\ VOLUME 109

LIVERPOOL PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1958 Made and Printed in Great Britain by C. Tinling & Co., Ltd., Liverpool, London and Prescot, EDITORIAL NOTE Each generation writes its own histories and declares out of date the work of its predecessors. Our generation is no excep­ tion, but we feel that we have the justification not only of new interpretations and values placed upon accepted facts, but also of a growing mass of new evidence, chiefly derived from local archives, which is constantly adding to, modifying, and even contradicting existing knowledge. Every completed research project is a piece in a jig-saw puzzle, which the hands of many patient scholars are slowly putting together. In this volume three papers reveal a particularly clear glimpse of the picture, which the jig-saw, of which they are part, will ultimately present. The excavation at Walton-le-Dale now a season ahead of the printed, interim report, just as the report is a season ahead of the paper read before the Society is one of a series of archaeological investigations which is compelling historians to think again about the activities of the Romans in north-west Britain. Mr. Awty's paper is a key piece in the new picture which is emerging of the industrial activities of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, and Mr. Rose's study of John Finch rescues from oblivion one who, in his own age, was as representative of radical Liverpool as William Roscoe was in his. The Society wishes to thank Mr. L. M. Angus-Butterworth for supplying the block of Dutton Hall, Mr. S. A. Harris for a donation towards the cost of illustrations, and Dr. G. Chand­ ler for permission to reproduce from his Liverpool the drawing of the Old Custom House. It also gratefully acknowledges a grant of £40 made by the Council for British Archaeology towards the cost of printing "Roman Walton-le-Dale". 20 August 1958. J. J. BAGLEY, The University, Honorary Editor. Liverpool.

The Council wishes it to be known that authors alone are responsible for the opinions and statements in their several papers. Contributors to these TRANSACTIONS are advised to com­ municate with the Honorary Editor. Members who wish to read papers should communicate with the Honorary Secretary.



PAPERS READ AND COMMUNICATED ROMAN WALTON-LE-DALE. By E. E. Pickering .. 1 OLD HOUSES IN LANCASHIRE "SPRING BANK", APPLEY BRIDGE, NEAR WIGAN. By William A. Singleton, M.A., Ph.D., B.Arch., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I...... 47 TRADITIONAL FYLDE HOUSES. By R. C. Watson .. 61 DUTTON HALL. ByL.M. Angus-Butter-worth, M.A., F.R.G.S., F.S.A.Scot...... 67 CHARCOAL IRONMASTERS OF CHESHIRE AND LANCASHIRE, 1600-1785. By B. G. Awty, B.A...... 71 LANCASTER 1684. By Kenneth H. Docton, M.I.Mun.E. 125 THE OLD BLUE COAT HOSPITAL, LIVERPOOL: WAS IT DESIGNED BY THOMAS RIPLEY? By Stanley A. Harris ...... 143 JOHN FINCH, 1784-1857: A LIVERPOOL DISCIPLE OF ROBERT OWEN. By R. B. Rose, M.A. .. . . 159

SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS ANNIVERSARIES THE 750th ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIVERPOOL BOROUGH CHARTER. By A. R. Myers, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A. F.R.Hist.S...... 185 vii Vlll CONTENTS ANNIVERSARIES continued CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS, LIVERPOOL, 1257-1957. By R. T. Davies, M.A...... 187 THE 650th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE CHURCH OF ST. THOMAS THE MARTYR, UP HOLLAND. By R. A. Wheeler, M.A. .. .. 188 JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE, 1757-1823. By H. A. Jones, M.A...... 190 THE BICENTENARY OF WARRINGTON ACADEMY. By G. A. Carter, F.L.A...... 193 The Roval Forest of Lancaster, R. CUNLIFFE SHAW. By B.'M. C. Husain, B.Com., M.A...... 196 WILLIAM YATES, CARTOGRAPHER. By R. Sharpe France, M.A...... 200



FIGURE PAGE 1 ROMAN WALTON-LE-DALE ...... 2 2 PLAN OF SITE I, WALTON-LE-DALE ...... 2 3 PLAN OF SITE II, WALTON-LE-DALE ...... 6 4 TRENCH SECTIONS A AND AA ...... 8 5 TRENCH SECTION B ...... 10 6 TRENCH SECTIONS D AND DD ...... 12 7 TRENCH F ...... 16 8 TRENCH J AND TRENCH K ...... 18 9 TRENCH Q ...... 22 10 SAMIAN WARE, 1-4 ...... 26 11 SAMIAN WARE, 5-6 ...... 28 12 SAMIAN WARE, 7-11 ...... 30 13 SAMIAN WARE, 12-15 ...... 32 14 SAMIAN WARE, 16 ...... 34 15 COARSE POTTERY, 1-16 ...... 36 16 COARSE POTTERY, 17-32 ...... 40 17 COARSE POTTERY, 33-49 ...... 42 18 COARSE POTTERY, 50-53 ...... 44 19 "SPRING BANK", GROUND FLOOR PLAN .. .. 50 20 "SPRING BANK", FIRST FLOOR PLAN .. .. 51 21 "SPRING BANK", SECTION AA ...... 52 22 "SPRING BANK". MAPS OF 1841 AND 1892 .. .. 54 23 SALTCOTES COTTAGE, LYTHAM. PLAN .. .. 60 24 PUDDING PIE NOOK, WREA GREEN. PLAN .. .. 64 25 IVY COTTAGE, BISPHAM. PLAN ...... 64 26 CHARCOAL IRONWORKS OF SOUTH LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE ...... 80 27 LANCASTER 1684 ...... 126 28 PART OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS OF LANCASTER IN 1684 128 COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1958 Hon. President. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF DERBY, M.C., LL.D President. WM. FERGUSSON IRVINE, M.A., F.S.A. Hon. Vice-Presidents. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF SEFTON. D.L., J.P. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF CRAWFORD, D.Litt., LL.D., F.S.A. Council. Vice-Presidents. B. B. B. BENAS, C.B.E.. B.A., LL.M., J.P. FRANCIS WELD, J.P G. W. COOPLAND, M.A.. Litt.D. J. F. SMITH, M.A.; F.R.S.A., F.S.A.Scot. G. BARRACLOUGH. M.A. S. A. HARRIS, A.C.I.S. E. C. WOODS, L.D.S., R.C.S..Eng., F.R.Hist.S. W. G. H. JONES. J. J. BAGLEY, M.A., F.R.Hist.S Members of Council. To serve to end of 1958. Miss E. B. SAXTON. M.A., A.L.A. D. L. EVANS. R. SHARPE FRANCE, M.A. T. WILLIAMS. To serve to end of 1959. M. M. SCHOFIELD, M.A. J. R. HARRIS, M.A., Ph.D. A. R. MYERS, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. F. E. HYDE, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S. To serve to end of 1960. Miss J. BECK, M.A. C. BARBER. FREDERICK G. BLAIR, F.S.A. R. RICHARDS, M.A.. F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Officers. Hon. Treasurer. W. G. H. JONES, 11, WROXHAM DRIVE, UPTON, WIRRAL, CHESHIRE. Hon. Editor. J. J. BAGLEY, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., 10, BEACH PRIORY GARDENS, SOUTHPORT. Hon. Librarian. JOHN F. SMITH, M.A., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., "TUTNAL," GWVDRIN ROAD, CALDERSTONES, LIVERPOOL, 18. Hon. Secretary. H. A. TAYLOR, M.A., c/o PICTON REFERENCE LIBRARY, WILLIAM BROWN STREET, LIVERPOOL, 3. Hon. Assistant Secretary Miss J. BECK, M.A., 19, UPPER HAIGH STREET, WINSFORD, CHESHIRE. Hon. Auditors. KENNETH COOK, J.P., F.C.A. S. A. HARRIS, A.C.I.S. xi AFFILIATED SOCIETIES THE BROMBOROUGH SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. Mrs. J. D. Jones, 6, Western Avenue, New Ferry, Cheshire. CROSBY AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. S. McLintock, 71, Ennismore Road, Crosby, Liverpool, 23. THE ENGLISH CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY, LIVERPOOL. Hon. Sec. F. Goodacre, Sandfield House, Long Lane, Aughton, Lanes. THE FORMBY SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. i. McGregor, B.Sc., 55, Raven Meols Lane, Formby. THE FYLDE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. S. Greenhalgh, Sandicroft, 28, Chatsworth Rd., St. Annes- on-Sea. HOYLAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. A. Wright, 54, Barn Hey Crescent, Great Meols, Hoylake. LIVERPOOL NAUTICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. Miss E. M. Hope, c/o Summerfield and Lang, Ltd., 28, Exchange Street East, Liverpool, 2. LONSDALE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. J. Dugdale, Sandbeds, Gressingham, Nr. Lancaster. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. Miss C. M. Eaton, B.A., 29, St. Helens Road, Ormskirk. PILLING AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. W. Stafford, School House, Pilling, Preston. PRESCOT HISTORIC SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. Miss Winifred B. Bell, 89, St. Helens Road, Prescot. PRESTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. J. Hodgson, 614, New Hall Lane, Preston. SOUTHPORT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. J. Gavin, St. Teresa's School, Southport. WIDNES HISTORIC SOCIETY. Hon. Sec. Miss Hilda Chadwick, 7, Woodland Avenue, Widnes.

HONORARY MEMBERS 1936. Jan. 30. Evans, Miss Joan, D.LITT., c/o Society of Antiquaries, London. 1942. Oct. 7. Stenton, Professor Sir Frank, M.A., D.LITT., LITT.D., F.B.A., The University, Reading.

xii LIST OF MEMBERS (Corrected to 1 March 1958) The names of life members are printed in bold type.

DATE OF ELECTION. 1955. Oct. 20. ABRAM, R., "Newlands", Ralph's Wife's Lane, Banks, Southport. 1952. Sept. 18. ALLAN, D. T., 127, Ullet Road, Liverpool, 8. 1949. Mar. 31. ALLEN, G. E. H., 31, Smithills Croft Rd., Bolton. 1940. April 4. ALLISON, John, M.A., 14, Cambridge Road, Prenton, Birken- head. 1952. Feb. 21. AMBLER, Charles R., 21, Hamilton Road, Wallasey. 1948. Nov. 18. ANDERSON, D., Greenslades, Tanfield Nook, Parbold, near Wigan. 1956. Sept. 20. ANDREWS, A., 71, Pendennis Street, Liverpool, 6. 1951. Feb. 15. ANGUS-BUTTERWORTH, L. M., M.A., M.i.Mech.E., F.S.A. Scot, Ashton New Hall, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. 1942. Oct. 24. ASHCROFT, Philip, Holly Villa, Rufford, Lanes. 1954. Mar. 18. ASHMORE, Owen, M.A., Willow House, Road, Whalley, . 1957. Sept. 19. AYDON, Mrs. Muriel, 26, Broad St., Crewe. 1945. Nov. 24. BAGLEY, J. J., M.A., F.R.HJSI.S., 10, Beach Priory Gardens, Southport. (Vice-President and Hon. Editor.) 1937. Jan. 14. BAILEY, Mrs. F. A., B.A., 7, Stanley Crescent, Prescot, Lanes. 1944. Oct. 21. BALL, William, 31, Wigan Road, Ormskirk. 1936. Jan. 30. BANKES, Mrs. J. H. M., Winstanley Hall, Wigan, Lanes. 1945. April 26. BARBER, C., 11, Highfield Crescent, Widnes. 1949. Oct. 6. BARKER, Miss A. F., B.A., 5, Mossley Hill Road, Liverpool, 18. 1948. Feb. 19. BARKER, T. C., M.A., Ph.D., 51, Mount Pleasant, Cockfosters, Barnet, Herts. 1945. Dec. 8. BARRACLOUGH, Professor G., M.A., University of London, London, W.C.I. (V'ice-President.) 1947. Feb. 20. BARTON, John B., High Bank, Ormskirk. 1954. Nov. 18. BASSETT, H. N., M.i.Mech.E., 412, Warrington Road, Culcheth, Warrington. 1955. Jan. 20. BAXTER, Miss MURIEL F., 4, Milner Road, Liverpool, 17. 1949. Mar. 17. BECK, Miss J., M.A., 19, Upper Haigh Street, Winsford, Cheshire. (Hon. Assistant Secretarv.) 1955. Dec. 15. BELL, Miss W.B., 89, St. Helens Road, Prescot. 1915. Jan. 28. BENAS, Bertram B. B., C.B.E., J.P., B.A., LL.M., 10, Ullet Road, Liverpool, 8. (Vice-President.) 1943. Dec. 11. BERRY, Professor R. J. A., M.D., F.R.S.E., 3c, All Saints Road, Clifton, Bristol, 8. 1956. Jan. 19. BLACKBURN, John, 140, Claremont Ave., Maghull. 1952. Nov. 20. BLACKSHAW, R. D., 9, Hatherley Avenue, Great Crosby. 1934. Jan. 11. BLAIR, F.G., F.S.A.,69, Myers Road East, Crosby, Liverpool, 23. 1946. Oct. 26. BRIGGS, R. S., M.A., Yew Tree House, St. Helens Road, Prescot. 1955. Feb. 17. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, Mrs. L., Capesthorne Hall, Maccles- field, Cheshire. 1957. Jan. 17. BROOKE, Professor C. N. L., M.A., F.R.Hist.s., The Old Hall, Willaston, Cheshire. 1946. May 25. BRYSON, Lt.-Col. J. Graeme, O.B.E., T.D., LL.M., Sunwards, Thirlmere Road, Hightown. 1954. May 15. BUCHANAN, Mrs. E. M., B.A., 8, Harlech Road Liverpool, 23. XIV LIST OF MEMBERS

DATE OF ELECTION 1952. Mar. 20. BURLEY, Miss J. G., 1, Victoria Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. 1956. Feb. 16. BURR, J. M.A., 110, Booker Avenue, Liverpool, 18. 1951. Feb. 15. BUSHELL, W. F., M.A., Colonsay, Talbot Road, Birkenhead. 1931. Oct. 22. CALDWELX, Mrs. E., Horama, Gorse Lane, West Kirby, Cheshire. 1945. April 26. CANTLE, A., M.A., 48, Alma Place, North Shields, Northum­ berland. 1957. Nov. 21. CARSON, E., M.A., c/o H.M. Custom and Excise, Landing Stage, Liverpool. 1948. Sept. 16. CHALONER, W. H., M.A., Ph.D., 88, Grange Avenue, Werneth, Oldham, Lanes. 1952. Nov. 20. CHAMBERLAIN, W. J., 94, Victoria Road, Widnes. 1950. Jan. 19. CHANDLER, G., M.A., PH.D., F.L.A., 202, Pitville Avenue, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, 18. 1952. Jan. 25. CHAPMAN, Mrs. V., M.A., 76, Northleigh Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. 1950. Oct. 19. CHECKLAND, Professor S. G., M.A., Ph.D., 4, Ledcamersch Crescent, Bearsden, Glasgow. 1957. Nov. 21. CHRIMES, Sir Bertram, C.B.E., J.P., King's Gap Court, Hoylake. 1942. Oct. 24. COCHRANE, Douglas B., A.S.A.A., 35, Newton Road, Ashton, Preston. 1927. Nov. 17. COOK, Kenneth, J.P., F.C.A., 11, Kingsmead Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. 1945. Dec. 8. COOKE, R. F., 53, Greenbank Road, Birkenhead. F 1945. Dec. 8. COOKE, Mrs. R. F., B.A., 53, Greenbank Road, Birkenhead. 1925. Feb. 1. COOPLAND, Professor G. W., M.A., LJU.D., The Grange, Robertsbridge, Sussex. (Vice-President.) 1942. Oct. 24. CORLETT, W. E., Alderley, Vyner Road, Bidston, Birkenhead. 1950. Mar. 16. CORNWALL-LEGH, C. L. S., D.L., J.P., c.c., High Legh House, Knutsford. S 1957. Sept. 19. CROFT, L., 14, Brimstage Road, Walton, Liverpool. 1945. Oct. 27. CROOKS, E., J.P., Fairholme, Eccleston Park, Prescot. 1941. Oct. 24. CROOKS, Major Richard Rumbold, R.E., 111, Maidstone Rd., Chatham, Kent. 1952. Sept. 18. CROSSE, Lt.-Col. R. B., Raven's Oak, Stapeley, near Nantwich. 1921. Dec. 8. CROWDEN, G. W., No. 1 Flat, 25, Bidston Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. 1951. Jan. 18. DALE, A., Sandle Bridge, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. 1928. Mar. 29. DANSON, Lt.-Col. J. R., M.C., M.A., T.D., Dry Close, Grasmere, Westmorland. 1948. Feb. 19. DAVIES, Miss A. A. M., 94, Queen's Drive, Liverpool, 4. 1939. Mar. 23. DE HOGHTON, Sir Cuthbert, Bt, Hoghton Tower, Lanes. 1948. Dec. 16. DERBY, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, M.C., LL.D., Knowsley, Prescot. (Hon. President.) 1943. Oct. 23. DICKINSON, R., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., The Lawns, Lawton Road, Rainhill, Lanes. 1948. Nov. 18. DIXON, A. B., Holly Lodge, Duke Street, Formby. 1954. Dec. 16. DOCTON, K. H., M.I.MUH.E., 5, Dalton Square, Lancaster. 1951. Feb. 15. EASTWOOD, Miss J. G., 58, Dowhills Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool, 23. 1952. Oct. 16. EATON, Miss C. M., B.A., 29, St. Helens Road, Ormskirk. 1951. Dec. 6. EDWARDS, Mrs. H., B.A., 115, Brodie Avenue, Liverpool, 18. 1953. Mar. 19. ELLIOTT, Miss C. D., 3, St. Mary's Road, Liverpool, 19. 1927. Jan. 1. EVANS, D. L., Penelve, Druidsviile Road, Liverpool, 18. F 1947. Sept. 18. EVANS, Mrs. O. Radcliffe, Twist's House, Knowsley Park Lane, Prescot, Lanes. 1948. Feb. 19. EVANS, Philip Radcliffe, Twist's House, Knowsley Park Lane, Prescot, Lanes. LIST OF MEMBERS XV

DATE OF ELECTION 1948. Oct. 21. FAULKNER, H., 94, Pit Lane, Widnes. 1955. Mar. 17. FEENY, A. E., 2b, Fulwood Park, Liverpool, 17. 1955. Oct. 20. FIELDING, Miss F. A. E., 20, Glenmore Avenue, Liverpool, 18. 1948. Oct. 21. FINCH, R. A., M.M., 135. Greenhill Road, Liverpool, 18. 1957. Oct. 17. FITZPATRICK, Mrs. M. B., 22, Mersey Rd., Liverpool, 17. 1948. Feb. 19. -HESKETH, P., The Manor House, Hale, Lanes. 1925. Feb. 1. FLEETWOOD-HESKETH, R., D.L., j.p., Meols Hall, Southport. 1943. Oct. 23. FORSHAW, Thomas, J.P., Burtonwood House, Burtonwood, Warrington. 1943. Jan. 30. FORWOOD, W. Miles M., Lindeth Fell, Bowness-on-Windermere. 1955. Oct. 20. FOULDS, G. R., 104, Road, . 1938. Jan. 13. FRANCE, R. Sharpe, M.A., Lancashire Record Office, County Hall, Preston. 1952. Oct. 16. FRANCIS, Rev. C. E., M.A., St. Mary's College, Crosby. 1947. Sept. 18. FRITH, Miss M. W., Stanlaw Grange, Aigburth Hall Road, Liverpool, 19. 1955. Apr. 21. GOLDIE, Mrs. K. (Miss K. Fidler), Wester Riggs, Broomie- knowe, Lasswade, Midlothian. 1938. Nov. 24. GOODACRE, E. B., B.A., c/o The United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. 1954. Feb. 18. GOODACRE, F., Sandfield House, Long Lane, Aughton. Lanes. 1932. Feb. 11. GRACE, Rev. Dean W., All Saints, Oakfield, Liverpool, 4. 1952. Sept. 18. GRAVETT, David, B.A., 3lB, Highfield Road, Widnes. 1954. May 15. GRIFFITHS, A. J., F.L.A., 22, Aigburth Drive, Liverpool, 17. 1945. Mar. 22. HALL, Mrs. J. S., Craven Villa, 1, Craven Road, Rainhill, Lanes. 1955. Dec. 15. HALLAM, Mrs. A., East Dene, Haverbreaks, Lancaster. 1945. Jan. 27. HAMER, Miss Gladys, Old Moss Cottage, Stapleford, Nr. Tarvin, Cheshire. 1949. Mar. 31. HAMILTON, W., 30, Waring Avenue, Parr, St. Helens. 1954. Sept. 16. HARDMAN, F., Martin's Bank Ltd., Water Street, Liverpool, 2. 1948. Feb. 19. HARRIS, J. R., M.A., Ph.D., 7, Mitchell Road, St. Helens. 1935. Nov. 14. HARRIS, S. A., A.C.I.S., 167, Booker Avenue, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, 18. (Vice-President.) F 1939. Jan. 12. HARRIS, Mrs. S. A., 167, Booker Avenue, Liverpool, 18. 1952. Feb. 21. HARTLAND, W. R., 138, Ditchfield Road, Hough Green, Widnes. 1945. Feb. 24. HAYDON, Mrs. A., Highfield West, West Street, Prescot. 1953. Feb. 6. HODGKISS, W. J., B.A., 8, Wembley Avenue, Monkseaton, Northumberland. 1935. Nov. 14. HOLT, Miss Anne D., M.A., F.R.Hist.s., 27, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool, 17. 1949. Mar. 17. HUGGILL, Rev. C. H., M.A., The Rectory, Delamere, North- wich, Cheshire. 1955. Dec. 15. HUNT, J. R., B.A., 22, Park Avenue, Widnes. 1934. Oct. 11. HUNT, R. W., M.A., Keeper of Western MSS., Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1954. Jan. 21. HUNTER, A., 382, London Road, Stretton, Warrington. 1949. Oct. 6. HYDE, Professor F. E., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.s., Savanna, Caldy Road, West Kirby, Cheshire. 1949. Mar. 17. ILIFFE, J. H., O.B.E., M.A., F.S.A., City Museum, Carnatic Hall, Liverpool, 18. 1890. Nov. 6. IRVINE, Win. Fergusson, M.A. F.S.A., Brynllwyn, Corwen, North Wales. (President.) 1954. Feb. 18. JACKSON, P. M., M.A., Boteler Grammar School, Warrington. 1946. Jan. 26. JARVIS, R. C., F.S.A., c/o Library and Museums, King's Beam House, London, E.C.3. XVI LIST OF MEMBERS

DATE OF ELECTION 1944. Mar. 18. JEFFERY, Sydney, F.R.S.A., F.J.I., 46, Addingham Road, Liver­ pool, 18. 1958. Jan. 16. JOHN, D. G., 14, Somerville Rd., Wigan. 1953. Dec. 10. JOHNSON, R. D., B.A., 31, Cumberland Road, Sale, Cheshire. 1952. Sept. 18. JOHNSTON, F. R., M.A., 37, Half Edge Lane, Eccles. 1949. Nov. 17. JONES, Bruce C., M.A., Olympus, Harcourt Road, Bitterne Park, Southampton. 1954. Feb. 18. JONES, H. A., M.A., 24, Furze Lane, Purley, Surrey. 1944. Feb. 19. JONES, John V., 15, Auburn Road, Liverpool, 13. 1942. Oct. 24. JONES, William G. H., 11, Wroxham Drive, Upton, Wirral. (Vice-President and Hon. Treasurer.) 1948. Dec. 16. JOY, Mrs. I., 151, Tarbock Road, Huyton, Lanes. 1956. Oct. 18. KENNEDY, Rev. P., St. James's Presbytery, Chesnut Grove, Bootle. 1954. Dec. 16. KERRIDOE, E., M.A., Ph.D., Deva, Hooton Road, Willaston, Wirral. 1954. Feb. 18. KITCHEN, R. G., 470 Queen's Drive, Liverpool 13. 1953. Sept. 17. LAMB, J. M., , Lang Lane, West Kirby. 1941. Jan. 25. LAMB, James, Willow Hey, Maghull, Lanes. 1933. Dec. 7. LATHAM, Miss B. E., 10, Column Road, Grange, West Kirby, Cheshire. 1951. Dec. 6. LEACH, G., F.S.A., Gwelfor, Axton, Holywell, Flints. 1957. Mar. 21. LENTON, J. H., B.A., 21, Tullimore Road, Liverpool, 18. 1942. Mar. 28. LEWIS, Richard T., 33, Yewtree Road, Halewood, Lanes. 1948. Mar. 18. LINNETT, Miss T. I., 54 Slatey Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. 1956. Oct. 18. LLOYD, E. R., B.SC.(ECOQ.), Whiston Secondary Modern School for Boys, near St. Helens. 1945. Oct. 27. LLOYD, G., 12, Woodland Road, Shotton, near Chester. 1956. Sept. 20. LLOYD JONES, T., 12, Elmar Road, Liverpool, 17. 1933. Jan. 12. LONGFORD, Rev. W. W., M.A., D.D., F.S.A., Sefton Rectory, Liverpool. 23. 1956. Sept. 20. LOWE, I., "Whyteleafe", South Bank Road, Northchurch, Berkhampstead, Herts. 1957. Mar. 21. LOWE, J., B.A., Marsh Cottage, Three Tuns Lane, Formby, near Liverpool. 1957. Dec. 5. LYNCH, J., M.A., PH.D., 33, Ivanhoe Road, Liverpool, 17. 1955. Sept. 15. LYON, K. L., "Meadow Bank," 396, Prescot Road, St. Helens. 1958. Feb. 20. MAIR, A. D., 17A, Sweeting St., Liverpool, 2. F 1952. Mar. 17. MC!NTYRE, Mrs. E., 23, Pulford Avenue, Prenton, Birkenhead. 1946. Feb. 23. MC!NTYRE, W. R. S., 23, Pulford Avenue, Prenton, Birken­ head. 1943. Mar. 27. MCNAUGHTAN, Mrs. C. M. M., M.B.E., The Heaning, Win- dermere. 1957. Nov. 21. MALTBY, Miss J. L., 5, Mockets Close, Woolton, Liverpool. 1957. Sept. 19. MANSON, Miss Doreen M., B.A., 11, Ballantyne Place, Liverpool 13. 1957. April 25. MARRINER, Miss S., M.A., 92, Preston New Rd., Southport. 1949. Mar. 17. MARTIN, F. T. B., 3817, Dewey Avenue, Apt. 6, Omaha, 5, Nebraska, U.S.A. 1953. Nov. 19. MOORE-RINVOLUCRI, Dr. Mina J., M.A., St. Francis Grange, Glan Conway, North Wales. 1950. April 20. MOUNTFIELD, A. S., Lanthwaite, Windermere Road, High- town, near Liverpool. 1958. Jan. 16. MOUNTFIELD, Miss C. B., 16, College Avenue, Crosby, Liver­ pool, 23. 1953. April 16. MURPHY, J., VA., Ph.D., 1, Funchal Avenue, Formby. 1947. Dec. 11. MYERS, A. R., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.s., The History School, 8, Abercromby Square, Liverpool 7. LIST OF MEMBERS XVH

DATE OF ELECTION 1954. Oct. 21. NEILL, R. G., M.A., Hatherley Lawn, Hatherley Road, Chelten­ ham, Glos. 1941. Jan. 25. NELSON, Bertram, J.P., F.S.A.A., Derby Square, James Street, Liverpool, 2. 1954. Jan. 21. NOON, A. C, 4, Ivanhoe Road, Liverpool, 17. F 1954. Jan. 21. NOON, Mrs. A. C., 4, Ivanhoe Road, Liverpool, 17. 1945. Sept. 22. OGLE, H., Hillside, Gambles Lane, Woodmancote, N. Chelten­ ham, Glos. 1946. Sept. 28. OSCHINSKY, Miss D., PH.D., The History School, 8, Abercromby Square, Liverpool, 7. 1943. Mar. 27. PATTTNSON, Major E. Harold, Quarry How, Bowness-on- Windermere. F 1943. Oct. 23. PATTINSON, Mrs. E. H., Quarry How, Bowness-on-Windermere. 1947. Sept. 18. PEDDLE, Mrs. H. A., Moss Hey, Westmorland Road, Huyton, Lanes. 1921. Oct. 27. FELLING, Douglas L., 4, Curzon Road, Prenton, Birkenhead. 1957. Jan. 17. PENMAN, Miss D. M., B.SC., 84, Dentons Green Lane, St. Helens. 1955. May 21. PICKERING, E. E , 21, Park Road, Preston. 1957. Feb. 21. PRITCHARD, E. A., c/o Williams Deacon's Bank, Exchange Flags, Liverpool. 1957. Dec. 5. QUINN, Professor D. B., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.s., 9, Knowsley Rd., Cressington Park, Liverpool, 19. 1954. Sept. 16. RANKIN, R. G. E., Buskets, Dibbinsdale, Bromborough, Cheshire. 1952. Sept. 18. REAY, C. O., 265/275, Martins Bank Building, Water Street, Liverpool, 2. 1935. Mar. 28. REED, G. E., 11, Mentmore Road, Liverpool, 18. 1944. May 18. RICHARDS, R., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.s., Gawsworth Old Rectory, near Macclesfield, Cheshire. 1953. Sept. 17. ROBERTS, Mrs. W., Lake House, Allerton Road, Woolton, Liverpool. 1954. Oct. 21. ROBERTS, W. J., 7, Elmbank Road, Liverpool, 18. 1946. Jan. 26. ROGERS, F. H., 6, Hilary Drive, Upton, Wirral. 1903. Dec. 3. ROYDEN, Sir E. B., Bart., Hillbark, Frankby, Wirral. 1957. Dec. 5. ROWE, W. J., M.A., D.Phil., The History School, 8, Abercromby Square, Liverpool, 7. 1929. Nov. 29. RUTHERFORD, Miss E. L., The Hatton, Pipers Lane, Heswall, Cheshire. F 1955. May 21. RUTHERFORD, Mrs. M. L., Craigiebarns, Pipers Lane, Heswall, Cheshire. 1957. Dec. 5. RYAN, A. N., M.A., 8, Prince Alfred Road, Liverpool, 15. 1931. Oct. 8. SAXTON, Miss E. B., M.A., A.L.A., 72, Alexandra Road, Crosby, Liverpool, 23. 1950. May 20. SCHOFIELD, M. M., M.A., 272, Liverpool Road, Hough Green, Widnes. 1957. Oct. 17. SEARBY, P., B.A., Reeth House, St. Mary's Rd., Huyton, Liverpool. 1945. Nov. 24. SEFTON, Rt. Hon. The Earl of, D.L., J.P., Croxteth, Liverpool. (Hon. Vice-President.) 1955. Mar. 17. SERJEANT, W. R., B.A., c/o Manx Museum, Douglas, Isle of Man. 1944. Mar. 18. SHAW, R. Cunliffe, M.SC., F.R.C.S., F.R.Hist.s., F.S.A.SCOI, Overleigh House, East Cliff, Preston. 1935. Jan. 24. SHELLEY, Roland J. A., F.R.Hist.s., 27, Pilkington Road, Southport. XVlll LIST OF MEMBERS

DATE OF ELECTION 1928. Mar. 1. SHENNAN, Sir Alfred, M.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.A., J.P., Greystoke, Sandfield Park, Liverpool, 12. 1938. Oct. 27. SILCOCK, H. O., The Cross, Huyton, Lanes. 1957. Oct. 17. SLACK, Miss V., 21, Riverbank Rd., Liverpool, 19. 1951. May 19. SLOMAN, G. R., 4, Maple Ave., Newton Mears, Glasgow. 1952. Nov. 20. SMITH, E. H., M.A., 29, Mossley Hill Road, Liverpool, 18. 1928. Feb. 16. SMITH, John Frederick, M.A., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.SCOI, Tutnal, Gwydrin Road, Calderstones, Liverpool, 18. (Vice- President and Hon. Librarian.) 1955. Oct. 20. SOWERBY, Mrs. B. M., 20, Glenmore Avenue, Liverpool, 18. 1957. Jan. 17. SPARROW, Mrs. C., 42, Thornneld Road, Thornton, Liver­ pool, 23. 1899. April 13. STARKIE, Colonel Edmund A. Le Gendre, Huntroyde, Burnley, Lanes. 1953. April 16. STEEVENSON, Mrs. M. T., B.A., Newcote, Freshfield, Formby. 1957. Oct. 17. STONOR, Rev. R. J., O.S.B., M.A., St. Mary's Priory, Highfield St., Liverpool, 3. 1936. Oct. 15. STOREY, P. P., 196, Birchfield Road, Widnes, Lanes. 1952. Sept. 18. SULLIVAN, Miss F., 100, Pecker's Hill Road, St. Helens. 1957. Mar. 21. SWANN, Miss B. J., B.A., 28, Carlton Road, Witton Park, Northwich. 1951. Mar. 15. SWIRE, Miss E. M., I.C.I. Ltd., Gaskell-Marsh Works, Widnes. 1948. Oct. 21. SYLVESTER, Miss D., M.A., High Beach, Wistaston, near Crewe. 1943. Oct. 23. TAIT, A. C. F., 16A, Clarence Road, Devonshire Park, Birken- head. 1954. Sept. 16. TAYLOR, H. A., M.A., 9, Calderstones Road, Liverpool, 18. (Hon. Secretary.) 1946. Jan. 26. TEGGIN, J. R., M.A., F.S.A.SCOI, F.R.S.A., Isleham, Rick- mansworth, Herts. 1949. Oct. 6. THOMAS, W. G., 88, Canterbury Street, Liverpool, 19. 1949. Oct. 6. TOLLIT, Miss S. S., 12, Ashton Crescent, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston. 1942. April 16. TOMLINSON, H. Ellis, M.A., 141, High Cross Road, Poulton- le-Fylde, Lanes. 1948. Nov. 18. TOPPING, T., 33, Delph Lane, Whiston, near Prescot, Lanes. 1954. Sept. 16. TURNER, H. A., M.A., 88, Grant Avenue, Liverpool, 15. 1940. April 4. TURNER, J., LL.M., 1, Mossley Hill Drive, Liverpool, 17. 1957. Jan. 17. TURVEY, Rev. B. H. C., M.A., The Rectory, Woodchurch, Wirral. 1952. Oct. 16. TYRER, F., M.A., B.SC., 36, Lancaster Avenue, Crosby. 1957. Feb. 21. WAINWRIGHT, D. H. E., 43, Gt. Ormond St., London, W.C.I. 1941. Mar. 15. WAINWRIGHT F. T., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.s., F.S.A. Scot., Ingleby, Newport-on-Tay, Fife. 1956. Jan. 19. WARBURTON, N., 26, Wolverton Street, Liverpool, 6. 1951. Feb. 15. WARD, M.,M.i.Mun.E., A.P.T.I., 44, Moss Bank Road, St. Helens. 1956. Sept. 20. WASS, Miss B. E., 67, Greenhill Road, Liverpool, 18. 1918. Jan. 31. WELD, Francis, J.P., 32, Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport. ( Vice-President?) 1946. Sept. 28. WHITTAKER, H., O.B.E., F.S.A., Whinfield, Blackburn. 1958. Jan. 16. WHirnNGTON-EGAN, R., 12, Sunnyside, Liverpool, 8. 1958. Jan. 16. WILKINSON, G., J.P., 189, Liverpool Road, Crosby, Liverpool 23. 1947. Oct. 16. WILLIAMS, T., 15, Ronaldsway, Thornton, Liverpool, 23. 1949. Oct. 6. WILSON, A. G., First Floor Flat, 28, Huskisson Street, Liver­ pool, 8. 1957. Feb. 21. WILSON, G. E., B.A., M.Ed., The Malayan College, Kirkby, Liverpool. 1958. Jan. 16. WILSON, W., 379, Orrell Rd., Abbey Lakes, Nr. Wigan. LIST OF MEMBERS XIX

DATE OF ELECTION 1915. Jan. 1. WINSTANLEY, H., 276, Allerton Road, Mossley Hill, Liver­ pool, 18. 1909. Feb. 12. WOODS, E. C, L.D.S., R.c.s.Eng., F.R.Hist.s., Green Gables, Bowness-on-Windermere. ( Vice-President.) 1949. Oct. 6. WRIGHT, Rev. S. J., B.A., 9, High St., Macclesfield, Cheshire 1956. Oct. 18. YOUD, G., B.A. 4, Rosalind Avenue, Bebington, Cheshire. 1948. Sept. 16. YOXON, W. E., 68, Parkhill Road, Birkenhead.


DATE OF ELECTION 1908. Mar. 5. Public Library. 1946. Mar. 23. ALTRINCHAM Public Library. 1952. Feb. 21. ASTLEY CHEETHAM Public Library, Stalybridge. 1888. Mar. 22. ATHENAEUM Library, Liverpool. 1907. Feb. 21. BARROW-IN-FURNESS Public Library. 1904. Mar. 25. BEBINGTON (Mayer) Public Library. 1896. Jan. 16. BIRKENHEAD Public Library. 1899. Oct. 31. BIRMINGHAM Public Library. 1870. April 7. BLACKBURN Public Library. 1888. Mar. 22. BODLEIAN Library, Oxford. 1907. Jan. 5. BOLTON Public Library. 1890. Nov. 6. BOOTLE Public Library. 1888. Mar. 22. BOSTON ATHENAEUM, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (per E. G. Alien & Son. Ltd.). 1889. Jan. 10. BOSTON Public Library, Boston, U.S.A. (per Quaritch, Ltd.). 1951. Mar. 15. BRISTOL University Library. 1891. Nov. 5. BRITISH MUSEUM Library (per B. F. Stevens & Brown). 1948. Dec. 16. BURNLEY Public Library. 1957. Sept. 19. BURTON MANOR Adult College, Burton-in-Wirral, Cheshire. 1940. April 4. CAMBRIDGE, The University Library. 1939. May 27. CHESHIRE County Library, 91, Hoole Road, Chester. 1957. Sept. 19. CHESHIRE County Training College, Crewe. 1947. Sept. 18. CHESTER Public Library. 1879. Jan. 9. CHETHAM'S Library, Manchester. 1922. Jan. 9. CHICAGO University Library, Continuation Record, Harper M21, Chicago 37, Illinois, U.S.A. 1900. Mar. 29. Public Library. 1938. Oct. 13. CLEVELAND Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ltd.). 1905. April 11. CONGRESS, Library of, Washington, U.S.A. (per E. G. Alien & Son, Ltd.). 1907. July 15. Public Library. 1950. Nov. 16. DIDSBURY Training College, Manchester. 1956. Oct. 18. DROYLSDEN Littlemoss Boys' County Secondary School, Cryer Street, Droylsden, Lanes. 1940. April 4. DUBLIN, Library of Trinity College. 1946. Nov. 25. DUCHY of Lancaster, Lancaster Place, Strand, London, W.C.2. 1956. Oct. 18. ECCLES Public Libraries. 1951. Feb. 15. EDGE Hill Training College, Ormskirk, Lanes. 1940. April 4. EDINBURGH, The Library of the Faculty of Advocates. 1957. Sept. 19. ELLESMERE PORT Public Library. 1956. Feb. 16. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 80, North Main Street, Salt Lake City, 1, Utah, U.S.A. XX LIST OF MEMBERS

DATE OF ELECTION 1951. Mar. 15. GLASGOW University Library. 1953. Sept. 17. GUILDHALL Library^ The Librarian, London, E.C.2. 1912. Nov. 21. HARVARD College Library, U.S.A. (per E. G. Alien & Son, Ltd.). 1941. Jan. 28. HENRY E. HUNTINGDON Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, U.S.A. 1941. Aug. 12. ILLINOIS University Library, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. 1891. Nov. 5. IRELAND, National Library of, Dublin. 1910. Nov. 10. JOHN RYLANDS Library, Deansgate, Manchester. 1929. July 7. LANCASHIRE County Library, County Hall, Preston. 1944. Jan. 29. LANCASHIRE County Record Office, County Hall, Preston. 1897. Nov. 4. LANCASTER Public Library. 1889. Mar. 7. LEEDS Public Libraries. 1957. Jan. 17. LEEDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 1952. Oct. 16. LEICESTER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. 1911. Oct. 25. LEIGH Public Library. 1942. April 16. LIVERPOOL COLLEGE, Queen's Drive, Liverpool. 1931. Jan. 1. LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE, Mount Street, Liverpool. 1904. Jan. 29. LIVERPOOL Public Libraries. 1933. Jan. 12. LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 1957. Jan. 17. LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY, Dept. of Extra-Mural Studies, 9 Abercromby Square, Liverpool, 7. 1954. April 15. LONDON LIBRARY, 14 St. James's Square, London, S.W.I. 1946. Feb. 23. LYTHAM ST. ANNES Public Library. 1888. Mar. 22. MANCHESTER Public Libraries. 1888. Mar. 22. MANCHESTER University Library. 1931. Oct. 8. MICHIGAN University Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ltd.) 1953. Nov. 19. MINNESOTA University Library, Minneapolis 14, U.S.A. 1951. Dec. 6. MOUNT Pleasant Training College, Liverpool. 1955. Oct. 20. NELSON Public Library. 1897. Mar. 25. NEW YORK. Public Library of, U.S.A. 1893. Feb. 9. NEWBERRY Library, Chicago, U.S.A. 1953. Mar. 19. NIEDERSACHSISCHE STAATS-UND UNIVERSITATSBIBLIOTHEK, Prinzenstrasse 1, Gottingen, Germany. 1957. Dec. 5. NOTTINGHAM University Library. 1907. July 25. OLDHAM Public Libraries. 1913. Oct. 30. PEABODY Institute, The Baltimore, U.S.A. (per E. G. Alien & Son, Ltd.) 1929. July 7. PRESTON (Harris) Public Library and Museum. 1931. Oct. 8. PRINCETON University Library (per E. C. Alien & Son, Ltd.). 1888. Feb. 23. PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPERS, LTD., Lancashire Daily Post Office, Preston, Lanes. 1911. Jan. 19. PUBLIC Record Office, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 1901. April 13. ROCHDALE Public Library. 1924. Jan. 31. ROYAL Library, Copenhagen (per Francis Edwards, Ltd.). 1946. Feb. 23. RUNCORN Public Library. 1888. Mar. 22. ST. HELENS Public Library. 1907. July 15. SALFORD Public Libraries. 1949. Mar. 17. SEAFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Great Crosby, Liverpool, 23. 1947. Sept. 18. SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS, Chaucer House, Malet Place, London, W.C.I. 1897. June 28. SOUTHPORT (Atkinson) Public Library. 1911. Jan. 19. STOCKPORT Public Libraries. 1891. Nov. 5. STONYHURST College, Rev. the Rector of, S.J., Blackburn, Lanes. 1908. Aug. 22. TORONTO Public Reference Library, Canada (per Gordon & Gotch, Ltd.). 1936. June 8. VICTORIA, Public Library of, Melbourne, Australia (per W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd.) LIST OF MEMBERS XXI

DATE OF ELECTION 1903. Mar. 12. VICTORIA AND ALBERT Museum Library, South Kensington, London, S.W. (c/o Ministry of Education, Storekeeper's Dept., South Kensington). 1913. Nov. 27. WALES, National Library of, Aberystwyth. 1949. Oct. 6. WALLASEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Withens Lane, Wallasey. 1918. Jan. 1. WALLASEY Public Libraries. 1892. Nov. 3. WARRINGTON Public Library. 1946. Oct. 26. WIDNES Public Library. 1889. Jan. 10. WIGAN Public Library. 1957. Feb. 21. WINNINGTON HALL CLUB, Northwich, Cheshire. 1945. Mar. 22. WISCONSIN University Library, 816, State Street, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 1936. Jan. 30. YALE University Library (per E. G. Alien & Son, Ltd.).