Superconducting phase diagram of H3S under high magnetic fields

Shirin Mozaffari1, Dan Sun2, Vasily S. Minkov3, Alexander P. Drozdov3, Dmitry Knyazev3, Jonathan B. Betts2, Mari Einaga4, Katsuya Shimizu 4, Mikhail I. Eremets3, Luis Balicas 1 & Fedor F. Balakirev 2

The discovery of at 260 K in -rich compounds like LaH10 re- invigorated the quest for room temperature superconductivity. Here, we report the tem-

1234567890():,; perature dependence of the upper critical fields μ0Hc2(T) of superconducting H3S under a record-high combination of applied pressures up to 160 GPa and fields up to 65 T. We find

that Hc2(T) displays a linear dependence on temperature over an extended range as found in multigap or in strongly-coupled superconductors, thus deviating from conventional

Werthamer, Helfand, and Hohenberg (WHH) formalism. The best fitofHc2(T) to the WHH formalism yields negligible values for the Maki parameter α and the spin–orbit scattering

constant λSO. However, Hc2(T) is well-described by a model based on strong coupling

superconductivity with a coupling constant λ ~ 2. We conclude that H3S behaves as a strong- coupled orbital-limited superconductor over the entire range of temperatures and fields used for our measurements.

1 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA. 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. 3 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie, Hahn-Meitner Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany. 4 KYOKUGEN, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Machikaneyamacho 1-3, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to F.F.B. (email: [email protected])


he ongoing scientific endeavor to stabilize super- mechanisms for a given type-II superconductor. The WHH the- Tconductivity at room temperature led to the discovery ory24 includes both pair-breaking effects through the Maki of superconductivity, with a very high critical temperature parameter and the spin–orbit constant. = fi Tc 203 K, in hydride H3S under high pressures of Here, we report measurements of the upper critical eld in H3S 1 2,3 p = 155 GPa .H3S along with other hydrides seems to be the samples under extremely high pressures and high magnetic fields. closest compound, so far, to metallic hydrogen, which is predicted The ultrahigh pressures can only be obtained through the use of a 4–6 to be a high temperature superconductor .H3S forms as the diamond anvil cell (DAC), however, measurements on samples result of the chemical instability of H2S under high pressures, contained by a DAC are quite challenging, particularly in pulsed 7–10 where H2S decomposes into elemental sulfur S and H3S . fields due to the narrow magnet bore and the large magnetic-field The structure of H3S is believed to be body-centered cubic with induced currents which heat the cell. The small diameter of the Im-3m symmetry above 150 GPa10, and characterized by H atoms DAC1 employed in our study allows us to perform transport symmetrically situated midway between two body-centered S measurements up to 65 T without heating the sample sig- atoms. Tc shows a sharp increase from 95 K to 203 K in the nificantly. Our pulsed field measurements under p > 150 GPa pressure range of 110–155 GPa, but decreases with further represent a significant pressure increase over a previous pulsed 25 increasing the pressure due to the pressure-induced phase tran- field study under 10 GPa .Wefind that H3S is an orbital-limited 1,10 sition from the R-3m to the Im-3m phase of H3S . superconductor over the entire temperature range and likely a The superconductivity in H3S is believed to be conventional, or multigap or strongly coupled superconductor. whose pairing is mediated by phonons characterized by high- frequency optical modes due to the motion of hydrogen1,11–14. The high Tc arises from both the metallization of the strongly Results 15 covalent bonds in H3S and the high phonon frequencies dis- Temperature dependence of the resistance. Figure 1 displays the 16 played by its light elements . Band structure calculations indicate resistance as a function of the temperature T for H3S samples 17 fi that H3S is a multiband having a large Fermi surface pressurized up to 155 GPa and 160 GPa. The onset, i.e., the rst (broad energy dispersive bands) as the result of the hybridization deviation from the normal state resistivity, of the super- 8,9,13,16,18,19 = between the H 1s and the 3p orbitals of sulfur . Band conducting transitions are estimated to be Tc 201 K for the = structure calculations also yield small Fermi surface pockets for sample under 155 GPa, and Tc 174 K for the other sample 17 the high-Tc phase of H3S . under 160 GPa. The drop in Tc for the higher pressure sample is 1 Despite the very high Tcs reported for H3S, the studies of consistent with the results in ref. . The width of these transitions Δ = Hc2(T) are limited to a narrow range of temperatures close to Tc are Tc 5.5 K and 26 K for the samples under 155 GPa and 160 due to the inherent experimental difficulties in performing GPa, respectively, indicating that the latter sample is less homo- ultrahigh pressure measurements under very high magnetic fields. geneous, or that it is subjected to stronger pressure gradients. The The behavior of Hc2(T) provides valuable information such as an value of Tc for the sample under 155 GPa increases slightly over estimation of the Cooper pair coherence length, the strength of time, indicating an evolution towards a more homogeneous the electron–phonon coupling, the role of the spin–orbit cou- sample or weaker pressure gradients. Notice that the super- pling, and the dominant mechanism breaking the pairs. conducting transition displayed by this sample shows a step In type-II superconductors, the orbital and the spin- around 195 K indicating that its superconducting state indeed is paramagnetic pair-breaking effects are the two main mechan- inhomogeneous. For samples synthesized within the confines of isms depairing electrons under high magnetic fields. The orbital the DAC a certain degree of inhomogeneity is inevitable. The pair-breaking effect explains the suppression of superconductivity multiple SC transition steps merge into a single one above a via the formation of Abrikosov vortices20 in the presence of a field. The superconductivity is suppressed when the kinetic 70 energy associated with vortex currents exceeds the condensation fi energy of the paired electrons. When the magnetic eld approa- 60 orb ¼ ϕ = πξ2 ches a critical value Hc2 0 2 , referred to as the orbital limiting field, the vortex cores overlap and the system returns 155 GPa: 07/2018 50 to the normal state. Here, ϕ0 is the flux quantum and ξ is the coherence length. The spin-paramagnetic effect explains 155 GPa: 09/2018 the effect of the magnetic field on the spin of the electron ) 40 based on the work by Clogston21 and Chandrasekhar22. When Ω (m the magnetic energy exceeds the superconducting gap, i.e. R 30 155 GPa: 11/2018 = χ 2 ¼ = ð ÞΔ2 1 2 pHp 1 2N EF , superconductivity will be suppressed, χ Δ where p, N(EF), and are the normal state paramagnetic sus- 20 ceptibility, the density of states at the Fermi level, and the superconducting gap, respectively. If we only consider the spin- 160 GPa: 07/2018 paramagnetic effect, the zero-temperature Pauli limiting field 10 (Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit) for a weakly coupled super- μ = Δð ¼ conductor is approximately 0Hp(0) 1.86 Tc, where 2 T 0 Þ : 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 3 52 kBTc (for a conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer χ ¼ μ2 ð Þ T (K) (BCS) superconductor) and p g BN EF (g is the Landé g μ factor and B is the Bohr magneton). Hp can be renormalized Fig. 1 Resistive transition towards the superconducting state. Resistance R – by the strength of the electron phonon coupling or by as a function of the temperature T for two DACs containing H3S samples 2 electronic correlations. In many superconductors Hc2(T)is under pressures p = 155 GPa and 160 GPa. Red line is a fittoR = R0 + AT . 23 affected byp bothffiffiffi pair-breaking mechanisms. The Maki para- Notice that the Tc for the 155 GPa sample shifts slightly to higher values α ¼ orbð Þ= ð Þ meter 2Hc2 0 Hp 0 is a measure of the relative strength while its resistance decreases between July and September 2018. Source between the orbital and the paramagnetic pair-breaking data are provided as a Source Data file

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2019) 10:2522 | | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | ARTICLE moderate field of 3 T in the 155 GPa sample (Supplementary temperatures. The temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient Fig. 1). RH is shown in Fig. 2b, obtained by multiplying the slope of fi μ fi We nd that R(T) exhibits supralinear behavior in both Rxy( 0H) at high elds by the sample thickness, estimated to ∝ 2 = μ samples, which is well described by a R T leading term. A be t (2 ± 1) m. We observed a noticeable decrease in RH(T) quadratic temperature dependence for the resistivity is usually by as much as 20% as the temperature is decreased, corre- – = ascribed to the inelastic electron electron scattering in Fermi sponding to an increase in the effective carrier density n 1/eRH. liquid theory. While our estimates point to a predominantly The smaller values of the Hall coefficient at lower temperatures electron–phonon transport scattering at high temperatures could come from a decrease in electron mobility, a progressive (Supplementary Fig. 2), a linear temperature dependence for increase in hole mobility, or from an evolution in their relative the resistivity is typically expected for this regime, hence R ∝ T2 is densities. If one assumes that only one band contributed to the quite unusual. Spectroscopic studies on H3S attribute the transport of carriers, the Hall coefficient would yield an electron = = 22 −3 supralinear behavior of R(T) to strong coupling between electrons density n 1/eRH (8.5 ± 4.3) × 10 cm at room temperature, and a very high energy optical phonon26. A similar explanation which is relatively close to known values for transition was given for the supralinear R(T) observed in MgB2, which is such as copper. another BCS superconductor characterized by a strong coupling to an optical phonon mode27. Superconducting phase diagram. To determine the temperature dependence of H , we measured the isothermal resistance as a Hall resistance as a function of the temperature. Figure 2a c2 function of the magnetic field μ H at selected temperatures ran- displays the Hall resistance R for the sample under p = 155 GPa 0 xy ging from T = 55 K to 200 K. Figure 3a, b show the magnetic as a function of the magnetic field μ H near the superconducting 0 field dependence of the resistance for the samples under 155 GPa transition. The R (μ H) do not reveal any non-linearity as a xy 0 and 160 GPa at fixed temperatures. At each temperature the function of μ H all the way up to 35 T. This indicates that near 0 resistance changes from zero to a finite value as μ H increases and above T the electrical transport in H S is dominated by a 0 c 3 due to the field-induced suppression of the superconductivity. H single type of carrier (electrons) despite H S being predicted to be c2 3 is defined as the intersection between an extrapolation of the a multiband metal17. Most likely, this indicates that electrons resistance in the normal state and a line having the slope of the display a considerably higher carrier mobility than holes at these resistive transition at its middle point28. The same criterion is used across DC and pulsed field traces. The field value at the = * a intersect with R 0 axis, H , marks the onset of dissipation associated with melting of the vortex lattice. In contrast to the 0.0 155 GPa unconventional high-temperature superconductors (HTS), vortex )

Ω a H –0.5 40 c2 170 K 128 K 160 K 150 K 111 K (m 143 K xy R 160 K 30

205 K ) 95 K –1.0 Ω 140 K 250 K (m 20 R

10 0 10203040  H* 155 GPa 0H (T) 0 126 K 117 K 115 K 100 K b b 145 K 141 K 130 K 122 K 15 85 K )

7 Ω 10 /C) 3 (m R m –11 5 (10 H R 160 GPa 6 0 010203040506070 155 GPa  0H (T) 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Fig. 3 Upper critical fields for H S as a function of the temperature. T (K) 3 Resistance as a function of the field μ0H for the H3S samples under a Fig. 2 Hall-effect as a function of the field and for several temperatures. p = 155 GPa and b 160 GPa and for several temperatures. This data was a Hall resistance Rxy as a function of the magnetic field μ0H at a collected under continuous and pulsed fields. Two black dashed lines temperatures T = 160, 205, and 250 K for 155 GPa sample. For the trace extrapolate the resistance in the normal state and the slope at the middle collected at 160 K, the sample remains superconducting below 20 T, but point of the resistive transition. The open circle symbol at the intersection recovers its linear-in-field behavior in the normal state above Hc2. Magenta of the two black dashed lines illustrates the position of Hc2. The open circle and red lines are linear fits to the 160 K and 205 K curves, respectively. symbol at the intersect of the x-axis and the black dashed line illustrates the * b Normal state Hall coefficient RH as a function of T for the H3S sample position of H which marks the onset of dissipation. Source data are pressurized under 155 GPa. Source data are provided as a Source Data file provided as a Source Data file


fi fi fi melting eld in H3S closely follows the upper critical led, par- elds along certain, but not for all crystallographic orientations, and ticularly in the more homogeneous 155 GPa sample (Supple- claimed to result from the orbital limiting effect34–36. Multigap mentary Fig. 3). effects might explain our phase diagram for H3Sinanalogywith The resistive onset has been found to match the thermo- those systems. However, this multiband scenario contrasts with 29–31 dynamic Hc2 obtained through other experimental probes . the linear in field Hall data in Fig. 2a, which indicates conduction The resistive transition shifts to higher fields as the temperature is dominated by a single type of carrier. Measurements of, for lowered while broadening slightly. The Hc2(T) values obtained example, the penetration depth as a function of T should help from pulsed field measurements agree with the curvature and the clarify the nature of the superconducting state in this system. The values extracted under DC fields. At very high pulsed magnetic estimated weak coupling Pauli limiting fields for the samples under fi fi ≃ elds the self-heating of the metallic DACs by the magnetic- eld 155 GPa and 160 GPa are Hp(0) 374 T and 324 T, respectively. In induced currents becomes noticeable at temperatures below 55 K. the dirty limit, the Hc2(0) values derived from the slope of the H–T orb Figure 4 shows the extracted Hc2 as a function of T for both phase boundary at T are, H ð0Þ¼0:69dH =dTj ´ T ¼ 86 T c c2 c2 Tc c samples under p = 155 GPa and 160 GPa as a function of the for the sample under 155 GPa and 60 T for the one under 160 GPa. = fl reduced temperature t T/Tc. To avoid the in uence of possible These latter values are much closer to the extrapolation of our superconducting vortex phases, we plot just the onset of their experimental Hc2(T) towards zero-temperature, when compared to resistive transition. These phase boundaries were obtained from the Pauli limiting values which differ by a factor of ~5, thus indi- both isothermal field scans and from temperature scans under cating that H S is an orbital-limited superconductor. fi fi 3 xed magnetic elds. For both samples Hc2(T) increases almost Subsequently, we fit our experimentally determined phase linearly upon decreasing the temperature under fields all the way boundary to two different expressions in order to estimate the up to 60 T yielding the slopes jdH =dTj ¼ 0:62 and 0.50 T K−1 = c2 Tc value of Hc2 at T 0 K (see Methods). At temperatures near for the samples under 155 GPa and 160 GPa, respectively. Tc, our experimental Hc2 values seem to follow the GL-expres- sion, which is used to estimate Hc2(0) in hydrides from the low field data1,2, but at low temperatures they deviate from it Discussion considerably. This is particularly apparent for the sample under HTS hydrides are considered to be conventional BCS-type super- 160 GPa, for which we were able to reach smaller t values, given conductors. At the same time, the linear H (T)dependence c2 that the GL theory is formulated for ð1 À tÞ1. Fitting the reported here is quite unusual for a weakly coupled BCS super- upper critical fields to the WHH expression yields very small conductor. The linear dependence of H (T) over an extended range c2 values for α which points again to rather small orbital limiting of temperatures was also observed in the two-band superconductor fi 32,33 elds relative to the Pauli limiting ones, with no apparent MgB2 and in the multigap Fe-pnictide superconductors for saturation in Hc2(t) at low ts. We obtained the best fits to the WHH formula for α values ranging between 0.0 and 0.3 for 120 α = – Strong coupling:  = 2 1.0 the sample under 155 GPa and 0 0.2 for the sample under ] c

T α

) 160 GPa. For such small values of , the WHH formula is  WHH: = 0 T – 100 /d almost insensitive to the strength of the spin orbit interaction. GL c2 H 0.5 We obtained the superconducting coherence length by extra- ×(d c polating the WHH fit to zero-temperature. This extrapolation T 155 GPa /[ = = 80 c2 160 GPa of the Hc2(T)s yields Hc2(T 0) 88 T and 70 T for the H3S H 0.0 samples pressurized up to 155 GPa and 160 GPa, respectively. 0.0 0.5 1.0 fi ξ =

(T) Thus, we nd coherence lengths of 1.84 nm and 2.12 nm for

2 t

c 60

H the samples under 155 GPa and 160 GPa, respectively, which are 0  smaller than the initial estimate ξ ≃ 4 nm from first-principles Strong coupling: λ = 2 calculations15. As for the effect of pressure on the H S samples, 40 3 155 GPa our experimental upper critical fields do not reveal any change GL in the relative strength of both pair-breaking mechanisms WHH: α = 0 20 160 GPa between both pressures. As seen in the inset of Fig. 4, the superconducting phase diagrams for both samples fall into a single curve when plotted in reduced units. What is remarkable is 0 the linearity of the phase boundary as a function of t all the way 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 t down to t ~ 0.3. Again, this resembles behavior reported, for example, for the Fe based superconductors36. Fig. 4 Superconducting phase diagram of H3S. Upper critical fields Hc2 as a This deviation from the conventional WHH formalism could function of the reduced temperature t = T/Tc for the H3S samples under be explained by the fact that it was formulated for the weak pressures p = 155 GPa (filled circles) and 160 GPa (open circles). Solid lines limit of electron–phonon coupling or for a coupling constant are fits to theoretical models: Ginzburg-Landau (GL), Werthamer, Helfand λ ≪ 1 . Recent ab initio calculations report substantial enhance- λ = λ and Hohenberg (WHH), and a strong-coupling model using 2 for the ment of in H3S due to the proximity to a structural instability coupling strength parameter (reproduced from a prediction based on between the Im-3m and the R3m crystal symmetries37. As the 40,41 ω strong-coupling theory ). Although the GL formalism is mainly valid phonon frequencies p soften near this instability, the Cooper near Tc, we extrapolated the corresponding fittoT = 0 K to allow a visual pairing becomes weaker at elevated temperatures by the comparison between all models. Error bars are standard deviation in thermal phonons, while it remains robust in the T → 0 limit, the linear extrapolation of the resistance in the normal state and the slope leading to a relative enhancement in Hc2(T) at low temperatures. 9,37 of the resistive transition used to determine Hc2. Inset: upper critical fields The calculated λ ~2 would correspond to a nearly linear for H3S and for two different pressures plotted in reduced variables. The Hc2(T) for t > 0.3 within the framework of the strong coupling 40,41 vertical axis is re-scaled by the product of Tc and the slope of Hc2(T)atTc model , which was also found to be applicable to the as derived from the WHH fits for each sample. Red line is a linear fit. Source unusually strong electron–phonon coupled case of Bi-III38. data are provided as a Source Data file Coincidentally, the strong coupling model also predicts a very


– high Tc ~ 300 K 400 K for a lattice containing light atoms like Table 1 Sample properties and results of WHH fit 40 H . The fact is that our experimental Hc2(T) values display a much better agreement with the temperature dependence pre- Pressure Tc Hc2(0) dH =dTjT ξ 40 – c2 c dicted by the strong coupling model with an electron phonon −1 coupling constant λ = 2. 155 GPa 197 K 88 T 0.62 T K 1.84 nm 160 GPa 174 K 70 T 0.50 T K−1 2.12 nm In summary, we have investigated the temperature dependence of the upper critical fields of H3S under magnetic fields up to 65 T. At lower fields the phase boundary separating normal and superconducting states is relatively well described by the Wer- Subsequently to the WHH formalism where the temperature dependence of fi thamer, Helfand, and Hohenberg formula. Pronounced devia- Hc2(T)de ned by orbital and spin-paramagnetic effects in the dirty limit is given by24: tions from the WHH formula are observed at lower temperatures  () X1   2 À1 due to the linearity of H (T). Overall, the phase boundary 1 1 h ðαh=tÞ c2 ¼ À jjþν þ þ ð2Þ ln j ν þ j 2 1 jjν þ þð þ λ Þ= between superconducting and metallic states indicates that the t ν¼À1 2 1 t 2 1 h so t orbital-effect suppresses superconductivity over the entire tem-  ¼ð =π2Þ½ ð Þ=ðÀ = Þ Š α λ where, h 4 H T dH dT , is the Maki parameter, and SO is the c2 c2 Tc perature range. The linearity of Hc2(T) observed over an extended spin–orbit constant. The results of the fits are summarized in Table 1. range of reduced temperatures suggests that this system might indeed be a multigap superconductor as predicted theoretically and in analogy with similar results for the Fe-based super- Data availability – The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding conductors. Alternatively, enhanced electron phonon coupling authors upon reasonable request. The source data underlying Figs. 1 through 4 and and softening of hydrogen vibrational modes in the vicinity of a Supplementary Figs. 1 through 3 are provided as a Source Data file. structural instability could also explain the deviation from the ξ WHH predictions. We extract values for the coherence length Received: 12 February 2019 Accepted: 20 May 2019 ranging between ξ = 1.84 nm and 2.12 nm. Above the transition temperature the Hall-effect remains linear up to high magnetic fi elds indicating that H3S is a very good metal and that at high temperatures carrier conduction is dominated by electrons. References Methods 1. Drozdov, A. P., Eremets, M. I., Troyan, I. A., Ksenofontov, V. & Shylin, S. I. Sample preparation. Two samples of H3S were synthesized in-situ inside the DACs Conventional superconductivity at 203 Kelvin at high pressures in the sulfur fi using two different techniques. 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