DIOCESE OF EDMONTON DAILY PRAYER CYCLE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA May 1 to August 31, 2021 “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers…” Philippians 1.3 The names and situations in this cycle are always changing. Please alert the Synod Office (
[email protected]) to any changes in time for the next publication. MAY Daniel Bizimana, Health and Christian Education Coordinator; Sat 1 St. Philip & St. James: Noel Ntamavukiro, Gender-Based Social Support Ministries: Inner Violence and Peace and City Pastoral Ministry: Quinn Reconciliation Officer. Whitefish Strikwerda (s. Madeleine Urion), Lake First Nation. Chaplain; Michelle Nieviadomy, Oskâpêwis; Canterbury Court Mon 3 Diocese of Edmonton Foundation: Joanne Webster (s. Archdeacons: Lee Bezanson, Travis Jeremy), Spiritual Care Chaplain; Enright, Jordan Haynie Ware, Capital Region Interfaith Housing Richard King, David Tiessen. Buyé Initiative: Mike Van Boom (s. Diocese, Gatukuza Parish: Pascal Heather), Interfaith Network Kagenza, Rector. Métis Nation of Animator; E4C: Barb Spencer, Alberta. Chief Executive Officer; Greater Edmonton Alliance: Gary Savard, Tues 4 Diocese of Edmonton Organizer; Our House Addiction Regional Deans: Jonathan Crane Recovery Centre: Mark MacKenzie, (Battle River); Colleen Sanderson Executive Director; Aaron Parsall- (Cold Lake); Heather Liddell Myler (s. Erika), Chaplain. Buyé (Edmonton West); Tim Chesterton Diocese, Kigufi Parish: Audace (Whitemud); Christopher Cook Gahungu, Rector. All First Nations (Yellowhead). Buyé Diocese, people of Treaty 6. Ruyenzi (St. Emmanuel) Parish: Papias Masengesho, Rector. Sun 2 Easter 5 Diocese of Alexander First Nation. Toronto: the Rt. Rev. Andrew Asbil, Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Riscylla Shaw, the Rt. Rev.