No. 326 May 15, 2016
No. 326 May 15, 2016 Voluntary Supporters INFORMATION Kalamazoo Division NICE You can get information about Numazu twice a month on this home page and some hard copies issued by Supportive Volunteers at the Tourist Information Office at the Numazu Station, Palette, the City Library Participation, the City Gymnasium, Speakeasy, the Tap Room, Catholic Church, Kato Gakuen, Chiku Centers and the City Hall Classes, Lectures Numazu Citizen’s College; ready to welcome new students Applications & Inquiries: Lifelong Learning Division ☎ 055-934-4870 Numazu Citizen’s College, this year as well, will hold a series of lectures presented by distinguished lecturers playing active parts in many different fields. The lecture presentations by top-class lecturers will surely give you a great chance to obtain new knowledge. Come and attend the lectures! KAWAI ATSUSHI san (the 1st lecture) ~Life-enhancing way of life we can learn from Great Men who flourished in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate~ Mr. Kawai is a well-known student of history who appears on the TV program “Sekai-ichi Uketai Jugyo (World’s Most Desirable Lessons)”. His popular lectures are often on historical facts full of surprise and laughter, which seem never to appear in school textbooks. He has written many a book. HADA KEISUKE san (the 2nd lecture) ~I love it, which is the absolute requirement essential to a professional~ Mr. Hada made his debut as a novelist when he was a 17-year-old high school student, his first novel “KOKUREISUI (Black Cold Water)” being awarded “the 40th Bungeishou (Literary Award)”.
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