Ll .'L ', H North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Technician Volume LXIV, Number 63 Wednesday. Februa
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Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXIV, Number 63 Wednesday. February 23, 133 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411/2412 Crisis center conducts forum on rape prevention by Eleanor lde The panelists will discuss such Strader had taken his ideas on rape they thought sexual harassment and “I hope we will have a lot of young talking about it and it'll go away.’ " Staff Writer topics as how to discourage a rapist prevention programs to Public Safety assault are serious campus problems. men at the program." Whitehouse Yadusky said. even before he approaches. how vie and to his employer Jerry Barker. they most often responded by telling said. The Raleigh Rape Crisis Center will tims are helped after assault. how coordinator of health education pro him what spots on campus made them Concern for the feelings and conduct an open forum for students. rape reports are taken. how rape “If men were educated more to privacy of the victim is intense at Stu- vie grams at Student Health Services. nervous. what it feels like to be a woman. in the dent Health Services. Whitehouse The Raleigh Rape Crisis Center and time are treated in court and danger They liked his ideas and put them into ”When someone suggests said. State's Public Safety Division. spots on campus. servnce. something to me (such as another blue long run they might have some effect Physical Plant. Student Health See ‘ YStrsder. a junior in textiles light). I say go to on each other." Whitehouse. four nurses and a vices and Counseling Center will pro management. said he set up the open Barker suggested that the series this program nurse practitioner have been vide panelists for an open forum on conclude with an open forum with (Wednesday's forum) and tell people." Forum panelist John Yadusky has thoroughly trained in the care of rape brain to top off a set of eight rape panelists from relevant campus ser- he said. been so educated. He said he got in- and sexual assault victims. rape Wednesday. Feb. 23. at 7 pm. in . ess programs held in the vices. Strader said. Speaking of campus services to vie terested in the Rape Crisis Center and are on the Walnut room of the Student ' dorms at his anggeation. time and rape reporting. Strader urg- when Jan Rogers and Kathy Hester 24-hour call. Center said Mike Strader. student Officers from Public Safety will “People were really interested." ed students to learn how the system trained residence advisors last sum- "I can't say enough about the and health aide at Lee Dormitory: lead the 45-minute rape awareness Strader said. ”(Public Safe- works just in case they become mer. and volunteered as a “compa— tenderness and gentleness with which Questions and myths about legal. program tonight in Bowen and Syme ty officials) just jumped on the idea. a vie nion" last October. (the trained nurses) have handled (sex- medical and emotional aspects ofrape dormitories and Tuesday night in and really helped my confidence." tim. ual assault victimsl." Whitehouse will be discussed by Capt. Larry D. Metcalf and Carroll dormitories. When looking in last Oct.'s Pack “(Wednesday's forum) will be the Yadusky. a R. A. at Alexander. said said. Liles of Public Safety; Doris Programs have been presented in ‘Poll on ' campus safety. Strader chance for you to ask the State he listens to the fathers. brothers and Student Health Services has a rape Whitehouse. director of nursing for Lee. Sullivan. North Hall and the discovered that 81 percent of those in- Counseling Center: ‘What will I be boyfriends of rape victims. and tries evidence kit. so that a victim can give Student Health Services; Molly Quad. terviewed knew about Public Safety's confronted with? How will I be to help them understand their evidence in a more supportive en- Glander. counselor at State and chain "Rape - Victim or Victor." a escort services. and he said he wants treated?‘ " he said. daughters. sisters and girlfriends. vironment than a hospital emergency man of State‘s Rape Prevention Com- 20-minute film narrated by Lee Mer- to make it a hundred percent. Both Strader and Whitehouse ex-4 Family members sometimes come room. in case he or she decides later to mittee: Carl Fulp. director of rlweather of the Barnaby Jones TV pressed the hope that men as well as to the center some time after the inci- press charges. Whitehouse said. engineering at the Physical Plant; and series. was shown in dorms (Bowen. “If people who come (to the forum) women will attend the forum. dent to talk about the problems of the get information. it'll diffuse out." he victim. Yadusky said. They wonder Happy to say we haven't had to use John Yadusky, a State student who Syme. Metcalf and Carroll) by Public said. “Males don't need to feel like (the kit) yet. since we've only been set works with the Rape Crisis Center. Safety officers and will also be shown they‘re exempt. There are homosex- why recovery takes so long. up to do this for about a year." she Strader said. at the open forum. When Strader asked students if ual rapes." Strader said. “Family members often think. ‘Quit remarked. Speaker Designers conduct studies by Ki- Boyd “The present building doesn't fit “We can show art to the students." Staff Writer their needs." he said. “The textiles he said. “and enhance their apprecia- discusses field has changed dramatically in the tion of art." Two architects were chosen by the last few years." Another issue considered by the Trustees Buildings and Property Ligon Flynn. a Wilmington ar~ committee was the campus parking Committee to conduct feasibility chitectural firm. was chosen to study situation. studies on State construction projects the feasibility of building a University music, art Saturday. art gallery. According to business administra- Hammill—Walter Associates will Flynn was chosen. according to tion staff member Bill Jenkins. State study the feasibility of building a new Crotts. because he was willing to con- will need 500 new parking spaces textiles building or renovating Nelson sult with the committee on the pro within the next two years to maintain ll Hall. ject. its current level of parking. "They gave a very comprehensive “Flynn can meet our needs. not just “We're considering building a park- in America presentation." committee member -their own needs." he said. “They‘re ing deck." he said. “but they're expen Marcus B. Crotts said. "We feel very anxious 'to do a good job." sive at about $5.000 per parking by Marion Marshall they're best suited to do this job at According to committee member space." ‘ Staff Writer this time." Ed Weisiger. a University art gallery Student parking fees may have to According to Crotts. the projectis a would be an asset to the community be doubled to pay for the deck. Gil Scott Heron appeared in necessity for the School of Textiles. and the University. Jenkins said. Stewart Theatre on Feb. 16 to honor Black History Month. Heron defines himself as a "minister of music” and a “doctor of State adds computer engineering information." He explained that he does not consider himself a protest by Ellen Khalil the Microelectronics Center of North Poulton added that State’s depart- speaker because to him protest is a Staff Writer Carolina.” ment of Electrical Engineering rank- means by which someone on the “out- According to Carl Zorowski. ed third in improvement in the nation side" protests something on the “in- State has received approval from associate dean for academic affairs in over the past five years. He said that side." He said that being a taxpayer the Board of Governors and UNC the School of Engineering. these new improvements within the department. puts him inside the American system. Staff photo by Jim Frei system President William Friday to programs “formalize" a curriculum plus resources of other departments Therefore. his speeches on the Gil Scot Heron. a self-proclaimed "urban bluesologlst," spoke at Stewart establish master's and doctoral which has been growing at State for such as computer science and American system are not considered Theatre Feb. 16 in recognltlon of Black History Month. degree programs in computer years. mathematics. will add to the strength protest speeches. engineering. Chancellor Poulton an- Arne Nilsson. assistant professor of of the new degree programs. Heron was born in Chicago and Heron concentrated his speech on facts. He said. ”the way Americans .nounced at a Feb. 19 State Board of electrical engineering. said the pro later moved to ckson. Tenn. He ae the incongruency of the American feel about things is programmed by Governors meeting. gram differs from computer science in Enrollment for the programs will quired a taste for blues before moving system. television." The programs will be offered at the that the emphasis is on how to build reach 105 by 1987. to New York City at the age of 13. ac He said that all art forms in! On talking about the American University beginning in fall 1983 computers and how to use them in a In other business. it was announced cording to Heron. America were borrowed from other system. he said that America is not school year. communications environment. ‘ that this semester's enrollment at Heron considers himself to be a cultures and that America really had trusted by other countries because of Poulton said that “implementation “The program." according to State. 21.000 students. is the highest “scientist involved in bluesology." no history.