FREE AppalachianThe June/July 2017 VOICE Hidden Treasures Fishing and Swimming Spots Reclaiming Mountains Communities Create Opportunities Special Section Appalachian Voices on Lands Scarred by Mining Celebrates Larry Keel on Fishin’ and Pickin’ | Carbon Offsets in Appalachia A note from our team A note from our executive director AppalachianVOICE This year, Appalachian Voices celebrates our 20th anniver- A publication of On weekend mornings, my 18-month old son sary. In the center section, we recognize our accomplishments Environmental News From Around the Region AppalachianVoices and I walk our long gravel driveway — he watches and reflect on the work ahead to protect Appalachia’s natural out for puddles to splash in, and I watch him against treasures while fostering a just, healthy economy. Agricultural Runoff Defiles Shenandoah River NC: 589 W. King St., Boone, NC 28607 • 828-262-1500 a backdrop of mist rising from the ridgelines above The effort to bring the benefits of clean energy to communi- Communities Push Back Against VA: 812 E. High St., Charlottesville, VA 22902 • 434-293-6373 ties impacted by coal is already underway. Below, Adam Wells, By Carl Blankenship creased levels of phosphorus and E.coli. Other Regional Offices: Knoxville, TN • Norton, VA • Raleigh, NC our home. The connection between these ancient Algae growth due to high phospho- mountains, this child, the six generations of our fam- our New Economy program manager, shares his perspective on White Supremacist Groups On April 26, the watchdog group |
[email protected] ily who have lived in this holler and the generations our exciting solar progress in Southwest Virginia.