Cutting. We Started a Research Program to Investigate the Process of Curing Fish in Traditional Kilns
THE TORRY KILN ITS DESIGN AND APPLICATION WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE COLD SMOKING OF SALMON, HERRING, AND COD Alex M cK . Bannerman, M BE A. I. F . S. T. Independent Consultant Swanland, North Ferriby Yorkshire HU14 3QT En gland 44! 0482-633124 In 1933, I was privileged to join the Torry Research Station in Aberdeen, Scotland. I worked for the director, the late Dr. G. A. Reay, investigating fish proteins, freezing, cold storage, salting, and dehydration of herring and cod, and the analytical techniques to test these processes ~ In 1936 37, I became involved in smoke curing fish, working with Dr. Charles Cutting. We started a research program to investigate the process of curing fish in traditional kilns. Some of these kiln s were 800 ft square and 30 ft high. We measured air flow, temperatures, humidities, and weight loss of fish during smoking. From the data, we built a picture of the irregularities and disadvantages of smoking in these old kilns. However, this also led to improving the process. After several attempts, we developed a simple tunnel design in which fish could be smoked under controlled conditions. The process was more economical, faster, and the product more uniform. This is a bit of history, but it was from this work that we built our expertise and knowledge of fish. A previous speaker suggested that with modern, programmable smoking equipment it is only necessary to push buttons, and "witch doctors" are no longer needed. I would agr ee with this for products such as salami, sausages, and other products manufactured from uniform ingredients in skins of uniform length and thickness ~ However, fish come in all shapes and sizes, with differing fat, protein and water content.
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