Lfle Quesrorslfl6.4TRE COMPANY Christmas 1977 the Ouestors Thea Re Compa , First Performance 28 Decen,Ber 1977
◊ lflE QUESrORSlfl6.4TRE COMPANY Christmas 1977 The Ouestors Thea re Compa , First performance 28 Decen,ber 1977 A play from KENNETH GRAHAME's book 'The Wind in the '-Nillows' Of A.A.MILNE Music by H. FRASER-SIMSON Marigola Nanny Mole Rat ANTAONY SARBER Badger oAv , o PEARSON Toad I/,,,/"/ K~::rli GOD.MAN Alfred [//1 JOHN F.RANc1s Alfred's Back Le~ Chief Weasel Chief Ferret Chief Stoat Weasels Ferrets RY,KATEPARSONS First FielcfmT.IJ.fliP Second Fieldmouse ANt KA UDELL Fieldmouse Carol singers Usher SIMON SURTEES Po iceman COLIN THOMAS Jurors DALE RANDALL ROSALYN BURNS, EDDIE GROSS A OENONE GRANT, AMANDA SU EnS rERRY PARSONS, VYVYEN JE S, A ANDA ARON, ALAN HALE C P NI, SUSAN HULME Phoebe Washerwoman Mama Rabbit Lucy Rabbit Harold Rabbit Fox Horse Bargewoman Young Stoat Brave Stoat ctorSTEPHEN KIRBY Y BOYD-TAYLOR ARON SHOULMAN, Y BARWICK Our thanks are due to No tn a chorus. Stage MaM,ger Deputy Stage Manager Assistan; 'Stlfg8 Managers ._....,.,~,... ~ ith HILDA COLLINS, ICKETTS, =-u"T.,.--,ther members of of the costumes. CLOUGHLIN a-=G11rn<t;tLAI NE STANLEY Properties Construction - S ROY BRIERLEY, '"'fORGE CROOKE, ROON PEARCE, I FRECKER, I ,- - __, _ PRODUCER1 S NOTE ... Kenneth Grahame's novel 'The Wind in the Willows' was a favourite of A.A. Milne's. In fact, the styles and subject~ of the two writers have much in common. So the author of the Pooh books would seem to be the ideal man to adapt 'The Wind in the VVillows' to another medium. The play he wrote - Toad of Toad Hall - was first produced in 1929, 21 years after the novel's original publication.
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