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En Ebrochures 268 | Deliblat Sands Media Center Vrsac Deliblat sands Telenet City Network | Serbia Phone: +38164 5558581; +38161 6154768; www.booking-hotels.biz [email protected] Deliblat sands Deliblatska pescara se nalazi u Juznom Banatu, izmedju Dunava i zapadnih padina Karpata, dok se na severozapadu prostire do naselja Vladimirovac i saobracajnice Beograd-Vrsac. Duga je 35 a siroka od 9-12 km. Reljef karakterisu pescane dine, koje su rezultat jugoistocnog vetra kosave, a okruzene su plodnim lesnim poljoprivrednim povrsinama. Deliblatska pescara obuhata povrsinu od 300 km?, a maksimalna nadmorska visina u pescari iznosi oko 190m. Specifican geografski polozaj Deliblatske pescare predstavlja vazan cinilac uticaja na klimatske osobenosti ovog podrucja, a klima ima veliki uticaja na rast i kondiciju divljaci, Deliblatska pescara ima stepsku, umereno-kontinentalnu klimu, ali se zapazaju i mikroklimatske promene uslovljene uticajima kontinentalno-stepske, crnomorsko-mediteranske i karpatske klime Prisutna su znatna kolebanja pojedinih parametara klime, kako dnevna tako i sezonska, sto je posledica pescarske podloge. Loviste "Deliblatska pescara" se prostire na povrsini od 33. 610 hektara, 40 km severoistocno od Beograda, u panonskoj ravnici okruzenoj sa tri reke: Dunav, Tamis i Karas. Najveci deo pripada biomu juzno-evropskih listopadnih suma, koje sa elementima stepe cine sumsko-stepske predele. Delovanjem coveka danas su najzastupljenije sume bagrema, mestimicno pomesane sa topolom (54 % povrsine je pod sumom), a smanjuju se povrsine sa stepskom vegetacijom. Bagremove sume su rezultat ljudskih aktivnosti na posumljavanju pescare i vezivanju zivog peska. Bogatstvo flore ovog podrucja se ogleda u postojanju oko 900 vrsta visih biljaka, od kojih su mnoge relikti, rariteti i vrste koje postoje samo u Panonskoj niziji. Jedino se ovde, u odnosu na prostor Srbije mogu naci banatski bozur, stepski bozur, pancicev pelen, serpet i kockavica Degenova. Svoje staniste ovde je naslo i preko 20 vrsta orhideja. Zbog prisustva velikog broja vrsta ptica, od kojih su mnoge retke i ugrozene, ovo podrucje je uvrdjeno u najznacajnija stanista ptica u Evropi, tzv. IBA podrucje. Iz grupe grabljivica, koje su najugrozenije ptice, zastupljene su vrste kao sto su: banatski soko, orao krstas i orao kliktas. Loviste se svojim juznim obodom u duzini od 7 km naslanja na Dunav, tako da jugoistocni delovi pescare imaju dovoljno podzemne vode koja na mnogim mestima izbija na povrsinu ("Dragicev Hat"). Ostali delovi su siromasni vodom, tako da su zivotinje prinudjene da vodu koriste iz kanala, iz barica posle obilnih kisa i u pojilistima koje je izgradio covek. Loviste "Deliblatska pescara" je poznato po jelenskoj divljaci, srnama, vukovima i divljim svinjama. Jugoistocni ogradjeni deo lovista na obali Dunava - "Dragicev Hat", zauzima povrsinu od 1. 900 hektara i predstavlja lovno-uzgojni centar specijalizovan za proizvodnju i lov jelena i divlje svinje. Lov na divlju patku i divlju gusku organizuje se u delu lovista "Labudovo okno", koje obuhvata povrsinu od 2. 500 hektara mocvarnih terena obale, ade i reku Dunav. U periodu jesen-zima preko 30. 000 komada divljih pataka i divljih gusaka nastanjuje ovo podrucje. Smestaj za lovce obezbedjen je u komfornim lovackim kucama u samom lovistu, uz odlicnu domacu kuhinju i specijalitete od divljaci i ribe, kao i u hotelu "Tamis" u Pancevu. Prirodne karakteristike i jedinstvenost ovog kraja cine Deliblatsku pescaru pogodnom, pored lova, za rekreaciju, ribolov, nauticki turizam, a pre svega ekoloski turuzam. U cilju zastite ovog podrucja, Deliblatska pescara je proglasena za Specijalni rezervat prirode. Vrsac Serbia page 1 / 5 Eighty five kilometres away from Belgrade at the borders of Romanian Transylvania, a town of 40,000 population being a long time the economic and cultural centre of the region. Vrsac has been known by its young and fruited wine, but also by its agreeable climate. In fact, lent to the greenish hills of Vrsacki Breg [641 m high] the town has been emanating an agreeable atmosphere favourable to walks. Thus, passing the palaces and churches constructed in XIX century, then the hills till the height of the town, wherefrom there is a splendid view of the planes of Banat. This greenish framework and the clean air at an hour on the road from the Serbian capital have been explaining numerous sport successes of the national teams in the basket ball and the volley ball, as well as the first most Westward hotel in Serbia-Montenegro. Since the Middle Ages Vrsac has been the capital of Banat, and its contacts with Romania had always allowed it to develop a flourishing commerce. This is what could be seen in the beauty and richness of particular public buildings. Since the Neolithic period the site of Vrsac, like those of Vatin and Mesic in the close environment, had developed a particular form of dwelling and of the community life. In the Roman period the hill of Vrsac had been utilised to install a watch tower, and nowadays this is a favourite place to the inhabitants to take walks in. This particular place has been explaining the development of a commercial town since the XIV century when the name of the town appeared for the first time in the official register. In XIV and XV centuries the town had alternatively passed from the Serbian suzerainty to the Hungarian domination. Between 1552 and 1717 Vrsac had been under the Turkish domination. In that period there were two towns: the Serbian upper town and the German lower town. In 1804 the Austrian Emperor had granted to it the status of a free town. This would give the town a commercial impulse. In XIX century it had got many theatres and lyceums and had seen the flourishing of great Serbian names of arts and literature: the painters Nikola Neskovic and Paja Jovanovic, the dramaturge Jovan Popovic, and additionally the poet Vasko Popa. Still today there are numerous cultural manifestations such as the "Golden Autumns" or the "Biennale of the Youth". They are the signs of a never stopped vitality Magistrat - Mayoralty. In what today is the Mayoralty there is a surprising edifice being the symbol of the town. Constructed in 1860 by the German engineer from Temisuara, this red and white palace overhead by a very Venetian dome in a corner has been of the purest New Art style. Cofmanova Palata - Cofman's Palace. In front of the Mayoralty a larger neo-Renaissance edifice built in 1872 by the brewer Jovan Cofman destined to receive his offices and to represent his beer brand this two story had later served as a merchant gallery with the shops rented by the rich German entrepreneurs. Vladicanski Dvor - The Bishop's Palace, Dvorska ulica 20. This very nice neoclassical palace had been built from 1750 to 1757 by the orthodox bishop Jovan Georgijevic to establish here the residence of the eparchy of Banat. With the chapel of St. Michael and Gabriel the palace makes an ensemble approaching the palaces of Venice, with its monumental entrance in the forged iron and its slate roof in the selected shapes. In the inside the chapel contains an iconostasis in the baroque style organized around a great representation of Christ. It has been the work by the painter Nikola Neskovic. In the palace there has been a gallery with the pictures of the bishops since the XVIII century, as well as numerous manuscripts and religious objects. Kula Donjon. On the hill dominating the East of the town there is a donjon from the XV century offering a magnificent view. Seventeen meters high and 6 meters wide, this tower, constructed in the place of the Roman garrison made part of the destroyed fortress of the "Belgrade Peace" signed by Turks and Austrians in 1739. In fact, the Turks having been engaged three times to take it, had lost it finally in 1717 to the Eugene of Savoy troops. This is today the favourite by the people of the town. Serbia Serbia has connected West with East for centuries a land in which civilisations, cultures, faiths, climates and landscapes meet and mingle. It is located in the centre of the Balkan Peninsula, in southeastern Europe. The northern portion belongs to central Europe, but in terms of geography and climate it is also partly a Mediterranean country. Serbia is landlocked but as a Danube country it is connected to distant seas and oceans. Serbia is a crossroads of Europe and a geopolitically important territory. The international roads and railway lines, which run through the countrys river valleys, form the shortest link between Western page 2 / 5 Europe and the Middle East. From the agricultural regions of the Pannonian Plain in the north, across the fertile river valleys and orchard-covered hills of umadija, the landscape of Serbia continues southward, gradually giving way to mountains rich in canyons, gorges and caves, as well as well-preserved forests. Serbias beautiful mountains, national parks, rivers and lakes are the perfect location for an active outdoor holiday from hunting and fishing to extreme sports. Many times during its rich, centuries-long history, Serbia has been at the centre of Europes and the worlds attention, out of all proportion to its modest size, economic might and number of inhabitants. Many lessons on bravery, patriotism and the struggle for freedom can be learned wherever you turn in Serbia, as you pass through its cities and regions. The cultural and historical heritage of Serbia begins with prehistoric archaeological sites and its legacy from classical antiquity. Perhaps its greatest riches, though, are in the many mediaeval Serbian churches and monasteries, some of which are included on the UNESCO World Heritage list. All year round, numerous cultural, entertainment, traditional and sporting events are held in Serbia, demonstrating the creative power and spiritual vitality of this country. Today, Serbia is a modern, democratic European country, on the path to membership of the European Union, which a diverse range of visitors from young backpackers to participants in congresses and fairs visit every day.
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