Ian Wardle Managing Director Civic Centre, Reading, RG1 7AE 0118 937 3737 Our Ref: N:\Plng Apps Councillor Maskell (Chair) Cttee\Agendas\141112.doc Councillors Ayub, Ballsdon, Gavin, Your Ref: Lawrence, Livingston, Page, Robinson, Singh and Whitham Direct: 0118 937 2112 e-mail: [email protected] 4 November 2014 Your contact is: Nicky Simpson – Committee Services NOTICE OF MEETING - PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE – 12 NOVEMBER 2014 A meeting of the Planning Applications Committee will be held on Wednesday 12 November 2014 at 6.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Reading. The Agenda for the meeting is set out below. Please note that with regard to the planning applications, the order in which applications are considered will be at the Chair’s discretion, and applications on which members of the public have requested to speak are likely to be considered first. AGENDA ACTION WARDS AFFECTED PAGE NO 1. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING - 1 APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE HELD ON 15 OCTOBER 2014 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - - - 3. QUESTIONS - - - 4. POTENTIAL SITE VISITS FOR DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 10 COMMITTEE ITEMS 5. PLANNING SITE VISITS REVIEW DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 13 6. PLANNING APPEALS INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 15 7. APPLICATIONS FOR PRIOR APPROVAL INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 20 8. OBJECTION TO TREE PRESERVATION DECISION ABBEY 32 ORDER AT 10 CLIFTON STREET CIVIC CENTRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION: Please familiarise yourself with the emergency evacuation procedures, which are displayed inside the Council’s meeting rooms. If an alarm sounds, leave by the nearest fire exit quickly and calmly and assemble at the Hexagon sign, at the start of Queen’s Walk. You will be advised when it is safe to re-enter the building. www.reading.gov.uk SMS Text 81722 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street) Planning Applications to be determined Item(s) Action Ward(s) Page 9-10 DECISION ABBEY 41 11 DECISION CAVERSHAM 63 12 DECISION MINSTER 117 13-14 DECISION PARK 135 15 DECISION REDLANDS 149 16 DECISION SOUTHCOTE 161 17 DECISION THAMES 185 18 DECISION TILEHURST 203 19-20 DECISION WHITLEY 211 21 DECISION OUT OF BOROUGH 247 TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 12 November 2014 Item: 9 Page: 41 Ward: Abbey Application Number 141596 Application Type Demolition Prior Approval Applicant Reading Borough Council Address Civic Centre, Castle Street, Reading, RG1 7AE Proposal Application for prior notification of proposed demolition of Reading Civic Centre, concrete barrier and public toilets on Dusseldorf Way. Recommendation Application Permitted Item: 9 Page: 41 Ward: Abbey Application Number 141603 Application Type Screening Opinion Applicant Atkins Limited Address Reading Borough Council, Civic Centre, Castle Street/ Dusseldorf Way, Reading, RG1 7AE Proposal Screening Opinion requested relating to the demolition of the Reading Civic Centre, concrete barrier and the public toilets on Dusseldorf Way, Reading. Recommendation Application Permitted Item: 10 Page: 51 Ward: Abbey Application Number 141601 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant Reading Borough Council Address Reading Civic Centre Including The Mayor's Garden, Civic Centre, Reading Proposal Change of use of land to a temporary pocket park following the demolition of existing Civic Centre building. Recommendation Application Permitted Item: 11 Page: 63 Ward: Caversham Application Number 140997 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant Hermes Property Unit Trust Address St Martins Precinct, Church Street, Caversham, Reading Proposal Erection of new and extended retail (use class A1) floorspace, new restaurant (use class A3), new leisure (use class D2) floorspace, residential apartments (use class C3), car park works (including erection of a single storey deck and reconfiguration at ground level) and associated landscaping, surfacing, public realm and shopfront improvement works. Recommendation Permitted subject to Legal Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 12 November 2014 Item: 12 Page: 117 Ward: Minster Application Number 141471 Application Type Variation of Condition Applicant Porcelanosa UK Ltd Address 21 Rose Kiln Lane, Reading Proposal Demolition of the existing warehouse and the erection of a new retail warehouse (use class A1) with associated storage, car parking and landscaping, at 21 Rose Kiln Lane, Reading, without complying with conditions 5, 9, 17, 19, 20, 22 and 24 of planning permission 140542. Recommendation Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Item: 13 Page: 135 Ward: Park Application Number 071612 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant George Wimpey South West Thames Address Land At Green Road, Reading Proposal Construction of 2, 3 and 4 storey residential accommodation comprising 33 apartments, 6 detached houses, 34 semi-detached houses and 20 terraced houses (including 8 affordable semi-detached houses and 3 terraced houses) (re- submission of 07/00369/FUL) Recommendation Deed of variation Item: 14 Page: 138 Ward: Park Application Number 141428 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant Mr Alan Wick Address 44 College Road, Reading, RG6 1QB Proposal Retrospective Change of use from C3 to C4, changing an existing 4/5 bedroom house to six bedroom HMO with en-suites. Recommendation Application Permitted Item: 15 Page: 149 Ward: Redlands Application Numbers 141324 & 141325 Application Types Full Planning Approval (141324) & Listed Building Consent (141325) Applicant Reading School Address Reading School, Main House, Erleigh Road, Reading, RG1 5LW Proposal Demolition of existing chemistry building and firing range to allow the erection of a new two storey science block and associated services and landscaping, including temporary classrooms and temporary construction vehicle access off Addington Road for the duration of construction. The existing chemistry building is within the curtilage of a listed building and is connected to this listed building by a glazed link. A new glazed link will be built joining the two buildings. Recommendation Application Permitted TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 12 November 2014 Item: 16 Page: 161 Ward: Southcote Application Number 141380 Application Type Regulation 3 Planning Approval Applicant Reading Borough Council Address Southcote Primary School, Silchester Road, Reading, RG30 3EJ Proposal Two new build teaching block extensions (one part two-storey, one single storey), extension to front of school plus associated external works including new staff car park and new pedestrian accesses from Shepley Drive and Silchester Road. Recommendation Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Item: 17 Page: 185 Ward: Thames Application Number 141288 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant The Grey Coat Hospital Foundation Address Queen Annes School, Henley Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 6DX Proposal The refurbishment and extension of Moore House to provide the school with a dedicated sixth form centre as well as a state of the art dining and kitchen facility. The sixth form centre will include a contemporary knowledge centre, a common room cafe and flexible teaching areas. The application also includes new external landscaping. Recommendation Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Item: 18 Page: 203 Ward: Tilehurst Application Number 141473 Application Type Regulation 3 Planning Approval Applicant Reading Borough Council Address Park Lane Primary School, School Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5BD Proposal Replacement boundary fence. Recommendation Application Permitted Item: 19 Page: 211 Ward: Whitley Application Number 141447 Application Type Approval of Reserved Matters Applicant Oxford Properties Address 500 - 600 Longwater Avenue, Reading Proposal Application for approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Scale, Layout and Landscaping) following outline approval 02/01311/OUT, as extended by 10/01659/EXT, relating to the development of 22,540 sqm of B1 business use, car parking, landscaping and related works Recommendation Application Permitted TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 12 November 2014 Item: 20 Page: 225 Ward: Whitley Application Number 141602 Application Type Full Planning Approval Applicant SEGRO Industrial Estates Limited Address Worton Drive, Reading Proposal Erection of new car showroom with ancillary offices to be used for the sale and display of motor vehicles and motor vehicle accessories and spare parts, service garage and workshop for the repair, servicing and maintenance of motor vehicles (with car wash and lubrication bays), parts storage and sale and hiring of motor vehicles, erection of free-standing car valet building, rooftop car storage deck with access ramp, photography bay, means of access, car parking (customer, sales and storage spaces) cycle parking facilities, drainage, landscaping, plant and ancillary works. Recommendation Permitted subject to Legal Agreement Item: 21 Page: 247 Ward: Out of Borough Application Number 141642 Application Type Adjacent Authority Consultation Applicant Marino Family Address Hogwood Farm, Sheerlands Road, Finchampstead, Berkshire, RG40 4QY Proposal Hybrid Application for: PART 1 - OUTLINE PERMISSION FOR: New Homes (Use Class C3) 1 500 dwellings (including affordable) on 43.63 hectares of land totalling approximately 225,000 sq. m of floorspace,
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