Pain Management
BLBK137-Paul February 20, 2009 13:17 CHAPTER 8 8 Pain management Mark Nichols MD, Glenna Halvorson-Boyd PhD, RN, Robert Goldstein MD, Clifford Gevirtz MD, MPH and David Healow MD LEARNING POINTS r Proper selection of medications and nonpharmacological interventions reduces pain and anxiety and enhances patient satisfaction. r Several effective techniques exist for administration of local cervical anesthesia. Limited data support use of deep injections and adjunctive premedication with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. r The most common conscious sedation regimen used by North American abortion providers is a combination of fentanyl and midazolam. r Deep sedation and general anesthesia carry important benefits for certain patients, but they require specialized personnel and equipment. Introduction Pain associated with abortion Managing pain associated with abortion procedures is an es- Pain management remains an important challenge in abor- sential goal in the care of patients requesting pregnancy ter- tion practice, although studies suggest that progress in pain mination. Effective methods range from local cervical anes- control has been achieved over time in the USA. In a sur- thesia, with or without supplemental oral or intravenous vey in the late 1970s, 2,299 women having abortions with (IV) medications, to general anesthesia (GA). A number cervical anesthesia were asked to rate their pain as “mild, of factors influence the options available to patients, in- moderate, or severe.” Forty-six per cent called the pain mod- cluding local regulations, safety considerations, facility in- erate, and 32% called it severe. [2] A survey conducted two frastructure and resources, cost, and insurance coverage. decades later of more than 2,000 patients at 12 abortion fa- In the USA, where most abortions occur in freestanding cilities in the USA found that 30% of patients felt no pain, clinics, cervical anesthesia with or without IV conscious 25% mild pain, 29% moderate pain, and 14% severe pain.
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