Soliton Molecules, Rational Positon Solution and Rogue Waves for the Extended Complex Modi Ed Kdv Equation
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Soliton Molecules, Rational Positon Solution and Rogue Waves for the Extended Complex Modi ed KdV Equation
Lin Huang Hangzhou Dianzi University Nannan Lv ( [email protected] ) Hangzhou Dianzi University School of Science
Research Article
Keywords: Darboux transformation, Soliton molecule, Positon solution, Rational positon solution, Rogue waves solution
Posted Date: May 11th, 2021
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read Full License
Version of Record: A version of this preprint was published at Nonlinear Dynamics on August 5th, 2021. See the published version at Soliton molecules, rational positons and rogue waves for the extended complex modified KdV equation
Lin Huang ∗and Nannan Lv†
School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310018 Zhejiang, China.
May 6, 2021
Abstract We consider the integrable extended complex modified Korteweg–de Vries equation, which is generalized modified KdV equation. The first part of the article considers the construction of solutions via the Darboux transformation. We obtain some exact solutions, such as soliton molecules, positon solutions, rational positon solutions, and rogue waves solutions. The second part of the article analyzes the dynamics of rogue waves. By means of the numerical analysis, under the standard decomposition, we divide the rogue waves into three patterns: fundamental pattern, triangular pattern and ring pattern. For the fundamental pattern, we define the length and width of the rogue waves and discuss the effect of different parameters on rogue waves.
Keywords: Darboux transformation, Soliton molecule, Positon solution, Rational positon so- lution, Rogue waves solution.
1 Introduction
It is well-known that the integrable partial differential equations(PDEs) are integral part of modern mathematical and theoretical physics with far-reaching implications from pure mathe- matics to the applied sciences. Integrable equations have many useful properties: such as Lax pairs, Hamilton structure, conservation laws, exact solutions, and so on. Many phenomena in science can be described by integrable equations, so for an integrable equation, it is important to find their exact solutions. At present, there are many methods to find the exact solutionof the equation, such as Lie group [4], the Darboux transformation (DT) [10, 24, 28], the Hirota bilinear method [11], Bäcklund transformation [23], algebraic geometry method [3], and the famous inverse scattering transformation [1, 2], etc. The Darboux transformation is a powerful method to construct solutions for integrable PDEs. In particular, the well-known soliton solution appearing in many physical motivated PDEs like the NLS equation, complex modified KdV equation can be computed thereby. In 2012, Ling, Guo et al obtain that the so-called rogue waves solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation by the generalized Darboux transformation [7]. The concept of rogue waves originated from oceanography [15]. Oceanic rogue waves are surface gravity waves which height is much larger than expected for the sea state. The common operational definition requires them to be at least twice as large as the significant wave height. At first, people did not understand the mechanism of this phenomenon, but with the development of science and technology, some ocean probes observed this phenomenon. For example, the shape of large surface waves on the open sea and the Draupner new year wave [29]. Now rogue waves have been proposed in many fields, such as
∗[email protected] †Corresponding author: [email protected]
1 Nonlinear optics [27], Finance [32], Bose-Einstein condensates [12], plasmas [25], etc. For the more research on rogue waves, please refer to monograph [9] and its references. Recently, so-called soliton molecules were obtained in optical experiments and attracted people’s attention. Whereafter, the scientists have discovered soliton molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates [21], Few-cycle mode-locked laser [13], etc. In 2020, Lou presented a velocity reso- nance mechanism and theoretically obtained soliton molecules of integrable systems and asym- metric solitons three-dimensional fluid system18 [ ]. The classical complex modified Korteweg–de Vries (cmKdV) equations can be written as
2 qt + α(qxxx + 6 q qx) = 0, (1) | | where q = q(t,x) is a complex function. The cmKdV equation has many applications in science. For example, the cmKdV equation has been proposed as a model for nonlinear evolution of plasma waves [16], it has been derived to describe the propagation of transverse waves in a molecular chain model [8] and in a generalized elastic solid [5, 6]. In [14], He et al constructed a generalized Darboux transformation for the cmKdV equation which obtain the rogue waves solution and analyze the dynamic of rogue waves. The soliton molecules for the cmKdV equation considered in [33]. In this paper, we investigate an extended complex modified Korteweg–de Vries (ecmKdV) equation, which takes the form
2 4 2 qt+α(qxxx+6 q qx)+β[ 30 q qx 10q q∗ 20q∗qxqxx 10q(q∗qxx+qxq∗ +q∗qxxx) qxxxxx)] = 0, | | − | | − x x− − x xx − (2) where α 1 and β 1 stand for the third-order and fifth-order dispersion coefficients matching ≪ ≪ with the relevant nonlinear terms, respectively. If we take the β = 0, the Eq.(2) reduce to cmKdV equation (1). If we use β instead of β and take the q(x,t) is real function in ecmKdV equation − (2), the ecmKdV equation can be reduced to the following equation
2 4 3 2 qt + α(qxxx + 6q qx)+ β(30q qx + 10qx + 40qqxqxx + 10q qxxx + qxxxxx) = 0. (3)
Wazwaz and Xu [30] have considered the Painlevé test and multi-soliton solutions via the sim- plified Hirota’direct method for Eq.(3). The conservation laws, Darboux transformation and periodic solutions obtained in [31]. The soliton molecules of the Eq.(3) are obtained in [26]. The long time asymptotic for the equation (3) with initial data or initial-boundary values are considered in [19,20]. In [17], the authors have obtained the explicit solitons and breather solu- tions for the equation (3) by the Riemann-Hilbert method. Our aim is to construct the exact solutions for Eq.(2) through the Darboux transformation technique in this paper. Our manuscript is organized as follows: In Section 2, we introduce the Lax pair and the Darboux transformation for Eq.(2). In Section 3, we obtain soliton molecules, positon solutions of Eq.(2) from seed solution q = 0. In Section 4, we obtain rational positon solutions of Eq.(2) from nonzero seed solution q = c. In particular, we construct the higher order rogue waves solutions from a periodic seed with constant amplitude and analyze their structures in detail by choosing suitable system parameters in Section 5. We give the conclusions in Section 6.
2 Lax pair and Darboux transformation
2.1 Lax pair
Introducing r = q∗, Eq.(2) can be rewrite as follows,
2 2 2 qt +α(qxxx +6qrqx)+β[ 30q r qx 10q rx 20rqxqxx 10q(rxqxx +qxrxx +rqxxx) qxxxxx] = 0. − − x − − − According to the AKNS method [1], we obtain the Lax pair corresponding to Eq.(2),
ψx = Mψ, ψt = Wψ, (4)
2 where
5 4 3 2 W = W5λ + W4λ + W3λ + W2λ + W1λ + W0,
ϕ1 λ q 16β 0 0 16βq w11 w12 ψ = ,M = − ,W5 = − ,W4 = ,W0 = , ϕ r λ 0 16β 16βr 0 w w 2 − − 21 22 2 4α 8βqr 8βqx β(4rqx 4qrx) 4αq 4β( 2q r qxx) W3 = − − ,W2 = − 2 − − − − , 8βrx 4α + 8βqr 4αr + 4β( 2qr rxx) β(4qrx 4rqx) − − − − − 2 2 2αqr + β( 6q r + 2qxrx 2rqxx 2qrxx) 2αqx 2β(6qrqx + qxxx) W1 = − − − −2 2 , 2αrx 2β(6qrrx + rxxx) 2αqr β( 6q r + 2qxrx 2rqxx 2qrxx) − − − − − − 2 2 w = α(rqx qrx)+ β[6qr qx rx(6q r + qxx)+ qxrxx + rqxxx qrxxx], 11 − − − − 2 3 2 2 2 w = 2αq r αqxx + β(6q r + 6rq + 4qqxrx + 8qrqxx + 2q rxx + qxxxx), 12 − − x 2 2 3 2 2 w = 2αqr + αrxx β(6q r + 6qr + 4rqxrx + 8qrrxx + 2r qxx + rxxxx), 21 − x 2 2 w = α(rqx qrx) β[6qr qx rx(6q r + qxx)+ qxrxx + rqxxx qrxxx]. 22 − − − − Taking r = q , if we consider the compatibility condition Mt Wx +[M,W ] = 0, one can yield ∗ − ecmKdV equation (2).
2.2 Darboux transformation In order to obtain the exact solutions of the ecmKdV equation, we will construct the n fold [1] − Darboux transformation. First, we consider onefold Darboux transformation ψ = T1ψ,
[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] ψx = M ψ , ψt = W ψ , (5) M [1],W [1] and M,W have the same structure except that q and r are converted to q[1] and r[1]. We assume the oneflod Darboux transformation a b a b T = T (λ)= 1 1 λ + 0 0 , (6) 1 1 c d c d 1 1 0 0 where ai,bi,ci,di,i = 0, 1 are functions of x,t. Combining Eq.(4) and Eq.(5), it’s easy to get [1] [1] Tx + TM = M T, Tt + TW = W T. (7)
Substituting Eq.(6) into Eq.(7) and comparing the coefficient of λj,j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we obtain b1 = c1 = 0,a1,x = a1,t = d1,x = d1,t = 0,
[1] [1] q d1 = qa1 + 2b0, r a1 = rd1 + 2c0
Therefore, a1 and c1 are constants and we take their value as 1 for the convenience of calculation. It is not difficult to find that if the eigenfunction ψj corresponding to the eigenvalue λj satisfies Eq.(4), then the eigenfunction ψ′ corresponding to λ satisfies Eq.(4). Here j − j∗ ϕ ψ = j1 , ϕ = ϕ (x,t,λ ), ϕ = ϕ (x,t,λ ), j ϕ j1 1 j j2 2 j j2 ϕ∗ ψ′ = j2 , ϕ = ϕ (x,t,λ ), ϕ = ϕ (x,t,λ ). j ϕ j∗2 2 j∗ j∗1 1 j∗ − j∗1 In the following discussion and calculations, set
λ2j = λ2∗j 1, ϕ2j,1 = ϕ2∗j 1,2(λ2j 1), ϕ2j,2 = ϕ2∗j 1,1(λ2j 1), (j = 1, 2,...,n). − − − − − − − For the onefold DT, 1 0 a b T = T (λ)= λ + 0 0 (8) 1 1 0 1 c d 0 0 by using the property of Darboux transformation, i.e., T (λ; λj) λ λ ψj = 0,j = 1, 2, we can 1 | = j calculate a0,b0,c0,d0. So we have the following theorem,
3 Theorem 2.1 The onefold Darboux transformation with eigenvalue λ1
1 λ1ϕ11 ϕ12 1 ϕ11 λ1ϕ11 λ Ω Ω − λ2ϕ21 ϕ22 − ϕ21 λ2ϕ21 T1(λ; λ1)= , 1 λ 1ϕ12 ϕ12 1 ϕ11 λ1ϕ12 Ω λ Ω − λ 2ϕ22 ϕ22 − ϕ21 λ2ϕ22 new solutions 2 ϕ λ ϕ 2 λ ϕ ϕ q[1] = q 11 1 11 , r[1] = r 1 12 12 , − Ω ϕ21 λ2ϕ21 − Ω λ2ϕ22 ϕ22
with ϕ ϕ Ω= 11 12 . ϕ ϕ 21 22
According to the form of T1 in Eq.(8), the n-fold DT should be of the form
n 1 n − i Tn = Tn(λ; λ1,λ3,...,λ2n 1)= Eλ + Piλ (9) − i X=0 with 1 0 a b E = ,P = i i 0 1 i c d . i i Theorem 2.2 If the function q(x,t) is a solution of ecmKdV equation (2), then q[n] is new solution of (2) which defined by following,
N n q[n] = q + 2 2 , (10) W2n and (T2n)11 (T2n)12 W2n W2n Tn = Tn(λ; λ1,λ2,...,λ2n)= , (T2n)21 (T2n)22 W2n W2n with n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 λ1− ϕ11 λ1− ϕ12 λ1− ϕ11 λ1− ϕ12 ϕ11 ϕ12 n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 ··· λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 2 21 2 22 2 21 2 22 ··· 21 22 W2n = ...... , ...... n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, ϕ n, ϕ n, 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 ··· 2 1 2 2 n n 1 n 2 n 2 λ1 ϕ11 λ1− ϕ11 λ1− ϕ11 λ1− ϕ12 ϕ11 ϕ12 n n 1 n 2 n 2 ··· λ ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 2 21 2 21 2 21 2 22 ··· 21 22 N2n = ...... , ...... n n 1 n 2 n 2 λ ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, ϕ n, ϕ n, 2n 2 1 2n 2 1 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 ··· 2 1 2 2 n n 1 n 2 λ λ − 0 λ − 0 1 0 n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 ··· λ ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 1 11 1 11 1 12 1 11 1 12 ··· 11 12 λnϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ (T2n)11 = 2 21 2− 21 2− 22 2− 21 2− 22 21 22 , . . . . . ···...... n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 λ ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, ϕ n, ϕ n, 2n 2 1 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 ··· 2 1 2 2 n 1 0 0 λ − 0 λn 2 0 1 n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2− ··· λ ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 1 11 1 11 1 12 1 11 1 12 ··· 11 12 λnϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ (T2n)12 = 2 21 2− 21 2− 22 2− 21 2− 22 21 22 , . . . . . ···......
λn ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ 2n 2n,1 2n− 2n,1 2n− 2n,2 2n− 2n,1 2n− 2n,2 2n,1 2n,2 ···
4 n 1 n 2 0 λ − 0 λ − 0 1 0 n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 ··· λ ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 1 12 1 11 1 12 1 11 1 12 ··· 11 12 λnϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ (T2n)21 = 2 22 2− 21 2− 22 2− 21 2− 22 21 22 , . . . . . ···...... n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 λ ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, λ − ϕ n, ϕ n, ϕ n, 2n 2 2 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 2n 2 1 2n 2 2 ··· 2 1 2 2 n n 1 n 2 λ 0 λ − 0 λ − 0 1 n n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 ··· λ ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ λ − ϕ ϕ ϕ 1 12 1 11 1 12 1 11 1 12 ··· 11 12 λnϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ (T2n)22 = 2 22 2− 21 2− 22 2− 21 2− 22 21 22 ...... ···......
λn ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 1ϕ λn 2ϕ λn 2ϕ ϕ ϕ 2n 2n,2 2n− 2n,1 2n− 2n,2 2n− 2n,1 2n− 2n,2 2n,1 2n,2 ···
Proof Combining Eq.(9) with the properties of Darboux transformation Tn(λ; λ ,λ ,...,λ n ) λ λ ψk = 1 2 2 | = k 0,k = 1, 2,..., 2n, the Pi are solved by Cramer’s rule. According to
[n] [n] Tx + TM = M T, Tt + TW = W T, and then comparing the coefficients of λn+1, it yields Eq.(10).
3 Zero seed solution
Taking the seed solution q = r∗ = 0, the spectral problem (4) reduces to
′ ′ ψx = M ψ, ψt = W ψ, where 1 0 16β 0 4α 0 M ′ = − λ, W ′ = − λ5 + − λ3. 0 1 0 16β 0 4α − By the simple calculation, the eigenfunctions corresponding to eigenvalue λ2j 1 are given by the − following, 5 3 λ2j 1x+( 16βλ2j 1+4αλ2j 1)t ζ ϕ2j 1,1 e− − − − − − − = 5 3 , j = 1, 2,...,n, (11) λ2j 1x+(16βλ j 4αλ j )t+ζ ϕ2j 1,2 e − 2 1− 2 1 − − − ! where ζ is a real constant.
3.1 Soliton molecules In this subsection, we will consider soliton molecules of (2). Let n = 1,ζ = 0, and λ = ̸ 1 a1 + ib1, 2 2 2 ζ q1 s = 4a1 sech (2a1(H )). (12) | − | − a1 with H = 16 β ta 4 + 160 β ta 2b 2 80 β tb 4 + 4 αta 2 12 αtb 2 x, (13) − 1 1 1 − 1 1 − 1 − It is easy to see that the interactions between l solitons and m molecules consisting of two same solitons when Eq.(10) satisfies the following resonance conditions from the expression of H,
λ1 = λ3,λ5 = λ7,...,λ4m 3 = λ4m 1, n = 2m + l, − − − − − The collision process of two soliton molecules consisting of two same solitons are shown in Figure 1 (b). To find a molecule consisting of n solitons, the parameters in Eq.(10) are selected as follows:
4 2 2 2 4 2 16βa2j 1 + 160βa2j 1b2j 1 + 4αa2j 1 80βb2j 1 12αb2j 1 = v0, (14) − − − − − − − − −
5 λ1 = λ3... = λ2n 1,j = 1, 2,...,n. In addition, if we want to make the distance between two ̸ ̸ − adjacent solitons in the molecule equal, then the constraint condition needs to add one more bases on Eq.(14): ζ ζ = d0, (15) a2j+1 − a2j 1 − where v0 and d0 are real constants. Figure 1 (c) and (d) show the molecule consisting of 3 solitons under condition (14) and (15). If we take α = 1,β = 0, then the soliton molecules (12) reduced to the case of complex modified KdV equation as shown in[33].
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 1 1 Figure 1: α = β = , (a) Soliton molecule consisting of two same solitons with λ1=-λ3 = + i, ζ = 5. (b) Elastic 2 − 3 3 1 √6 1 √3 interaction property between two soliton molecules with λ1 = λ3 = + i,λ5=-λ7 = + i, ζ = 10. Soliton − 2 6 3 18 1 1 √10 3 √195 20√71 molecules consisting of three solitons with λ1 = 2 + 2 i,λ5 = 1+ 10 i, ζ = 50. (c) λ3 = 4 + −20 i, (d) λ3 = 2 √1330 10√12209 3 + −60 i.
3.2 Positon solutions In this subsection, we will construct the n positon solutions of the ecmKdV equation. Taking − [n] 0 seed solution q = 0, it is trivial to see in Eq.(10) that q becomes when λ2j 1 λ1,i = 0 − → 2, 3,...,n. In general, we get a degenerate n-fold DT for the ecmKdV by setting λ2j 1 = λ1 + ϵ. − Taking ζ = 0 and substituting ψj difined by Eq.(11) into degenerate n-fold DT, we obtain smooth positon solutions of the ecmKdV using the higher order Taylor expansion with λ2j 1 = λ1 + ϵ. −
Proposition 3.1 The n fold DT in the degenerate limit λ2j 1 λ1 generates (n 1)-positon − − → − solution of the ecmKdV equation, which is given by
′ [n] N2n q (x,t; λ1)= q + 2 , ′ W2n with
∂ni 1 ∂ni 1 ′ − ′ − N2n = (N2n)ij(λ1 + ϵ) , W2n = (W2n)ij(λ1 + ϵ) . ∂ϵni 1 ∂ϵni 1 − ϵ=0 − ϵ=0
i+1 Here ni =[ 2 ] , [x] denotes the floor function of x which is the function that takes as input a real number x, and gives as output the greatest integer less than or equal to x.
If we take n = 2 in Proposition 3.1, one can obtain the explicit expression of 1-positon solution,
B 5 2 3 3 4 2 1 32 iβ tb1 +320 iβ ta1 b1 8 iαtb1 160 iβ ta1 b1+24 iαta1 b1 2 ixb1 q1 p = a1e− − − − , − −B2
6 with
B = (16 + 10240 itb 3a 2β 10240 iβ ta 4b + 768 itb a 2α) cosh(2a H) + (2560 β ta 5 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 15360 β ta 3b 2 + 2560 β ta b 4 384 αta 3 + 384 αta b 2 + 32 xa ) sinh(2a H), − 1 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 8 2 2 6 4 2 4 6 2 2 8 B2 = 102400 β a1 + 409600 β a1 b1 + 614400 β a1 b1 + 409600 β a1 b1 + 102400 β a1 b1 30720 αβa 8 30720 αβa 6b 2 + 30720 αβa 4b 4 + 30720 αβa 2b 6 + 2304 α2a 6 − 1 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 4608 α2a 4b 2 + 2304 α2a 2b 4 t2 + 2560 β xa 6 15360 β xa 4b 2 + 2560 β xa 2b 4 1 1 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 1 384 αxa 4 + 384 αxa 2b 2 t + 16 x2a 2 + 2 + 2 cosh (4a H). − 1 1 1 1 1 The 1-positon, 2-positon, and 3-positon solution are plotted in Figure 2.
(a) (b) (c)
2 Figure 2: Positon solutions with α = β =0.5,a1 =0.65,b1 =0.1, ζ =0. From a to d are plots of 1-positon solution q1 p , 2 2 | − | 2-positon solution q2 p and 3-positon solution q3 p . | − | | − |
4 Rational positon solutions
In this section, we consider non-zero seed solution,
q = ceiρ, (16) ρ = ax + bt, b = β(a5 20a3c2 + 30ac4)+ α(a3 6ac2), − − where a,b,c are real constants. By using the principle of superposition of the linear differential equations, the new eigenfunctions corresponding to λj can be rewritten as
Z1 Z2 2λj i(a+2c1) Z2 2λj i(a 2c1) Z1 ϕj1 z1e + z2e + z1∗ − −2c e + z2∗ − −2c − e ψj = = 2λ +i(a+2c ) 2λ +i(a 2c ) (17) ϕ Z1 Z2 j 1 Z2 j 1 Z1 j2 z∗e− z∗e− + z1 e− + z2 − e− ! − 1 − 2 2c 2c where a b a b Z = i[( + c )x +( + 2c c )t], Z = i[( c )x +( 2c c )t], 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 − 1 2 − 1 2
1 2 2 2 c = a 4λ + 4c 4iaλj, 1 2 − j − q 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 4 a 2 2 c = β[8λ 4iaλ +(4c 2a )λ +iaλj(a 6c )+ a 6a c +3c ]+α( c 2λ +iaλj). 2 j − j − j − 2 − 2 − − j where z1, z2 are arbitrary complex constants.
7 Proposition 4.1 Suppose that the eigenfunction obtained by the n-fold Darboux transformation degenerates at the eigenvalue λ0, when λ2j 1 λ0, the degenerate n-fold Darboux transformation − → produces new solution ′ [n] N2n q (x,t; λ0)= q + 2 , (18) ′ W2n where ∂ni ∂ni ′ ′ N2n = (N2n)ij(λ0 + ϵ) , W2n = (W2n)ij(λ0 + ϵ) . ∂ϵni ∂ϵni ϵ=0 ϵ=0
i+1 Here ni =[ 2 ]. [x] denotes the floor function.
When we set z1 = cd1, z2 = 0, the equation (17) can be rewritten as,
a b a b i[( 2 +c1)x+( 2 +2c1c2)t] a i[( 2 +c1)x+( 2 +2c1c2)t] cd1e id2( 2 iλj + c1)e− − − ψj = a − b − a b (19) a i[( +c1)x+( +2c1c2)t] i[( +c1)x+( +2c1c2)t] id1( iλj + c1)e − 2 − 2 cd2e− 2 2 ,! 2 − − where 2 n 1 2 n 1 ic1(s0+s1ϵ+s2ϵ + +sn 1ϵ − ) ic1(s0+s1ϵ+s2ϵ + +sn 1ϵ − ) d1 = e ··· − , d2 = e− ··· − si C(i = 0, 1, 2,...,n 1),a,b,c R. It is easy to verify that the eigenfunctions degenerate at ∈ − ∈ λ0 = c, i.e., ϕj(λ0) = 0 in the case of a = 0. Combining the Proposition 4.1, we find that the rational positon solutions when we set si = 0,i = 0, 1,..,n 1, − L1 1 2L2 q1 r = c 2c − , q2 r = c + , − − L1 + 1 − L3
The expressions of L1,L2 and L3 are given in the Appendix A. Figure 3 shows the second-order rational positon solution q2 r and its density plot. | − |
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: (a)(c) Second-order rational positon solution q2 r with c =0.5,α =0.8,β =0.2. (b) The density plot of q2 r . | − | | − |
5 Rogue waves solution and their dynamic analysis
In this section, starting with
q = ceiρ, ρ = ax + bt, where b = β(a5 20a3c2 + 30ac4)+ α(a3 6ac2),a,b,c R,a,c = 0. − − ∈ ̸
8 It can easily be verified that the eigenfunctions are defined in(19) degenerate at λ = i a + c. 0 − 2 Combining Proposition 4.1, we obtain the expression of the n-order RWs q[n]. Due to the length and complexity of higher order RWs, we only give the explicit expression of the first-order RWs, 3 2 4 2 [1] ia[x+(a4β 20a2c2β+30c4β+a2α 6αc2)t] A1 160ia βc t + 480iaβc t 48iaαc t + 3 q = ce − − − − − , A1 + 1 where A1 is given in Appendix B. Through simple calculations, we find that q[1] 2 = c2 when x ,t and q[1] 2 9c2. | | → ∞ → ∞ | | ≤ It is not difficult to find that the selection of parameters d ,d or equivalent to si,i = 0, 1,...,n 1 1 2 − will produce different types of RW. We assume α = β = 0.5 for the convenience of discussion. Next, Let’s discuss the first-order to fifth-order RW because of the complexity of higher-order RW.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 4: Fundamental patterns of the RW. α = β = 0.5,c = 1,si = 0,i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. From (a) to (e) are first- order RW q[1] 2, second-order RW q[2] 2, third-order RW q[3] 2, fourth-order RW q[4] 2, and fifth-order RW q[5] 2 with a =0.65, 0.|7, 0.|7, 0.7, 0.7. | | | | | | | |
[1] 2 [5] 2 Setting si = 0,i = 0, 1,...,n 1, from the first-order RW q to fifth-order RW q in − | | | | Figure 4, it’s clearly see that the n-order RW q[n] 2 takes the maximum value at (x,t) = (0, 0), | | and there are n peaks on each side of t = 0(n> 1). We call it the fundamental pattern of RW. Next, We analyze the contour line of the q[1] 2 at different heights. First, Let’s fix the valueof | | c and assume c = 1, 1. At hight c2, the expression of contour line is 4 x2 + 20 a4t 228 a2t + 96 t x + 25 a8t2 970 t2a6 + 5649 t2a4 5652 t2a2 + 576 t2 = 1. − − − It’s a hyperbola which has two asymptotes, (5a4 57a2 + 24) x = − (10a3 27a) t, − 2 ± − (5a4 57a2+24) major axist = 0, imaginary axis: l : x = − t. 3 − 2 2 2. At height c + 1,A2 = 0 which has two end points √7 √7(5a4 57a2 + 24) √7 √7(5a4 57a2 + 24) P =[ , − ],P =[ , − ]. 1 2a(10a2 27) − 4a(10a2 27) 2 −2a(10a2 27) 4a(10a2 27) − − − − 2 3. At height c ,A = 0, two centers of valleys P = (0, √3 ), P = (0, √3 ). 2 3 3 2c 4 − 2c [1] 2 A2,A3 are defined in Appendix B. Figure 5 (a) gives the densityplots of q . Figure 5 (b),(c) 2 | | and (d) show the contour of first-order RW q[1] 2 with h = c,c2 + 1, c . Similar to the idea of | | 2 length and width defined in [14], the distance between P1 and P2 is length of first-order RW, √ 7 2 dL = 1+ k a(10a2 27) l3 − q √7 = 25 a8 570 a6 + 3489 a4 2736 a2 + 580, (20) 2a(10 a2 27) − − − p 9 (a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5: α = β = 0.5,c = 1. (a)The density plot of the first-order RW q[1] 2 with a = 0.65. The blue point and green | | dashed line are the asymptote and imaginary axis of the contourline of q[1] 2 at height h = c2, From (b) to (d) are the 2 | | contourline of first-order RW q[1] 2 at height h = c2,c2 +1, c . a = 0.5(blue point), a = 0.65(red curve), a = 0.8(green | | 2 dotted line). (b) Two fixed points (0,0.5),(0,-0.5), (c) two fixed points (0,0.41), (0,-0.41), (d) four fixed points(0,0.58), (0,-0.58), (0,1.78), (0,-1.78).
the projection of line segment P3P4 in width direction is width of the first-order RW, √3 2√3 dW = = . (21) 1+ k2 √25 a8 570 a6 + 3489 a4 2736 a2 + 580 l3 − − q Figure 6 (b) shows the length and width of the first-order RW when c = 1. Combining Eq.(20) and Eq.(21), we can find that, 1. when 0 1.64, the length keeps increasing and the width keeps decreasing; 5. When a< 0, the length and width plots are symmetrical to the a> 0 plots. This is the first effect of a. In addition, we find that the RW rotates counterclockwise with the increase of a from the slope of the l3. This is the second effect of a.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: α = β =0.5. The plots of first-order RW q[1] 2 length (a) and width (c) at h = c2 +1. (b) The length(red curve) | | and width(green dashed line) of the first-order rogue waves q[1] 2 at hight c2 +1,c =1, length and width get the extreme | | value when a take 0.66, 3.31.
Continue the previous discussion and calculation ideas, when c = 1, the length and width of ̸ first-order RW, √ 2 8c 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 dcL = − 4 + (5a 60c a + 30c + 3a 6c ) , 2ac2(10a2 30c2 + 3) − − − p 10 √3 2√3 dcW = = . c 1+ k2 c 4 + (5a4 60c2a2 + 30c4 + 3a2 6c2)2 3c − − Figure 6 (a) and (c) showp the length andp width of first-order RW under different parameters a and c. Taking s 1,n 2,si = 0,i = 0, 2, 3...,n 1, the RW will appear similar to the triangle 1 ≫ ≥ − structure, we call it the triangular patterns. Figure 7 shows triangular patterns of RW from second-order to fifth-order. Setting sn 1 1,n 3,si = 0,i = 0, 1, 2, 3...,n 2, the RW will − ≫ ≥ − have a ring-like structure, we call it the ring pattern. Figure 8 shows ring patterns of RW from third-order to fifth-order.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
[2] 2 Figure 7: The triangular patterns of RW with α = β = 0.5,c = 1. (a) The density plot of q with a = 0.7,s0 = [3] 2 | | [4] 2 0,s1 = 100. (b) The density plot of q with a = 0.7,s0 = s2 = 0,s1 = 200. (c) The density plot of q with | | [5] 2 | | a =0.7,s0 = s2 = s3 =0,s1 = 1000. (d) The density plot of q with a =0.7,s0 = s2 = s3 = s4 =0,s1 = 1000. | |
(a) (b) (c)
[3] 2 Figure 8: The ring patterns of RW with α = β = 0.5,c = 1. (a) The density plot of q with a = 0.7,s0 = s1 = [4] 2 | | [5] 2 0,s2 = 1000. (b) The density plot of q with a = 0.8,s0 = s1 = s2 = 0,s3 = 5000. (c) The density plot of q with | | | | a =0.7,s0 = s1 = s2 = s3,s4 = 1000000.
We can also get some combinations of triangular patterns and ring patterns. For example, from Figure 9(a)(b) we can see that a ring contains a triangle pattern. In Figure 9(c), a ring contains a ring pattern. The RW formed by the combination of the above three patterns can be called the standard decomposition of RW. Due to the diversity of the value of the parameter si,i = 0, 1,...,n 1, we can of course obtain more than the above three patterns. Figure 10 − shows non-standard decomposition of RW.
Remark 5.1 In the process of obtaining the fundamental patterns, triangular patterns and ring patterns above, we all choose s = 0. If we set s = 0, We can also get similar above three 0 0 ̸ patterns. Taking the third-order RW q[3] 2 as an example, we can get the above three patterns | | with s0 = 10 in Figure 11.
11 (a) (b) (c)
Figure 9: The standard decomposition of RW. α = β = 0.5,a = 0.7,c = 1. (a) The density plot of fourth-order RW q[4] 2 [5] 2 | | with s0 = s2 = 0,s1 = 50,s3 = 10000000. (b)The density plot of fifth-order RW q with s0 = s2 = s3 = 0,s1 = [5] 2 | | 100,s4 = 200000000. (c) The density plot of fifth-order RW q with s0 = s1 = s2 =0,s3 = 100000,s4 = 10000000. | |
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 10: Non-standard decomposition of RW. α = β =0.5,a =0.7,c =1. (a) The density plot of fourth-order RW q[4] 2 [5] 2 | | with s0 = s1 = s3 = 0,s2 = 10000. (b) The density plot of fifth-order RW q with s0 = s1 = s3 = s4 = 0,s2 = 10000. [5] 2 | | (c) The density plot of fifth-order RW q with s0 = s1 = s2 = s4 =0,s3 = 10000. | |
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11: The RW similar to the fundamental pattern, triangular pattern and ring pattern when s0 =0.α = β =0.5,a = [3] 2 ̸ 0.7,c = 1. (a) The 3D plot of third-order RW q with s0 = 10,s1 = 0,s2 = 0. (b) The density plot of third-order RW [3] 2 | | [3] 2 q with s0 = 10,s1 = 200,s2 =0. (c) The density plot of third-order RW q with s0 = 10,s1 =0,s2 = 2000. | | | |
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented the soliton molecules, positon solutions, rational positon solutions and rogue waves solutions for the extended complex modified KdV equation (2), and the plots of solutions are shown in the figures which are throughout the paper. If we consider the special case of the α = 1,β = 0 or use β instead of β and take the q(x,t) is real function, our − results can be reduce to the case of complex modified KdV equation which consider14 in[ ,31,33].
12 Acknowledgments
Support is acknowledged from the National Science Foundation of China, Grant No.11901141.
Data Availability Statement
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this article.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
L = 3600 β2c10t2 1440 αβc8t2 + 144 α2c6t2 + 240 βc6tx 48 αc4tx + 4 c2x2, 1 − − L = 34560000 β4t4c21 27648000 αβ3t4c19 + 4608000 β3t3xc17 + 8294400 α2β2t4c17 2 − 1105920 α3βt4c15 2764800 αβ2t3xc15 + 55296 α4t4c13 + 230400 β2t2x2c13 + 552960 α2βt3xc13 − − 36864 α3t3xc11 92160 αβt2x2c11 + 364800 β2t2c11 + 9216 α2t2x2c9 + 5120 β tx3c9 8 c − − − 128 x4c5 115200 αβt2c9 1024 αtx3c7 + 8448 α2t2c7 + 14080 β txc7 + 1792 αtxc5 + 64 x2c3, − − 3 − L = 20736000000 β6t6c30 + 24883200000 αβ5t6c28 12441600000 α2β4t6c26 4147200000 β5t5xc26 3 − − − + 4147200000 αβ4t5xc24 + 3317760000 α3β3t6c24 1658880000 α2β3t5xc22 345600000 β4t4x2c22 − − 497664000 α4β2t6c22 + 167040000 β4t4c20 + 276480000 αβ3t4x2c20 + 331776000 α3β2t5xc20 − + 39813120 α5βt6c20 115200000 αβ3t4c18 1327104 α6t6c18 82944000 α2β2t4x2c18 − − − 33177600 α4βt5xc18 15360000 β3t3x3c18 + 16128000 β3t3xc16 + 29030400 α2β2t4c16 − − + 9216000 αβ2t3x3c16 + 11059200 α3βt4x2c16 + 1327104 α5t5xc16 3133440 α3βt4c14 − 7833600 αβ2t3xc14 1843200 α2βt3x3c14 384000 β2t2x4c14 552960 α4t4x2c14 + 119808 α4t4c12 − − − − + 499200 β2t2x2c12 + 1198080 α2βt3xc12 + 153600 αβt2x4c12 + 122880 α3t3x3c12 606400 β2t2c10 − 55296 α3t3xc10 138240 αβt2x2c10 15360 α2t2x4c10 5120 β tx5c10 + 145280 αβt2c8 − − − − 12800 β tx3c8 256 x6c6 512 αtx3c6 + 7680 α2t2x2c8 + + 1024 αtx5c8 8896 α2t2c6 8000 β txc6 3 − 9 − − − 3 64 x4c4 + 1088 αtxc4 48 x2c2 4. − 3 − − Appendix B
A = 100c2a8β2t2 800t2a6β2c4 + 6000t2a4β2c6 + 3600c10β2t2 + 120c2a6βt2α 720t2a4βc4α + 720t2a2βc6α 1 − − 1440c8βt2α + 36c2a4α2t2 + 144c6α2t2 + 40c2a4βtx + 40c2a4βts 480c4a2βtx 480c4a2βts − 0 − − 0 + 240c6βtx + 240c6βts + 24c2a2αtx + 24c2a2αts 48c4αtx 48c4αts + 4c2x2 + 8c2xs + 4 c2s 2. 0 0 − − 0 0 0 A = 16 x4 + (160 a4t 1824 a2t + 768 t)x3 + (600 a8t2 10480 t2a6 + 66456 t2a4 42336 t2a2 + 13824 t2 2 − − − + 40)x2 + (1000 a12t3 18200 a10t3 + 135480 a8t3 631464 a6t3 + 196128 a4t3 + 200 a4t 228096 a2t3 − − − 2280 a2t + 110592 t3 + 960 t)x + 625 a16t4 8500 t4a14 + 95350 t4a12 442860 t4a10 + 1733841 t4a8 − − − + 250 a8t2 + 282600 t4a6 8100 t2a6 + 1563408 t4a4 + 47850 t2a4 + 207360 t4a2 44856 t2a2 + 331776 t4 − − + 5760 t2 7. −
13 A = 8 x4 +( 80 a4 + 912 a2 384)tx3 + [28 + ( 300 a8 + 5240 a6 33228 a4 + 21168 a2 6912)t2]x2 3 − − − − − − + [( 500 a12 + 9100 a10 67740 a8 + 315732 a6 98064 a4 + 114048 a2 55296)t3 + (140 a4 1596 a2 − − − − − 625 1733841 + 672)t]x +( 165888 + 4250 a14 a16 103680 a2 781704 a4 141300 a6 a8 − − 2 − − − − 2 17 + 221430 a10 47675 a12)t4 + (175 a8 7590 a6 + 43863 a4 45396 a2 + 4032)t2 . − − − − 2
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15 Figures
Figure 1
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Figure 2
Please see the Manuscript PDF le for the complete gure caption Figure 3
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Figure 4
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Figure 5
Please see the Manuscript PDF le for the complete gure caption Figure 6
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Figure 7
Please see the Manuscript PDF le for the complete gure caption Figure 8
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Figure 9
Please see the Manuscript PDF le for the complete gure caption Figure 10
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Figure 11
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