Matthew W.Broughton i~ GENTRY LOCKE
[email protected] Attorneys P: (540)983 -9407 F: (540)9~3 -9400 September 16, 2016 Welcome to Gentry Locke's 2016 annual CLE Seminar for Gentry Locke attorneys acid guests. We are humbled by the growth of the Seminar as we now utilize three rooms here at The Hotel Roanoke. This CLE has become a tradition, which gives us an opportunity to teach each other and provide continuing legal education to those attorneys with whom we have developed a close referral association and friendship. We hope you find this Seminar meets both your intellectual and State Bar needs. We have designed this Seminar in such a way that it is fast paced and covers multiple areas of the law. We hope this format will appeal to all of our attorneys and guests. If you have any suggestions to help improve future seminars, we hope you will share them with us. We thank you for joining us and we look forward to spending the day with you, as well as the opportunity to work with you in the future. Very truly yours, GENTRY LO KE Matthew W. Broughton Seminar Chair -983-0666 10 Franklin Road SE, Suite 600 ❖Roanoke, VA 24011 ❖Toll Free: 866 Table of Contents WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR 7.5 CLE CREDITS, OF WHICH 2.0 ARE FOR ETHICS (BLUE MCLE SHEET PROVIDED) 1 Attorney bios in order of presentation 2 8:30 a.m. The High Intensity Land Use and Development Process: Dealing with Everything from Special Use Permits to “NIMBY” neighbors – Max Wiegard and Jon Puvak – 30 minutes 3 9:00 a.m.