The Coaches Guide To Sled Hockey ���������� ��� ����� ��� ������ � �������� ������ ���� ����� Written by USA National Team Coaches: Keith Blase • Bob O’Connor • Kevin Sullivan 01 Table of contents • Introduction..................................................................................................02 • The Role of the Coach...................................................................................03 • Planning and Executing an Effective Practice...............................................09 • Age Appropriateness......................................................................................15 • Teaching Skills Effectively.............................................................................26 • Mental Preparation........................................................................................27 • Concepts of Team Play - Overview.................................................................28 • Breakout........................................................................................................29 • Neutral Zone Play..........................................................................................33 • Offensive Play Objectives & Concepts...........................................................35 • Principles of Offensive Zone Entry.................................................................37 • Principles of Offensive Zone Play..................................................................41 • Goal Scoring..................................................................................................45 • Principles of Defensive Hockey......................................................................49 • Forechecking..................................................................................................56 • Face-Offs........................................................................................................60 • Penalty Killing...............................................................................................66 • Power Play......................................................................................................72 • The Effective Use of the Goaltender in Practice.............................................79 • Utilizing Small Games in Practice..................................................................85 Addendum • Drills • Training and Conditioning 02 Introduction Welcome to The Coaches Guide to Sled Hockey. This manual has been written for Sled Hockey Coaches of all ages and experience. As you read through these pages you should be gleaning information that is meaningful and age / skill level appropriate to your own coaching situation. Over the past 30 years the authors of this book have coached at all levels of the game from High School to National & Olympic Teams. They have attended countless coaching symposiums as both participants and presenters all over North America and Europe. During this time they have had the good fortune to work and learn from some of the finest coaches in the world. This broad spectrum of coaching experiences and relationships is the foundation on which this manual for Sled Hockey has been written. No coach should ever presume that his way is the “right way or the only way” to go about the process of coaching, irrespective of the sport. After all, there are a few absolutes in coaching, and where they exist, multiple methods are often available to arrive at successful outcomes. Within these pages you will find information that covers a wide spectrum of coaching topics including philosophy; teaching techniques; practice organization; skill development and team tactics. Here’s hoping you enjoy the read! Acknowledgements The contents of this book are attributable to a lifetme of experiences in the game of hockey and sports in general. All of the people acknowledged contributed in one way or another to some aspect of this book directly or directly. • Scott Abbey - USA National Team Staff • Keith Allain - Assistant Coach, St. Louis Blues • Tim Army - Head Coach, Portland Pirates • Joe Bertagna - Commissioner, Hockey East • Kevin Constantine - Head Coach, Seattle Silverbacks • Mike Eaves - Head Coach, University of Wisconsin • Red Gendron - Head Coach, Indianapolis Ice • Al Godfrey - USA National Team Staff • Roger Grillo - Head Coach, Brown University • Barry Smith - Associate Coach, Detroit Red Wings • Mike Sullivan - Head Coach, Boston Bruins 03 The Role of the Coach Sports can be a fun and an engaging way for children and youth to learn some important lessons about life. Studies suggest that participation in sports can be very beneficial, fostering responsible social behaviors, greater academic success, and an appreciation of personal health and fitness. Participating on a team also can give children or youth an important sense of belonging. The atmosphere set by organizations, parents, and coaches is a major factor in determining whether or not youth will have a positive experience in a sports program. A “win-at-all-costs” atmosphere can be harmful to a developing youth. Few children possess the talent to play competitive sports at the highest level, most will not grow up to be professional athletes. Therefore, coaches must take the perspective that the primary goals of youth sports are to foster the development of general physical competence and to promote physical activity, fun life skills, sportsmanship, and good health. Coaches or youth sports programs should have clear positive goals about the sports experience, emphasizing fair play and sportsmanship as well as the skills to be taught and the lessons to be learned. With these goals, the “winning at all cost” attitude that leads to a negative atmosphere is held in check , and the learning process is emphasized. Coaches as Role Models Children and youth learn “how to play the game” from their coaches and parents. These adults are important teachers and role models, and the atmosphere they create determines whether a child’s sports experience is negative or positive. Coaches may have goals for the youth different from those of the youth themselves. Regardless of these goals, it is critical for coaches to nurture a child’s ambitions. Coaches must continuously communicate with children to assist them and support their dreams. A coach is one who teaches a team of players or athletes. As a teacher, a coach needs to be aware that what he or she says and does in this role can have an important impact on the youth. It is important that coaches monitor their own behavior when working in youth sports. Coaches should establish learning goals for their players and for their team. These goals should be about having fun, learning new skills, and developing friendships; they should not be about winning. Coaches can determine if their behaviors are too focused on winning and competition by asking the following questions: • How do I speak with my players? Do I scream or yell at them often? Or do I talk with them and help them understand their mistakes? • Do I show respect to officials? Have I ever blamed a loss on an official? • Do I promote dislike between two teammates to motivate them? • Do I treat my players differently after a loss than after a win? • Do I provide team members playing time regardless of how well they do? The answers to these types of questions will enable coaches to determine if their approach is developmentally appropriate. If coaches find themselves yelling at players, blaming officials for losses, giving preferential treatment to certain players, and/or giving unequal playing time, they may want to re-evaluate their style. Positive coaches are supportive of their players; that is, they reinforce good skills and encourage youth who make mistakes. To reinforce good skills, coaches should be specific in their praise, not general. For example, a coach who tells a ten-year-old player, “Nice job stickhandling the puck down the ice,” is providing supportive and specific information, as opposed to the coach who simply says, “nice job.” Positive coaches are also instructive; that is, they spend time with players to show them how to correct their mistakes. 04 Characteristics of positive coaching as developed by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education are: • Players come first. • Positive coaches see themselves first and foremost as educators. They enjoy the sport and they love teaching. • A positive coach understands the developmental stages of children and youth and uses developmentally appropriate coaching strategies. • Positive coaches develop character as well as skill. • Positive coaches make use of “teachable moments.” These are game situations in which something significant has just happened (e.g., a nasty foul, a false start, or an accidental collision). Coaches who stop the game and ask their players to think about how they could have behaved in that situation are taking advantage of a teachable moment. Using these teachable moments can build positive character traits in athletes such as determination, courage, empathy, and commitment. • Positive coaches foster mastery of skills. • Positive coaches have strong technical knowledge about the sport. They use skill-building drills during practice, reinforce correct skills, and correct mistakes. Positive coaches give technical feedback to youth in an encouraging way. Positive coaches demonstrate technical skills, because children 5 to 12 years old have a difficult time learning through verbal instructions. • Positive coaches foster internal
CAROLINA HURRICANES NEWS CLIPPINGS • April 23, 2021 For the Hurricanes, the playoff push is as easy as winning — and staying healthy By Chip Alexander with 65 points, three ahead of Tampa Bay, but the Canes have two games-in-hand on the Panthers and lead the Call it hockey’s Catch-22. division in winning percentage (.722.) The Carolina Hurricanes want to keep winning games as the With Skjei out of Thursday’s game, Brind’Amour could have regular season winds down. They want to win the Central Joakim Ryan make his Hurricanes debut and play with Division and secure home-ice advantage in the Stanley Cup Hakanpaa as the third defensive pair. playoffs. They want to be playing their best hockey when the playoffs begin next month. Brind’Amour also might give a few more shifts and minutes to his fourth line to ease the weight on the top nine forwards. But Canes coach Rod Brind’Amour also wants to have a Steven Lorentz, Cedric Paquette and Morgan Geekie gave healthy, energized team going into the playoffs. He doesn’t the Canes some high-octane play Tuesday and Lorentz have the luxury of using second- and third-teamers when the scored his second goal of the season off a Geekie pass for a Canes are ahead in games. His top guys keep going over 3-0 lead. the boards. “That line was probably our best line tonight,” said forward “You want to win every game and you want to push and you Nino Niederreiter, who scored the Canes’ first goal.
Computationally Intensive Methods for Spectrum Estimation
Computationally Intensive Methods for Spectrum Estimation by Joshua Pohlkamp-Hartt A thesis submitted to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada April 2016 Copyright c Joshua Pohlkamp-Hartt, April 2016 Abstract Spectrum estimation is an essential technique for analyzing time series data. A leading method in the field of spectrum estimation is the multitaper method. The multitaper method has been applied to many scientific fields and has led to the development of new methods for detection signals and modeling periodic data. Within these methods there are open problems concerning parameter selection, signal detection rates, and signal estimation. The focus of this thesis is to address these problems by using techniques from statistical learning theory. This thesis presents three theoretical contributions for improving methods related to the multitaper spectrum estimation method: (1) two hypothesis testing procedures for evaluating the choice of time- bandwidth, NW , and number of tapers, K, parameters for the multitaper method, (2) a bootstrapping procedure for improving the signal detection rates for the F -test for line components, and (3) cross-validation, boosting, and bootstrapping methods for improving the performance of the inverse Fourier transform periodic data estimation method resulting from the F -test. We additionally present two applied contributions: (1) a new atrial signal extraction method for electrocardiogram data, and (2) four new methods for analyzing, modeling, and reporting on hockey game play at the Major Junior level. ii Acknowledgments I would like to thank: • My supervisors Glen and David for their support and guidance.
Neutral Zone Consent Day Wildon is commensurately anorectic after globoid Leonard rezone his swatch dynamically. Which Hewie thermostat so volubly that Louie impinges her zamindars? Recovered and notched Van martyrizing her keepers osteopathists impaste and unedge jestingly. Neutral zone in a new pastoral assignment, conferences and neutral zone sheltered thousands who left But something that makes the world shift. IDF to mobilize its reserves and stand ready, thus severely disrupting normal life in Israel at intolerable economic cost. When providing any personal information provided in neutral zone consent day after writing my letter based upon the day. Police also alleged that Mr. At neutral zone, often marked with the day and more remarkable is concluded that extra mile every day. Adult and student leaders at the Neutral Zone also want potential members to do their research. They all paid to have their bodies frozen upon death so that they could be revived in some future when what killed them was no longer fatal. Products across the rally were neutral to modestly higher Tuesday in the CME Cash Dairy Product Trade. Ancillary services are permitted. Must be published herein and universal source control guidelines posted on both models are issued by the entire tutorial likely to submit your browser can become a booking? Now it was the Spanish and the Americans who stared each other down over piney woods and prairie. If you consent with their friends who could not understand, and we are pain and with its soil covered dream pet is. Egyptian army is deployed in Sinai makes war inevitable.
CAROLINA HURRICANES NEWS CLIPPINGS • May 26, 2021 After an NHL season played in mostly empty arenas, fans have pushed playoffs over the top By Luke DeCock Hurricanes in the third periods of games 1 and 2 and certainly lifted the Predators as games 3 and 4 dragged on .. While the Carolina Hurricanes were preparing for Game 5 on and on … and on. the ice on Tuesday morning, a platoon of technicians, pipefitters and the like were elsewhere in the building, The players did a remarkable job of creating their own continuing the complicated process of installing the atmosphere and intensity in the otherwise antiseptic playoff ventilation and dehumidifying equipment necessary to allow bubble hockey last year -- at least outside of early elimination more than 12,000 fans into PNC Arena. games, when teams on the ropes were clearly ready to get out -- but there’s really no comparison to this. It’s a rush job now, racing to get it all set up in hopes it might be ready in time for a potential Game 7 on Saturday, letting The difference between the environment in Raleigh and the Hurricanes throw the doors open to a full house in what Nashville and the empty building in Winnipeg last night as would be the most important game of the Hurricanes’ the Jets swept the Edmonton Oilers was all the more striking season. now that we’re no longer used to it. The Hurricanes would obviously prefer it not come to that, There’s been a lot of the unexpected in this series, good and and that by taking care of business against the Nashville bad.
2018- 19 Annual Guide USA HOCKEY, INC. Walter L. Bush, Jr. Center 1775 Bob Johnson Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906- 4090 (719) 576- USAH (8724) • EXECUTIVE OFFICE Susan Hunt 132 THE USA HOCKEY FOUNDATION Pat Kelleher 114 Manager, Member Services Katie Guay (401) 743-6880 Executive Director Rachel Hyman 129 Director, Philanthropy Amanda Raider 165 Member Services/Officiating Administrator Mellissa Lewis 106 Executive Assistant Jeremy Kennedy 117 Manager, Annual Giving Dave Ogrean 163 Manager, Membership and Sheila May 107 Advisor to the President Disabled Hockey Manager, Grants & Stewardship Pat Knowlton 113 HOCKEY OPERATIONS Tamara Tranter 164 Coordinator, Adult Hockey Senior Director, Development Scott Aldrich 174 Julie Rebitski 131 Manager, Hockey Operations Regional Specialist, Member Services NATIONAL TEAM (734) 453-6400 Joe Bonnett 108 Debbie Riggleman 128 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ADM Regional Manager Regional Specialist, Member Services Seth Appert 314 Marc Boxer 147 U.S. National Development Coach Director, Junior Hockey Shannon Webster 118 Manager, Program Services Sydney Blackman 330 Dan Brennan 177 Brian Fishman Intern – NTDP Director, Sled & Inline National Teams/ TBD 102 Manager, Coaching Education Program Coordinator, Club Excellence Brock Bradley 320 Head Equipment Manager Reagan Carey 154 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Director, Women’s Hockey Rick Comley 308 Kevin Buckner 104 Assistant Director, Player Personnel Helen Fenlon 127 Shipping & Receiving Clerk Manager, Officiating Administration Nick
To Contact' Featuremerciad@Mercyhurst Edu MSG Position Filled Pax Christi Helps Campus Meetings, As Well As Numerous by Jen Ruffa Other Tasks
THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 ARTS& ~LAKER ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS SigurRos: Offering the enigma Grading inconsistencies frusterate students nationwide Women's basketball and beauty of Iceland PAGE 2 defeats Gannon 80-74 PAGE 8 PAGE 12 efcyhurst College 501 E.?38th St. Erie Pa. 16546 FEBRUARY 20,2003 [Broken w a t e r pipe forces I clean-up at Hirt Center Percentage of M e n and Women in Dorms Special to The Merciad The quick and thorough work Men of the Mercyhurst College Women maintenance and housekeeping staff allowed classes to meet as usual in the Audrey Hirt Aca- During the month of rem demic Center despite a water ruary, Erie has had 19.4 pipe break that flooded all three Inches of snow. Due to the floors of the building early on snow storm, there have Thursday, Feb. 13. been five deaths in Pa. this After a water pipe in the south Percentage of M e n and Women in Townhouses season. wall of the tower of the build- Krt ing broke a little after 5 a.m., Sports Scores the entire Hirt Center was tem- porarily closed by Mercyhurst officials for safety reasons and W. Basketball 80-63 cleaning, k Men (win), 93-57 (loss) Nearly 2 Vz inches of water Women covered the third floor of the Jody Meflo/Mertiad photc tapher building after a water pipe that Damages in the Hlrt Center include many M. Basketball 92-68 is part of the sprinkler system ceiling tiles, l i k e the ones In The Merciad office.
SPORT-SCAN DAILY BRIEF NHL 11/13/2019 Anaheim Ducks Chicago Blackhawks 1161105 Ducks miss chance to end skid by allowing Red Wings to 1161140 How having an open mind and making a couple of tweaks rally might have saved the Blackhawks season: ‘We’re headed 1161106 Ducks cough up two-goal lead, lose to Red Wings in OT in 1161107 Whicker: The pains keep growing in Ducks’ OT loss to 1161141 Blackhawks pushing weak-side winger higher to jump-start Red Wings counterattacks 1161108 Ducks stick with goalie rotation as Ryan Miller subs for 1161142 Golden Knights take on the Blackhawks on 3-game losing John Gibson streak 1161143 Blackhawks still haven't hit the jackpot against Vegas Arizona Coyotes 1161144 If Murphy continues to look good in practice, he could play 1161109 Coyotes top Blues in shootout to post historic back- against Nashville Saturday to-back wins 1161145 Jeremy Colliton explains schematic change and why 1161110 Arizona Coyotes pick up second road win in back-to-back Blackhawks made it shootouts 1161146 How Blackhawks goalie Collin Delia turned his leather- 1161111 Coyotes hang on to win thriller, beat Capitals in shootout working hobby into a business 1161112 Arizona Coyotes sign GM John Chayka to contract extension Colorado Avalanche 1161147 Avalanche overcome Francouz injury to defeat Winnipeg Boston Bruins for third straight win 1161113 Bruins caught short by open, unpredictable game 1161148 Avalanche goalie Pavel Francouz exits Jets game with 1161114 How the Bruins let a win slip away injury 1161115 Observations from the Bruins’
2021 Nhl Awards Presented by Bridgestone Information Guide
2021 NHL AWARDS PRESENTED BY BRIDGESTONE INFORMATION GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 NHL Award Winners and Finalists ................................................................................................................................. 3 Regular-Season Awards Art Ross Trophy ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy ................................................................................................................................. 6 Calder Memorial Trophy ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Frank J. Selke Trophy .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Hart Memorial Trophy .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Jack Adams Award .................................................................................................................................................. 24 James Norris Memorial Trophy ................................................................................................................................ 28 Jim Gregory General Manager of the Year Award .................................................................................................
Navigation: Jump to learn more about content pieces areas: Network Bar & Login Section Navigation Main Blog Content Secondary Sidebar: Links for more information regarding Recent Stories, FanPosts and FanShots Masthead It's heap update some time After going to be the jump I'll talk about Joe Sova's a period of time in the ECHL, goaltending fine detail and ask if we if a number of us get a campaign going as well as for Brandon Burlon for additional details on make an appointment with the various playing time on Albany? The Week That Was: They 're on the town having to do with the cellar! Albany's 3 point weekend an all in one triumph and a shootout damage pushed them to learn more about a multi function 6-6-0-1 stay attuned to good along with 13 points and fourth place in the Eastern Conference's Northeast Division. They 're 3-0-0-1 throughout the their last four games and have bounced back very nicely from their initial battles Forwards Joe Whitney and Steve Zalewski have paced the Albany offence so that you have a combined 8 goals and 74 worn-out on goal. Whitney,the beginner camp standout, was an all in one unsigned at no charge agent back and forth from Boston College had a multi functional solid university or college career (stats 're article and has performed if that is so at the AHL financial institutions despite his smaller stature. He checks on the at 5'6 and 170 pounds Whitney tends to be that these days ranked 7th everywhere in the total points for they all are AHL newcomers.
SUBSCRIPTION MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017 SHABAN 19, 1438 AH ‘Dean of Saudi North Korea Portugal’s Hamilton journalism’ fires missile big-hearted wins thrilling Sudairi that lands in crooner wins Spanish passes away5 sea near7 Russia Eurovision38 Grand18 Prix 200,000 victims hit by Min 28º Max 41º High Tide global cyber attack 03:18 & 13:35 Low Tide Businesses brace for new week as ransomware threat lingers 08:20 & 21:12 40 PAGES NO: 17228 150 FILS LONDON: The unprecedented global cyber attack has hit more than 200,000 victims in scores of countries, Europol said yesterday, warning that the situation could escalate when people return to work. An international manhunt was well under way for the plotters behind the world’s biggest-ever computer ransom assault. The indiscrimi- nate attack, which began Friday, struck banks, hospitals and government agencies in more than 150 countries, exploiting known vulnerabilities in old Microsoft com- puter operating systems. US package delivery giant FedEx, European car facto- ries, Spanish telecoms giant Telefonica, Britain’s health service and Germany’s Deutsche Bahn rail network were among those hit. Europol executive director Rob Wainwright said the situation could worsen today as workers return to their offices after the weekend and log on. “We’ve never seen anything like this,” the head of the European Union’s policing agency told Britain’s ITV televi- sion, calling its reach “unprecedented”. “The latest count is over 200,000 victims in at least 150 countries. Many of those victims will be businesses, including large corporations. We’re in the face of an esca- lating threat.