BY-LAWS 2019 and LIST OF MEMBERS 1795 - 2019



BY-LAWS 2019 and LIST OF MEMBERS 1795 - 2019



In the.year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six.

An Act to incorporate JONATHAN HUNNEWELL, and others, into a Society by the name of the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in the General Court Assembled, and by the authority of the same, That JONATHAN HUNNEWELL, and all those who have, or may hereafter associate with him, be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, by the Name of the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, and by that name shall be known in Law, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, and shall have power to have and keep a common Seal, to make by-laws for the election of their Members and Officers, the Collection of Assessments. the regulation of their Meetings, and the appropriation of their Funds, for charitable uses; but shall not have power to make by-laws and regulations for any other purposes whatsoever.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation shall have power, and shall be capable in Law to purchase, have, hold, use, take, possess, retain and enjoy in fee simple, or otherwise, any personal or real Estate within this Commonwealth, not exceeding the value of Forty Thousand Dollars in real Estate, and Ten Thousand Dollars in personal Estate, and the same to sell, alien and dispose of at their pleasure.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the annual income of said Corporation shall only be employed for the purpose of relieving the distresses of unfortunate Mechanics and their families, to promote inventions and improvements in the Mechanic Arts, by granting premiums for said inventions and improvements; and to assist young Mechanics with loans of money.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation shall be and continue for and during the term of ten years, unless the Legislature shall within that time see fit to dissolve the same. SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That JONATHAN HUNNEWELL, BENJAMIN RUSSELL and FRANCIS WRIGHT be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to call the first meeting of the said Corporation, by giving notice of the time and place thereof in two of the Newspapers printed in , thirty days at least before the time of such meeting.

In the House of Representatives. March 7. 1806. This Bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker.

In Senate, March 8, 1806. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. H. G. OTIS, President.

March 8, 1806. By the Governor approved. CALEB STRONG. True copy. Attest: JOHN AVERY, Secretary. ______

In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. An Act continuing the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, incorporated by an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate JONATHAN HUNNEWELL, and others, into a Society by the Name of the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, shall and may remain and continue a Corporation, with all the legal powers and privileges the same now enjoys, for and during the term of ten years, from and after the time limited for the duration of said Corporation by the act aforesaid. In the House of Representatives, February 26. 1814. This Bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker.

In Senate, February 28, 1814. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. , President. February 28, 1814. By the Governor approved. CALEB STRONG. True copy. Attest: JOHN AVERY, Secretary. ______

In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, incorporated by an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate JONATHAN HUNNEWELL and others. shall and may remain a Corporation during the pleasure of the Legislature from and after the time limited for the continuation of said Corporation by an Act, passed on the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen; with the same powers and privileges it now enjoys, excepting that its personal and real estate may amount to one hundred thousand dollars, and that it may establish schools and libraries for the use of apprentices, and the improvement of the Arts.

In the House of Representatives, February 11. 1826. This Bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. , Speaker.

In Senate, February 14, 1826. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. NATH. SILSBEE, President.

February 15, 1826. Approved. LEVI LINCOLN. A true copy. Attest: EDWARD D. BANGS, Secretary.

______In the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight.

An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled. and by the authority of the same, as follows: The MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, are hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate of the value of one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount they are now authorized to hold; and the income of the same shall be applied to the same purposes as are specified in the former acts concerning said Association.

House of Representatives, March 16, 1848. Passed to be enacted. FRANCIS B. CROWNINSHIELD, Speaker.

In Senate, March 18, 1848. Passed to be enacted. ZENO SCUDDER, President.

March 18, 1848. Approved. GEORGE N. BRIGGS,

Secretary’s Office, March 24, 1848. I certify the within to be a true copy of the original acts. WILLIAM B. CALHOUN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. ______

In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine.

An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: The MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION is hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate to the value of one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the amount it is now authorized to hold; and the income of the same shall be applied to the same purposes as are specified in the former acts concerning said Association. House of Representatives, May 7, 1869. Passed to he enacted. HARVEY JEWELL, Speaker. In Senate, May 8, 1869. Passed to be enacted. ROBERT C. PITMAN, President.

May 10, 1869. Approved. .

Secretary’s Office, May 12, 1869. I certify the within to be a true copy of the original acts.

OLIVER WARNER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. ______

In the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty.

An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: The MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION is hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate to the value of three hundred thousand dollars in addition to the amount it is now authorized to hold; and the income of the same shall be applied to the same purposes as are specified in the former acts concerning said Association.

House of Representatives, April 23, 1880. Passed to he enacted. CHARLES J. NOYES, Speaker.

In Senate, April 23, 1880. Passed to be enacted. ROBERT R. BISHOP, President. April 23, 1880. Approved. JOHN D. LONG. Secretary’s Department, Boston. May 5, 1880. A true copy. Witness the Seal of the Commonwealth. (Signed) HENRY J. COOLIDGE, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. In the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: The MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION is hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate to the value of four million dollars in addition to the amount it is now authorized to hold; and the income of the same shall be applied to the same purposes specified in the former acts concerning said Association. House of Representatives, February 6, 1925. Passed to be enacted.

JOHN C. HULL, Speaker. In Senate, February 13, 1925. Passed to be enacted. WELLINGTON WELLS, President. February 16, 1925. Approved. ALVAN T. FULLER. ______

By the foregoing it will be seen that when first incorporated this Association was allowed to hold property, real and personal, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars which, in 1826, was increased to one hundred thousand dollars; in 1848 it was increased to two hundred thousand dollars; in 1869 to three hundred thousand dollars; in 1880, to six hundred thousand dollars; in 1925 to “four million dollars in addition to the amount it is now authorized to hold”. In the 1970’s the legislature changed the law governing organizations such as MCMA to remove limitation on the amounts that could be held.

The Association was organized in 1795 with eighty-three members. Since its organization about three thousand seven hundred have joined. Paul Revere was the first president. Originally, the officers of the Association were a president, vice-president, treasurer, nine trustees, and secretary, constituting the board of government. In 1813 a committee of relief was chosen, consisting of three members. During the years following the number increased to as many as thirteen until in 2019 it was set at five. The number of trustees remained nine, until 1849, when it was increased to twelve, and so remained until 1898, when it was made thirteen. At first the membership fee was seven dollars – five dollars forthe general fund and two dollars for the funeral fund, with an annual assessment of one dollar. The funeral benefit was forty dollars. In 1823 the membership fee was raised to ten dollars and the annual to two dollars. In 1842 the membership was raised to fifteen dollars, and in 1849 was graduated according to the age of the candidate, ranging from fifteen to twenty-five dollars. Later it was raised to twenty-five dollars for the youngest and fifty dollars for the oldest; and still later it was made seventy-five dollars for those more than sixty years of age. In the meantime the funeral benefit had been raised to seventy-five dollars. But in 1894 the membership fee was made twenty-five dollars for all alike and no funeral benefit was allowed for the families of those joining after that date. The annual dues were later raised to five dollars and the membership fee to seventy-five dollars. In the nineteen-eighties the membership fee was changed to a one time fee of one hundred and fifty dollars for lifetime membership: the annual dues of five dollars and any assessments were abolished. In 1998 the Board of Government was authorized to set the membership fee and to adjust it when and as they deemed appropriate. The payment of stated sums monthly to indigent members and their widows began in 1812, and has continued without interruption to this time. The total amount paid out in this way is over six hundred thousand dollars.

This is the twenty-sixth edition of the By-Laws issued by the Associa­ tion since it was incorporated, the first having been in the same year, 1806. Other editions followed in the years 1814, 1822, 1829, 1834, 1838, 1842, 1855, 1861, 1879, 1889, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1907, 1915, 1917, 1920, 1927, 1950, 1961, 1979, 1980, 1985, and 1998. Previous to 1899 each edition was called the “Constitution.” but at that time the opinion was held that the original Act of Incorporation was virtually our Constitution, and that the regulations formulated under that authority were By-Laws; and since that time this practice has been followed. In these several editions changes in the provisions have been made to conform to the demands of business and the customs of the people, leaving little resemblance at this time to the original code. As in former editions, some account was given of the “Mechanic Apprentices’ Library Association,” then engaged in a very important work: and as it no longer exists, a brief statement of the main facts of its history will be given.

The Apprentices’ Library was gathered in 1820 by members of our Association, but mainly through the efforts of Mr. William Wood, a retired Boston merchant. It was designed for the sole use of mechanics’ apprentices, and was the first library ever collected in the world for this particular purpose. It was managed by members of our Association, and its current expenses were paid from our treasury. In 1828, the “Mechanic Apprentices’ Library Association” was formed, and later its members assumed entire control of the library, subject only to the supervision of the parent Association.

For many years it was successful, at times especially so. From year to year, for half a century or more, our Association made regular appropriations of money for the purchase of books, rent of their rooms, etc. As the number of apprentices grew less, through the evolution of events which has now substantially made the old apprenticeship system a thing of the past, the interest abated, their numbers became less, and the attendance ceased. By the original agreement, in case their meetings should be abandoned, our Association should take possession of their effects; and as this contingency occurred about one-hundred fourteen years ago, our Association had the library and other effects stored, where they so remained until a few years since, when they were distributed among such members as chose to take them away.

This act finally closed the material career of an institution of great merit and value to our Association and to the city of Boston; and in those times many a business man was proud of the fact that he had been a member of that organization. Its history ought to be written to preserve to the world the record of one of the most wisely conceived and meritorious institutions ever originated in this city, prolific, as all the world knows, in devices to benefit the race. From 1900 to 1918, the Association carried on a Trade School, the first of its kind in New England where a practical knowledge of mechanical trades was taught. This was successfully conducted up to the advent of larger and better equipped schools such as the Franklin and Wentworth Institutes. The attendance at the school rapidly fell off owing to the World War and to the attractions of newer schools. Mainly for these reasons, the school was discontinued. The Association has continued its activities through its support of various schools, workshops and organizations and by granting scholarships to worthy young men and women, which so far has proved satisfactory. Notwithstanding the changing conditions in industrial life, the Association continues to fulfill the purposes for which it was created two hundred and three years ago, and still adheres to its motto – “Be Just, and Fear Not.”






BY-LAWS as Adopted July 17, 2019 ______


It is universally admitted that the combined operations of the mechanic powers have been the source of those useful inventions and scientific arts which have given to polished society its wealth, conveniences, respectability, and defence, and which have ameliorated the condition of its citizens. Rational, then, is the inference that the association of those who conduct those powers in their operations will prove highly beneficial in promoting mutual good offices and fellowship; in assisting the necessitous, encouraging the ingenious, and in rewarding fidelity. To effect these desirable ends, the present associates agree to be governed, as a society, by the following By-laws.



SECTION 1. The name of this Association, as specified in the act of incorporation, shall be the “Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association.”

SECT. 2. The Association shall have a common seal, to be affixed to all certificates which require the signature of the president. ARTICLE II.


SECTION 1. Any master mechanic, manufacturer, engineer, or architect engaged in a management role in an established business or any owner or part owner of an established manufacturing or engineering business may be eligible to membership in this Association. Membership may be extended to an individual who does not technically meet these requirements only if it would be beneficial to the Association and only with the unanimous approval of the Board of Government.



SECTION 1. A person to become a member must be not less than twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the of America, of good moral character, be proposed by a member, be approved by a majority of the Board of Government, receive three-fourths of the votes of the members of the Association present and voting at a regular called meeting, his name as a candidate being printed on the notices of such meeting, and subscribe his name to the by-laws.

SECT. 2. There will be two (2) levels of membership. The first level will be that of Associate, which will span a suitable period of time not to exceed twenty four-(24) months, during which period it will be confirmed that the Associate will participate and act in a manner beneficial to the Association. Upon the recommendation of the Membership Committee and approval of the Board of Government the Associate will be requested to subscribe his name to the By-laws and upon payment of a fee for membership as set forth by the Board of Government shall be granted full membership in the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association.

SECT. 3. Every person becoming a member shall, in addition to all the privileges of membership, be entitled to a certificate of his membership and a copy of the By-Laws of the Association.

SECT. 4. When a member shall tender his resignation of membership in writing, the Secretary shall report the same to the Board of Government at its next meeting thereafter, for its action. SECT. 5. The Board of Government shall have power at any meeting, by a unanimous vote of the members present, on written complaint of any member of the Association, to expel any member who shall be adjudged guilty of ungentlemanly or dishonorable conduct, provided that the complaint shall first have been investigated and report sustained by a committee of the Board of Government appointed by the President for that purpose; and that the offending member shall have the right either in person or by counsel to present to the Board of Government a written or verbal statement giving his version of the alleged facts in the case, together with any evidence which the Board of Government may consider sufficient. But the member so expelled may appeal to the Association at any time within one year from such expulsion, the fact that such appeal will be made being printed on the notice for the meeting, and the member may be reinstated by a vote of three-fourths of the members present and voting.

SECT. 6. Such persons of distinction as the Board of Government shall from time to time recommend, may be admitted as honorary members by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Association. They shall not be entitled to any of the pecuniary, elective, or controlling privileges of the Association, and shall be exempt from all assessments.



SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, thirteen Trustees, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who with all past-presidents shall together constitute the “Board of Government of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association”. (The Association may, at its option, choose to elect an Executive Director in lieu of, and to perform all the duties of, a Secretary and a Treasurer.) The committees shall include a Committee of Relief, a Committee on Finance, a Committee on Education, a Committee on Nominations, a Committee on Planning, a Committee on History and Preservation, and such other committees as the Association shall from time to time deem necessary and appropriate.



SECTION 1. The election of Officers and Trustees shall be at the annual meeting on the last Wednesday of January, by voice votes, a majority making the choice. In case the Association shall fail to elect all or any of its officers on the aforesaid day, the meeting may be adjourned from time to time until such election shall be completed, provided, however, that no more than ten days shall intervene from one adjournment to another.

SECT. 2. The full term of the several officers and Trustees shall be as follows: President, Vice-President and Trustees, three years each; Secretary and Treasurer, one year each. These shall be elected as follows: At the Annual meeting of January, 1899, and triennially thereafter, the President and Vice-President and five Trustees, for a term of three years each; at each intervening year thereafter, four Trustees for a term of three years each; the Secretary and the Treasurer (or in their stead an Executive Director) shall be elected annually. Any person having served the full term as President shall not be eligible for re-election for the next succeeding term. In case of any vacancy, the Board of Government shall have the power to fill that vacancy as follows: for a Trustee, for the remainder of the elected term; for a President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer, until the next regular meeting of the Association, when a successor shall be elected for the remainder of the term, notice thereof being given on the notice of the meeting.

SECT. 3. The Committee on Finance shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and three Trustees, the elective members to be chosen annually by the Board of Government at the first meeting after the annual election by voice votes, a majority making a choice.

SECT. 4. The Committee on Nominations shall be comprised of the current President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Trustee (“seniority” to be determined by the Trustees themselves), Chairman of the Committee on Planning, and Chairman of the Committee on Membership. [In the event of a duplication of positions, the next most senior Trustee (or Trustees) shall be added to the committee to bring its composition to seven.] The current Vice-President shall serve as chairman. This committee shall meet in November and select candidates to serve in the various offices for the ensuing year. Any member may recommend to the committee candidates for consideration. The committee shall inform the Board of their choices at the December meeting of the Board of Government. The names of those nominated will be printed on the notice of the Annual meeting sent to the members in January. The Chairman shall announce the nominees for the various offices at the Annual meeting of the Association. ARTICLE VI.


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Government to superintend the prudential affairs of the Association, and pursue such measures as in their judgement will tend to promote its best interests, respectability, and prosperity. They shall have the power to expend a sum of money, not exceeding such sums as shall be appropriated by the Association; and they are hereby authorized to draw on the Treasurer of the Association for the same. They shall review and pre-authorize any planned expenditures by the Association in excess of five thousand dollars, and they shall review and approve all bills against the Association that have been authorized and paid by the Secretary or Treasurer, such review and approval to take place at the regular meeting of the Board next following those expenditures. They may correspond with other associations of mechanics and manufacturers on such subjects as are calculated to promote the general object of this institution and shall submit such correspondence to the Association for the information of its members. They shall hold at least one meeting in each month, excepting the months of July and August, and on such day as they designate by vote. At each regular meeting of the Board of Government they shall have the records of the previous meeting read, and when correct, approve the same.

SECT. 2. The Board of Government shall make a report to the members of the Association at the annual meeting; said report to comprise a statement of property, indebtedness, and such other information relating to the present condition and future plans and prospects of the Association as may be deemed of interest or importance to the members.

SECT. 3. All appropriations anticipated for the Association year, as estimated by the Board of Government and Committee on Finance, shall be voted by the Association at the Annual meeting. If during the year an increase in the amount appropriated shall be deemed necessary, such additional appropriation shall be sought and voted at a regular Quarterly meeting of the Association. All expenditures shall be limited to such appropriations as have been made as aforesaid.

SECT. 4. The Association year shall be held to begin on the first day of January, and close on the thirty-first day of December, and all financial and other transactions, records, and reports, shall correspond thereto. SECT. 5. The Board of Government shall review and vote upon recommendations to extend full membership to candidates who have completed an Associate membership period. They shall consider that the work of the Association requires members willing to commit of their time and energy, and shall endeavor to ensure that full membership is extended to those candidates who have demonstrated an interest and willingness to participate in the work of the Association.



SECTION 1. The President, as the executive officer, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Board of Government. As President, he shall sign all documents and certificates issued by the Association or Board of Government. He shall sign all leases and contracts of the Association. He shall cause to be read the journal of proceedings at the meetings of the Association and Board of Government. He shall have power to appoint such administrative and clerical officers, and employ such other labor as he may deem necessary, subject to the approval of the Board of Government, their compensation to be fixed by the Finance Committee. He shall purchase or cause to be purchased, all supplies for the use of the Association and shall approve all bills. He shall be chairman of the Committee on Finance. He shall fix the hour and place for all meetings of the Association and Board of Government.

SECT. 2. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties pertaining to that office. He shall be a member of the Finance Committee. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, a president pro tem shall be chosen to preside.

SECT. 3. The Treasurer shall be intrusted with all the property of the Association not otherwise provided for. He shall, with the advice and consent of the Committee on Finance, from time to time invest the funds of the Association in such manner as may be deemed best. He shall report Annually the receipts and expenditures of the Association and the amount of uninvested assets remaining in his care. He shall pay no money without authority therefor from the Committee on Finance excepting such payments as are specifically provided in these By-Laws. His accounts shall at all times be subject to their inspection. The Treasurer shall give such bond with sureties, for the faithful discharge of his trusts, as shall be required by the Board of Government and his compensation shall be fixed by that Board. The business office of the Treasurer shall be permanently located in the Headquarters of the Association, and the office of the Treasurer shall be open for the transaction of the business of the Association during business hours. The Treasurer of the Association shall act as Treasurer of all Committees. No money due this Association shall be collected, nor any receipt given therefor, by any one except the Treasurer, and no payments shall be made except by this official; provided, however, that the Treasurer may delegate to some competent person the duty of collecting any sums which may become due the Association, the amount so received, and the purpose for which it was received, entered upon the Treasurer’s books. The Treasurer or his authorized designee shall pay monthly all itemized bills against the Association which have been contracted by the President or other officer or authorized committee, said payments to be approved by the Committee on Finance and Board of Government in accordance with these By-Laws. In case the Board of Government shall find the Treasurer unable from any cause to perform these duties, they shall appoint a suitable qualified member to assume said duties until such time as the permanent Treasurer returns or a qualified replacement is elected.

SECT. 4. The Secretary shall hold the common seal and affix the same, and keep a correct record of the proceedings at all meetings of the Association and Board of Government. He shall issue all notifications for meetings of the·Association, Board of Government, or committees, and in the notifications to the Association he shall state the object of the meeting, and any special business to be acted upon, including in the notice for the annual meeting a list of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee. He shall furnish the chairman and members of each committee with the vote of their appointment, and act as clerk to committees whenever required. He shall notify each candidate for membership of his admission or rejection within ten days thereafter. Upon receipt of the resignation of a member he shall, at the next regular meeting of the Board of Government, report the same for its action. He shall report annually the number of members at the beginning of the past calendar year, number of new members, deaths, resignations, and discharges during the year, showing the number of members at the commencement of the present calendar year and the number of honorary members. He shall report the number of meetings held by the Board of Government and Committee of Relief during the year, and the average attendance at the same. He shall act as clerk of the Committee of Relief, keeping a detailed account of all sums paid and a record of the names of all beneficiaries, with the amounts paid individually to each monthly, and such other records as the Committee may determine. He shall prepare brief biographical notices of all deceased members for the annual reports. He will coordinate payment for our annual charitable expenditures after they have been authorized by our Planning Committee, as well as payments authorized by other committees and payments for routine expenses. He shall prepare for the Finance Committee and Board of Government, monthly, a statement of his receipts and payments, and his accounts shall at all times be opened to their inspection. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Board of Government may deem proper; and the Board of Government may require him to give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties. In case the Board of Government shall find the Secretary unable from any cause to perform these duties, they shall appoint a suitable qualified member to assume said duties until such time as the permanent Secretary returns or a qualified replacement is elected.

SECT. 5. The Finance Committee shall act as Trustees of the sum of $8,000.00 bequeathed to this corporation by the will of Charles R. McLean (to be known as the Charles R. McLean Fund), and shall keep the same safely invested and pay out the income thereof upon the order of the Board of Government in accordance with terms of said will.

SECT. 6. The income derived from the Shattuck Fund shall be invested as deemed suitable by the Finance Committee, and the disposition of the same shall be vested in the Board of Government, but its use shall be in accordance with the wishes contained in the will of Dr. George C. Shattuck.

SECT. 7. The Committee of Relief shall consist of five members, who among themselves shall elect a chairman. They shall meet whenever a specific request is received, or as required should an emergency arise.

SECT. 8. It shall be the duty of the Committee of Relief to receive and act upon all petitions for relief received from a member in destitute circumstances, or, in the event of the death of said member, from the spouse or children of that member. The committee shall investigate the need for assistance, and if in the judgement of the full committee that need is deserving, they shall submit their recommendation to the Board of Government. If relief payments are approved by the Board, the committee shall coordinate their payment with the Treasurer or his designee, and shall annually verify with the recipients(s) that those payments remain necessary. They shall make a written report of their doings and present it to the Association at the annual meeting, omitting, however, the names of beneficiaries. They shall submit all their records to the Board of Government when desired.

SECT. 9. The Committee on Finance shall have the general oversight of the finances of the Association, examine its expenditures, and, if found correct, approve the same. They shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer, Committee of Relief, Committee on Planning and the Committee on Education as often as they may elect, either as a committee or individually, rendering a report to the Association at the annual meeting. They shall engage a licensed Certified Public Accountant to prepare reviewed financial statements annually and to prepare an audit on a periodic basis if so required by Federal and State regulating agencies. They shall advise with the Treasurer respecting investment of funds, borrowing and expending money, and he must have their approval before acting. They shall hold at least one meeting in each month on the day of and preceding the meeting of the Board of Government, except during the months of July and August.

SECT. 10. The Committee on Planning shall consist of a chairman and at least twelve members of the Association. They shall be chosen by the President, and any member expressing a desire to serve on this committee shall be appointed to same if possible. This committee in conjunction with the Secretary shall be responsible for meeting to examine all requests for financial assistance the Association receives from qualified schools, associations, foundations and organizations. They shall arrange for on-site visits to validate all information received as part of said requests. Upon completion of these examinations and visitations they shall meet to decide upon which requests are to receive funding, either in full or in part, and they shall convey their decisions to the Board of Government.

SECT. 11. The Committee on Education shall administer the grants of the Charles R. McLean Scholarship Fund. This committee shall be comprised of at least four members of the Association, and a chairman shall be elected by his fellow committee members. This committee shall examine in person all applicants for the scholarship program. At least two members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. The names and courses of study of those recommended to receive scholarships shall be submitted to the Board of Government and the Committee on Finance for approval. SECT. 12. The Committee on Membership shall consist of a chairman and at least four members of the Association. They shall review applications for membership in the Association, and shall interview each applicant in person. They shall present to the general membership at a regular called meeting the name of each applicant whom they recommend for Associate membership. Further, this committee shall forward to the Board of Government the names of those Associate members whom they trust will participate in the work of the Association and act in a manner beneficial to it, and to whom they recommend full membership be granted.

SECT. 13. The Committee on History and Preservation shall ensure that detailed records of the ongoing charitable and other activities of the Association are created, and that these and other historical records of the Association are preserved. The Committee shall consist of at least five members, who among themselves shall elect a chairman. They shall conduct research on individuals and events in the Association’s history in order to give current members a fuller understanding of that history, and in order that the information is more readily available to future members. Further, this committee shall maintain records of the Association’s historical artifacts, to include those artifacts that the Board of Government has agreed to place on loan with other organizations. ARTICLE VIII.


SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the last Wednesday in January, fourth Wednesdays in April, July, and October, at such time and place in Boston or as the President shall direct; but should circumstances occur to render it expedient, the President, with the concurrence of the Board of Government, may call a meeting on a prior or subsequent day.

SECT. 2: Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President whenever a majority of the Board of Government shall deem it expedient, or whenever an application therefor shall be made by twenty members in writing.

SECT. 3. The regular meetings of the Board of Government shall be held monthly, except the months of July and August, at such time and place as they shall direct, the President calling special meetings as he may elect.

SECT. 4. Printed notices of all meetings of the Board of Government and Committees shall be sent by mail, or otherwise, to the last known address of each member thereof, at least three days before the date of the meeting, and the regular and special meetings of the Association at least one week before the date of the meeting. Any meeting of the Board of Government or any Committee at which all the members of the same are present shall be a legal meeting despite the lack of regular notice. The regular meetings of the Committee on Finance shall take place immediately prior to the meetings of the Board of Government, the President calling special meetings as he may elect.



SECTION I. At all meetings of the Association or Board of Government the members shall be called to order within five minutes after the time named in the notice for the meeting, provided a quorum is present; to form which seven members shall be necessary in the Board of Government, and twenty-five members of the Association.

SECT. 2. The presiding officer shall have power, and it shall be his duty to regulate the deliberative proceedings of the Association and Board of Government agreeably to parliamentary usage, as laid down in Robert’s Rules in Plain English, 2nd Edition.

SECT. 3. No sectarian, political, or other subject foreign to the purpose of this Association shall be introduced at any meeting called for business.



SECTION l. As it is compatible with our act of incorporation, the good of society, and in keeping with the aims and objects we have in view, the Association may, from time to time, when the state of its finances will warrant, encourage and promote inventions, discoveries, and improvements in the arts and sciences by the granting of such medals or certificates for ingenuity, superior workmanship, or the manifest advance in any department of industry, skill, or art, as the Board of Government shall deem expedient. ARTICLE XI.


SECT. 1. In case the Association shall vote to hold an Exhibition the Board of Government shall constitute a Board of Managers, who shall have full and exclusive jurisdiction and control of all its affairs, with power to make all needful rules and regulations for the conduct ofthe Exhibition.



SECTION 1. The foregoing By-Laws may be amended or repealed whenever three-fourths of the members present and voting at any meeting of the Association shall so determine; but no such alteration shall be made unless the subject shall have been proposed at a previous meeting, and in the meantime referred to a committee whose report in detail shall be borne upon the notices for the meeting at which it is to be considered.

SECT. 2. All former rules and regulations of the Association inconsistent with these By-Laws are hereby repealed.




1. OM denotes Original Member.

2. Signed # indicates the line in the signature book against which the member signed his name.

3. * Indicates the signature book was not signed, though it is confirmed that the individual was a member.

4. List of Honorary Members follows the Index of Members. Joined______Member Signed # ______1795 Abbott, Samuel, Cooper OM 29 ______1834 Abell, Levi, Housewright 1037 ______1918 Aborn, George P., Manager 3086 ______1866 Aborn, Samuel O., Hatter 1941 ______1821 Abrahams, Benjamin, Cooper 543 ______1801 Abrams, Joseph, Boat Builder 243 ______1937 Adalian, G. Harry, Oriental Rugs 3292 ______1960 Adamic, Anthony, Mercury Piping Co. 3421 ______2004 Adams, Christopher J., Power Plant Operator 3700 ______1818 Adams, Daniel, Pump and Block Maker 514 ______1916 Adams, Donald B., Civil Engineer 3063 ______1815 Adams, Edward, Ropemaker * ______1859 Adams, Edwin, Mason 1754 ______1881 Adams, Frederick H., Belt Mfr. 2392 ______1854 Adams, George S., Mason 1614 ______1832 Adams, George W., Blacksmith 919 ______1838 Adams, Isaac, Machinist 1260 ______1845 Adams, Nathaniel, Mason 1437 ______1993 Adams, Richard B., Patternmaker 3631 ______1981 Adams, Robert H., Patternmaker 3561 ______1816 Adams, Samuel Jr., Tinplate Worker 465 ______1838 Adams, Seth, Machinist 1269 ______1878 Adams, Thomas B., Beltmaker 2326 ______1824 Adams, William, Blacksmith 578 ______1856 Adams, William, Mason 1649 ______1810 Adams, William, Watchmaker 380 ______1938 Adler, Walter, Sign Business 3296 ______1856 Aiken, Lewis, Mason 1689 ______1883 Albee, Henry L., Furniture Mfr. 2524 ______1895 Aldrich, Henry O., Mfg. Confectioner 2812 ______1800 Alexander, Giles 3d, Cabinetmaker 101 ______1795 Alexander, William, Cabinetmaker OM 55 ______1818 Alger, Cyrus, Founder 517 ______1834 Allen, Calvin P., Bricklayer 1027 ______1890 Allen, Charles F., Woolen Mfr. 2706 ______1824 Allen, John, Housewright 584 ______1800 Allen, Joseph, Baker 202 ______1817 Allen, Joseph, Baker 470 ______1869 Allen, Moses M., Builder 2009 ______1870 Allen, Samuel H., Plumber 2067 ______1839 Allen, Stephen M., Grate Maker 1316 ______1801 Amblard, James, Tailor 266 Joined______Member Signed # ______1881 Ambler, J. A., Manufacturer 2423 ______1824 Amee, Jacob, Sailmaker 587 ______1824 Amee, Josiah L. C., Sailmaker 603 ______1837 Ames, Azel Jr., Housewright 1177 ______1881 Ames, Frank M., Manufacturer 2467 ______1853 Ames, Oakes, Shovel Maker 1527 ______1885 Ames, Oakes A., Shovel Mfr. 2612 ______1881 Ames, Oliver, Shovel Mfr. 2397 ______1837 Ames, Oliver Jr., Shovel Maker 1526 ______1821 Andem, Moses, Ropemaker 539 ______1839 Anderson, Alexander, Mason 1319 ______1887 Anderson, Andrew P., Carpenter 2656 ______1966 Anderson, J. Timothy, Architect 3480 ______1890 Anderson, James, Turner 2714 ______1869 Anderson, Matthew, Carpenter 1994 ______1995 Anderson, Steven W., General Contractor 3665 ______2017 Anderson, Steven W. Jr., General Contracting 3717 ______1993 Anderson, William L., General Contractor 3641 ______1814 Andrews, Eben’r T., Printer and Bookseller 451 ______1802 Andrews, John, Blacksmith 290 ______1801 Andrews, John, Sailmaker 263 ______1836 Andrews, Robert, Copperplate Printer 1107 ______1795 Andrews, William, Bookbinder OM 47 ______1920 Angier, George M., Manufacturer 3112 ______1831 Annin, William B., Engraver * ______1981 Anthony, Arthur J., Foundry 3567 ______1919 Appleton, Francis H., Rubber Reclaimer 3094 ______1837 Appleton, Thomas, Organ Builder 1164 ______1911 Arakelyan, Jacob J., Master Printer 3011 ______1814 Archibald, George, Cabinetmaker 409 ______1922 Armington, Hervey F., Paving Contr. 3173 ______1926 Armstrong, Frank R., Engraver 3214 ______1809 Armstrong, Samuel T., Printer 363 ______2010 Arrowsmith, Frederick C., Cabinetmaker, Farmer 3692 ______2010 Arrowsmith, Robert B., Cabinetmaker, Farmer 3691 ______1833 Ashcroft, Thomas, Engineer 1004 ______1899 Ashton, Albert C., Valve Mfr. 2863 ______1881 Ashton, Henry G., Mech. Engineer 2479 ______1827 Ashton, John, Umbrella Maker 696 ______1828 Aspinwall, Samuel, Mast Maker 714 ______1981 Assetta, Louis S., General Contractor 3560 ______1804 Atherton, Abner, Currier 319 Joined______Member Signed # ______1802 Atkins, Isaiah, Tinware Mfr. 279 ______1871 Atkins, Simon P., Mason 2079 ______1875 Atkinson, Edward, Cotton Spinner 2255 ______1883 Atwood, Solomon R., Oil Stove Mfr. 2529 ______1857 Austin, Charles F., Baker 1727 ______1831 Austin, Joseph Jr., Tinplate Worker 861 ______1830 Austin, Richard, Baker 837 ______1800 Austin, Richard, Pewterer 196 ______1829 Austin, Thomas, Bricklayer 782 ______1889 Avery, George A., Architect 2704 ______1801 Aves, Thomas, Cooper 230 ______1832 Ayers, Thomas, Housewright 899 ______1957 Ayles, Duncan C., Plumbing & Heating 3414 ______1964 Ayles, Duncan C. Jr., Plumbing Contractor 3471 ______1967 Ayles, Paul D., Plumbing, Heating Contractor 3483 ______1980 Aznive, Leon L. Jr., Property Management 3552 ______1841 Babbitt, Isaac, Brass Founder 1362 ______1921 Babcock, Lewis H., Ironworker 3138 ______1995 Bacola, Joseph G., Baker 3669 ______1819 Bacon, Addison, Wheelwright 530 ______1868 Bacon, Albert T., Watchmaker 1987 ______1922 Bacon, Arthur I., Plasterer 3179 ______1878 Bacon, Charles N., Felting Mfr. 2334 ______1825 Bacon, Jacob, Bricklayer 628 ______1872 Bacon, John F., Carpenter 2110 ______1848 Bacon, John H., Felting Mfr. 1504 ______1890 Bacon, Lewis H., Builder 2747 ______1869 Bacon, Robert, Shirt Mfr. 2024 ______1824 Bacon, Robert, Slater 573 ______1803 Bacon, William, Housewright 304 ______1896 Badger, Arthur C., Coppersmith 2830 ______1802 Badger, Daniel, Brass Founder 286 ______1881 Badger, Daniel B., Coppersmith 2449 ______1838 Badger, Daniel B., Tailor 1259 ______1837 Badger, Daniel D., Black and Whitesmith 1171 ______1903 Badger, Edward J., Leather Mfr. 2924 ______1864 Badger, Erastus B., Coppersmith 1852 ______1915 Badger, Erastus B., Coppersmith 3051 ______1802 Badger, Joseph, Block & Pump Maker 273 ______1883 Badger, W. C. H., Furniture Mfr. 2545 ______1882 Badger, William F., Mfr. Building Finish 2502 ______1815 Badger, William, Founder 453 ______Joined Member Signed # ______1827 Badger, William Jr., Shipsmith 677 ______1946 Bagley, James C. Jr., Engineer, Real Estate 3341 ______1961 Bagley, Ralph R., Attorney at Law 3424 ______1830 Bagnall, Thomas, Pump & Block Maker 834 ______1867 Bailey, Amasa W., Billiard Table Mfr. 1971 ______1856 Bailey, Davis W., Comp. Roofer 1677 ______1846 Bailey, Edwin, Housewright 1445 ______1910 Bailey, Edwin W. M., Carriage and Auto Mfr. 2995 ______1895 Bailey, Frank W., Pianoforte Mfr. 2818 ______1936 Bailey, Frederick A., Insurance Engineer 3288 ______1832 Bailey, Henry, Hatter 916 ______1839 Bailey, Job F., Carpenter 1294 ______1871 Bailey, John W., Carpenter 2088 ______1895 Bailey, John W., Carpenter 2815 ______1840 Bailey, Joseph T., Carpenter 1346 ______1882 Bailey, Paul, Builder 2500 ______1837 Baird, George, Plumber 1231 ______1937 Baird, John W., Plasterer 3289 ______1887 Baker, Alphonso, Bookbinder 2640 ______1856 Baker, Benjamin F., Painter 1648 ______1814 Baker, David, Currier * ______1839 Baker, Richard M., Sailmaker 1303 ______1831 Baker, Ruel, Painter 847 ______1818 Baker, William, Painter 511 ______1895 Baker, Winthrop M., Mfr. Confectioner 2807 ______1851 Balch, Edward L., Printer 1546 ______1795 Balch, Jonathan, Pump & Block Maker OM 5 ______1795 Balch, Nathaniel, Hatter OM * ______1838 Balch, Vistus, Engraver 1280 ______1957 Baldwin, Howard F., Patternmaker 3413 ______1898 Baldwin, Judson, Stoneworker 2839 ______1830 Ball, Daniel G., Cooper 821 ______1850 Ball, Enoch H., Copperplate Printer 1522 ______1837 Ball, John, Cooper 1215 ______1884 Ball, Josiah W., Dentist 2586 ______1828 Ballard, Daniel, Shipwright 742 ______1872 Ballou, Frederick K., Stonecutter 2112 ______1994 Bandanza, Joseph D., Automotive 3652 ______1818 Bangs, James R., Painter 508 ______1795 Bangs, Samuel, Cordwainer OM * ______1801 Banister John, Cooper 254 ______1818 Banister, John F., Cooper 490 Joined______Member Signed # ______1908 Barber, D. Fletcher, Hardware Dealer 2977 ______1964 Barber, Norman F., Hardware Dealer 3466 ______1921 Barber, Ralph F., Hardware Dealer 3155 ______1900 Barbour, Walworth O., Iron Founder 2864 ______1881 Barbour, William S., Civil Engineer 2398 ______1814 Barker, James, Cabinetmaker 443 ______1866 Barker, Josiah H., Carpenter 1918 ______1887 Barker, Melvill H., Millwright 2662 ______1892 Barlett, Charles A., Druggist 2788 ______1979 Barletta, Carmen A., Contractor 3541 ______1994 Barletta, Robert A., General Contractor 3649 ______1837 Barnard, David, Distiller 1185 ______1964 Barnes, A. Russell, Structural Engineer 3467 ______1856 Barnes, Curtis, Carpenter 1685 ______1836 Barnes, Edwin, Tailor 1089 ______1914 Barnes, Frank L., Electrical Contractor 3032 ______1856 Barnes, Horace, Frame Mfr. 1684 ______1870 Barnes, William L., Painter * ______1836 Barney, Christopher C., Bricklayer 1092 ______1872 Barrett, Francis, Painter 395 ______1854 Barrett, Sumner, Carpenter 1609 ______1903 Barrows, Cyrus M., Printer 2923 ______1870 Barrus, William L., Painter 2039 ______1800 Barry, James, Cooper 108 ______1815 Barry, James Jr., Cooper 461 ______1801 Barry, Thomas, Carpenter 257 ______1827 Barry, William, Hatter 691 ______1817 Barstow, Jacob, Cooper 468 ______1875 Barstow, Michael H., Mason 2228 ______1890 Barta, Louis, Printer 2752 ______1907 Bartlett, Edward W., Builder 2951 ______1881 Bartlett, George E., Mech. Engineer 2489 ______1870 Bartlett, Hosea, Housewright 843 ______1854 Bartlett, Louis D., Machinist 1589 ______1881 Bartlett, Samuel P., Mfg. Dentist 2461 ______1870 Bartlett, William E., Steam and Gasfitter 2052 ______1815 Barton, Augustus O., Housewright 459 ______1821 Barton, Henry H., Saddler 565 ______1814 Bass, Benjamin, Cabinetmaker 442 ______1831 Bass, George, Hatter 858 ______1799 Bass, Jonas S., Tanner 96 ______1801 Bass, Joseph, Upholsterer 237 Joined______Member Signed # ______1818 Bassett, Joseph, Cooper 500 1818______Bassett, Samuel, Sailmaker 507 1819______Bates, Adna, Housewright 526 1841______Bates, Charles, Housewright 1363 1827______Bates, Ezekiel, Carpenter 692 1853______Bates, J. Franklin, Painter 1525 1847______Bates, James, Mason 1464 1837______Bates, John, Painter 1220 1829______Bates, Joseph L., Umbrella Maker 784 1834______Bates, Levi, Mason 1008 1818______Bates, Martin, Hatter * 1835______Bates, Nathaniel N., Housewright 1056 1841______Bates, Samuel D., Painter 1356 1838______Bates, Thomas L., Carpenter 1281 1881______Bates, Walter, Concrete Paver 2476 1805______Batson, Joseph, Stucco Worker 326 ______Battles, Andrew * 1918______Bauer, George U., Tourist Agency 3084 1887______Bayley, Samuel K., Electrician 2666 1841______Bazin, George W., Printer 1373 1830______Beal, Benjamin, Coppersmith 825 1805______Beal, Caswell, Tailor 337 1834______Beal, John, Cooper 1024 1847______Beal, Thacher, Mason 1471 1805______Beals, Samuel, Coppersmith 329 1827______Beals, William, Printer 680 1855______Bean, Ivory, Mason 1629 1961______Beats, Harry, Master Plumber 3431 1964______Beats, James S., Plumber 3470 1919______Beck, Edward C., Master Painter 3091 1881______Beckford, Edwin S., Bellhanger 2452 2017______Beckley, Mark, Computer Engineer 3709 1982______Bedar, Rudolph, Architect 3576 1827______Bedlington, Timothy, Bookbinder * 1829______Beecher, Laban S., Carver 804 1875______Beeching, Richard, Cork Mfr. 2258 ______1952 Beede, E. Bennett, Mechanical Engineer 3389 ______1923 Beede, E. Jefts, Garage and Factory Equip. 3193 1974______Belanger, Walter E., Contractor 3509 ______1878 Belcher, Daniel, Iron Founder 2311 1929______Belcher, Donald M., Manufacturer 3255 1835______Belcher, Joseph, Painter 1061 Joined______Member Signed # 1810______Belcher, Joshua, Printer 388 1879______Bell, Charles H., Painter 2360 1830______Bell, Edward, Paver 830 1871______Bell, James W., Painter 2085 1821______Bell, Nathaniel E., Bricklayer 549 1825______Bell, Samuel S., Bricklayer 629 1795______Bell, Shubael, Carpenter 95 1824______Bell, William D., Sailmaker 579 1995 Bellomo, Joseph F., Video Engineer 3667 1961______Bengtsson, Gunnar, Sales Engineer 3428 1803______Benjamin, Asher, Housewright 300 1864______Bennett, Samuel P., Carpenter 1856 1804______Bennett, William, Stonecutter 322 1802______Benson, Thomas, Print Cutter 223 ______1920 Bent, Albert B., Manufacturer of Beds 3113 1890______Berrenberg, Adolph, Machinist 2720 1879______Berry, James B., Pianoforte Mfr. 2367 1866______Berry, George W., Furniture Mfr. 1937 ______1916 Bertram, James, Carpenter and Builder 3075 1978______Bessom, Edward H., Construction 3529 ______1859 Betteley, Albert, Machinist 1745 ______1833 Betteley, Andrew, Bricklayer 976 1870______Betts, Elijah, Stair Builder 2069 1978______Biancucci, Carl A., Engineer 3535 1878______Bicknell, Alfred, Bricklayer 2307 1885______Bicknell, Joseph L., Paper-box Mfr. 2603 1847______Bigelow, Abraham O., Watchmaker 1450 1851______Bigelow, Erastus B., Carpet Mfr. 1547 1834______Bigelow, John, Watchmaker 1010 1834______Bigelow, Joseph J., Jeweler 1017 1855______Bigelow, Lucius A., Machinist 1619 1875______Bill, Charles H., Locksmith 2230 1860______Billings, Hammatt, Designer 1773 1879______Bingham, Almerin, Hatter 2352 1803______Binney, John, Chocolate Mfr. 308 1829______Binney, Matthew, Umbrella Maker 788 ______1865 Bird, Francis W., Machinist & Engineer 1893 ______1875 Bird, George K., Mfr. Fire-clay Goods 2259 1860______Bird, George M., Machinist 1793 1832______Bird, Isaac, Paperhanger 898 1869______Bird, William E., Iron Founder 2036 1851______Bisbee, Albert, Machinist 1543 Joined______Member Signed # 1837______Bishop, William, Gunsmith 1209 1856______Black, James W., Photographer 1662 ______1963 Blackett, Arthur B., Real Estate Manager 3448 1814______Blackman, James, Cabinetmaker 446 1837______Blackmer, Holland, Housewright 1213 1882______Blackmer, James L. Sign Painter 2506 1898______Blair, Donald M., Building Mover 2837 1887______Blair, Isaac, Building Mover 2637 1861______Blair, John S., Building Mover 1820 1878______Blake, Christopher, Furniture Mfr. 2313 1889______Blake, Edward, Electrical Engineer 2692 1865______Blake, George F., Machinist 1877 1848______Blake, George T., Upholsterer 1484 1831______Blake, George W., Bricklayer 886 1874______Blake, Gorham, Sandblast Worker 2208 1829______Blake, James, Tallow Chandler 762 1800______Blake, James Jr., Housewright 161 1855______Blake, James G., Cabinetmaker 1617 1919______Blake, James S., Watch Dealer 3095 1831______Blake, Nathaniel, Sailmaker 862 1881______Blake, Thomas D., Pump Mfr. 2473 1833______Blake, William, Brass Founder 993 ______1874 Blake, William S., Brass and Bell Founder 2187 1875______Blakemore, John E., Japanner 2260 1840______Blakemore, William, Japanner 1349 1909______Blanchard, Carlton S., Builder 2992 1836______Blanchard, Noah, Cordwainer 1094 1820______Blanchard, Simon, Cabinetmaker 536 1848______Blanchard, Thomas, Machinist 1493 1914______Blanchard, Winslow, Machinist 3041 1837______Blaney, Henry, Bricklayer OM 80 1883______Blaney, W.W., Metal Refiner 2558 1943______Bliss, Frederick W., Electrician 3327 1882______Bliss, James F., Granite Worker 2488 1850______Bloch, Abraham F., Mfg. Chemist 1514 1869______Blodgett, Alvaro, Carpenter 2028 1857______Blood, John, Stonecutter 1715 1860______Blood, Otis R., Carpenter 1776 1818______Blood, Thomas H., Hatter 492 1921______Blount, Eugene I., Manufacturer 3151 1926______Blount, William C., Mfr. Machinist 3217 1891______Boardman, Waldo E., Dentist 2769 Joined______Member Signed # 1890______Bogart, Isaac R., Carpenter 2731 1849______Bogle, William, Wigmaker 1502 1832______Boles, John, Housewright 925 1839______Boles, Levi, Carpenter 1296 1800______Bolter, James, Carpenter 204 1833______Bond, Charles, Watchmaker 951 1850______Bond, Joseph Cranch, Watchmaker 1534 1918______Bond, Percy C., Builder 3085 1850______Bond, Richard F., Watchmaker 1535 1829______Bond, Richard, Housewright 771 1832______Bond, William C., Watchmaker 894 1810______Bonner, Peter, Housewright 373 1813______Bonner, Phillip, Coachsmith 405 1838______Bonney, Pelham, Housewright 1277 1879______Boody, J. H., Painter 2368 1795______Bordman, Thomas S., Hatter OM 50 ______1961 Borek, Gordon S., Consulting Engineer 3430 1998______Borghesani, Peter, Woodworker 3681 1840______Borrowscale, John, Slater 1343 ______1955 Bossi, Eugene A., Cast Stone Manufacturer 3410 1800______Bossom, John, Hairdresser 198 1827______Bosworth, Hiram, Carpenter 689 1998______Botelho, Jeffrey, Metal Fabricator 3683 1849______Bothamly, George, Plumber 1497 1859______Botume, John, Carpenter 1768 ______2006 Boucher, Robert A., Remodeling Contractor 3688 1996______Boudrot, Richard A., Engineer 3672 1835______Bourne, Abner, Housewright 1050 1887______Bourne, George F., Carpenter 2655 1869______Bourne, Robert T., Carpenter 2000 1840______Bowditch, Azel, Confectioner 1344 1828______Bowen, Abel, Engraver 724 1833______Bowen, Henry, Printer 1000 1827______Bowen, James, Slater 683 1801______Bowen, Samuel, Tinplate Worker 260 1809______Bowker, Allen, Housewright 369 ______1837 Bowker, David, Bricklayer 1118 1872 Bowker, George W., Carpenter 2128 1832______Bowker, Lazarus, Bricklayer 901 1883______Bowker, W. H., Carpenter 2547 1868______Boyce, Cadis B., Furniture Mfr. 1982 1868______Boyce, William, Cabinetmaker 1983 Joined______Member Signed # 1860______Boyd, Alexander, Saddler 1787 1901______Boyd, James T., Consulting Eng. 2872 1833______Boyd, James, Saddler 983 1833______Boyd, Thomas, Carpenter 998 1840______Boynton, John, Painter 1352 1830______Brackett, Rufus, Leather Mfr. 842 1854______Bradford, Frederick A., Turner 1591 1892______Bradford, John A., Inventor 2797 1854______Bradford, L. H., Engraver 1607 1866______Bradford, William R., Iron Founder 1938 1859______Bradlee, J. Putnam, Manufacturer 1756 1827______Bradlee, Joseph P., Tinplate Worker 662 1853______Bradlee, Nathaniel J., Architect 1562 1800______Bradlee, Nathaniel Jr., Housewright 192 1814______Bradlee, Thomas 2d, Bookbinder 406 1927______Bradley, Benjamin, Bookbinder 1102 1927______Bradley, Charles E., Manufacturer 3232 ______1900 Bradley, Charles H., Superintendent 2867 1848______Bradley, Osgood, Car Builder 1490 1887______Bradley, Shepard H., Printer 2633 1841______Bradshaw, Jesse, Confectioner 1364 1869______Bragdon, J. D., Painter 2037 ______1881 Brainard, Amos H., Machinery Mfr. 2433 1879______Brainard, E. H., Carriage Mfr. 2343 1860______Branigan, Thomas A., Glasscutter 1778 1795______Bray, John, Cooper 9 1917______Bray, Mellen N., Manufacturer 3076 1863______Bray, William W., Mason 1847 ______1928 Brayton, Homer L., Manufacturer of Iron 3237 1800______Brazier, William, Ropemaker 106 ______1827 Breed, Aaron, Math Instrument Maker 701 1856______Breed, Charles S., Stonecutter 1673 1892______Breed, Francis W., Shoe Mfr. 2774 1833______Breed, Horace A., Painter 972 1803______Breed, William, Baker 285 1991______Bremberg, Robert H. Engineer 3618 1814______Brewer, Clark, Tobacconist 435 1856______Brewer, Gardner, Manufacturer 1679 1800______Brewer, James, Block Maker 145 1801______Brewer, James Jr., Blacksmith 239 1856______Brewer, John R., Manufacturer 1687 1874______Brewer, William D., Tobacconist 2182 Joined______Member Signed # 1829______Brewster, Osmyn, Printer 767 1857______Brewster, William, Rigger 1721 1881______Bride, William J., Lead Mfr. 2396 1805______Bridge, John, Cabinetmaker 341 1831______Bridge, William, Blacksmith 874 1847______Bridges, Albert, Car Builder 1479 1971______Bridges, Almon H. Jr., Roofer 3659 1995______Bridges, Mark E., Roofer 3659 ______1923 Bridgham, Robert C., Mfr. Floral Designs 3187 1907______Brigg, Walter E., Stair Builder 2952 1834______Briggs, Billings, Housewright 1020 1838______Briggs, Cornelius, Cabinetmaker 1252 ______1896 Briggs, Frederick H., Billiard Table Mfr. 2827 1850______Briggs, George W., Bookbinder 1518 1860______Briggs, Harrison O., Shipbuilder 1785 1857______Briggs, Luther Jr., Architect 1729 ______1872 Briggs, Oliver L., Billiard Table Maker 2121 1865______Briggs, Richard, China Decorator 1883 1850______Briggs, Robert Jr., Civil Engineer 1516 1800______Brigham, Benajah, Mason 182 1800______Bright, John, Upholsterer 220 1945______Brink, John C., Sign Manufacturer 3337 1800______Brintnall, Samuel, Mast Maker 178 1874______Brintnall, Samuel R., Paperhanger 2190 ______1914 Brock, Edward P., Steam Specialties 3027 ______1866 Bromwich, Charles M., Stove Dealer 1930 1860______Brooks, Charles P. Plasterer 1796 1871______Brooks, John M., Shipbuilder 2103 1889______Brooks, Luther F., Mfg. Jeweler 2685 1856______Brown, Amos, Builder 1666 1831______Brown, Benjamin, Chair Painter 865 1831______Brown, Benjamin, Housewright 852 1836______Brown, Benjamin Jr., Shipwright 1088 1832______Brown, Benjamin H., Joiner 924 1899______Brown, Charles A., Architect 2858 1847______Brown, Charles W., Carpenter 1455 1854______Brown, Daniel Jr., Carpenter 1605 1979______Brown, Douglas A., Shipbuilder 3544 1837______Brown, Edwin, Pianoforte Maker 1228 ______1837 Brown, Elbridge, Hatter 1123 1815______Brown, Eldad, Housewright 455 1826______Brown, Eldad, Housewright 657 Joined______Member Signed # 1841______Brown, George W., Shipwright 1368 ______1909 Brown, Harold H., Consulting Engineer 2989 1981______Brown, Howard J. Jr., Electronics 3573 1824______Brown, Israel, Tailor 601 1969______Brown, J. Douglas, Shipbuilder 3491 1818______Brown, James, Cooper 474 ______1872 Brown, John, House and Ship Joiner 2131 1880______Brown, John A., Dentist 2378 ______2006 Brown, John P., Building Contractor 3693 1854______Brown, Joseph E., Carpenter 1603 1829______Brown, Luke, Housewright 780 1854______Brown, Nathan, Carpenter 1604 1940______Brown, Raymond A., Builder 3301 1814______Brown, Robert J., Jeweler 440 1832______Brown, Samuel, Mast Maker 944 1879______Brown, Samuel N., Scale Mfr. 2347 1856______Brown, Seth E., Watchmaker 1643 1811______Brown, Thomas, Baker 389 1833______Brown, Timothy, Housewright 978 1867______Brown, William F., Printer 1974 1908______Brown, William I., Woodworker 2978 ______1861 Brown, William L., Building Mover 1819 1835______Brown, William P., Housewright 1051 1837______Browne, Albert G., Ropemaker 1205 ______1871 Bruce, Charles H., Windowshade Mfr. 2100 1826______Bruce, Thomas, Slater 654 1825______Bryant, Foster, Bricklayer 623 1822______Bryant, Gridley, Mason 569 1859______Bryant, Gridley J. F., Architect 1753 1824______Bryant, Nathaniel, Cabinetmaker 582 1830______Bryant, Southworth, Painter 813 ______1837 Bryent, Walter, Stove Mfr. 1192 1857______Bryer, Alexander K., Rigger 1720 ______1902 Buck, Charles H. W. E., Sign Maker 2908 1907______Buck, Norton P., Sign Maker 2946 1841______Buck, Silas B., Carpenter 1366 1867______Buckingham, E. B., Tube Mfr. 1972 1831______Buckingham, Edward, Printer 876 1833______Buckingham, Joseph H., Printer 990 1811______Buckingham, Joseph T., Printer 392 1951______Buel, J. Frederick, Machine Shop 3380 1884______Buerkell, John F., Steamfitter 2567 Joined______Member Signed # ______1922 Buerkell, George, Electrical Contractor 3178 1815______Bugbee, Asa, Painter 456 1814______Bugbee, Edward, Hairdresser 447 1865______Bugbee, James R., Lock Maker 1869 1856______Bull, Ephraim W., Goldbeater 1674 1831______Bullard, Charles, Leather Dresser 848 1828______Bullard, Daniel, Shipwright * 1800______Bullard, Jabez, Carpenter 152 1925______Bullard, William P., Optician 3205 1860______Buton, Jesse, Stonecutter 1807 1942______Burbank, Colby L., Builder 3322 ______1952 Burbank, Colby L. Jr., Civil Engineer 3387 1835______Burchstead, Benjamin, Shipwright 1075 1800______Burchstead, James, Shipwright 164 1821______Burckes, Lewis, Cabinetmaker 547 1859______Burgess, Charles S., Painter 1760 ______1872 Burgess, Thomas H., Painter 2117 ______1911 Burleigh, Charles B., Electrical Engineer 3002 1832______Burleigh, Ezra, Housewright 907 1860______Burnham, Gershom T., Carpenter 1789 ______1936 Burns, Walter G., Building Contractor 3282 ______1975 Burr, Malcolm S., Mechanical Engineer 3514 ______1995 Burr, Malcolm S. Jr., Fastener Engineer 3666 1810______Burr, Martin, Tailor 381 ______1837 Burr, Robert, Trunk Maker 1119 1835______Burr, Theophilus, Housewright 1073 1856______Burr, Theophilus Jr., Carpenter 1641 ______1882 Burrell, Randall G., Pianoforte Maker 2498 1881______Burt, George L., Carpenter 2438 1881______Burt, John H., Carpenter 2440 1881______Burt, Sumner A., Carpenter 2439 1881______Busby, Nahum J., Machinist 2482 1885______Butler, Benjamin F., Manufacturer 2624 1921______Butler, Merrill P., Marble Worker 3142 1892______Butler, Philip H., Marble Worker 2784 1872______Butman, W. W., Tailor 2125 1830______Butterfield, Isaac, Housewright 824 1835______Butterfield, Sewall, Cooper 1078 ______1845 Butterfield, William P., Leather Dresser 1435 ______1913 Butterworth, Elwell R., Mechanical Engineer 3019 1908______Butterworth, Robert, Collar Mfr. 2970 ______1827 Butts, Isaac R., Printer 669 Joined______Member Signed # ______1832 Butts, Noah, Engineer 896 ______1874 Byam, Ezekiel G., Match Mfr. 2218 ______1883 Byers, Joseph, Machinist 2549 ______1881 Byfield, Abraham, Chair Mfr. 2421 ______1881 Byfield, George D., Furniture Mfr. 2409 ______1865 Byrnes, Lawrence, Turner 1899 ______1890 Cable, Wheeler, Rubber Mfr. 2759 ______1899 Cable, William J., Rubber Mfr. 2860 ______1892 Cabot, Samuel, Mfr. Chemist 2779 ______1795 Cade, Peter, Ropemaker O M 35 ______1932 Cahill, Charles T., Publicity Manager 3265 ______1884 Caldwell, John A., Iron Founder 2579 ______1998 Calitri, Peter A., Builder 3679 ______1881 Calkins, Frederick W., Printer 2387 ______1821 Call, Abraham, Tailor 551 ______1875 Callahan, Jeremiah R., Carpenter 2227 ______1951 Callbeck, Percy H., Millwork 3373 ______1795 Callender, Benjamin, Tailor OM 3 ______1800 Callender, Joseph, Engraver 134 ______1800 Callender, William, Ivory Turner 199 ______1866 Came, James E., Billiard Table Maker 1935 ______1993 Camella, James M., Roofer 3632 ______1895 Cameron, Colin D., Stair Builder 2814 ______1923 Campbell, Charles G., Master Painter 3190 ______1920 Campbell, Charles L., Chemical Engineer 3114 ______1931 Campbell, Chester I., Manufacturer 3259 ______1922 Campbell, Harold B., Mfr. of Metal Pack. 3159 ______1882 Campbell, John D., Painter 2497 ______1923 Campbell, Kenneth, Optometrist/Optician 3191 ______1895 Caney, Frank H., Superintendent 2821 ______1801 Cannig, Martin, Baker 229 ______1952 Cantor, M. Michael, Metal Products 3386 ______1961 Cantor, Marvin S., Sales Engineer 3422 ______1972 Cantor, William M., Precision Machinery 3500 ______2009 Capobianco, Eugene, Electrical Contractor 3695 ______1997 Capone, Marcello, Carpet Cleaning 3676 ______1900 Capper, Frederick H., Plumber 2870 ______1871 Capper, Thomas H., Plumber 2082 ______1991 Cara, Michael A., General Contractor 3615 ______1929 Carder, Estern F., Mfr. Builders Finish 3249 ______1870 Carey, Hugh, Tailor 2053 ______1865 Carl, William, Fresco Painter 1890 Joined______Member Signed # ______1887 Carleton, Guy H., Iron Worker 2636 ______1924 Carleton, John H., Engineer 3198 ______1824 Carleton, William, Tinplate Worker 588 ______1902 Carlin, William J., Metal Worker 2910 ______1862 Carlisle, Ira B., Carpenter 1835 ______1980 Carlson, C. Arnold, Contractor 3550 ______1961 Carlson, E. Jon, Builders Finish 3436 ______1985 Carlson, Richard A., General Contractor 3590 ______1829 Carlton, Conrad C., Stonecutter 758 ______1836 Carnes, William R., Cabinetmaker 1090 ______1838 Carny, William, Jeweler 1261 ______1856 Carpenter, Cyrus, Tinplate Worker 1533 ______1870 Carpenter, George O., Paint Mfr. 2066 ______1861 Carpenter, William, Builder 1812 ______1888 Carr, Martin W., Mfg. Jeweler 2684 ______1883 Carr, Rufus B., Clockmaker 259 ______1994 Carroll, Thomas F., Engineer 3651 ______1824 Carter, Cephas, Bricklayer 599 ______1914 Carter, George H., Cabinetmaker 3046 ______1867 Carter, George P., Bookbinder 1957 ______1832 Carter, John H., Coppersmith 909 ______1882 Carter, Thomas W., Drainpipe Mfr. 2509 ______1821 Cary, Alpheus, Stonecutter 554 ______1837 Cary, Isaac, Copperplate Printer 1199 ______1865 Case, John G., Photographer 1919 ______1840 Cassell, Edmund D., Painter 1345 ______1890 Casson, Robert, Cabinetmaker 2734 ______1920 Cast, Alfred, Mason Builder 3122 ______1795 Caswell, Richard, Ropemaker OM 57 ______1867 Cate, Earl M., Tinware Mfr. 1950 ______1837 Cate, Samuel, Cooper 1120 ______1877 Cavanagh, George H., Piledriver, Bridgebuilder 2289 ______1869 Cavanagh, John, Building Mover 2026 ______1888 Cavanagh, William H., Building Mover 2680 ______1838 Chadbourne, Seth, Blacksmith 1240 ______1947 Chadwick, Gilbert L., Electrical Contractor 3354 ______1905 Chaffee, Herbert B., Box Mfr. 2934 ______1860 Chaffin, Henry, Tailor 1792 ______1916 Challis, John, Manager 3064 ______1857 Chamberlin, David, Carpenter 1718 ______1832 Chamberlin, Edward Jr., Copper & Brass Founder 914 ______1832 Chamberlin, Thomas, Coppersmith 929 Joined______Member Signed # ______1832 Champney, John Y., Housewright 926 ______1921 Chandler, Alvah P., Hardware Dealer 3156 ______1828 Chandler, Benjamin, Housewright 721 ______1896 Chandler, Frank, Hardware Mfr. 2826 ______1890 Chandler, Henry B., Roofer 2737 ______1908 Chandler, Milton A., Hardware Dealer 2976 ______1874 Chapin, Eliphas S., Stonecutter 2202 ______1899 Chapman, William W., Painter 2847 ______1887 Chase, Andrew J., Refrigerator Mfr. 2650 ______1872 Chase, Daniel E., Distiller 2123 ______1856 Chase, Irah Jr., Iron Founder 1658 ______1866 Chase, Josiah G., Civil Engineer 1947 ______1881 Chase, Lewson E., Manufacturer 2434 ______1925 Chase, Maurice E., Piping Contractor 3207 ______1886 Chase, William L., Bag Mfr. 2628 ______1846 Cheever, John O., Machinist 2235 ______1846 Cheever, Simon G., Saddler 1443 ______1988 Chellman, Richard W., Plumbing Contractor 3602 ______1971 Chellman, William H., Plumbing Contractor 3498 ______1873 Cheney, Ethan R., Stonecutter 2150 ______1908 Cheney, Herbert N., Gas Engineer 2150 ______1828 Cheney, Joseph, Harness Maker 746 ______1847 Chesley, William, Mason 1465 ______1869 Chesley, William P. Builder 2015 ______1865 Chester, William F., Turner 1897 ______1920 Chesterton, Arthur W., Engineer Supplies 3128 ______1993 Chiavelli, Stephan A., Electrical Contractor 3635 ______1851 Chickering, Charles F., Pianoforte Maker 1586 ______1889 Chickering, Elmer, Photographer 2694 ______1854 Chickering, George H., Pianoforte Maker 1587 ______1829 Chickering, Jonas, Pianoforte Maker 798 ______1854 Chickering, Thomas E., Pianoforte Maker 1585 ______1854 Childs, Alfred A., Gilder 1616 ______1890 Childs, Eugene, Machinist 2745 ______1880 Childs, Francis, Upholsterer 2371 ______1814 Childs, John, Sailmaker 407 ______1800 Childs, Jonas, Tailor 166 ______1837 Chilson, Gardner, Stove Mfr. 1190 ______1983 Chiricosta, Vincent A., Architect 3580 ______1992 Chiricosta, Vincent A. Jr., Attorney 3626 ______1854 Chism, Samuel, Printer 1611 ______1841 Choate, Charles, Cordwainer 1375 Joined______Member Signed # ______1841 Choate, William T., Shoemaker 1386 ______1795 Christy, Thomas, Housewright 87 ______1830 Christy, Thomas, Saddler 841 ______1865 Chubbuck, Levi, Sheetiron Worker 1882 ______1874 Chubbuck, Stillman E. Jr., Steam Engine Builder 2190 ______1889 Churchill, Gardner A., Printer 2691 ______1809 Churchill, Jesse, Silversmith * ______1829 Churchill, Peleg, Cooper 787 ______1978 Ciardi, John Jr., Engineer 3538 ______1890 Claflin, Adams D., Electrical Engineer 2726 ______1925 Claflin, Charles A., Manufacturer 3209 ______1925 Claflin, William R., Manager 3210 ______1818 Clap, John, Cabinetmaker 485 ______1800 Clapp, Bela, Housewright 225 ______1838 Clapp, Benjamin, Cooper 1249 ______1805 Clapp, Caleb, Carpenter 333 ______1874 Clapp, Charles M., Rubber Mfr. 2171 ______1814 Clapp, Chester, Tailor 441 ______1816 Clapp, Daniel, Cooper * ______1839 Clapp, David Jr., Printer 1321 ______1872 Clapp, John C., Printer 2124 ______1923 Clapp, Joseph L., Furrier Mfr. 3186 ______1876 Clapp, Peleg F., Mason 2275 ______1832 Clapp, William W., Printer 897 ______1854 Clapp, William W. Jr., Printer 1610 ______1801 Clark, Benjamin, Cooper 240 ______1841 Clark, Bradley M., Painter 1369 ______1866 Clark, Cyrus T., Painter 1934 ______1822 Clark, Edward D., Coppersmith 566 ______1888 Clark, Edward W., Mason 2676 ______1905 Clark, F. Warren, Builder 2935 ______1920 Clark, Frank O., Photo Engraver 3129 ______1872 Clark, Frederick O., Carpenter 2158 ______1911 Clark, Henry W., Jeweler 3003 ______1795 Clark, Humphrey, Tailor OM 23 ______1828 Clark, James, Pump and Block Maker 716 ______1801 Clark, John, Tobacconist 226 ______1890 Clark, John H., Machinist 2735 ______1837 Clark, Joseph, Jeweler 1154 ______1979 Clark, Lee W., Sheet Metal 3548 ______1835 Clark, Metcalf B., Silversmith 1071 ______1922 Clark, Oberlin S., Builder 3161 Joined______Member Signed # ______1860 Clark, Oliver R., Shoemaker 1786 ______1936 Clark, Richard J., Master Roofer 3282 ______1835 Clark, Stephen, Carpenter 1068 ______1841 Clark, William G., Pump and Block Maker 1358 ______1839 Clarke, John, Plumber 1337 ______1844 Clarke, John Jr., Plumber 1408 ______1843 Clarke, Samuel, Plumber 1405 ______1833 Claxton, Timothy, Phil. Inst. Maker 1002 ______1865 Cleaves, Edwin, Mouldmaker 1872 ______1804 Clement, Charles, Housewright 321 ______1795 Clement, Thomas, Housewright OM * ______1978 Cleveland, Byron Jr., Machinist 3537 ______1879 Clifford, Alonzo P., Carpenter 2351 ______1854 Clifford, Woodbury, Carpenter 1582 ______1871 Clough, George A., Architect 2097 ______1825 Clough, Joseph, Housewright 638 ______1840 Clouston, John C., Carpenter 1353 ______1839 Clouston, Robert H., Housewright 1334 ______1833 Cloyes, Albert, Sash Maker 1001 ______1795 Cobb, David, Blacksmith 82 ______1808 Cobb, Elias, Blacksmith 357 ______1871 Coburn, E.N., Carpenter 2075 ______1898 Coburn, Frank G., Mason/Builder 2843 ______1849 Coburn, Joseph W., Mason 1498 ______1832 Codman, John, Machinist 931 ______1873 Coffin, Charles P., Oil Mfr. 2143 ______1865 Coffin, Galen, Patternmaker 1907 ______1867 Coffin, Uriah H., Carpenter 3022 ______1878 Coffin, William E., Iron Mfr. 2317 ______1881 Cofran, Samuel M., Brickmaker 2475 ______1978 Cogan, Kenneth A., Welding Eng. 3536 ______1826 Colby, Daniel, Housewright 656 ______1883 Colby, George H., Master Mechanic 2541 ______1888 Colcord, Benjamin F., Mason 2683 ______1928 Coldrick, Frank M., Electrical Contr. 3242 ______1913 Cole, James T., Superintendent 3022 ______1858 Collier, Charles, Stoneware Mfr. 1736 ______1874 Collins, William F., Mason 2219 ______1927 Collupy, Everett H., Manufacturer 3233 ______1922 Collyer, William G., Awnings and Tents 3172 ______1972 Comeau, Dean E., General Contractor 3501 ______1983 Comeau, Donald C., Boiler Installer 3582 Joined______Member Signed # ______1875 Comee, Frederick T., Printing Press Mfr. 2265 ______1800 Comey, Benjamin, Mast Maker 126 ______1850 Conley, Charles C., Carpenter 1524 ______1850 Conn, Horace, Leather Mfr. 1539 ______1870 Connery, David, Mason 2059 ______1890 Connery, David, Mason 2722 ______1901 Connery, Walter J., Mason/Builder 2882 ______1963 Conti, Felix J., General Contractor 3455 ______1874 Cook, Charles M., Stained Glass Mfr. 2211 ______1855 Cook, Isaac, Machinist 1631 ______1814 Cook, Isaac, Tailor 450 ______1844 Cook, James M., Painter/Glazier 1410 ______1830 Cook, Justin, Housewright 829 ______1827 Cook, Levi, Mason 694 ______1844 Coolidge, George, Printer 1415 ______1847 Coolidge, Charles 2d, Chair Mfr. 1499 ______1922 Coombs, Harold W., Engineer 3184 ______1861 Cooper, Isaac C., Mason 1826 ______1854 Cooper, Samuel, Civil Engineer 1575 ______1845 Copeland, Charles, Confectioner 1433 ______1828 Copeland, Daniel, Mason 719 ______1881 Copeland, George W., Inventor 2469 ______1840 Copeland, Robert M., Bookbinder 1347 ______1882 Copeland, Thomas, Blacksmith 2507 ______1834 Copeland, Thomas, Carpenter 1006 ______1979 Copithorne, Alton R., Consulting Engineer 3540 ______1837 Copp, John G., Tinplate Worker 1230 ______1895 Coppins, George T., Pipe and Fittings Mfr. 2806 ______1823 Cornell, Walter, Stove Mfr. 571 ______1795 Cornish, John, Tailor OM 22 ______1837 Corthell, Hosea, Carpenter 1143 ______1912 Cortis, Dwight T., Master Gas Fitter 3014 ______1884 Costigan, Edward A., Shipwright 2583 ______1833 Cotting, Timothy, Baker 963 ______1795 Cotton, John, Painter OM 49 ______1856 Cotton, John, Painter 1680 ______1824 Cotton, Nathaniel, Housewright 591 ______1795 Cotton, Solomon, Blacksmith OM 62 ______1821 Cotton, Solomon, Painter 558 ______1881 Cotton, William C., Tube Mfr. 2429 ______1870 Coughlin, James, Plumber 2048 ______1927 Coulson, William, Builder 3229 Joined______Member Signed # ______1928 Covel, N. Edwin, Confectioner 3238 ______1837 Cowdin, John, Soapstone Worker 1145 ______1921 Cox, Edwin W., Plumber 3143 ______1814 Crafts, Charles, Saddler 424 ______1902 Craig, David, Plumber 2914 ______1851 Cram, Edward, Manufacturer 1540 ______1832 Cram, George W., Housewright 922 ______1950 Crane, Charles E., Industrial Real Estate 3370 ______1884 Crane, Moses G., Manufacturer 2582 ______1915 Crane, William, Builder 3052 ______1951 Crane, William A., Contractor 3382 ______1910 Cranitch, John J., Carpenter 2997 ______1829 Crawford, Ira, Housewright 779 ______1881 Crawford, James G., Laundryman 2441 ______1849 Crawshaw, Joseph, Carpet Mfr. 1505 ______1874 Creesy, Leonard F., Carpenter 2209 ______1822 Crehore, Edward, Hatter 567 ______1847 Crehore, Edward, Paper and Card Mfr. 1475 ______1831 Crehore, Thomas, Card Mfr. 882 ______1828 Crehore, William, Housewright 726 ______1818 Creighton, George, Cooper 482 ______1810 Crocker, Asa, Hatter 385 ______1841 Crocker, Hezekiah B., Housewright 1381 ______1836 Crocker, Richard J., Sailmaker 1085 ______1824 Crocker, Uriel, Printer 593 ______1878 Crockett, John F., Machinist 2304 ______1875 Croft, James T., Iron Worker 2229 ______1837 Crombie, William, Cordwainer 1134 ______1890 Cronin, John T., Printer 2713 ______1857 Crooker, Ralph, Iron Mfr. 1717 ______1800 Crooker, Turner, Mason 173 ______1954 Crooks, Amos W., Ventilating Contractor 3399 ______1883 Crosbie, Robert, Shipbuilder 2560 ______1879 Crosby, George H., Gauge Mfr. 2355 ______1850 Crosby, Samuel T., Silversmith 1520 ______1801 Crosby, William, Tailor 248 ______1800 Cross, Benjamin T., Composition Mfr. 186 ______1954 Crowdis, Thomas R., Contractor 3396 ______1981 Crowdis, Thomas R. Jr., Consultant 3572 ______2008 Crowdis, Thomas R. III, Machine Shop Manager 3689 ______1952 Crowell, Christopher C., Architect 3385 ______1936 Crowley, Wallace E., Manager Real Estate 3286 Joined______Member Signed # ______1847 Crowninshield, Abraham W., Cabinetmaker 1461 ______1946 Crowther, Frederick S., Mfr. Building Finish 3342 ______1878 Crump, Charles H., Mfr. Gas Fixtures 2323 ______1887 Cuddihy, J. J., Flagging Stone Mfr. 2649 ______1895 Cuddihy, M. H., Stonecutter 2816 ______1821 Cudworth, Peter, Housewright 552 ______1992 Culver, John H., Metal Finisher 3624 ______1922 Cumming, Robie C., Master Painter 3158 ______1833 Cummings, Charles W., Blacksmith 989 ______1880 Cummings, Frank, Manufacturer 2382 ______1838 Cummings, John, Currier 1271 ______1860 Cummings, Nathaniel, Carpenter 1772 ______1931 Cummings, William L., Manufacturer 3260 ______1865 Cumston, James S., Piano Mfr. 1887 ______1856 Cumston, William, Pianoforte Mfr. 1671 ______1872 Cunningham, B. M., Launderer 2111 ______1834 Cunningham, George H., Carpenter 1026 ______1869 Cunningham, Thomas, Steamboiler Maker 2032 ______1895 Currier, Charles E., Carpenter/Builder 2817 ______1847 Currier, Hugh M., Upholsterer 1480 ______1811 Currier, William, Baker 390 ______1927 Curry, Frank B., Mfr. Store Fixtures 3231 ______1926 Curry, James J., Manufacturer 3220 ______1890 Curtin, Andrew F., Plumber 2727 ______1884 Curtin, John J., Plumber 2600 ______1833 Curtis, Allen C., Paper Mfr. 952 ______1864 Curtis, George, Carpenter 1849 ______1838 Curtis, James O., Shipwright 1274 ______2010 Curtis, John, General Contractor 3694 ______1857 Curtis, John J., Shipwright 1708 ______1814 Curtis, Samuel, Clock Dial Maker 417 ______1800 Curtis, Samuel, Leather Dresser 216 ______1800 Curtis, Thomas, Hairdresser 129 ______1818 Cushing, Benjamin, Cooper 480 ______1881 Cushing, Ethan A., Millwright 2422 ______1803 Cushing, Isaac, Housewright 305 ______1854 Cushing, Isaac C., Mason 1608 ______1844 Cushing, John, Mast Maker 1426 ______1892 Cushing, Josiah S., Printer 2787 ______1836 Cushing, Levi L., Carver 1086 ______1831 Cushing, Peroz, Housewright 875 ______1827 Cushing, Roland, House and Ship Joiner 678 Joined______Member Signed # ______1844 Cushing, Samuel T., Math. Inst. Maker 1412 ______1795 Cushman, Elkanah, Hairdresser OM 41 ______1836 Cushman, Freeman L., Housewright 1105 ______1884 Cushman, Rufus, Shipbuilder 2580 ______1902 Cutler, Frank E., Painter 2911 ______1800 Cutler, James, Printer 209 ______1828 Cutler, Micar, Housewright 738 ______1935 Cutler, Samuel E., Manufacturer 3279 ______1841 Cutter, Ebenezer F., Morocco Dresser 1377 ______1963 Cutting, Roger, Consulting Engineer 3447 ______1944 Dade, Ernest B., Manufacturer 3335 ______1990 Dagastino, Vincent J., Mechanical Contractor 3610 ______1795 Daley, William, Baker 85 ______1887 Dalton, John F., Gasfitter 2653 ______1849 Dalton, Michael, Type Founder 1494 ______1977 Dalzell, David Jr., Automotive 3528 ______1878 Damon, C. Alphonzo, Carpenter 2320 ______1879 Damon, George L., Safe Mfr. 2356 ______1961 Damon, Henry O., Woodworker 3434 ______1961 Damon, John K., Wood Products Mfr. 3435 ______1990 Damon, Winslow C., Radio Engineer 3612 ______1837 Damrell, William B., Printer 1233 ______1922 Daniel, John, Builder 3174 ______1866 Daniels, John E., Cabinetmaker 1942 ______1982 Dankens, Albert P., Building Contractor 3579 ______1993 Dankens, David G., Project Manager 3661 ______1810 Darling, Benjamin, Plumber/Glazier 378 ______1865 Darling, Charles K., Blank Book Maker 1871 ______1824 Darling, Samuel, Housewright 586 ______1854 Darracott, Franklin, Civil Engineer 1576 ______1809 Darracott, George, Tinplate Worker 368 ______1838 Darracott, George Jr., Machinist 1267 ______1841 Darton, William, Shipwright 1380 ______1846 Davenport, Charles, Car Builder 1444 ______1803 Davenport, Ebenezer, Chairmaker 309 ______1831 Davenport, John, Housewright 857 ______1834 Davenport, John P., Hairdresser 1045 ______1877 Davenport, Samuel N., Carpenter 2284 ______1815 David, John, Whip Maker 460 ______2019 Davidian, Gregory, Auto Mechanic 3720 ______1802 Davies, Charles, Tinware Mfr. 280 ______1869 Davies, Charles H., Builder 2008 Joined______Member Signed # ______1834 Davies, Daniel, Housewright 1033 ______1947 Davis, Alvin W., Woodworker 3355 ______1859 Davis, Charles, Stonecutter 1751 ______1850 Davis, David P., Clock Mfr. 1530 ______1964 Davis, Donald A., Architectural Woodworking 3465 ______1837 Davis, Eliphalet, Soap Maker 1186 ______1881 Davis, Frederick, Cordage Mfr. 2410 ______1854 Davis, Frederick W., Copper Smelter 1584 ______1834 Davis, George, Housewright 1049 ______1855 Davis, George H., Pianoforte Maker 1632 ______1865 Davis, George L., Machinist 1886 ______1818 Davis, Henry, Cooper 479 ______1824 Davis, Isaac, Jeweler 595 ______1886 Davis, Isaac H., Steam Engine Mfr. 2629 ______1795 Davis, Isaac P., Ropemaker OM 17 ______1815 Davis, Isaac P., Ropemaker (by John Cotton) 462 ______1818 Davis, James, Brass Founder 510 ______1892 Davis, James H., Soap Mfr. 2792 ______1832 Davis, Jonathan, Paver 900 ______1814 Davis, Samuel, Jeweler 428 ______1833 Davis, William, Pump and Block Maker 995 ______1921 Davis, William A., Iron Worker 3139 ______1837 Dawley, Augustus S., Machinist 1225 ______1795 Dawson, James, Tailor 92 ______1956 Day, Robert F., Painting Contractor 3411 ______1940 De l’Etoile, Alfred J., Ventilating Contractor 3306 ______1955 De l’Etoile, Richard K., Ventilating Engineer 3405 ______1802 Dean, Thomas, Printer 292 ______1976 DeAngelis, George P., Iron and Structural Steel 3519 ______1981 DeGuzman, Neil, Roofing Contractor 3566 ______1826 Del Noce, Germars, Saddler 648 ______1866 Delano, Charles H., Jeweler 1926 ______1859 Demond, George W., Stove Dealer 1759 ______2015 Denaro, Paul J., Chef 3706 ______1855 Denio, Sylvanus A., Machinist 1622 ______1833 Dennis, Enoch, Chaise Maker 981 ______1834 Dennis, Louis, Bricklayer 1048 ______1824 Dennis, Samuel, Mason 585 ______1888 Dennison, Charles S., Tag Mfr. 2678 ______1875 Dennison, E. W., Tag Mfr. 2238 ______1880 Dennison, Henry B., Tag Mfr. 2369 ______1862 Denton, Eben, Bookbinder 1829 Joined______Member Signed # ______1795 Denton, John, Blacksmith OM 75 ______1830 Denton, Jonathan, Housewright 815 ______1992 Denyer, Steven B., Mechanic 3627 ______1976 Deroo, Charles F., Machinery 3520 ______1873 Devereux, John N., Sailmaker 2148 ______1993 DeVincenzo, Dante, General Contractor 3637 ______1854 Dewhurst, Thomas, Capmaker 1577 ______1824 Dewhurst, Thomas, Tinplate Worker 580 ______1869 Dewing, Benjamin F., Mason 2033 ______1839 Dexter, Anson, Cap Mfr. 1315 ______1961 di Stefano, Carmen, Architect 3437 ______1996 DiCarlo, David A., Building Contractor 3670 ______1978 DiCarlo, David E., Excavator 3531 ______1948 DiCarlo, Dino, Building Contractor 3357 ______1978 DiCarlo, Dino J., Excavator 3530 ______1876 Dickerman, Charles C., Lock Mfr. 2280 ______1865 Dickerman, George H., Paperbox Mfr. 1891 ______1890 Dickey, Adam, Turner 2718 ______1985 Dickinson, Reed S., Precast Concrete 3588 ______1830 Dickinson, Samuel N., Printer 807 ______1981 DiGesse, Thomas H., Mechanical Contractor 3563 ______1874 Dill, Thomas B., Machinist 2183 ______1828 Dillaway, William, Shipwright 708 ______1838 Dillon, James, Shipwright 1247 ______1829 Dingley, John T., Hatter 801 ______1887 Dinneen, Maurice, Woodturner 2638 ______1981 DiOrio, Amelio V., Master Mechanic 3568 ______1991 DiOrio, Richard D., Mechanic 3617 ______1839 Ditson, Oliver, Printer 1300 ______1902 Dixon, Lorenzo D., Mason Builder 2886 ______1945 Dixon, Merton F., Patternmaker 3338 ______1963 Doane, Clarence E., Agent Boston Pilots 3456 ______2004 Dodakian, Harry M., Ornamental Iron Work 3690 ______1814 Dodd, John, Tobacconist 419 ______1955 Dodds, Verdie A., Steel Manager 3403 ______1838 Dodge, Benjamin, Watchmaker 1250 ______1887 Dodge, Charles A., Mason 2641 ______1887 Dodge, Charles H., Mason 2663 ______1926 Dodge, William F., Manufacturer 3216 ______1847 Doe, Joseph M., Upholsterer 1469 ______1941 Doe, Willis H., Manufacturing Chemist 3309 ______1805 Doggett, John, Gilder 327 Joined______Member Signed # ______1800 Doggett, Noah Jr., Housewright 168 ______1818 Doggett, Samuel, Gilder 515 ______1924 Doig, Thomas G., Contractor Plasterer 3197 ______1929 Dolan, James P., Manufacturer 3251 ______1915 Dolley, Fred M., Printer 3053 ______1872 Dolliver, Peter, Shipwright 2109 ______1930 Dolloff, Charles W., Paving Contractor 3257 ______1927 Dolloff, George L., Contractor 3227 ______1925 Dolloff, George S., Supt. Nautical Instruments 3208 ______1824 Domett, Charles M., Saddler 575 ______1812 Domett, George, Saddler 393 ______1874 Donnell, Elbridge C., House and Ship Joiner 2213 ______1864 Donnell, Horatio D., Shipjoiner 1855 ______1841 Donnell, William E., Joiner 1360 ______1910 Donovan, Daniel P., Plasterer 2999 ______1829 Dorety, James, Hairdresser 761 ______1995 Doucette, Thomas F., Civil Engineer 3660 ______1918 Douglass, Walter B., Builder 3087 ______1834 Dow, James B., Printer 1015 ______1828 Dow, Joseph F., Housewright 703 ______1803 Dow, Samuel, Blacksmith 314 ______1845 Dow, Stephen, Tanner and Currier 1431 ______1827 Dow, William A., Cooper 685 ______1844 Downing, Charles O., Carpenter 1411 ______1815 Downing, Oliver, Housewright 458 ______1992 Doyle, Francis A. III, Accountant 3628 ______1976 Doyle, Francis A. Jr., Sheet Metal 3516 ______1991 Doyle, Robert A., General Contractor 3616 ______1800 Doyle, William M. S., Paperstainer 147 ______1880 Drake, Lincoln B., Iron Founder 2385 ______1820 Drayton, John, Housewright 537 ______1873 Dresser, Edwin, Bookbinder 2149 ______1800 Drew, Job, Cordwainer 136 ______1842 Drew, Joseph L., Goldbeater 1396 ______1802 Drew, Samuel, Founder 274 ______1851 Driscoll, Cornelius, Tailor 1545 ______1907 Drisko, Fred H., Builder 2856 ______1947 Drummey, William W., Architect 3350 ______1857 Drummond, William S., Printer 1725 ______1836 Drury, Gardner P., Steam Engine Builder 1091 ______1829 Dudley, James, Housewright 772 ______1949 Duffill, Hugh P., Engineer 3360 Joined______Member Signed # ______1914 Dugad, George R., Mason 3035 ______1800 Dumesnil, Anthony, Watchmaker 114 ______1902 Dunbar, Kinsley, Mechanical Draughtsman 2893 ______1836 Dunbar, Luther W., Housewright 1098 ______1828 Dunbar, Melzar, Housewright 737 ______1951 Duncan, Frederic B., Brass Founder 3374 ______1921 Duncan, Justin A., Brass Founder 3144 ______1837 Dunham, Josiah Jr., Cordage Mfr. 1127 ______1860 Dunklee, B. Wells, Furnace Mfr. 1806 ______1923 Dunlap, Forest W., Electrical Contractor 3192 ______1924 Dunton, Kerwin, Office Furniture Mfr. 3199 ______1835 Dupee, Charles, Carpenter 1072 ______1888 Dupee, Henry D., Mfg. Chemist 2682 ______1830 Dupee, Horace, Painter 820 ______1802 Dupee, Isaac, Block Maker 272 ______1800 Durell, Isaac, Carpenter 195 ______1878 Dutemple, William, Machinist 2306 ______1832 Dutton, Henry W., Printer 947 ______1860 Dutton, William H., Printer 1770 ______1882 Dwyer, Michael F., Plumber 2515 ______1825 Dyar, Ebenezer, Housewright 610 ______1824 Dyar, George W., Clockmaker 574 ______1864 Dyer, Edwin, Iron Founder 1863 ______1834 Dyer, Ezekiel D., Goldbeater 1018 ______1821 Dyer, Ezra, Tailor 544 ______1825 Dyer, James, Pocketbook Maker 609 ______1843 Dyer, James, Tailor 1407 ______1994 Dykstra, Mark W., Engineer 3650 ______1971 Dykstra, William H., USM Corporation Pres. 3493 ______1877 Eager, George H., Tailor 2297 ______1881 Eames, Thomas A., Pile Driver 2389 ______1829 Eastburn, John H., Printer 796 ______1858 Easterbrook, Isaac, Carpenter 1738 ______1829 Easterbrook, William, Cordwainer 774 ______1932 Eastman, Gilbert C., Manufacturer 3269 ______1872 Eaton, Charles O., Banner Painter 2116 ______1849 Eaton, Ezra, Tailor 1513 ______1821 Eaton, Thomas, Saddler 545 ______1837 Eaton, Timothy, Silver Plater 1161 ______1827 Eaton, William, Housewright * ______1828 Eaton, William, Housewright 705 ______1879 Eaton, William S., Machinist 2342 Joined______Member Signed # ______1884 Eaton, William T., Carpenter 2566 ______1796 Eayes, Moses, Housewright 40 ______1839 Eddy, Robert H., Civil Engineer 1342 ______1814 Edes, Samuel, Baker 412 ______1874 Edgett, Reuben, Carpenter 2206 ______1831 Edmands, Ephraim W., Housewright 851 ______1834 Edmands, George W., Hatter 1044 ______1805 Edmands, James C., Bricklayer 344 ______1827 Edmands, Thomas, Printer 688 ______1859 Edmands, Thomas R., Stoneware Mfr. 1761 ______1838 Edmunds, Gardner, Painter 1251 ______1801 Edwards, Abraham, Painter 244 ______1834 Edwards, John F., Housewright 1040 ______1847 Edwards, Oliver, Machinist 1457 ______1837 Edwards, William G., Slater 1226 ______1837 Ela, David H., Printer 1146 ______1987 Elander, John R. III, Contractor and Builder 3592 ______1981 Elander, John R. Jr., Contractor 3569 ______1867 Elder, George G., Carpenter 1968 ______1853 Eliaers, Augustus, Cabinetmaker 1574 ______2018 Elie, David, Auto Body 3711 ______1810 Eliot, John Jr., Printer 377 ______1870 Elliot, Charles E., Tailor 2041 ______1825 Ellis, David, Hatter 605 ______1892 Ellis, George H., Printer 2777 ______1860 Ellis, John A., Cabinetmaker 1782 ______1929 Ellis, Merton P., Contractor 3248 ______1855 Ellis, Nathaniel, Umbrella Maker 1625 ______1980 Ellis, Wilbert, Electrical Contractor 3557 ______1937 Ellis, William H., Engineer and Contractor 3290 ______1946 Ellis, William H. Jr., Engineer 3343 ______1866 Ellis, William J., Shipwright 1936 ______1827 Ellms, John, Tailor 672 ______1834 Elm, William, Plum and Block Maker 1028 ______1911 Ely, John B., Sheetmetal Worker 3004 ______1961 Emerson, Arthur W., Banker 3429 ______1852 Emerson, Charles, Millwright 1554 ______1881 Emerson, George R., Stonecutter 2462 ______1919 Emerson, George W., Hat Mfr. 3096 ______1860 Emerson, William H., Painter 1777 ______1920 Emerson, William H., Varnish Mfr. 3115 ______1856 Emerson, William P., Pianoforte Mfr. 1656 Joined______Member Signed # ______1856 Emerson, William R., Architect 1650 ______1844 Emerson, William W., Hairdresser 1420 ______1878 Emery, Francis F., Shoe Mfr. 2328 ______1836 Emery, Francis W. R., Carpenter 1093 ______1875 Emery, Hiram, Lumber Mfr. 2241 ______1885 Emery, John A., Mason 2605 ______1806 Emery, Thomas K., Silversmith 348 ______1892 Emmel, Charles, Carver 2790 ______1813 Emmes, Nathaniel, Gunsmith 396 ______1813 Emmes, Nathaniel Jr., Gunsmith 402 ______1795 Emmons, Samuel, Ropemaker 89 ______1800 Emmons, Thomas, Cooper 111 ______1810 English, William, Cabinetmaker 382 ______1946 Erickson, Ruben G., Manufacturer 3345 ______1938 Esselen, Gustavus J., Chemical Engineer 3294 ______1922 Estes, Roscoe E., Builder 3163 ______1795 Eunson, James, Cooper OM 36 ______1805 Eunson, James Jr., Cooper * ______1833 Evans, Charles, Housewright 973 ______1884 Evans, John, Carver 2594 ______1839 Evans, John D., Printer 1312 ______1920 Evatt, Walter M., Contractor 3116 ______1862 Everdean, Joseph, Sailmaker 1838 ______1856 Everson, George H., Machinist 1664 ______1971 Facchetti, Francis A., Manufacturer 3495 ______1881 Fagan, James, Mason 2417 ______1895 Fairbanks, Charles F., Carpet Mfr. 2808 ______1942 Fairbanks, Charles W., Welder 3316 ______1816 Fairbanks, George S., Baker 466 ______1805 Fairbanks, Gerry, Hatter 338 ______1850 Fairbanks, Henry P., Manufacturer * ______1812 Fairbanks, John, Clockmaker * ______1839 Fairbanks, John P., Bookbinder 1290 ______1854 Fairbanks, Josiah L., Account Book Mfr. 1590 ______1951 Fairbanks, Sheldon H., Expositions Manager 3375 ______1805 Fairbanks, Stephen, Saddler 339 ______1899 Farland, Robert, Mirror and Glass Mfr. 2857 ______1928 Farmer, Howard P., Iron and Steel Corporation 3243 ______1867 Farmer, Jesse, Coppersmith 1952 ______1958 Farnham, Herbert L., Manufacturer 3416 ______1895 Farnham, Isaiah H., Electrical Engineer 2819 ______1831 Farnham, William H., Pump and Block Maker 844 Joined______Member Signed # ______1830 Farnum, Roswell, Cordwainer 814 ______1902 Farquhar, D. W., Metal Worker 2919 ______1875 Farquhar, David W., Roofer 2252 ______1914 Farquhar, Frank C., Roofer 3025 ______1915 Farquhar, Harry W., Roofer 3049 ______1915 Farquhar, Joseph, Roofer 3060 ______1875 Farquhar, Samuel, Roofer 2253 ______1834 Farrar, Jefferson C., Painter 1013 ______1818 Farrie, John, Cooper 499 ______1840 Favor, John, Carpenter 1350 ______1814 Faxon, Caleb, Edge Tool Maker 423 ______1839 Faxon, Josiah, Sailmaker 1289 ______1809 Faxon, Nathaniel, Cordwainer 364 ______1861 Faxon, Oren J., Piano Hardware Mfr. 1818 ______1795 Faxon, Richard, Blacksmith OM 6 ______1908 Fay, Frederic H., Civil Engineer 2966 ______1814 Fay, Windsor, Distiller 444 ______1932 Faye, Roy A., Manufacturer 3264 ______1824 Felt, David, Bookbinder 583 ______1857 Felton, Horace, Machinist 1722 ______1855 Felton, Stephen O., Carpenter 1623 ______1890 Fenn, George E., Ventilator Mfr. 2712 ______1879 Fenno, Isaac, Clothing Mfr. 2354 ______1802 Fenno, William, Housewright 284 ______1795 Fennymore, William, Hairdresser 74 ______1941 Ferguson, Albert G., Manufacturer 3313 ______1940 Ferguson, Walter G., Manufacturer 3307 ______1820 Fernald, Oliver, Copper and Brass Founder 534 ______1818 Fessenden, Stukeley B., Cooper 486 ______1905 Field, Frank D., Master Mechanic 2931 ______1876 Field, Ralph A., Manufacturer 2276 ______1851 Fields, George A., Bookbinder 1552 ______1929 Fifield, William F., Builder * ______1825 Fillebrown, James, Tailor 606 ______1916 Fillmore, Alfred, Builder 3069 ______1916 Fillmore, Millard, Builder 307 ______1890 Fillmore, Wellington, Builder 2742 ______1890 Finnerty, Daniel G., Plumber 2725 ______1881 Finney, N. G., Painter 2442 ______1920 Finney, William N., Painter 3111 ______1892 Fish, John A., Heating Apparatus Mfr. 2783 ______1833 Fisher, Joseph, Turner 1003 Joined______Member Signed # ______1882 Fisher, W. W., Jewelry Mfr. 2492 ______1828 Fisher, Willard N., Hatter 734 ______1885 Fitch, James W., Shipsmith 2602 ______1844 Fitch, Jonas, Carpenter 1423 ______1839 Flanders, Benjamin H., Carpenter 1757 ______1876 Flanders, Brown S., Machinist 2277 ______1887 Flannagan, James A., Carpenter 2671 ______1865 Fleming, Edwin, Bookbinder 1913 ______1919 Fleming, William, Printer 3097 ______1987 Flight, Harold E., Engineer 3594 ______1902 Flint, Silas W., Iron and Wire Worker 2899 ______1837 Flood, Edward, Hairdresser 1178 ______1832 Floyd, Andrew, Coppersmith 908 ______1795 Floyd, Andrew, Housewright OM 48 ______1982 Folkins, Paul M., Engineer 3578 ______1882 Follansbee, George S., Machinist 2521 ______1858 Folsom, Alonzo W., Carpenter 1734 ______1840 Folsom, Frederick, Cordwainer 1351 ______1866 Folsom, John G., Machinist 1929 ______1795 Folsom, John W., Printer OM 24 ______1883 Folsom, Joseph L., Machinist 2543 ______1857 Foote, George H., Soapstone Worker 1697 ______1873 Forbes, W. H., Lithographer 2135 ______1842 Ford, George, Blacksmith 1397 ______1837 Ford, John, Printer 1214 ______1837 Ford, John P., Mason 1175 ______1922 Ford, Joseph B., Stone Contractor 3175 ______1922 Forsaith, Charles H., Mfr. Safety Treads 3157 ______1830 Forster, Charles, Cabinetmaker 808 ______1892 Foss, Eugene N., Machinery Mfr. 2776 ______1828 Foster, Christopher, Housewright 718 ______1899 Foster, Elmer G., Mfr. Glassware 2850 ______1889 Foster, F. B., Iron Founder 2690 ______1963 Foster, Frank H., Jr., Electrical Engineer 3458 ______1890 Foster, Frank W., Heating Apparatus Mfr. 2732 ______1849 Foster, George B., Watchmaker 1503 ______1946 Foster, John R., Forwarder and Rigger 3344 ______1837 Foster, Joseph, Papermaker 1144 ______1854 Foster, Joshua T., Shipbuilder 1578 ______1884 Foster, Stetson, Upholsterer 2573 ______1800 Fowle, Henry, Block Maker 121 ______1795 Fowle, Josiah, Hairdresser OM 37 Joined______Member Signed # ______1856 Fox, Charles J., Mason 1691 ______1865 Fox, George H., Machinist 1921 ______1826 Fox, Horace, Stonecutter 652 ______1875 Frame, James, Carpenter 2237 ______1810 Francis, David, Printer 384 ______1827 Francis, Ebenezer Jr., Housewright 665 ______1839 Francis, Nathaniel, Pump and Block Maker 1333 ______1801 Francis, Simon, Cabinetmaker 233 ______1889 Franklin, Albert B., Steam Heating Apparatus 2697 ______1871 Fredericks, Eleazer, Stonecutter 2083 ______1878 Freeland, James H., Clothing Mfr. 2316 ______1951 Freeman, Claude V., Builder’s Finish 3376 ______1926 Freeman, Harry S., Builder 3222 ______1885 Freeman, Samuel, Stove and Furnace Mfr. 2619 ______1914 Freitag, Joseph K., Treasurer Norfolk Iron 3043 ______1837 French, Antrim, Manufacturer 1153 ______1901 French, Clarence H., Patternmaker 2873 ______1875 French, Ferdinand F., Carriage Mfr. 2243 ______1913 French, George A., Sign Painter 3018 ______1902 French, J. Warren, Plumbing and Heating 2896 ______1885 French, William C., Furniture Mfr. 2611 ______1859 Frost, George, Baker 1746 ______1828 Frost, Walter, Chaise Maker 729 ______1833 Frothingham, James K., Chair Painter 965 ______1871 Frye, Joseph, Carriage Mfr. 2090 ______1849 Frye, Nathan, Woolen Mfr. 1496 ______1883 Fuller, Charles E., Bellhanger 2530 ______1878 Fuller, John L., Carpenter 2314 ______1848 Fuller, Leonard, Iron Founder 1491 ______1870 Fuller, Lorin L., Builder 2070 ______1995 Fuller, Philip B., Manufacturer’s Rep 3662 ______2017 Fuller, Robert W., Boat Builder 3712 ______1837 Fuller, Seth, Carpenter 1128 ______1860 Fuller, Seth W., Bellhanger 1774 ______1883 Fullerton, James, Harness Maker 2561 ______1801 Fullick, James, Bricklayer 238 ______1814 Furber, Thomas, Printer 413 ______1994 Furtado, James W., General Contractor 3654 ______1992 Furtado, Robert B., Contractor 3622 ______1994 Furtado, Robert B. Jr., Contractor 3653 ______1821 Gaffield, Thomas, Cordwainer 540 ______1947 Gahan, John W., General Alarm Corp. 3353 Joined______Member Signed # ______1827 Gair, John, Sailmaker 698 ______1980 Gale, Charles E., Consulting Engineer 3556 ______1834 Gale, Samuel, Tailor 1016 ______1907 Gallagher, Robert, Master Plasterer 2943 ______1963 Gallagher, Thomas G., Mechanical Contractor 3463 ______1884 Gallison, William H., Brass Goods Mfr. 2576 ______1963 Garcia J. William, Electrician 3454 ______1827 Gardiner, Samuel E., Bricklayer 702 ______1800 Gardner, Jeremiah, Carpenter 122 ______1800 Gardner, Lemuel, Cooper 191 ______1818 Gardner, Simon, Printer 496 ______1881 Garfield, William H., Coffee Mfr. 2405 ______1870 Garland, J. W., Plumber 2051 ______1834 Garland, James, Housewright 1031 ______1942 Gartner, Walter C. F., Metal Door Mfr. 3317 ______1962 Garvin, Thomas D., Contractor Equipment 3440 ______1831 Gates, James W., Chair Painter 864 ______1866 Gates, Stephen F., Machinist 1932 ______1844 Gavett, Andrew J., Brass Founder 1422 ______1869 Geldowsky, Ferdinand, Cabinetmaker 2031 ______1909 Gerrish, Henry D., Carpenter/Builder 2993 ______1923 Gerry, Joseph W., Mfr. Wallpaper 3189 ______1902 Gerry, Walter S., Builder 2917 ______1922 Gibby, Harry E., Iron Worker 3166 ______1909 Gibson, James R., Builder 2987 ______1833 Gibson, Kimball, Painter 997 ______1908 Gibson, Richard, Builder 2965 ______1801 Gilbert, Frederick, Baker 246 ______1845 Gilbert, Lemuel, Pianoforte Maker 1439 ______1802 Gilbert, Samuel, Printer 293 ______1838 Gilbert, Timothy, Pianoforte Maker 1253 ______1840 Gill, Warren, Painter 1348 ______1922 Gilliatt, Charles L., Iron Founder 3169 ______1942 Gilliatt, Earl D., Iron Worker 3318 ______1963 Gillis, George, Painting Contractor 3460 ______1989 Gillis, Paul F., Painting Contractor 3603 ______1954 Gillis, William, Contractor 3397 ______1860 Gilman, Arthur, Architect 1804 ______1878 Gilman, Charles H., Furniture Mfr. 2318 ______1904 Gilman, Edward M., Manufacturer 2930 ______1874 Gilman, F. L., Stonecutter 2197 ______1859 Gilman, Osman B., Biscuit Mfr. 3015 Joined______Member Signed # ______1800 Gilman, Peter, Tailor 169 ______1953 Gilmor, C. Herbert, Engineer 3392 ______1875 Gilmore, Rufus S., Moulding Mfr. 2263 ______1966 Given, Elton B. Jr., Electrical Contractor 3481 ______1983 Given, Elton B. III, Electrical Contractor 3584 ______1884 Given, John L., Manufacturer 2585 ______1920 Glass, James A., Mfr. Office Partitions 3123 ______1852 Glover, Lloyd, Engraver 1555 ______1842 Godbold, Gustavus A., Shipsmith 1388 ______1834 Goddard, Elias W., Cooper 1034 ______1834 Goddard, Thomas, Carriage Mfr. 1038 ______1866 Goddard, Walter C., Cooper 1925 ______1828 Goddard, William, Housewright 751 ______1877 Goddu, Louis, Mechanic and Inventor 2294 ______1800 Godfrey, Thomas, Baker 98 ______1800 Goff, Stephen, Housewright 156 ______1871 Gogin, Thomas, Iron Mfr. 2091 ______1926 Goho, Reuben E., Metal Ceilings 3219 ______1899 Goldsmith, G. O., Blacksmith 2849 ______2015 Gomez-Ibanez, Miguel, Architect, Educator 3705 ______1827 Gooch, James, Carpenter 670 ______1818 Goode, Samuel, Cooper 478 ______1844 Gooding, Thomas, Brass Worker 1421 ______1868 Goodrich, George W., Stonecutter 1986 ______1843 Goodrich, Ira, Tailor 1406 ______1801 Goodwin, David Jr., Housewright 252 ______1837 Goodwin, Enoch, Cooper 1149 ______1854 Goodwin, Isaiah, Carpenter 1598 ______1805 Goodwin, John, Housewright 343 ______1830 Goodwin, Joseph, Housewright 836 ______1893 Goodwin, W. H., Iron-pipe 2795 ______1813 Goodwin, William, Bookbinder 400 ______1850 Goodwin, William F., Painter 1523 ______1853 Googins, Mark, Blacksmith 1565 ______1875 Gordon, Marshall, Painter 2250 ______1818 Gore, Christopher, Painter 497 ______1805 Gore, George, Painter 335 ______1795 Gore, Samuel, Painter OM 7 ______1795 Gore, Stephen, Currier OM 8 ______1831 Gross, John, Bricklayer 877 ______1910 Gross, John L., Granite Contractor 3000 ______1883 Gould, Amos D., Carpenter 2552 Joined______Member Signed # ______1902 Gould, Charles H., Granite Worker 2898 ______1847 Gould, James, Tallow Chandler 1473 ______1837 Gould, John G., Carpenter 1222 ______1803 Gould, John R., Bookbinder 301 ______1838 Gould, Joseph P., Coppersmith 1254 ______1871 Gove, Abiel, Shipwright 2096 ______1839 Gove, George G., Furrier 1339 ______1854 Gove, John, Clothing Mfr. 1593 ______1914 Gow, Charles R., Contractor 3038 ______1888 Gow, Robert M., Supt. Waterworks 2681 ______1916 Goward, Clarence N., Oil Supplies 3065 ______1912 Grady, Francis X., Plasterer 3013 ______1929 Grady, John L., Plasterer 3254 ______1951 Grady, William A., Plasterer 3381 ______1961 Graf, William C., Printer 3432 ______1950 Graff, George A., Ventilating Contractor 3368 ______1902 Graham, Benjamin J., Stair Builder 2902 ______1967 Graham, John F., Hardware Consultant 3482 ______1989 Graham, John R., Public Relations 3607 ______1844 Granger, David, Surveyor 1424 ______1881 Grant, George B., Mechanician 2411 ______1885 Grant, George D., Builder 2618 ______1877 Grant, Melville C., Mason 2290 ______1830 Grant, Moses, Upholsterer 828 ______1832 Grant, William, Clockmaker 912 ______1911 Graves, George H., Manufacturer 3008 ______1866 Gray, Solomon S., Machinist 1906 ______1928 Gray, Arthur F., Architect and Engineer 3244 ______1802 Gray, Benjamin, Ropemaker 276 ______1806 Gray, Edward, Housewright 349 ______1838 Gray, George, Carpenter 1239 ______1901 Gray, George M., Metal Worker 2879 ______1826 Gray, Harrison, Bookbinder 651 ______1914 Gray, James T., Metal Worker 3037 ______1914 Gray, Mason H., Metal Worker 3034 ______1901 Gray, Peter, Metal Worker 2878 ______1815 Green, John Jr., Painter 457 ______1800 Green, Timothy, Pewterer 175 ______1833 Greene, Charles, Printer 986 ______1919 Greene, Charles H., Mechanical Engineer 3109 ______1825 Greene, Nathaniel, Printer 633 ______1827 Greenleaf, Gardner, Mason 695 Joined______Member Signed # ______1866 Greenleaf, William H., Plumber 1940 ______1832 Greenough, John G., Carpenter 946 ______1832 Greenough, Joseph, Stonecutter 935 ______1885 Greenough, Malcolm S., Engineer 2616 ______1829 Greenwood, John, Housewright 770 ______1919 Gregory, Edward R., Builder 3098 ______1852 Gregory, Samuel H., Paperstainer 1559 ______1800 Gridley, Richard, Blacksmith 113 ______1902 Griffith, George A., Master Plumber 2909 ______1829 Gross, Loring W., Housewright 753 ______1821 Grover, Nathaniel, Shipsmith 548 ______1891 Grueby, George H., Mechanical Engineer 2768 ______1901 Grueby, William H., Tiles and Pottery Mfr. 2881 ______1965 Guarino, John, Architect 3472 ______1874 Guild, Benjamin F., Printer 2167 ______1859 Guild, Chester, Tanner 1748 ______1881 Guild, George M., Pianoforte Mfr. 2468 ______1851 Guild, Henry, Jeweler 1549 ______1974 Guinette, Herbert H., Master Mechanic 3510 ______1897 Gurney, Edwin D., Iron Founder 2833 ______1890 Gurney, Franklin A., Iron Founder 2728 ______1875 Gurney, J. Theodore, Carriage Mfr. 2236 ______1864 Gurney, James, Iron Founder 1864 ______1834 Gwinn, George F., Hairdresser 1047 ______1878 Haberstroh, Albert, Fresco Painter 2301 ______1871 Haberstroh, Lucas, Fresco Painter 2102 ______1857 Haddock, Henry, Silversmith 1699 ______1874 Hadley, A. G., Stair Builder 2176 ______1837 Hadley, Thomas J., Carpenter 1140 ______1855 Haines, Robert P., Paper Ruler 1628 ______1860 Hale, Charles, Printer 1799 ______1932 Haley, Humphrey M., Electrical Contractor 3271 ______1875 Hall, Alfred B., Piping Mfr. 2233 ______1875 Hall, Alfred H., Piping Mfr. 2232 ______1932 Hall, Asa, Printer 3266 ______1800 Hall, Benjamin, Carpenter 174 ______1875 Hall, Charles E., Marble Worker 2266 ______1875 Hall, David C., Musical Instrument Maker 2242 ______1831 Hall, George, Housewright 867 ______1880 Hall, Henry, Furniture Mfr. 2372 ______1913 Hall, Henry J., Hardware Mfr. 3020 ______1800 Hall, Hopestill, Wheelwright 124 Joined______Member Signed # ______1873 Hall, Horatio G., Carriage Mfr. 2153 ______1824 Hall, John, Dyer 594 ______1853 Hall, John B., Printer * ______1979 Hall, Kenneth E., Mfg. Rep. 3543 ______1827 Hall, Milton, Carpenter 671 ______1838 Hall, Milton Jr., Carpenter 1265 ______1859 Hall, Samuel, Shipbuilder 1766 ______1839 Hall, Samuel, Shipwright 1329 ______1855 Hall, Thomas, Phil. Instrument Maker 1620 ______1827 Hallett, George, Manufacturer 666 ______1838 Hallett, Russell, Pianoforte Maker 1257 ______1899 Ham, Fred P., Iron Worker 2862 ______1871 Ham, Lemuel M., Iron Worker 2093 ______1939 Hamilton, Francis W., Engineer and Contractor 3298 ______1824 Hamilton, James, Watchmaker 589 ______1802 Hammatt, John B., Upholsterer 281 ______1834 Hammond, Artemas, Blacksmith 1039 ______1831 Hammond, Elisha L., Plasterer 880 ______1825 Hammond, John, Housewright 626 ______1837 Hammond, John R., Carpenter 1180 ______1831 Hammond, Nathaniel, Housewright 870 ______1818 Hancock, Henry K., Cabinetmaker 518 ______1902 Hancock, Martin M., Machinist 2889 ______1882 Hand, James B., Painter 2519 ______1874 Hanford, Melancthon, Elevator Mfr. 2168 ______1800 Hanners, Benjamin, Hairdresser 100 ______1888 Hanners, Hans C., Printing Machinery Mfr. 2677 ______1965 Hannon, Edward P., Manufacturer 3478 ______1901 Hannon, Frank J., Contractor 2884 ______1964 Hanson, Adler M., Mechanic 3476 ______1993 Hanson, Bruce D., Product Manager 3642 ______1963 Hanson, Erling A., Building Contractor 3449 ______1971 Hanson, Erling A. Jr., Building Contractor 3494 ______2010 Hanson, Jonathan, Architect 3701 ______1992 Hanson, Kurt E., Banker 3629 ______1837 Harding, Edward, Mast Maker 1136 ______1837 Harding, Josiah M., Sailmaker 1207 ______1828 Harding, Newell, Silversmith 711 ______1873 Harding, Newell 2d, Silversmith 2154 ______1875 Hardy, A. N., Photographer 2245 ______1838 Harenton, Charles H., Sash Maker 1241 ______1828 Harlow, Charles, Stonecutter 745 Joined______Member Signed # ______1836 Harlow, Dexter, Hatter 1099 ______1871 Harlow, Ezra, Carpenter 2077 ______1839 Harlow, William Jr., Stonecutter 1298 ______1862 Harmon, Henry M., Mason 1837 ______1862 Harmon, Ivory, Mason 1834 ______1992 Harney, Timothy J., Metal Finisher 3620 ______1920 Harriman, Henry I., Electrical Engineer 3117 ______1824 Harrington, Ephraim, Mason 581 ______1881 Harrington, Jeremiah A., Hatter 2428 ______1801 Harrington, Jonathan, Bricklayer 294 ______1837 Harrington, Wyman, Bricklayer 1130 ______1800 Harris, Benjamin, Housewright 224 ______1795 Harris, Isaac, Mast Maker 44 ______1873 Harris, John F., Boot and Shoe Mfr. 2147 ______1800 Harris, Leach, Shipwright 176 ______1800 Harris, William, Mast Maker 179 ______1915 Harrison, Charles M., Carpenter/Builder 3054 ______1951 Harrison, John W., Building Contractor 3417 ______1865 Hart, Nathaniel O., Carpenter * ______1818 Hart, Samuel, Mason/Paver 476 ______1837 Hart, Samuel 2d, Mason 1151 ______1873 Hartnett, M. H., Plumber 2136 ______1832 Hartshorn, Rolun, Carpenter 942 ______1892 Hartshorn, W. N., Publisher 2785 ______1814 Hartshorne, Caleb, Hatter 445 ______1795 Hartt, Edmund, Shipwright OM 10 ______1818 Hartt, Samuel, Ship Carpenter 473 ______1831 Hartwell, Alonzo, Engraver 863 ______1902 Harvey, George W., Builder 2913 ______1835 Haskell, Calvin, Blacksmith 1065 ______1832 Haskell, Edward, Type Founder 904 ______1979 Haskins, E. Douglas, Master Mechanic 3545 ______1835 Hastings, Cyrus, Painter 1052 ______1819 Hastings, Daniel, Cotton Goods Mfr. 527 ______1879 Hastings, Frank H., Organ Builder 2341 ______1821 Hastings, Joseph, Tallow Chandler 562 ______1814 Hastings, Nathan, Stonecutter 429 ______1800 Hastings, Samuel, Painter 222 ______1852 Hastings, Samuel, Painter 1557 ______1800 Hastings, Simon, Housewright 185 ______1906 Hasty, Gilbert M., Whiting Mfr. 2939 ______1850 Hatchman, John, Gilder 1532 Joined______Member Signed # ______1921 Hathaway, George L., Builder 3145 ______1924 Hathaway, Henry S., Builder 3200 ______1843 Haven, Calvin W., Painter 1399 ______1826 Haviland, Thomas, Stucco Worker 644 ______1862 Hawes, Walter E., Machinist 1827 ______1847 Hawes, Willard, Mason 1482 ______1838 Hawkes, Benjamin, Carpenter 1283 ______1825 Hawkes, Ezra, Tinplate Worker 619 ______1871 Hawkins, John, Slate and Metal Roofer 2098 ______1864 Hawthorne, Robert, Plumber 1857 ______1800 Hay, William, Cabinetmaker 180 ______1828 Hay, William Jr., Housewright 730 ______1884 Hayden, Charles, Watch and Clock Mfr. 2563 ______1838 Hayden, Josiah E., Boot Mfr. 1244 ______1908 Hayden, Lowell T., Sheet Metal Worker 2974 ______1832 Hayes, Augustus A., Chemist 943 ______1879 Haynes, George A., Plumber and Gasfitter 2353 ______1870 Haynes, James G., Tinplate Worker 2068 ______1885 Haynes, John C., Music Publisher 2614 ______1805 Hayward, Thomas C., Chairmaker 334 ______1835 Hazelton, Isaac H., Mason 1081 ______1849 Hazelton, Jonathan E., Furniture Mfr. 1510 ______1838 Hazlett, William, Coppersmith 1255 ______1919 Heap, Hargreaves, Varnish Mfr. 3092 ______1811 Heard, Samuel, Housewright 889 ______1881 Hearn, Michael J., Pump and Block Maker 2420 ______1895 Hearsey, Charles A., Tin Can Mfr. 2803 ______1795 Hearsey, Levi, Cordwainer OM 65 ______1795 Hearsey, Thomas, Housewright OM 68 ______1800 Heath, Thomas, Bricklayer 219 ______1795 Heath, William, Sailmaker OM 64 ______1839 Hedrick, Uriah, Cooper 1323 ______2018 Heidemann, Derek, Blacksmith/Coordinator of Trades 3713 ______1947 Heiligmann, Martin J., Restorer of Antiques 3352 ______1947 Heiligmann, William M., Art Dealer 3351 ______1837 Hemmenway, Benjamin, Coppersmith 1217 ______1832 Hemmenway, S. C., Hatter 934 ______1830 Henderson, Charles, Painter 819 ______1837 Henderson, Frederick A., Tailor 1121 ______1927 Henderson, George W., Lighting Fixtures Mfr. 3230 ______1802 Henderson, James, Painter 277 ______1814 Hendley, James, Tinplate Worker 449 Joined______Member Signed # ______1847 Hennesey, Edward, Chair Painter 1460 ______1908 Henry, Charles A., Scenic Artist 2975 ______1836 Herman, Ferdinand, Basket Maker 1101 ______1835 Herman, Leopold, Stove Mfr. 1062 ______1855 Herring, Thomas J., Slate and Metal Roofer 1630 ______1895 Hersey, Albert W., Mfg. Confectioner 2811 ______1872 Hersey, Benjamin A., Jeweler 2129 ______1829 Hersey, Charles, Housewright 773 ______1878 Hersey, Francis C., Machinist 2329 ______1884 Hersey, Ira G., Carpenter 2570 ______1915 Hersey, Ira G. Jr., Carpenter 3055 ______1915 Hersey, Kimball A., Carpenter/Contractor 3056 ______1841 Hersey, Warren A., Mason 1372 ______1800 Hewes, Daniel, Ivory Turner 154 ______1869 Hewes, Jabez F. Baker 2025 ______1972 Hewett, Linwood H. Jr., Contractor 3502 ______1873 Hewins, Edmund H., Machinist 2144 ______1842 Hews, George, Pianoforte Mfr. 1395 ______1848 Heywood, William, Chair Mfr. 1487 ______1915 Hibbard, W. S., Builder 3061 ______1800 Hichborn, Benjamin, Housewright 221 ______1902 Hichborn, Philip, Naval Constructor 2920 ______1806 Hichborn, Samuel Jr., Sailmaker 354 ______1801 Hichborn, William, Coach and Chair Maker 268 ______1862 Hichborn, William, Ship Joiner 1828 ______1839 Hicks, Joseph G., Machinist 1308 ______1882 Hicks, S. Fred, Coppersmith 2505 ______1860 Hicks, Samuel D., Coppersmith 1798 ______1795 Hicks, Zechariah, Saddler OM 46 ______2001 Hilchey, Joseph H., Carpenter and Cabinetmaker 3686 ______1865 Hildreth, J. W., Carpenter 1879 ______1866 Hildreth, Milo, Comb Mfr. 1905 ______1800 Hiler, Jacob, Shipwright 118 ______1879 Hill, David L., Plumber 2363 ______1832 Hill, David W., Coppersmith 928 ______1924 Hill, Henry H., Brush Mfr. 3204 ______1839 Hill, Increase S., Machinist 1331 ______1875 Hill, Joseph W., Carpenter 2239 ______1890 Hill, Lew C., Brush Mfr. 2748 ______1800 Hill, Samuel, Engraver 135 ______1818 Hill, Samuel, Shipsmith 503 ______1851 Hilll, William H., Bookbinder 1551 Joined______Member Signed # ______1825 Hilliard, William, Printer 635 ______1985 Hillis, James E., Precast Concrete 3587 ______1870 Hillman, John J., Silverplater 2065 ______1824 Hills, George, Housewright 572 ______1847 Hills, Henry S., Chair Painter 1470 ______1828 Hill, Joseph, Cordwainer 707 ______1831 Hinkley, Holmes, Machinist 866 ______1964 Hiscock, Herbert L., Building Contractor 3469 ______1836 Hitchcock, David K., Printer 1103 ______1839 Hitchings, E. H., Paperhanger 1338 ______1859 Hittinger, Michael, Machinist 1764 ______1861 Hoadley, John C., Engineer 1808 ______1874 Hobart, Albert W., Tanner 2179 ______1817 Hobart, Enoch, Tailor 469 ______1842 Hobart, Peter Jr., Housewright 1389 ______1866 Hobbs, Alfred, Machinist 1927 ______1839 Hobbs, Alfred C., Glasscutter 1305 ______1841 Hobbs, William J., Carver 1370 ______1883 Hodge, Ebenezer, Boilermaker 2551 ______1879 Hodge, Thomas S., Painter 2359 ______1881 Hodges, Arthur, Civil Engineer 2413 ______1906 Hodges, Frederick L., Carpenter/Builder 2940 ______1890 Hodges, Gilbert, Civil Engineer 2741 ______1871 Hodgkins, William E., Tailor 2106 ______1961 Hodson, Sydney M., Heating Contractor 3425 ______1850 Hofmann, Moritz, Printer 1537 ______1967 Hokanson, Odin P., Machine Equipment 3486 ______1837 Holbrook, George, Carpenter 1174 ______1830 Holbrook, James, Shipsmith 840 ______1829 Holbrook, Samuel F., Shipwright 769 ______1864 Holbrooki, William B., Carpenter 1851 ______1842 Holden, Joshua, Painter 1398 ______1919 Holden, Thomas M., Woolen and Willowware Mfr. 3110 ______1838 Holland, Charles S., Copperplate Printer 1276 ______1974 Hollett, Wendell R., Engineer 3507 ______1879 Hollings, John C., Gas Fixture Mfr. 2366 ______1879 Hollings, Richard, Gas Fixture Mfr. 2362 ______1879 Hollings, William, Gas Fixture Mfr. 2361 ______1869 Hollis, Joseph O., Locksmith 2021 ______1845 Holman, Oliver, Blank Book Mfr. 1430 ______1831 Holmes A. S., Distiller 859 ______1828 Holmes, Almoran, Rigger 725 Joined______Member Signed # ______1837 Holmes, Benjamin D., Coppersmith 1216 ______1892 Holmes, Emery O., Millwright 2791 ______1875 Holmes Francis M., Furniture Mfr. 2262 ______1851 Holmes, William, Harness Maker 1544 ______1829 Holmes, William, Painter 791 ______1884 Holt, Alden, Machinist 2587 ______1892 Holt, Edward R., Silverplater 2786 ______1869 Holt, John, Silverplater 2035 ______1884 Holt, Samuel L., Mechanical Engineer 2597 ______1892 Holtzer, Charles W., Electrician 2782 ______1832 Homer, Albert, Painter 930 ______1829 Homer, Francis H. P., Painter 768 ______1888 Homer, George E., Jeweler 2679 ______1827 Homer, James S., Printer 684 ______1795 Homer, Michael, Mason OM 70 ______1800 Homer, William, Stonecutter 133 ______1893 Hooper, Ainsley R., Millwright 2796 ______1864 Hooper, George K., Furniture Mfr. 1862 ______1835 Hooper, Henry N., Brass Founder 1054 ______1883 Hooper, James E., Steam and Gas Fitter 2538 ______1837 Hooper, John, Bookbinder 1229 ______1951 Horan, Philip M., Building Contractor 3383 ______1957 Horan, Philip M. Jr., General Contractor 3415 ______1993 Horan, Richard T. Jr., Heating Oil Contractor 3646 ______1872 Horgan, John J., Stonecutter 2127 ______1832 Horr, Luther, Housewright 933 ______1870 Hosley, Benjamin, Stonecutter 2064 ______1896 Hosmer, Jerome C., Carpenter/Builder 2828 ______1868 Houghton, Henry O., Printer 1985 ______1832 Housley, George, Coppersmith 911 ______1830 Hovey, Henry A., Chairmaker 835 ______1839 Hovey, James G., Comb Mfr. 1326 ______1920 Howard, Charles W., Builder 3124 ______1856 Howard, Curtis C., Carpenter 1681 ______1850 Howard, Edward, Clockmaker 1529 ______1862 Howard, Henry W., Mason 1836 ______1816 Howard, John D., Shipwright * ______1872 Howard, Joshua D., Iron Founder 2122 ______1835 Howard, Thomas M., Bricklayer 1069 ______1849 Howard, William H., Iron Founder 1499 ______1977 Howatt, Robert A., Precision Instruments 3522 ______1865 Howe, George, Piano Action Mfr. 1880 Joined______Member Signed # ______1838 Howe, Jonathan, Printer 1262 ______1804 Howe, Joseph, Ropemaker 324 ______1847 Howe, Joseph N., Glass Mfr. 1474 ______1800 Howe, Nathaniel, Cooper 112 ______1800 Howe, Robert, Turner 170 ______1806 Howe, Samuel, Cordwainer 347 ______1802 Howe, Thomas, Baker 283 ______1795 Howe, Thomas, Turner OM 31 ______1828 Howes, Solomon, Housewright 720 ______1800 Howland, Benjamin, Housewright 140 ______1828 Howland, George, Housewright 717 ______1980 Howland, Richard W., Optometrist 3554 ______1800 Howland, Shove, Housewright 159 ______1926 Howlett, Albert D., Painting and Decorating 3224 ______1837 Hubbard, John, Chairmaker 1122 ______1859 Hubbard, William W., Patternmaker 1762 ______1856 Hubbell, Peter, Brick Mfr. 1688 ______1920 Hudson, George H., Automobile Dealer 3130 ______1800 Hudson, Hezekiah, Cooper 207 ______1815 Hudson, Joseph, Sailmaker 454 ______1826 Hudson, Oliver, Tailor 658 ______1870 Huff, Owen, Carpenter 2057 ______1867 Hughes, Albert E., Showcase Mfr. 1946 ______1853 Hughes, John A., Showcase Mfr. 1564 ______1814 Hughes, Thomas, Hatter 439 ______1901 Hughes, William N., Printer 2876 ______1795 Hunewell, Johnathan, Bricklayer OM 13 ______1826 Hunneman, Samuel H., Coppersmith 661 ______1795 Hunneman, William C., Coppersmith OM 66 ______1795 Hunnewell, Richard, Bricklayer 86 ______1801 Hunt, Elisha, Housewright 241 ______1979 Hunt, Ernest R., Silkscreen Printer 3546 ______1911 Hunt, Harry H., Construction Engineer 3005 ______1867 Hunt, Henry C., Belt Mfr. 1967 ______1902 Hunt, Henry H., Carpenter/Builder 2904 ______1837 Hunt, James, Carpenter 1165 ______1800 Hunt, Joab, Ship Joiner 208 ______1831 Hunt, John, Housewright 845 ______1837 Hunt, John, Morocco Dresser 1193 ______1837 Hunt, Moses, Machinist 1179 ______1985 Hunt, Theodore M. Jr., Painting Contractor 3589 ______1915 Hunter, Guy F., Hardware Mfr. 3057 Joined______Member Signed # ______1887 Hunter, J. B., Hardware Mfr. 2667 ______1915 Hunter, Lester B., Hardware Mfr. 3058 ______1890 Hunting, Alfred A., Mechanical Engineer 2721 ______1859 Huntington, Lynde A., Tailor 1752 ______1832 Hurlbert, Jesse P., Paperstainer 921 ______1823 Hurlburt, Truman R., Tinplate Worker 570 ______1881 Hussey, Henry, Plumber 2460 ______1867 Hussey, Hobart S., Mason 1949 ______1890 Hussey, Richard H., Plumber 2760 ______1864 Huston, William R., Carpenter 1853 ______1890 Hutchings, George S., Organ Builder 2746 ______1869 Hutchins, Harrison M., Whitener 2030 ______1890 Hutchinson, Ephraim, Cooper 215 ______1920 Hutchinson, Henry, Nautical Instruments Mfr. 3118 ______1807 Hutchinson, Henry, Sailmaker 356 ______1837 Hutchinson, Henry, Sailmaker 1142 ______1839 Ingalls, Henry P., Housewright 1302 ______1832 Ingalls, James P., Copper and Brass Founder 915 ______1869 Ingalls, John D., Pump Maker 2013 ______1952 Ingraham, Frederick, Plumber 3384 ______1800 Ireland, Nathaniel, Blacksmith 184 ______1914 Irwin, George C., Mason/Builder 3026 ______1940 Jackson, Byron S., Folding Chairs 3303 ______1814 Jackson, Francis, Soap and Candles Mfr. 420 ______1814 Jackson, George, Tallow Chandler 421 1913 Jackson, Thomas, Woodworker 3023 ______1801 Jackson, Ward, Housewright 251 ______1808 Jackson, William, Tallow Chandler 358 ______1914 Jacobs, Carlton D., Mason 3031 ______1841 Jacobs, Charles S., Housewright 1379 ______1859 Jacobs, David H., Mason 1755 ______2001 Jacobs, Donald R. Jr., Ornamental Iron Work 3685 ______1874 Jacobs, J. Arthur, Mason 2172 ______1892 Jacobs, James H., Mason 2773 ______1874 Jacobs, James M., Tailor 2198 ______1874 Jacobs, John Stover, Mason 2170 ______1833 Jacobs, Joshua Jr., Carpenter 969 ______1926 Jacobs, Louis H., Plumber 3218 ______1989 Jacobs, Paul J., Plumbing Contractor/Inventor 3608 ______1874 Jacobs, Thomas R., Tailor 2195 ______1874 Jacobs, Washington, Stair Builder 2174 ______1982 Jacobs, William F. C. Jr., Mechanical Contractor 3682 Joined______Member Signed # ______1860 James, Benjamin, Carpenter 1784 ______1847 James, Charles P., Engineer 1467 ______1871 James, Francis, Mason 2078 ______1870 James, George B., Lumber Mfr. 2074 ______1857 James, Horace, Mason 1707 ______1813 James, Joshua, Watch Repairer 399 ______1854 Jameson, William H., Pianoforte Maker 1602 ______1860 Janes, Henry B., Tailor 1795 ______1977 Janikies, Peter W., Manufacturer’s Agent 3526 ______1800 Jaques, Richard, Cordwainer 167 ______1800 Jardine, John, Carpenter 128 ______1916 Jarvis, Joseph T., Patternmaker 3071 ______1804 Jarvis, Samuel B., Housewright 316 ______1885 Jenkins, Charles, Valve and Packing Mfr. 2608 ______1858 Jenkins, Charles E., Carpenter 1739 ______1857 Jenkins, Horace, Mason 1703 ______1810 Jenkins, Joseph, Carpenter 374 ______1995 Jenkins, Richard N., Building Supplies 3657 ______1805 Jenks, Samuel, Blacksmith 345 ______1810 Jennings, Alex H., Blacksmith 383 ______1800 Jennings, Benjamin, Blacksmith 141 ______1800 Jennings, William, Wheelwright 117 ______1801 Jennison, John L., Shipwright 245 ______1795 Jepson, William, Housewright OM 52 ______1907 Jewett, Asa Clark, Master Painter 2962 ______1874 Jewett, N. M., Lumber Mfr. 2169 ______1831 Johnson, Abijah S., Stair Builder 872 ______1803 Johnson, Daniel, Housewright 310 ______1837 Johnson, Ebenezer, Bricklayer 1137 ______1979 Johnson, Francis N., Contractor 3547 ______1890 Johnson, George H., Carpenter 2753 ______1963 Johnson, J. Arthur, Flooring Contractor 3445 ______1872 Johnson, John A., Tinsmith 2118 ______1844 Johnson, Joseph G., Carpenter 1419 ______2002 Johnson, Kenneth B., Printer 3697 ______1939 Johnson, Lars H., Metal Ceilings 3299 ______2003 Johnson, Michael D., Auto Body 3696 ______1891 Johnson, Patrick, Builder 2764 ______1916 Johnson, Ralph, Plumber 3072 ______1872 Johnson, Robert, Manufacturer 2126 ______1993 Johnson, Russell E., Printer 3645 ______1825 Johnson, Samuel M., Stone Mason 614 Joined______Member Signed # ______1837 Johnson, Samuel R., Stonecutter 1167 ______1877 Johnson, Thomas J., Sash and Door Mfr. 2287 ______1881 Johnson, William A., Plumber 2407 ______1902 Johnson, William B., Plumber 2905 ______1795 Johonnot, Oliver, Tailor OM 77 ______1857 Jones, Edward, Mason 1730 ______1828 Jones, Edward, Sailmaker 709 ______1883 Jones, Edward C., Gas Engineer 2533 ______1814 Jones, Ezekiel, Watchmaker 411 ______1874 Jones, Ezekiel R., Blacksmith 2214 ______1842 Jones, James L., Tinplate Worker 1392 ______1837 Jones, Jeffery A., Bookbinder 1219 ______1801 Jones, Joseph, Sailmaker 232 ______1885 Jones, Lewis L., Burial Cases Mfr. 2606 ______1918 Jones, Marshall W., Granite Mfr. And Quarrier 3088 ______1833 Jones, Peter C., Paper Mfr. 958 ______1839 Jordan, Alexander S., Comb Maker 1322 ______1887 Jordan, E. D. Jr., Manufacturer 2645 ______1919 Joslin, Arthur W., Contractor 3099 ______1865 Joslin, Gilman, Globe Mfr. 1909 ______1871 Joslyn, Henry E., Mason 2087 ______1831 Josselyn, Nathan, Shipwright 891 ______1824 Joy, Abner, Stonecutter 577 ______1987 Joyce, Martin F., General Contractor 3595 ______1844 Judson, Charles C., Carpenter 1413 ______1884 Julien, Francis X., Carpenter 2601 ______1982 Jutila, William L., Construction Manager 3574 ______1963 Kahn, Melvin, Mechanical Contractor 3446 ______1908 Kearns, William F., Concrete Engineer 2973 ______1867 Keene, George W., Shoe Mfr. 1959 ______1881 Keene, William G. S., Shoe Mfr. 2457 ______1864 Kehew, John, Phil. Instrument Maker 1848 ______1838 Keith, William, Carpenter 1268 ______1896 Kelley, George, B., Mechanical Superintendent 2832 ______2018 Kelley, James, Landscape Contractor 3714 ______1874 Kelley, James H., Mason 2189 ______1895 Kelley, John, Mason/Builder 2804 ______1868 Kelley, John, Plasterer 1991 ______1846 Kelley, Philip, Plasterer 1442 ______2016 Kelly, Stephen, Billiard Table Mechanic 3708 ______1876 Kelley, Thomas, Plasterer 2278 ______1826 Kelley, William R., Tailor 659 Joined______Member Signed # ______1922 Kellogg, Edmund W., Electrical Engineer 3183 ______1882 Kellough, Thomas, Shipwright 2504 ______1980 Kelly, Robert J., Precast Concrete 3559 ______1857 Kemp, Hiram A., Stonecutter 1716 ______1818 Kendall, Enoch, Hairdresser 524 ______1942 Kendall, George A., Garage Proprietor 3324 ______1865 Kendall, John T., Coppersmith 1874 ______1914 Kendall, Joseph F., Iron Worker 3042 ______1917 Kendall, Minott K., Electrical Contractor 3077 ______1810 Kendall, Thomas, Sailmaker 387 ______1814 Kendall, Thomas, Tailor 432 ______1854 Kennard, Henry, Tailor 1588 ______1862 Kennedy, John, Gasfitter 1831 ______1882 Kenrick, Alfred E., Tinsmith and Plumber 2517 ______1857 Kenrick, Alfred Jr., Tin and Iron Worker 1700 ______1857 Kenrick, David T., Tin and Iron Worker 1701 ______1890 Kenrick, M. Frank, Plumber 2739 ______1875 Kent, Barker B., House and Ship Joiner 2268 ______1931 Kent, Louis W., Contractor 3262 ______1858 Kent, William, Plumber 1744 ______1884 Keough, Richard F., Ship Carpenter 2596 ______1828 Kern, George F. Jr., Baker 713 ______1874 Kershaw, Charles E., Safemaker 2184 ______1919 Keyes, William H., Contractor 3093 ______2010 Khouri, Mark, Jewelry Maker 3687 ______1881 Kidder, Samuel, Belt Mfr. 2393 ______1803 Kilham, Jonathan, Tailor 298 ______1795 Kilton, Jonathan, Baker OM 25 ______1933 Kimball, Ernest LeDoit, Mfg. of Ad. Signs 3272 ______1887 Kimball, Orrin A., Pianoforte Mfr. 2664 ______1870 Kimball, Stephen H., Children’s Carriage Mfr. 2044 ______1837 King, Charles G., Math. Inst. Maker 325 ______1838 King, William, Electrician 1279 ______1808 King, William, Hatter 361 ______1841 Kingman, George, Sailmaker 1374 ______1825 Kingsley, Elias, Plasterer 612 ______1839 Kingsley, Lyman, Iron Mfr. 1327 ______1836 Kingsley, Nathan P., Mason 1083 ______1919 Kinmartin, James H., Painter 3100 ______1920 Kinney, J. Royal, Pumps and Compressors 3125 ______1955 Kinney, William T., Lapidary 3401 ______1849 Kirk, Lewis, Machinist 1501 Joined______Member Signed # ______1839 Kitchen, Andrew, Haircutter 1299 ______1943 Kline, Howard L., Works Manager 3329 ______1801 Knap, Nathaniel Jr., Caulker 236 ______1900 Knapp, James M., Blacksmith 2869 ______1833 Knapp, Jesse, Watchmaker 959 ______1885 Knight, Clarence H., Printer 2610 ______1831 Knott, James, Cordwainer 856 ______1852 Knott, James, Shoemaker 1556 ______1858 Knott, James R., Ladies’ Shoe Mfr. 1743 ______1882 Knott, N. W. T., Gasfitter 2512 ______1834 Knott, Robert, Cordwainer 1036 ______1857 Knott, Thomas, Shoemaker 1728 ______1865 Knowles, Lucius J., Machinist and Engineer 1892 ______1866 Knowles, Francis B., Loom Mfr. 1923 ______1920 Knowlton, Daniel, Supt. of Construction 3127 ______1895 Knox, Albert L., Painter 2823 ______1856 Knox, Charles H., Painter 1652 ______1946 Koopman, Millard P., Steel Fabricator 3347 ______1953 Kreider, Albert M., Architect 3393 ______1813 Kreuger, John, Harness Maker 403 ______1821 Kuhn, John, Tailor 564 ______1809 Kupper, Charles F., Glass Mfr. 372 ______1981 Lacey, William F. III, Truck Equipment 3562 ______1882 Ladd, Sherman W., Machinist 2523 ______1909 Lahey, James, Granite Dealer 2984 ______1950 Laing, George, Building and Promotions 3362 ______1865 Lally, John, Boilermaker 1900 ______1887 Lamb, Benjamin F., Lumber Mfr. 2648 ______1802 Lamb, William, Tailor 271 ______1827 Lambord, William, Tinplate Worker 664 ______1864 Lamprell, Simon, Sailmaker 1859 ______1895 Lamprell, William, Decorator 2799 ______1833 Lamson, Benjamin, Cabinetmaker 957 ______1883 Lane, Frederick, Electrician 2532 ______1821 Lane, Frederick, Ivory Turner 550 ______1921 Lane, Henry O., Iron Worker 3140 ______1800 Lane, John M., Hairdresser 143 ______1834 Lane, Samuel, Housewright 1043 ______1881 Lane, Thomas W., Machinist 2445 ______1853 Lang, John H. B., Cooper 1568 ______1800 Lankester, William, Bricklayer 158 ______1795 Larkin, Eben, Bookbinder OM 16 Joined______Member Signed # ______1943 Larkin, Frank S., Plumbing Heating Contractor 3325 ______1978 Larkin, Glendall C., Welding Engineer 3539 ______1987 Larkin, Glendall C. Jr., Welding Manager 3599 ______1991 Larkin, Harry L., Master Mechanic 3614 ______1843 Larkin, Israel J., Mast and Spar Maker 1401 ______1987 Larkin, Kenneth W., Welding Engineer 3598 ______1995 Larkin, Sean M., Mechanic and Welder 3658 ______1831 Larrabee, John, Ropemaker 888 ______1834 Latham, Harrison, Bricklayer 1032 ______1890 Lauder, James N., Master Mechanic 2754 ______1847 Laughton, Charles H., Mason 1477 ______1800 Laughton, William, Baker 212 ______1865 Lauriat, Charles P., Gold Leaf Mfr. 1894 ______1989 Lavin, Robert C., Ventilation Engineer 3604 ______1890 Lawley, George F., Yacht Builder 2749 ______1879 Lawlor, Dennison J., Naval Architect 2365 ______1859 Lawrence, Edward, Cabinetmaker 1749 ______1881 Lawrence, Samuel W., Printer 2483 ______1946 Lawson, Fred J., Electrical Contractor 3349 ______1867 Leach, Henry L., Machinist 1953 ______1795 Leach, William, Saddler OM 18 ______1874 Leavitt, Thomas, Mechanical Engineer 2186 ______1860 Leavitt, William, Carpenter 1779 ______1839 Lecompte, Francis, Confectioner 1314 ______1932 Lederhos, Adolf A., Gen. and Manager 3268 ______1942 Leggee, Harvey B., Secretary/Editor/Publisher 3319 ______1890 Leiceister, George V., Pianoforte Mfr. 2730 ______1828 Leighton, Charles, Housewright 736 ______1882 Leighton, Emery D., Shipwright 2495 ______1885 Leighton, George E., Builder 2625 ______1866 Leighton, John W., Mason 1928 ______1856 Leman, George H., Shipsmith 1645 ______1856 Leman, James G., Shipsmith 1644 ______1820 Leman, John, Shipsmith 535 ______1833 Leman, John Jr., Shipsmith 953 ______1809 Lemon, William, Upholsterer 366 ______1993 Lemonias, Peter J., Metal Finisher 3630 ______1887 Lennihan, Charles J., Plumber 2669 ______1878 Lent, Vincent D., Sofa Spring Mfr. 2331 ______1800 Leonard, Elisha, Cabinetmaker 138 ______1878 Leonard, H. P., Hair Work Mfr. 2339 ______1925 Leonard, Joseph N., Treasurer G. H. Priggen Co. 3212 Joined______Member Signed # ______1962 Levitan, Leon B., Manufacturer 3443 ______1860 Lewis, Alfred S., Carpenter 1780 ______1803 Lewis, Asa, Housewright 312 ______1833 Lewis, Asa, Housewright 999 ______1803 Lewis, Daniel, Blacksmith 306 ______1902 Lewis, Edwin C., Electrical Engineer 2892 ______1800 Lewis, Elijah, Blacksmith 217 ______1979 Lewis, Gene R., Alarm Contractor 3549 ______1808 Lewis, Joseph, Baker 362 ______1837 Lewis, Seth, Housewright 1221 ______1818 Lewis, Thomas, Cooper 495 ______1836 Lewis, William L., Printer 1110 ______1814 Lewis, Winslow, Mfr. Of Illuminator 415 ______1837 Libbey, J. G. L., Jeweler 1234 ______2012 Libby, James, Machinist 3702 ______1831 Lienow, Henry, Tailor 881 ______1837 Light, George W., Printer 1114 ______1870 Lilley, James D., Umbrella Mfr. 2071 ______1818 Lilley, John, Umbrella Maker 525 ______1870 Lilley, Robert M., Umbrella Mfr. 2073 ______1800 Lillie, Thomas, Founder 137 ______1795 Lincoln, Amos, Housewright OM 26 ______1836 Lincoln, Charles Jr., Hatter 1096 ______1855 Lincoln, Frederic W., Copper Founder 1633 ______1839 Lincoln, Frederic W. Jr., Math. Instr. Maker 1325 ______1825 Lincoln, Frederick, Bricklayer 621 ______1825 Lincoln, Hawkes Jr., Bookbinder 639 ______1820 Lincoln, Heman, Housewright 538 ______1829 Lincoln, Jared, Housewright 790 ______1795 Lincoln, Jedediah, Housewright OM 33 ______1825 Lincoln, Joseph, Housewright 615 ______1895 Lincoln, Louis R., Engraver and Printer 2820 ______1870 Lincoln, Marvin, Artificial Limb Maker 2043 ______1900 Lincoln, Robert B., Mfr. Machine Governors 2868 ______1833 Lincoln, Warren, Gilder 977 ______1890 Lincoln, William O., Machinist 2553 ______1987 Lioce, Michael D. Jr., Plumbing Contractor 3597 ______1835 Litchfield, Enos, Housewright 1053 ______1882 Litchfield, H. M., Pianoforte Mfr. 2511 ______1861 Litchfield, H. T., Brass Founder 1817 ______1828 Litchfield, Ward Jr., Mason 723 ______1905 Litchfield, William E., Lumber Mfr. 2937 Joined______Member Signed # ______1829 Little, Ebenezer H., Cooper 760 ______1829 Little, Nicholas, Blacksmith 795 ______1881 Little, Samuel, Lead Mfr. 2418 ______1850 Little, William B., Druggist * ______1881 Littlefield, Elisha, Builder 2451 ______1909 Littlefield, Wayne B., Stair Builder and Woodworker 2991 ______1841 Livermore, John, Soap Boiler 1359 ______1837 Lloyd, Charles B., Gilder 1155 ______1848 Locke, Delmont, Coppersmith 1483 ______1872 Locke, William S., Plumber 2120 ______1854 Lockwood, Job, Plumber 1596 ______1890 Lockwood, Rhodes, Rubber Mfr. 2751 ______1985 Lohnes, Paul R., Electromechanical Repair 3591 ______1920 Lombard, Fred E., Roofer 3134 ______1820 Lombard, Nathaniel E., Sailmaker 533 ______1924 Lombard, Walter E., Pat. Attorney and Mech. Eng. 3196 ______1890 Long, Josiah, Machinist 2711 ______1936 Long, Rodney W., General Contractor and Appraiser 3287 ______1885 Long, Samuel T., Carpenter 2613 ______1880 Longely, Edwin P., Painter 2386 ______1814 Lord, Erastus B., Pocketbook Maker 433 ______1847 Lord, Joshua, Carpenter 1463 ______1910 Lord, Lyman L., Coppersmith 2998 ______1873 Lord, Samuel, Blacksmith 2152 ______2019 Lordan, John C., Manufacturer/Steele Canvas 3718 ______1992 Lordan, John J., Manufacturer 3640 ______2019 Lordan, Paul G., Manufacturer/Steele Canvas 3719 ______1845 Loring, Abner B., Coppersmith 1428 ______1814 Loring, Benjamin, Bookbinder 431 ______1795 Loring, Braddock, Housewright OM 39 ______1825 Loring, Henry, Housewright 607 ______1800 Loring, James, Printer 213 ______1837 Loring, James, Sailmaker 1129 ______1810 Loring, John, Baker 376 ______1824 Loring, John G., Coppersmith 600 ______1800 Loring, Jonathan, Carpenter 189 ______1818 Loring, Jonathan Jr., Sailmaker 506 ______1814 Loring, Joshua, Bookbinder * ______1814 Loring, Josiah, Bookbinder 438 ______1856 Loring, Judah, Ship Joiner 1661 ______1802 Loring, Levi Jr., Hatter 278 ______1845 Loring, Samuel H., Coppersmith 1427 Joined______Member Signed # ______1833 Loring, Thomas B., Sailmaker 966 ______1813 Loring, William, Cooper 401 ______1965 Lorusso, Joseph J. Builder 3477 ______1839 Lothrop, Ansel, Carpenter 1328 ______1861 Lothrop, Augustus, Mason 1815 ______1834 Lothrop, Eben W., Jeweler 1029 ______1854 Lothrop, George B., Locksmith 1594 ______1830 Lothrop, John, Sailmaker 812 ______1806 Lothrop, Seth, Housewright 351 ______1870 Lothrop, Warren, Mason 2062 ______1882 Lothrop, William H., Ferrule Mfr. 2491 ______1881 Loud, Herbert, Block Mfr. 2394 ______1881 Loud, Samuel C., Pump Mfr. 2464 ______1826 Loud, Solomon, Cabinetmaker 647 ______1829 Lovejoy, Loyal, Housewright 805 ______1860 Lovell, James G., Block Maker 1805 ______1850 Lovell, John P., Gun Maker 1538 ______1853 Lovell, Josiah G., Shipwright 1566 ______1890 Lovering, Jonathan P., Mason 2757 ______1800 Lovering, Joseph Jr., Tallow Chandler 139 ______1887 Lovett, J. W., Blacksmith 2646 ______1877 Lovett, Joseph, Blacksmith 2295 ______1837 Low, Francis, Rigger 1187 ______1919 Low, Harold W., Builder 3101 ______1825 Low, John, Bricklayer 613 ______1837 Low, John T., Jeweler 1148 ______1942 Low, Richard M., Contractor 3320 ______1919 Low, Samuel D., Builder 3102 ______1865 Low, William H., Blacksmith 1904 ______1860 Lowe, Nathaniel M., Pianoforte Maker 1809 ______1873 Lowell, R. M., Plumber 2139 ______1911 Lowney, Walter M., Candy Mfr. 3006 ______1825 Luther, Philip, Bricklayer 620 ______1826 Luther, Slade, Bricklayer 646 ______1871 Lutted, Thomas, Gasfitter 2089 ______1871 Lutted, William S. Jr., Steam and Gasfitter 2104 ______1890 Lyford, Charles P., Furniture Mfr. 2762 ______1828 Lyford, Epaphras K., Sash Maker 715 ______18567 Lyford, Henry A., Carpenter 1724 ______1856 Lyford, Nathaniel, Carpenter 1667 ______1857 Lyford, Thomas L., Painter 1735 ______1836 Lyford, Thomas, Housewright 1106 Joined______Member Signed # ______1869 Lynch, Charles S., Iron Mfr. 2005 ______1909 Lynch, Henry H., Boilermaker 2988 ______1877 Lynch, John, Hot Water Boiler Mfr. 2293 ______1883 Lynch, John E., Boilermaker 2550 ______1941 Lynch, John I., Boiler Mfr. 3311 ______1828 Lynch, Stephen, Upholsterer 704 ______1941 Lynch, Stewart P., Boiler Mfr. 3310 ______1829 Lynes, Samuel, Housewright 802 ______1935 Lynn, N. Russell, Auto Supply Mfg. 3280 ______1866 Lyon, George, Tailor 1924 ______1874 Lyons, John S., Stonecutter 2192 ______1884 Lyons, Thomas J., Mason 2565 ______1941 Lyttle, Robert J., Heating and Plumbing 3312 ______1901 MacAlman, John H., Automobile Builder 2874 ______1926 Macaulay, Donald, Machine Blacksmith 3221 ______1936 MacAulay, Harvey L., Blacksmith 3285 ______1896 Macauley, G. W., Moulding Mfr. 2825 ______1953 MacDonald, Chipman, Contractor 3395 ______1990 MacDonald, Gerard E., Lumber 3613 ______1961 Macdonald, Walter F., Jr., Building Contractor 3433 ______1795 MacFarlane, John, Watchmaker OM 78 ______1834 Mack, John, Painter 1005 ______1866 Mack, John, Plasterer 1943 ______1882 Mack, John, Plasterer 2486 ______1826 Mackay, John, Pianoforte Maker 642 ______1839 Mackay, William H., Pianoforte Maker 1336 ______1963 MacKenney, Carl R., Printer 3453 ______1875 Mackenzie, William, Carpenter 2256 ______1795 Mackintosh, Peter, Blacksmith OM 56 ______1922 Maclary, James L., Elevators 3160 ______1996 MacLaughlin, Joseph P., Plumber 3671 ______1978 MacLaughlin, Lester S., Plumbing/Heating Contr. 3532 ______1996 MacLaughlin, Philip M., Engineer 3675 ______2001 MacLaughlin, Robie C., Engineer 3699 ______1908 Macomber, George B. H., Builder 2971 ______1914 Macomber, Jehu M., Builder 30467 ______1920 Main, Charles T., Engineer of Construction 3131 ______1861 , William H., Soapstone Worker 1813 ______1877 Mainland, John Y., Carpenter 2298 ______1829 Mair, Thomas, Housewright 799 ______1804 Major, Frederick W., Pump and Block Maker 323 ______1921 Makepeace, Carl G., Iron Founder 3146 Joined______Member Signed # ______1975 Malcolm, John D., Electrical Contractor 3513 ______1937 Malley, Charles A., Real Estate & Contractor 3291 ______1837 Mallory, Richard P., Engraver 1176 ______1828 Mann, Joseph, Boatbuilder 722 ______1826 Mann, Peleg, Bricklayer 650 ______1913 Mansfield, George S., Commercial Agent 3021 ______1801 Mansfield, Joseph, Cordwainer 234 ______1881 Manson, Horace, Mason 2465 ______1875 Manson, Samuel T., Carpenter 2240 ______1899 Marble, Charles H., Plumber 2854 ______1903 Marble, Walter P., Brass Mfr. 2925 ______1857 Marble, William, Sailmaker 1710 ______1837 Marden, David, Bricklayer 1135 ______1890 Marks, Melbourne A., Pianoforte Maker 2709 ______1847 Marland, John, Manufacturer 1452 ______1831 Marsh, Bela, Bookbinder 887 ______1800 Marsh, Ephraim, Housewright 116 ______1830 Marsh, George, Housewright 817 ______1861 Marsh, J. Frederic, Printer 1811 ______1834 Marsh, John, Bookbinder 1019 ______1837 Marsh, Robert, Bricklayer 1138 ______1964 Marshall, David H., Building Contractor 3468 ______1907 Marshall, H. Newton, Painting Contractor 2963 ______1856 Marshall, William, Carpenter 1702 ______1801 Marston, James B., Painter 256 ______1869 Marston, James F., Carpenter 2018 ______1804 Marston, John, Pump and Block Maker 318 ______1895 Marston, Leander K., Builder 2809 ______1937 Martin, Harold W., Roofer 3293 ______1833 Martin, Israel, Tailor 982 ______1800 Martin, William P., Wheelwright 110 ______1828 Marvin, Theophilus R., Printer 728 ______1881 Marvin, William T. R., Printer 2463 ______1848 Mason, John W., Carver 1489 ______1795 Masson, Mamey, Baker OM 60 ______1977 Matthews, Thomas H., Plumbing Contractor 3523 ______1835 Maxwell, Edward, Mason 1060 ______1874 Maxwell, John S., Mason 2194 ______1895 Maxwell, William R., Brick Mfr. 2813 ______1800 Mayo, Jesse, Hairdresser 123 ______1997 Mazzarella, John F. III, General Contractor 3677 ______1824 McAllaster, James, Housewright 592 Joined______Member Signed # ______1834 McBurney, Charles, Saddler 1014 ______1870 McBurney, Henry H., Machinist 2047 ______1832 McClennen, Joseph L., Rigger 906 ______1802 McClennen, William, Rigger 282 ______1829 McClennen, William 2d, Rigger 775 ______1902 McCoy, James E., Mason/Builder 2916 ______1983 McDermott, Donald J., Metal Fabricator 3581 ______1920 McGahey, Henry, Builder 3119 ______1940 McGann, John F., Bronze Founder 3300 ______1890 McGann, Thomas F., Brass Founder 2707 ______1929 McGann, Thomas F., Bronze Founder 3253 ______1906 McGaw, James C., Carpenter and Builder 2942 ______1887 McGaw, John, Carpenter 2634 ______1918 McGaw, John, Contractor 3089 ______1881 McIntosh, David, Plasterer 2390 ______1802 McIntosh, John, Leather Dresser 270 ______1884 McIntyre, James, Shipjoiner 2571 ______1898 McKay, James J., Granite Worker 2844 ______1902 McKay, John L., Mechanical Engineer 2894 ______1864 McKay, Nathaniel, Machinist 1866 ______1848 McKay, William P., Watchmaker 1492 ______1800 McKean, William, Tobacconist 160 ______1962 McKenna, George A., Civil Engineer 3442 ______1902 McKenna, William N., Plumber 2922 ______1919 McKenna, Wm. N. Jr., Plumber 3103 ______1831 McKenney, Andrew, Bricklayer 878 ______1914 McKenzie, Clarence J., Engraver 3028 ______1914 McKenzie, Forbes L., Builder 3040 ______1891 McKie, William, Shipbuilder 2767 ______1864 McLauthlin, George T., Machinist 1854 ______1920 McLauthlin, Martin B., Elevator Construction 3126 ______1864 McLean, Charles R., Millwright 1876 ______1887 McLellan, James D., Carpenter 2668 ______1831 McMurray, John G., Brush Maker 890 ______1839 McMurray, Moses, Brush Maker 1324 ______1928 McNear, Egerton B., Carriage Mfr. 3246 ______1896 McNear, George W., Carriage Mfr. 2824 ______1881 McNeil, Neil, Carpenter/Builder 2412 ______1963 McNeilly, George F., Building Contractor 3451 ______1889 McNutt, John J., Builder 2700 ______1856 McNutt, John J., Carpenter 1683 ______1865 McPhail, Andrew M., Pianoforte Mfr. 1911 Joined______Member Signed # ______1887 McPherson, David B., Carpenter 2665 ______1886 McPherson, E. M., Bank Lock Mfr. 2630 ______1884 McQueeney, Frank J., Printer 2599 ______1887 McQuesten, Frank B., Lumber Mfr. 2643 ______1995 McSweeney, Mark E., Scale Systems 3664 ______1828 Mead, John, Bookbinder 739 ______1884 Means, R. F., Paint Grinder 2578 ______1857 Meany, Edward F., Stonecutter 1714 ______1803 Mears, Elijah, Tailor 297 ______1832 Mears, Granville, Tailor 893 ______1847 Mears, John, Manufacturer 1448 ______1882 Measures, Joseph, Brass Founder 2499 ______1834 Meek, Samuel, Jeweler 1011 ______1800 Meinzies, William, Coppersmith 210 ______1866 Meisel, Augustus, Lithographer 1933 ______1883 Melcher, George S., Electrician 2527 ______1856 Melcher, William K., Carpenter 1653 ______1881 Mellish, Oscar, Chairmaker 2391 ______1800 Meloney, James, Housewright 157 ______1862 Merriam, Matthew H., Mechanical Eng. 1832 ______1826 Merrifield, Francis, Baker 660 ______1870 Merrill, Lemuel, Locksmith 2063 ______1874 Merrill, William B., Oil Mfr. 2178 ______1884 Merritt, George, Carpenter 2595 ______1833 Merry, John, Cooper 961 ______1833 Meserve, John B., Carpenter 992 ______1795 Messinger, Daniel, Hatter OM 19 ______1795 Messinger, Henry, Hatter OM 54 ______1882 Metcalf, Albert, Tag Mfr. 2522 ______1827 Metcalf, Caleb, Mason 687 ______1827 Metcalf, Eliab W., Printer 697 ______1933 Miers, Charles J. 2nd, Roofer 3273 ______1915 Miers, Frank L., Roofer 3048 ______1980 Migell, Bruce A., Battery Mfr. 3551 ______1969 Mildram, Daniel E., Millwork 3490 ______1881 Miles, George, Boilermaker 2456 ______1856 Millard, Charles J., Soapstone Worker 1692 ______1830 Millard, Samuel, Housewright 818 ______1924 Millen, Alexander, Plate and Windowglass Const. 3202 ______1814 Miller, Charles, Gilder 437 ______1843 Miller, David, Blacksmith 1400 1891______Miller, Edward F., Professor MIT 2763 Joined______Member Signed # ______1879 Miller, George N., Mason 2348 ______1894 Miller, Herbert F., Carpenter 2798 ______1833 Miller, James, Cabinetmaker 960 ______1870 Miller, James E., Carpenter 2058 ______1879 Miller, Marquis S., Mason 2350 ______1833 Miller, Moses, Cooper 984 ______1875 Miller, Roberty, Sailmaker 2234 ______1903 Miller, Sherburne N., Mason 2926 ______1883 Miller, William G., Machinist 2555 ______1890 Miller, William L., Machinist 2716 ______2010 Milley, George, Cemeterian 3703 ______1885 Mills, Frederick, Printer 2609 ______1994 Mills, Norman E. Jr., Sandblaster 3647 ______1824 Mills, Oliver, Housewright 596 ______1801 Mills, William, Housewright 250 ______1808 Milner, Joseph, Baker 359 ______1887 Minton, Alexander G., Carpenter 2644 ______1979 Miquelle, Claude H., Architect 3542 ______1923 Mirich, George L., Civil Engineer 3194 ______1946 Mitchell, Charles W., Insurance 3348 ______1882 Mitchell, Henry, Glass Engraver 2513 ______1839 Mitchell, James, Plasterer 1330 ______1874 Mitchell, John G., Tailor 2175 ______1853 Mitchell, Joseph W., Shipbuilder 1541 ______1901 Mitchell, Sidney A., Carpenter 2875 ______1836 Mitchell, Theodore, Housewright 1111 ______1842 Mitchell, William, Shoemaker 1393 ______1890 Mitchell, William H., Plumber 2743 ______1902 Mitchell, William L., Plumber 2888 ______1822 Molineux, John, Brass Founder 568 ______1943 Monahan, John C., Builder 3326 ______1922 Monahan, John J., Builder 3170 ______1814 Monroe, Daniel Jr., Watchmaker 416 ______1922 Monroe, Frank A., Plumbing Supplies 3168 ______1834 Monroe, William, Cabinetmaker 1021 ______1881 Montgomery, Jabez K., Shipbuilder 2453 ______1867 Mooney, Ovid D., Stucco Worker 1964 ______1867 Moore, Alexander, Bookbinder 1954 ______1881 Moore, Edgar B., Mfr. Plumbing Specialties 2471 ______1856 Moore, Francis C., Printer 1655 ______1869 Moore, Hugh E., Brass Finisher 2029 ______1903 Moore, James W., Mason/Builder 2921 Joined______Member Signed # ______1974 Moore, Robert H. Jr., Machinery 3508 ______1795 More, Charles, Housewright 88 ______1890 Morgan, Charles R., Carpenter 2758 ______1995 Moriarty, John P., Builder 3668 ______1898 Morris, Freelon, Building Stone Worker 2842 ______1854 Morris, Thomas D., Painter 1600 ______1876 Morrison, Elbridge G., Plasterer 2279 ______1898 Morrison, George W., Carpenter 2845 ______1877 Morrison, John W., Carpenter 2300 ______1874 Morrison, Nahum M., Carpenter 2159 ______1907 Morrison, Walter W., Builder 2959 ______1882 Morrison, William H., Plasterer 2518 ______1853 Morse, Andrew J., Brass Founder 1573 ______1895 Morse, Charles H., Supt. Manual Training School 2822 ______1884 Morse, Charles W., Watchmaker 2589 ______1865 Morse, Enoch R., Safe Mfr. 1873 ______1833 Morse, Hazen, Engraver 987 ______1895 Morse, Henry C., Rubber Mfr. 2801 ______1854 Morse, Henry D., Jeweler 1583 ______1795 Morse, Orias, Cordwainer OM 14 ______1963 Morse, Richard W., Electrical Mfr. 3462 ______1879 Morse, William, Builder * ______1886 Morss, Charles A., Wire Worker 2631 ______1922 Morss, Everett, Wire and Cable 3167 ______1882 Morton, A. M., Steam and Gas Pipe Mfr. 2494 ______1889 Morton, Charles, Civil Engineer 2689 ______1837 Morton, Ebenezer, Housewright 1212 ______1872 Morton, Francis F., Builder 2133 ______1877 Morton, Josephus, Builder 2283 ______1878 Morton, Newton, Firebrick Mfr. 2319 ______1805 Mosely, David C., Saddler 336 ______1881 Mosely, Edward A., Lumber Mfr. 2455 ______1890 Mossman, Robert D., Paper Maker 2755 ______1828 Mott, Joshua, Shipwright 743 ______1907 Moulton, Byron B., Mfr. Building Finish 2944 ______1832 Moulton, Thomas, Bricklayer 902 ______1818 Mountford, Charles, Sailmaker 498 ______1818 Mountford, Joseph, Cooper 501 ______1839 Mudge, Alfred, Printer 1311 ______1899 Mudge, Alfred, Printer 2848 ______1860 Mudge, Alfred A., Printer 1794 ______1886 Mudge, Frank H., Printer 2626 Joined______Member Signed # ______1907 Muir, George, Contracting Plasterer 2958 ______1951 Muir, George 2nd, Plastering Contractor 3377 ______1907 Muir, William E., Contracting Plasterer 2957 ______1889 Mullen, John H., Coppersmith 2693 ______1839 Munn, Luther, Stonecutter 1307 ______1902 Munro, Charles W., Plasterer 2895 ______1814 Munroe, Edmund, Printer and Bookseller 452 ______1807 Munroe, Isaac, Printer 352 ______1814 Munroe, Nathaniel, Clockmaker 425 ______1835 Munroe, Otis, Cordwainer 1055 ______1800 Murdock, Amasa, Wheelwright 103 ______1828 Murdock, Amasa Jr., Plane Maker 747 ______1992 Murley, Richard A., Landscaper 3625 ______2018 Murphy, Bryan, Dust Collection Systems 3715 ______1892 Murphy, James S., Spice Mfr. 2775 ______1955 Murphy, Walter G., Elevator Engineer 3406 ______1950 Murray, Albert C., Printer 3365 ______1941 Murray, Albert N., Printer 3314 ______1890 Murray, Henry, Marble Worker 2718 ______1919 Murtfeldt, Fred V., Roofing & Concrete Const. 3104 ______1907 Murtfeldt, Will A., Roofing & Concrete Const. 2960 ______1800 Mylod, Samuel 197 ______1919 Myrick, James W. H., Ventilating Engineer 3105 ______1920 Nagle, Frank L., Publisher 3132 ______1815 Nash, Joseph, Sailmaker 463 ______1819 Nason, Leavitt, Tailor 529 ______1839 Nassau, William M., Hairdresser 1317 ______1883 Neal, Alfred J., Mason 2535 ______1881 Neal, Burton W., Carpenter 2419 ______1902 Neal, Burton W. Jr., Carpenter 2906 ______1872 Neal, James P., Mason 2119 ______1841 Neal, Samuel, Housewright 1382 ______1800 New, Robert, Hairdresser 132 ______1828 Newcomb , Loring, Housewright 750 ______1824 Newell, George S., Housewright 604 ______1854 Newhall, Daniel B., Pianoforte Maker 1595 ______1837 Newhall, John, Wheelwright 1168 ______1856 Newman, Robert, Tailor 1638 ______1834 Newman, Samuel H., Tailor 1041 ______1829 Newmarch, Samuel, Baker 756 ______1813 Nichols, Charles C., Tailor 404 ______1818 Nichols, Cushing, Mason 521 Joined______Member Signed # ______1877 Nichols, Edward T., Organ Maker 2288 ______1812 Nichols, Eleazer, Housewright 394 ______1849 Nichols, George N., Tailor 1506 ______1836 Nichols, Lawrence, Confectioner 1097 ______1879 Nichols, Leonard B., Carriage Mfr. 2358 ______1803 Nichols, Samuel, Bricklayer 315 ______1833 Nichols, Smith W., Bricklayer 956 ______1949 Nichols, Stephen G., Manufacturer 3361 ______1832 Nichols, Timothy S., Painter 932 ______1825 Nichols, William, Printer 630 ______1914 Nicholson, Joseph, Builder 3036 ______1947 Nickerson, Donald E., Woodworker 3356 ______1964 Nickerson, Donald E. Jr., Architectural Wood 3464 ______1833 Niles, Jesse, Carpenter 948 ______1873 Nixon, James, Carpenter 2145 ______1941 Noel, Eben J., Painting Contractor 3308 ______1970 Noel, Eben J. 2d, Painting Contractor 3492 ______1950 Noel, Harold C., Painting Contractor 3369 ______1950 Noel, William C., Painting Contractor 3371 ______1800 Norcross, Elisha, Hairdresser 142 ______1879 Norcross, O. W., Builder 2346 ______1876 Norris, Edward J., Carpenter 2274 ______1904 Northrup, John H., Builder 2927 ______1919 Norton, Harry I., Bridge and Wharf Builder 3106 ______1856 Norton, Jacob, Furrier 1678 ______1800 Norton, Jothan, Blacksmith 165 ______1881 Norton, William A., Bridgebuilder 2425 ______1919 Norton, William A., Bridge and Wharf Builder 3107 ______1865 Nott, Gordon K., Civil Engineer 1920 ______1834 Nottage, Samuel C., Carpenter 1012 ______1860 Nourse, Benjamin F., Bookbinder 1771 ______1860 Nourse, Josl, Plough Mfr. 1922 ______1859 Nowell, George, Carpenter 1747 ______1856 Noyes, Charles E., Painter 1647 ______1877 Noyes, Josiah, Carpenter 2296 ______1921 Nutting, George H., Manufacturer 3147 ______1833 Nutting, Luther, Blacksmith 975 ______1818 Oakes, Joshua, Shipjoiner 504 ______1942 Oakes, Lawson W., Builder 3323 ______1900 Oakes, William H., Heating Apparatus Mfr. 2866 ______1841 Ober, John P., Cooper 1355 ______1992 Obin, Raymond J., Electrical Contractor 3619 Joined______Member Signed # ______1944 O’Brien, Frederick B., Manager 3334 ______1945 O’Brien, Howard C., Hardware Specialties 3340 ______1960 O’Brien, John R., Contractor’s Equipment 3420 ______1920 O’Brien, Michael W., Marble Mfr. 3133 ______1989 O’Brien, Paul P., Mechanical Contractor 3609 ______1902 O’Connell, John, Gas Fitter 2901 ______1889 O’Donnell, John H., Printer 2703 ______1909 O’Hearn, Michael J., Contractor 2986 ______1898 O’Lally, Patrick K., Machinist 2836 ______1944 Olive, Arthur N., General Contractor 3330 ______1973 Olive, Arthur N. Jr., Engineer and Consultant 3506 ______1818 Oliver, Ebenezer, Boatbuilder * ______1807 Oliver, Edward, Printer 353 ______1873 Oliver, Francis C., Blacksmith 2137 ______1802 Oliver, Hubbard, Tailor * ______1855 Oliver, John Jr., Carpenter 1635 ______1899 Oliver, Robert W., Blacksmith 2851 ______1833 Oliver, William B., Tinman 964 ______1847 Oliver, William B. Jr., Tinplate Worker 1451 ______1967 Olson, Edward A., Medical Equipment 3485 ______1978 O’Meara, Richard J., Printer 3533 ______1992 O’Neil, David J., Systems Analyst 3623 ______1837 Orcutt, Ephraim, Mason 1188 ______1837 Orcutt, John P., Painter 1206 ______1969 Ormsby, William N. Jr., Roofing Contractor 3489 ______1902 Orne, Rufus H., Mason 2885 ______1859 Orr, Robert, Carpenter 1763 ______1837 Osborn, Jesse, Wheelwright 1232 ______1863 Osborn, Louis, Machinist 1839 ______1883 Osborne, John Jr., Tinplate Worker 2525 ______1800 Osgood, Peter, Bricklayer 149 ______1820 Otis, George W., Housewright 532 ______1818 Otis, Isaac, Cabinetmaker 519 ______1992 Otto, Donald H., General Contractor 3621 ______1800 Owen, Benjamin, Cooper 214 ______1914 Packard, James E., Contractor 3024 ______1845 Packer, Charles, Morocco Mfr. 1432 ______1882 Paddock, Henry, Painter 2496 ______1839 Page, Bela B., Bricklayer 1295 ______1831 Page, Calvin, Bricklayer 850 ______1860 Page, Chauncey, Carpenter 1800 ______1902 Page, David P., Mfr. Building Material 2900 Joined______Member Signed # ______1913 Page, James, Bricklayer * ______1829 Page, James, Bricklayer 754 ______1831 Page, John A., Bricklayer 884 ______1871 Page, Webster W., Lumber Mfr. 2105 ______1878 Paine, John S., Furniture Mfr. 2315 ______1855 Palmer, George W., Phil. Inst. Maker 1621 ______1879 Palmer, Irving S., Lumber and Veneer Mfr. 2357 ______1805 Palmer, John, Chaise Maker 342 ______1800 Palmer, Joseph, Hatter 200 ______1929 Palmer, Lionel G. H., Mgr. General Fireproofing Co. 3252 ______1837 Palmer, Thomas, Mason 1195 ______1987 Palmieri, David M., Concrete Distributor 3593 ______1981 Pann, Robert L., Mechanical Contractor 3564 ______1827 Park, John, Painter 681 ______1810 Park, John, Printer 375 ______1875 Park, William R., Machinist 2261 ______1866 Park, William S., Architect 1931 ______1934 Parker, Almon H., Steam & Mechanical Eng. 3276 ______1828 Parker, Amos B., Bookbinder 741 ______1882 Parker, Benjamin F., Door and Sash Mfr. 2501 ______1944 Parker, Carl I., Mason 3331 ______1854 Parker, Carlton, Mason 1580 ______1856 Parker, Charles S., Metal Roofer 1642 ______1865 Parker, Charles W., Roofer 1912 ______1826 Parker, Eber, Blacksmith 653 ______1951 Parker, Francis A., Mechanical Engineer 3372 ______1867 Parker, George W., Bookbinder 1951 ______1871 Parker, George W., Roofer 2095 ______1835 Parker, Gookin, Housewright 1080 ______1942 Parker, H. Hutchins, Manufacturer 3321 ______1982 Parker, Jackson B., Machine Sales 3575 ______1885 Parker, Joseph W. Jr., Clothing Mfr. 2621 ______1865 Parker, Robert G., Tinman 1870 ______1976 Parker, Stanley C., Mechanical Tools 3517 ______1874 Parker, Thomas, Stucco Worker 2191 ______1804 Parks, Benjamin, Printer 320 ______1882 Parks, Elwell, Carpenter 2490 ______1889 Parlin, Albert N., Stove Mfr. 2696 ______1795 Parmenter, Ezra, Blacksmith OM 67 ______1916 Parmenter, George E., Crayon Mfr. 3066 ______1878 Parmenter, Zenas, Crayon Mfr. 2310 ______1818 Parris, Alexander, Architect 513 Joined______Member Signed # ______1920 Parris, Caleb S., Iron Worker 3135 ______1856 Parrott, William P., Civil Engineer 1639 ______1921 Parry, George A., Brick Mfr. 3148 ______1837 Parsons, Ebenezer, Carpenter 1125 ______1825 Parsons, Edmund, Cabinetmaker 617 ______1837 Parsons, Josiah, Carpenter 1198 ______1835 Passarow, George, Painter 1066 ______1845 Patch, Franklin, Housewright 1440 ______1976 Patey, Edmund M., Plumber 3518 ______1996 Patey, Frederick R., Plumber 3674 ______1881 Patten, Frank M., Carpenter 2446 ______1801 Patten, Nathaniel, Ropemaker 228 ______1795 Patten, Thomas, Currier 408 ______1940 Patterson, Perley I., Master Plumber 3302 ______1930 Paul, Charles Van Stone, Bronze Founder 3258 ______1875 Paul, Edward B., Lumber 2270 ______1839 Paul, James, Upholsterer 1340 ______1858 Paul, Joseph F., Carpenter 1737 ______1875 Paul, William M., Lumber Mfr. 2269 ______1888 Payson, Darius N., Paver 2672 ______1854 Payson, Edwin, Carpenter 1615 ______1837 Peak, Philip, Sailmaker 1236 ______1849 Pearce, William, Plumber 1512 ______1907 Pearson, Benjamin, Mfr. Building Finish 2949 ______1890 Pearson, F. S., Electrical Engineer 2738 ______1833 Pearson, Simon, Blacksmith 979 ______1870 Pearson, William H., Boot and Shoe Mfr. 2060 ______1800 Pease, Timothy Jr., Cooper 172 ______1839 Peck, Thomas R., Hatter 1306 ______1825 Peeler, David, Cordwainer 636 ______1922 Peirce, Charles C., Manager 3180 ______1800 Peirce, John, Bricklayer 201 ______1825 Peirce, John, Optician 625 ______1841 Peirce, Jonathan, Pump and Block Maker 1371 ______1828 Pendleton, William S., Printer 727 ______1814 Penniman, Elisha, Pin Mfr. 426 ______1961 Penshorn, Everett F., Roofing Contractor 3427 ______1881 Percival, James D., Carpenter 2430 ______1865 Perkins, Charles E., Gasfitter 1881 ______1869 Perkins, David, Builder 2016 ______1874 Perkins, Elias A., Carpenter 2162 ______1883 Perkins, Francis B., Machinist 2557 Joined______Member Signed # ______1898 Perkins, George W., Gas Piper 2841 ______1801 Perkins, Jacob, Goldsmith 267 ______1850 Perkins, James, Shipsmith 1521 ______1809 Perkins, Lafayette, Painter 371 ______1837 Perkins, Nathaniel, Engraver 1200 ______1795 Perkins, Samuel, Painter OM 73 ______1835 Perkins, Samuel S., Housewright 1067 ______1902 Perry, Frederic H., Printer 2918 ______1858 Perry, George W., Gas Fitter 1742 ______1908 Perry, John R., Painter and Decorator 2980 ______1927 Perry, Joseph H., Manufacturer 3234 ______1883 Perry, Lewis F., Painter 2526 ______1993 Perry, Samuel D., Painting Contractor 3633 ______1920 Perry, Vinal B., Machinist 3136 ______1854 Peterson, Lorin, Carpenter 1597 ______2000 Peterson, Richard H., Engineer 3684 ______1875 Peterson, Sidney, Shipjoiner 2264 ______1850 Pettes, Henry, Carpet Mfr. 1519 ______1838 Pettingill, Samuel S., Shipjoiner 1258 ______1836 Phelps, John B., Cordwainer 1082 ______1835 Phelps, Sewall, Printer 1076 ______1890 Phillips, Enos B., Brass Founder 2761 ______1795 Phillips, James, Ropemaker OM 28 ______1890 Phillips, William P., Machinist 2717 ______1814 Pickens, John Jr., Printer 427 ______1866 Pickering, Daniel W., Steam Engine Mfr. 1908 ______1922 Pickett, Joseph C., Cleaner and Pointer of Build. 3181 ______1892 Pickett, Robert H., Stone Pointer 2771 ______1869 Pickford, Henry, Locksmith 2022 ______1867 Pierce, Charles, Gasfitter 1969 ______1818 Pierce, Isaac, Cooper 483 ______1895 Pierce, James W., Can Mfr. 2802 ______1800 Pierce, Nicholas Jr., Bricklayer 205 ______1800 Pierce, William, Hairdresser 144 ______1888 Piers, Frank C., Agricultural Implement Mfr. 2674 ______1963 Pigeon, Guy, Spar Mfr. 3457 ______1839 Pike, Charles, Baker 1288 ______1837 Pike, Ezekiel W., Housewright 1152 ______1860 Pike, John K., Carpenter 1788 ______1927 Piotti, Ambrogio, Builder 3235 ______1874 Pishon, Thomas J., Carpenter 2217 ______1830 Pitman, John H., Cooper 811 Joined______Member Signed # ______1837 Pitman, Thomas S., Baker 1181 ______1821 Pitts, Lendell, Housewright 553 ______1836 Place, John B., Housewright 1100 ______1869 Plimpton, Henry R., Cabinetmaker 1998 ______1878 Plimpton, James L., Machinist 2330 ______1873 Plumer, Jacob P., Printer and Engraver 2140 ______1844 Plummer, Enoch, Bridge Maker 1414 ______1898 Plummer, Rufus B., Builder 2835 ______1837 Plympton, Henry, Balance Mfr. 1194 ______1874 Poland, Datus E., Carpenter 2164 ______1835 Pollard, Abner W., Tailor 1064 ______1825 Pond, Moses Jr., Tinplate Worker 632 ______1818 Pook, Charles, Cooper 484 ______1849 Pook, S. M., Naval Architect 1500 ______1849 Pook, Samuel H., Shipwright 1508 ______1833 Pool, Lot, Housewright 980 ______1837 Poole, Alexis, Carpenter 1133 ______1834 Poole, Benjamin C., Mast Maker 1030 ______1889 Pope, Albert A., Manufacturer 2686 ______1910 Pope, Arthur W., Merchant and Mfr. 2994 ______1862 Pope, George W., Mason 1833 ______1915 Pope, Herbert S., Electrical Eng. and Contractor 3062 ______1801 Popkin, Thomas, Blacksmith 249 ______1819 Porter, Christopher, Hatter 531 ______1861 Porter, Edward F., Dyewood Mfr. 1824 ______1897 Porter, Frank M., Printer 2834 ______1851 Porter, George E., Watchmaker 1550 ______1893 Porter, George M., Stove and Hardware Mfr. 2794 ______1874 Porter, Herbert, Printer 2224 ______1795 Porter, Jacob, Tailor 83 ______1800 Porter, Josiah, Carpenter 150 ______1800 Porter, Noah, Bricklayer 151 ______1921 Potter, Herbert S., Electrical Eng. and Contractor 3152 ______1896 Potter, John S., Electrician 2829 ______1865 Potter, Robert K., Printer 1867 ______1908 Powell, James H., Ventilator Mfr. 2982 ______1953 Powell, Robert E., Mechanical Engineer 3388 ______1884 Prang, Louis, Lithographer 2569 ______1993 Pratt, Bruce K., Outboard Mechanic 3636 ______1825 Pratt, Caleb, Housewright 1341 ______1837 Pratt, Caleb I., Housewright 1172 ______1832 Pratt, Caleb S., Housewright 920 Joined______Member Signed # ______1839 Pratt, Ebenezer, Carpenter 1341 ______1834 Pratt, Jairus, Shipwright 1023 ______1832 Pratt, Joseph, Bricklayer 903 ______1800 Pratt, Nathan, Shipjoiner 162 ______1988 Pratt, Perry W., Metal Working Mfr. 3600 ______1830 Pratt, Samuel, Mason 832 ______1844 Pratt, T. Willis, Civil Engineer 1418 ______1878 Pratt, Walter G., Watchmaker 2335 ______1839 Pratt, William, Watchmaker 1320 ______1914 Preble, Harry H., Mason/Builder 3045 ______1883 Preble, Joseph H., Mason 2534 ______1867 Preble, Nathaniel C. A., Tailor 1955 ______1902 Preble, Walter H., Mason/Builder 2891 ______1838 Prentiss, Henry, Musical Inst. Maker 1245 ______1867 Prescott, Benjamin F., Mason 1975 ______1834 Preston, Jonathan, Bricklayer 1025 ______1880 Preston, William G., Architect 2376 ______1837 Prince, Nathan, Bricklayer 1115 ______1829 Prince, Samuel, Sailmaker 792 ______1800 Proctor, Benjamin, Sailmaker 107 ______1977 Prosser, John P., Construction & Development 3521 ______1828 Prouty, Dwight, Painter 731 ______1826 Prouty, Joel, Painter 645 ______1841 Prouty, Lorenzo, Manufacturer 1357 ______1865 Puffer, A. D., Brass Founder 1868 ______1885 Pulsifer, R. M., Publisher 2623 ______1963 Purdy, Raymond J., Electrical Contractor 3459 ______1988 Purdy, Richard A., Electrical Contractor 3601 ______1795 Purkitt, Henry, Cooper OM 15 ______1873 Putnam, James R., Painter 2142 ______1837 Putnam, John, Printer 1223 ______1833 Putnam, Mason, Bookbinder 954 ______1881 Putnam, Samuel P., Bedding Mfr. 2424 ______1934 Queen, Walter K., Manufacturer 3278 ______1818 Quincy, A. H., Baker 523 ______1883 Quincy, Charles F., Dyer 2556 ______1883 Quincy, George H., Machinery Mfr. 2554 ______1881 Quinsler, George J., Carriage Mfr. 2458 ______1926 Quint, Sydney W., Wool 3226 ______1980 Rabin, Leon, Electrical Contractor 3558 ______1889 Radford, Benjamin F., Machinist 2695 ______1821 Rand, Aaron, Cooper 546 Joined______Member Signed # ______1881 Rand, Avery L., Printer 2484 ______1906 Rand, David L., Contract Builder 2941 ______1876 Rand, Edward T., Soap Mfr. 2273 ______1853 Rand, George C., Printer 1560 ______1861 Rand, Oliver J., Bookbinder 1821 ______1856 Randall, Benjamin, Carpenter 1660 ______1889 Randall, John C., Carpet Mfr. 2687 ______1884 Rankin, H. B., Carpenter 2591 ______1801 Ransford, Josiah C., Tailor 242 ______1800 Ratchford, William, Blacksmith 125 ______1889 Raymond, C. M., Manufacturer 2699 ______1844 Raymond, Freeman C., Watchmaker 1409 ______1889 Raymond, J. M., Manufacturer 2698 ______1818 Rayner, John, Chaise Maker 520 ______1850 Rayner, John J., Coachmaker 1528 ______1837 Rayner, Thomas L., Slater 1162 ______1881 Raynes, Francis, Carpenter 2426 ______1832 Read, A. H., Currier 917 ______1885 Read, George E., Printer 2617 ______1814 Read, Joseph S. Jr., Saddler 414 ______1981 Reale, Richard A., Contractor 3571 ______1831 Redding, Charles, Painter 883 ______1825 Redding, George, Painter 616 ______1869 Redman, Eli F., Painter 2019 ______1827 Redman, John, Mason 676 ______1800 Redman, Thomas, Paperstainer 102 ______1945 Reece, Karl W. P., Manufacturer 3336 ______1845 Reed, George P., Musical Inst. Maker 1438 ______1856 Reed, John H., Iron Mfr. 1676 ______1833 Reed, William, Coach Trimmer 962 ______1920 Reed, William T., Contractor/Builder 3137 ______1814 Reeves, Samuel, Druggist 410 ______1841 Regally, Michael, Watchmaker 1361 ______1911 Remy, William C., Regalia Mfr. 3009 ______1809 Renouf, Edward, Printer * ______1855 Revere, John, Copper Founder 1634 ______1795 Revere, Paul, Goldsmith OM 1 ______1795 Revere, Paul Jr., Goldsmith OM 45 ______2016 Revere III, Paul, Marine Mechanic/Attorney 3710 ______1841 Reynolds, Samuel S., Morocco Dresser 1383 ______1899 Rhoades, Herbert A., Builder 2855 ______1869 Rhoades, Silas, Carpenter 2027 Joined______Member Signed # ______1834 Rhoades, Stephen, Hatter 1046 ______1830 Rhoades, William, Cooper 839 ______1977 Ricciardelli, Robert E., Flooring Contractor 3524 ______1829 Rice, Alanson, Bricklayer 764 ______1796 Rice, John, Housewright 93 ______1839 Rich, Obadiah, Silversmith 1301 ______1911 Richards, E. Loring, Hardware Merchant 3012 ______1993 Richards, Edward J., Facilities Engineer 3644 ______1878 Richards, Eugene H., Mfg. Jeweler 2321 ______1795 Richards, Giles, Cotton & Wool Card Maker OM * ______1864 Richards, J. Avery, Engineer 1850 ______1827 Richards, Joseph, Stonecutter 693 ______1891 Richards, William S., Tinplate & Sheet Iron Worker 2765 ______1828 Richards, Wyatt, Mason 706 ______1831 Richardson, Alpha, Currier 871 ______1824 Richardson, Bill, Housewright 602 ______1878 Richardson, Charles, Paint Mfr. 2322 ______1862 Richardson, George L., Carpenter 1830 ______1856 Richardson, J. B., Machinist 1665 ______1961 Richardson, Joseph P., Architect 3426 ______1804 Richardson, Luke, Hairdresser 317 ______1971 Richardson, Norman L., Electrical Contractor 3497 ______1833 Richardson, Thomas, Brass Founder 994 ______1990 Richardson, W. Warren, Engineer 3611 ______1874 Richardson, Warren, Printer 2193 ______1861 Richmond, Edward, Contractor 1816 ______1874 Ricker, Enos, Stonecutter 2203 ______1902 Ricker, Hazen E., Granite Worker 2897 ______1938 Riddell, Wallace D., Safety Engineer 3295 ______1869 Riley, Isaac, Plumber 1993 ______1832 Riley, James, Saddler 927 ______1865 Riley, James M., Slate and Metal Roofer 1898 ______1865 Rinn, J. Ph., Cabinetmaker 1878 ______1892 Rinn, J. Philip, Architect 2778 ______1907 Ripley, Francis M., Carpenter/Builder 2955 ______1821 Ripley, Robert, Cooper 560 ______1857 Ritchie, Edward S., Math. Inst. Maker 1696 ______1890 Ritchie, John, Scientific Expert 2710 ______1870 Ritchie, Thomas P., Phil. Inst. Maker 2049 ______1800 Roath, Andrew, Hairdresser 131 ______1828 Robbins, Edward H. Jr., Manufacturer 733 ______1829 Robbins, Josiah, Ropemaker 757 Joined______Member Signed # ______1929 Roberts, Albert E., Master Plumber 3250 ______1881 Roberts, Arthur K., Bookbinder 2400 ______1874 Roberts, Charles C., Printer 2212 ______1863 Roberts, J. Milton, Marble Worker 1843 ______1890 Roberts, James D., Soda Water Mfr. 2719 ______1890 Roberts, James H., Machinist 2708 ______1836 Roberts, John, Housewright 1084 ______1884 Roberts, John G., Moulding Mfr. 2592 ______1829 Roberts, John G., Bookbinder 776 ______1837 Roberts, John L., Mason 1218 ______1849 Roberts, Thomas J., Mason 1495 ______1874 Roberts, William A., Marble Worker 2216 ______1921 Roberts, William G., Builder 3149 ______1845 Robertson, John A., Stairbuilder 1441 ______1826 Robertson, John M., Shipbuilder 655 ______1856 Robie, John A., Tailor 1657 ______1967 Robie, Richard S., Robie Ford 3488 ______1841 Robinson, Enoch, Whitesmith 1365 ______1837 Robinson, George W., Machinist 1184 ______1896 Robinson, Joseph, Boiler Mfr. 2831 ______1831 Robinson, Reuben T., Painter 879 ______1884 Robinson, Roswell R., Soap Mfr. 2598 ______1889 Robinson, Seth F., Carpenter 2688 ______1869 Robinson, William, Sailmaker 2010 ______1996 Roby, Edward C., Precision Machinery 3673 ______1908 Rock, Frederick N., Iron Worker 2972 ______1874 Rockwell, Horace T., Printer 2201 ______1919 Rodday, William A., Master Plumber 3108 ______1857 Rogers, Charles O., Printer 1705 ______1867 Rogers, Daniel W., Stereotyper 1962 ______1838 Rogers, Fitz William, Cabinetmaker 1237 ______1939 Rogers, Frederick K., Building Appraiser 3297 1829 Rogers, Isaiah, Architect 777 ______1833 Rogers, John Gorham, Type Founder 988 ______1876 Rogers, John K., Type Founder 2271 ______1955 Rogers, O. Wendell, Building Appraiser 3407 ______1857 Rogers, Octavius T., Stonecutter 1711 ______1859 Rollins, Charles, Carpenter 1765 ______1915 Rollins, James W., Civil Engineer 3050 ______1940 Rooney, John A., Builder 3304 ______1887 Root, Albert B., Horseshoer 2661 ______1880 Root, Henry A., Mason 2380 Joined______Member Signed # ______1880 Root, William A., Mason 2381 ______1867 Ropes, George Jr., Architect 1973 ______1967 Rosane, Richard C., Architect 3487 ______1857 Rose, Horace C., Painter 1704 ______1883 Rose, Robert R., Painter 2536 ______1987 Rosenberg, Steven D., Engineer 3596 ______1850 Ross, George, Gilder 1531 ______1887 Ross, Henry F., Carpenter 2651 ______1837 Ross, Jeremiah, Tailor 1159 ______1821 Ross, John, Hairdresser 561 ______1869 Ross, John, Plumber 1997 ______1869 Ross, Joseph, Bridge Builder 2003 ______1914 Ross, William F., Interior Woodwork 3033 ______1801 Roulston, Andrew, Wheelwright 253 ______1801 Roulston, Michael, Glazier 231 ______1802 Roulstone, John, Bookbinder 288 ______1881 Rounds, William J., Mason 2401 ______1975 Rousayne, Hans G., Jewelry 3512 ______1912 Rouse, George F., Building Construction 3016 ______1872 Rowe, Alonzo E., Bellhanger 2113 ______1835 Rowe, Samuel, Housewright 1079 ______1883 Rowe, Solomon S., Iron Mfr. 2548 ______1874 Ruggles, Stephen P., Engineer 2215 ______1877 Rumery, Edward M., Mason 2291 ______1870 Rumery, William M., Mason 2045 ______1874 Rumrill, William, Carpenter 2210 ______1827 Rundle, Thomas, Carpenter 673 ______1875 Russ, Charles E., Tinplate Worker 2249 ______1870 Russell, Aaron W., Stonecutter 2061 ______1795 Russell, Benjamin, Printer OM 11 ______1919 Russell, Daniel, Boiler Mfr. 3090 ______1884 Russell, Duncan D., Boilermaker 2572 ______1825 Russell, Edward, Painter 622 ______1927 Russell, Gordon W., Boiler Mfr. 3228 ______1847 Russell, Ira, Cabinetmaker 1476 ______1873 Russell, J. M., Mason 2134 ______1831 Russell, John, Housewright 854 ______1817 Russell, John, Painter 471 ______1800 Russell, John, Printer 190 ______1837 Russell, John B., Printer 1170 ______1880 Russell, John P., Builder 2384 ______1839 Russell, Joseph G., Cabinetmaker 1309 Joined______Member Signed # ______1829 Russell, Samuel M., Pump Maker 793 ______1965 Russell, Stanley G., Painting Contractor 3473 ______1928 Russell, Warren K., Boiler Mfr. 3241 ______1895 Rust, Nathaniel J., Druggist 2800 ______1835 Ruthven, Robert S., Brass Turner 1077 ______1995 Ryan, Richard D., General Contractor 3656 ______1883 Ryder, Whitman L., House and Shipjoiner 2537 ______1856 Rymes, Christopher E., Machinist 1654 ______1824 Safford, Daniel, Blacksmith 576 ______1874 Sampson, Edwin H., Papermaker 2161 ______1876 Sampson, George T., Shipbuilder 2281 ______1888 Sampson, Walter S., Mason 2675 ______1818 Sampson, Zephaniah, Bricklayer 488 ______1843 Sanborn, Alfred S., Carpenter 1402 ______1835 Sanborn, Amos C., Stonecutter 1063 ______1872 Sanborn, George O., Manufacturer 2130 ______1833 Sanborn, Greenleaf C., Housewright 970 ______1857 Sanborn, James F., Stonecutter 1713 ______1864 Sanborn, Lyman F., Stonecutter 1861 ______1801 Sanborn, Reuben, Chairmaker 265 ______1863 Sanborn, S. H., Bookbinder 1846 ______1955 Sandberg, Alfred C., Paper Converter 3400 ______1922 Sanderson, Edmund C., Electrical Contr. 3176 ______1885 Sanford, Edwin, Machinist 2620 ______1928 Sanford, Nelson J., Plasterer 3247 ______1849 Sanford, Philo, Lead Mfr. 1509 ______1884 Sargent, Albert A., Carriage Mfr. 2584 ______1818 Sargent, Edward, Cooper 494 ______1878 Sargent, Hayden, Carriage Builder 2325 ______1879 Sargent, Horace M., Carriage Mfr. 2364 ______1807 Sargent, Lewis, Chaise Maker 355 ______1818 Sargent, Loring, Mason and Paver 477 ______1914 Sargent, Thomas T. M., Architect 3044 ______1879 Sargent, William P., Carriage Builder * ______1877 Savage, Andrew J., Engineer 2282 ______1909 Savage, J. Arthur, Interior Decorator 2990 ______1837 Savage, Jacob S., Blacksmith 1169 ______1827 Savage, James S., Mason 682 ______1907 Savage, William B., Interior Decorator 2964 ______1821 Saville, John, Tailor 559 ______1858 Savory, Thomas C., Painter 1733 ______1830 Sawin, John, Clockmaker 809 Joined______Member Signed # ______1831 Sawyer, Amos, Baker 885 ______1869 Sawyer, Henry N., Printer 2001 ______1914 Sawyer, Herbert F., Electrical Contractor 3029 ______1858 Sawyer, Nathan, Printer 1740 ______1869 Sawyer, William W., Blacksmith 2002 ______1867 Sayward, William, Mason 1963 ______1875 Sayward, William H., Mason 2002 ______1998 Scalese, Anthony, Mechanical Engineer 3680 ______1940 Schiffmacher, Frank M., Leather Belt Mfr. 3305 ______1853 Schoff, S. A., Engraver 1567 ______1795 Scholtz, John G., Furrier OM 43 ______1847 Schouler, William, Printer 1478 ______1981 Schwalm, Millard J. Jr., Contractor 3570 ______1830 Scott, Eben, Painter 831 ______1838 Scott, George, Housewright 1263 ______1824 Scott, Isaac, Pump and Block Maker 590 ______1803 Scott, James, Ropemaker 303 ______1973 Scott, William H., Mechanical Contractor 3503 ______1972 Seaboyer, Howard B., Building Contractor 3499 ______1993 Seaboyer, James H., Builder 3639 ______1985 Seaboyer, Scott R., Builder & Contractor 3586 ______1887 Searle, Frederick A., Printer 2652 ______1831 Searles, Curtis, Cordwainer 846 ______1860 Sears, Jabez H., Carpenter 1791 ______1844 Sears, Willard, Carpenter 1425 ______1872 Sears, Willard T., Architect 2132 ______1818 Seaver, Peter, Painter 502 ______1881 Seaverns, George W., Piano Maker 2477 ______1931 Seiler, Andrew S., Confection Manager 3261 ______1955 Seiler, Irving L., Manufacturer 3404 ______1795 Sellon, Samuel, Farrier OM 2 ______1838 Seymour, Friend, Housewright 1256 ______1809 Seymour, Thomas, Cabinetmaker 367 ______1890 Shapleigh, Samuel M., Builder 2733 ______1892 Sharpe, Thomas E., Plumber 2772 ______1857 Shattuck, William G., Chairmaker 1802 ______1825 Shaw, Jesse, Housewright 608 ______1824 Shaw, John A., Housewright * ______1884 Shaw, Samuel, Parlor Grates 2577 ______1837 Shaw, Thomas, Housewright 1189 ______1945 Shaw, William J., Contractor & Builder 3339 ______1881 Shay, Michael F., Painter 2432 Joined______Member Signed # ______1881 Shay, William E., Painter 2435 ______1833 Shelton, John, Saddler 974 ______1818 Shelton, Stephen, Pump and Block Maker 475 ______1832 Shelton, Stephen, Pump and Block Maker 937 ______1827 Shelton, Thomas J., Pump and Block Maker 700 ______1838 Shepard, Calvin Jr., Paper Mfr. 1285 ______1869 Shepard, George F., Mason 2017 ______1868 Shepard, James T., Watchmaker 1981 ______1832 Sherbourne, Joseph M., Hatter 923 ______1881 Sheriff, W. E., Plumber 2472 ______1907 Sherman, Frederick A., Builder 2954 ______1910 Sherry, Eugene C., Leather Mfr. 2996 ______1890 Sherry, William A., Fresco Painter 2736 ______1828 Shipley, Simon G., Baker * ______1904 Shirley, Charles F., Lithographer 2929 ______1966 Shoop, Ashton D., Mfg. Representative 3479 ______1885 Shuman, A., Clothing Mfr. 2622 ______1818 Shute, Eben, Housewright 522 ______1886 Sibley, Edwin E., Fire Hose Mfr. 2627 ______1802 Siders, Martin, Hairdresser 291 ______1832 Sikers, John, Housewright 918 ______1884 Silsby, T. Julien, Machinist 2588 ______1881 Silsby, Thomas J., Machinist 2403 ______1980 Silva, Herbert S., Tents & Awnings 3553 ______1842 Simmons, Levi, Housewright 1387 ______1829 Simmons, Seth, Housewright 752 ______1839 Simmons, Thomas, Saddler 1287 ______1965 Simms, Dick, Electrical Contractor 3474 ______1884 Simonds, George W., Printer 2564 ______1871 Simpson, D. S., Iron Worker 2094 ______1856 Simpson, David, Hatter 1675 ______1890 Simpson, George F., Concrete Paver 2750 ______1856 Simpson, James E., Shipwright 1690 ______1870 Simpson, John C., Painter 2038 ______1825 Simpson, John K., Upholsterer 631 ______1922 Simpson, Joseph B., Paver 3164 ______1899 Simpson, Samuel M., Iron Worker 2861 ______1841 Sinclair, Thomas, Brass Founder 1354 ______1800 Singleton, George, Cooper 183 ______1805 Singleton, Samuel, Pump and Block Maker 346 ______1914 Sinnicks, George S., Mason and Contractor 3039 ______1837 Skerry, George W., Jeweler 1139 Joined______Member Signed # ______1805 Skillin, Simeon, Carver 332 ______1860 Skillings, David N., Lumber Mfr. 1790 ______1874 Skillings, David N., Lumber Mfr. 2165 ______1916 Skilton, William F., Mfr. Shoe Threads 3073 ______1865 Slack, Charles W., Printer 1895 ______1873 Slade, Franklin M., Cistern Builder 2157 ______1873 Slade, Frederick W., Cistern Builder 2156 ______1870 Slade, George F., Tobacconist 2050 ______1869 Slade, Howard, Carriage Mfr. 2023 ______1856 Slade, James, Civil Engineer 1668 ______1839 Slade, Robert, Wheelwright 1297 ______1838 Slade, William J., Carpenter 1248 ______1961 Sloan, Merrill S., Flooring Contractor 3423 ______1854 Sloan, Samuel W., Hatter 1601 ______1946 Small, Fred R., Mfr. Building Finish 3346 ______1921 Small, Solon B., Mfr. Building Finish 3150 ______1935 Small, William T., Music Lithography 3281 ______1847 Smallwood, Thomas, Cabinetmaker 1458 ______1795 Smink, Peter, Silk Dyer OM 72 ______1837 Smith, Albert W., Blacksmith 1173 ______1826 Smith, Amasa G., Housewright 643 ______1860 Smith, Ammi, Blacksmith 1775 ______1928 Smith, Arthur E., Security Furnace Appliance Co. 3245 ______1887 Smith, Bryant G., Iron Worker 2635 ______1837 Smith, Charles A., Painter 1208 ______1839 Smith, Charles A., Tailor 1318 ______1802 Smith, Christopher, Rigger 269 ______1837 Smith, Dennis, Carpenter 1156 ______1973 Smith, Donald W., Manufacturers Agency 3504 ______1907 Smith, Edward M., Plasterer and Whitener 2950 ______1887 Smith, Elmer F., Foundryman 2642 ______1857 Smith, Franklin, Blacksmith 1719 ______1932 Smith, Frederick A., Manufacturer 3270 ______1831 Smith, George G., Engraver 853 ______1870 Smith, George L., Lumber Mfr. 2072 ______1857 Smith, George W., Blacksmith 1695 ______1818 Smith, Isaac, Cooper 512 ______1839 Smith, Jacob, Cabinetmaker 1293 ______1872 Smith, Jacob T., Mason 2114 ______1876 Smith, James, Ironwork Mfr. 2272 ______1883 Smith, James, Mason 2540 ______1814 Smith, Jeremiah P., Painter and Glazier 448 Joined______Member Signed # ______1796 Smith, John, Cooper 94 ______1879 Smith, John C., Mason 2340 ______1828 Smith, Joseph B., Housewright 735 ______1825 Smith, Laban, Hatter 618 ______1837 Smith, Lorenzo G., Gilder 1204 ______1869 Smith, Richard H., Patternmaker 1996 ______1835 Smith, Samuel J. H., Pocketbook Maker 1074 ______1837 Smith, Stephen, Cabinetmaker 1158 ______1801 Smith, Stephen, Cooper 258 ______1872 Smith, Theophilus H., Stove Mfr. 2115 ______1881 Smith, W. Dean, Machinist 2436 ______1882 Smith, William B., Steampipe Mfr. 2516 ______1917 Smith, William C., Iron Worker 3078 ______1870 Smith, William E., Iron Founder 2040 ______1875 Smith, William H., Seal and Die Cutter 2244 ______1874 Smith, Zenas E., Stairbuilder 2173 ______1829 Snelling, Enoch H., Glazier 785 ______1828 Snelling, John, Shipwright 710 ______1795 Snelling, Josiah, Baker OM 71 ______1874 Snow, George K., Printer 2199 ______1837 Snow, James P., Painter 1163 ______1916 Snow, John L., Automobiles 3067 ______1873 Snow, Samuel T., Manufacturer 2138 ______1829 Snow, William, Painter 783 ______1922 Soley, John C., Building Mover 3182 ______1926 Sollows, Clifford F., Engraver 3213 ______1835 Somerby, Horatio G., Painter 1058 ______1881 Soule, L. P., Builder 2478 ______1902 Soule, Parker F., Builder 2915 ______1810 Southack, Francis, Baker 379 ______1961 Southall, Arthur Jr., Hardware 3438 ______1856 Southard, Zibeon, Oil Mfr. 1694 ______1865 Souther, John, Machinist 1903 ______1865 Souther, Joseph Jr., Morocco Dresser 1888 ______1830 Souther, Leavitt, Shipwright 822 ______1832 Souther, William, Bookbinder 941 ______1827 Sowdon, John, Brewer 674 ______1833 Sparell, William, Architect 996 ______1953 Spargo, George A., Manufacturer 3390 ______1795 Spear, Gershom, Cooper OM 59 ______1821 Spear, James, Cooper * ______1802 Spear, John Jr., Blacksmith (signed twice) 287 Joined______Member Signed # ______1814 Spear, Paul Jr., Druggist 422 ______1818 Spear, William, Cooper 491 ______1825 Spear, William T., Cordwainer 627 ______1884 Speare, Alden, Starch Mfr. 2574 ______1884 Speare, Herbert A., Oil Mfr. 2575 ______1923 Speed, James M., Machinist Mfr. 3185 ______1877 Spenceley, Christopher J., Carpenter 2299 ______1837 Spencer, Hobart, Mason 1203 ______1833 Spooner, Bourne, Ropemaker 949 ______1843 Spooner, Sherlock, Cabinetmaker 1403 ______1801 Sprague, Charles, Painter 255 ______1860 Sprague, George W., Painter 1783 ______1944 Sprague, Harold W., Machinist 3332 ______1905 Sprague, Henry B., Sign Maker 2936 ______1882 Sprague, M. T., Carpenter 2508 ______1800 Sprague, Samuel, Bricklayer 104 ______1838 Springer, John, Carpenter 1284 ______1934 Springer, Walter L., Mechanical Eng. 3274 ______1874 Spurr, Charles W., Wood Hanging Mfr. 2185 ______1887 Squires, Sidney F., Folding Bed Mfr. 2639 ______1926 St. George, William, Electrical Contractor 3215 ______1950 Stahleker, Carl Jr., Steel Fabricator 3364 ______1841 Standish, James, Mason 1384 ______1842 Standish, Lemuel M., Mason 1390 ______1881 Stanton, Daniel, Blacksmith 2454 ______1859 Stanwood, Albert, Machinist 1758 ______1800 Stanwood, David, Block Maker 119 ______1875 Staples, Charles F., Mech. Engineer 2267 ______1908 Staples, Herbert F., Mfr. Floor Wax 2967 ______1831 Staples, John, Tailor 868 ______1868 Starbird, George M., Carpenter 1977 ______1841 Starbuck, Albert W., Cooper 1378 ______1801 Starr, Joseph, Shipwright 227 ______1874 Starrett, John, Carpenter 2166 ______1874 Stearns, Albert H., Lumber Mfr. 2223 ______1868 Stearns, Albert T., Lumber Mfr. 1990 ______1848 Stearns, Charles, Mason 1486 ______1865 Stearns, Joseph B., Tel. Apparatus Mfr. 1845 ______1805 Stearns, Lewis, Bricklayer 340 ______1874 Stearns, Waldo H., Lumber Mfr. 2221 ______1825 Stearns, William M., Bricklayer 640 ______1819 Stebbins, Samuel, Pump and Block Maker * Joined______Member Signed # ______1856 Steele, Azel E., Carpenter 1670 ______1963 Steeves, Richard H., Electrical Contractor 3461 ______1795 Stephens, William, Carpenter OM 61 ______1926 Stephens, William T., Carpenter/Builder 3223 ______1827 Stephenson, Peter, Tailor 663 ______1838 Stetson, Amos W., Bootmaker 1238 ______1837 Stetson, Clement, Housewright 1224 ______1829 Stetson, Henry G., Baker 763 ______1830 Stetson, Lebbeus, Housewright 816 ______1865 Stetson, Sidney A., Gasfitter 1901 ______1825 Stevens, Amos, Balance Mfr. 634 ______1827 Stevens, Benjamin, Distiller 690 ______1843 Stevens, Collins, Lastmaker 1404 ______1869 Stevens, George W., Upholsterer 2006 ______1870 Stevens, John, Architect 2046 ______1878 Stevens, John H., Plumber 2332 ______1861 Stevens, John S., Carpenter 1814 ______1847 Stevens, Nathaniel, Manufacturer 1466 ______1963 Stevens, Ritchie L., Manufacturer 3452 ______1878 Stevenson, J. Henry, Mason 2333 ______1882 Stevenson, Nathaniel H., Curtain Fixture Mfr. 2520 ______2001 Steverman, Andrew, Electrical Contractor 3707 ______1977 Steverman, John C., Electrical Contractor 3525 ______1950 Stewart, Leslie M., Engineer 3363 ______2019 Stewart, Richard J., Wholesale Distributor 3716 ______1887 Steward, Ronald A., Mason 2658 ______1995 Stickney, Stephen D., Mechanical Engineer 3655 ______1977 Stickeny, William P., Engineer 3527 ______1881 Stillman, Henry B., Gas Fixture Mfr. 2415 ______1821 Stimpson, Charles Jr., Bookbinder 557 ______1837 Stimpson, Fred H., Stove Mfr. 1210 ______1865 Stimpson, Frederick E., Engineer 1884 ______1857 Stimpson, George Jr., Gold Pen Mfr. 1612 ______1831 Stimpson, Herbert H., Stove Mfr. 849 ______1860 Stimpson, J. Cotton, Bookbinder 1769 ______1861 Stimson, Augustine G., Varnish Mfr. 1822 ______1875 Stimson, Jeremiah, Carpenter 2257 ______1831 Stoddard, Bela, Housewright 869 ______1800 Stokes, Joseph, Carver/Gilder 188 ______1847 Stone, David, Machinist 1481 ______1865 Stone, J. M., Machinist 1914 ______1867 Stone, John, Stereotyper 1966 Joined______Member Signed # ______1857 Stone, Marshall S., Carpenter 1709 ______1837 Stone, Phinehas A., Carpenter 1201 ______1833 Stone, Thomas G., Cordwainer 967 ______1880 Stone, William P., Blacksmith 2375 ______1857 Stover, Henry D., Machinist 1723 ______1849 Stowell, Abel J., Clock and Watchmaker 1507 ______1836 Stowell, Caleb, Bricklayer 1108 ______1836 Stowell, Hersay, Bricklayer 1104 ______1824 Stowell, Thomas, Millwright 597 ______1887 Strangman, Thomas, Carriage Builder 2654 ______1902 Strong, William J., Iron Worker 2907 ______1885 Stuart, Timothy E., Mason 2604 ______1869 Studley, Edward A., Tailor 2007 ______1863 Studley, Ezekiel B., Mason 1844 ______1889 Studley, George W., Carpenter 2701 ______1889 Studley, Warren, Carpenter 2702 ______1864 Sturgis, John H., Architect 1858 ______1868 Stuirtevant, Benjamin F., Machinist 1979 ______1799 Stutson, James, Housewright * ______1795 Stutson, John, Housewright 38 ______1800 Stutson, Thomas, Carpenter 1777 ______1865 Stutson, William Jr., Gasfitter 1902 ______1955 Sugden, Walter J., Electrical Contractor 3409 ______2003 Sulkala, Charles E., Auto Body 3704 ______1981 Sulkala, Charles S., Auto Body Repair 3565 ______1898 Sullivan, William J., Stone Worker 2838 ______1863 Summers, Samuel F., Machinist 1841 ______1800 Sumner, Thomas W., Housewright 211 ______1803 Sutherland, George, Jeweler 307 ______1901 Sutherland, John, Carpenter 2880 ______1837 Sutton, Enoch, Watchmaker 1197 ______1837 Sutton, William, Leather Dresser 1131 ______1929 Svensson, Lars A., Master Painter & Decorator 3256 ______1827 Swallow, Asa, Bricklayer 699 ______1878 Swallow, Calvin, Builder 2308 ______1965 Swangren, Sven O., Brass Founder 3475 ______1839 Sweet, Charles A., Chaise Maker 1304 ______1892 Sweet, Everell F., Manufacturer 2789 ______1878 Sweet, Greenleaf L., Sheet Brass & Copper Worker 2312 ______1837 Sweet, James S., Watchmaker 1202 ______1838 Sweet, John H., Jeweler 1242 ______1830 Sweet, Nathaniel, Mason 833 Joined______Member Signed # ______1909 Swett, Arthur, Manager 2985 ______1900 Swift, Charles B., Furniture 2865 ______1800 Swift, Henry, Baker 99 ______1892 Swift, Lewin S., Blacksmith 2781 ______1847 Swift, William A., Carpenter 1454 ______1829 Swift, William B., Comb Maker 806 ______1829 Taber, Job, Housewright 797 ______1997 Takacs, Stephen, General Contractor 3678 ______1874 Talbot, Newton, Printer 2181 ______1921 Tapper, Charles A., Iron Founder 3153 ______1867 Tarbell, Stephen Y., Drain Builder 1944 ______1880 Tarbox, Frederick H., Mason 2383 ______1899 Taylor, Charles S., Nickel Plater 2859 ______1857 Taylor, Dolphin D., Mason 1698 ______1836 Taylor, Eber, Housewright 1109 ______1883 Taylor, George, Machinist 2544 ______1874 Taylor, George D., Carpenter 2220 ______1870 Taylor, Ira, Carpenter 2056 ______1875 Taylor, John, Baker 2231 ______1851 Taylor, John, Shipbuilder 1571 ______1800 Taylor, Levi, Wheelwright 115 ______1922 Taylor, Walter C., Mason 3177 ______1835 Tead, Edward L., Sailmaker 1070 ______1954 Teefer, Elmer V., Contractor 3398 ______1847 Teel, Elbridge, Wheelwright 1456 ______1890 Teel, Josiah R., Carriage Maker 2729 ______1826 Templeton, John, Stonecutter 641 ______1868 Tenney, Samuel, Carpenter 1989 ______1837 Terry, Henry G., Bookbinder 1147 ______1846 Thacher, George C., Iron Founder 1446 ______1874 Thacher, James E., Iron Founder 2196 ______1856 Thacher, Thomas Jr., Iron Founder 1659 ______1837 Thaxter, Adam W., Carpenter 1124 ______1839 Thaxter, Adam W. 3d, Bookbinder 1291 ______1861 Thaxter, Edward, Carpenter 1810 ______1855 Thaxter, Levi, Tinplate Worker 1624 ______1841 Thaxter, Samuel, Math. Inst. Maker 1367 ______1818 Thaxter, Seth, Carpenter 493 ______1834 Thaxter, Warren, Cabinetmaker 1035 ______1833 Thayer, Cyrus B., Machinist 955 ______1795 Thayer, Ephraim, Fire Engine Builder OM 264 ______1873 Thayer, Farwell J., Painter 2155 Joined______Member Signed # ______1873 Thayer, James H., Painter 2151 ______1839 Thayer, Joel F., Machinist 1332 ______1795 Thayer, Moses, Tailor OM 34 ______1800 Thayer, Richard, Carpenter 120 ______1869 Thayer, Samuel J. F., Architect 2034 ______1795 Thayer, Seeva, Blacksmith 91 ______1801 Thayer, Solomon, Blacksmith 261 ______1818 Thayer, Stephen, Engine Builder * ______1865 Thiery, Charles L., Watchcase Maker 1910 ______1865 Thomas, Chauncey, Carriagemaker 1885 ______1887 Thomas, Frederick, Confectioner 2659 ______1881 Thomas, J. Cushing, Carriage Builder 2470 ______1835 Thomas, Josiah, Cordwainer 1057 ______1818 Thompson, John, Cooper 481 ______1864 Thompson, John, Machinist 1865 ______1898 Thompson, Thomas C., Soda Water Mfr. 2840 ______1941 Thorley, Albert, Heating Contractor 3315 ______1953 Thorley, Frederick W., Heating Contractor 3391 ______1936 Thornburg, George W., Brass Founder 3284 ______1839 Thorndike, John H., Architect 1313 ______1819 Thorndike, John P., Bricklayer 528 ______1908 Thorndike, Sturgis H., Civil Engineer 2969 ______1856 Thornton, Solon, Clothing Mfr. 1693 ______1832 Thurston, Lyman, Stereotyper 938 ______1905 Tibbetts, Frank D., Pipe Organ Builder 2932 ______1902 Tidd, Lyman R., Bridge and Wharf Builder 2890 ______1944 Tiffany, Carroll H., Architect 3333 ______1828 Tilden, Joseph, Bricklayer 740 ______1800 Tilden, Thomas, Bricklayer 203 ______1837 Tileston, Timothy, Plane Maker 1183 ______1828 Tileston, William, Manufacturer 732 ______1847 Tileston, William, Varnisher 1453 ______1829 Tilson, David, Slater 766 ______1908 Tinkham, Samuel E., Civil Engineer 2968 ______1832 Tirrell, Edward C., Cordwainer 939 ______1821 Tirrell, Thomas, Cordwainer 555 ______1841 Tirrell, Thomas A., Cordwainer 1376 ______1874 Tobias, John, Trunk and Bag Maker 2205 ______1993 Tocci, Glenn D., Garage Door Installer 3643 ______1813 Todd, Jacob, Baker 397 ______1795 Todd, Samuel, Housewright 84 ______1915 Todd, Thomas Jr., Printer 3059 Joined______Member Signed # ______1950 Todd, Thomas Jr., Printer 3367 ______1891 Todd, Thomas Sr., Printer 2766 ______1795 Todd, William, Housewright OM 21 ______1810 Tolman, Henry, Painter 386 ______1837 Tolman, James, Tailor 1126 ______1895 Tolman, James P., Cordage Mfr. 2805 ______1854 Tolman, James P., Goldbeater 1613 ______1854 Tolman, Samuel P., Stucco Worker 1606 ______1884 Tombs, Richard J., Carver 2593 ______1925 Tomlinson, Everett F., Building Construction 3206 ______1841 Tompkins, Abel, Bookbinder 1385 ______1881 Tompkins, Arthur G., Iron Mfr. 2444 ______1870 Tompkins, Franklin, Plumber 2054 ______1832 Tompkins, Isaac S., Coppersmith 910 ______1951 Toothaker, Herman W., Garage Proprietor 3379 ______1854 Torrey, Charles, Marble Worker 1627 ______1800 Torrey, Elisha, Cooper 109 ______1856 Torrey, Everett, Marble Worker 1672 ______1832 Tower, Nicholas, Bricklayer 945 ______1854 Tower, Samuel G., Pattern Maker 1581 ______1917 Towle, George H., Granite Worker 3080 ______1845 Towle, John D., Architect 1436 ______1878 Towle, Samuel F., Carpenter 2305 ______1809 Town, Ithiel, Housewright 370 ______1838 Towne, John, Gas Mfr. 1266 ______1860 Townsend, George O., Carpenter 1801 ______1907 Townsend, Jackson H., Contracting Plasterer 2945 ______1914 Townsend, Joseph W., Contracting Plasterer 3030 ______1827 Townsend, Thomas, Carpenter 686 ______1858 Trainer, William, Plumber 1741 ______1911 Traiser, Charles H., Cigar Mfr. 3010 ______1800 Trask, John, Wheelwright 105 ______2017 Trethewey, Evan, HVAC 3722 ______1989 Trethewey, Richard S., Plumbing/Heating Contr. 3606 ______1978 Trethewey, Ronald K., Plumbing/Heating Contr. 3534 ______2017 Trethewey, Ross, HVAC/Energy Engineer 3723 ______1881 Treworgy, William H., Lumber Mfr. 2447 ______1801 Trip, Nathan, Sailmaker 235 ______1813 True, Benjamin, Printer 398 ______1795 Tuck, Samuel J., Chairmaker OM 42 ______1866 Tucker, Hiram, Ironwork Mfr. 1916 ______1878 Tucker, Horace G., Blank Book Mfr. 2302 Joined______Member Signed # ______1881 Tucker, Isaac N., Plumber 2427 ______1874 Tucker, James, Plumber 2204 ______1867 Tucker, James C., Carpenter 1960 ______1795 Tucker, Joseph, Housewright OM 53 ______1795 Tuckerman, Edward, Baker OM 4 ______1800 Tuckerman, John, Baker 187 ______1856 Tuckerman, William F., Coppersmith 1640 ______1853 Tufts, James, Mason 1572 ______1866 Tufts, Nathaniel Jr., Gas Meter Mfr. 1915 ______1833 Tufts, Otis, Machinist 985 ______1875 Tufts, Otis Jr., Elevator Mfr. 2254 ______1800 Tufts, Uriah, Blacksmith 218 ______1869 Tufts, William, Confectioner 1999 ______1800 Tufts, William, Distiller 181 ______1962 Tunstall, Alvin I. K., Contractor 3444 ______1960 Turain, George, Retired 3419 ______1890 Turner, Alfred R., Watchmaker 2724 ______1961 Turner, Edgar L., Manufacturer 3439 ______1884 Turner, Edward C., Pump Mfr. 2568 ______1866 Turner, Henry A., Upholsterer 1939 ______1850 Turner, Henry E., Stove Maker 1536 ______1832 Turner, Job, Mason 940 ______1854 Turner, Job A., Builder 1592 ______1881 Turner, John, Paver/Contractor 2416 ______1802 Turner, Jonathan, Hairdresser 296 ______1834 Turner, Joshua, Housewright 1042 ______1853 Turner, Nathaniel W., Gasfitter 1561 ______1831 Turner, Thomas, Cordwainer 860 ______1806 Tuttle, Charles, Cabinetmaker 350 ______1795 Tuttle, Daniel, Bricklayer 90 ______1869 Tuttle, Gilman, Mason 1992 ______1838 Tuttle, Jesse, Cooper 1246 ______1826 Tuttle, John, Blacksmith 649 ______1805 Tuttle, Samuel, Tailor 328 ______1874 Tuttle, Samuel J., Mason 2188 ______1809 Tuttle, Turrell Jr., Bricklayer 365 ______1865 Twitchell, Harvey, Blacksmith 1896 ______1948 Tyler, Clyde A., Printer 3359 ______1795 Tyler, William, Ropemaker OM 58 ______1881 Tyler, William P., Iron Mfr. 2443 ______1881 Ufford, Charles A., Dress Form Mfr. 2459 ______1831 Underwood, William, Manufacturer 892 Joined______Member Signed # ______1907 Uniacke, Thomas, Millman 2948 ______1877 Upham, Thomas, Anthropometric Apparatus 2285 ______1885 Upton, King, Glue Mfr. 2607 ______1837 Urann, Joseph, Cooper 1141 ______1995 Valante, Joseph R., Plumbing Contractor 3663 ______2019 Valante Jr., Joseph R., Plumbing Contractor 3721 ______1882 Van Noordan, Ezekiel, Sheetmetal Worker 2503 ______1901 Vanderhoof, Albert, Plumber 2877 ______1816 Vannevar, Alexander, Cooper 467 ______1877 Vannevar, Edmund B., Ship Plumber 2292 ______1838 Vannevar, George, Carpenter 1275 ______1821 Vannevar, John, Bricklayer 542 ______1800 Varney, Benjamin, Pump and Block Maker 163 ______1868 Varney, Enos, Carpenter 1988 ______1800 Vaughn, George, Painter 127 ______1950 Vaughn, James H., Boiler Mfr. 3366 ______1974 Verrier, Robert J., Architect 3511 ______1892 Very, Alpha O., Sewing Machine Mfr. 2780 ______1860 Vinal, Alvin, Mason 1797 ______1801 Vinal, David, Coach and Chaise Maker 247 ______1838 Vinton, George W., Confectioner 1273 ______1920 Vogel, John J., Plumber 3121 ______1854 Vose, Edward A., Painter 1599 ______1880 Vose, Irving B., Pianoforte Mfr. 2377 ______1856 Vose, James W., Pianoforte Mfr. 1682 ______1880 Vose, Willard A., Pianoforte Mfr. 2379 ______1881 Wade, J. Augustine, Bookbinder 2485 ______1818 Wade, John, Boat Builder 505 ______1800 Wade, Joseph, Carpenter 171 ______1837 Wade, Jotham, Mason 1196 ______1800 Wade, Simeon, Carpenter 194 ______1861 Wadsworth, Alexander, Surveyor 1825 ______1887 Wainwright, C. D., Manufacturer 2657 ______1836 Waitt, Isaac B., Cordwainer 1112 ______1890 Waitt, Joseph E., Dentist 2723 ______1871 Wakefield, Cyrus, Rattanwork Mfr. 2099 ______1926 Wakelee, DeBert, Manufacturer 3225 ______1887 Waldo, John A., Gasworks Builder 2670 ______1884 Waldron, C. F., Carriage Lamp Mfr. 2581 ______1902 Waldron, Horace W., Brass Finisher 2887 ______1856 Waldron, Horatio G., Painter 1663 ______1828 Waldron, Samuel, Housewright 712 Joined______Member Signed # ______1953 Walker, Frederick, Printer 3394 ______1884 Walker, George A., Machinist 2562 ______1867 Walker, George W., Range Mfr. 1945 ______1818 Walker, Francis, Cooper * ______1982 Walker, John M., Contractor 3577 ______1845 Walker, Samuel, Printer 1429 ______1874 Wall, Ariel C., Machinist 2160 ______1890 Wallburg, Ottomar, Painter and Decorator 2744 ______1828 Wallis, Aaron, Housewright 744 ______1834 Wallis, Mordecai L., Bricklayer 1007 ______1864 Wallis, Paul D., Mason 1860 ______1917 Waples, Walter L., Contractor 3079 ______1874 Ward, M. J., Engine Hose Mfr. 2177 ______1834 Ward, Samuel L., Silversmith 1022 ______1837 Ware, Daniel L., Painter 1117 ______1967 Warmington, Alexander E., Plumbing/Heating Contr. 3484 ______1853 Warner, Jonathan E., Cooper 1570 ______1874 Warren, Alonzo, Water Wheel Mfr. 2207 ______1869 Warren, John, Carpenter 1995 ______1837 Warren, Thomas B., Baker 1150 ______1845 Washburn, Ichabod, Wire Mfr. 1434 ______1803 Washburn, James, Shipwright 302 ______1837 Washburn, Jeremiah, Housewright 1166 ______1829 Washburn, Salmon, Housewright 759 ______1829 Washburn, Theodore, Housewright 786 ______1839 Washburn, William, Builder 1292 ______1928 Wason, Leonard C., Engineer and Builder 3239 ______1934 Waterhouse, George H., Treas. and Mgr. 3277 ______1904 Waterhouse, John H., Pipe Organ Builder 2933 ______1850 Waterman, Anthony, Carpenter 1517 ______1868 Waterman, Frederic, Carpenter 1984 ______1827 Waterman, Josiah, Lumber Dealer 679 ______1837 Waterman, Nathaniel, Tinplate Worker 1113 ______1882 Waters, Charles H., Manufacturer 2493 ______1830 Waters, Ebenezer Jr., Coppersmith 810 ______1865 Waters, Edwin F., Printer 1889 ______1934 Waters, Herbert B., Pres. And Mgr. 3275 ______1882 Waters, William Jr., Coppersmith 2510 ______1880 Watson, Horace H., Machinist 2370 ______1855 Watson, John, Watchmaker 1618 ______1955 Waugh, Samuel A., Automobile Sales 3402 ______1803 Weare, John, Housewright 311 Joined______Member Signed # ______1832 Weare, Mark, Housewright 913 ______1975 Weaver, John T., Civil Engineer 3515 ______1882 Webb, Francis H., Machinist 2514 ______1874 Webb., J. Summer, Chocolate Mfr. 2222 ______1805 Webb, John, Bookbinder 331 ______1835 Webber, Aaron D., Housewright 1059 ______1878 Webber, Cushing, Dentist 2303 ______1881 Webber, Frank W., Plumber 2481 ______1844 Webber, John, Cordage Mfr. 1416 ______1844 Webber, John Jr., Cordage Mfr. 1417 ______1868 Webster, Ambrose, Machinist 1980 ______1882 Webster, John H., Sugar Refiner 2487 ______1916 Webster, John M., Mechanical Engineer 3068 ______1881 Wedger, Benjamin M., Pyrotechnist 2399 ______1829 Wedger, John, Baker 803 ______1839 Weed, John H., Tailor 1335 ______1869 Weed, Otis H., Manufacturer 2011 ______1838 Weeks, William A., Printer 1270 ______1836 Weeman, Ebenezer, Black and White Smith 1095 ______1833 Weeman, Eli P., Blacksmith 968 ______1993 Weiner, E., Donald, Technical Instructor 3638 ______1870 Weis, Frederick, Umbrella Mfr. 2055 ______1867 Weisbein, Lous, Architect 1958 ______1921 Weitz, Carl A., Mfr. Pork Products 3154 ______1867 Welch, Albion K. P., Printer 1961 ______1824 Weld, James, Baker 598 ______1795 Weller, George, Tailor OM 30 ______1800 Wells, Benjamin T., Coppersmith 146 ______1818 Wells, Charles, Bricklayer 487 ______1821 Wells, Charles A., Bookbinder 451 ______1878 Wells, Edward E., Carpenter 2338 ______1818 Wells, John, Cooper 489 ______1795 Wells, John, Coppersmith OM 81 ______1855 Wells, Oliver S., Carpenter 1636 ______1805 Wells, Thomas, Bookbinder 330 ______1905 Wentworth, Andrew S., Supt. Bldg. Constr. 2938 ______1847 Wentworth, Arioch, Soapstone Worker 1472 ______1868 Wentworth, B. W., Painter 1978 ______1833 Wentworth, James, Printer 991 ______1901 Wentworth, John E., Painter 2871 ______1880 Wentworth, Oliver M., Marble Worker 2374 ______1871 Wentworth, Otis, Mason 2081 Joined______Member Signed # ______1901 Wentworth, Walter A., Mason/Builder 2883 ______1853 Wenzell, Henry, Shoe Mfr. 1563 ______1795 West, David, Bookseller OM 27 ______1861 West, Samuel, Glass Stainer 1823 ______1800 West, William, Chaise Maker 155 ______1857 Weston, David B., Painter 1732 ______1875 Weston, David M., Machinist 2251 ______1873 Weston, Horace, Painter 2141 ______1869 Weston, Seth, Mason 2014 ______1884 Wetherbee, John F., Carpenter 2590 ______1917 Whall, Frank R., Fiber Mfr. 3083 ______1795 Whall, William, Whitesmith OM 76 ______1800 Whall, William Jr., Gunsmith 97 ______1856 Wharton, Robert, Painter 1651 ______1875 Wheater, Timothy, Turner 2247 ______1838 Wheeler, Gilham B., Carpenter 1243 ______1829 Wheeler, Joel, Bricklayer 789 ______1827 Wheeler, John H., Carpenter 668 ______1795 Wheeler, Jonathan, Bricklayer OM 79 ______1838 Wheeler, William A., Iron Founder 1264 ______1881 Wheelock, Jerome, Steam Engine Builder 2395 ______1795 Wheelwright, Cooper OM 32 ______1839 Wheildon, William W., Printer 1286 ______1881 Whidden, Renton, Builder 2406 ______1898 Whidden, Stephen H., Mason/Builder 2846 ______1874 Whidden, Stephen H., Shipwright 2163 ______1867 Whidden, Thomas J., Mason 1948 ______1912 Whitcher, Frank W., Mfr. Shoe Findings 3017 ______1857 Whitcher, Joseph B., Stonecutter 1712 ______1881 Whitcomb, Amasa G., School Furniture Mfr. 2408 ______1869 Whitcomb, Benjamin D., Builder 2012 ______1902 Whitcomb, Charles E., Construction 2903 ______1887 Whitcomb, E. Noyes, Carpenter 2660 ______1890 Whitcomb, F. L., Builder 2756 ______1883 Whitcomb, Frederick G., Bridge & Wharf Builder 2531 ______1871 Whitcomb, Henry C., Stereotyper 2092 ______1829 Whitcomb, Levi, Housewright 765 ______1923 Whitcomb, Ralph L., Builder 3188 ______1855 White, Abijah P., Carpenter 1637 ______1850 White, Benjamin, Printer 1515 ______1800 White, Eben Jr., Hairdresser 130 ______1908 White, Frank E., Iron Worker 2979 Joined______Member Signed # ______1925 White, George W., Mfr. Fire Doors 3211 ______1955 White, J. Wadsworth, Manufacturer 3408 ______1832 White, James A., Rigger 895 ______1888 White, John, Painter 2673 ______1927 White, John O., Builder 3236 ______1837 White, Lyman, Painter 1191 ______1885 White, Ralph H., Manufacturer 2615 ______1832 White, Robert, Housewright 905 ______1808 White, Samuel Jr., Stonecutter 360 ______1931 White, Wesley M., Manufacturer 3263 ______1881 White, William, Chair and Settee Mfr. 2402 ______1856 White, William, Printer 1669 ______1851 White, William, Tinplate Worker 1542 ______1871 Whitehouse, Sidney F., Mason 2084 ______1869 Whiteley, Edward, Machinist 2004 ______1874 Whiting, John L., Brush Mfr. 2226 ______1837 Whiting, Oliver R., Carpenter 1182 ______1881 Whiting, William S., Brush Mfr. 2480 ______1829 Whitman, Freedom, Housewright 781 ______1802 Whitmarsh, Thomas, Housewright 289 ______1821 Whitmarsh, Thomas, Tailor 556 ______1838 Whitmore, Stephen Jr., Ropemaker 1282 ______1895 Whitney, Arthur C., Builder 2810 ______1907 Whitney, Crosby A., Building Supt. 2947 ______1879 Whitney, Henry M., Manufacturer 2349 ______1859 Whitney, Joel, Machinist 1767 ______1800 Whitney, Jonathan, Bricklayer 148 ______1880 Whitney, Levi L., Carpenter 2373 ______1856 Whitney, Luther F., Gas Fixture Mfr. 1686 ______1920 Whitney, Robert F., Tannery Machinery 3120 ______1881 Whitney, William G., Painter 2388 ______1803 Whitney, Zaccheus, Housewright 313 ______1834 Whiton, Ebed, Silversmith 1009 ______1849 Whiton, Henry, Carriage Builder 1511 ______1948 Whittemore, Hollis W., Manufacturer 3358 ______1852 Whittemore, James F., Machinist * ______1837 Whittemore, Thomas J., Card Mfr. 1157 ______1881 Whitten, Charles V., Clothing Mfr. 2450 ______1883 Whitten, Daniel F., Dentist 2542 ______1878 Whittier, Abel C., Machinist 2309 ______1865 Whittier, Charles, Machinist and Engineer 1875 ______1867 Whittlesey, C. M., Mason 1970 Joined______Member Signed # ______1837 Whittredge, Daniel B., Blacksmith 1116 ______1881 Wightman, Henry M., Civil Engineer 2404 ______1842 Wightman, Joseph M., Phil. Inst. Maker 1394 ______1872 Wilbur, Nathan S., Carpenter 2108 ______1879 Wilcox, David, Hat Mfr. 2344 ______1881 Wild, James R., Carriage Builder 2474 ______1881 Wilde, Joseph D., Furniture Mfr. 2414 ______1871 Wilder, Charles W., Cigar Mfr. 2086 ______1870 Wilder, Leonard B., Printer 2042 ______1829 Wilder, Martin, Blacksmith 7789 ______1847 Wiley, John, Printer 1468 ______1866 Wiley, John A., Machinist 1917 ______1860 Wiley, Robert R., Mason 1781 ______1837 Wilkins, Levi, Pianoforte Maker 1227 ______1818 Wilkinson, Simon, Ship Carpenter 472 ______1899 Wilkinson, William H., Hardware Mfr. 2853 ______1983 Will, Anthony A., Contractor 3585 ______1960 Will, D. Forbes, Contractor 3418 ______1814 Willard, Aaron Jr., Clockmaker 418 ______1832 Willard, Alfred, Comb Maker 936 ______1892 Willard, John D., Pianoforte Maker 2793 ______1801 Willard, Josiah, Chairmaker 262 ______1825 Willard, Solomon, Architect 637 ______1907 Willcutt, Edward F., Builder 2961 ______1830 Willcutt, Joseph, Housewright 823 ______1830 Willcutt, Levi, Housewright 826 ______1860 Willcutt, Levi L., Roofing Mfr. 1803 ______1890 Willcutt, Lyman D., Builder 2740 ______1800 Willett, Joseph, Carpenter 153 ______1910 Williams, Alexander K., Builder 3001 ______2010 Williams, Barry, Meineke Muffler Shop 3698 ______1881 Williams, Charles, Blacksmith 2431 ______1878 Williams, Charles Jr., Telegraph Inst. Mfr. 2324 ______1904 Williams, Charles L., Builder 2928 ______1916 Williams, Clarence W., Consulting Engineer 3074 ______1891 Williams, George, Painter 2770 ______1828 Williams, Horatio N., Printer 749 ______1863 Williams, Jarvis, Locomotive Mfr. 1840 ______1814 Williams, Jonathan, Leather Dresser 436 ______1917 Williams, Joseph H., Hardware Mfr. 3082 ______1911 Williams, Joseph P., Plumber 3007 ______1814 Williams, Samuel S., Gilder 434 Joined______Member Signed # ______1821 Williams, William, Distiller 563 ______1795 Williams, William, Hatter OM 51 ______1854 Williams, William A., Civil Engineer 1579 ______1831 Willis, Clement, Carpenter 873 ______1847 Willis, George E., Tinplate Worker 1459 ______1962 Willis, Harold B., Contractors Equipment 3441 ______1829 Willis, Henry, Type Founder 794 ______1831 Willis, Nathaniel, Printer 855 ______1984 Wills, David A., Manufacturers Agent 3583 ______1963 Wills, Robert H. Jr., Building Supplies 3450 ______1837 Wills, Thomas G., Printer 1132 ______1847 Willson, John, Pattern Maker 1462 ______1855 Wilson, Charles, Carpenter 1626 ______1863 Wilson, Henry W., Civil Engineer 1842 ______1818 Wilson, James, Brush Maker 509 ______1899 Wilson, John, Iron Worker 2852 ______1881 Wilson, John, Sewing Machine Cabinetmaker 2448 ______1827 Wilson, John, Tailor 675 ______1851 Wilson, John B., Carpenter 1548 ______1881 Wilson, Leonard, Carpenter 2437 ______1907 Wilson, Melbourne E., Plumber 2956 ______1924 Wilson, Robert G., Shoe Mfr. 3203 ______1838 Wilson, Stephen F., Housewright 1272 ______1867 Wilson, William, Boot and Shoe Mfr. 1956 ______1833 Wilson, William H., Tailor 950 ______1928 Wilson, William J., Builder 3240 ______1924 Wilson, William W., Builder 3195 ______1922 Winchell, Nathaniel P., Concrete Construction 3171 ______1878 Winchester, Edward S., Machinist 2327 ______1921 Wingate, Edward L., Manager and Engineer 3141 ______1908 Wingate, Frank E., Interior Decorator 2981 ______1874 Wingate, James I., Painter 2200 ______1839 Winkley, Swain, Tailor 1310 ______1924 Winn, Harry T., Mfr. Watch Hands 3201 ______1848 Winn, Moses F., Shoe Mfr. 1485 ______1883 Winning, Adna C., Mason 2546 ______1818 Winship, John, Soap and Candle Maker 516 ______1873 Winslow, John B., Supt. B. & L. R. R. 2146 ______1872 Winslow, Thomas H., Painter 2107 ______1847 Winsor, Samuel L., Ship Carver 1447 ______1829 Winter, Francis B., Bricklayer 800 ______1852 Wipple, John A., Photographer 1558 Joined______Member Signed # ______1914 Wise, Daniel, Cordwainer 430 ______1857 Wise, William M., Metal Roofer 1726 ______1795 Wiswall, Oliver, Housewright OM 69 ______1821 Wiswall, William, Cordwainer * ______1803 Witherbee, Joseph, Bricklayer 299 ______1830 Witherell, Richard, Bricklayer 827 ______1878 Witherspoon, Eleazer B., Carpenter 2336 ______1879 Withington, Henry, Baker 2345 ______1827 Wolcott, Harris H., Housewright 667 ______1994 Wold, Carl A. Jr., Baker 3648 ______1989 Wolsey, Richard Jr., Preconstsruction Surveys 3605 ______1902 Wood, Alexander M., Carriage Woodwork Mfr. 2912 ______1875 Wood, John F., Emery Wheel Mfr. 2248 ______1973 Wood, Robert F., Painting Contractor 3505 ______1869 Wood, William W., Printer 2020 ______1848 Woodberry, Charles, Mason 1488 ______1877 Woodberry, Charles D., Architect 2286 ______1842 Woodbury, Charles, Mason 1391 ______1922 Woodbury, Clarence P., Builder 3165 ______1883 Woodbury, Isaac F., Mason 2539 ______1922 Woodbury, Willard D., Builder 3162 ______1857 Woodcock, S. S., Architect 1706 ______1956 Woodman, Charles E., Master Painter 3412 ______1856 Woodman, Charles T., Tanner and Currier 1646 ______1829 Woodman, David, Baker 755 ______1871 Woods, Benjamin O., Printing Press Mfr. 2076 ______1886 Woods, Frank F., Machinery Mfr. 2632 ______1867 Woods, Solomon A., Machinist 1965 ______1795 Woods, William, Baker OM 20 ______1874 Woodward, Benjamin, Machinist 2225 ______1802 Woodward, Smith, Cooper 275 ______1917 Wright, Albert E., Sprinklers 3081 ______1853 Wright, Albert J., Printer 1569 ______1881 Wright, Albert J. 2d, Printer 2466 ______1830 Wright, Andrew, Printer 838 ______1825 Wright, Edmund Jr., Printer 611 ______1800 Wright, Francis, Tobacconist 193 ______1980 Wright, Robert W., Real Estate Developer 3555 ______1795 Wyer, John, Rigger OM 12 ______1836 Wyman, George D., Painter 1087 ______1833 Wyman, John G., Tailor 971 ______1878 Wyman, Martin L., Machinist 2337 Joined______Member Signed # ______1800 Wyman, William, Leather Dresser 206 ______1852 Yale, Rufus M., Sailmaker 1553 ______1828 Yendell, George, Painter 748 ______1816 Yendell, Samuel, Boatbuilder 464 ______1838 Young, Ammi B., Architect 1278 ______1837 Young, Andrew P., Painter 1211 ______1871 Young, George E., Mast & Spark Maker * ______1943 Young, Henry G. W., Manufacturer 3328 ______1871 Young, William N., Carpenter 2080 ______1993 Zografos, Michael J., Printer 3634 ______HONORARY MEMBERS Elected ______Christopher Gore 1820 ______John Adams 1820 ______John Brooks 1820 ______William Gray 1820 ______William Phillips 1820 ______James Lloyd 1822 ______James Perkins 1822 ______John C. Jones 1822 ______John Phillips 1822 ______Marquis De Lafayette 1824 ______Benjamin Dearborn 1827 ______Charles Sprague 1827 ______Harrison Gray Otis 1827 ______Josiah Quincy 1827 ______Levi Lincoln 1827 ______Thomas L. Winthrop 1827 ______John Q. Adams 1828 ______Nathaniel Bowditch 1828 ______William H. Eliot 1829 ______Edward Everett 1830 ______William Sturgis 1830 ______William Sullivan 1830 ______Daniel Webster 1833 ______John Davis 1835 ______Theodore Lyman 1835 ______Abbott Lawrence 1836 ______James T. Austin 1839 ______James Tallmadge 1839 ______Thomas H. Perkins 1839 ______George N. Briggs 1844 ______Robert C. Winthrop 1850 ______Marshall P. Wilder 1852 ______George R. Russell 1854 ______William Appleton 1854 ______George S. Hillard 1855 ______Nathaniel P. Banks 1858 ______Alexander H. Rice 1861 ______John A. Andrew 1864 ______Alexander H. Bullock 1865 ______Charles Sumner 1865 ______HONORARY MEMBERS Elected ______Emory Washburn 1865 ______Henry Wilson 1865 ______Samuel H. Wallett 1865 ______Louis Agassiz 1866 ______William B. Rogers 1866 ______George Peabody 1868 ______William Perkins 1868 ______Robert B. Forbes 1870 ______Peter Cooper 1872 ______Henry L. Pierce 1878 ______Henry P. Kidder 1878 ______Amos A. Lawrence 1881 ______George C. Richardson 1881 ______Frederick O. Prince 1882 ______John D. Long 1882 ______Augustus Lowell 1883 ______Francis A. Walker 1883 ______Augustus P. Martin 1884 ______George D. Robinson 1884 ______John D. Runkle 1884 ______Theodore Lyman 1885 ______Carroll D. Wright 1886 ______Charles Devens 1889 ______Charles W. Eliot 1889 ______George F. Hoar 1889 ______Elihu Thomson 1892 ______John Q.A. Brackett 1892 ______William Claflin 1892 ______William E. Russell 1892 ______Alvan G. Clark 1895 ______Frederick G. Greenhalge 1895 ______Roger Wolcott 1898 ______Benjamin A. Gould 1899 ______William W. Hubbard 1899 ______Winthrop Murray Crane 1904 ______John L. Bates 1905 ______W.L. Douglas 1905 ______Curtis Guild, Jr. 1906 ______Richard C. Maclaurin 1915 ______Calvin Coolidge 1920 ______HONORARY MEMBERS Elected ______Channing H. Cox 1923 ______Alvan T. Fuller 1928 ______Frank G. Allen 1930 ______Leverett Saltonstall 1943 ______Dr. Melvin M. Johnson 1950 ______George Washington (posthumously) 1950 ______Peter Drummey 2009 ______Anthony Sammarco 2009 ______Paul Revere III 2016


BY-LAWS 2019 and LIST OF MEMBERS 1795 - 2019