Annual Report 2006
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MAIN ROADS WESTERN AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT 2006 « « PREVIOUS CONTENTS NEXT « MAIN ROADS WESTERN aUSTRALIA aNNUAL REPORT 2006 Table of Contents Statement of Compliance .....................................................................................................................................2 Commissioner’s Foreword ...................................................................................................................................3 About Main Roads ..................................................................................................................................................5 01 About This Report ...................................................................................................................................................7 The Year In Review ........................................................................................................................................... 11 02 The Future ................................................................................................................................................................19 03 Achievements .........................................................................................................................................................24 Road Use Safety Improvements ....................................................................................................................... 25 Road Network Operations Management .......................................................................................................... 31 Road Infrastructure for Community Access ...................................................................................................... 41 Road Use Efficiency Improvements .................................................................................................................. 46 Road Infrastructure for State Development ....................................................................................................... 49 Road Network Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 54 04 Sustainability ...........................................................................................................................................................57 05 Building Better Relationships ............................................................................................................................63 06 Strengthening OSH ...............................................................................................................................................69 07 Building and Expanding Our Capability.........................................................................................................73 08 Key Performance Indicators, Financial Statements and Notes ............................................................81 09 Corporate Governance ......................................................................................................................................147 10 Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................157 Road Industry Fact Summary ......................................................................................................................... 158 Statement of Expenditure Required Under section 175ZE of the Electoral Act 1907 ....................................... 159 Major Road and Bridge Projects – completed and in progress ....................................................................... 160 Contracts over $1 million ................................................................................................................................ 164 Management Structure ................................................................................................................................. 165 Publications ................................................................................................................................................... 166 Regional Offices and Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 167 Maps ............................................................................................................................................................. 169 Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................................................... 173 « PREVIOUS CONTENTS NEXT « 2 MAIN ROADS WESTERN aUSTRALIA aNNUAL REPORT 2006 Statement of Compliance To the Honourable Alannah MacTiernan, MLA, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure In accordance with Section 66 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985, I submit for your information and presentation to Parliament the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Main Roads for the year ended 30 June 2006. This Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985. Menno Henneveld COMMISSIONER OF Main Roads 19 September 2006 « PREVIOUS CONTENTS NEXT « MAIN ROADS WESTERN aUSTRALIA aNNUAL REPORT 2006 Commissioner’s Foreword The past 12 months has seen significant growth throughout Australia with unprecedented growth in Western Australia that has created new challenges for industry and organisations such as Main Roads which are responsible for delivering and managing infrastructure which underpins this economic growth. In particular we have had to face the challenge of effectively managing our limited resources and those of road and road transport users in an environment of increasing social, political and economic change. We have achieved many of the challenging goals we set ourselves and we have successfully implemented a number of the far reaching initiatives identified in the Main Roads Strategic Plan, 2003-2007. As a result 2005-06 saw us reap the benefits of the clear strategic direction we had set and we are seeing the benefits of values based leadership, decision-making and integrated business planning throughout the organisation. Our adoption of the principles of relationship contracting was rewarded with the outstanding results of the Roe 7 Alliance. This showcase project achieved many of our strategic objectives and highlighted just what can be accomplished when agencies such as Main Roads work collaboratively with industry and the community. The Roe 7 Project not only reached the aspirations of many of our customers, it has set new standards for project success. The alliance contract methodology has enabled Main Roads and industry to respond to the skills shortage, share experience, knowledge and risk, and achieve outstanding outcomes far beyond traditional contracts. During the year we have converted our Term Network Contracts in the South West and Great Southern regions to a relationship based approach and will realise further benefits in the future from the Karratha Tom Price (Stage 2), New Perth-Bunbury Highway and Tammin – Walgoolan Alliance projects. In December 2005 Main Roads was awarded the Customer Service Councils Service Excellence Award in the Large Business Category. Following this success, the Customer Contact Centre – the centrepiece of our new direction in customer service – celebrated its first birthday and was also awarded the Greenfield Site category in the West Australian Chapter of the National Australian Teleservices Awards. The centre has been an outstanding successful for Main Roads and helped us to better understand our customers and respond to their needs. This initiative will be complemented this year with the establishment of a Customer Advisory Council and the implementation of the Community Engagement Policy to ensure greater community involvement in our planning, delivery, operational and maintenance activities. For Main Roads, 2005-06 was also the year we released our network operations strategy, ‘Smarter Roads, Better Journeys’ to gain greater efficiency from the existing road network. While still in its early stages, this strategy creates a new focus on identifying non-capital solutions that can effectively deal with issues such as road safety, heavy vehicle access and incident management. « PREVIOUS CONTENTS NEXT « MAIN ROADS WESTERN aUSTRALIA aNNUAL REPORT 2006 In commenting on our financial performance for However, we cannot become complacent if we wish 2005-06 I am delighted to report that Main Roads has to continue to be an Employer of Choice and we will come within 2% of spending its entire budget – that’s need to continue to provide attractive and flexible work $931 million of investment in road programs that will arrangements, a strong learning and development provide our community’s safety and amenity and will program and opportunities for individual growth. see a massive injection into the continued prosperity The progress over the last 12 months would not have of the State of Western Australia. A result we can all been possible without the dedication, loyalty and be proud of. commitment of all our staff. I would like to acknowledge Recognising the need to keep abreast of our State’s and thank each staff member for their contribution to changing social, economic and environmental these extraordinary results. I am continually impressed requirements, Main Roads has established a Steering by the professionalism