CAVERSHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Showing the Heart of Esus, in the Heart of Caversham
CAVERSHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Showing the heart of esus, in the heart of Caversham We’d like to hear what you think about the plans for improving our building Have your say: CAVERSHAM BAPTIST CHURCH is working on initial plans for a redevelopment of the building to improve the facilities. We particularly wish for the building to be a hub for Caversham, at the heart of the community. We are looking for input from our community to help us develop these plans. aversham Baptist Church has stood in the centre The outside of the building is largely unchanged from the of Caversham for almost 140 years. The church original design, but the inside has been remodelled, Cwas formed in 1872 and initially met in the most recently in 1980 when the pews and balcony West Memorial Hall on the south side of Gosbrook were removed and the present kitchen, meeting Road, which was converted to flats in 2000. The rooms and toilets were added. congregation grew rapidly and the church members gave £5000 (around £400,000 in today’s The church currently has a congregation of around money) to fund the building of a new church. 90 children and adults each Sunday. We have a real heart for engaging with our local community The prolific architect Alfred Waterhouse, who also and showing God’s love in practical ways. designed the Natural History Museum in London and Reading Town Hall, was commissioned to design The building is used throughout the week by the the new church. The site was acquired in 1875 and church and a number of community activities and the new building opened on 2nd October 1877.