 13 Cases of quarantiniable (liseases detected on vessels (smallpox) . I Pieces of baggage disinfectedl on steanmers. 4,600

Pieces of baggage (lisinfected on sailing vessels ------81 Pieces of bag,gage inspected anrd passed .-.- .- .. 0 (Outgoinlg.) Vessels remaining in quarantine fromn Janiuary .0.. ...0 Steamers sailing without quarantinie inspected and passed -.------7 Sailing vessels sailing, without quarantine inspecte(l and passed - 1 Steamers disinfected - .------...- 6 Sailing vessels (lisinfected .-..... 1 Crew on steamers inspected - 806 Crew on sailing vessels inspected-....-.. .. 19 Passengers on steamers inspected - 1,368

Passengers on sailing vessels inspected -.- -- 2 Crew bathed and effects disinfected - 340 Passengers bathed and effects disinfected - .-. -.- .- . 986 Persons vaccinated .- ...... 34

Pieces of baggage disinfected ...... 2, 730 Pieces of baggage inspected and passed ------3,827 Pieces of cargo certified - 8,602

PORT OF ILOILO. Bills of health issued: To steamers for- United States ports ...... 2 Foreign ports ...... ------5 Domestic ports ...... 63 To sailing vessels for- United States ports .------.... ---.. 0 Foreign ports .-...... -.-.-...... 0 Doinestic ports .------83 Total -.--...... ------153 Vessels inspected: Steamers fromn- United States ports ...... 0 Foreign ports .------.. 9 Domestic ports .------..-...... 72 Sailing vessels from- lUnited States ports ...... 0 Foreign ports ...... 0 Domestic ports ...... 85 Total ...... -...... 166 Passengers on arriving boats inspected: On steamners- Cabin ...... -...... -.... 297 Steerage ...... 1,318 On sailing vessels- Cabin ...... -.. 0 Steerage ....-.. 143

Total...... 1,758 June 28, 190r 1290

Crew on arriving steamers ...... 2,353 Crew on arriving sailing vesse in...... 849 Persons vaccinated .-...... 645 Persons bathed and effects disinfected 0 Persons remaining in quarantine from February ...... 0 Persons detained in quarantine.0 Persons remaining in quarantine March 31 0 Cases of qnarantinable diseases detected on vessels ...... 0 Vessels disinfected ...... -0

Vessels fumigated to exterminate vermin .... 3 Sailing vessersfumigated to exterminate vermin ...... 1 Vessels remaining in quarantine from February ...... 0

Vessels entering quarantine ...... 0 Vessels remaining in quarantine March 31 ...... 0

PORT OF CEBU. Bills of health issued: To steamers for- United States ports ...... -- 0 Foreign ports ...... -----.---- 5 Domestic ports ...... ---.---.-- 120 To sailing vessels for- United States ports ...... - 0 Foreign ports ...... ------0 Domestic ports ...... 31 Total ...... -...... -...... -...... 156 Vessels inspected: Steanmers from- United States ports ...... 0 Foreign ports ...... 7 Domestic ports ...... 128 Sailing vessels from- United States ports ...... 0 Foreign ports ...... 0 Domestic ports ...... 486 Total ...-.-.-...... 621 Passengers on arriving boats inspected: On steamers- Cabin ...... 263

Steerage ...... -...... 1,218 On sailing vessels- Cabin -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,, 0 Steerage ...... -.-...... -... 1,042

Total2...... 2,523, Crew on arriving steamers inspected ..-...... 4,184 Crew on arriving sailing vessels inspected ...... 3,259 Persons bathed and effects disinfected ...... -...... 0

Persons detained in quarantine0...... 0 Persons vaccinated ...... , 0 Vessels disinfected ...-0...... O Steamers fumigated to exterminate vermin ...... 1...... 1 Sailing vesel fumigated to exterminate vermin-1 ...... 1 Vessels entering quarantine during the month ...... -...... 0 Vessels remaining in quarantine March 31 ...... 0.. Cases of quarantinable diseaes detected on vessels 0


Steamers from foreign ports inspected...... 3 1291 June23,1905 Passengers on arriving boats inspected: On steamers-

Cabin ...... -,.. , , , , , , , , , , , ,, ...... 3

Steerage ...... 4...... ,,,,...... ,,,, . 4 Total-7.....,,,. .,...... ,,,...... ,,,, 7

Crew on arriving steamiiers inspected ...... 125 Vessels in quarantine ...... ,,,,,,,,...... o

PORT OF JOLO. Vessels inspected ...... -...... 0 Passengers on arriving boats inspected ------0 Crvesselsinw pec te...... on ar...... rin....g d 0 Vressels in quarantine,,-0, ,,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,,.

PORTO RICO. Report fromb Ponce-Transactions of service, iWlay, 1906. Aeting Assistant Surgeon'Torres reports, June 1, as follows: Summary of transactioms of serrice for the month of May, 1905.

Vessels inspected------12 Bills of health issued ------.24 Passengers inspected: Incoming .... 93 In transit ------606 Crew inspected ------551 Vessels in quarantine .------...... ------.-- 2 Immigrants inspected ------25 Rejections ------0

Passengers detained in quarantine ...... 0 . Report from Barbado,,s-Jnspection of vessels--Legislative bill for creating uniform qaarantine mneas aresfir the Britisch I cest IAdie,s- Case qf smallpo.T discharged, cared-Death firzn beriberi on steam- ship Benja?nin (0onstant- Vaccination of emigrants for the Canal Zone. Assistant Surgeon Ward reports, June 7, as follows: During the week ended June 3, 1905, bills of health were issued to 3 steamships and 2 sailing vessels with 194 crew, 27 cabin and 15 steerage passengers. Of this number I inspected 2 steamships, 59 crew, 16 cabin and 15 steerage passengers. There were 11 crew, 23 cabin and 15 steerage passengers taken on at this port for ports in the United States. The quarantine bill which has been before the legislature of Barbados for several months has just been passed. This bill makes provision for giving effect to the recommendations made by a conference of the several British West Indian colonies which was held in 1904 to con- sider the question of quarantine in those colonies, and the substitution for the existing systems of uniform precautionary measures of a dif- ferent nature. If this act is not disallowed by the Imperial Govern- June 23,1905 1292 ment it will come into operation upon such dav as the governor of this island shall notify the people by proclamation. The case of smallpox found in iBridgetown, Barbados, Mav 9, and isolated at the Pelican Island quarantine station, was discharged as cured the lst instanit. None of the contacts on this island developed the disease. The Brazilian training ship Benjainiv Constant, which arrived at this port May 27, with the body of an officer who had died of small- pox that imiorning, will leave Barbados on the 10th instant for Nor- folk, Va. All precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of this disease on board, and up to the date of this report no cases have been reported. Yesterday afternoon, the 6th instant, a young seaman, who had been sufferinig from the wet form of beriberi, died suiddenly while taking exercise oni the deck. The quiarantine authorities of this port have received a report from Gi enada, dated 9June 1, which says that a case of smallpox oc(curried in the otiginal infected district (St. Andrew parish) on the 23d ultinto, and that on the 2Xth ultimo a case was discov-ered in the adjoiningtr parish of St. John and isolated, with its contacts. No other cases have been foutnd so far in that parish. The geneiral sanitary condition of Barbados is good; rio quarantinable diseases have been reported. Oertificate.s of vaccination of eminirants for the C(l4al Zone.

Nuimber Number re- Total Total Date. Vessel. v| t- forstem- for cnted Cee'sfully shp moih civae.v~ccinated si. mnh

Mfay 8 Trewit ...... 34 25 .59 22 Oriioco. ,4 33| 107 166

FOREIGN ANI) INSULAR STATISTICAL REP'ORTS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES-UNTABULATED. AUSTRALIA-NewV Sooth Vales8-IYeve a,4le.-Month of April, 1905. Estimated populationi, 50,570. Total numniber of deaths, 52, including diphtheria 1. enteric fever 1, plague 2, and 4 fromn tuberculosis. BAHAMAS-DatuUiore Thwn.-Two weeks ended May 26, 19905. Estimated population, 1,232. No deaths and no contagious diseases. Wreen §13(rtle C(,y-Ahaco.-Two weeks ended June 1, 1905. Esti- mated population, 3,314. No deaths and no contagious diseases reported. Xassau.-Two weeks ended June 3, 190.5. Estimated population, 12,650. Nulnber of deaths not reported. No contagious diseases reported. BPRAZIL-Perna,tnR-lnRth Jo.-Two weeks ended April 30, 1905. Esti- mated populatiorn, 200,000. Total nunmber of deaths, 508, incluiding measles 2, whooping cough 1, smallpox 200, and 47 from tuberculosis. 1293 June 23, 1905 FRANCE-Roubaix.-Month of May, 1905. Estimated population, 124,660. Total number of deaths, 161, including enteric fever 3, scarlet fever 1, and 2 from whooping cough. Roten.-Month of April, 1905. Estinmated population,' 116,316. Total number of deaths, 233. including enteric fever 2, whooping cough 2, and 58 from tuberculosis. GIBRALTAR. -Two weeks ended May 27, 1905. E'.stimated popuila- tion 27,460. Total number of deaths, 16. No deaths frIonm contagious diseases. GREAT BRITAIN- England and l1ffae.x. -The deaths registered in 76 great towns in England and WVales during the week ended May 27, 1905, correspond to an annual rate of 14.6 per 1,000 of the aggregate population, which is estimated at 15,609,377. London.-One thousand three hundred and eleven deaths were regis- tered during the week, includingr measles 44, scarlet fever 4, diph- theria 6, whooping cough .50, enteric fever 5, and 16 from diarrhea. The deaths from all causes correspond to an anniual rate of 14.5 per 1,000. In Greater London 1,742 deatlhs were registered. In the " outer ring" the deaths included 4 fronm diphtheria, 2 fromii measles, 2 from scarlet fever, 6 fronm whooping cough, and 5 fronm diarlhea. Ireland.-The average annual death rate represented by the deaths registered duritng the week ended May 27, 1905. in the 21 prin(ipal town districts of Ireland was 19 per 1,000 of the population, which is estimated at 1,093,959. The lowest rate was recorded in Linmerick, viz, 9.6, and the highest in Sligo, -iz, 48, pem- 1,000. In Duiblin and suburbs 143 deaths wvere registered. including diphtheria 1, enteric fever 1, measles 1, whooping cough 1, and 41 from tuberculosis. Scotland.-The deaths registered in 8 principal towns during the week ended May 27, 190.5 correspond to an annual rate of 18.1 per 1,000 of the population, which is estimated at 1.749,917. The lowest rate of mortality was recorded in Leith, viz, 15.4, and the highest in Perth. viz, 21.3 per 1,000. The aggregate number of deaths reg- istered from all causes was 606, including diphtheria 7, measles 30, scarlet fever 3, and 24 fronm whooping cough. JAMAICA-Port Antwado.-Two weeks ended June 3. 1905. Esti- mated population not reported. No deaths reported. MALTA.-Three weeks ended MIav 20, 1905. Estimated population, 202,134. Total nunmber of deaths, 92, including diphtheria 3, amid 3 from enteric fever. SPAIN-Barcelona.-Ten days ended Mlay 31, 1905. Estimated pop- ulation, 600,000. Total number of deaths, 372, including diphtheria 1, enteric fever 7, nmeasles 14, whooping cough 3, smallpox 3, and 38 from tuberculosis. Seville.-Month of April, 1905. Estimated population, 148,315. June 23, 10 1294 Total number of deaths, 475, including enteric fever 4, measles 6, scarlet fever 1, whooping cough 2, and 48 from tuberculosis. WEST INDIES-CaraVao.-Two weeks ended June 2, 1905. Esti- mated population, 31,600. Total number of deaths, 10. No contagious diseases reported. St. Thomas.-Two weeks ended May 26, 1905. Est.imated popula- tion, 11,012. Total number of deaths, 20, including 1 from tuber- culosis. Cholera, yeUow fever, plague, and smallpox, December 31, 1904, to June 2S, 1905. [Reports received by the Surgeou-General, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, from American consuls through the Department of State, and from other sources.] [For reports received from June 25 to December 30, 1904, see PUBLIC HEALTH REoPRTs for Decem- ber 30, 1904.] [NOTE.-In accordance with ctistom, the tables of epidemic diseases are terminated semiantnually anld new tables begun.] CHOLERA.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

China: ,Tientsin ...... Mar. 4-11. I India: Bombay ...... Nov. 31-Mar. 28...... 10 8 Calcutta ...... Nov. 19-May 6...... 1,569 Madras Presidency ...... Mar. 6-May 12... 8 Persia: Teheran ...... May 12 ...... 3 Russian Empire:

Alexand ropol District..... Nov. 23-Dec. 7... 3 ...... Astrakhan Province...... Nov. 23-Jan. 8... 9 Etshniadsin District...... Nov. 23-Dec. 7... 35 Jelisavetpol District ...... Nov. 22-26. 32 Kuba District ...... t.Nov. 21-Dec. 1... 20 14 Nachitshevan District..... Nov. 23-29. 213 152 Nowobajazet District...... Nov. 23-Dec. 7... 18 12 Don Province ...... Feb. 5-17 . 7 3

Samara Province ...... Nov. 2S-Dec. 21.. 180 ...... Saratov Province ...... Nov. 23-Jan.23 .. 78 35 Zarizyn ... May 2-12...... 1 1 Sharuro-Daralageski Nov. 23-Dec. 7.:. 725 618 District.

Uralsk ...... Nov. 1-Feb. 10...... Epidemic. Trans-Casqpian territory and Centrai Asia- Askabad . .... Dec. 8-May 4 .... 7 '...... Kaachka ...... IDec. 27.

Serachs . . ... Nov. 23-Dec. 14.. 61 .

Tashkent . . ... Dec. 8-31. 291 19 Trans-Caucasia-

Baku ...... Nov. 14-Feb.24 416 318 Batum..... Dec. 1-7 . 3 ...... Lenkoran ...... Dec. 8-28 . 251 226 Erivan ..... Dec. 1-Jan.30 1,057 695 Tiflis ..... Nov. 23-29 . 4...... Straits Settlements: D Singapore ...... Dec. 11-17 Turkey (general) ...... Nov. 28-Jan. 28.. 570 Jan. 1-Dec. 26, 1904: 10,466 cases; 9,192 deaths. Bagdad ...... Nov. 20-28. 1 3 Ravandouz ...... Nov. 20-Dec. 19 220 196 Van ...... Jan.2-2. 181 62

YELLOW FEVER. Brazil: Para ...... Dec. I-Apr. 17.... 67 Pernambuco ...... Nov. 1-Mar. 12 2 Rio de Janeiro.. ,I.Nov. 7-May 28 ... 113 84 cases and 34 deaths reported British Hondurs: from April 18 to May 2. Belize ...... May 2W-une 1... 4 Cuba: Habapa ...... Jan. 6. 2 From Austrian se. Dora from Ecuador: LA Guaira and Colon. Guayaquil ...... Jan. 1-May 23.... 56 1295 June 23, 1906 Cholera, yellouwfever, plague, and snallpox, etc.-Continued. YELLOW FEVER-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Guatemala: Livingston ...... June 10. 1 ...... Honduras: Puerto Cortez ...... May 26-June 6... 8 4 Mexico: Oaxaca- (Juchitan andTehuan- Dec. 18-Apr. 5... 8 1 tepec.) Veracruz- (Coatzacoalcos, Texis- Dec. 11-May 27.. 23 12 tepee, Tierrat Blan- ca, and Veracruz.) Yucatan- Merida ...... Jan. 15 1-Apr. 15. 5 2 Panama: Colon ...... Jan. 23-June 11.. 27 One case from ss. Finatn(ce, five days from Corilito, Nicaragua.

Panama ...... Dec. 1-31. 7 ...... Jan. 1-June 10... 78 2a Six cases and 2 deaths from U. S. S. Boston. Venezuela: Caracas ...... Dec. 17-Jan. 7.... 3 .

La Guaira and vicinity...., Jan. 1-7 ...... 6 Maracaibo ,Dec. 5-May 4 3 3


Africa: British East Africa-

Kisumu. Jan. 5-12 ...... Presetnt. MIaharoni ...... Jan. 19 ...... 1 Mombassa ...... Feb. 11 ...... 25 25 Port Florence ...... Janl. 1-19...... 20 British South Africa- 8 Cape Colony- East London .... Dec. 25-May 13... 42 25 Including deaths of cases from King William's Town tit hos- pital. Fort Beaufort...... Mav 6...... 2 *, King William's Apr. 8-May 4 8 3 Town. Mousa ...... May 7-13...... 1 I Inported from East London. Port Elizabeth .... Dec. 3-May 6 6 2 Durbain- Durban ...... Nov. 27-Feb. 11.. 7 6 Portuiguese East Africa- Mozambique ...... Feb. 2 ...... --* -- .I.. Epidemic. Arabia:

Aden (general)...... Dec. 1-May 19 . .1 1,775 1,712 One case from Auistriani ss. Im- perator from Bombay. Mekka ...... Mar. 1-31 .. ------..-l Present. Argentina: Buenos Ayres Jan. 28 1 Leones Mar.28. 12 ......

Salta State Dec.15. 1 I I San Niqolas ...... i...Mar. 20. 3 Santa Fe ...... Dec. 27. 1 1 Australia: New South Wales- General ...... Feb. 19-25. 3 3 Clarence and Rich- Jan. 10-Feb. 18... 4 2 mond River districts.

Newcastle ...... Mar. 27-Apr. 13.. 4 1 Sydney Apr. 7-10. 4 ...... Queensland- Brisbane and viciinity. Jan. 2-Apr. 8..... 26 10 Bundaberg Feb. 3. 1 1 Townsville ...... Dec. 9. I ...... Brazil: Bahia ...... Nov. 27-Jan. 7...... 12 Gnaratingueta ...... Jan. 13...... 1 1,......

Nictheroy ...... Dec. 1-Feb.28 ...... 2 Para...... Feb. 1-26...... 4 2 Pernambuco ...... Nov. 1-15...... I Pindamonhangaba. Feb. 18...... Do. Rio de Janeiro ...... Nov. 7-Apr. 16... 254 113 Rio Grande do Stil...... May 19...... Do. Santos ...... Dec. 4-11 ...... I. Sao Paulo...... Jan. 23-29...... 1 Taubete ...... Feb. 18...... I. June 23, 1906 1296 Choera, yellowfever, plague, and smaUpox, etc.-Continued. PLAGUE--Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

L . Chile: Antofagasta ...... Mar. 28 ...... Also reported present May 11. Arica ...... -.. Dec. 11-Mar. 20.. 3 2

Atacama ...... Mar. 15 ...... Present.

Chanaral ...... May 11 ...... Reported present. Copiapo ...... Mar. 15 ...... Present. Coquimbo ...... Mar. 14 ...... Do. Iquique ...... Dec. 4-Mar. 27... 4 2

Pisagua...... Feb. 9-Apr. 17 - 229

Santiago...... Dec.2 . I Valparaiso ...... Mar.20-31 ...... '..1 I There were 160 cases of plague uinder treatment on May 16, China: 1905. Amoy ...... May 10...... Present. Fuchow ...... Apr. 30 ...... Do.

Hongkong ...... Jan. 1.. 34 24 Egypt:

General ...... Jan. 1-May 4 ..... 22 16

Alexandria ...... Apr. 1-May 25 ... 4 2 Behera Province...... May 12-21 ...... 4 1 Port Said ...... Dec. 4-May 6 .... 6 Two deaths from Egyptian ss. Aida, from Suez. Magaga District...... Mar. 29-Apr. 8 . 2 Menioufiel ...... May 22 ...... 2 Suez ...... Dec. 10-Mar. 4 ... 29 17 Ttnkh District ...... Nov. 27-May 24. 30 22 Formosa (general) ...... Jan. 1-May 2 1,302 1,149 Total number of cases for year 1904: 4,343, with 3,234 deaths. Bioritzu ...... Apr. 20-30 1 ...... Ensuiiko ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30 39 38 Gilan Feb. I-Apr. 30 35 32 Kagi Feb. 1-Apr. 30 100 81 Kelunig ...... Apr. 20-30 .2. 2 3 Shinchiiku...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30 60 67 Taihoku ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30.... 150 136 Tainani ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 30.... 30 22 Great Britain: Leith ...... May 7-13 4 1 Liverpool ...... Feb.7...... From steamship Crewe Hall from Rangoon. Londoni ...... Nov. 30 ... 1 On ss. NVeybridge from the Rio Hawaii: ,.: de la Plata. Aiea ... Mar. 2 ...... 1

Hilo . May 125 ...... 2 ...... Waipahui(viciniity of Hon- June 20. 1 ollulu). India: Bombay Presidency anid Oct. 29-Apr. 29 144, 588 110,464 Sinid. Mtadras Presidenicy...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29... 9,464 7,407 Benigal ...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29... 119,114 106,141 United Provinces...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29 338,517 308,921 Pnniijab ...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29 ... 297,180 249,662 Three cases imported. Bulrma ...... Dee. 4-Apr. 29.. 9,; '8371 Central Provinces (includ- Oct. 29-Apr. 29 13,7186 10,957 ing Berar). Assam ...... Mar. 5-Apr.29. 1 ...... Imported. Mysore State...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29 ... 9, 7,605 Hyderabad State ...... Oct. 29-Apr.29 .. 15,778899, 13,72:2 Centratl India ...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29. 4,758 3,786 Rajputana...... Oct. 29-Apr. 29. 26,091 22,023 Kashmir ...... Oet. 29-Apr. 29 2,501 1.554 N. W. F. Province...... Mar. 18-Apr.29. 2 2 Do. Grand total ...... 98$, 638 843, 081 Japan:

Hiogo ...... Dec. 14 ...... Hirosbimat Apr. 12 I

Kobe ...... Dec. 16 ...... 1 Osakia ...... MaY 9 ......

Tokyo ..A.... Apr. 18-Mfaty 10 ...... 2 Maiiritius .....D.. ec. 10-Mar. lt;. D 36 Perui:

Arequiipa ...... Mar. 20 ...... Present. Cajamarca...Mair.Ctjlar...... 10.....Do. e---e--@X*****..!...... Feb. Callano ...... 9-May 3I...... I Chlepen ...... To Apr. 30 8

Chiclayvo ...... ! Mar. 13-Mnay IO.. 58601

Eten ...... N...... ov. 1-Apr. 30 ... 44 Guiadeluipe Nov. 1-Mar. 19... 44 1

Huanchaco...... To Mar. 26 53i 1 1297 June 23, 1906 Cholera, yellowfever, plague, and smallpox, etc.-Continued. PLAGUE-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Peru-Continued. Lambayeque ...... Nov. 1-Apr. 30 ... 35 8 1 Lima ...... Nov. I-Mav 10...i 56 11 Mollendo ...... Mar. 4-May 10 97 37 Pacasmayo ...... Nov. 1-Dec.26 ...i 2 ...... Payta...... May6.1... 1 1 Pueblo Nuevo...... Jani.26 ....-.--.. 2 San Pablo ...... Mar. 13-Apr. 2... 3 6 Philippine Islands: Ce ...... Jan. 15-May 6. 7 3 Manila ...... Dec. 4-May13 27 23 Russia: Ural Territory...... Dec. 20-Jan. 16 143 142 Number of dleaths from Nov. 30 tn JTl. A M40O

Vigatka Province-S I o - Oct. 18-Dec. 14 2 ...... 47 bodskoi. Siam:

Banigkok ...... Dec. 14 New ca ses reported during .....month of May, 1905. Spain: Cadiz ...... Apr. 1-30 I ...... Straits Settlemenits: Singapore...... Nov. 5-Apr. 15 Turkey: Bahrein Islands...... May 20 ...... Present.


Africa: Cape Colony- Cape Town ...... Feb. 12-May 13.. 10 ...... Liberia- Monirovia Mar. 5-1 10 2 Sierra Leone Ja. 28- .y 6 241 Gradually disappearing, May 6. Argentina: Bahita IPIresenit. Btueiios Ayres Nov. 31 324 57! Austria-Hungary: Bosnia anid Herzegovina.. Jaii. 1-Feb. 28 60 3

[rague ...... Dec. 4-31 ...... 44 Belgium: Brussels )ec. 18-Apr. 2 Ghenit Apr. 2-May 13. 2 Brazil:

Bahia ...... Nov. 27-Mar.25.. 93 8

Nictheroy ...... D...... Dec. 1-Feb. 28 .158

Para ...... Dee. 1-Apr. 17 ...... 174 Pernambuico ov. 1-1ay 16 1,482

Porte Allegre ...... Ieb.'22 ...... Do. Ri) de Janeiro ...... N... ov. 6-May 28 1;142 470)

Santos ...... Dec. 4-Apr. 16 7 Sao Paulo Jan. 1-15 ...... 3 Victoria Feb. 7-18 19 1 Canada: New Brunswick- Chathatm Apr. 10 ...... 9..0 Ontario- Hamilton ... M...Mar. 1-Jtune 4 13 Ceylon: Colombo May 7-13 Chile Antofagasbi ...... Jan. 25-Feb. 28...... 3 Mar. 17 .... . I I Fronm Chilean ss. Palena. Ourepta ...... Mar. 31 .... . ''- Present.

Port Mointt ...... Mattr. 16 ...... Epidemic. Santiago...... Jal. 2-Apr. 1....1 Vtaldivia ...... MaItr. 31 .Present. Valparaiso ...... MJ a r. 4...... -- ...... Do. AMay 10 Fifteenl eases daily. China:

Hongkong ...... Jan. 1-Apr. 22... 53 Niuichwang A pr.8 Presenit. Shanghai ...... Nov. 12-May 6 ...... 610 One case on U. S. tuirret ship Monadnock, and 2 cases on ship Arthuir Sewall. Colombia: Cartagenia ...... Mlar. 27-Apr. 1 ..., 1 Denmark: Copenhagen ...... Feb. 19-May 27 ..I 3 ...... June 28, 190S 1298 Cholera. yeUowfever, plague, and smallpox, etc.-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Ecuador: Colta ...... Feb.? ...... Present. l... Colombo...... Feb. 7...... Do. Guamote ...... Feb. 7...... Do. Guayaquil ...... Jan. 1-May 16.. . . 9 Three cases, 1 death from Chil- ean ss. Palena, from Chilean anid Peruvian ports. Porto Viejo...... Feb. .5-21...... Present. Formo,sa ...... Jan. 1-Mar. 31 ...... France: i... Lyon ...... Dec. 3-May 13... 4 ...... Marseille ...... Mar. 1-31...... l...... i Nantes...... Feb. 9-Mar. 17 ... 6 Paris ...... Dec. 11-May 27 .. 389 4' 0 Rouen ...... Nov. I-Jan. 31...... 3 1' 6 St. Etienne ...... Feb. 1-Apr. 15 ...... Germany: . General ...... Apr. 15-May 20.. 38 ...... Bremen ...... Jan. 8-Mar. 24... 8 ...... Great Britain and Ireland: Belfast ...... Jan. 7-Apr. 1 ...... 2 Birmingham ...... Feb. 19-May 27... 12 ...... Bradford ...... Dec. 3-June 3.... 113 Bristol ...... May 7-June 3.... Cardiff ...... Mar. 5-May 27... 7 Dundee...... Dec. 11-Jan. 14.. 5 Edinburgh ...... Feb. 12-Apr. 2.. 5 Dec. 10-Mar. 17.. 5 ...... Glasgow...... Hull...... Dec. 25-Apr. 8 ... 36 2 Leeds ...... Dec. 18-May 27.. 183 37 Leith ...... Feb. 12-Apr. 8 ... 9 ...... Liverpool...... Jan. 15-May 13.. 8 ...... London..... & Dec. 11-June 3... 85 2 Manchester ...... Dec. 11-Feb. 4... 7 Newcastle on Tyne. Dec. 4-June 3.... 135 Nott1ngham . Dec. 11-June 3... 26 Sheffel ...... Mar. 12-18 ...... 2 Southampton .. Mlar. 26-May 27.. 17 Eleven cases and 1 death from ss. Nile, from Buenos Ayres, and 1 case from ss. Kenilworth Castle, from South Africa. South Shields. Dec. 4-June 3.... 93 West Hartlepool . Feb.4-11...... Hawaii: Honolulu. Feb. 17-Apr. 24 .. 3 One from ss. Sonoma, from San ...... Francisco, and one from ss. ladia: Coptic, from oriental ports. Bombay. Nov. .30-May 16.. 1,79657 Calcutta. Nov. 19-May 6.... 121 Karachi. Dec. 14-May 14.. 169 41

Madras...... Dec. 17-May 12...... 69 Italy: General . Dec. 1-31, 1904... 941 ...... 5. May 7-13,1905 ... 40 Catania ...... Dec. 9-June 1.... 119 Milan ...... Dec. 1-31,1905... 1 Naples...... Feb. 1-28 ...... 6...... Palermo ...... Dee. 11-May 27.. Japan: Ehime...... Jan. 22-28...... 26 Fukuoka ...... Tan. 22-28...... Hakodate ...... Fan. 18...... 1 l . From a Br. vesselfrom Shanghai. Hiromhimna...Hrsia...... Fan. 22-28...... 2 Kobe ...... Ian. 1-Apr. 5 ... 4 One from Br. ss. Hector, from Yokohama, one from ss. Pala- wan, from Yokohama, and one from Br. ss. Firth of Dornoch, from Rangoon. Kumamota ...... JJan. 22-28...... 1 ...... Matsuyama...... Feb. 15...... 1 ...... Muroran ...... J[an. 29-Feb. 4.... 8 ...... Nagasaki ...... 1[an. 22-May I11 .. 8 ...... One case on Br. ss. Kintuck. N .shiwagun...... Feb. 16...... 16 ...... Osaka ...... [an. 22-28...... O ...... Tokyo ...... Lpr. 2 ...... 3 ...... Yamaguchi ...... J ran. 22-28...... I ...... Yokohama ...... I 26-Apr.29.. 2 ...... One from Br. ss. Hudson, from dar. New York via Shanghai, and one from Br. ss. Queen Louise. Malta Jan. 22-Apr. 29... 3 2 1299 June 23, 1906 Cholera, yellowfever, plague, and amaUpox, etc.-Continued. SMALLPOX-Continued.

Place. Date. Cases. Deaths. Remarks.

Mexico: Mexico ...... Nov. 20-Apr. 8... 43 27 Netherlands: Rotterdam ...... Jan. 22-28 ...... 2 ...... Norway: Christiania ...... Dec. 11-Apr. 15.. 26 Panama: Colon...... Dec. I3-an. 8.... 3 ...... One from ss. Loa, from Arequipa and 1 from ss. Westphaila, from St. Thomas. Panama ...... Dec. 25-Jan. 1.... I 1 Peru: Callao ...... Dec. 12-May 22.. 5 ...... Two from ss. Loa, from Are- quipa Present on Chilean ss. raena, from Chilean and Pe. ruvian ports on Mar. 18. One from Ger. ss. Pentaur, from Chilean ports, one from Chile. an ss. Mapocho, one from Br. sa. Guatemala, and one fromss. Mexico, from Chilean ports. Lima ...... Mar.1-15 ...... 1 ...... Philppine Islands: Mianila ...... Dec. 10-Apr. 29.. 20 3 1 case from Cavite. Rusia: Moscow ...... Nov. 27-May 20.. 163 42 Odessa ...... Dec. 10-May 27 .. 88 25 St. Petersburg...... Dec. 4-May 20... 158 50 Warsaw ...... Nov. 12-Mar. 18...... 22 Spain: Barcelona ...... Dec. 1-May 31 ...... 146 Cadiz ...... Nov. 1-Mar. 31...... 14 Straits Settlements: Singapore ...... Nov. 13-Apr. 29...... 20 8witzerland: Geneva...... Jan. 29-Feb. 4... 4 ...... Turkey: Constantinople ...... Dec. 4-May 21...... 155 Smyrna ...... Jan. 1-Feb. 19...... 2 Uruguay: Montevideo ...... Feb. 3-Apr. 30 ... 56 17 Venezuela: Macuto (vicinity of). Jan. 1-7...... 15 ...... West Indies: Barbados...... Apr. 29-May 27.. 5 One from the Royal Mail as. Atrato, from Southampton, and one from Brazilian ship Benjamin Constant from Per- nambuco. Grenada Island...... Dec. 29-May 4.... 51 I...... One from ss. Trent for Colon.

98 June 23,1906 1300 Weekly mortality tbkl foreign and inar c&itie.

Deatls from- I~~~~~ Estimated Cities. ended-Week population. *ig t1g1:&'

a18t I T T Alexandretta ...... May 20 9,000 7 ...... * Amherstburg ...... June 10 2,250 2 20 ...... 1-- .1i 1- ...... 155 ...... Amsterdam May 27 553,613 . 154 1- Do ...... Juine 3 553,613 21 ...... ,....1....1 18 1} Athens ...... May 27 20, 000 13...... 1 21 Barranquilla ...... May 28 42,000 ...... ---1- Beirut ...... May 27 80,000 80 ...... - !..i. 10 ...... Belize ...... June 8 9,100 ...... -1 Belleville ...... June 5 8,378 2 1 ...... *---1-- Do ...... June 12 8,378 1551 ...... - - -1 636 .1- Berlin ...... May 20 2,010,375 123 ...... - 1-- Birmingham ...... May 27 537,965 168 w-..1 .. 24 Bombay...... May 16 776,006 1,331 ...9...... 34 1 - 31 Bremen ...... May 27 206,000 62 49...... -1- Brunswick ...... 130,000 49. -1-- -1 Do ...... June 3 130,000 .9...... 1- ...... Brussels ...... May 27 586,986 11...... -1 ^-1 Cape Town...... May 6 190,000 ..ii. .--1-- Cartagena ...... May 27 30,000 - 1- --1 1- Catania ...... June 1 153,523 52 ...... 61 1 Christiania ...... May 27 224,000 83 1...... 1- 12 4 Coatzacoalcos...... go 3,000 1...... - 1----I 11 Coburg ...... do 23,306 6 ...... ---1-- g..i. Cognac ...... May 13 19,483 10 - -1 1- 4 Do ...... May 20 19,483 ...... ---1- 1 - Colon ...... June 3 8,000 4 1 ...... 1- -1 Copenhagen ...... May 20 500,000 147 41...... -1- - 159. Do ...... May 27 500,000 ...... 1- Dublin...... d ...... ao 378,994 143 ....41...... 9'- . 105 Edinburgrh ...... do. 336,577 ...... Flushing..... June 3 19,719 6 2-- -1 1- ,1.. Frankfort-on-the-Main May 27 324,500 87 ...... * -1 Funchal ..... May 28 44,049 19 --1 Geneva ..... May 20 115,600 44 ----1 - -1 3 .... 1- Ghent ..... May 13 163,298 45 6...... 1- 1 1- 51 Do ..... May 20 163,298 ....6...... - -1 --I Do ..... Mav 27 163,298 45 6.6,...... 1- -1 1- Girgenti ...... do 25.069 11 - -1 - 1 1.... 6- Glasgow ...... June 2 782,110 295 1- ...... 1- Gothenburg...... May 27 136,800 45 6...... - -1 - 1 Halifax ...... June 3 40,787 21 1- 1-. 12 Hamburg ...... May 27 772,852 213 26 ...... 1 2.--16 .... 1-- Havre ..d.... . do 130,196 56 14 ...... - 1- Hull ...... do. 258,127 73 --1 1 Iquique ...... May 13 35,000 35 - -1. . - -I Karachi ...... May 14 108,644 231 ....142 11 Kingston. Canada ..... June 9 18,444 5 ...... ---1- Kingston, Jamaica..... May 27 52,475 ...... -- 1- --1 Lausanne ...... May 20 52,000 ....I...... 1....1. Leeds ...... June 3 456,787 122 ...... Leipzig ...... M.ty 27 507,602 144 253...... - ----1 ...... ,,,,.... Leith...... do ... 81,477 24 .----]...... -1. . Licata...... do 25,900 11 ......

London .... do ...... 7,010,172 1,742 ...... -- 121 Mainz ...... do ... 90,500 31 2...... Do ...... June 3 90,500 32 5...... * i--*-1- Mannheim...... May 27 1.59,042 33 ...... *- Monte-Cristi ...... June 3 1,200 - -I------1- i... Moscow ...... May 20 1,173,427 583 9.. .. ') 101 1 Newcastle on Tyne .... May 27 264,;i11 812 ...... ' ....1 ...... oo 250,000 68 .. Nottingham 27...... --1 Nuremberg ...... May 13 285,000 124 20 ...... -!.... Do ...... 20 123 30 ...... May 285,000 27...... , 1- -1 Odessa ...... May 13 511,000 203 1 1.... 3 Do ...... May 20 511,000 202 34 - . 1 21... 36 Do ...... 27 250 . May 511,000 40 . 5 1....1 Palermo do...... o 330, 000 99 1 Paris .do... 949 ' ' ' 'I 2,660,559 293 . 1 . 1i- ....2 2 8 Prague .do... 223,945 150 44. - - -I Puerto Cabello...... Apr. 8 14,000 7 -...!....1...... 15 8 Do ...... Apr. 14,000 I i...... Do ...... Apr. 22 14,000 13 - Do ...... 29 9 Apr. 14,000 *.... 1301 June 23, 1905 Weekly mortality table, foreign and insular cities-Continued.

Deaths from- s 0 w-1, FRtimst(l W_ 4lQ Cities. 4 QC ended- population. 9 ad 4v 100


Puerto Cortez...... June 7 4,000 0 Quebec ...... June 3 70, 000 ...... Do ...... June 10 70,000 ...... i ...... 1 Rheims ...... May 28 108,385 41 ...... '-'--- ' '2'''' ' '''' Rotterdam ...... June 3 372,903 121 3 ....'i' St. Georges, Bermuda.. May 27 2,189 1 ...... Do ...... June 3 2,189 0

St. John, Antigua...... May 20 15,844 6 ...... Do ...... May 27 15,844 4 . . St. John, N. B...... June 10 40,709 10 9 ...... St. Petersburg...... May 20 1,500,000 856 132 .... 1 541 2056'2 St. Stephen, N. B ...... Junie 11 2,840 0 San Feliu de Guixols.. May 28 11,333 3 .. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe May 27 40,000 8 Sheffield ...... May 20 430,000 138 III...... Do ...... May 27 430,000 148 71...... Southampton ...... do... 114,897 22 2* 2l1'''''''' South Shields...... do... 109,360 27 -- - -- I. I ...... -** I*w *-- I'''' Trapani ...... do... 61,477 18 Tuxam May 30 13,000 14 ...... June 6 13,000 9 ! -...... Venice ...... May 27 169,417 61 9 2 ...... -.---...... j...... 1'' Veracruz...... do ..-l 32,000 37 West Hartlepool ...... do... 66,50C ...... Winnipeg ...... June 3 80,000 77 Do ...... June 10 80,000 35 By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury: A. H. GLENNAN, Acting Su?geon- General, United States Public Health and Afarine-HII,apital ServiWe.