In Defence of Humanity: WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS and the STRUGGLE AGAINST SILENCING in Defence of Humanity in Defence of Humanity
In Defence of Humanity: WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND THE STRUGGLE AGAINST SILENCING In Defence of Humanity In Defence of Humanity The lack of access to justice and resources, together with the failure of states to provide protection for Executive summary WHRDs, affects the work of WHRDs around the world. Accordingly, WHRDs need appropriate protection that is flexible to their needs. However, very little is done to respond to threats that WHRDs receive, In recent years, combined with existing threats, the rise of right-wing and nationalist populism across the and often, as Front Line Defenders reports, killings are preceded by receipt of a threat.1 This means that world has led to an increasing number of governments implementing repressive measures against the protection mechanisms need to focus too on prevention of harm by perpetrators to ensure that the right to space for civil society (civic space), particularly affecting women human rights defenders (WHRDs). The life is upheld for WHRDs and take seriously the threats that they receive. Despite efforts to implement the increasingly restricted space for WHRDs presents an urgent threat, not only to women-led organisations, Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the United Nations but to all efforts campaigning for women’s rights, gender equality and the rights of all people. In spite of (UN) Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the Maputo Protocol - which calls for “corrective and these restrictions, WHRDs have campaigned boldly in the face of mounting opposition: movements such positive” actions where women continue to face discrimination - WHRDs still operate in dangerous contexts as #MeToo #MenAreTrash, #FreeSaudiWomen, #NiUnaMenos, #NotYourAsianSideKick and #AbortoLegalYa and are at risk of being targeted or killed.
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