2021-01-02 19:54 CET Brevkampanj för Julian Assange. Alla kan delta. Stödkommittén för Julian Assange Brevkampanj Alla som vill göra något för att rädda Julian Assange. kan delta i denna brevkampanj Du kan sända följande brev till Storbritanniens premiärminister, några brittiska ministrar och ambassadören i Stockholm. Du använder de två angivna mejladresserna och undertecknar med ditt eget namn.
[email protected] [email protected] Sänd gärna kopia till:
[email protected] Brevet att kopiera: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the UK Lucy Frazer QC, Minister of State at the Minister of Justice Priti Patel, Secretary of State for the Home Department Dominic Raab, Foreign Secretary Judith Gough, British Ambassador to Sweden 29 december 2020 To your Excellencies: We are appalled and outraged at the UK's ten year long abuse of Julian Assange. We call for his immediate release from HMP Belmarsh. Mr. Assange has broken no laws as a journalist, publisher, and founder of Wikileaks. On the contrary, Julian Assange has been awarded more than 25 prizes for his journalist excellence both in his home country and internationally, as well as being nominated seven times for the Nobel Peace Prize. The UK, on the other hand, when it comes to Assange's case has shown no respect whatsoever for the rule of law within their own borders, or for International Law agreed to in treaties and conventions of which they have approved, or for the United Nations' decisions regarding Julian Assange in particular. Instead, the UK has most recently manifested its contempt for the law and the pursuit of justice with its Extradition Hearings of Julian Assange, witnessed and recorded in meticulous detail by Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan.