Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Mar. 1 is related to stopping the war from spreading But as far as the no-fly zone is concerned, into the air. And we’re talking about what we the incident that occurred yesterday, where I can do in Tuzla now. That’s what you’ll see, think it was entirely justifiable to shoot down I hope, unfolding in a very positive way over the planes that were intruding in the no-fly the next few days. zone, could have happened at any stage in the Prime Minister Major. I have something to last year. It certainly isn’t a departure from ac- add. I think what people have to realize is that cepted policy. At any time in the last 12 months what is developing is developing on a twin track. that could have occurred. There is the track of seeking a political settle- The President. Thank you very much. ment. And some progress has been made be- tween the Muslims and the Croats here in NOTE: The President’s 50th news conference Washington over the last couple of days. And began at 9:20 a.m. in the Diplomatic Entrance then of course, there’s the second track of what of the White House. In his remarks, he referred is actually happening on the ground. And I think to Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the South Af- one saw in Sarajevo a classic illustration of how rican Inkatha Freedom Party; Nelson Mandela, an agreement can be reached on the ground president of the African National Congress; and that leads in due course to the corralling of Governor Chris Patten of Hong Kong. A tape was weapons. So I think both those tracks will not available for verification of the content of this continue. news conference.

Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Members of the House Budget Committee March 1, 1994

The Economy what he has said, since he has made his com- Q. How do you like the economy, Mr. Presi- ments, since—— dent? The President. No, I don’t know yet, I don’t The President. Well, I’m encouraged by the think we can draw a conclusion yet that it will growth figures and by the fact that all the indi- in the long run be a positive thing for the peace cators are that there’s no significant increase process, but I don’t think we can say it’s nega- in inflation. So it’s good to have that informa- tive, either. I think that we made a judgment tion. call that we ought to try to encourage them I think it’s plain—if you look at what hap- to move towards the joint declaration and to pened in the fourth quarter of last year, we try to make peace. I think it was a good judg- had the normal increase in consumer spending ment call. I think it was well-founded, and I because of the holidays, and the accumulated still believe that. impact of low interest rates bringing more and more investment. And so what we’ve got to try Health Care Reform to do is to keep working to bring the deficit Q. Are you beginning to have a sense of down, to keep interest rates down, to make tar- where Congress is going now on the health care geted investments with public money where our plan? And do you have any ideas about where country needs it the most, and to try to keep some of the major compromises are coming this climate down. We have more investments right now? coming in so we’ve created more jobs. It’s very The President. No, because they’re still in the encouraging. It’s a good sign. subcommittees. I don’t, but I will before long.

Northern Ireland Balanced Budget Amendment Q. Have you given any second thoughts about Q. Have you got the votes to beat the bal- having Gerry Adams come to this country since anced budget?

351 Mar. 1 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994

The President. I don’t know. We’ve got a adopt it. I know it’s politically popular, but I record that ought to defeat it. I mean, the prob- don’t think it’s good policy. lem with the amendment if you read it is, on And I’d like to point out for the point of its terms, if it’s carried out, it will require either view of the American people who say, ‘‘Well, a large tax increase or big cuts in defense and State and local governments do it,’’ all State domestic programs critical to our job growth and local governments make sharp distinctions or both. And if it’s ignored, it will—by ignoring between long-term capital investments and cur- it, that is if you say, ‘‘Well, we can’t do this; rent expenditures. And this balanced budget we’re going to suspend it,’’ then you put the amendment makes absolutely no distinction. So whole future of the country in the hands of it would be far more severe than State and the 40 percent plus one vote in both Houses local balanced budget laws and with a very un- of Congress. And I don’t think that’s a very certain economic impact. So I’m hoping the good thing. Senate will reject it. Under the plan we’re now following, if the Congress adopts this budget with its spending limits, we’ll have the first 3 years since the Tru- NOTE: The exchange began at 11:21 a.m. in the man Presidency a declining deficit. We’re mov- Roosevelt Room at the White House. A tape was ing in the right direction. I think that’s very not available for verification of the content of this important. So I hope that the Senate will not exchange.

Remarks to the Champion March 1, 1994

I’m glad to be here with the people who It’s aggressive. It has a good attitude. It has are negotiating my next year’s salary. [Laughter] great leadership. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honor for And I have to say, a little bit of parochial all of us at the White House to have the Dallas pride on behalf of my State, that I’m really Cowboys back here for a second year in a row. proud of the work that has done Coach Johnson, your team has a knack for com- with the Cowboys in such a few years and proud ing to the White House. of the remarkable achievements this team has I said they were negotiating my next year’s already seen. I think that it is just the beginning salary. I really—until you hired , of what will doubtless be years and years and I sort of wanted to be the backup . years of stunning achievement if they can just [Laughter] I’m the right height. keep their goals high and keep working for I want to congratulate and them. and and Mi- It’s a great honor to have them here and chael Irvin for being selected to the I’d like to invite them to say a few words. Who’s and for their brilliant play. going first? Jerry? I also want to say that I really identify with Let’s give them a hand. the season the Cowboys had this year. They lost their first two games; they were even behind NOTE: The President spoke at 2:53 p.m. in the in the Super Bowl, but they kept coming back. Roosevelt Room at the White House. In his re- Now the decade is not even half over, and marks, he referred to Dallas Cowboys coach they’ve already won two Super Bowls. There’s Jimmy Johnson and owner Jerry Jones. no telling what this team can do. It’s young.