16 April 2003 Credit Derivative CREDIT Chris Francis (44) 20 7995-4445
[email protected] Handbook 2003 Atish Kakodkar (44) 20 7995-8542 A Guide to Products, Valuation, Strategies and Risks
[email protected] Barnaby Martin (44) 20 7995-0458
[email protected] Europe The Key Piece In The Puzzle V ol a Risk til t ity Managemen rate rpo Co ds Bon Capital Structure CreditCredit DerivativesDerivatives Arbitrage F irst D To efa dit ult Cre ed Link tes No Convertible Bonds Derivatives Refer to important disclosures at the end of this report. Merrill Lynch Global Securities Research & Economics Group Investors should assume that Merrill Lynch is Global Fundamental Equity Research Department seeking or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the companies in this report. RC#60910601 Credit Derivative Handbook 2003 – 16 April 2003 CONTENTS n Section Page Market Evolution: Going 1. Market growth, importance and prospects 3 Mainstream? Credit Default Swap Basics 2. The basic concepts 10 Valuation of Credit Default 3. Arbitrage relationship and an introduction to survival probabilities 13 Swaps Unwinding Default Swaps 4. Mechanics for terminating contracts 19 Valuing the CDS Basis 5. Comparing CDS with the cash market 29 What Drives the Basis? 6. Why do cash and default market yields diverge? 35 CDS Investor Strategies 7. Using CDS to enhance returns 44 CDS Structural Roadmap 8. Key structural considerations 60 What Price Restructuring? 9. How to value the Restructuring Credit Event 73 First-to-Default Baskets 10. A guide to usage and valuation 84 Synthetic CDO Valuation 11. Mechanics and investment rationale 95 Counterparty Risk 12.