The Gear of Theta Tau
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The Old YMCA Building Site of First National Convention, 1911 The Gear of Theta Tau V olum e XLIII N um ber 2 Dyckman Hotel Headquarters for Golden Anniversary Convention, Oct. 1954 T H E T A T A l I SPRING, 1954 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 2 Fketa I au Fraternity 1 Iiilctl at the University of Minnesota October I), /904 FOUNDERS Iiiuci I J. Schrader Isaac 11. H anks \V. Murray Lewis Elw in L. V inal EXECUTIVE COUNCIL J amison V awteri Zeta ’1 6 ............................................................Grand Regent 307 Civil Engineering Hall, Universityof Illinois, Urbana, 111. A. D. H inckley , Thcta ’2 7 ....................................................... Grand Vice Regent 90 Morningside Dr., New York 27, N . Y. Erich J. Schrader , Alpha ’O S ............................................................ Grand Scribe Box 244, Reno, Nevada Paul Mercer, Omicron ’2 1 .................................................. Grand Treasurer 141S Grand Ave., Keokuk, Iowa J. M. D aniels , Nu Honorary ’2 2 Grand Marshal Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. N ick T r b o v i c h .................................................................. Grand Inner Guard 422 S Ivy St., East Chicago, Ind. Robert L. N o x o n .............................................................. Grand Outer Guard 3214 N. Priscilla Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. DELEGATE AT LARGE D. D. C urtis, Omicron Honorary ’19 . Past Grand Regent CIemson, S.C. THE GEAR OF THETA TAU P. L. M ercer, Omicron '2 1 and J. W. H owe , Omicron ’24 . Editors Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Letters for members of the Council should be addressed to the individual by name. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS Central Ohio —J. K. Dumbauld, 886 Oxford Street, Worthington, Ohio Chicago — A. T. Swanson, 99 Ash St., Park Forest, 111. Cleveland — James R. McKinney, 715 Union Bldg., Cleveland IS, Ohio Detroit— Charles Greening, 4661 Gray, Detroit 15, Mich. Intermountain— E. J. W atts, P. O. Box 403, Salt Lake City, Utah Kansas City — Donald L. Flanders, 5007 Wyandotte, Kansas City 2, Mo. Los Angeles—Ben E. Gumpertz, 571$ Sunnyslope, Van Nuys, Calif. National Capitol—Charles F. Myers, 106 N . George Mason Dr., Arlington, Va. Northwestern —Geo. T. Hanson, 706 Locust St., Anaconda, Mont. Tw in City—Alex Kovalchuk, 2330 Fauquier Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Southwestern—Robert L. Houston, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Louisville Alum ni Club—c /o Theta Tau, 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Fort Wayne A lum ni Club—Robt. J. W inner, 1635 Broadway, Ft. Wayne 2, Ind. MEMBERS OF TH E PROFESSIONAL INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Zeta. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COMMERCE, Alpha Kappa Pii, Delia Sigma Pi. DENTISTRY, Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Lambda Kappa. Pii Omega, Xi Pti Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa. Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. ENGINEERING, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta. JOURNALISM, Sigma Delta Phi. LAW, Gamma rr EtaFta Gamma.Gamrni DeltaFIalta Thcta Tkata Phi, PklPhi AlphaPkI AUka Fl-I., Pkt R...------ G Sigma Delta Kappa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu Sign Nu1 Phi Bata Pi. Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi LambJa Kapp Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa Psi. PHARMACY, Kappa Psi. Chapters A lp h a , Founded October 1}, 1904 - University of Minnesota (Chapter house) 324 W alnut St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. B eta, Established March 26, 1906 - Michigan College of Mining and Tech. (Chapter house) 140S College Ave., Houghton, Michigan Gam ma, Established November 8, 1907 - - - Colorado School of Mines c /o Prof. George W. Lemaire, Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo. D e l ta , Established May 23, 1911 ----- Case Institute of Technology Theta Tau Box, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio E psilon, Established May 4,1911 ------- University of California Theta Tau Box, Hearst Mining Bldg., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Z e ta , Established A pril 17, 1912 - - - - - - - - University of Kansas (Chapter house) 1602 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas T h e ta , Established May 26, 1 9 1 4 ....................................... Columbia University c/o Prof. W alter LaPierre, Col. of Eng., Columbia University, New York City Io ta , Established February J, 1916 - .......................... Missouri School of Mines c/o Prof. J. B. Butler, Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Lam bda, Established April 29, 1920 ------- University of Utah c /o George W. Carter, College of Engineering, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City M u, Established January 3, 1922 - - ........................... University of Alabama P. O. Box 2043, University Alabama Xi, Established January I ), 1923 ------- UniversityofWisconsin c /o Dr. G. A. Rohlich, 9 Hydraulics Laboratory, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. O m icron, Established February 3, 192} - - - - State University of Iowa Theta Tau Box, Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Pt, Established May 26, 192} - - - - - - - - - University of Virginia c/o Prof. H . L. Kinnier, Col. of Engr., University of Virginia, University, Va. R ho, Established February 16, 1924 - N. C. State College of Ag. and Eng. c /o Prof. T. C. Brown, M.E. Dept., N. C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. Sigma, Established November 29, 1924 ........................Ohio State University (Chapter House) 1946 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, Ohio T au , Established December 12, 192} - - - - - - - Syracuse University Theta Tau Fraternity, Col. of Eng., Bldg. 6, Syracuse U., Syracuse 10, N.Y. U psilon, Established April 7, 1928 ------ University of Arkansas (Chapter House) 612 Storrer St., Fayetteville, Arkansas Phi, Established A pril 21, 1928 - - - - - - - - - Purdue University (Chapter house) 416 North Chauncey, West Lafayette, Indiana C hi, Established April 23, 19}0 - - - - - - - - University of Arizona Theta Tau Box,Engineering Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Psi, Established May 7, 19} 2 - - - - - - - - Montana School of Mines Theta Tau Fraternity, Care of Montana School of Mines, Butte, Montana O m ega, Established March 26, 19} 2 - - - - - S. Dakota School of Mines (Chapter house) 107 Kansas City St., Rapid City, S. Dak. Gamma Beta, Established March 16, 19}} - George Washington University Student Union Office Bldg., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. D elta Beta, Established May 20, 19}9 - - - - University of Louisville (Chapter house) 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Epsilon Beta, Established May, 19, 19} I - - - - - - Wayne University c /o Prof. Harold G. Donnelly, College of Engr., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. Fiftietk /fnniversary Celebration Plans AU Theta Taus honor the date Oc Past Grand Regents, histories of the tober 15, 1904 when Erich Schrader, several chapters, and historical ac Isaac Hanks, W . Murray Lewis, and counts of the development of the fra Elwin Vinal, officially founded theternity generally. Some of the biogra professional engineering fraternityphies already on hand make fasci which was to become the largest of its nating reading and guarantee that this kind in this country. This fall, theissue will serve as a landmark in fra fiftieth anniversary of that historicternity history. Chapter histories are event is to be celebrated. The occasion being submitted this spring in order calls for elaborate plans and just such that the preparation of the Anniver plans are under way. sary issue may go forward during the No sooner had the closing session of the Nineteenth Biennial Convention A call has been issued to fraternity in Lafayette ended than the newlymembers generally to send to Brother elected national officers met to con Curtis or Brother Kovalchuk (2330 sider the Anniversary plans. ThreeFauquier Ave., St. Paul) any interest major decisions were made at that time. ing photographs, souveniers, or other First, a national committee consisting mementos of Theta Tau’s history for of H. H. Hopkins of Chicago, Russell exhibit during the celebration. G. Glass of Cleveland, and Donald D.Likewise, an invitation is being Curtis of Clemson College, all Past issued to all Theta Taus within 500 Grand Regents, was named to be re miles of Minneapolis to be there on sponsible for all Golden AnniversaryOctober 15 th. Already, requests for Activities. Second, the Twentieth hotel reservations have been received. Biennial Convention was scheduled for The principal event will be the mid-October rather than the cus Twentieth Biennial Convention, begin tomary December dates. Thirdly, andning Wednesday evening, Oct. 13, and quite naturally, Minneapolis was selectcontinuing through Saturday morning, ed as the site of the meeting. Oct. 16. Attending the Convention Brother Hopkins, as chairman of the will be the Founders and all living national committee, immediately set Past Grand Regents. Never again will up a local committee in Minneapolis there be such an opportunity to see with Joe Skovholt, a former national and hear the men who have made Theta officer, as chairman. He in turn has Tau the organization it is. formed a general committee consisting Emphasis upon alumni attendance of Brothers Bretoi, Britzius, Leonard, is made for Friday and Saturday. The Lunn, Kovalchuk, and Manson, eachbanquet on Friday night will be the o f whom, as well as Alpha Chapter, outstanding event of the celebration. has accepted responsibility for a par On the next day, following the ad ticular phase of the local arrangements. journment of the Convention, the The first element of the celebration Minnesota-Illinois football game will will be the Golden Anniversary issuetop off w hat will no doubt be a of the Gear. This issue will appear in stimulating and