CANDLE PRICE ENGLISH ULTREYA As of Saturday, July 19, 2014 , candles will be Holy Trinity will be hosting an English Ultreya on Sunday, August 3, sold for $4.00 per candle . 2014 at 2:00 PM. All Cursillesta are invited to attend. Anyone interested This is due to the price being increased by the in attending a is also invited. Information on Cursillo Weekends company. will be available.


The meeting will be JULIE CARRICK CONCERT Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the St. Vincent de Paul building. Julie Carrick will be returning to Holy Trinity Catholic Parish for a

concert on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM. CURSILLO WEEKEND Holy Trinity will be hosting the Cursillo FESTIVAL PRIZES weekends this year. If you would like to attend a The prizes for the raffle have been obtained by the church. If anyone Cursillo the dates are: would like to donate towards the expense of the remaining prizes please

August 7-10 : Women’s Spanish Cursillo; do so by calling the office 714-4930 or contacting Arthur Olague – 935- September 18-21 : Women’s English Cursillo; 2100 . Prizes for the Festival are as follows: October 2-5: Men’s English Cursillo; 1. Caribbean Cruise (value $875)-donated 6. PS 4 ($400) November 6-9: Men’s Spanish Cursillo. 2. 70” Flat Screen TV ($1,500) 7. Wii U ($300)-donated If you would like more information please call 3. $500 Walmart Gift Card-donated 8. Deer Rifle - donated the office 714-4930. 4. $400 Walmart Gift Card-donated 9. $300 Walmart Gift Card-donated 5. “X” Box ($500) - donated 10. Electronic Tablet ($100)-donated Santísima Trinidad, celebrará el Cursillo los The raffle drawings will be held at the October festival . fines de semana este año. Si les gustaría asistir a un Cursillo las fechas son: COMMUNION AND VISITATION 7-10 de agosto: Cursillo de mujeres en español If you know of someone who is homebound, or is going into the hospital 18-21 de septiembre: Cursillo de mujeres en and desires Communion, please call the parish office, 714-4930 to inglés schedule visitation and Communion. 2-5 de octubre: Cursillo de hombres en inglés Si usted sabe de alguien que está en casa, o va al hospital y desea 6-9 de noviembre: Cursillo de hombres en Comunión, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia, 714-4930. español. Si usted desea más información por favor llame a la oficina 714-4930. DIOCESAN IMMIGRATION SERVICES AVAILABLE The San Angelo Diocese Immigration Services in our three deaneries A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED have been open for a few years. The services include processing WITH VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL documents for such things as Naturalization and Citizenship Vacation Bible School is over for another year! Applications, Alien Relative Petitions, Adjustment of Status Immigrations It was a huge success! Benefit Applications, Temporary Protective Status, Deferred Action for We had approximately 110 children attending, Childhood Arrival (Dream Act), Waiver of Disability, and Work Permits. If approximately 75 youth helping and you or someone you know needs legal assistance with immigration, approximately 35 adults helping in various please contact the following: Midland/Odessa deanery call the capacities! in Odessa (432) 332-1387. The VBS team did a great job decorating the school hall. Team members are very creative! PARISHIONERS UPDATE CENSUS FORM Thank you VBS group for a fun and exciting Parishioners if you have had a change of address or phone number time! please call the office at 714-4930 and update the census form.

WELCOME NEWCOMER’S ARE YOU RECEIVING THE WEST TEXAS ANGELUS? If you are new to our church, please register by Are you registered in the church and not receiving the West Texas obtaining a form from one of our Greeters and Angelus? Please call the office at 714-4930 so this can be corrected. returning it to the office at 1009 Hearn. HOLY TRINITY PARISH SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME JULY 27, 2014

Pro -life Hotline…1 -800 - REFLECTION Catholic Christian Education (CCE)

395-HELP Genies that live in lanterns aren’t real; but if If you have any questions please give us a call at they were, and if we stumbled across one and 432-714-4930. were offered just one wish, what would that Grades Place Time CRE wish be? Would we go for unlimited wealth, or ultimate power, or perhaps great fame? In a K-12 Grade CCE is off for the

dream, God gave Solomon that very option: summer! “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” July 27 – The battle rages See you in September! between virtues and vice, Solomon, in his humble wisdom, did not ask God for gold, power, or fame; instead, grace and self-will, between CHILD PROTECTION IS A LIFELONG TASK good and evil. We are to live Solomon asked God for an understanding heart—a heart that would know the difference UP to the standards of God, Pedophiles are males or females of all ages who between right and wrong. Solomon could not DOWN to the standards of are usually socially immature, have few adult this world. Join the pro-life selfishly have asked anything of God, but he chose something that would be of greater friends, are clever, devious, scheming, and movement today and help end persistent. They relate better to children than to abortion and euthanasia. benefit to those whom he was to serve. Solomon was to be king to succeed his father their own adult peers. They are committed to a course of action and will do whatever it takes to La encarnizada batalla entre David, and he obviously cared deeply about virtudes y vicios, gracia y, entre those he was to serve! As a result of victimize children. They may or may not have el bien y el mal. Estamos a la Solomon’s request for an understanding heart, been sexually abused themselves as children. altura de las normas de Dios, God gave him the wisest heart so that he Some pedophiles, however, appear to have no a las normas de este would (ideally, anyway) be the greatest king normal sex lives. They may be married with mundo. Únase al movimiento who ever lived. children or even with grandchildren. Some abuse their own family and relatives. Child sexual pro-vida y ayudar a poner fin Do we have as much care and concern for hoy el aborto y la eutanasia. abusers express interest in the sexuality of those whom we lead in music ministry? Do we children and use manipulative skills to get time often ask God for an understanding heart alone with them. The abuser may have one child when we are faced with difficult situations or “friend”, or sometimes courts numerous ones at are working with difficult people? Surely, we a time either separately and unknown to the may all benefit from leading our ministries with others or in a group. Their victims are usually a more understanding heart . numerous.. (To be continued) SEARCH FOR CHRISTIAN MATURITY

Ultreya - Todos los lunes, 7:00 Teenagers, 16yrs old or Sophomores in high Requirements for Baptizing:

PM en el salón de Holy Trinity school, if you would like to attend a weekend To baptize infants we will require Parents to of becoming closer to Our Lord, please Parish Hall. provide the child’s court issued Birth Certificate. Prayer Meeting – English –All consider signing up for the Search. Call Parents must be registered in the Church. are welcome on Wednesdays Merlinda Morón, 432-213-3456 or the office, Godparents must provide a copy of their at 7 PM in East Room to join 714-4930, and obtain an application. Baptismal, First Communion, and Confirmation us for praise, teaching, and Certificates. Married Godparents will also need F.L.Y. prayer for healing. to provide their certificate of marriage in the Prayer Meeting – Spanish – (Faithful Legit Youth) . For more information, please Todos los miércoles, 7:30 The NEXT meeting for the youth group is July call the Parish Office, 714-4930. 27th from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. New and old PM después de la Misa, en Bautismo de niños/as los papás necesitan la capilla. members always welcome. Hope to see you there!! presentar el certificado de nacimiento de la corte del niño(a). Los padres deben estar registrados LADIES BIBLE STUDY en la iglesia. Los padrinos necesitan presentar The new ladies Bible study is sus certificados de Bautismo, Primera Comunión on Tuesdays from 11:45 AM y Confirmación. Los padrinos casados deben de to 1:15 PM in the East Room. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – on presentar su certificado de matrimonio en la The Gospel of John is part of Fridays starting after the 7:00 AM Mass till iglesia católica. Para más información por favor the “Come and See” Bible Noon in the side Chapel. llame a la oficina parroquial, 714-4930. Study series. Pro-Life Rosary follows from 12 to 12:15 PM Benediction - after the Rosary.


SUNDAY MASS ATTENDANCE SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND MSGR. GULLY’S 07/20/14 Saturday, August 2 nd and Sunday, August 3 rd SCHEDULE Mass Attendance Communion CATHOLIC EXTENSION SOCIETY Thursday, July 31, 2014 –

5:00 PM 221 152 The First Sunday of August each year has Day of Rest been designated Catholic Extension Society 8:30 AM 200 111 Sunday in our Diocese of San Angelo. The CATHOLIC EXTENSION SOCIETY 11:00 AM 336 148 Society supports programs, buildings projects and ministries in the mission dioceses of the

Total 757 384 United States, including San Angelo. They The First Sunday of August have provided funding to build many of the each year has been parish churches in our diocese. designated Catholic Extension St. Vincent de Paul 27 0-5029 Society Sunday in our Diocese of San Angelo. The main

purpose of this observance is to offer prayers of gratitude to our God for the generosity of

the Catholic Extension Society, and to ask God’s Sunday Collection abundant blessings upon 07/20/2014 those who serve this Society, COMPRENDER LA MISA as well as the thousands of

Envelope $6,190.00 UNDERSTANDING THE MASS generous benefactors who Loose 2,020.21 Comienzo: contribute to the Catholic Beginning: Ahora la música comienza. Extension Society throughout Total $8,210.21 Todos se erige como un signo Now the music begins! Everyone de reverencia como los the U.S.. The Catholic St Vincent de Paul $170.00 stands as a sign of reverence as ministros y sacerdote entrar. Extension Society, which has Spec. Collection $1,380.88 the ministers and priest enter. El sacerdote es signo de la been in operation for over 100

The priest is a sign of the presencia de Cristo en la years, has provided hundreds Average Collections per week presence of Christ to the comunidad. Por su of millions of dollars for needed: $9,335.00 community. By his ordination, he ordenación, que es el Mission Dioceses such as the is commissioned to continue the encargado de seguir el Diocese of San Angelo for THANK YOU FOR YOUR ministry of Christ as a leader of ministerio de Cristo como un ministries, programs and GENEROSITY! the Eucharistic community. He is líder de la comuni dad building projects. Please offer the one who preaches, leads eucarística. Él es uno de los prayers for this generous "Stewardship is planned giving worship, offers service to all in que predica, lleva culto, ofrece need. He does this not servicio a todos los que la organization. The second and does not leave giving to collection on the weekend of chance. It challenges us to plan. exclusively, but as leader and necesitan. No exclusivamente, model to the rest of the pero como líder y modelo para August 2-3 will be to collect It asks us to appraise – offerings for the Catholic deliberately – what we are doing community. el resto de la comunidad. Extension Society. Thank you with our time, our talent and our Father Michael G. Witczak Father Michael G. Witczak treasure." Pflaum Publlishing Group Pflaum Publlishing Group for your generosity.

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED AND PRAYER FOR THE SICK THE FAMILIES OF THE DECEASED : Albert DeLeon, Pablo Tovar, Joseph Calvio Jr., Sally We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Rodriguez, Fuller Family, Haley Gonzales, Lupe Loya, the late Valentin Corrales who died this past Cindy Hernandez Islas. Call the office at 714-4930 to week. We commend their souls and the add the names in the bulletin. Only the person intentions of the family to our continuing needing or immediate family member may request prayers. to be added to the prayer list.


SATURDAY, July 26, 2014

• 5:00 PM – [HT] For the People; Lori Carrillo B’day Sunday’s Reflections “When he finds a pearl of great price, by Marin & Carrillo Fam. ; +Roberto A. Alvarez by Romans 8:28-30 he goes and sells all that he has and Alvarez Fam. ; +Gavina Nuñez by Grace Chavez ; buys it.” +Emma White Rodriguez by Jose Doporto; +Jose GOOD AT FAITH Matthew 13:46 & +Olivia Rocha by Margie Valverde; +Noe Sanchez by Frank Rodriguez ; Blessed Mother, Sagrado Corazon (T.G.) by Cruz Salazar ; +Bobby If you are good at what you do for a Readings for the Week of Cordova by Robert & Aurora Rodriguez ; +Jose, living, you know the joy of being the right July 27, 2014 +Paulita Silva & Deceased Fam. Members by M/M perso n for the right job. Sometimes we Sunday Seventeenth Sunday Domingo Rocha SUNDAY, July 27, 2014 grow into the task we have been given. in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; • 8:30 AM – [HT] +Francisca & +Estanislao Diaz by Other times it seems as though we have Ps 119; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 or Mary Vera been predestined for it all along. • 13:44-46 11:00 AM – [HT] +Roberto Alvarez by Margarita Somehow the skills we possess and the Monday Jer 13:1-11; Dt 32; Mt Alvarez & Family ; Natasha Harmon B’day by Diane Ewing; +Esteban R. Duron by Diane Ewing; +Aida experiences we have had all led up to the 13:31-35 D. Sanchez by Diane Ewing ; +Guadalupe Ramirez person we are and the job we do. Tuesday Saint Martha Jer by Essie & Lupe Ortiz ; For the Health of Andrea 14:17-22; Ps 79; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk Paredez, Chelsea Anderson by Lisa Valencia ; +Evangelina Sturm by Dwaine & Judy Lange ; Throughout our lives we get better at 10:38-42 +Lucy Ochoa by Patsy Sanchez ; Special Intention being Christian. We develop skills for Wednesday Saint Peter by Alicia Hernandez. prayer, love, service, and understanding. Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor MONDAY, July 28, 2014 • We use them to please God and build up of the Church Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 7:00 AM-[Chapel] Virgen de Guadalupe by Cecilia Treviño the community. We also experience the 59; Mt 13:44-46 • 1:30 PM-[State] Holy Souls by Mary Chavez joys and depths of the spiritual life. Life’s Thursday Saint Ignatius of TUESDAY, July 29, 2014 • successes and losses have refined our Loyola, Priest Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146; 7:00 AM [Chapel] Spec. Int. Wanda Anderson image of God and the church, making us Mt 13:47-53 WEDNESDAY, July 30, 2014 • 7:00 PM-[HT] Jeannie Dunlap B’day by Marin & more mature in faith. Friday Saint Alphonsus Carrillo Fam. Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the THURSDAY, July 31, 2014 St. Paul tells the Romans that God knew Church Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69; Mt 13:54- • NO MASS FRIDAY, August 1, 2014 them long ago and predestined them to 58 • 7:00 AM – [Chapel] +Alifonso Escovedo by Isabel be conformed to the Son’s image, “so that Saturday Saint Eusebius of Escovedo he might be the firstborn among many Vercelli, Bishop; Saint Peter Julian SATURDAY, August 2, 2014 • brothers and sisters.” Eymard, Priest Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 5:00 PM – [HT] +Raul Hernandez by M/M Jimmy Marin ; +Aida D. Sanchez by Diane Ewing; +Diane, 69; Mt 14:1-12 +Anthony Herrera & +Girls by Luisa & Claudio In God we are predestined, called, Sunday Eighteenth Sunday Lopez ; +Ray Martinez by Paula Martinez; +Yolanda justified, and glorified. God knew us from in Ordinary Time Is 55:1-3; Ps 145; Lara, +Maria Escañuelas, +Elvira Olivas by M/M Jose Ornelas; +Lucy Ochoa by Amelia Islas; Rudy the beginning, called us into service, Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 Hernandez Jr. by Parents ; St. Jude by Mina justified us for salvation, and glorified us Garcia; Health of Rodriguez Fam. by Frank in eternal life. As we journey through life, Rodriguez we realize that God knew some thi ngs SUNDAY, August 3, 2014 • 8:30 AM – [HT] For the People; +Herminia about us long before we did. God knew Hernandez by Mary Vera what tools we would need for the place • 11:00 AM – [HT] +Ruben & +Roasalia Billalba, and time we live. We have hope that God +Santos & +Erlinda Lujan by Family; +Bobby is still working with us and will help us Cordova by Essie & Lupe Ortiz; Larry & Carol Becker 43 rd Wed. Anniversary; +Evangeline with whatever challenges lie ahead. The SANCTUARY CANDLE Sturm by Anthony Lange ; +Mike Borrego by Edna reward of glory awaits those who are Borrego ; +Concha Yanez by Freddy & Terry good at the task of faith. Martinez ; In Thanksgiving by Grace Phelps ; [HT] July 27 – Jesse & Maria +Fernando Apolinar Rodriguez by Parents ; For Salazar Written by Paul Turner. Copyright © 2009 All Veterans by Kenneth Liljestrand [St. Joseph] July 27 – Open