§¨¦90 §¨¦90 Qr6

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§¨¦90 §¨¦90 Qr6 (! 117°20'0"W 117°0'0"W 116°40'0"W 116°20'0"W E Lancaster Rd "Spades Mountain 5 Hauser Lake 9 41 RQ y HAYDEN LAKE RATHDRUM NEWMAN LAKE HAYDEN w 3 t Avondale Lake SPADES MOUNTAIN 5 H CATARACT PEAK S E LALeMibBer gP PEeAakK y Hay d den " d Ave w N o d R H R McDonald Peak h Hayden Lake Echo Peak W R e a e Huckleberry Mountain r E Pra i irie y s d Ave lo " d e p " I v R d o u e a a t e d d R " 6 s 1 h 2 R N D G S West Canfield Butte R R k East Canfield Butte d t t c C m d s Tepee Peak r c h fie p Tresasure Mountain a l o R S t n d a " Lo e R e M e a l d N N r t " 6 t C a R t " B h o t n l 1 Monument Mountain Post Falls t F N " t A e F o r N 4 l e N u (! E t s M N S N elt a " t D " ic H Wolf Lodge Mountain e N k Wa N e y Kelly Mountain ve "c 90 N lo o Hemlock Mountain ¨¦§ p l E Riverv " Ro iew FERNAN LAKE ad m Dr 90 43 e N vw " 4 John Peak H " LIBERTY LAKE Skitwish Peak T 0 POST FALLS r ' COEUR D ALENE l " 0 Coeur d'Alene WOLF LODGE R SKITWISH PEAK BUMBLEBEE PEAK 4 d ° e Blossom Mountain !. d y 7 Fernan Lake d R STEAMBOAT CREEK d n R 4 R k R C O E U R D ' A L E N E N F " o " 13 w Bumblebee Peak e k 4 l Kern Butte d a d e a Rd r e Ro r s h e lc p D u C r G " r lo R a e Copper Mountain Shasta Butte Coug d e C v y d W u e R l D a W Presley Rd e " r " ay B g t r s u d d B E e d o r R n M dd L "Mica Peak idd Isl a E yv o e K i f l F i l l N e l n o t a r a R B t a l Cable Peak e W N F d or C a es t " u d " De S t Wall Peak v y Elk Mountain R el 5 op 9 C e R Round Mountain d r " d Killarney Mountain o y R e vi a S e i d w a D " t k s " Cataldo Mounta"in 2 H a rm e R 5 t u R ak 9 e B L S d o T s E Ca rl U H n Turner Peak e yon MICA PEAK w ROCKFORD BAY C R r d MICA BAY y " e d MOUNT COEUR D ALENE e 9 Red Horse Mountain LANE k R 7 ROSE LAKE R CATALDO y Fubar Peak d a Carill Peak d " B Coeur d'Alene Lake d Rose Lake I- R d fi Cataldo R ker R C at e 9 ma s Cottonwood Peak !( 0 a l H f arl k " h d " r i e Du y Rd 90 n R dle o f C re R C d E d e h ¨¦§ o d l " l W L R a e d d d d h Drummond Peak I E A R RDudley Peak R s c W e Bull Run Lake y " ld e l d er R e b ak dl Drumond Peak d r u u " i u L " D R Swan Peak Killarney Lake F r e Bull Run Peak G y lu k " Ben B " h McGowan Butte d nion " 3 e R R E d d c R d R e y r N d n ss R w t e a e C H " t r t Initial Peak h e e o Thompson Lake t F st Po t Blue Lake c a i a n nt o i E R S t d R Frost Peak S P Setters Rd Rd "Medicine Mountain Bay " e Anderson Lake d Swan Lake d v R Lamb Peak Medicine Lake R a b Cave Lake Petit Peak dy C Harrison m e al reek N R C !( a " g B d Bitters Rd L " Boise Peak d Eagle Peak id R R "e C SETTERS Bay O Black Lake is od " k o WORLEY nwo B re o c O tt HARRISON G e BLACK LAKE o k o a MEDIMONT C F R R 58 r H ROCHAT PEAK a i o d "LatoTuWr PIeNa kCRAGS Q r R o k a R w d Kootenai Peak ry R c d D T C ta r e W hat e d r MASONIA c em i s D a s r o Indian C o l t o " i l R r F l e n B l t S Worley r i R Grassy Mountain a E !( O'Gara R 2 d d d m Rd 0 r G Conk Soloa" Peak " 5 Rochat Peak s 3 lin d F F Mason Butte g R R Warners Mountain " P rk " R R a Worley Mountain Indian Mountain 6 34 d Shoeffler Butte 8 d " " 1 R " " 3 N Minkler Mountain Hidden Lake Garn Pearson Peak " r " et Dr e McCartney Butte k l G lls ulch R " e R k e d e d I H r n C d 5 5 e N R 0 lls R 1 " F a S Round Lake d Toetly Rd Chatcolet Lake 0 F 0 o ' Honey Jones Peak R 5 h H Goose Heaven Lake 0 T r Fitzgerald Peak k a u d y 5 S 2 ax R w ta R " e d te H 1 I ° Plummer Sta te Joe Rd 5 " e Benewah Lake H St 5 F r 7 !( w R C S 4 y 3 Bells Lake Turtle Lake t P St F Plummer Butte ill Rd u d H Swan Lake o hay F H 50 r TEKOA MOUNTAIN R S Saint Maries Peak T A PLUMMER " e Saint Maries Cd HATCOLET v " 5 BENEWAH LAKE !( o R d KSinAgsIN PTea Mk ARIES r 9 " SAINT JOE BALDY R a d 1 SAINT JOE G y 5 L s 3 CALDER d w R W o R o o R n vell Valle y h F h o o L W H l w a a i n a a i C S M r a d i n y d s w y I o n U n l r I e e C R reek Rd T n d ws N L d R e ver do F n B d i ea D 746 R R M Coyote Butte ek s Sly re ie " C ar k Rd ry M ee all Pass r t rn C r Windf Rd e S ho h " T d Lindstrom Peak d C R d R H k P d e etti R a H e s Pea e r k R R 60 n C " d Pa o e n Q s Lolo t Pettis Peak B s S i r R Evergreen Mountain e o a n s Rd d po l e g S L e Rd F t b R r a l d J t e k sm "v i o s y e Beaver Mountain " e A Cr a e R e t l r o de n T A r a n c d t c M l N L o f S R o tn R 16 o G d 19 d p Rd R TEKOA d TENSED BENEWAH Renfro Peak ALDER CREEK FLATS d d Liberty Butte LINDSTROM PEAK SANTA " R R k CRYSTAL PEAK " e o e h Moses Mountain r a d k R C d Cree I o Santa Peak a Seltice Rd " r Kelly Mission Rd nf Wilson Mountain ic S y 6 e d Hw " 2 M O ate R 3 R ld St " 1 y S S D B ¤£95 a t F l e nd a Crystal Peak a l t " c l er e N s H k a R 6 Q w w d R V U y Charles Butte e " d 3 g S lley R ll a n R Emida Peak V i D King d H K w Sand k iv e e " i y 9 rs d d d 5 R e Tyson Peak R e r r D k d d R Sk e C " e Green Mountain ree R Huckleberry Mountain n e C k d R y i r l P e s i C " n n d " l e e m n i e t i u o Palmer Butte D Mission Mountain h East Elk Peak Stratton Be utte Mineral Mountain h s H r r y " W T 3 C West Elk Pe"ak g " Q " " R FARMINGTON r " e MISSION MOUNTAIN Nakarna Mountain d v SANDERS EMIDA Carpenter Mountain R E WEST DENNIS " s "FERNWOOD CLARKIA n 377 Rd S T . J O E N F o oad Rd p R Willow Peak MERRY CREEK m n elo lle v Three Tree Butte PaloBuaslde MDouivnitdaein R m Lone Jack Mountain a d i Prospect Peak d rsc e " a H S D R C " " Sunset Mountain N " t " o erald Creek Rd " s Em Rd n k r re p Little Bald Mountain 0 e R " e o e ' d d o i Hill R e s d e d F Emerald Butte l r 0 R l d C " n ra t l e ° ch o Clarkia Peak C C a o r Baby Grand Mountain " 7 Cedar Butte N S B e y ep N G r e 4 la " r t k Rd e L " " e rfield n Flynn Butte a R G Bechtel Butte M d d " Je " PALOUSE R POTLATCH rome t PRINCETON C HARVARD a r SAND MOUNTAIN ABES KNOB l ee BECHTEL BUTTE F Freeze Rd k R d Miles 1 in = 7 miles NOTE: This is a georeference PDF map.
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