Trader’s Guide to Credit Spreads Options Money Maker, LLC Mark Dannenberg
[email protected] Trader’s Guide to Spreads About the Author Mark Dannenberg is an options industry veteran with over 25 years of experience trading the markets. Trading is a passion for Mark and in 2006 he began helping other traders learn how to profitably apply the disciplines he has created as a pattern for successful trading. His one-on-one coaching, seminars and webinars have helped hundreds of traders become successful and consistently profitable. Mark’s knowledge and years of experience as well as his passion for teaching make him a sought after speaker and presenter. Mark coaches traders using his personally designed intensive curriculum that, in real-time market conditions, teaches each client how to be an intelligent trader. His seminars have attracted as many as 500 people for a single day. Mark continues to develop new strategies that satisfy his objectives of simplicity and consistent profits. His attention to the success of his students, knowledge of management techniques and ability to turn most any trade into a profitable one has made him an investment education leader. This multi-faceted approach custom fits the learning needs and investment objectives of anyone looking to prosper in the volatile and unpredictable economic marketplace. Mark has a BA in Communications from Michigan State University. His mix of executive persona, outstanding teaching skills, and real-world investment experience offers a formula for success to those who engage his services. This document is the property of Options Money Maker, LLC and is furnished with the understanding that the information herein will not be reprinted, copied, photographed or otherwise duplicated either in whole or in part without written permission from Mark Dannenberg, Founder of Options Money Maker, LLC.