DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide


Jacques DeMolay DeMo lay Leader's ( Resource Guide


( DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide

Demolay International Kansas City, ) (

DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide

Fifteenth Edition October 1995 Printed inUSA


Published by Demolay International 10200 North Executive Hills Blvd. ( Kansas City. Missouri 64153


Frank S. Land Founder

Copyright © 1988, 1993, October 1995All rights reserved.

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A DeMolay's Code of Ethics A DeMolay serves God. A DeMolay honors all womanhood. A DeMolay loves and honors his parents. A DeMolay is honest. A DeMolay is loyal to ideals and friends. A DeMolay practices honest toil. A DeMolay's word is as good as his bond. ) A DeMolay is courteous. A DeMolay is at all times a gentleman. A DeMolay is a patriot in peace as well as war. A DeMolay is clean in mind and body. A DeMolay stands unswervingly for the public schools. A DeMolay always bears the reputation of a good and law-abiding citizen. A DeMolay by precept and example must preserve the high standards to which he has pledged himself.

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Your First Duties YourFirst.Duty as a member of DeMolay is to get involved! One often hears that you get out of life what you put into it. The same is true of your association with DeMolay. Jump in with both feet! Stand up in your Chapter and volunteer to be on a committee. Ask to take charge of a special project for the Chapter such as coordinating a dance, a car wash, or even a movie night at someone's home. Your Chapter can provide you with the help to get started off on the right foot. Just step up, ask how you can get involved, or suggest some activity you particularly enjoy as an event the Chapter should try as a whole. How about hiking, Go-Kart riding, or the formation of a computer club. The opportunities in Delvlolay are endless. You can accomplish most anything ( you like, but your first duty is to get involved! You will also be asked as part of your first duties as a member to share DeMolay with two other deserving young men (your friends perhaps!) within your first year of membership. It is also important to memorize your obligations in the initiatory and DeMolay degrees as soon as you have received them. This requirement may be different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction so check with Chapter members for specific requirements and assistance.

( Contents Introduction .xi Chapter 1: Welcome to the World of DeMolay ) Your Role in DeMolay 1 How Parents and Families Can Help 6 An International Program 6 History, Heritage and Traditions 8 You and DeMolay 12 Chapter 2: Program Planning - The Key to Success Program Planning 25 General Activity Ideas 30 Obligatory Days 33 Activities Supporting the Cardinal Virtues 35 DeMolay MonthlWeek 36 Installations 37 Jurisdictional Activities 39 Chapter 3: Who Makes It Work Officers of the Chapter 43 Effective Adult Volunteers and Their Roles 51 Adult Leadership Teams 53 Advisory Councils 54 Parents' and Mothers' Clubs 63 Executive Officers, the International Supreme Council and Its Structure 66 Chapter 4: Your DeMolay Chapter General Information 71 Procedures 72 Ritual and Ceremonies 76 Chapter 5: Membership Recruitment- Your Friends and Others 84 Orientation 92 Starting New Chapters 93 Chapter 6: Communications Public Relations 100 Chapter Newsletters 101 Media Communications 104 Other Public Relations and Marketing Opportunities 107 The DeMolay Electronic Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 108 Chapter 7: Honors and Awards Active DeMolays 112 Senior DeMolays 117 Advisors 118 Everyone 119 Chapter 8: Appendant Organizations Alumni Associations 122 Chevalier Courts 123 Legion of Honor Preceptories 124 Knighthood Priories 125 Chapter 9: DeMolay Services DeMolay and More Store 129 Medical Release and Consent Form 131 Leadership Correspondence Course Enrollment Form 133 Representative DeMolay Award Application Form 135 PMC-MSA Application Letter 137 Camera-Ready DeMolay Artwork 139 DeMolay Membership Application 149 Index 151 (

eadership. Teamwork. Brotherhood. Challenge. As a DeMolay, you will receive the benefits of Tradition. Excellence. You have discovered the tradition, fraternalism, social involvement, athletic LGlider of OeMoJay. Throughout your association teamwork, leadership and a worldwide network of with OeMolay, you wi11be part of the fun. excitement. friends with a common bond -benefits you will enjoy pride and prestige associated with the premier for the rest ofyour life. Best of all, you will control your own destiny as a leadership training organization for young men. Chapter member. You, and young men like you, will run This DeMoiay Leader's Resource Guide will help the Chapter, including social, athletic, civic and you enjoy your lifelong DeMoiay responsibilities. This fund-raising activities. Along the way, youll discover guide is filled with dates and data, facts and figures. things about yourself that you'll use the rest ofyour life. notes and ideas. However, your primary resource will You will learn to look at your DeMolay membership be your Chapter members and dedicated members of card as a passport to a worldwide brotherhood. A new the adult leadership team and enthusiastic Chapter world ofresponsibruty, challenge and fun is open to you. leaders who stand ready to help you. Of course, the latest edition of the Statutes of the International Supreme Council and the guidelines set ( forth by the Executive Officer for your state or jurisdiction are the final word on any policies and procedures. Consult these sources for additional information. There is so much to learn. There is much to do. With your dedication and leadership, DeMolay will continue to provide a positive fraternal experience for you and other young men ..• the future leaders of our society.

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A DEMOLAY The Order of DeMolay has taken the virtues and best values from ancient chivalry and translated them into modem concepts and uses. The purpose is to make you a better son today and a better leader, father and citizen tomorrow. DeMolay supports the home, the public schools and the free practice ofreligion. Today's DeMolay program builds leaders - young men who: • See themselves honestly. • See what they want in life and aet goals. • Are strong enough to follow through on a plan. • Express themselves sincerely. • Plan ahead for their activities. ( DEMOLAYLEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE • ONE e World of DeMolay

• Your Role inDeMolay • How Parents Can Help • History, Heritage and Traditions • An International Program ) (

( i: ',' ·~I CHAPTE.ft:' • ~, \::~':1:£~) ••. ·f) , • ." _" ~ the World of DeMolay ...... ,.."

elcome to one of the world's greatest success This combination of independence and fraternalism stories. The Order of DeMoJay is the premier is at the heart of the International Order of DeMolay. Wleadership training organization for young DeMolay believes that: men between the ages of 12and 21. This is your • Every individual is unique and important. guidebook. It contains basic knowledge about the • Young men will think and act seriously and fraternity, "how-to-do-it" suggestions... and a personal responsibly, ifgiven a chance. record section in this Chapter. Complete the record • Young men must be involved in the decisions that section, and you'll have a permanent history of you own affect them. DeMolay success story! • Young men need to share experiences, but in a DeMolay was founded in 1919 in Kansas City, structure where each one can learn responsibility Missouri. The original group of nine young men has and develop his own style ... at his own pace. grown to more than 1,000 Chapters and 1,000,000 • Young men need to have fun and socialize with young men have enjoyed the DeMolay experience. others. Today, DeMolays know that wherever they travel, they will not be far from a DeMolay Chapter. YOUR ROLE IN DEMOLAY \ You are a member of DeMolay for life. From the Some famous men have benefitted from involvement I time you joined through age 20, you are considered an in DeMolay, including Gary Collins, Paul Harvey, John Active DeMolay. At age 21, you become a Senior Wayne, Walt Disney, Dan Rather, and many others. At a DeMolay. Then you may continue to benefit from critical time in life, each one of these men (and DeMolay by becoming a member of the International thousands of other great leaders) shared the values, DeMolay Alumni Association ... or by becoming a Chapter Advisor. dedication and self-enrlchment that are part of the Order DeMolay truly will benefit you the rest of your life, of DeMolay. And, all shared in its fun. but never more than right now ... as you enter This has led many to ask over the years, "Does manhood. This is a critical time in your life ... a time DeMolay lay the foundation for such greatness, or does it for celebration in nearly every culture .•• and a time just attract those destined for greatness?" Either way, for exploration in every young man. isn't it something you'd like to be associated with? Strong new feelings of independence and DeMolay strongly encourages original thinking, selt-determinatien well up inside a young man creative planning, responsible decision-making and between 12 and 21 years of age: cooperative action. DeMolay provides you with the • A need to test boundaries ... and abilities. atmosphere that gives you the chance to succeed... as • A time to think about destiny ... and dignity. well as the freedom to make mistakes and learn from • A time to take charge of one's own fate. them. • Young men need to have fun and socialize with To benefit fully, you must be prepared to participate others. At the same time, young men like you have a and be involved, because, as a DeMolay, you will growing appreciation for things outside yourself . become part of a very special organization. You will have things that are bigger and stronger than yourself . a unique opportunity to experience a variety of activities, things like family, country, school and your own in ways that are simply not possible in your normal religious beliefs. Likely you're also feeling a need to school, club, church and family life. For example: give of yourself to a group of your peers ... young men ) just like you ... to achieve something together. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE - Welcome t(l> th« Worldof DeMolay

Athletics - Inaddition to fun and good physical those you will find in DeMolay. You will have a chance conditioning, these activities are a great way to learn to participate in the performance of ceremonies for teamwork, patience, and the value of competition and others, so that the special lessons they teach can be ( sportsmanship. Ask a member of your Chapter for passed on to the newest members of your Chapter. information on sports currently offered by your Whether you want a speaking or nonspeaking part, Chapter. a big speech or a small supporting role, there is Social- DeMolay has frequent casual and formal something for everyone inthe DeMolay ceremonies. It parties and dances. They provide a great chance to takes a dedicated group of officers and members to entertain a girl friend, or to meet new people. perform our ceremonial degrees in a topflight manner. Community SerrJice- DeMolay provides a chance That special brand of teamwork is a common quality to return something to your community. Whether it is in many DeMolay Chapters. helping a needy family. or making an illchild's dream Working with AduU Volunteers - Masons and other come true, DeMolay gives you opportunities you won't adult volunteers serve as "Advisors" to each DeMolay find in other organizations. Chapter. You will have the opportunity to work with Self-Expression - There are many opportunities in these community leaders, and to interact with them as DeMolay to develop creative and editorial writing, they work with your Chapter and help with Chapter speech and dramatic skills, as well as other artistic activities. They provide their talent and experience to talents or creative interests. help you and other young men in DeMolay learn by Ceremonies and Observances - Unlike any other ~rience. Some may also bring with them the youth organization, DeMolay provides a ehanee to share principles and traditions of , upon which in inspirational and meaningful ceremonies that build a our Order was founded. Many advisors are former foundation of moral and spiritual values that will last a members. Because of their dedication and devotion to lifetime. DeMolay also has special observances called the fraternity, they are now giving some of their time "Obligatory Days" that give young men time to mark to today's DeMolays. important aspects of personal, family and oomtnunicy rue. Chapter Meetings - At the regular Chapter INTRODUCING DEMOLAY TO meetings you will be involved in the business of a OTHERS DeMolay Chapter. You'll discuss ideas and be heard on DeMolay has survived the Great Depression, World ( any issue that comes before the Chapter. These War II, the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts, and the meetings often include educational programs, social Persian Gulf war. DeMolay also weathered the activities and the initiation of new members. anti-estabUshment mood of the '60s which took its toll Leadership in the Chapter - You also will have the on all fraternal, social and civic organizations, and will opportunity to be a Chapter leader. You may serve as continue to thrive in the future as long as we believe an appointed or an elected officer. You11learn to lead we have something worthwhile to contribute to today's by experience, developing skills in human dynamics" young men. Today's members believe in it strongly and time management, budgeting, parliamentary are proud to pass membership on to their friends. You procedure, probably know a friend who would enjoy DeMolay, effective maybe two. Ask them to join the funl communi• cation, TIIB IMPORTANCE OF working RECRUITMENT by Since the Order of DeMolays active membership is committee limited to young men who are at least 12 years of age and and who have completed the 7th grade or between 13 leading and 21 years of age, we must keep recruiting new others by members to replace those who move on. That is why your own every DeMolay should make it a goal to recruit at least example. two new members within a year ofjoining DeMolay. Ritual- The DeMolay Ritual is another important DeMolay is very selective about those whom we way to participate in our fraternity. The Ritual makes recrui', we are looking for young men who are just like us special. While other youth groups may have cere• you, and who are: monies, none is more beautiful or as impressive as • At least 12 years of age and who have ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

completed the 7th grade or between the ages of 13 accomplishments on behalf ofsome purpose or goal are and 21 years. appreciated Everyone also likes to receive recognition • Ofgoodmoral character. for these efforts. To fill this need, the International • Express belief in a Supreme Being. Supreme Council (lSC) has provided numerous honors • Strong enough to lookhonestly at themselves. and awards to officiallyrecognize these services and • Brave enough to make a choiceand stick with it. achievements. In an age where competition is vital- and SHARE DEMOLAY WITH YOUR recognition is rare - DeMolayhonors and awards are FRIENDS extremely important in Chapter activities. Each You probably had many reasons forjoining member and Advisor should make himself fully aware DeMolay,but likely youjoined because a friend was of the honors and awards which are available. Here's already in the Chapter, youjoined to make new the differencebetween an honor and an award: friends, or youjoined at a parent's urging. • An individual may not apply for an honor. The The future ofyour Chapter depends on recruiting ISC votes on and approves all Honors. members who share your interests. It is easier to • An individual may apply for, and must work for, recruit young men with whom you already have a an award. An award is granted for a job well done bond. This includes your friends from: at any time of the year. • School. Since DeMolayhas many honors and awards, • Scouting. proper record keeping is important so that the Chapter • Church or synagogue. has an accurate account of those which have been • Your neighborhood. granted Many Chapters have an Awards Advisor who • Your family, etc. keeps the proper records. Tell them what you've done as a DeMolay.Tell DeMolayhonors and awards are divided into the them about the sports greats, the movie stars, and the followingcategories, listed according to who is eligible famous leaders from all walks of life who experienced for each one: what you are experiencing now. Show them the 1. ACTIVE DEMOLAYS: ) difference DeMolayhas made for you. ~Blue Honor Key (Award) A goodway to get started is to find out when your - Degree of Chevalier (Honor) Chapter is holding its next Prospect party or - Distinguished Service Award (Award) Bring-a-Friend Night. To find out more about these - 18 different Merit Bars (Awards) events, ask your Chapter Advisor or refer to the - Founder's Membership Award (Award) DeMolay Membership Planning Guide and Idea Book. - Lamp of KnowledgeCertificate (Award) It's available from the DeMolayand More Store. - Medal of Heroism - Medal for Saving a Human Life MAKE NEW MEMBERS FEEL - Officer'sService Certificate (Award) WELCOME - Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service New member orientation is every member's Award (PMC-MSA)(Award) responsibility. Introduce yourself. Ask questions about - Past illustrious Knight Commander's (PIKC) the new member's interests. Read a biography about Meritorious Service Award (Award) him at a Chapter meeting. Include a photo of him in - Representative DeMolay(Award) your Chapter's newsletter. In general, make him feel 2. SENIOR DEMOLAYS: welcomeand glad that he's a DeMolay. - Representative DeMolay(Award) DeMolayhas a great member orientation program -Active Legion ofHonor (Honor) available. This program is video-based and is designed - Blue Honor Key (Award) ~Degree of Chevalier (Honor) to be shown in segments as a young man proceeds down the path of prospect to candidate, candidate to - 10-25-50-60-65-70-75YearPin (Awards) initiate, initiate to full fledgedmember. Ifyou have not - Representative DeMolay(Award) seen this program ask your advisor about it. - Zerubbabel key (Award) 3. ADVISORS: -Advisor's Honor Key (Award) EARN HONORS AND AWARDS ~Activeor Honorary Legion ofHonor (Honor) Everyone likes to feel that his or her efforts and ) - Advisor's Service Certificate (Award) DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World ,lJf DeMolay

- Cross of Honor (Honor) happen started to make it happen while they were - Guild of the Leather Apron (Award) DeMolays. ( - Zerubbabel Key (Award) Our goal for every member is to get himinvolved, 4. MASONS: and to be responsible for some activity or function. That - Active or Honorary Legion of Honor (Honor) goal is at the heart of DeMolais leadership training - Zerubbabel Key (Award) opportunities. Every member is encouraged to take advantage of them. 5. MOTHERS' CLUB MEMBERS, PARENTS' CLUB ATTEND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES MEMBERS, NON-MASONIC ADVISORS, Every summer, a number of Leadership Training MEMBERS OF TIll ADULT LEADERSHIP TEAM Conferences are held throughout the . AND ANYONE ELSE: Every moment of these four-day to week-long confer• - Certificate of Appreciation (Award) ences is focused on making you a better leader. - Hats Off Award (Award) These conferences are sponsored by states, jurisdic• - Medal of Appreciation (Award) tions and DeMolay regions. They are open to DeMolays - Award of Appreciation (Award) who are serving in leadership positions or who are -Lamp of Knowledge Certificate (Award) potential leaders. The conferences are designed so A brief description of each of these DeMolay honors everyone holds a leadership position at least once and awards can be found in Chapter 7. during the week. The purpose of these programs are to: EXPERIENCE LEADERSIDP • Stimulate and develop leadership qualities. OPPORTUNITIES • Infonn conferees about DeMolay programs. One of the greatest tributes to the Order of DeMolay • Establish and foster new friendships among is the great number ofleaders who have come through DeMolays from different jurisdictions, and our ranks. From lawmakers, to journalists, to Hall of • Have fun!!! Fame athletes, many of the people who make things At the beginning of the conference, the large number


( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

of DeMolays who attend are organized into groups of 12 Col. Astronaut and businessman or fewer people, and the program begins. As the Fran Tarkenton Football Hall of Fame conference progresses, general sessions, Chapter Reubin O. Askew Governor of Florida meetings and athletic events help bring the groups Walter "Red" Barber Pioneer sportscaster together and form a cohesive bond that will last long John Cameron Swayze TV and radio newsman after the conference has ended. Hannon C. Killebrew Baseball Hall of Fame See your Executive Officer or Chapter Advisor about Nobel Laureate and Pulitzer an application. The conference cost ispublished each Prize Winning Author year. It includes food, lodging, and usually a resource Burl Ives American Folk Singer notebook and T-shirt. Ifyou need financial assistance, Described as a National be sure to to your Executive Officer or Chapter talk Treasure Advisor about a sponsor. Often Masonic finding Gary Collins TV star groups, such as Blue Lodges and High Twelve Clubs, Tom Osborne National Champion College have scholarships available. football coach TAKE THE LEADERSHIP CORRESPONDENCE COURSE (LCC) DeMolays, advisors, parents, sweethearts and friends are encouraged to take a set of five very enlightening courses that make up what we call the Leadership Correspondence Course. The LCC is designed to provide an overall picture of DeMolay and is available from the DeMolay Service and Leadership Center. Take a look at what the course is all about in the "Leadership Correspondence Course Overview" on the previous page. Courses 1, 2, 3, and 4 have all "true and ) false" and "multiple choice" questions. Course 5 is an activity. Here's what you and others will receive after completing different courses: • Course #1 - Everyone receives a certificate. Active DeMolays also receive a white Merit Bar. • Courses # 2-5 - DeMolay students receive a new Merit Bar ina color corresponding to the particular course. • Following Course #IS - Everyone may purchase the prestigious "Lamp of Knowledge" pin from the DeMolay and More Store. AIM FOR THE DEMOLAYBAILOF FAME Someday you, too, may be honored in the DeMolay Hall of Fame. The DeMolay Hall of Fame is our way of recognizing Senior DeMolays who have contributed to society or added to the improvement of our quality of life. The first group was inducted on December 13, 1986. Among the members of the DeMolay Hall of Fame are: Walt Disney Disney Enterprises Oscar-winning film star

Mel Blanc Voice or over 700 cartoon characters ) DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

Mel Blanc The voiceof Bugs Bunny and about your personal safety whenever you participate in ( others activities outside the home - particularly physical Elmer Lower Past President of ABC News abuse, alcoholabuse and drug abuse. Let them know Henry "Scoop"Jackson U.S. Senator that DeMolayhas taken some important steps to select Bob Mathias Two-timJeOlympic and train adult leaders who are committed to providing decathlon champion and a safe program consistent with the values ofDeMolay. only ActiveDeMolay to win We also have created a Youth Protection Program an Olympicgoldmedal to help young men, like you, recognize and protect Vance Brand Astronaut and space shuttle commander themselves from inappropriate adult behavior, to James "Nick"Rowe Prisoner ofwar in Vietnam resist peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol, and how for fiveyears; author to better communicate openly with parents. Every DeMolayChapter in the United States has one of HOW PARENTS CAN HELP these Youth Protection Kits. If you have not yet been Speaking of dedication and devotion,parents are shown these videos, ask for a time to be set up when very interested in a son's activities ... and they're often you and your parents can see them. willing to help. In today's society,children go to school, About Their Roles in DeMolay - Parents often are parents go to work, and activities often are willing to help. Asking them to assist in your activities youth-centered or parent-centered, not family-centered is a great way for them to see your fraternity "up like many DeMolayactivities. DeMolayprovides a close."It's also a great way to get the extra hands you unique opportunity for parents to take an active and need for a successful fund-raising activity, charitable involvedrole with their son by becominginvolvedwith project and more. his Chapter in some way. Share our list ofiOWhatParents Can Do for a Therefore, one ofyour first duties is to share DeMolay"with these special adults in your life. Also DeMolaywith your parents. Becauseyou'll be spending share the information in Chapter 3. You and your a lot of time with your DeMolayfriends and at activ• Chapter can benefit significantlyby introducing your ities, there are somethings parents willwant to know ... parents to DeMolay. ( About Your Fraternity - Feel free to share this Leader's Resource Guide with your parents, especiaUy AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM this Chapter and Chapter 3. They're anxious foryou to When youjoined the Order ofDeMolay,you may not have fun, to learn leadership and have enriching have realized that it's an international fraternity with experiences. Chapters in many other nations. The Order of About Your Safety - Parents always are concerned DeMolay,or DeMolayInternational, is governed by an International Supreme Council.The ISC provides standardization, rules, regulations and programs for WHAT PARENTS CAN DO ~. all DeMoWayChapters. It consists ofnoted leaders in the national Masonic community and men with FOR A DEMOLAY life-longexperience in the Order ofDeMolay. 4 The ISC is responsible for the programs, honors and 1. Supportyour involvementin DeMolay. awards, leadership training opportunities and all other 2. Encourage your participation in meetings and . facets ofthe fraternity. The ISC also is responsible for activities. keeping membership records, and handling promotion 3. Foster teamwork - an important ~al $.ill fo~ and public relations for the fraternity. success in the world ofwork. The ISC supplements local leadership with the 4. Ask your parents to participate in activities and.I assistance ofa full-time staff at the International fund-raising events. Their support will pI'O'{e DeMolayServiceand Leadership Center inKansas City, invaluable. Missouri. 5. Get them involved with a Mothers'iParents' Aleader in your state orjurisdiction, called the Club or as a member of a DeMolayAr:tult Executive Officer,~sresponsible to the ISC to see that Leadership Team. Read more about it'in .....f' iii 'i all Chapters conformto established procedures and Chapter 3. 'II rules. ( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMoiay

THE INTERNATIONAL DEMOLAY for your catalog, or to place an order with your VISA or SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP CENTER MasterCard. Use the $5.00 discount certificate located Located in Kansas City, Missouri, the Service and in Chapter 9 of this book to help purchase a DeMolay Leadership Center houses the professional staff and "Leader's Pack," all the resource material youll need to operations of the fraternity. This International make you successful. DeMolay Service and Leadership Center is the THE INTERNATIONAL DEMOLAY headquarters of our worldwide brotherhood. Various CONGRESS items of historical interest are on display, and visitors The International DeMolay Congress gives Active are welcome. The International DeMolay Hall of Fame DeMolays a chance to meet on an international level, as is located there - a proud testimony to the tradition of well as to exchange ideas with the ISC. The first one excellence we share in the Order of DeMolay. was held in 1967. The Congress is composed of two Supreme Council and DeMolay Service and Leader• delegates from each jurisdiction who are selected by the ship Center operations are financed primarily through Executive Officer. The purpose of the Congress is: the sale of supplies, investment income and grants from 1. To act as an educational forum for Active the DeMolay Foundation. Contributions provide DeMolay participants and provide insight into remaining operating income which is used to support the ISC operations. DeMolay Publications, leadership training 2. To give ISC members a chance to hear the ideas opportunities, the Leadership Correspondence Course, of Active DeMolays. and a variety of other programs. Staff members at the Service and Leadership Center THE DEMOLAY FOUNDATION are responsible for implementing ISC programs and pol• Founded in 1948, the DeMolay Foundation is icies. Members of the professional staff also work with responsible for fund-raising activities. The Foundation ISC committee members and other volunteers to provide is a tax-exempt body governed by a volunteer Board of the highest quality programs and services for DeMolays. Trustees. It provides educational materials, In addition, staff members maintain information on scholarships and leadership training. These programs DeMolay Chapter activities and keep the names, directly benefit DeMolays and DeMolay Chapters. addresses and membership records on every DeMolay. By donating to the Foundation Senior DeMolays, Using modem management information systems, they friends of DeMolay and others concerned with the update records and data on Chevaliers, Legion of Honor future of the Order of DeMolay can ensure that future recipients, Advisors, the Order of Knighthood, as well generations will enjoy the positive benefits of DeMolay. as recipients of the Blue Honor Key, Cross of Honor and Supporters can donate to the DeMolay Foundation in a Medal of Heroism. variety of ways. For more information, contact the Other functions include processing Advisor and International DeMolay Foundation office at the membership registrations, and issuing Membership DeMolay Service and Leadership Center. Patents and Letters Temporary for new and reinstated Chapters. THE INTERNATIONAL DEMOLAY The Service and Leadership Center staff assists ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Executive Officers, their jurisdictions, DeMolay Originally founded in 1929, the International Chapters and members in maintaining the growth and DeMolay Alumni Association provides Senior development of DeMolay. The many services offered DeMolays and other friends of DeMolay with an include organizing leadership training opportunities, opportunity to remain involved with DeMolay. It also assisting with DeMolay Advisor Development extends the bonds of fraternalism throughout their Programs, providing membership program ideas, public lifetimes. relations ideas, suggested Chapter projects and Reorganized in 1984, the Alumni Association is open guidelines for organizing adult leadership teams. The to any male over the age of21 who believes in the staff also provides various forms and other supplies future of DeMolay. Local Alumni Associations assist necessary to operate a Chapter. Chapters and reinforce the concept that membership in Additionally, the Service and Leadership Center DeMolay is a lifetime opportunity. In 1986, the first houses the DeMolay and More Store. It's the only autho• local Alumni Association chartered under the rized source of DeMolay jewelry, supplies, clothing and reorganized Alumni Association program was promotional materials for all Chapters. A catalog of established in Sarasota, Florida. supplies is available on request. CalI1-800-DEMOLAY DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE - Welcome to the World of DeMolay

mSTORY, HERITAGE AND TRADITIONS ( The Order of DeMolay has a proud heritage. It all began with Frank S. Land whose life was so closely 1919-1920 1920-1931 1932--1948 1948-PTesent

Official DeMolay Emblems throughout the years. All emblems, except our current one are obsolete. woven together with our history that there isn't enough room here to relate all of the details. His biography, "Hi, Dadl," paints a stirring portrait of this great man of vision. The book is available from the DeMolay and More Store. "Dad" Land, as he came to be called, founded the Order of DeMolay in!as City, Missouri, as a result of his association and friendship with young Louis Lower. Louis' father had died, leaving the young man without a father figure in his life. Dad Land, a compassionate, serious, up-and-coming community leader, took the time to listen to Louis, to learn about his dreams .and to help him. ( In the meantime, he learned that others like Louis sought companionship, leadership, inspiration and competition. He thought about forming an organization to help young men, and asked Louis to invite some friends to a meeting. Louis and eight friends first met with McBride, Jerome Jacobson, William W. Steinhilber, Founder Dad Land in the Kansas Elmer Dorsey, Clyde C. Stream and Ralph Sewell. As The Order of DeMolay City they made plans to form their new organization, Dad Temple. Dad Land was Land asked them to invite more friends to the next employed there as the Social Service Director. It was meeting. Thirty one young men came to the second natural, then, for the group to identify ~tself in some meeting. way with the Fraternity of Freemasonry. During the second meeting, Dad Land suggested they But the fledgling group needed its own identity ... think about the orgaruzation's name once again. The and its own name. After Dad Land reiated the story of group decided on the "DeMolay Council." Each member Jacques DeMo]ay, the group decided to name itselffor took an Obligation to their new organization on a Bible this historical figure connected with Masonry. Dad Land received for perfect Sunday school attendance. The original group of nine young men were Louis G. Louis Lower was the first to take the Obligation. Lower, Ivan M. Bentley, Edmund Marshall, Gorman A. Gorman A. McBride was elected President; Lester ( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

Pennington, Vice-President;Louis G. Lower,Secretary; Degree and the DeMolay John Miller,Treasurer; and ClydeStream, Sergeant-at• The Ritual is ageless, taking Arms principal points of a goodlife and a Early Years of the Order of DeMolay character and presenting them in At an Apri11919meeting, officers'titles were meaningful way. Ritual presentations changed from President to Master Councilor, first used in 1919,and today they Vice-President to First Warden, Secretary to Scribe and n::L .. CUU basically the same. They are Sergeant-at-Arms to Sentinel. A SecondWarden was Author of . used in every DeMolayChapter in the added, and Averill Tatlock filledthat position. ~~"X'::!~:~llUnited States. The matter of sponsoring the organization was The first use of Chapter officers,as brought before the Scottish Rite Bodiesof Kansas City. they are known today, was on September 16, 1919. Adoniram LodgeofPerfection decidedto sponsor Averill C. Tatlockwas Master Councilor;Many A DeMolayand appointed the first AdvisoryCouncil.The Carpenter, members were Chairman John H. Glazier, Frank S. Senior Councilor; Land, Percy A Budd, Frank A Marshall, Arthur A and Louis G. Metzger, Fred O. Wood,Leon Thalman, W.P. Osgood, Lower,Junior Raymond M. Havens, Frank 1. Buckingham, Ellis R. Councilor. Jones and Alex McDonald.All were active workers in These titles, the Scottish Rite Bodies,and nearly all were 33· and the The first group initiated into DeMolay. Masons. expanded All the members of DeMolayat that time attended number ofofficers,was the direct result ofthe DeMolay Central High Schoolin Kansas City, Missouri. At one of Ritual written by Frank A Marshall. The Ritual was the meetings, a proposal was presented, referred to a completedand used as degree work for the first time at committee, studied and brought back to the group as a the Scottish Rite Temple in Kansas City on September whole, that the membership in DeMolaybe limited to 27, 1919.At the regular DeMolaymeeting on December 75 members. The members discussed it and passed the 2, 1919,LouisG.Lower,the first DeMolay,was elected action unanimously. Master Councilor.He was installed December23, 1919. At this point, Dad Land got up from the rear ofthe room, came forward and asked to be heard. He pointed A GROWING ORGANIZATION out how selfish they were. He noted that ifthis many InNovember 1919,the name of the organization was young men at onehigh schoolwere interested in changed officiallyfrom the DeMolayCouncilto the belonging to an organization like DeMolay,then Order ofDeMolay.With the growth ofMother Chapter, certainly others with similar interests in high schools DeMolay'sfame was spreading. throughout the city would like tojoin. He said that A prominent Mason fromNebraska, ZoroD. Clark, DeMolayshould not be an exclusiveorganization. Ifit came to Kansas City, saw the work and activities ofthe was goodfor oneyoung man, it must begoodfor all. "To organization, and decided that he wanted DeMolay becomebig, we must be big,"he said. established in his home state. On May 8, 1920,an One member made a motion that the matter be initiation team from Mother Chapter went to Omaha reconsidered. A new vote was taken. The DeMolays and instituted the second Chapter in the world. Soon, unanimously decidedthat no membership limitswould Masons in other communities in Nebraska, Missouri be set. Dad Land's speech was an important catalyst. and the surrounding states were asking for Chapters. Within a year's time, Mother Chapter had grownto By March 1922,DeMolayChapters had been estab• 2,000 members. lished in 39 ofwhat were then the 48 United States, as well as in the District of Columbia. WRITING THE RITUAL Soon after the first meeting, in the spring of 1919, A SHORT HISTORY Dad Land asked a closefriend and a leading Mason to Organizations, like people,measure their lives by write a ritual. The Man was Frank A Marshall, an milestones. Inthe history ofDeMolaythere are several editorial writer for the Kansas City Journal. important dates and occasionsthat helped us accomplish Dad Land providedthe philosophyand principles to be embodiedin a ritual, and Dad Marshall supplied the what we have to date. In DeMolay,our history is our ) imagination and writing ability. The result was the heritage. We build for tomorrowon the contributions of

DEMO LAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

A SHORT mSTORY 1244 Birth ofJacques DeMolay. ( 1298 Jacques DeMolaynamed Grand Master ofthe . 1314 Jacques DeMolnyburned at the stake for his fidelity. 1890 Frank S. Land born in Kansas City. Missouri,on June 2L 1914 Dad Land takes job inScottish Rite Employment Division. 1919 Dad meets with Louis Lowerand his friends where the idea for a "club"for young men is bora on February 19. 1919 The young men choosethe name DeMolayCouncilfor their "club"on March24. 1919 First meeting ofthe DeMolayCouncilin Kansas City•.Missouri, organized by founder, FnmkS. Land. Ritual written by Frank A. Marshall. Name officiallychanged to the Order ofDeMolay. 1920 SecondChapterorgnnizcd in Omaha, Nebraska. 1921 First meeting ofthe Grand Councilofthe Order ofDeMolay(later named the International Supreme Council). Masonicendorsement ofDeMolay. 1924 First Leadership Training Camp (later named Leadership TraiDingConferences) 1924 Representative DeMolayProgram begun as a competition. 1925 Formation ofthe Legion ofHonor. 1928 DeMolayofficesmove in January to a private residence at Annour and Warwick &lIIlevard. 1929 Founding ofthe International DeMolayAlumni Assoc:iation(reorganized in1984). 1930s DeMolayLeadership Camps held. 1933 Franklin D. Rooseveltnamed first Honorary Grand Master of DeMoiay 1935 Representative DeMolayAward redesigned as a self-eva1uationaward. 1936 DegreeofChevalier approved (flI'StRituaJ written without Frank Man4udl). 1937 First presentation ofthe "Founder's Cross"(total of 135presented). Original DeMolayHaDofFame started by Frank S_Land. 1946 Order of Knighthood debuts. 1948 Formation ofthe DeMolayFoundation. Dad Land designs current DeMoloypin/emblem. 1958 DeMolaymovesto the 4th floorofthe Phillips Petroleum Company building at 201 E. Annour Boulevard in Kansas City ... a buildingwhich would eventually becomethe fraternity's international headquarters. 1959 Dad Frank S. Land dies on November8. 1963 International Supreme Councilrevives the Leadership Training ConferenceProgram. ( 1967 DeMolayCongress meets for 1st time. 1969 50th Anniversary Celebration. DeMolaymarathons becomepopular. 1971 The Founder's Membership Award is established. 1986 Hall ofFame Reorganized • 1st LocalAlumni AssociationChartered . • Service & Leadership Center Dedicated. 1988 New5 Course Leadership Correspondence Course introduced. 1992 1st Sr. DeMolayelected President of The United States. (WilliamJ. "Bill" Clinton). 1994 75th Anniversary of The Order of DeMolay. yesterday. These events in our proud history are the im• requests, anda Constitution, Statutes, printed Rituals and portant events in the tradition of excellence of DeMolay. other fonns were prepared. The past is truly the prologue. A special meeting ofthe temporary organization was Grund Council is Formed held at the Baltimore Hotel inKImsasCity on November As interest in DeMolay spread, Dad Land, as Advisor 20, 1920.There were 13 on this original Grand Council, of Mother Chapter, answered many requests for Eleven were members ofthe Mother Chapter Ad\-isllry information and authority to start Chapters. A temporary Council, and the other two were Alexander G. Cochran and organization was formed to handle the numerous Many L.Salisbwy ofSt. Louis. InMarch 1921, the Grand Council of the Order of DeMolay for Boys was fomuilly organized and held its first session. Alexander G. Cochran was its first Grand Master. John H. Glazier, Mother Chapter Advisory Council Chairman, served as Deputy Grand Master. Dad Land was Grand Scribe. A total of19 Masons were listed on the Grand Council by the end Original Grand Council.Dad Land, 3rd from left, front row. of the first session. \ DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

Members of the Grand Council and initiatory Mississippi did likewise. Thus, the official support of teams from Mother Chapter soon were traveling DeMolay by Freemasonry, which began in 1921, back and forth across the country instituting culminated in February of 1963 when a Declaration Chapters. Most of these new membership classes of Principles was signed by the leaders of were quite large. On February 12, 1923, Templar Freemasonry. A new Declaration of Principles Chapter in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, initiated was signed by the leaders of Freemasonry in 1 099 new members - the largest class in DeMolay 1994 to show their continued support for history. Initiations and ceremonies took place in all DeMolay. All Grand Lodges in North America sorts of locations, including the Metropolitan Opera (US/Canada/Mexico) signed as did Carribean House stage in New York City. Grand Lodges. By the fall of 1920, Mother Chapter had developed many activities for its members. Some EBiabli,hingTradition. say that Mother Chapter's outstanding baseball In 1922,the Grand Councilapproved many actions teams had a lot to do with its growth. A DeMolay and programs we're still familiar with today. These Marching Unit and a 100-piece band kept include adoption of a uniform set ofbylaws for DeMolays busy and attracted more young men to Chapters, a m~ority service and the requirement that membership. schoolbooks be placed on the altar with the Bible. By the end of 1921, Dad Land realized he had to Also in 1922, the Grand Counciladopted the devote full time to this fledgling new organization followingObligatory Days for DeMolayChapters - or step down. The decision was easy. As Grand Patriots Day, Parents' Day, DeMolayDay ofComfort, Scribe, he became a full-time DeMolay employee. In Devotional Day and Educational Day. June 1922, he persuaded a young accountant from Grand Scribe Frank S. 'Dad' Land presented a list of Kansas City Southern Railroad to join him as a 52 Chapters requesting Charters. These Chapters, lo• member of the professional DeMolay staff. The cated all across the United States, were instituted prior young man was Charles A. Boyce, who served to the first session ofthe Grand Council.Active faithfully as an assistant to Dad Land and DeMolay Membership in the 52 Chapters on January 31, 1921, until his death in June 1968. was 3,336. At the second Grand Council Meeting in March Masonry Endorse. DeMolay 1922, it was reported that 404 DeMolayChapters were As DeMolayChapters grew in numbers and in operation. Chapters were operating in 39 states, as strength, the organization as a whole grew in prestige, well as in Manitoba Canada, Puerto Ricoand the and with greater prestige interest developedin the . Masonicfraternity. Officialrecognition and approval by By the third Grand Council session inMarch 1923, Masonicgroups was desired by Dad Land. The first DeMolay Chapters were established in every state major organization to giveits seal ofapproval and except Maine, Vermont and Rhode Island. At that endorsement to DeMolaywas the General Grand time, 68,629 DeMolaysbelonged to 667 Chapters. Chapter ofRoyalArch Masons. In September 1921,a Four honorary Grand Masters ofDeMolayhave been proposal presented by General Grand High Priest named during the organization's history. The first was Frederick W. Craig was passed urging RoyalArch President Franklin D. Rooseveltin1933;the second Chapters to foster the DeMolaymovement in their was President Harry S Truman in 1945;the third was Jurisdictions. Inearly 1922,the WlSconsinChapters of John G. Diefenbaker, the Prime Minister of Canada, in ...------.., RoyalArch Masons endorsed March 1958;and the fourth was President Gerald R. DeMolay,and many other Grand Ford in 1975. Chapters did likewise. During the early years, another important distinc• Alsoduring 1922, the Grand tion that might cometo someoneconnectedwith Master of the of DeMolaywas the Founder's Cross. This award was a Mississippi issued a notice that all personal recognition by Dad Land to those whom he lodgeswere encouraged to sponsor desired to honor for special service to the Order of DeMolayChapters. The Grand DeMolay.Only 135were presented between 1937 and Chapter ofRoyal Arch Masons Dad Land's death in 1959.The Founder's Cross is now L-_';__ -' and the Grand Commandery of DeMolaylMasonic the Knights Templar of officiallyretired. Emblem DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Wel'come to the World of DeMolClY

The provision for constituting Grand Councils of members, charters, finances, rituals, disputes, appeals ( DeMolay in other countries of the world was esta• and complaints. blished at the 1948 session, but was not exercised One of the most important ISC duties is planning for until March 20, 1959, when a covenant was signed the future. Through careful study and discussion, the Supreme Council assures that DeMolay will continue to be the "Cornerstone of The Next Generation," YOU AND DEMOLAY After reading about your role inDeMolay and its impressive history, you've probably discovered that youll be more active thanyou've ever beefl •.. in a very worth• while organization. And youlllove it. DeMolay believes you can't fully experience life from the sideline. In every endeavor, from athletic events, to com• mittee involvement, to civic activities, you'll be enCOlll'8pd to participate - to share in the mllof a project's success, as well as the character-building experience ofdiscovering how something could have been done better. You'll experience remarkable mental, physical, social Grand Master Collar, 1937. and spiritual development. It will become second nature to establish the Australian Grand Council. This for you to: international development caused the formal chang• • Evaluate needs. ing of the name in March 1954 from the Grand • Develop a plan, and then ... Council to the International Supreme Council of • Accomplish your goals. DeMolay. Whether it's operating a Chapter, participating incere• Throughout the Order's history, many prominent monies or serving your community ~you1l1eam how to Masons as well as business and professional men have establish and achieve your goals. Youll use these skills ( held ISC membership. Periodically and usually in the someday to plan a eareer and to Bvea rich. fu.J.m'ledadult spring or summer, ISC members gather to view the life. progress and programs of the Order and ensure future One of the great things about DeMolay is that your growth. They receive no compensation other than the achievements and accomplishments are recognized all self-satisfaction and pride of making a contribution along the way. towards maintaining the organization. The goal of DeMoJayis to recruit good young men, Charles B. McFee, Jr., of Asheville, North Carolina I between the ages of 13 and 21 years, and help them to be• was the first Senior DeMo~ay appointed as a Deputy in come better adults and citizens. To do this, DeMolay 1937 to serve the state of North Carolina. He was encourages you at every tum to take responsibility. elected an active member of the Grand Council in 1938. Experience has proven that this works to everyone's The second Senior DeMolay to be appointed a Deputy advantage: of the Grand Council was J. Chris Nungesser of New For You, inaddition to developing your skills. you will Orleans, Louisiana, in 1938. He was elected an active have the pride of knowing you have helped bui1d member at the 1939 session. Since these two, many something bigger than yourself. Senior DeMolays have been elected to the ISC. Wa1ter For the Order of DeMolay, the payoff is that your C. Ploeser of Missouri was the first Senior DeMolay to involvement will he~ make a better DeMolay Chapter. be elected Grand Master of the Order. He served during You wiU determine what your Chapter is to become. 1952-53. This will begin with the responsibility of recruiting Today, the ISC continues to serve as the governing new members and voting on Chapter officers. It wiu body of the Order of DeMolay. A Grand Master and four extend to your committee and Ritual work. And it can other elected officers lead the Council. continue as far as you want it to go - all the way to Any changes to the DeMolay Statutes must be con• becoming a Chapter officer yourself, or participating sidered and approved by the ISC and/or its Board of in leadership training opportunities, attending state Directors. In addition, the ISC is the authority on all conclaves or becoming active at the jurisdictional and matters relating to Chapters, advisory councils, national levels. ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay


HomeAd~ss ___

Cicy ___

State, Jurisdiction, Province, etc. _

ChapterNmne: __ ~tion: __

DeMolaySponsors #1 #2 _ MasomcSponsoc _

Date and Loeation ofInitiatory Degree, _

Master CouncilorConferring Degree, _

Obligation ProficiencyDate _

) Date and Location of DeMolay Degree _

Master CouncilorConferring Degree _

Obligation Proficiency Date ___

Majoricy Certificate Issued: ___


Office Date ofTerm Office Date ofTerm

DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay


Date City Presiding Officer



Honors and Awards Date Received

Leadership Correspondence Course 1 2 3 4 5 Founders Membership Award

Blue Honor Key

Representative DeMolayAward

Degree of Chevalier

Legion ofHonor Degree



Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20

) Education Day


Day ofComfort

Devotional Day

Patriots' Day

My Government Day

Frank S. Land Memorial Day

DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMowy


1. Education: a. Grades for year

Schoolactivities and offices:

2. Employment:

3. Reading:. Title Author (

4. Self-Expression: a. Articles written (school,paper, Chapter newsletter, etc.)

b. Debates, speech contests

( DEMOLA V LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

) c. Passed Proficiencyof Both Obligations _

5. Physical Activities (what, when, how often): a.Ou~oorspo~ _


6. Manual Skills (handicraft inwood,metal, etc.):

7. Religious Life(Sunday school,church, synagogue or temple, choir, etc.):


8. DeMolayActivities (committees,jurisdictional offices,etc.):

9. Citizenship (prominent citizens):

a. People I respect for service to the world:


h. PeopleI respect for service to the country: (

c. People I respect for service to the state, jurisdiction or province:

d, People I respect for service to the local community:


( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolczy


Date of Name of City and Number Master Visitation Chapter of Miles Away Councilor


DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay

TROPHIES AND AWARDS ( Event City Date Achievement


( DeMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Welcome to the World of DeMolay


Part Taken Date

MY DEMOLAY FRIENDS ) Name Address Telephone Number


~. -- Welcome to the World of DeMoiay

MY DEMOLAY FRIENDS (continued) (

Name: Address: Telephone Number:


DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( • ~"1. ...rng; The Key to Success • Program Planning • General Activity Ideas • Obligatory Days ) • Activities Supporting the Cardinal VIrtues • Installations iiiiiiiiililllliiiilliilillliilillliiiilll.... iiIfiiIiIj. • Jurisdictional Activities

) ( eMolay provides a fraternal environment hotline numbers. where young men can grow, mature and Programs like these are available through the Ddevelop into responsible adults with good DeMolay and More Store at the DeMolay Service and moral character. The Order's Seven Precepts are the Leadership Center. The printed materials and videos philosophy behind DeMolay'sprogram planning help Chapters easily conduct program presentations. efforts: Members of DeMolay govern and direct their own • Filial Love (Loveof Parents). program activities with the assistance of their adult • Reverence for Sacred Things (Reverence for God, advisors, based upon ISC program planning and respect for the opinions and beliefs of others). requirements and local customs and needs. Through • Courtesy. DeMolay program planning, young men: • Comradeship. • Become familiar with leadership techniques and • Fidelity (Faithfulness). how to apply them in Chapter and real-world • Cleanness, and settings. • Patriotism. • Develop civic awareness and responsibility, and You11see that philosophy in operation when you • Develop social skills and gain acceptance in an • carry out traditional program planning related to the atmosphere of fun and companionship. • fraternity's Obligatory Days, the Cardinal Virtues, DeMolayMonth and Week, installations and PROGRAMPLANNING jurisdictional activities. You11also see that underlying STARTING SMART philosophy in new programs created by the Program planning gives the Chapter a blueprint for International Supreme Council(ISC) to meet the action. A well-organized plan helps Chapter members needs of today's young men. One such program is our and adult volunteers plan their time more efficiently. Youth Protection Program. Program planning should generally be done on a The Youth Protection Program consists of a full-year basis. Specificsshould be handled on a term• comprehensive screening and training program for by-term basis. adult volunteers, plus a booklet entitled "What You Before planning the program year, every Chapter, Should Know"and a video. The booklet discusses child every Councilor and every Advisor should have a copy abuse, myths and facts, danger signals and alcohol and of the DeMolayProgram Planning Guide. The drug abuse. It tells young people how to be assertive Planning Guide, along with the very informative video. when facing these dangers, and it provides toll-free "DeMolayChapter Program Planning", are available from the DeMolayand More Store at a very nominal OoMOLAY PROGRAM ...... , cost. PUNNING _. GUIDE -•.... By the first part of December each year, a successful DeMolayChapter should finalize the next year's program. All officers,members and Advisors should pooltheir ideas and suggestions for the year's program planning. If more DeMolays contribute, the Chapter will produce broader and more interesting programs. The followingsteps will help you create a successful DeIlIqIau ~-:--_!!!De!!m~p~ltu~L__ ....!Dem!!!!!!!W!!,u!_I term program: DeMolay Planning Guides " DeMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE at" Program Planntnc

MBHBBR&' INTBRB8T 8URWY 8HBBT ( Tohelp ~hcCOWlU:UIiIplanI'Sthe Chapter's activities(orlhe comlngyear.please ftnoul the fonn below.Showyourlnlerests Ineach area byputting a checkmark Infromor the items Ihallnteresl YOIJ In each ca1e&oryINOTE. :1bere isalso roomavailableforyou to provideany other suggestlona you mlghl have.~ PLEASE PRINT 1.AnfLETICS 2. CMC SERVICE 3. ENTERTAINMENT 4. MJSC!iUA~EOUS -softball, -AId In Unlled Fund Drive lor ----Speclallrip.10BusinessFinns -Fund·raislng 'such uCandy or -Bowling olher charity) !It_tbean Dance Ught BulbSalesl -Basketball -Conduct SafetyDrive -fUms or VIdeos at Meetings -computer Club ---{)lherSuggestlolU:__ -V1sltVA ..Hoapltal -Prospect Party --carWuh ______-Food Bukets for Needy ----Speakersafter M~ -Newspaper FamUies -familyPicnic -Booth at Falr -Envlronmen! (CleanParts) ---Game Night -other SUMestlonsr ______-othersuggesttons: ~herSuggestlon.: Nun~A __

Step 1:Survey Chapter Members service) require the support and participation of nearly Chapter members, not just the Councilors, are the all Chapter members to be successful. ones who must support activities and projects, so Activity committees also need to consider the cost everyone's :ideasare very important. The role ofthe for any events they recommend. All recommendations Councilors :isto interpret and carry out the desires and should be accompanied by a committee's best estimate interests of Chapter members. of the cost breakdown for each event. A final budget is We suggest that you use a survey form (sample developed later. above)to find out what activities will interest Chapter In proposing an activity to the Program Planning members. This is onllya suggestion. Tailor this Survey Committee, each activity committee should indicate Sheet to get the information you want in order to the month it recommends the event take place as well. match activities to your local situation and customs. For example, Social Committee recommendations might include: Step 2:Appointment ofCommitteeB October Installation ( Appoint an overall Program Planning Committee November - No social event composed of the Master Councilor, Senior Councilor, December - Christmas caroling Junior Councilor and Chapter Advisor, as well as January New Year's party committees for all regular activity areas, Also appoint February - Sweetheart Dance an Advisor to work with each activity committee.. MIlLrCh DeMolayMonthlWeek The first task ofeach committee should be to choose April Prospect party a chairman and schedule a meeting. Activity After reviewing the interest ofmembers, selecting committees need to set a date to study the information activities, determining financial and physical on the completed survey sheets. The Program capabilities, and choosingtentative dates, individual PlannilngCommittee needs to set a date to hear committees are ready to propose activities to the reports from the activity committees. overall Program Planning Committee for the Chapter's upcoming program year. Step 3: Committee Meetings At the first meeting. activity committee members Step 4: Gathering Special Information should analyze the survey sheets to determine which While individual committees are working on events to hold. Equal consideration should be given to recommendations, the overall Program Planning the suggestions written inthe spaces provided. Committee also should be gathering the information it When deciding on events, these committees should will need for its planning session. be sure to recommend activities that are: (1) First, the plmming committee needs to gather interesting to all, (2) cover the entire term and (3) are information about the members from Chapter record within the ability of the Chapter, both physically and cards and membership application files. The financially. committee will want information on members ages, Remember that some activities are suitable only for grade levels in school,and favorite activities and a small group, while others (such as community interests.


Second, the committee needs to check school and 3. A current year's and next year's calendar. community calendars to make sure that activities don't 4. A large work sheet showing the months of the conflict with athletics, SAT exams, or term. regularly-scheduled community activities, and local, 5. Monthly calendar work sheets. national and religious holidays. Then decide well in 6. Ruler, pencils, and paper. advance when to hold initiations, visitations, and all 7. A large table on which to work. other activities and events. S. Ifavailable, a computer calendar. Inaddition, the committee should keep the following DeMolay dates in mind: _"·1€~-PROOm(MrOF:N-C~ 1.Dates of all Obligatory Days described later in Jan~ this Chapter. 1.~ pl~ foJ: p~p8jty and·!tlamb. 2. Dates of Leadership Training Conferences. 'initiation claSS. 3. Dates of inter-Chapter events. 2. InstaILnew d8:tcersand have awai'dS night. 4. Dates of Chapter annual events. S. ~makjng~forDeMo1ayMontblWeek 5. State activity registration deadlines, and (MarCh). deadlines for ISC and jurisdictional competitions. 4. Have an athletic eventwith. ane~ Chapter. 6.Dates of the upcoming jurisdictional conclave and 5. ~.Pb ~monthJy·~peJ:. . other functions.!itation to,~ther.,Ohaptet. 7. Dates of the annual International Supreme Fe~ Council Session and DeMolay Congress (DeMolay 1•.1~g.iiitti1ia8lmtb8ll. AWaril~~1ii_ Convention). 2.·Finalize·~ for MitChDeMo}V MontHIWe¥- 3. IJjll~tbe ~tei~ and crown het STEP 5: GENERAL MEETING at the ValeD.tmel~. When these committees have finished their work, a ~.1Plahta.melDdiial;tree on the-Masonic T~ple general meeting of the Program Planning Committee, ~~ on~~rge WaBliingtori's 1iirthdaj an~' the chairman of the activity committee and the obsetVe Patriot's Day. Chapter Advisor should be held. Activity committee 5. ~plifyine ~l~ a,Masonic gI'9~p. chairmen should explain their ideas and how 6. PtiD1ish the,mnnt1ilY newspaper. recommended events will fit the Chapter's program for 1.HtiJaia Father-$on Banquet. the coming term. Councilors can discuss possible S. Co1leet ooaks,anil mapzines fOr the MasOnic difficulties with recommendations, particularly ifthey lIome or otherlocal c1iarity.. conflict with one another. March'~Month1)· The Actual Planning Session 1:~1isJl6 ~tbJY newspaper. At tim meeting, the term program should be com• 2. PlaD.·aDevotional Day'o~ce for-,the mitted to paper. This final meeting should be attended ~d8y~!M'arch is. by the original four members of the Program Planning 3. Participata~ DeMOl8l MontblW~with·a' Committee. You also may want to include the Scribe in ~tion.1;»y:the,mayor ana.8OJevent.for this meeting to assist with note-taking. Since the final aacb~oftPe week. . schedule will be completed by this group, no one else .. Haw apdfijtiation.(luring LleMolayMonttil needs to be present unless his presence isvital for the Week named inhofior ofthe.head oftha successful completion of the committee's work. {lRPnsoringtiOdyor other Masonic ofJicial. Inthis meeting, the Program Planning Committee 5. Have a.&~tative DeMolay ceremony'. should no longer be concerned with gathering of 6. Start maJring plalis to'~Q..either. the statistics or other information. With all the facts in NatiOnal S01tba1l or BJlSb~ To~ammt. hand, the committee now needs to discuss and determine the Chapter's term program and budget. ~d an ~ Fool'spPty ana danj:e. 2. moilthly The following materials will be needed to accomplish ~li$. tile news~. 3. Help Witlia'civic clean~-up weei. the task: 4~~ 9Oft"al}l}~gueplay. 1. All committee reports. 5. Ini~a~Y;NotoDfujs"~i 2. Facts gathered by the Program Planning S1fiifehfs Against Drunk Driveti;·( :u) Committee. progngn.


6. sen candy orugnt b~fOn ~QIM!Y~ •• project. ( 7. Clean up Temple grounC4J. _ 8"Make a visitation ~ fn~ (J}ii# 9. Beginpl@sto hOld a..~,~. May 1. Finalizeal,l ~·for'summei' !-it:i~es. 2. Publish the monthly,mr. 3. Plan a specisJ.·activitj{or.~m~~ attend cburc1i-m a gfqup. 4. Begin volleYb}ill,ba~t.on .• d\tenms. 5. Hold a hayride partj. 6. Plan a family picnic with fath~ lwi1Igme and eontesta, 7. Hold a prosp¢t.parcy. 8. OOserveParen9i' Da; (BetWeenWt ii\1l June 21). 9. S~ upforatead~~~. June 1. Install new:om:~. 2. Nlish the montlily new~. 3. Hold an gu.tdOOr,initiation. 4. Hold Chapter !Wim~. 5. Plan 'a speCialFatliers~Day affafr. 6, Parti . ate inconrert=alofthe,~ ~ 7. ~ ~ce forJ"uri~fctiOil8tcom~' at conclave. _" 8. Hold a car wash'to·raiSe mopey. ( 9. Have a beaCh party or hot q roast. 10. Have a career gui~)prograin on ~g.. a college. , 11. Help repair and tii'up:tbe;p~~. 12. Partici~tem Natio~i.1Softball ~ J~ 1. Publish ~e monthly"ne_wspa.PJ!' 2. Plan a trip :8OmEiWher&for 2-3,. 3. Have a watermelon' feed,. 4. Hold inforinal Frldiy m.gbt ge~tlierzr_ various m~~',hoin~.tor t,lie~Of.iie. summer. 5. Stage a golftourns"!erit. 6. Plan aw~d ~p~~p. 7. Hold a barbecue With_'prOe~"membm.ts, attending. 8. Observe My Govermiieilt Day. 9. Begin la~ plans for;the :faILmon:t!ls. A~ 1. Publish the monthly news,paP@1'. 2. Attend·the J'urisdicti~ 00nCl!~ 3. Make a fin81 big p\¥ih'fot memli'Srshipi appliCations for SeptemQe:r-initiatiQn. 4. Hold an ice cream SOCia'H 'tN' DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( Program Planning

rmd.~~8Ctice. Step 2 "8,; Fiie offi~.~ts!tqr tHe Intetnationalt List membership plans. Indicate prospect parties or IDeMOlay p.06tal~RifleMat;cli.~ seiidtw thi other membership plans, and link these plans with _ ~ational Rifle:AssOOiatio~w~~:e. scheduled Initiatory or DeMolay Degree dates. ~. P@ss out~dbills urging citizens to StepS elections. List events that the special committees ~ the m~.Ynews~per. recommended. You should also take the miscellaneous items from the survey and include the appropriate 1.§~,~kettiall'gmDes; items in the Chapter program. Be careful not to 2. ~ld an initiatioq; to 1iDiS1:iup any na1ance schedule too many activities. diJ,year1y m~ goal Step 4 3. ~outiilgB fun a:an~ and_febr..uar.y. With activities and programs listed by months, you ~ ~ (J~'tfees. are ready to develop each month on a daily basis. 5.~ ~~,am,dY" n~t~nuulCieeorati9Ds. Select the day of the month for each item to be (j. OBS'ervl~layD8.y of~ ~ ho~ scheduled, ifpossible. REMEMBER:Take careful note 's,imd-nuser to l:Hme§.t @..l~,~ty. _ of school dates, and local,national and religious events 7.~old ~.partYfor il!.or 1J!ldawiVil~ and observances so conflictswith selected dates are ~'m.the~~ Wl~pter:-ftir. minimized. that,night. ~~. StepS .tt go,~wit1i.~ob~ :pa~ot BaiDf!i;W With all the activities listed on the calendar, ~·(or~l). evaluate the program. Lookfor any months that have 9. Pl~ ~ b8s~tD81U.oui'D.iment. either too many or too few activities. Think about the 10. Riiolisb.!·t:he mont;Wy.·ne~paper. total number and types of activities planned, and their ;l1. Be sure alliiiitiates·for the fUl'.bavt\• distribution through the months reJ:lOrtedon Form-lOs. Check to see that your program fulfills the requirements for the Past Master Councilors Meritorious Service Award (PMC-MSA).Add any ) needed activities that will improve your basic plan and STEPS IN COMPLETING THE PROGRAM bring you within PMC-MSAguidelines. You're now at the point where you can develop the Step 6 Chapter's program. There are six basic steps that need At this point, you can transfer the monthly events to be followed: from the calendar to a list. Remember, the calendars Step 1 are valuable in visualizing your program and should First, list on your calendar all the events over which not be eliminated, since they will help you in the you have no control: longrun. 1. Obligatory Days. Annual planning is done very much like term 2. Election date for Chapter officers. planning, although in somewhat less detail. A similar 3. Installation dates. program needs to be developed on a 12-18month basis. 4. Known Jurisdictional dates (conclavesand Each Junior and Senior Councilor should be working conventions, for example). on plans for their terms as Master Councilor. This 5. Annual Chapter events. means there should be 12 to 18 months of planning a. Meetings. going on at all times. b. Social events. c. Fund-raising events. STEPS IN BUDGETING d. Masonic service projects. One final phase of the Program Committee's job e. Others (including International DeMolay remains - budgeting for the programs that have been Convention). planned. In this phase, you must estimate the g. Monthly Advisory Council meetings. expenses and income the Chapter can anticipate. This h. Schooland community events, SAT exams, must be done for each term program. The following and local, national and religious holidays. steps will aid you in your budgeting phase:


Step 1 specialmcontainers are placed at strategic points (by List the cost of every item proposed. month by aparlment buildings or on street comers) where cans ( month. Remember your fixed expenses! may be deposited regularly. Rent (monthly) A Waiters' Club has been a successful event for Office supplies (monthly) some Chapters. Itis also an excellent means of Conclaves or conventions obtaining favorable publicity for the Chapter. The Leadership Training Conference attendance group serves local dinners. A uniform of some type is Newspaper usually worn (dark trousers, white shirt, black bow tie. Installation and short waiter's coat which has a DeMolay emblem Jurisdictional activities on it). Estimated costs on all the activities suggested by Here are some ideas that Chapters have turned into the committees will be listed in their reports. You will successful fund-raisers: have to figure the expenses on all events which were Rummage sales not previously budgeted and add this to the total. Booths at the county fair Step 2 Recycling drives (newspaper. allmliiDum cans, glass) List the income you expect from each event. Back-to-school dances Fund-raising, new members and other income such as Sales of candy. fruit cakes, citrus fruits, nuts, other interest on savings accounts should be included. The foods and bake sales (check health laws) expense and income figures should be itemized. and Candy sales (Christmas. peanut brittle and nuts) totaled on a term basis. Be certain. that you have Serving dinners enough income to cover expenses. Chili, spaghetti or hamburger suppers Step 3 Light bulb sales See if your budget balances and the Chapter can Concerts finance the program you have planned. H you do not Magazine subscription sales have sufficient income for the program. you must do Sales of Christmas trees, wreaths. decorations. one of the following: cards or wrappings 1. Increase your income, or Sales of all-occasion cards, personalized stationery, ( 2. Decrease your expenses by substituting less paper napltimi expensive events or eliminating events entirely. Scrap metal drives Circuses THE PROGRAM YEAR Auctions Your program year - committed to a list like the Sales of calendars. clothes, brushes ""Typical Program of an Active Chapter" which appears Car washes in this section - becomes your program plan. It's the Business guides year-round plan of one of the most successful Chapters Civic and Other Activity Ideas in DeMolay. Some suggested civic or community activities However, this is only a guideline. Your plan should include: reflect your Chapter's personality, needs and 1. Sponsor a blood drive. traditional observances. To help with planning. take a 2. Aid in Fund drive for some charity campaign. look at the following information on General Activity 3. Have an auto or boating safety booth at the Ideas, and ideas related to Obligatory Days. the county fair. Cardinal Virtues, DeMolay Month and Week, 4. Build or help maintain a public playground Installations and Jurisdictional Activities. (repair. paint and clean up). 5. Place a safe-driving exhibit at some prominent GENERAL ACTIVITY IDEAS place in school. Fund-Raising Ideas 6. Help ina "Get-out-the-Vote" campaign. Hand Take a look at the following fund-raising ideas. out a flyer that looks like this: Then have fun and be creative! The back-to-school dance isjust one of several types Exercise Your Right to Vote of dances that can be held with an admission charge. ______Chapter , Food sales are always popular. Many Chapters have a perpetual aluminum can drive going on where Order of DeMolay ( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Program Planning

7. Set up a refreshment stand at a rest stop on a The following are some public relations activities major highway during a holiday weekend. for the Chapter to help relations with parents: 8. Conduct a traffic safety drive. 1. Father-son breakfasts or dinners. 9. Take down campaign posters after an election. 2. Parent-son breakfasts or dinners. 10. Plant trees in some park, school or other public 3. Family potluck dinners and picnics. grounds. Plant memorial trees. 4. Mother's and Father's Day events. 11. Aid in city beautification (through cleaning up, 5. Certificate of Appreciation to mothers painting, repair or planting flowers). or parents. 12. Purchase a needed piece of equipment for a 6. Invitations to all open ceremonies and activities. local hospital. 7. Sending official "Thank You Notes" after some 13. Put on special holiday programs at Masonic service has been done for the Chapter. homes, hospitals, rest homes or children's centers. Masonic Service Activity Ideas 14. Collect clothes, magazines and books for 1. Conduct an annual membership class named distribution to the needy in different places. for the presiding officer of your Chapter's 15. Adopt a bed at a cerebral palsy center or sponsoring body and/or a class in honor of the similar place and provide the occupant with Grand Master of the Grand Lodge or other special gifts on holidays. grand body. 16. Volunteer help to the RedCross or civic 2. Hold a Masonic or sponsor's night in honor of authorities in time of disaster (fire, flood, the sponsoring body. One or both degrees should storm, tornado, civil defense, searches). also be conferred in this case. (Oftentimes, 17. Give baskets offood, clothing and presents to suggestions 1 and 2 are combined.) needy families (at Thanksgiving, Christmas, 3. Hold a joint DeMolay-Masonic religious service. Easter, and any other time they are needed). 4. Send special invitations to sponsoring body 18. Collect furniture, food and clothes for a family officers and members to attend Chapter whose home has burned. meetings and other functions (including dances, ) 19. Contribute athletic equipment or other Chevalier investitures, etc.) aid to local youth groups. 5. Usher or provide other services at Masonic 20. Sponsor children's sports teams. functions. 21. Provide ushers or parade guards at public 6. Offer aid in civic or charitable services being events. conducted by Masons, like a contribution to the 22. Distribute drug education material. Masonic Home. 23. Provide volunteer help at a local hospital. 7. Recognize any Masons attending Chapter 24. Provide outings for underprivileged or mentally meetings or other functions. or physically handicapped children. 8. Ask permission to exemplify degree work, 25. Sponsor a discussion or forum on teen suicide or some other DeMolay program, at Masonic or alcohol and drug abuse. meetings. Advisors can contribute a lot to good Masonic Public Relations Activity Ideas relations by: Some suggested ways to impress young men with 1. Visiting their Masonic organizations frequently. DeMolay are: 2. Mentioning DeMolay often at Masonic meetings. 1. Have a special meeting or buddy night for 3. Informing the Masonic brethren about the prospective members. principles and value of DeMolay by giving 2. Invite a selected group of non-DeMo lays to concrete examples of accomplished deeds. some of the Chapter's social functions. 4. Helping the Chapter obtain outstanding 3. Invite non-DeMolays to all open ceremonies. Masonic leaders for speakers, visitations, etc. 4. Wear your DeMolay pin, DeMolay T-shirts and other DeMolay-specific items as often Senior DeMolay Night Activity Ideas as possible. A Senior DeMolay Night promotes interest and 5. Issue press releases to local papers with enthusiasm on the part of Senior DeMolays. It also photographs of any of the Chapter's service, promotes a spirit of appreciation among Active athletic and social activities. DeMolays. And it's a great way to get Senior DeMolays DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Program Plannjng

and Past Master Councilors involved with the Chapter Anniversary Ideas ( Chapter. It's important to observe Chapter anniversaries in . Plan this program at least six months in advance to some special way. Often this event can be held in assure goodattendance by Senior DeMolays. Choose conjunction with Senior DeMolayor an Alumm an appropriate date - perhaps a date that coincides HomecomingNight. with the Chapter's anniversacy or - or a date Initiations, banquets and dances also are popular convenient to the Chapter in October. Be sure to events to help commemorate the Chapter's institution. coordinate this with your localDeMolayAlumni Make a special effort to have the Chapter history Association. printed in local newspapers, and try to list names of The followingsuggestions will help you establish a Senior DeMolayswho are now prominent citizens in plan for a Senior DeMolay or Alumni Night in your the community. locality: Chapters always are comingup with good 1. Search Chapter records. Locate Senior anniversary ideas, such as weekend trips, a fishing DeMolaysthrough every possible resource. derby, checkers or chess tournaments, or video 2. Prepare a history ofyour Chapter from Us presentations. Itis particularly important that begUIning,emphasizing the activities of Senior Chapter activities be time~yand up-to-date. And they DeMolays- especially those who will be present will be when Chapter members plan them. for the occasion. 3. Plan your program so that it has plenty of Career Guidance Activity Ideas energy, similar to the festive mood associated As you plan the rest ofyour Chapter's activities, with high school, collegeor university schedule a career guidance program into the master homecomings. plan. Begin by asking the Advisory Council to organize 4. Prepare publicity for local newspapers, radio and a Career Education Committee. Members ofthis television stations, giving detailed reports on committee should include leaders inthe localbusiness Senior DeMolays to be honored. community who are willing to lend their experience, 5. Prepare a special letter of invitation to each advice and guidance to Chapter members. They can be Senior DeMolay.Make the letter brief but very helpful, but respect their time. ( appealing. When a Senior DeMolaysends his Career Guidance Programs get positive results regrets, read his letter to those in attendance if when they are well-organized. By having a diversified appropriate. DO NOT LIMIT your invitations to program, members will participate in this important former members of your local Chapter. Include aspect oftheir lives. Some ideas for programs include: others in the community who,were DeMolays in 1. Inviting a speaker to discuss his career. other Chapters. 2. Showing a videotape or film about a particular 6. The program may be a dinner meeting, a special career, or open meeting, an initiation dedicated to the 3. Visiting an officeor a collegecampus. Senior DeMolaysas a group, or in honor of an Don't limit your Chapter's opportunities! Have a outstanding Senior DeMolay. variety oftopics because no one knows where anyone 7. Ifyou plan a dinner meeting, seat each Senior will wind up. At the end ofevery session, try to have a DeMolaywith an active DeMolay.Make round table discussion about the program to find out everyone feel welcome.Ask them to tell about how members enjoyed the activity. their accomplishments through the years, including their occupation. Ifthe program is in Drama and Speech Club Activity Ideas the form of an initiation, a group of Senior Drama Clubs provide skits, one-act plays and major DeMolaysmay be asked to exemplify either or plays to entertain members or parents, as well as raise both degrees with the approval of the Advisory money for projects. Short programs also can be Council. presented to civicgroups. 8. Make a special effort to recognize any 10-25- 50- Speech Club activities include youth speakers' or more, year DeMolays.Request certificates bureaus, debate groups, and oratorical contests. and pins from the DeMolayand More Store and Special debate programs can be presented at meetings present them at this event. of civicgroups. ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Program Planning

Social Activity Ideas Devotional Day Dances will be the most common social activity On the Sunday nearest to March 18, it is the duty of planned by the Chapter. Using specific themes Chapter members to attend church or synagogue/temple stimulates interest and involvement. Here are a few as a group at which a special service has been arranged. ideas: The religious creed of a DeMolay is his own, and he is 1. Food dance: every member bring a food item to encouraged to follow its teachings. Experience shows be placed in a basket for needy families. that many clergy enthusiastically cooperate with 2. Pigskin prom: given during football season DeMolay in arranging a program suitable for this day. with appropriate decorations. The sponsoring body may appreciate being invited 3. Halloween dance: everyone comes in costume to participate inthe observance. For example, with the usual Halloween games and contests. DeMolays and Masons might meet at the Masonic 4. Music video: everyone brings their favorite Temple or another convenient place and proceed in a music videos. body to the church. The Chaplain is usually in charge 5. Air band contests or lip synch contests. of the arrangements for this observance: 6. Star Iook-alikes; where everyone dresses up 1. The services could be conducted either wholly or like a favorite TV or movie star. partially by DeMolay officers, with DeMolay A Chapter can hold many different kinds of parties talent furnishing the music, such as a quartet or with or without dates. Some of these are a backwards soloists. party (with invitations, costumes, stunts and 2. In the event of an evening meeting, use the Nine refreshments done backwards). Progressive game o'clock Interpolation. parties, theater parties, skating parties and beach 3. Ask a minister to build a service around the parties are also popular. Seven Cardinal Virtues of DeMolay. Parties can be held just for DeMolay members, or 4. If a participating DeMolay is preparing for the with the members' fathers attending. These can ministry, try to arrange for him to provide the feature father-son athletic competitions or sermon or a short address on "The Principles action-adventure movies. and Teachings of DeMolay." The range of social events is limited only by your imagination. Here are more examples: PatriotB'Day On a day convenient to the Chapter during hayride hot dog roast fish fry February, each Chapter should arrange a special treasure hunt ice cream social picnic Patriots' Day meeting featuring the nation's great Halloween party hike barbecue patriotic events and the great patriots who steak fry carnival sleigh ride participated in them. The Standard Bearer usually Hawaiian luau theme dance pie throw directs this observance. Other suggestions include: 1. Having a local historian or someone from the OBLIGATORY DAYS public library speak on the topic at the Patriots' The International Supreme Council Statutes Day meeting. state: "The following days are fixed as special 2. Having Chapter members present short talks on ceremonial days, and their observance is obligatory famous patriots who were Masons at a for all members of DeMolay unless prevented by sponsoring body event. unavoidable circumstances." Seven such days are 3. Sending "care packages" to Chapter members listed: Devotional Day, Patriots' Day, DeMolay Day of serving as today's patriots in the armed services. Comfort, Educational Day, Parents' Day, My 4. Having the Seventh Preceptor get a film or video Government Day, and Frank S. Land Memorial Day. documentary on patriotism to show at the Sometimes an Executive Officer will establish a meeting. different month or day for an obligatory observance, so it will fit better into local and jurisdictional customs. Day ofComforl This is permissible under ISC Statutes. The following This special day should be held during the are descriptions of each Obligatory Day with Thanksgiving-Christmas season on a day convenient suggestions for related activities. to the Chapter. On DeMolay's Day of Comfort, every member of DeMolay should make an effort to visit the sick and carry words of comfort to those who are ) DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Program Planning

confined. Don't limit this activity to visiting just meeting where they are suitably recognized. The friends, but extend it to everyone - especially those observance of Parents' Day is often under the dk«:tion ( who may not have friends. The Almoner should be of the Preeepters who might: responsible for planning this observance. 1. ,Arrange an afternoon program, with a short As part of your Day of Comfort observance, it is address, and present a flower to parents who strongly recommended that your Chapter hold a attend. Make a concerted effort to see that the fund-raising event to aid the less fortunate. Other parents of IDeMolays and prospective members suggestions include: are present. 1. Preparing food baskets for the needy. 2.. Hold a party to bring the parents of all members 2. Adopting a family in need at Christmas and together informally. Have a committee of sponsoring their entire holiday celebration - DeMolays act as hosts. Take care to make complete with tree, lights, dinner, presents, introductions so guests will enjoy the informal Santa,etc. gathering. Insmall Chapters, the party might be 3. Singing Christmas carols at a home for the aged. held in a DeMolay's home. 4. Holding a canned food or clothing drive and 3. Arrange for an evening event with dinner and donating these items to a local "families in need" music by Chapter groups or individuals. The type of agency. program might include a welcome by the Master Councilor, comments by the Chapter Advisor or Educational Day a member of the Advisory Council, and a On Educational Day; a day convenient to the presentation of merit bars or other awards. Chapter, it's the duty of each Chapter to arrange a 4. Arrange for a special Mother's Day event where program emphasizing the value of an education, and the flower talk might be performed. the fact that we see the public schools as a particular bulwark of our Wiberty.The public schools are My Government Day considered the foundation of democracy. The Junior Observed during the month of July, My Government and Senior Stewards may be assigned to make the Day is designed to explain the government of the plans for this day, such as: country, state, province or community in which the ( 1. Arrange with the Superintendent of Schools to Chapter is located. The Orator and the Marshal may be take a definite part in National Education Week. in charge of plans like these: 2. Arrange a talk by a prominent educator to 1. Ask a qualified speaker to talk on the operation discuss the importance of education in modern of government. society. 2. Armnge spending the day with city or county 3. Hold a Teacher's Night - perhaps a dinner officials. early in the school year for the principal, and 3. Tour the city hall and attend a city council some junior and senior high school teachers. meeting. This event will foster understanding and 4. Recognize a government official, and present cooperation between these important educators him or her with a plaque or certificate. and DeMolay members. The Advisory Council should invite the superintendent and principal. Frank S. Land Memorial Day Teachers should receive an invitation signed by Schedule a convenient day near , the DeMolays in their classes. Insmall high schools, day on which our founder died, to memorialize and pay all teachers may be included. tribute to Frank S. Land, Founder of the Order of DeMolay. On this day, Chapters are encouraged to Parents' Day carry out a special fund-raising effort and donate the Because the home and love of parents are essential proceeds to a Masonic or DeMolay charity. Other to building good citizens, DeMolays should give special activities might include: emphasis to Parents' Day, which is observed on a day 1. A special memorial service for Dad Land and between May 1 and June 21. It's the duty of every any members, Advisors, parents or friends of DeMolay to give to his parents some memento or DeMolay who passed away in the past year. perform some act that shows appreciation for all that 2. A fund-raiser with monies going to the Frank S. his parents have done and are doing for him. It's also Land Scholarship Fund or some other the duty of each Chapter to invite parents to a special worthwhile cause. ( DEMO LAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Program Planning

3. A special initiation and DeMolay Degree with a ORGANIZING DEMOLAY MONTHIWEEK class of candidates inhonor of Dad Land. ACTIVITIES 4. Make presentations of "Hi, Dad!" to local school DeMolay Month and DeMolay Week activities are and public libraries, members and Advisors, held in celebration of our fraternity and our Seven Senior DeMolays and others. Cardinal Virtues. An event or activity should be scheduled to celebrate each virtue: DEMOLAY MONTHIDEMOLAY WEEK • Filial love Oove of parents) AND ACTIVITIES IN SUPPORT OF • Reverence for sacred things OUR CARDINAL VIRTUES • Courtesy DeMolay Chapters around the world celebrate the • Comradeship month of March as International DeMolay month. • Fidelity (faithfulness) International DeMolay Week is the week which • Cleanness, and includes March 18, the official anniversary date of the • Patriotism founding of DeMolay. DeMolay week runs from Sunday to the following Sunday. DeMolay Month and particularly DeMolay Week is a time when Chapters all across the country and around the world celebrate our brotherhood and the feeling that comes from belonging to such a unique and special fraternity. It is a time when all Chapters and members should do their very best to publicize DeMolay in every way possible. It is a time to share the fraternity with others by holding special degree classes in honor of ourselves. DeMolay Month and Week are the single most important public relations opportunities of the year. ) Therefore, many of your activities should be aimed at catching the attention of the general public. To assist you in your DeMolay Month and DeMolay Week efforts, the Service and Leadership Center often provides a DeMolay MonthlWeek packet to your Chapter Advisor well in advance of March so you can plan ahead for activity and public relations success. These DeMolay MonthlWeek packets contain a list of suggested activities and a public relations and member• ship recruitment flyer from the DeMolay and More Traditionally, Chapters have held events on every Store. day of DeMolay Week. However, in our fast-paced Each Chapter should try to obtain a civic world where things are continually eating away at our proclamation declaring or proclaiming knowledge and time, Chapters may spread out their activities over the recognition of DeMolay Month and Week. entire month of March. Proclamations are readily given out to DeMolay To have a successful DeMolay MonthlWeek, you groups by town mayors, city and county councils, city should begin planning at least three to four months in administrators, chambers of commerce and other advance, and have plans completed by your first official agencies or individuals at all levels of meeting in February. Take a look at the list of"101 government. DeMolay jurisdictions usually seek to DeMolay MonthlWeek Activities" list for suggestions. have a proclamation signed by the state governor. Some of the steps in the DeMolay MonthlDeMolay Contact your state or jurisdiction Master Councilor or Week planning process include: your Executive Officer to see what plans they have at 1. Organize a committee. This committee generally that level. is composed of the Councilors, a DeMolay WeekIMonth chairman, a public relations or publicity chairman, the Chapter Advisor and any other DeMolay adult workers who may


serve insome special capacity or have some ~. ~( special talent to bring to the committee. 17. Pi'OVide DeMolay church bulletins. ooveti or ~I 2. Complete the plan and put it inwriting. Then inserts'to local !houses ofworship, along with distribute it to all Chapter members and ~lay in a Nutshell" brochures. DeMolay adults. 18. Invite a local clergyID8Jl to speak at a Chapter 3. Order any promotional materials from the meetin.g. DeMolay and More Store inearly February to t9. ~de transportation for ~derly peQRl~totHe assure delivery well inadvance of the date CllUiilh of their choice. needed. 20~Hold a ~Qn on the merits of differing 4. Distribute a copy of your plans to the news beliefs. media about three weeks prior to DeMolay ~1.~e refreshments after a local service. MonthlWeek. Your detailed plans will allow 22. Ask,a local cl~ to deliver a sermon liased I them to select the activities which will have the on the:Seven Carilinal Vutues ofDeMolay. greatest news value to them (i.e., a meeting with 28. Take>it upon yourself to learn something about' J the city council, the mayor, etc.), Then invite another culture or religion and report back to media representatives to attend any public the Chapter. functions they deem newsworthy. and arrange 24. ~f.e time, food or clothing to a local mjsSion 1 for photo or video session time whenever fOrthe needy. possible. 25. Act as ushers for church. 5. Obtain a proclamation early enough to meet ~6.Form a paMoIaylRainbow Girls/Job's Daughters, local newspaper deadlines to increase the chance choir to sing at church. , of getting a story and photo. 27. lPurchase flowers for a Sunday churi:h service. 28. Have a'DeMolay read a selected passage at ~ fOrDEMQ~'~ON.rBIWEEK 'local warship service. ACTIVITIES Courtesy 29. Have a guest speaker attend a meeting BI¥i; (In Celebration of Our Carilinid Virtues) Filihl'Love ~ on good manners. ( 30. 'Hold a dinner to thank your sponsoring bOOy. 1. :ferform the Flower Talk. 31. Strive improve your own personal manners. 2. Host a dinner for. parents. to a retirement center or senior citizen home. 3. Hold' a special mee~ to honor parents. 32. VlBit 33. something nice for your Advisors. 4. Have a DeMolay "Parent of tlie Year" banquet. Do 34. ~ponsor a free auto safety inspection at schooL 6. Use certificates available from't}le DeMobzy ~a 35. Work toward improving Masonic relations'in More Store to recognize parents. Temple. 6. Hold.afree car waslifor parents. yop.r 36; TeUyOur friends and family how important they,: 7. Have a father and son.breakfast. you. 8. Tell your Parents how im~t they are·to you. are to 9. Sponsor a special,.to'ut forP._8l'eD.tstoa loc:il art 37. Offer ~ta:Iice to another service group and their charity. museum. and present a class on Mannei1f,' 10. Take the ,time to.get to kn'!)W ~ p~tj:I

ltf."'TiKe yq . ves 00lhe :niOVieS. 89. AdoPta]iighwayl :t.7.P!ave ~ I!onors and Awards Night. st. Wasil city policecC8l'8or fire truiW. 48. H~ @. "Templewi'5Ock~m.;' t 86. Hold an ~~~tal aw~eSs c!aY at 52. ~JSit.another ~'RtA¥'. Schooh 53. Give DeMolay and Mo~ Stote,gift Certificates. PatriotiSm 54. Write t2. a Chapter inanother state or country. 87. Present an "Outstan~ Qi~" ceiti:ficate 55. Host Ilsrniar DeMolay and Alumni party. available from the DeMolay edMOre Store. 56. Leatn:inqre about DeMolayby signing up to 88. Donate one or more. flags. take.the ~d.p Correspondence Course. 89. Hold a memorial service. 57. ~ someone about the Brothethood 'weshare 90. Ask your mayor1or otller. ~t inDeM6hly. speak at-a meeijng. Fidelity 91. Clean a :veterans' cemeteff. 58. Hold a special class of Degrees; 92. Persorially read a:boOkabOut,one.or~ Qf ,59.P~ a ceremony for your sponsoring body. America's patriots. sq. Hold a iimildtatile discussion on what our 93. VISita veterans' hospi~, Vu1iues mean. 94. "Take over"city ~ttfor a day. 61. Have tlie ~t Chapter officers and members 95.Host a governnient aY'~ness-®-y • achool. raise llJoney and dOnate8. new'banner, Bible or 96. Recognize a local vete~ lP.Uup" sometlling else to the future members of the 97. Have a militaey ~at ~ ~aptef.. Chapter! I 98. Havea m~ ~ Of,Play tlie'NatioDaJ 82. Invite Seniqr DeMolays and'Alumni to perform Anthem at a sporting event. the DeM9laY Degree. 99. Write to-members ofthe ~ who ~ lie ) 63. HoBt-~Past Master Councilor. Nig4t. serving inthe armed forces. 64. ReVieW arufrefresh youi'self inthe proficiency of 100. Present the "colors"";u; a.}OCal'~ ~ool your OBligations. basketball game or other ~.event. 651 ~t a local,~yern.ment offici81to proclaim 101. VlBityour state capitoL ~91ay MonthlWeek. tj6. Bringin a new member. 67. PUblicize1]eMolayat every oppqrtunity. INSTALLATIONS 68. Have the-Chapter partici~te ina furidraising OPEN INSTALLATION ~ent to benefit and support the operations of An Open Installation ceremony is an occasion when the,DeMolay International SerViceand the people of the community have an opportunity to uadtihip Center. observe DeMolay and form opinions concerning the b '69. Donatela copy ofBi, D!1~tto a lOCallibrary. Order and a particular Chapter. For this reason, every J 70. Hol~a~i-~er for the Gliapter. effort should be made to have the ceremony well• 71. ~ up a DeMol8.ydilformation booth at a maIl. planned so all events will take place smoothly to the 72. Beam 8Jpublic ceremony, such as-the Flower best advantage of the Order. Talk; ceremony of~t, e~ CIeaDD.esB INSTALLING OFFICERS ::Ta. ~ the Masohic Temple fromtop to bottom. The installing officers should be selected well 74:. Clean

parts in the installation. Have some substitutes latecomers may be seated with minimum confusion. ( available in case an officershould become illthe night See that plenty of seats are available and instruct of the installation. Empty officerchairs will leave a Chapter members to vacate their seats ifthere is not bad impression. enough seating forguests.

Program INTRODUCTIONS A printed or copied installation program should be Introductions ofguests are an important part of furnished to all guests. The program should include a developing a favorable impression of DeMolayin the schedule ofevents, a list of the installing officers.a list minds ofpeople present. They should be carried out of officersto be installed, and the names and titles of with speed and accuracy. Each jurisdiction may differ the Chapter Advisors. Also, list the sponsoring body somewhat inthe order of those to be introduced, but it and the name ofthe presiding officer. isimportant that the Master Councilor be familiar If you have a Mothers'lParents' Club or Adult with what will take place. The followingare general Leadership Team, list the officers.Include the Chapter categories of persons who should be recognized,either Sweetheart's name and any acknowledgements. Give at their seat or by being conducted to the East. special thanks or acknowledgement to the Executive 1. Active DeMolays - Jurisdictional officers, Officeror his representative for the district. district officers,officersfrom other Chapters. 2. DeMolay leaders - ISC Members, the MUSIC Executive Officer,staff members, district Make an effort to have an organist or pianist deputies, governors, Advisors, Mothers' or provide music for the installation. Music adds a great Parents' Club officers. deal to the effectiveness of the ceremony. 3. Masonic dignitaries - Grand Master ofthe Grand Lodge, presiding officersof Masonic MOTHERS'/PARENTS' CLUBS OR ADULT bodies and other visiting Masons. LEADERSInP TEtUIS 4. Parents of principal Chapter officers. Make advance plans with the Mothers'/ParentB'Club 5. Visiting dignitaries from Rainbow Girls and or Adult Leadership Team members to provide suitable Job's Daughters. refreshments for a reception followingthe installation. 6. Any other guests who should be recognized ( (mayor, schoolprincipal.) PUBLICITY Consult Chapter 6 in this handbook about the best OTHER CEREMONIES An opportunity should never be lost to make means of obtaining adequate publicity on the presentations such as merit bars, certificates, Hats Off installation in local news media. Try to place a picture of the new officersin the local newspaper. Awards, Blue Honor Keys and others before a gathering of the general public. Other items like the INVlTATIONS recognition pin, Chevalier, majority service and Often people can be persuaded to comefor the Legionof Honor ceremonies are adequately coveredin installation by means of personal invitations. These the Monitor of Ceremoniesof the Order of DeMolay. can either be a printed card, a personal letter or a However, be mindful of the length of presentations. phone call. Personal invitations should be extended The Monitor of Ceremonies has been published especially to Masonic leaders, civicofficials and by the ISC to provide a convenient and accurate leaders, schoolsuperintendents and principals. reference for all public ceremonies. Members and Advisors both are entitled to purchase copies of ENTERTAINMENT the Monitor. Some type ofprogram besides the actual The Monitor contains the followingceremonies: installation should be included in the events of the Visitation Ceremony (ofthe Executive Officer), evening. This can be musical or other entertainment, a Nine O'ClockInterpolation, Installation ofOfficers, reception, and/or a dance. Majority Service, RecognitionPin Presentation, Representative DeMolay Ceremony,Chevalier CHAPTER ROOM Degree, Legion ofHonor, Memorial Service, Make sure the room is ready before the first guest Funeral Service, Flower Talk, Ceremony ofLight, arrives. It's normally a goodidea to have the first Cross ofHonor Investiture and Installation ofthe guests sit as near the East (front) as possible so AdvisoryCouncil. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( Program Planning

INSTALLATION CHECKLIST Preparing for the Installation () Set a date. ( ) Check equipment and robes. () Choose a location. ( ) Order flowers. () Do a budget. ( ) Select other ceremonies. ( ) Select and invite participants. ( ) Write and print program. ( ) Plan refreshments and reception. ( ) Meet with Chapter Advisor and other Councilors. ( ) Plan activity after installation. ( ) Rehearse installing team ( ) Rehearse officers ( ) Send news release. () Other ~

Installation Night ( ) Officersearly. ( ) Greet special guests. ( ) Roomset up. ( ) Distribute flowers. ( ) Equipment out. ( ) Reserve seats. ( ) Pictures. ( ) Other _

Installation Ceremony () Installing team enters. () Introductions, presentations. () Opening. ( ) Other _ ( ) Actual Installation () Closing. After the Installation ( ) Refreshments, reception. ( ) News release and photo. () Clean up. ( ) PMC-MSAletter. ( ) Return paraphernalia. ( ) Have a successful term! ( ) Write "Thank You's" ( ) Other _

JURISDICTIONAL ACTIVITIES Adult Volunteer and Aduisor Workshops The programs planned on the jurisdictional Many jurisdictions have recognized the value level are very important for the growth of DeMolay. of workshop programs for adults involved with Remember that the Executive Officer is the authority DeMolay, as well, and are instituting them. No one for your jurisdiction and all plans for jurisdictional plan will fit the needs of every jurisdiction exactly in activities must be approved by him. Here are some an organization as widespread as DeMolay. DeMolay jurisdictional activities your Chapter may become training and education are necessary to maintain involved in: Leadership Training Conferences active DeMolay Chapters which offer their members In the late 19205 and early 19305, DeMolay the best experience. Competent leaders in every Leadership Camps were very popular. In1963, the jurisdiction can be utilized to train people locally. ISC revived the Leadership Camp program and later The goal of a training program is to promote better renamed it the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) Chapters and provide a full DeMolay experience for program. Today, this program of summer conferences, members and adults! The result is the increase of many of which go by different names, provides the DeMolay know-how which, when put into action, will highest quality leadership education available result in good, all-around Chapters. A secondary result through DeMolay. nearly as important as the first, is that the leaders of Leadership Training Conferences are designed the Chapters will get to know each other better, and in particular for young men above the minimum positive relationships will develop between Chapters. membership age. They offer each DeMolay a chance for real "hands on" experience. District Activities Athletic events and brotherhood activities highlight District competitions may be held inorder to select the positive growth experience at each LTC. Every representatives for entry into jurisdictional DeMolay should try to attend at least once! competitions such as degrees and open ceremonies, oratorical contests, and athletic tournaments. These


competitions help increase the speed and efficiency of competitions held at jurisdictional conclaves. ( Another district activity involves area Chapters working closely with the Executive Officer's district representatives in order to establish other DeMolay Chapters in or near communities that are large enough to support one.

Conclaves or Conventions Jurisdictional conclaves or conventions are considered by many DeMolays to be the highlight of the DeMolay year. They are usually two to four day events held at ~a:rying locations around your state or jurisdiction, and almost always at a college campus or nice hotel so the facilities are excellent! Swimming pools, food, dances, competitions and fun highlight these special DeMolay activities. Plan on attending!

Miscellaneous Events All types of DeMolay activities, such as joint initi• ations, social affairs, fund-raising projects and civic services, also are recommended to be carried out on a district and jurisdictional basis. The more Chapters united in a common task, the better the story you will have to present to newspapers, and radio and television stations. This, intum, results in the general public being better informed about the Order of DeMolay. (

( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ·• The Officers of a Chapter • Effective Adult Volunteers and Their Roles • Executive Officers, the International Supreme Council and Its Structure (

( you'veheard it before.Ittakes teamwork to Chapter orjurisdictional requirements. succeed ... in the game, on the job and in life. Unless otherwise directed by an Executive Officer, Y No one can do everything all by himself. The to be eligible to vote in an election or on regular same is true for your DeMolayChapter. In fact, it takes Chapter business, or to hold an office,a member must more than one team ofwilling workers behind every have qualified for, and received, his Obligation Card. successful Chapter - the members, the Chapter This means he must "prove up" or memorize hisvows officers,a variety of adult volunteer groups, your as a DeMolay. Executive Officerand the International Supreme Chapter elections are held using written ballots. Council (lSC). The member receiving the majority of the ballots cast (not counting blank ballots) is the winner. Officers OFFICERS OF THE CHAPTER either must be installed at the same meeting at which Just as every DeMolayis in a position to learn to be they are elected or within 45 days of their election. a leader, every DeMolayChapter needs leaders to Since each officeis a position of responsibility, function and prosper. Each Chapter has four elected absence by any officerfrom three consecutive Chapter officers- the Master Councilor, the Senior Councilor, meetings, without being excused by the Chairman of the Junior Councilor and the Treasurer - who must the Advisory Council, may result in that officer's work together to make the Chapter successful. dismissal. The first three are elected by the Chapter members Any officermay resign. The resignation of any for a term, usually six months, as stated in the officeralso may be demanded, and his officemade Chapter's bylaws. The Treasurer is elected at the last vacant, by a resolution ofthe Chapter adopted in election ofthe DeMolayyear, and shall serve for the proper form. A resolution of this nature must be made ensuing DeMolayyear. at one regular meeting, and considered and sustained The Scribe is appointed by the Advisory Council. by the affirmative vote ofthree-fourths ofthe members The Master Councilorappoints the remaining 18 present at the next stated meeting. This action must officers who serve at his pleasure. These appointed be approved by the Executive Officerof the officers are: jurisdiction. Senior Deacon Junior Deacon When a vacancy occurs in the officeofMaster Senior Steward Junior Steward Counciloror Senior Councilor, the next lower elective Chaplain Almoner officerin order of rank, who is willing to accept the Marshal Standard Bearer vacant office,automatically succeeds to it. If a vacancy Orator Seven Preceptors in an elective officeis not filled by automatic Sentinel Organist (optional) succession, a regular election must be held after the To be elected to the officeofMaster Councilor, a members have been given two weeks written notice. member must have served as Senior Councilor or Other officervacancies are filled by appointment. Junior Councilor, except when the Advisory Council believes that the best interests ofthe Order will be THE MASTER COUNCILOR served by the election of another member. Naturally, The Master Councilorholds the same position as this qualification for the officeofMaster Councilor the president does in other organizations. He is the does not hold true in the formation ofa new Chapter. top-ranking youth leader of the Chapter. The members Each officermust be an active member of the Chapter. of the Chapter look to him as an example ofleadership In somejurisdictions, officersmust meet additional and character. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who MaJreslt Work

The Master Councilor must be enthusiastic and to fill in the details to finalize the program for his dedicated to the Order and to the Chapter. (You'1lbe term. All planning for the program should be worked ( surprised how much the members mirror the attitudes out in cooperation with the other officers, the Chapter, and actions of the Master Councilor.) He should be the Advisors and any special committees. cheerful, fair, sympathetic and democratic in carrying Once formulated, the term program should be out his job. He should show faith in the members to duplicated and distributed. Ifthere is interest in get the job done in an outstanding manner - and he computers within the Chapter, an ambitious Master must recognize them openly when they accomplish it. Councilor could copy his calendar and program onto a It is very important that the Master Councilor disk for use in personal computers if programs are involve all the members of the Chapter. Very often, compatible or translatable. asking the advice and help of a member can awaken The Master Councilor is only limited by his own an undiscovered interest and expose an unexpected imagination. But, no matter how he presents his talent. program, the critical thing to remember is the The Master Councilor must always strive for importance of communicating effectively with the excellence. To do this, he should know and understand Chapter members. They can't be expected to each Chapter member. A good Master Councilor participate if they don't know what's happening. The knows that each person is unique, and that each has Master Councilor can make his term more successful his own interests and desires. To be effective, the - and his job a lot more fun - if he knows how to Master Councilor must try to assign each individual a communicate! specific responsibility. He should also make an effort to An early task for the Master Councilor will be to let each member feel that he is important to the select appointed officers. Personal feelings probably overall success, and the overall excellence, of the cannot be completely put aside, but the Master Chapter. Councilor is responsible for placing the capabilities The Master Councilor's leadership challenges begin and qualities of each member ahead of any personal even before he is installed. They begin when he is considerations. It will make the Master Councilor's job required to outline a program of activities for his term. easier ifhe is working with self-starters rather than The program should contain specific events for the people who need to be pushed to do the job. The ( following: Chapter Advisor and other members of the Advisory • membership recruitment Council can give valuable assistance in these • confening of degrees selections. • social activities The Master Councilor must also appoint the • at least one fund-raising activity Membership, Entertainment, Auditing, Sick and • one civic service project Finance Committees. He can also appoint any other • visitations committees which he thinks are needed. A good policy • special activities (pay particular note of any is to have enough committees so that every Chapter Obligatory Days falling during the term). member serves on at least one. The Master Councilor Just as he helps members to set and achieve goals, is an ex officio member of all committees, but he the Master Councilor should set goals of his own. One should let each one do its job and not try to take on the of these should be to earn the Past Master Councilor's work himself. Meritorious Service Award (PMC-MSA). The The progress of each committee should be closely PMC-MSA was designed by Dad Land to stimulate checked during its first few weeks. If the members are good planning and overall Chapter operating not doing theirjobs, reassign the responsibilities. efficiency. This award gives the Master Councilor a The following are the specific duties the ISC expects good incentive to make his term successful. The award Master Councilors to fulfill: must be applied for by letter of intent, which must be It is the duty of the Master Councilor to see that: sent to the Executive Officer, or his designated 1. a. the Statutes are fully observed by the Chapter. representative, within 10 days of the Master b. accurate records are kept and just accounts Councilor's instal1ation. A standard letter for PMC• rendered. MSA application can be found in Chapter 9. c. all reports and remittances to the Supreme A well-organized Chapter will already have a Council are made at the time required, and general program outline for the entire DeMolay year. d. initiations are held at least once in his term of If this is the case, the Master Councilor simply needs office. ( BI' DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

2. He presides at meetings of the Chapter. If activity during his term of office. absent, the next ranking officerwill preside. 10.Be prepared to appear in public before different 3. He may call a special meeting of the Chapter, groups. When doing so, the Master Councilor and must do so, ifrequested, pursuant to the should remember that he embodies the entire provisions found in the Statutes. Order ofDeMolay. 4. He is required to appoint officersas set forth in Uplwlding the laws and regulations of the Supreme the Statutes. Council and the Chapter is a duty that slwuld not be 5. He is required to appoint standing committees passed over lightly. Each Master Councilor needs to and other special committees. take this part ofthe officeseriously. His respect for 6. He ensures the observance of Obligatory Days these laws and regulations will be imitated by the during his term of office. members. On the other hand, if the Master Councilor 7. He performs all other duties appropriate to his flaunts a law or regulation, it becomes a bad example officeand those assigned to him by the Statutes, that other members are apt to imitate. the bylaws of the Chapter, the Supreme Council To preside successfully at meetings, the Master or the Executive Officerofhis jurisdiction. Councilor must understand parliamentary procedure. Parliamentary procedure serves two important Inaddition, the Master Counciloralso should carry purposes: out the followingresponsibilities: 1. It serves as a fair and just method of transacting 1. Maintain a cooperative relationship with all business and conducting meetings; and Advisors. They should be friendly and open with 2. It provides for the transaction of a maximum one another. The Master Counoilorshould amount of business in a minimum amount of remember that Advisors are available to aid and time. counsel him, not to do his work for him. Rules for parliamentary procedure can be found in 2. Motivate his Chapter to share DeMolayby Robert's Rules of Order. (This is a handy book to keep recruiting new members. This is critical to the in the Chapter library.) But don't becomebogged down future ofthe Chapter and a real measurement of with procedure. It's just a tool to help make your , the success of the Master Councilor's term. meetings more productive. 3. Attend all Chapter activities - social, service or If the Chapter has an efficient and dependable others. Remember that the Master Councilor Scribe, then the Master Councilorwill not need to sets the example for all members. worry about reports or remittances to the Supreme 4. Be thoroughly familiar with ISC Statutes and Council.However, knowing when reports are due, and Chapter bylaws. See that they are fully ifthey have been submitted, is just as important as observed. the other duties of the Master Councilor. (This is 5. Appoint investigating committees for especially true when it comes to promptly submitting membership applications and present their Form lOs.) reports, along with the applications, in open Leadership is not a reward, it is an ongoing meeting. This work should be spread around so challenge! The Master Councilor of any Chapter must all members will have an opportunity to serve on always remember that he is in a position of trust and such a committee. At the same time, the Master responsibility. Councilor must be fum in his requirements and An appeal on any decision of the Master Councilor be prepared to replace committee members if may be taken to the Advisory Council which will make they are not reporting in a timely manner. a ruling. A decision can be further appealed to the 6. Have his portion of the Ritual committed to Executive Officerof the jurisdiction, then to the Grand memory and ensure that all his officersdo Master of DeMolayand finally to the ISC. likewise. 7. Initiate, during his term, his pro-rata share THES~ORCOUNcaOR of the Chapter's new member goal. The Senior Councilor is the second in command of a 8. Present a planned program to Chapter members Chapter. Inmost cases, the Senior Counciloris work• listing all dates and events scheduled for his ing toward the position of Master Councilorfor the term. Remember, this must be completed before next term. A good Senior Councilor must beprepared, installation ifapplying for the PMC-MSA and ready at all times, to assume the duties and ~ 9. Hold at least one social,civic and fund-raising responsibilities of the Master Councilor ifnecessary. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

The Senior Councilor should take it on himself to Statutes outline the following duties for the Treasurer: ( support the Master Councilor to the fullest extent 1. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of possible in all Chapter undertakings. all his receipts and payments, which shall show Itis recommended that the Senior Councilor be separately the funds belonging to the Chapter delegated as the supervisor of one-half of the Chapter's and the payments from Chapter funds, and committees. In this way, he can be a tremendous aid to those collected for and belonging to the ISC, and the Master Councilor in seeing that all committees are payments to the ISC. functioning and performing their duties satisfactorily. 2. He shall carefully prepare numbered vouchers This is an excellent means of acquainting the Senior and make payments only by checks, signed by Councilor with all facets of the Chapter's organization. the Treasurer or Master Councilor and Itis suggested that the Senior Councilor be countersigned by a member of the Advisory responsible for fund-raising activities and encouraging Council (or signed by himself and two members members to attend meetings. of the Advisory Council) after authorization at a Since one key aspect of the Senior Councilor's duties regular business meeting of the Chapter. No is to plan for his tenn as Master Councilor, it is payments should be made without Chapter advisable for him to! authorization. However, funds belonging to 1. Attend a Leadership Training Conference during the ISC do not require Chapter authorization. his tenn to prepare himfor his duties as Master 3. He shall, at the last meeting of the DeMolay Councilor. year, make a report of his official acts during the 2. Plan to submit his PMC-MSA letter of intent year. within 10 days ofhis installation as Master 4. At the expiration of his tenn of office he shall Councilor. deliver all money and other property of the Chapter in his possession to his successor, or to THE ,JUNIOR COUNCILOR such other persons as the Advisory Council may The Junior Councilor is the third in command of a direct .. Chapter. He must be prepared to assume the duties 5. He shall perform all duties appropriate to his and responsibilities of the Senior Councilor if office, and those assigned to him by the Statutes, ( necessary. the bylaws of the Chapter, the ISC or the The Junior Councilor has clearly defined Exeeutise Officer of his jurisdiction. duties: assist with or take charge of the Chapter membership recruitment and member SCRIBE orientation programs and when appropriate to The Scribe of a DeMolay Chapter is a vital member the situation, provide for the coaching of new of its leadership team. The success of a Chapter will be initiates in their examination queries and greatly influenced by the conduct of the Scribe. He answers. Naturally, the larger the Chapter, the more should realize not only the compliment that was paid help the Junior Councilor will need to fulfill this duty, to him inselecting him as Scribe, but also the Just as the Senior Councilor might supervise half of importance of this responsibility. the Chapter's committees, the Junior Councilor might The Scribe is appointed by the Advisory Council. coordinate the other half of the committees. Since the importance of the office is so great, the Itis strongly recommended that the Junior Advisory Council should take care to select a hard Councilor attend a Leadership Training Conference to worker for this job. He should be accurate, dependable, prepare for his future responsibilities. and above all, a self-starter. He may be an active Also, as a senior officer of the Chapter, the Junior DeMolayor a Senior DeMolay. Sometimes, a member Councilor should help in every way to assist the of the Advisory Council is selected to fill this post. Master Councilor. When an active DeMolay is selected. a Scribe Advisor usually is also named to counsel the Scribe. TUB 'rR.EASlJItER To assure a healthy succession of'Scribes, many Inmany Chapters, this position is combined with Chapters appoint a "Scribe-to-be" as an assistant that of the Scribe. Scribe so he can become thoroughly familiar with the As his title suggests, the primary function of the duties and methods of the job. Attendance at a Treasurer is to keep an accurate account of all income Leadership Training Conference is highly and expenditures of the Chapter. Specifically, the ISC recommended. ( DEMOLAY LEADER~SRESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

The Scribe nonnally is appointed for a one-year paper) is sent to the Executive Officer, and the third term to coincide with the caleodar year. A Scribe may copy (on pink paper) is retained in the Chapter files. be removed from office at any time by the Advisory A membership certificate will be issued to a Council for neglect or failure to carry out his duties member when the Scribe reports that he has received promptly and accurately. the DeMolay Degree. Members will not receive their The Scribe keeps all the minutes, records, and patents ifthe Scribe has been negligent in reporting financial information for the Chapter. To help him - the conferring of the degrees. Fonn lOs are available and the Advisory Council- a uniform accounting without cost from the DeMolay Service and Leadership system has been developed for all DeMolay Chapters. Center. All Scribes should be certain there is an This system assists in maintaining an accurate record adequate supply available at all times. of finances and membership. The material for such a Chapter Rosten - Upon receipt of a Form 10 system is available from the DeMolay Service and reporting a new initiate, the Service and Leadership Leadership Center. Center provides the Chapter an updated Chapter This system contains: Roster listing all current members and Advisors. - a Chapter account book in which to record Proper filing of these reports along with copies of Form receipts and payments. lOs, Advisor registrations and other forms will help - Scribe's and Treasurer's receipt books. your Chapter have accurate and up-to-date records. - monthly financial report blanks, and Senwr Member Certificate - A form for ordering - member's record sheets. Senior DeMolay Certificates is available from the The member's record sheets provide spaces for a DeMolay Service and Leadership Center. These complete DeMolay history of each member. They are certificates are free. Use this form to order the simple and easy to use, and contain spaces for majority certificates for all those who will reach 21 membership information and initiation records, offices during the coming year. The certificate attests to the held, payments made, honors and awards, and dates of 21-year-old member's retirement in good standing majority. from the Chapter. The system provides a readily-available reference If a certificate has not been ordered by the time the on any member. last order fonn is sent in, it can be requested by letter to the Service and Leadership Center. SPECIFIC DUTIES OF THE SCRIBE If you have an Alumni Association in your area, try Initiation - One of the most important duties of a to involve them in a Majority Service, presenting the Scribe is the proper reporting of new initiates to the Mlijority Certificate to the new Senior DeMolays. Service and Leadership Center. All candidates Mailing Addresses - The Scribe should also be receiving the Initiatory Degree must be reported to the alert to advise all DeMolays, honor meo, Chevaliers, DeMolay Service and Leadership Center on the Senior DeMolays and others that it's important to standard Form 10. The ISC-required membership fee keep the DeMolay Service and Leadership Center must be included for each new member listed on the informed of address changes. Many Senior DeMolays Form 10. This membership fee provides the new lose touch with DeMolay because they forget to keep initiate with lifetime membership in the Internatiooal their addresses current and on file with the Service Order of DeMolay. He also receives a membership card and Leadership Ceoter. and a copy of the DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide. All general correspondence with the Supreme A member is oot officially registered 00 ISC records Council should be addressed to: until he has been reported 00 a Form 10. Ifboth the Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees are oot conferred at DeMolay Service and Leadership Center the same time, or within 10 days of ooe another, then 10200 North Executive HillsBlvd. the Initiatory Degree must be reported immediately on Kansas City, Missouri 64153 a Form 10, accompanied by the membership fee. Wheo To speed a reply, please include the date, your the DeMolay Degree is giveo at a later date, those name, your membership or Advisor identification candidates receiving it must be reported again 00 number, your complete address and your Chapter another Form 10. name and location. The Fonn lOs come in triplicate. The original (00 Officer's Certificate - Upon request and white paper) should be sent to the DeMolay Service remittance of a nominal fee, a Scribe may order an and Leadership Center. The first copy (on yellow Officer's Service Certificate. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes 11Work

Remittance. - The Statutes provide that all before the Chapter, such as names of officers pun:bases of books, supplies and other merchandise presiding, reports ofcommittees, motions carried or ( from the DeMolay Service and Leadership Center and lost, names ofcandidates elected or rejected, the DeMolay and More Store may be sent only ifthe candidates receiving degrees, bills approved for order is accompanied by full payment. payment and all other information which is ofvalue Of All checks and money orders should be made should be of record. Many Scribes are maintaining payable to the International Supreme Council of the minutes on computer diskette for compact storage and Order ofDeMolayor to the DeMolayand More Store, record keeping. Scribes' minute books are available as appropriate. All should bear the name of the bank from the DeMolayand More store. on which the check is drawn and have all required Inventory - The Statutes specifythat the Scribe is signatures. Currency should not be sent. VISA and responsible for keeping an accurate inventory ofall MasterCard orders may be placed by calling toll free, Chapter property. A special inventory list is available 1-800-DEMOLAY. from the Service and Leadership Center. The Scribe Duplicate Certitkate8 - The Scribe usually should make an inventory at least once each year and handles the task of ordering any duplicate cards, provide a report to'the Advisory Council.Likewise, an Senior DeMolay Certificates or membership patents inventory should be made at the conclusionof a from the Supreme Council for Chapter members. The Scribe's term ofoffice,and the new Scribe should check member's name, his identification number. his to be sure he is not charged with property that has Chapter and its location should be furnished along been lost or worn out. A Ritual Record Bookalso with the proper remittance for each one ordered, if should be kept up to date. there is a charp. Financial Reporl8- An important part of the Minutes - The Scribe is responsible for keeping a Scribe's duties is connected with financial matters. He complete and accurate record of the Chapter's business collects all Chapter dues and initiation fees, and must meetings. Ifpossible, minutes should be typed. The account for ISC money separate from Chapter money. minutes should include all essential matters brought Reports to the Advisory Council should show the ( --_ ORDER OF DEMOLAY

----....--_--..._• Outstanding Committee Chairman ,. ---..",---_--.:- .. j :----,.._---..,-:,w.


status of these funds. In like manner, the Scribe is with the Statutes), the original copyshould be kept by responsible for seeing that all fees due the ISC are the Scribe with the other valuable papers ofthe paid on time. Chapter. An accurate record of any changes or There are many benefits to requiring the Scribe to additions should also be kept. keep accurate financial records and make timely Keep extra copies ofthe ISC Statutes on hand for reports: use by Advisors and officers.(Remember, the Statutes 1. It will keep the Scribe's record of receipts and may be revised annually.) Copies are obtainable from payments up to date. the DeMolayand More Store at a nominal cost. 2. ItwiIlinsure that the Chapter treasury has the Since the Scribe orders all supplies and awards for proper amount ofmoney due to the ISC at all the Chapter, it is his responsibility to see that they are times. ordered in ample time for presentation. He should also 3. It will simplify the preparation ofreports, and see that all communications, especially those from the help promote prompt return/submission. Supreme Council, are brought before the Chapter 4. It will enable the Advisory Council to compare members to keep them interested and fully aware that income with the Chapter budget and, if they belong to an international organization. necessary, make changes that will prevent the FailureToMakeReporl- A Scribe who becomes Chapter from going into debt. lax and fails to make Form 10 reports on time should Chapter Seal- Every Chapter should have a seal read the Statutes. They state that when any reports to use on officialdocuments. It should be kept by the become three months delinquent, the Chapter will be Scribe. Seals may be used by a Chapter whether it is temporarily suspended. After a Chapter has been operating under Letters Temporary or a Charter, after temporarily suspended for three months, its Charter, it has been instituted by the Executive Officerofthe or Letters Temporary, will be forfeited. jurisdiction. The seal should bear the name and The Scribe's Calendar - The Scribe should develop location of the Chapter, and the date of institution. a calendar or checklist indicating important "to do" Chapter seals may be ordered from the DeMolayand items. Monthly responsibilities include issuing More Store. monthly financial reports, seeing that minutes of Transfer and Affiliation - Another function of the Chapter and Advisory Council meetings have been Scribe is to handle the transfer ofmembers to other taken, and mailing Chapter meeting notices. Chapters and affiliation ofmembers from other Other items to be included are making the Annual Chapters. Presently, a Transfer Certificate is needed Financial Report, paying jurisdictional per-capita to effect a transfer of membership from one DeMolay insurance, checking the Chapter inventory, seeing that Chapter to another. These forms are available on membership and other awards are presented, verifying request from the DeMolay Service and Leadership current Chapter Rosters and submitting the Annual Center. Advisor registration. The Transfer Certificate is used by a member who Chapter Supplies - At all times, the Scribe should wishes to maintain his membership in his Chapter have all supplies that are essential to the efficient until he has been elected to membership by another operation of the Chapter. The items listed below are Chapter. This one-page form includes information on those which are essential. Reorders should be made the member's degrees and the fees he has paid. The when the Chapter's stock is low, and not when the bottom portion ofthe certificate tears off,so it can be supply is exhausted. Inthe same manner, orders for returned to the Chapter from which the member is awards should be made well in advance ofplanned transferring. The Scribe must be sure to complete the presentation ceremonies. transfer or affiliation by reporting it to the Supreme 1. Reports ofInitiates (Form 10). Council on a Form 10 as a status change. 2. Applications for Representative DeMolay Award. MisceUaneoUB- The Scribe should have a supply of 3. Mothers' and Parents' Club Certificates of Proficiency Cards on hand at all times. These cards Appreciation. should be issued to a member after he has received his 4. Senior DeMolay Certificates. degrees and has shown proficiencyon his Obligations. 5. Miscellaneous certificates. The cards can be ordered from the DeMolayand 6. Membership Applications More Store. A beautiful proficiencylapel pin is also 7. Transfer Certificates. available for order. 8. Monthly Financial Reports. When the Chapter writes its bylaws (in accordance 9. ProficiencyCards.


10..Cash Receipts. 1. Membership 11. Ritual Receipts. a. At least three members and one Advisor. ( 12. ISC Statutes. b. Organizes membership progrsms, 13. DeMolayLeader's Resource Guide. c. Arranges programs for prospective members. 14. DeMoJayLeader Pack. d. Contacts candidates concerning degrees. 15. Monitor of Ceremonies. e. Works with the Junior Councilor to handle 16. Ritual of Secret Work. the orientation ofnew members. All supplies can be obtained from the DeMolay 2. Entertainment Service and Leadership Center and the DeMolay and a. Five members. More Store. - (Note: RD forms must be obtained from b. Arranges entertainment for such events as your Executive Officeror his representative.) meetings, dinners, dances and public ceremonies. APPOINTED OFFICERS 3. Finance ABwe mentioned, Chapters may have 18 officers a. Has a minimum ofthree members. who are appointed by the Master Councilor and serve b. Considers the income and financial at his pleasure. The Master Councilorshould work obligations of the Chapter. with his Advisorsto assign responsibilities to each of c. Prepares and submits a budget to the these officers.This will ensure their involvement in Advisory Council. (This budget becomes the Chapter activities and make them a part of its effectivewhen approved by the Advisory decisions.For example: Council.) Almoner - Under the jurisdiction of the Master d. Works closelywith fund-raising projects. Counciloror the Advisory Council, the Almoner 4. Auditing shall distribute the charity funds of the Chapter, as a. Consists of three members and one Advisor. collectedby passing the box of fraternal assistance b. Examines the books ofthe Scribe and at specificmeetings of the Chapter as the Master Treasurer and reports to the Advisory Councilordirects. The amount collectedshall be Council and Chapter at the next stated applied first to the relief of a distressed worthy mem• meeting. ( ber, or the relative of one, and if there be none, then to 5. Sick the relief of some needy deserving person or persons. a. Visits all sick Chapter members reported to COMMrlTEES the Scribe or in open Chapter. Each committee should represent a cross-section of b. Reports the results ofthese visits. the ages ofthe Chapter members in order to allow for c. Makes recommendations that cards ofgood a variety ofideas and thoughts. To be effective,each wishes or flowers be sent, as deemed committee should meet at least once between Chapter appropriate. meetings. In addition to the Senior Councilor and 6. Publicity and Chapter Newspaper Junior Councilor, an Advisor should be assigned, if a. Handles all Chapter publicity. available, to assist each committee. b. Publishes a regular Chapter newsletter or Committee reports in Chapter meetings should be newspaper. brief. (Properly functioning committees are the secret c. Arranges visitations to other Chapters. to having short business meetings.) A goodplan 7. Obligatory Observances involves having committee members take turns in a. Plans programs for the Chapter to observe all giving the committee's report instead of having the Obligatory Days. Chairman give it every time. 8. Masonic Relations If a committee thoroughly examines all the pros and a. Arranges to exemplify the degrees before cons ofany question or proposal, and has a complete Masonic groups. report ready to give inthe meeting, then the business b. Looks for ways for the Chapter to be of portion of the meeting can be very brief. Ifa committee service to the sponsoring body. fails to carry out its duties, the Master Councilor c. Invites Masons to Chapter meetings and should appoint a new committee. other functions. The followingcommittees are recommended forevery 9. AJhletics Chapter. (The first five are required by ISC Statutes:) a. Organizes the Chapter athletic teams. b. Encourages competition with other Chapters. ( DEMO LAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

c. Plans athletic events. All activities depend on the members for their d. Insures that every member participates in vitality, and all offeryou the opportunity to learn, some sport. share with others and express your leadership skills. 10. Civic Seroice a. Plans all civicservice projects undertaken by LEADERSHIP TRAINING OPPORTUNITms the Chapter. DeMolayoffers a variety of opportunities to learn to 11.Fund Raising be a better leader. While they are recommended for all a. Plans and coordinates allfund-raising projects. active DeMolays,they are especially important to any 12.Education and Career Guidance Junior Counciloror Senior Councilorbefore they a. Obtains special speakers on career guidance. assume their responsibilities as Master Councilor. b. Arranges for trips and tours ofvocational interest. c. Administers any scholarships given by the Chapter. EFFECTIVE ADULT VOLUNTEERS 13.Awards AND THEIR ROLES a. Promotes the earning of awards such as the At about 12 Founder's Membership Award, Blue Honor orI3 years of Keys, merit bars, and Representative age, young men DeMolayAwards. begin to 14.Leadership TrainingCon(erence develop a a. Encourages attendance by leaders and future leaders. b. Communicates conferencedates to the members. c. Locates sponsors for those wishing to attend. desire to be d. Makes sure individual applicants complete all responsible for their applications and submits them on time. own actions. During e. Coordinates logistics ofattendance. the years that follow, 15. Jurisdiction. Progral1Ul a young man's a. Coordinates with the Jurisdiction regarding friends usually will upcoming events and communicates them to have more influence on him- goodor bad - than his the members. parents, ministers or teachers. h. Arranges for Chapter members to attend DeMolayserves a valuable function by providing an jurisdictional activities. environment where young men can find both the Another committee often used is an Executive independence and the fraternalism that they desire. A Committee consisting of the principal officersand a key part ofthis environment is the DeMolayadult few other Chapter members. This committee worker. Competent and qualified adult volunteers are establishes Chapter policies and programs, with the important to DeMolay-to give guidance, assistance approval ofthe Advisory Council. and supervision to DeMolay members as they learn leadership skills and have fun with goodfriends. DEMOLAYACTIVITIES DeMolayis well-known as an exciting and fun DEMOLAY VOLUNTEERS MAKE THE organization. DeMolayoffers a variety of activities, DIFFERENCE depending upon the locale and Chapter preferences. The strength and growth of any DeMolay Chapter The activities can usually be divided into: can be traced directly to the strength and interest of 1. Civicor community service. each Chapter's adult volunteers. Without adequate 2. Fund-raising. adult guidance, a Chapter will too often flounder, and 3. Social. finally cease to function. At the same time, you and 4. Athletic. other young men inyour Chapter must be allowed to 5. Obligatory Days. make mistakes, so that you can learn together. 6. Others, such as ceremonies, newspaper, etc. The DeMolaymembers must be involved in the 7. Jurisdictional activities. decision-making process for the Chapter to be


successful. The effective adult volunteer knows that individual and Chapter goals, even though young men will be much more excited about monies may be limited. ( supporting something which they help develop. The 5. Challenging and inspiring - able to encourage greater young people to set higher goals, to help them the sense of ownership, the more involved and understand that people who apply themselves enthusiastic the Chapter members will be. are capable of improving. This perspective on the young men is a fundamental 6. Enthusiastic - spark the enthusiasm that principle ef the Order of DeMolay. It translates into exists in all young men, and infect them with statements like these: enthusiasm for DeMolay and service to others. 1. Every DeMolay is unique. 7. Willing to learn as well as teach - Adults can 2. Young men must be involved in decisions learn much from young people if they take time that affect them. to listen and seek understanding. 3. The organization must be flexible. S. Team-oriented - willing and able to work 4. DeMolay offers many opportunities to learn effectively with others. and grow. 9. Consistent - Young people quickly detect 5. DeMolay is a youth-centered world. inconsistency between words and actions. 6. DeMolays must take advantage of these 10. Patient and understanding - "Practice makes opportunities. perfect," and some people require more practice 7. Members must assume a major role in than others. Patience and encouragement, planning and ' out actions. rather than anger and frustration, will motivate S. Rewards and recognition are within young men to "try again." everyone's reach. 11. Trusting - able to project confidence in a young 9. DeMolays have responsibilities. man's ability to "do the job" and conduct himself 10. Happiness can be found in helping others. honorably. 11. DeMolay is an investment in the future. 12. Secure in job, finances, with time to invest. Keeping the perspective on the young men will help 13. Willing to share life experiences with the young adult leaders to understand that young people don't men of DeMolay .•• or just "be there" to talk ( think of time, for example, in the same way that adults when needed. do. Appreciating this helps to understand why young Volunteers with prior DeMolay experience can men do not immediately see the "pay oft" of many make immediate contributions as members of the DeMolay activities. DeMolay adult workers should Advisory Council or Adult Leadership Team. However, understand that they can't motivate young men. a connection with DeMolay or the Masonic fraternity Motivation must come from within one's self. is not necessarily required. Chapters are willing to work with parents of DeMolays, teachers, community QUALITIES WE LOOK FOR IN ADULT VOLUNTEERS leaders and others who want to accept specific assign• Some adults click in their relations with DeMolays. ments. Any qualified adult who wants to work with Others never seem to be effective. What makes the young people can make a sizeable contribution to difference? DeMolay. Over the years, we have found that the following Again, an adult volunteer is a role model for each qualities in an adult volunteer help to build the DeMolay ..• and one of the best that he has today. relationship that is needed for a successful Chapter. They must remember the DeMolay's perspective: 1. Youth-oriented - young at heart, but not making sure that the model they give him is worthy necessarily young in years. ofhis imitation. 2. Able and willing to communicate with young people. THE DEMOLAY ADULT RECRillTMENT PROGRAM 3. Positive role model- whose way of life is To assist DeMolay Chapters with adult consistent with the ideals and teachings of recrmtment, the Service and Leadership Center has a DeMolay. Although no one is perfect, all must "DeMolay Adult Recruitment Program." This program recognize the influence adults have over the provides Chapters with a professional, video-based young people entrusted to them. sales tool to recruit and train the best volunteers 4. Resourceful and creative - able to help possible to provide DeMolays with mature, DeMolays acquire resources needed to achieve experienced adult leadership. ( - DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Mahall Work

The program offers an assortment of resources, including a Presentation Leader's Guide, adult recruitment booklets to hand out to prospective volunteers, an IS-minute "Invest in DeMolay"video and a set of transparency masters. TYPICAL ASSIGNMENTS OF DEMOLAYADVISORS The aim of this program is to inspire qualified, OR VOLUNTEERS caring adults to becomemembers of a DeMolayAdult There are plenty ofopportunities for service to go Leadership Team. To find out more about this around. DeMolaytries to recruit enough qualified program or to order the Adult Recruitment Program adult volunteers so tasks can be equitably divided. kit, call toll-free l-SOO-DEMOLAY. Chapters are successful when adult volunteers are involved and accept responsibility for assignments. There are many important adult volunteer positions where special expertise is needed: 1. Chairman of the DeMolayAdvisory Council. 2. Chapter Advisor. 3. Membership recruitment and retention. 4. Membership development and education. 5. Sports and athletics. 6. Community service. 7. Socialand recreational. S. Fraternal relations. 9. Fund-raising. 10. Awards and recognition. 11. Ceremonies. 12. Chapter administration. 13. Transportation. Two of these positions are critical- Chairman of the Advisory Council and Chapter Advisor.The Chairman is responsible for recruiting and building a winning Adult Leadership Team -a team that supports Chapter Activities and works closely with members to achieve their personal goals. The importance ofthe Chapter Advisor cannot be overstated. This Advisor is responsible for attending all Chapter meetings and functions, and seeks help and cooperation from other members of the Adult Leadership Team when needed. The typical positions we mentioned aren't the only areas where adults can share their expertise. Inmany cases, Chapters define additional areas of responsibility according to the nature of the activities in which the Chapter is involved.

The Adult Leadership Team The ISC Statutes mandate that all Chapters have an Advisory Council with trained and registered Advisors. Although Adult Leadership Teams are not provided for by ISC Statutes, they broaden the base of support for DeMolayChapters, expand the scope of communications and further involve parents and other qualified adults with DeMolay. Who Makes It Work

ADVISORY COUNCILS each year on the Advisory CouncilRegistration (ACR). ( Each DeMolay Chapter must have an Advisory All Advisors, including reappointed and new Advisors, Council consisting of three or more Master Masons in should be listed on the form with correct mailing good standing. Senior DeMolayswho are not Master addresses and all required signatures. The Advisory Masons, but are recommended by the sponsoring CouncilRegistration is approved with the Executive organization, also are eligible to serve as members of Officer'ssignature. an Advisory Council and may act in any capacity AdvisoryCouncil Registrations should be returned except that ofChairman. promptly. During the year, new Advisors should be Also,men who are not Masons or Senior DeMolays reported to the Service and Leadership Center by may serve on Advisory Councils,ifrecommended by a using a Supplemental Advisory Council Registration sponsoring organization and approved by an Executive form (Available on request from the DeMolayService Officer. Non-Masonicand Non-Senior DeMolay & Leadership Center.) The Executive Officerhas the Advisors must successfully complete a DeMolayadult authority to remove any Advisory Council member worker training program prior to Advisory Council who does not, or will not, perform his duties, with or appointment. Non-Masonic and Non-Sr, DeMolay without cause, ifin his opinion, the goodof the order Advisors may not act in the capacity of Chairman or will be served. Chapter Advisor. Non-Masonic and Non-Sr, DeMolay Each member of an Advisory council takes a vowof Advisors shall take a pledge of secrecy prescribed by allegiance to the ISC and the Executive Officer.An the ISC. Non Masonic and non Senior-DeMolay optional ceremony is available for installing Advisory advisors may visit tiled Chapter meetings and attend Council members and is located in the Monitor of functions only within the jurisdictions ofExecutive Ceremonies. Officerspermitting such advisors. DutieB of the AdviBory Council Appointment and RegiBtration of Advisory Councils The Advisory Council should meet at least once a Advisory Council members may be recommended by month to carry out its duties, with a full record of the the sponsoring body of the Chapter, but their transactions at each meeting being made. The appointment will be made by the Executive Officerof AdvisoryCouncil must govern the activities of a ( the jurisdiction. Chapter in accordance with ISC Statutes, and the The term of officeis one year. No magic number of orders or edicts of the Executive Officer. Advisorsensures success, but certainly exceeding the An Advisory Council also has the power to remove minimum oftbree required by the ISC will make any Chapter member from membership ifthe member things easier on all the Advisors. Regardless of the is guilty ofviolating DeMolaylaw, is not of good number ofAdvisors on the Council,the important morals or ifhis conduct is unworthy of a member of thing is to see that the responsibilities and duties are the Order of DeMolay.This power can be exercised divided. Everyone should share the load, and each only after notice of such action is sent to the Executive should know hisresponsibilities. Officerof the jurisdiction and after regular charges are An Executive Officermay appoint a person as a served on the member in question. member of an Advisory Council only after reviewing There are specific procedures which must be the person's completed DeMolayAdult Worker Profile followedin such cases. The Statutes contain precise Form and reappoint after obtaining verification that information on the procedures to be used. Due process the individual being re-appointed has completed the and the rights of every individual must be respected. required DeMolayAdult Worker Training (DAD) The penal jurisdiction of an Advisory Council Program. includes all members ofits own Chapter wherever The DeMolayAdult Worker Profile Form was residing, and the members of any other Chapter ifthey designed to show that DeMolay'sadult volunteers reside closer to its place ofmeeting than to that ofthe possess the qualities to work with and be responsible Chapter in which they hold membership. In places foryoung people who want to improve themselves. where more than one Chapter exists, such Chapters The DeMolayAdvisor Development (DAD)program shall have concurrent penal jurisdiction over all is a formal training program that provides Advisors, DeMolayswho are not members of any of them. When members of the Adult Leadership Team and others a member has been suspended for cause, the Chapter with the "basics of DeMolay"and better prepares them to which he belongs has exclusive penal jurisdiction to work with today's young people. overhim. Every Advisory Councilmember must be registered ( - OEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

Any member of the Advisory Council who is present Advisory Council,there are other specificduties and may exclude any DeMolay,Senior DeMolay,Master responsibilities to which every Advisor on the Council Mason, or any other person from a Chapter meeting or should adhere. These include: meetings, or from any other function held under the 1. Making an effort to attend as many Chapter and sponsorship or control of the Chapter, if the presence jurisdiction meetings and social activities as of the person is objectionableor detrimental to the possible. Advisor's presence will instill a feeling peace and harmony of the Chapter or its members. ofconfidenceamong the members that they are truly interested in their work and that they are GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES serious in purpose to help them. The Advisory Council as a whole has certain 2. Chaperoning parties, dances and other social responsibilities that it must carry out to become an activities ofthe Chapter. effective unit. They are: 3. Attending all Advisory Councilmeetings. All 1. Organizes - Selects a Chairman and a Chapter Advisors are an integral part ofthe successful Advisor and divides up the duties and operation of the Chapter. responsibilities among the Council members. 4. Makes the members of the Chapter feel glad to 2. Meets Monthly - And keeps records of all the be with them. The interest and friendship of an meetings. adult can be a precious thing to a young man. 3. Provides Guida1U!eto the Chapter - Helps 5. Does not hesitate to fill any Advisor's position as the Chapter run itself; but does not run the needed. Even though they may be assigned some Chapter. specificspecialty that interests them more, they 4. Regulates the Chapter - Sees that the shouldn't hesitate to fill any other place needed Chapter operates within the Statutes of the in order to get the job done. Supreme Council, and that all the policies and 6. Keeps DeMolayvisible in the Masonic regulations ofthe Executive Officerare followed community. Whenever and wherever they can, and enforced. talks about DeMolayactivities and reminds 5. Checks the Chapter Budget - Keeps close Masons ofthe important job being done to mold scrutiny on the finances of the Chapter to ensure the character of the young men of DeMolay. ) proper fiscal management. 6. Selects the Chapter Scribe - Sees that a ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS responsible young man is selected to keep The Chairman ofthe Advisory Council should call the Chapter minutes and other vital records monthly Advisory Council meetings and conduct them essential to the healthy operation of the in a businesslike manner for a threefold purpose: Chapter. First: The AdvisoryCouncil will be a role model for 7. Secures Medical Release Forms - To allow the Chapter. Each Advisor should set the example that for proper care in case of emergencies, the he wants the members to emulate. A Chapter Advisor Council should obtain a medical release form is in a difficult position when he encourages the from the parents of each member. DeMolays to hold businesslike meetings ifthe example 8. Oversees Insurance and Risk Management set by the Advisory Council is poor. DeMolays Program - Insures that all activities are frequently do as the Advisors do, rather than follow safe. Makes sure that your Chapter has what they say. Ifyour Council conducts important made its insurance payments to the Service and business in a haphazard fashion, then the Master Leadership Center so that the Advisory Council Councilor naturally could assume he should followthe is properly insured against liability or any other lead ofhis Advisors. potential problem that may arise in the course Second: An efficiently-managed Advisory Council is of normal Chapter activities. in a better position to attract new members. As with 9. Insists on Growth and Ezpansion - Does the DeMolay Chapter, potential members are not let the members lose sight ofthe need for a attracted to the efficient, successful Councilrather vigorous membership program, and sees that than to a second-rate Council with poor organization. Chapter members participate in other ISC, Everyone wants to belong to a first-rate organization. jurisdictional and inter-Chapter activities A person who considers his time valuable would rather become associated with an efficient group of men who While these are general responsibilities of the take their responsibilities seriously. Certainly the task DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE .,.. Wh9 Makes It Work

of working with young men as an Advisor must be easily. Time will be used more economically, and the considered a very serious responsibility. A man time saved can get your members home earlier, or be ( attending his first DeMolay Advisory Council meeting used for a social period after the meeting is adjourned. would like to find an effective team of Advisors who Shorter meetings and early adjournments make lmow what they are doing and who know how to work happier and more efficient Council members. with a DeMolay Chapter. Informal social gatherings can help immeasurably Third: The efficiently runAdvisory Council in building friendly cooperation, permitting the demands less of each member. A cooperative venture Council to work together toward the common goal• on the part of a dozen men, each knowing what the advising a progressive and healthy DeMolay Chapter. other is doing and each performing his task, is less Although all members of the Advisory Council must demanding of an individual's leisure time than the one be Master Masons, Senior DeMolays or other or two-man Council that tries to do everything. As the appointed and registered adults, it is permissible to efficient Advisory Council attracts more men, it encourage other qualified adults to assist with Chapter demands less of each man's time and energy. activities. Some Advisory Councils will invite Efficiency results in savings, and many hands make non-Masonic adults to their meetings to give reports lighter work for each. on their areas of activity. (A non-Masonic assistant to Meetings should be held once each month on a a well-organised Council and Chapter may become regular date, so that the Advisors can reserve that sold on the job being done and decide to join a local time period in advance. Also, every Advisor should be .) Many Advisory Councils will invite sent a reminder notice (an inexpensive postcard sent Master Councilors and Scribes to attend to present by the Secretary of the Council will do the job), or their reports. receive phone call reminders. To make meetings effective, agendas should be FINANCES AND OTHER FUNCTIONS followed, and basic parliamentary procedure used. The Under normal circumstances, a DeMolay Chapter is following is a recommended order of business: self-supporting. The sponsoring body usually does not 1. Roll call. assume any direct financial responsibility for the 2. Reading of the minutes from the previous Chapter. However; the Advisory Council does assume meeting. the responsibility of controlling and supervising ( 3. Handle any business arising from the minutes. Chapter finances so that the Chapter will not go into 4. Reading of communications. debt. 5. Discussion of Bills. The Advisory Council should frequently check the 6. Reports: Scribe's and Treasurer's financial reports. A Chapter a. Adult Leadership Team (Parents' Clubs, etc.) must not be allowed to acquire debt. It is mandatory b. Master Councilor that the money come first, and then needed or desired c. Chapter finances (Scribe's Report) items may be purchased. d. Chapter Advisor's Report Contributions from the sponsoring body (as well as e. Other Advisors' Reports from individuals) and revenue from profit-making 7. Discussion of unfinished business. activities are the usual sources of money beyond fee 8. New business. cOllections. An active and interested Adult Leadership 9. Good of the Order. Team also can lend great support to money-making Minutes must be kept. As the Chapter's minutes projects. provide a historical record for the Chapter, so the The Advisory Council is responsible for overseeing Advisory Council minutes should provide a similar the Chapter's finances according to the statutes. All record for the Council. funds collected for the ISC, such as initiation fees, The report from the Adult Leadership Team or belong to the ISC and must not be used for any other Parents' Club. "'Ias,ter Councilor and Scribe should be purpose. These funds must be retained in the Chapter in writing and attached to the minutes. Motions and treasury and paid to the ISC by the dates required in business should be correctly recorded. the statutes. The Scribe and Treasurer should keep a H the Chairman adheres to his agenda and directs separate account of these funds. discussion according to parliamentary procedure, all All Chapter expenditures must be evidenced by members will have an opportunity to express receipts and paid by check. Each check must be signed themselves, and group decisions can be made more by the appropriate individuals in accordance with the DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( Who Makes It Work

ISC Statutes. All expenditures, except those funds ADVISORY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS payable to the ISC, must be approved by vote of the The Chairman of the Advisory Council is the key Chapter. man in the overall functioning ofthe Advisory Council. No Chapter funds can be loaned, but surplus funds He is the presiding officerofthe Council. He delegates can be invested in stocks, bonds, money market funds the work ofthe Advisory Council to the various or other properly-secured investments ifa Chapter members and is responsible for overseeing their votes to do so. Each separate investment must then be performance. In delegating responsibilities to approved by a two-thirds vote of all members of the Advisors, the Chairman must see that each job is Advisory Council,and the investment must be subject clearly defined, and that overlapping ofresponsibilities at all times to the control of the Executive Officer. is minimized. In addition to the Chapter Advisor, the A budget for a Chapter is usually prepared by the followingAdvisory Council positions should be finance committee and presented to the Advisory considered: Council for approval. It becomes effectivewhen Assistant Chapter Advisor approved, but the Advisory Council must still approve Ritual Advisor each expenditure included inthe budget when it Financial Advisor occurs. The Advisory Council also has the authority to Membership Advisor modifythe budget allotments inaccordance with the Awards Advisor increase or decrease of Chapter revenue. The Public Relations Advisor expenditure of a Chapter's yearly funds should be Activities Advisor apportioned among the terms ofthe Master Athletic Advisor Councilors. Representative DeMolayAdvisor The only gift that an Advisory Council can autho• Community Service Advisor rize a Chapter's funds to be spent for is a PMCjewel or Fund-raising Advisor pin. No other gifts or presents can be bought with Insurance & Risk Management Advisor Chapter funds for anyone. The Advisory Council must Social Advisor secure permission from the Executive Officerbefore One of these Advisors might also serve as Council making any solicitations offunds from any persons Secretary. r who are not members of the Chapter. As a Chapter becomes more active, and has more The AdvisoryCouncilalso approves the auditing men available to be Advisors, other areas of committee'sreport on the Treasurer's and Scribe'sbooks. responsibility can be assigned. Sometimes, there will When a Chapter falls three months behind in not be enough men to fill all the jobs, so some Advisors forwarding its fees to the Supreme Council,it shall be may need to handle two or more functions. automatically temporarily suspended. A Chapter tem• porarily suspended may hold meetings and conduct DUTIES OF INDIVIDUAL ADVISORS activities for the purpose ofraising funds, but shall not Chairman - The Chairman of a DeMolayAdvisory function otherwise as a Chapter. The Charter ofany Council can be compared to the coach of a sports team. Chapter temporarily suspended shall be automatically He must provide the cohesiveness to mold the team of forfeited ifthe period of suspension exceeds three Advisors into a winning combination. He assembles months. the most competent persons possible on the Council. The Scribe of a Chapter has the responsibility of Specifically,the Chairman: making all the reports of a Chapter to the Supreme 1. Calls and conducts the regular monthly Council. He is appointed by the Advisory Council and and special Advisory Council meetings and generally serves for one year followinghis appoint• coordinates the efforts ofthe Council. ment. He may be removed at any time by the Advisory 2. Contacts the jurisdiction staff, as required, Council for failure, or neglect, to perform his duties relative to policyor problems of proper conduct accurately and promptly. and procedures. The Advisory Council should take special care to 3. Acts as liaison between the sponsoring body and select a Scribe whose experience has taught him the the Advisory Council. necessity of keeping records accurately and making 4. In cooperation with the presiding officer ofthe reports promptly. Changes inthe position of Scribe sponsoring body, makes certain a full should be made as seldom as possible. complement ofAdvisors is on the Council. 5. Provides a liaison between the Chapter and the


Adult Leadership Team. Advisor for several years. However, disaster can then 6. Prepares an agenda in advance for Advisory occur ifanything happens to the Chapter Advisor. It is ( Council and/or Adult Leadership Team much better for the future growth of the Chapter to meetings. bring innew Chapter Advisors on a regular basis. This 7. Checks with Advisors to be sure various provides a constant pool of talent and develops a corps responsibilities are being performed, and locates of trained adult volunteers. The more adults working replacements as necessary. for a Chapter, the healthier the Chapter will be. B,. Works with the Chapter Advi80r~Scribe and Generally, the Chapter Advisor: Scribe Advisor to see that all reports are filed 1. Attends all Chapter meetings and other on time. functions. Ifhe is unable to attend, he insures 9. Provides training for new adult volunteers. that some other Advisory Council member 10. Stays posted on all ISC programs and attends in his capacity. suggestions, and those arising in his own 2. Sees that the Chapter is conducted! in an orderly jurisdiction, 80 he can inform other adults. manner and in accordance with ISC Statutes, 11. In conjunction with the Council, makes policy the edicts of the Grand Master, and Executive decisions concerning the Chapter, in accordance Officer, and the directions of the Advisory with ISC rules and regulations and the Council. Executive Officer. 3. Keeps a file of bulletins and other Chapter Advuor - One of the most important tasks communications received from the ISC and of the Advisory Council isthe selection of the Chapter brings their contents to the attention of the Advisor (Chapter Dad). The success of the Chapter Chapter members and the Advisory Council. depends more on the Chapter Advisor than any other 4. Doesn't try to do all the work himself. He seeks factor. His leadership among the DeMolays;, time devot• the help and cooperation of other adults ed to them and interest inDeMolay are important interested inDeMolay. points for ellSUling a strong and progressive progmm. 5. Acts as spokesman for the Advisory Council The Advisory Council members should look long before the Chapter. and hard at one another and choose the Council 6. Safeguards Chapter finances and sees that the member who has the best qualities for a good Chapter budget approved by the Advisory Council is ( Advisor. He is the administrative officer for the followed Chapter, but more importantly, he is looked upon by 7. Has Chapter members do most of the governing the members of the Chapter as a friend whom they and physical work of the Chapter. Like all good respect and with whom they can share life's Advisors, he suggests and leads, but doesn't challenges. command and drive. He remembers the Chapter The Chapter Advisor should be young at heart ifnot belongs to the DeMolays. in years. All the administrative ability inthe world B. Sees that the Chapter's program is planned will be useless unless he also possesses the knack of generally a year ahead and always a term in being a friend to a young man who is approaching advance. These plans include the following adulthood. objectives~ A Chapter Advisor should serve in that capacity for a. Recruiting new members. one or two years before being replaced. There are two b. Maintaining the interest of old members. reasons for this suggestion: c. Accomplishing the purposes of DeMolay in 1. The Chapter Advisor's job is one that takes a lot character development. of time, energy and, often, personal expense. It d. Keeping records accurately and make reports may be an imposition to ask one man to make promptly. the same sacrifices for more than two years; and To attempt to list all the specific duties that fall 2. A man inthe same position for a long time may under the supervision of the Chapter Advisor would become stale or bum out. take a Chapter by itself, but to give some general A new Chapter Advisor brings innew ideas. direction, the following are noted: Providing more men the opportunity to serve as 1. Sees that membership applications are received Chapter Advisor also avoids the pitfalls of becoming a and acted upon in accordance with ISC statutes. one-man Chapter. Naturally, exceptions to the rule 2. Insists that the Ritual is strictly followed as exist. Sometimes one man may remain Chapter prescribed by the ISC, and that it is committed DeMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( Who Makes It Work

to memory and effectively presented. works with any specially-appointed Advisor. DeMolays 3. Sees that each new member has the opportunity must always know that it is their Chapter and they and help to learn his Obligations. are running it rather than simply being the tools of the 4. Finds opportunities to confer the degrees before adult Advisor. Everything will usually run smoothly if Masonic organizations, and invites Masons, the each Advisor remembers that his job is to counsel and candidate's parents and other qualified adults to advise, not to do or direct. attend Chapter initiations. The following are other suggested Advisory 5. Encourages the earning of merit bars, the responsibilities: Representative DeMolay Award, the Blue Assistant Chapter Aduisor - Planning for the Honor Key and other individual recognitions. future, replacement and training are just as important 6. Insures that the Chapter observes Obligatory in the Order of DeMolay as in any other organization. Days. With this thought in mind, appoint a member of the 7. Encourages Chapter members to submit Advisory Council as the Assistant Chapter Advisor. He articles to the Chapter and jurisdictional can be a great source of assistance to the Chapter publications. Advisor. At the same time, he can prepare for eventual 8. Insures the Chapter's program is well-balanced service in that position. between social, civic. fund-raising, athletic and The Assistant Advisor: other activities. 1. Assists the Chapter Advisor inany way possible. 9. Sees that adequate publicity is given to the 2. Takes the Chapter Advisor's place when he is Chapter. absent. 10. Plans to have ajob in the Chapter (on a 3. Learns all he can about the job of the Chapter committee or other responsibility) for each Advisor. member. Ritual Aduisor - Ritual sets DeMolay apart from 11. Keeps DeMolays aware that they are guests in all other youth organizations and keeps it in a class by the lodge room or temple and should conduct itself. Surveys of new DeMolay initiates indicate that themselves as such. Prevents any scuftling or this statement isvalid. When asked "What has other activity that is liable to cause damage to impressed you most about DeMolay?", many new lodge property. initiates said it was the Ritual work. (Ranking behind 12. Insures that the Chapter has an effective this answer were fun, fraternalism, and the efficiency planned membership program and. working and seriousness of the Chapter meetings.) With this with the Membership Advisor. makes sure that knowledge, you can readily understand why it is all members of the Chapter are involved in important to have a good man filling the position of membership recruitment. Ritual Advisor for the Chapter. 13. Helps maintain correct addresses and advises DeMolays can be outstanding ritualists. DeMolays the Service and Leadership Center of any have the intelligence, education and inherent ability to changes. do well. The Ritual Advisor's job is to tum this The job of Chapter Advisor isnot an easy task. H potential into an active force. The below guidelines done properly, it takes an immense amount of time should be followed: and effort. Usually some of the duties are handled by special Advisors in order to lighten the load of the 1. The latest ISC edition of the Ritual must be Chapter Advisor. followed to the letter. No deviations - not even Each Advisory Council should work out its own plan the slightest - should be suggested or for Advisor responsibilities. No two Chapters will have sanctioned. exactly the same conditions and circumstances. 2. The manner of presentation should be Remember, the whole idea behind having special emphasized first, with the costumes, lighting Advisors or an Adult Leadership Team to assist and setting receiving secondary consideration. Advisors is to lighten their workloads and bring more 3. All of the degree work must be given from adults into active DeMolay work. This increases their memory. interest in the Order and its program and also ensures 4. Insists on good posture from all officers, whether that every possible DeMolay program is carried out sitting or moving. with maximum benefits derived. 5. Use musical accompaniment for degrees. Be sure a committee of active Chapter members 6. Schedule regular degree team practices, and DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE "l'

~------~ Who Makes It Work

set a standard that the Chapter members must 7. Sees that the Chapter maintains a prescribed meet and maintain. minimum bank balance. ( 7. Have at least one alternate for as many parts as The Financial Advisor must take particular care to possible. see that Life Membership funds of the Chapter are Emphasizes the importance, to the degree team, of properly safeguarded in a trust fund. Normally, the making the best possible impression upon new can• Executive Officer of the jurisdiction will have didates. This impression has a direct influence on the prescribed a standard plan for all Chapters to follow. If degree of involvement that a new member will want not, a plan should be worked out in the Advisory to have in your Chapter. Council and forwarded to the Executive Officer for The fastest way to improve your Chapter's Ritual approval. A good Scribe or Financial Advisor has saved work is to insist that all work be performed from many Chapters from serious problems. memory. If an officer does not care enough to learn his Membel'flhipAdvisor - Membership is one of part, he should not have the honor of holding an office, the most important functions of any DeMolay appointed or elected. A strong step is to require all Chapter. Without constant replenishment ofmem• elected officers to prove proficiency in their particular bers, a Chapter will become defunct. Therefore, the part of the Ritual before being installed. Chapter must have a workable membership program Set a goal for the Chapter,like winning the under the guidance of a competent Membership Jurisdictional championship in a particular degree. Advisor. The Membership Advisor should become An incentive helps the members work a little bit thoroughly familiar with the ISC's DeMolay harder. So settle for nothing but the best in your Membership Planning Guide and Idea Book Ritual efforts, and you will have a Chapter that has and seek ways to adapt its programs to his all its new members saying that they were greatly own Chapter. impressed by the DeMolay Ritual. The Membership Advisor should report to the An easy method which may be used to check on Advisory Council at its regular meeting on the opening or closing proficiency is to have all elecled and propess of the membership efforts. Whenever newly-appointed officers step up into their new offices possible, visual aids, such as videos should be used to the meeting after election. Inthis manner, the newof• help members learn how to sell membership. ficers willleam the opening and closing before their in• Duties of the Membership Advisor include: ( stallation. This is also a good time to call in Chapter 1. With the Master Councilor, Jr. Councilor and or Ritual books to account for them, and then reissue them. the Chapter's Membership Chairman, lays out a Each Chapter must have some method of issuing definite program to seek new members. Ritual books. Rituals are ISC property and must be 2. Promotes ISC membership programs. surrendered on request. A record-receipt book is 3. Obtains the names of prospective members, offered for this purpose. utilizing every available source such as school Scribe and Financial Advisor - Since the position officials, church leaders and leaders of other of Scribe in a DeMolay Chapter is such a crucial one, activities involving teenagers. most Advisory Councils have found it to the Chapter's 4. Maintains a supply of the DeMolay Membership advantage to designate a Scribe Advisor to counsel the Planning Guide and Idea Book. Chapter Scribe. He advises the Scribe and Treasurer 5. Provides incentives to generate excitement in performing their duties. among Chapter members. Generally, the Scribe or Financial Advisor does the 6. Insures that initiations are held frequently following: enough that candidates do not have a long wait 1. Sees that the Chapter maintains a sound after turning' in their membership applications. financial condition. Too :frequently, Chapter member development 2. Ensures integrity of the Life Membership trust activities will stop with a signed membership account. application. Many new members Jose interest because 3. Countersigns Chapter checks. they feel neglected. All too often, less attention is paid 4. Oversees Chapter fund-raising projects. to a young man after he isinitiated. A good 5. Sees that all ISC reports are filed promptly and orientation and education program can ensure his accurately. involvement and continued enthusiasm. The DeMolay 6. Advises the Chapter Treasurer in maintaining Member Orientation program is explained in detail in his records. Chapter 5: Membership. Some ideas include: NI' DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ( Who Makes It Work

1. Make use of DeMolay International's Member 1. Implements a planned program that will Orientation program. progressively advance members toward 2. Use the buddy system, big brother system or qualifying as Representative DeMolays. committee system of orientation. 2. Makes sure a candidate is qualified before 3. Teach the Obligations and explain the lessons signing and submitting the Representative they impart. DeMolayEvaluation Form. 4. Hold instruction on "OeMolay-isms":Chapter 3. Arranges for presentation of the award using the customs, kneeling, raps, Chapter activities, etc. officialRepresentative DeMolayCeremony. 5. Put every new member to work on a committee. It is useful to have special Representative DeMolay Aulards Advisor - Awards and honors playa large meetings to promote the program. These brief meet• role in DeMolay. It isjust human nature to desire ings should be held prior to, or immediately following, recognition for a job well done. DeMolaymembers the regular Chapter meetings. (Meeting at other times growing into their manhood are no exception. Several increases the time demand for Chapter members and awards and honors have been established; all are may not be possible.) designed to motivate, reward and recognize Since this is such a large task, many times a achievement. An Awards Advisor has the important Representative DeMolayAdvisor will appoint job of coordinating and promoting awards within the Representative DeMolay counselors or big brothers Chapter. who have already earned the award. These young men The Awards Advisor should be sure that each can give support and guidance to the applicants. member's records carry full details on the honors and Activities Advisor - Thisjob may be broken down awards that each has earned and received. He should into Athletic, Social, Fund-Raising, CivicService and also be thoroughly familiar with the various awards Obligatory Day Advisors. Each Chapter may divide and honors available from the ISC. the duties to fit its needs and the available manpower. High standards must always be maintained for The Chapter on programming provides a basic awards. We must insist on a commitment to outline to assist in planning events and projects for excellence.The Advisor's responsibility is to see that your Chapter. Every Advisor must remember that an all requirements are met and that an individual has event is of,by and for the Chapter members. As in all truly earned an award before it is granted or things, the Advisor guides and advises. Advisors recommended. encourage leadership and active involvement in Public RelationB Advisor - The Public Relations organizing projects. section will relate several ideas for this Advisor, but The Master Councilor and other leading members of generally, he: the Chapter can be prompted to think about or consid• 1. Insures that a Chapter publicity committee er a project. In Chapter projects, the Advisor's role is keeps the local newspapers, radio and TV behind the scenes, making sure the little things don't informed with pictures and news of Chapter escape attention. In many ways, the Advisor organizes activities. the organizers. 2. Assists and advises on the Chapter publication. Athletics Advisor - Obviously,this Advisor should 3. Makes use of ceremonies and Chapter events to enjoy sports. He need not be an expert, but rather one inform the community about DeMolay,its who can coordinate and advise. Expanding and programs and its purposes. promoting sports programs is part of his job, and great 4. Sees that a historical record ofthe Chapter is care should be taken to include all age levels and the kept from year to year. interests of each Chapter member. 5. Encourages Chapter members to submit articles His duties would include that he: to the jurisdictional publication. 1. Aids the Chapter in selecting sports for 6. Utilizes every opportunity for the Chapter to be programming. of service to any Masonic group, the community, 2. Advises the appointed Chapter committee in any church or charitable organization. organizing the sport. 7. Works with the sponsoring body to provide 3. Assists in finding suitable competition. information to the Chapter about Masonry. 4. Encourages all Chapter members to participate. &presentative DeMo",y Advisor - Many Chapters 5. Providesinstruction where needed; either by appoint a special Representative DeMolayAdvisor. himself or another who is proficientin the sport The duties of this Advisor are: such as a schoolcoach,Senior DeMolay,etc. DEMOLA V LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

6. Encourages older members or Senior DeMolays Chapter furnishes equipment. to coach teams. b. Adequate equipment for each individual's ( 7. Makes himself and members aware of all rules safety. of the sport, its playing, and eligibility. Checks c. See that the proper equipment is on hand for a school, AAU and other governing bodies for scheduled contest. rules. 5. Officiating Surveys of young men have shown that outdoor a. Arranging for enough qualified officials for activities are the most popular type with sports such any contest. as swimming, softball, and basketball being the b. Insuring that officials are well-versed inthe favorites. A Chapter must have a year-round athletic proper rules. program ifit hopes to be successful in retaining the 6. Scheduling interest of its members. Many of the members will a. Fixing a convenient time and place for all possibly express no athletic interest at first because competitions. they have never been involved in school athletics. b. Notifying everyone of the time and place. However, these members are the ones who c. Making postponement arrangements in case especially need to participate because they usually of bad weather. have no other source of organized team activity. d. Taking care of any travel involved. Learning to work as a member of a sports team 7. Awards helps to teach a person cooperation, patience and the a. Giving suitable recognition such as trophies value of getting along and working with other people. or other prizes to all competition wmners. Athletics is not merely a physical exercise ... it can b. Good sportsmanship awards should also be teach many other valuable lessons. considered in addition to competition Like any other phase of Chapter activity, the winners. athletic program will need to be well-organized and Naturally, your ~ocality will have a great influence have capable persons coordinating and overseeing the on the type of sports selected. However, no reason competitions. It is necessary that state and local exists for a Chapter to not have a sport that every scholastic rules be observed by all teams so as not to member enjoys. Rifle, basketball, bowling and softball ( endanger the athletic standing of any member of a teams are especially recommended for every Chapter DeMolay team, with his school. because they are sports in which an International It is recommended that the various competitions not DeMolay competition is held each year. An entry fee is only be carried out among Chapter members, but also required for all ISC sports competition. More on an inter-Chapter and jurisdictional level. The infonnation is available from the Service and pll.l_nningareas for any athletic competition can be Leadership Center. divided into six categories, as follows: Insurance and Risk Management Advisor - Risk 1. Eligibility management is a method to address potential safety a. Must be a DeMolay in good standing. concerns in order to protect DeMolays and Advisors b. Must be physically capable of participating in from potentially dangerous situations. Simply put, a particular sport. heightened awareness of potential dangers will lead to c. Must know ifhis participation on a DeMolay a decrease inthe likelihood of those dangers oocuning. team will endanger his eligibility for any NOTE: A sample DeMolay Release and Consent Fonn school involvement in the same sport. is located in the forms section inthe back of this book. 2.. Safety Chapters must guard themselves against possible a. Contact the Service and Leadership lawsuits resulting from injuries received by any Center to request a copy of the Insurance and member during an athletic event or any DeMolay Risk Management Guide. This will aid you activity. The ISC annually obtains secondary liability greatly when planning safe sporting events. and medical insurance which covers Chapters under 3. Facilities its jurisdiction. The cost of this is prorated, and each a. Availability Jurisdiction is billed annually. b. Convenience DeMolay International has issued an Insurance and c. In good, safe condition Risk Management Guide to all Chapters. IT your 4. Equipment Chapter does not have a copy of the guide or the yearly a. Deciding whether each participant or the informational update, you may obtain them ( ft- DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

by calling the DeMolay and More Store at know about the activity. 1-800-DEMOLAY. a. Be sure all Chapter members are well informed about details of the event and are It should also be the duty of the Insurance and Risk spreading the word. Management Advisor to see that the youth protection b. Use every available means of publicity - program is shown to all new members and adults as local newspapers, radio, DeMolay well as on a periodic basis to everyone. publications, posters, etc. Social Advisor - The Social Advisor has the Community Service/Civic Service Advisor• responsibility to see that the Chapter's social calendar Encourages support for DeMolay by showing your is of interest to all age groups. Chapter's interest in community service projects. This Advisor: The Advisor for this area of activity should keep 1. Assists with chaperons, discipline and general abreast of all possible service projects and planning. community requirements. 2. Guides committees in areas of budgets, types of A brief outline of the job includes: events, etc. 1. Being aware of civic projects the Chapter may 3. Allows the members' desires to be the guide. participate in. It's important to remember fun events don't have to 2. Helping in the selection of projects. be expensive. Well-planned and well-executed events 3. Aiding in planning - well before the project are enjoyable, regardless of the cost! takes place. Fund.Raising Advisor - A good Chapter program 4. Promoting a project each term. requires careful planning and budgeting of finances. It Community Service activities generate good will is often hard work to provide a Chapter with sufficient and favorable public relations for the Chapter and the operational funds. The financial side of any Order. People judge an organization by its deeds, and organization has its problems, and it will take a very are influenced in their opinions when these deeds help good Advisor to encourage activity in this field. other people. The general duties are: Service to the community, like taking down old ) 1. Helps select fund-raising activities. election posters, helping with city beautification, etc., 2. Aids committee in planning the event. sends a positive message to the citizens. Such service 3. Encourages everyone to participate. makes people feel that DeMolay is helping them 4. Requires reporting so that an event is properly personally. This helps spread the word that DeMolay handled. is an organization that spends part of its time and 5. Sees that the income will be proportional to the energy helping others. effort involved. Obligatory Days Advisor - A Cbapter requires Special care must be taken that any fund-raising coordination to be sure that the seven Obligatory Days project is not in conflict with state, province or local are well planned. Many Chapters appoint an Advisor law, or Masonic rules or tradition. Remember, too, to handle this coordination. For details on the timing that in compliance with the ISC Statutes, it is and suggested activities for each of these days, see the necessary to obtain the permission of the Executive previous Chapter. Officer before any solicitation of funds is made outside Others - Some Chapters also have Advisors for the Chapter membership. such areas as transportation, visitations, special Some suggestions to consider when planning any events, camping trips, stamp collection, ham radio fund-raising programs are: groups and academics. 1. Pick an activity which fits the season. 2. Be sure the activity does not conflict with any PARENTS' AND MOTHERS' CLUBS other important event. Early in the history of DeMolay, the Order provided 3. Allow plenty oftime to properly publicize the a way for parents of members to become associated event. A minimum of two months is with the organization. The interest of the parents in recommended. the well-being of their sons inspired the idea of 4. Inject novelty into your events to help organizing mothers into an active unit. Through the distinguish them from similar ones. years, the parents' groups have proved to be a source 5. Spend considerable time in planning good of strength for the Chapters and a real addition to DeMolay's adult leadership team. ) publicity.You can make no sales unless people DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE ,t' Who Makes It Work

Today. Mothers' and Parents' Clubs combine the 4. Invite all prospective club members to this first , energies and talents of both mothers and fathers. as meeting with a letter, post card or telephone call. " weI. as guardians and step-parents. Working together, A letter is the most effective method. Following these parents can be tremendous help to the Advisory the letter, call a day or two before the scheduled Council and to the Chapter itself. meeting time. Try to have at least five potential The purposes of parents' groups are to cooperate club members present. with and assist the Advisory Council of the Chapter in 5. Invite the Chairman of the Advisory Council or promoting the growth of the Chapter and its members, the Chapter Advisor to attend. He can explain and to serve the Chapter and strengthen the interest the need for a club and how it can benefit the of each member in DeMolay. Chapter. Each club is subject to the authority of the Advisory 6. Enlist the support of the mothers or parents of Council. The clubs should understand this important the principal Chapter officers (Master Councilor, policy. The harmonious relationship between the Senior Councilor, Junior Councilor). Chapter and the parents' groups depends on the club Step 2 - The First Meeting operating under this condition. L The organizer should briefly explain the purpose The club's contact with the Chapter will be between of the meeting. the Chairman and the President of the club. The 2. The groups should elect a temporary Chairman. activities of a club should be defined and mutually who takes the names of those present and agreed upon by the Advisory Council. minutes of the meeting. Parents' Clubs can, and do. furnish many things for 3. The Chairman of the Advisory Council or the the Chapters which the Chapter would not be able to Chapter Advisor, ifpresent, should be invited to provide for itself. Some clubs raise money to send speak. He will explain how a club could benefit DeMolays to state conclaves, Leadership Training the Chapter. A thorough explanation of the club Conferences and similar activities. They can be should be given. instrumental in finding new members for Chapters, 4. Ifat least five people become members, arrange encouraging attendance and seeing that appropriate a time and place for the next meeting. Strive for entertainment is provided after Chapter meetings. a larger attendance. Parents' Clubs are usually happy to arrange for food Step 3- The Second Meeting ( and refreshments after Chapter meetings, as well as 1 'Thetemporary Chairman calls the meeting to order. for social activities. These social gatherings have a 2. A President, Vice-President and Secretary or great influence on the Chapter members and their Secretary-Treasurer are elected. families. Often, these activities provide opportunities 3. The temporary Chairman turns the meeting for members to bring their friends into the DeMolay over to the President. Any minutes taken of this circle of friendship. meeting, and the previous meeting should be Before taking any steps to organize a Mothers' or turned over to the Secretary. Parents' Club, organizers must secure the approval of 4. Bylaws should be drawn for submission the Advisory Council. Mothers, fathers, relatives, to the Advisory Council for approval. After step-parents or guardians of DeMolays are eligible to approval. they should be adopted by the join. Some Chapters have Adult Leadership Teams Club as soon as possible. The Club is now that combine much of what Advisory Councils and organized and may begin to function. The Parent's Clubs do. meeting may be adjourned until the next regular or special meeting, as provided for Organizing a Club inthe bylaws. The following are suggested steps for organizing a Step 4 - OngoingMeetings Mothers' Club or Parents' Club as part of the DeMolay 1. Call the meeting to order. Adult Leadership Team: 2. Read the minutes. Step 1 - Arrange for a Meeting 3. Hear reports of officers, the Advisory Council, 1. Discuss your plan with the Advisory Council standing committees and special committees. Chairman. 4. Conduct miscellaneous business and decide on bilk 2. Obtain the names and addresses of the members a. Handle unfinished business. from a Chapter roster b. Discuss new business. 3. Decide on a time and place for a meeting. 5. Adjourn. ( 'm' DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

Functions of a Parents' or Mothers' Club Be sure to schedule one at every installation. Once organized, a Parents' or Mothers' Club may S. Arrange for activities outside the Chapter - a undertake many projects with the prior approval of the father-son banquet, mother-son banquet, family Advisory Council. Usually, when a club is initially night, picnics, dances and athletic events. organized, the Advisory Council will outline the areas 9. Promote membership by urging the Chapter in which the Club can operate without coming to them members to invite eligible friends to a DeMolay each time for approval. Here are examples of how a meeting, encouraging DeMolays to win awards Parents' Club can provide service to a Chapter: for securing membership applications and 1. Encourage DeMolays to attend Chapter discussing DeMolay with friends or coworkers meetings. Divide the following responsibilities who have sons eligible to join. equally among committee members: 10. Pay special attention to a DeMolay who might a. Calling Committee: A DeMolay should know be living away from home or who is in the the meeting nights. However, urging him to Armed Services. attend with a personal phone call on the day 11. Help when adversity, accident or death strikes a before a meeting will have a positive effect. DeMolay home. The President of the club might arrange for 12. Assist with money-making projects. To be an award for the committee member who successful, the club must work on a variety succeeds in getting the most Chapter of projects. Generally, the group determines members to attend the meetings. which are the most worthwhile projects in b. Transportation: Occasionally provide their locality. meeting transportation for DeMolays. 2. Stimulate interest in other activities. ONGOING ADULT VOLUNTEER TRAINING 3. Purchase several items for a Chapter to make Nothing can replace personal experiences, but the members' experience more enjoyable: several tools are available to aid the DeMolay adult Chapter regalia Athletic equipment worker: Past Master Councilor Table top games 1. Leadership Correspondence COUl'Be- A course jewels Personal computer designed to teach the basic programs and Banner Coffeemaker regulations of the Order of DeMolay. Storage cabinet Filing cabinet 2. DeMo14y Leader's Resource Guide - The Flags, flag stands TV and VCR basic information text for all DeMolay programs, Trophy case with "how-to-do-it" information, and facts and 4. Clean and repair the Chapter robes. details about the Order. 5. Assist with members' expenses for conclaves 3. The ISC Statutes - The ISC rules and and Leadership Training Conferences. regulations under which DeMolay Chapters are 6. Sponsor medals or awards for local or required to operate. Advisors must have an jurisdictional competitions. intimate knowledge of these statutes and their 7. Serve refreshments and provide entertain• applications. ment at regular meetings. New DeMolays 4. SpecialMailings- Materials mailed and their parents often are impressed by throughout the year to assist Chapter what they have seen and heard in the operations and provide ideas for DeMolay adult Chapter room. Increase this enthusiasm volunteers are always worthwhile. by introducing them to the social aspects 5. Audiovisual Programs - Several programs of DeMolay. Post-initiation celebrations useful in training are available from the Service are a good time for the group to invite the and Leadership Center. See the Chapter on parents of the new DeMolays to be members programming or call1-S00-DEMOLAY for more of the club. information. Refreshments and entertainment are 6. The DeMo14y Advisor Development (DAD) especially important after the installation Program - The best Advisor AdultIVolunteer of officers. Guests may be invited, and many education program available in DeMolay. This DeMolays will bring their friends. In addition program focuses on knowledge and leadership to some usual form of entertainment, a dance skills proven to be effective inadvising a for members and their guests might be nice. DeMolay Chapter. All "Advisors" must complete DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

this program prior to reappointment. Member, the title ofEx:ecutiveOfficerwas adopted for ( The basic program contains eight modules, and an Active Member ofthe ISC who was in charge of a each part of the program requires involvement jurisdiction. by everyone attending. The prograrn will help Deputy membership Ionthe ISC is given to build strong relationships with DeMo~ays,and it individuals who actively work for DeMolayin some will help DeMolay adult workers organize their extraordinary way. time and that ofother DeMolayleaders. There also are Emeritus and Honorary A successful adult volunteer will spend time and classifications ofISC membership. Emeritus effort supporting a DeMolay Chapter. Their reward membership is granted to Active Members ofthe ISC will be the satisfaction of knowing that the young men who tum 75 years ofage. At times, the ISC elects appreciate what they are doing for them. distinguished, qualliiiedpersons to become Honorary members. ISC STRUCTURE When the Order of DeMolaybegan, it expanded so JURISDICTIONS rapidly that Dad Frank S. Land realized the need to DeMolay is organized into jurisdictions, which establish a governing body to supervise the Order. The may be either entire states or parts of states, Grand Council of the Order ofDeMolay was orgU'!!ized provinces, territories or countries. Each to oversee the policies and activities of all Chapters, jurisdiction has its own Executive Officer. and to ensure consistency ofoperation across the The Executive Officer is the ISC's official country. representative in all DeMolay affairs in that jurisdiction. He possesses and may exercise INTERNATIONAL SUPREME within his jurisdiction the authority needed to COUNCIL promote the interest of the Order. except for When the Order ofDeMolay expanded beyond the actions prohibited by the Statutes, or by order of borders of the United States ofAmerica, the Grand the ISC or the Grand Master. The Executive Councilwas renamed "The International Supreme Officer must sanction or approve: Council(lSC)."Today, the ISC continues to serve as the governing bodyof the Order of DeMolay.A Grand • The establishment of new or reinstated ( Master and four other elected officers provide Chapters. leadership for DeMolayInternational. • Appointments of all Advisory Council Any changes in DeMolayStatutes must be members. considered and approved by the ISC or DeMolay's • Chapter bylaws. Board of Directors. In addition, the ISC is the • Recommendations for the granting of authority on all matters relating to Chapters, Charters. Advisory Councils, members, charters, finances, • Changes in sponsoring bodies, Chapter Rituals, disputes, appeals and complaints. names and Chapter locations. One of the most important duties ofthe ISC is • All appendant organizations, including planmng for the future. Through careful study and Legion of Honor Preceptories, Chevalier knowledgeable discussion, the ISC assures that Courts, Alumni Associations, alate DeMolay DeMolaywill continue to be the "Cornerstone of the organizations, Knighthood Priories, Parents' Next Generation". Clubs, jurisdictional or district organizations and all other organizations. And, MEMBERS • All functions not provided for in the ISC Since the very start of the Grand Council,later the Statutes. International Supreme Council,the titles of Deputy Member and Active Member have been used in regard The Executive Officer of each jurisdiction also to membership on that Council. has the authority to appoint a staff and assign Originally, members who were assigned a subdivisions of his jurisdiction to the supervision jurisdiction were referred to as the "ActiveMember for of a staff member. These appointments are at the ___ ...... " The. others were considered at-large Executive Officer's discretion. They normally are members. To distinguish the two categories ofActive granted to increase leadership and reduce travel in the jurisdiction. ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Who Makes It Work

Appointed staff members usually supervise certain Chapters in a county or other subdivisions. and are required to visit and inspect all Chapters in their area at regular intervals. These staff members mayor may not be ISC members. They may serve as personal representatives of an Executive Officer.


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major part ofyour DeMolayexperience will security for the Chapter. center around the operation ofyour Chapter. All sums prepaid under the Life Membership Plan A This part ofyour DeMolayLeader's Resource must be deposited, by the Chapter, in a savings Guide is devoted to providing you with basic account or trust fund and paid in accordance with the information on your Chapter and how it operates. fund plan approved by the Executive Officer. Three other publications are "musts" to operate Within 10 days after conferring the Initiatory your Chapter and carry on DeMolaytraditions in an Degree, the Scribe of the Chapter must submit the appropriate way - the ISC Statutes, The Ritual of appropriate initiation fees set by and due to the ISC to Secret Workof the Order of DeMolay and the Monitor the Service and Leadership Center. This amount of Public Ceremonies.As time goes by, your DeMolay covers all Degree fees, your membership patent, brothers and Advisors will help you learn ofthese permanent membership card, the DeMolayLeader's traditions, and they'll become an important and Resource Guide and any other benefits prescribed for memorable part ofyour life. initiates by ISC Statutes. PATENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Membership patents (certificates) are issued by the The followingbackground information lays a DeMolayService and Leadership Center when a new foundation for operating your Chapter and properly member's name is reported on a Form 10 for both the conducting yourself as a member ofDeMolay. Initiatory and DeMolayDegrees. The patents are DEMOLAYYEAR forwarded to the Chapter Advisoror Scribe for The DeMolayfiscalyear is January 1 through presentation. December 31. MEMBERSHIP CARDS CHAPTER BYLAWS A permanent membership card is issued to each Each Chapter must adopt uniform bylaws as set new member after he is reported to the DeMolay forth inthe ISC Statutes. Additional bylaws may be Service and Leadership Center on a Form 10.The adopted by the Chapter if they are consistent with ISC cards are mailed directly to the new member. They are Statutes and approved by the Executive Officerofyour accompanied by a DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide jurisdiction. and a DeMolayand More Store catalog. INITIATION AND AFFILIATION FEES QUORUM Intheir bylaws, all Chapters must establish an Eight or more members must be present to transact initiation fee and an affiliation fee. These fees cannot the business of the Chapter. be less than the amount specifiedin the ISC Statutes. BUYING PRESENTS The Executive Officerin your jurisdiction may have With one exception, the funds ofthe Chapter cannot specific requirements and guidelines for establishing be used to purchase presents for retiring officers or your initiation fee. distinguished brethren, or to give presents to new It is mandatory that each DeMolay Chapter members. establish a Life Membership Plan for all initiates. The With the approval of the Advisory Council, a initiation fee your Chapter establishes should take Chapter may present a Past Master Councilor's Jewel into account the fee due to the ISC, plus an adequate or Pin to a retiring Master Councilorwhose service amount to be set aside and withdrawn annually by the record as Master Councilor has been outstanding. The Chapter for general fund use. This provides the benefit Past Master Councilor's Jewel or Pin may not be ) of life membership to the new member and financial awarded to any Past Master Councilorwho has failed


to confer the Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees at least liquors or controlled substances to be sold, distributed once during his term of office. If the Master Councilor's or used at any DeMolay function or meeting, or who ( term is interrupted by service in the armed forces of has in his possession or distributes such substance at his country prior to actually complying with the above, any DeMolay conclave, function or meeting, shall be then he'll be considered infull compliance and will be subject to the provisions of the ISC Statutes. entitled to a Past Master Councilor's Jewel or Pin. ATI'ENDANCE WEARING THE EMBLEM A last-minute, hastily-thrown-together meeting will A DeMolay should take pride in wearing the result in confusion, disinterest and poor attendance. emblem of our Order. Any member of a Chapter seen Plan your meeting and your program well in advance. wearing the official emblem of the Order in any place Appoint a Reception Committee to meet and greet where he would not take his mother or sister will be every member as he comes through the door. If subject to discipline for conduct unbecoming a member necessary, have some name tags made up and pinned of the Order of DeMolay. No member of the Order is on every member, Advisor and guest so no one is permitted to wear or use any jewel or emblem except embarrassed at not knowing each person. those duly authorized. The Membership Committee might want to appoint It's forbidden to use any word, figure, letter, title, a secret handshaker before each meeting. This will emblem or symbol to denote rank in, or connection encourage friendly and open fellowship. People like to with, the Order of DeMolay in any written or printed be appreciated. The tenth person to shake the hand of document not DeMolay inits character and purposes. the secret handshaker could be given a prize. This It's also forbidden to use any such word, figure, letter, encourages members to shake hands and introduce title, emblem or symbol for business or advertising themselves. purposes in any business, employment or avocation Also try appointing a committee to capture and not DeMolay inits purpose, or not connected with bring one or more non-attenders to each meeting. You DeMolay. can use a Transportation Committee to pick up In other words, do not use the emblem for any members before a meeting. Be aware of current purpose without written permission of the Grand insurance regulations through your Advisors and Secretary. To obtain permission, send a letter of Executive Officer. ( explanation to the DeMolay Service and Leadership It pays to advertise, and the best advertising is free. Center, and send a copy to your Executive Officer. DeMolay activities make good news copy_Keep the ROBES AND REGALIA press, television, cable stations. DeMolay BBS No Chapter is permitted to appear in public in (Electronic Bulletin Board System) and radio DeMolay robes, except at the funeral of a member of informed of your activities. the Order, in observance of an Obligatory Day, at a Use the mail or phone for making the direct contact public installation of officers or by permission of the to announce your meetings. IfChapter members have Executive Officer of the jurisdiction. personal computers that can be linked by modems, use No Chapter may grant, loan or allow the use of its computer and community bulletin boards to remind regalia, or other paraphernalia used in the work of its members and Advisors about Chapter meetings and Degrees or ceremonies, for non DeMolay purposes. No activities. Make use of the DeMolay Electronic newsletter, notice, communication, newspaper or other Bulletin Board System (BBS)@ (816) 891-0058. Drop a publication of DeMo lay or of any group or organization card to absent members before the next meeting. Have inany way connected with DeMolay shall contain any a speaker for your program on a regular basis. Ifyour advertising ofjewels, emblems or designs relating to treasury can afford it, an occasional professional the Order of DeMolay which are not authentic, entertainment act will never fail to "pack them in" for up-to-date, genuine and approved by the ISC as being the meeting. presently official and correct. ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES PROCEDURES Spending Chapter funds to purchase any liquor or Chapter meetings should be the best-run and controlled substances, or serving any such substances best-planned of any DeMolay activity because basically at any Chapter meeting or any public or social function the same procedure is used {oreach meeting. Each of held inthe name of the Chapter or under its auspices these very special sessions reflects our tradition and or control, is strictly prohibited. pride. Any member or officer who permits intoxicating But Chapter meetings also should reflect the ( DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Your DeMolay Chapter

character of each Chapter. For this reason, it is critical -One rap seats everyone or calls them to order. that every member regularly attend meetings. Officersor members rise and face the Master THE CHAPTER ROOM Councilor when he addresses them. They do not salute The meeting room should be properly set up ahead him with the sign ofthe Degree. of the scheduled starting time. It is best to have a During prayers, all members should kneel in special committee to handle this task. Many Chapters unison, with the Chaplain, on the left knee (as assign their Seven Preceptors and Stewards to this described on the next page) facing the altar. Advisors, committee. visiting adults and Senior DeMolaysshould remain Chapter officersshould make it a point to arrive at standing. After the Chaplain says "Amen"at the close the meeting place well ahead of the scheduled meeting of the prayer, all members should respond "Amen." time. While the Chapter is insession, a member does not ENTERING CHAPTER MEETINGS pass between the altar and the East except when the A member attending a meeting of'his own Chapter Ritual requires him to do so. This is a longtime custom should check with the Sentinel stationed just outside and part ofour traditions. the Chapter room door and receive the Word of the Ifa member needs to leave the Chapter room while Day. This word is selected by the Chapter Advisor and the Chapter is in session, he should rise and wait until communicated to the Sentinel before the opening of recognized by the Master Councilor and then request Chapter. When the Word of the Day is collectedinside permission to leave. When permission to leave is the Chapter room, the members will rise one at a time granted, he should approach the altar, give the step, and whisper the word to a Deacon. sign and token if on the Initiatory Degree, or sign only DECORUM if on DeMolayDegree, and tum and leave from the Members attending meetings or other Chapter Chapter room. functions in a Masonic building are guests and should ABSENCE OF OFFICERS conduct themselves accordingly. Whether you are Inthe absence ofthe Master Councilor, the Senior attending your own Chapter meeting or visiting Councilor or Junior Councilor shall conduct the another Chapter, be sure to act with the maturity and meeting. Inthe absence of other officers,the Master common sense expected of all DeMolays.As a guest in Councilor will appoint a member to fill the position for a , or any public facility, your actions that meeting or occasion. will reflect on all other DeMolaysin your Chapter. Ifyour Chapter requires a certain dress codefor OPENING YOUR CHAPTER! members attending Chapter meetings, you must abide CONDUCTING BUSINESS by it. If you are visiting another Chapter, respect its dress code. The Sentinel will not admit members while the Chapter is being opened on either the Initiatory or the DeMolay Degree. Members arriving after the Chapter has opened, must receive permission to enter. Then go to the altar and give the "step," "sign" and "token" if the Chapter is opened on the Initiatory Degree, or the "sign" only ifthe Chapter is opened on the DeMolay Degree. The Master Councilor will return it. The Sentinel will let the member know which Degree the Chapter is working on. After the Chapter is opened, members should remain seated and maintain silence unless the member is called upon to speak or the member desires to speak to the Chapter. Ifa member desires to speak, he should rise and wait to be recognized by the Master Councilor before speaking. The followingsystem ofgavel raps is used: -Two raps cause the officersto rise. A Chapter must open on both the Initiatory and -Three raps cause everyone to rise. DeMolayDegrees to conduct the Chapter's business


unless a member present has only received the in advance, with a copygiven to the Scribe to be initiatory degree in which case business will be attached to the Minutes. ( conducted on the initiatory degree. Use the "Sample ALMONER'S FtJND Order ~ ~ 1%0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ .... ell - 0 ~ 0 0 CIS CIl 0 0 > 0s 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ > 0 0 0 0 z ~ .: ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ·z ~ ~ .81 ~~ 0 rn 0 0 0 rn rn tr: to 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z~ z z z ~ ~ ~ ~ z z z z z C,)~

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meeting of the Chapter. At the election meeting, the The DeMoWayRitual is a sequence ofinspirational, ( election isconducted in accordance with local Chapter, meaningful ceremonies that build a foundation of jurisdiction or Masonic tradition. Review the "Sample moral and spiritual values which will last a lifetime. Election Procedures" for more information. Ritualexcellence is ofthe greatest importance. RITUAL There should be no deviation - not even the slightest DeMolay Ritual sets our fraternity apart from all inthe exemplification ofthe Initiatory and DeMolay other youth organizations and keeps it ina class by Degrees. itself. DeMolay Ritual also isthe single element that is Each jurisdiction should have a Ritual Director, most impressive to a new member. and each Chapter should have a Ritual Advisor. SAMPLE ELECTION PROCEDURES -OR- Name of Applicant "We are now about to ballot on the petition of The Master Councilor reads 'the name of the Brother for membership in this ap,plicant and the facts set out in his application. Chapter by affiliation. The report of the committee He may ask for "filvorab•e. or unfavorable" is favorable (or unfavorable, as the case may be). comments from any of the brothers present who Remember that white balls elect and black cubes may wish to share information about the candidate reject. Be careful of your ballot and vote for the or his qualifications for membership. good of the Order,"

The Balloting Procedure The Master Councilor casts his ballot. Then the Every Chapter should conduct its balloting Senior Deacon presents the ballot box to the Senior according to the followlng procedure unless there is Councilor and then the Junior Councilor at their a jurisdictional procedure or local Masonic tradition respective stations. which is followed: Then the Senior Deacon votes before placing the The Master Councilor says: ballot box on a separate stand by the Northwest corner of the altar. The Senior Deacon then stands ( "Brother Senior Deacon, you win prepare the halfway between the altar and the station of the ballot." Senior Councilor and faces West. There he should inspect the obligation card of each member The Senior Deacon places all white balls and balloting. black cubes in the proper compartment of the ballot As soon as the Senior Deacon is in position, the box, making sure there are enough of each to meet Chapter members, starting with the Scribe in the demands. Southeast comer of the room, proceed to vote by The Senior Deacon then presents the ballot box forming a 1ine, regardless of rank, and approaching to the Junior Councilor (who goes by way oUhe the altar from the West. North side of altar), the Senior Councilor and the As Boonas all the members on the South side of Master Councilor in regular order, each of whom the room have voted, all members on the North side makes the proper inspection to satisfy himself the form a line, regardless of rank, starting with the ballot is properly prepared. East end of the room. The Master Councilor has the After inspection, the Master Councilor Junior Deacon relieve the Sentinel so that he can announces: vote. After casting his ballot, the Sentinel returns to his post. "Brethren, we are now about to ballot on the The Master Councilor then inquires: membership applications of (full name of each applicant) for the Degrees of "Have all members voted who are entitled to DeMolay. The report of the committee is favorable vote?" (or unfavorable, as the case may be). Remember that white balls elect and black cubes reject. Be He pauses a moment for reply. If there is no careful of your ballot and vote for the good of the response, the Master Councilor says: Order." "All having voted, I declare the ballot closed" ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Your DeMolay Chapter

(sounds gavel). "Brother Senior Deacon you will one appears, the applicant shall be declared elected. , take charge of the ballot." If two black cubes are cast against any applicant, the ballot shall not be declared, but shall lie over The Senior Deacon presents the ballot box to the until the next stated meeting when another ballot Junior Councilor and the Senior Councilor for shall be taken. inspection, proceeds to the station of the Master Except where provided, an applicant shall be Councilor and places the ballot box on the Master declared elected unless three or more black cubes Councilor's station. appear on this second ballot. An unfavorable report The Master Councilor then inspects the ballot, by an investigation committee or any of its and if no more than one black cube appears, says: members or an objection to a petitioner by any member of the Chapter before a ballot is taken on "I declare duly elected to his application, shall be referred to the Chapter receive the Degrees of DeMolay in this Chapter." Advisor or, in his absence, to a member of the Advisory Council who is present. The Advisor has If two or more black cubes appear, and the vote is the power to defer the consideration of an on more than one applicant, the Master Councilor unfavorable report or objection until it has been says: considered and acted upon by the Advisory Council, who shall decide whether or not an unfavorable "It will be necessary to take a separate ballot on report or objection shall of itself constitute a each applicant." rejection. When the Chapter has ordered a ballot, the Then these ballots are taken. If two black cubes presiding officer has no right to stop or postpone it appear on the vote concerning one applicant, the based on someone's private request. The member Master Councilor says: who desires postponement must move to postpone the ballot and give the reasons, and the Chapter "The application of shall lie over will then vote to determine whether to postpone or until the next stated meeting." not. After a candidate has been elected and before he When three or more black cubes appear on the has received any of the Degrees, there can be a vote concerning one applicant, the Master Councilor written objection signed by three members of the says: Chapter. The objection must be considered by the Chapter and voted on. Ifthe objection is sustained "I declare the application of by one-third of the members present, the Degrees I for the Degrees of DeMolay cannot be conferred and the candidate will stand in this Chapter to be duly rejected." rejected. But after a candidate has received any Degree, objections can only be sustained by regular In case the petition is for affiliation, the Master trial before the Advisory Council. Councilor says: The Advisory Council of a Chapter has the authority to declare an applicant elected or rejected "I declare Brother duly elected if, in their opinion, the best interests of the Order to membership in this Chapter by affiliation" (and will be served. If the applicant is to be declared other statements similar to the ones above if two or elected, before a Degree is conferred the Chairman three black cubes appear). of the Advisory Council must report the action to the Executive Officer, who may either approve or Election Requirements disapprove. In the first instance, a collective ballot may be Remember that the balloting must be conducted taken if there is more than one applicant to be in such a way that a person's vote remains secret. balloted on. If no black cubes appear, the applicant Speed in balloting also is essential to keep from or applicants shall be declared elected. If any black prolonging the proceedings. cubes appear, there must be a separate ballot on each application. If no black cubes appear, or only


Every jurisdiction should have a competition to select which is organized, systematic, easy and effective. champion Initiatory and DeMolay Degree teams. All Before you begin, you must put to rest the lame ( Chapters should emphasize the awarding of the Ritual excuse that there are people who cannot memorize. Merit Bar to develop. expand and sustain interest in The following method has been used successfully by DeMolayRitual. Likewise, all Chapters should DeMolays of all intellectual levels and by some with participate in Iocal,jurisdictional and regional Ritual learning difficulties and handicaps. Motivation and competitions. determination, coupled with a systematic approach, produces amazing results. arrtJAL PRESENTATION The beauty of our Ritual is ,inthe manner of PRELIMINARY STEPS TO MEMORIZING presentation. Gorgeous settings, splendid lighting Read through your part several times before effects and costly regalia do much to enhance the attempting to memorize it. On the second reading, conferring of a Degree, but unless the Ritual is stop at every word that is unfamiliar to you, either presented to the candidate in a careful, concise, because of its meaning or pronunciation. Look it up natural and graceful manner, the entire process inthe pronouncing glossary of the Ritual, or in a becomes mechanical and the desired effect is lost. dictionary. To perform DeMola;yRitual work well, Each word and action should touch the heart and ;you, the performer, must understand what ;youare awaken a new sense of duty in the minds of all Ba;ying.There is no other way to impart the meaning listeners, especially the candidates. of what is written. One cannot teach Ritual to others The Ritual of the Order of DeMolay is its soul, for unless he first understands it himself. included in the Degrees and ceremonies are the Once this understanding is achieved, read through history, tradition, moral code and lessons for living the part, paying particular attention to the that distinguish our great Order. Each officer or punctuation. Periods, commas, semicolons, dashes Degree team member is one to whom we are and other punctuation marks are signposts that entrusting the most powerful and valuable tool we direct one to his destination: proper interpretation possess for teaching our truths and thereby assuring and presentation. our future. The manner in which you use our Ritual The next step is to read the other parts in the ( may shape a life or destroy an image; therefore, every ceremony to understand how your role fits in with Ritualistic performance is serious business and the overall picture, and how its interpretation can worthy ofyour finest effort. clarify the lesson to be taught. Now you are ready to The young men of DeMolay often have hazy or begin memorizing. Here's how: indistinct conceptions of what a good Ritual presenta• tion should be, especially ifthey have not seen one 1. Start with the first few words or a phrase of the before. With proper guidance from Advisors, Senior first sentence and repeat it to yourself several DeMolays or older DeMolays, an individual can learn times. Then add the remainder of the first full a great deal to help him develop a sense of confidence sentence. Or, if the sentence is quite long, add in speaking before a group and performing in other another phrase to the preceding one until the leadership roles. sentence is completed. Virtually every member of a DeMolay Chapter has Practice by reading, and then looking away from the ability to present Ritual work in an outstanding the text and saying it. Now repeat the sentence aloud manner. Proper education in Ritual early in your five times perfectly in succession. When this has been DeMolay career is the first step. Practice and a accomplished, move on to the next sentence and serious attitude can make every Degree conferral a repeat the process. special event. 2. When the second sentence has been said aloud THE IMPORTANCE OF MEMORIZATION five times perfectly in succession, go back All Ritual work is to be memorized, and it is the and add the first sentence to it and repeat duty of each Degree team member to learn his part. both aloud five times perfectly in succession. This rule is unchGlZgeable and there are no Repeat this process of memorization, addition exceptions. Reading Ritual is simply not done. and review until the entire part has been There are as many ways to memorize as there are memorized. Once the work has been learned individuals who learn the Ritual. Here is one way in this fashion. and the entire part ( DEMOLAY LEADERtS RESOURCE GUIDE Your DeMolay Chapter

repeated aloud five times perfectly in succession, it will remain in your conscious or subconscious memory for years.

The most recent edition of The Ritual of Secret Work of the Order of DeMolay and the Monitor of Ceremonies should be your constant companions in preparing any Ritual part. Always begin by reading the general instructions at the front of each of these books. After you have read and understood the general instructions, read the specific instructions at the beginning of each ceremony. They are organized in this manner:

- A brief statement of how the ceremony is to be used. - A paragraph outlining the required parts to perform the ceremony. - A paragraph outlining the required paraphernalia. - A paragraph outlining optional paraphernalia.

THE IMPORTANCE OF DETAIL Your attitude must be appropriate. Your robe must fit just so. Your hair must be combed neatly. Your entire appearance must be one of dignity, so that when you enter the Chapter room, you will carry the grace of a good actor. You must speak in a full and loud voice with a slow, continuous flow of words, as though speaking from the heart, looking directly into the eyes ofthe candidates with a clear purpose: to impart the message of DeMolay. Correct posture and attitude give poise. Officers should sit up straight, with their feet flat on the floor. These small details make a successful presentation of a Degree.

PARENTSTO~TNESSDEGREES An ISC .tatute allows parents orguardian. the opportunity to witness their son or ward proceed through the Degrees of DeMolay. Othe,." may be admitted at the discretion ofajurisdictional Ezecutive Officer. This statute requires a "pledge of secrecy" to be given and received back from non-Masonic individuals who choose to witness their son (or ward) proceed through our Degrees. Having parents witness our Degree work is all the more reason to sharpen our performances.

INITIATORY DEGREE First impressions are lasting. What a candidate hears, sees and experiences at the time of his DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Your DeMolay Chapter

but a by-product of the purpose of conferring the Seek his advice and coaching, (' Degree. That purpose is to explain the philosophy If your Chapter does not have an Advisory Council and lessons for living which are contained inthe member talented in this area. perhaps an older Ritual and which guide us as DeMolays. DeMolay or a Senior DeMolay who has this interest The Initiatory Degree is written in lecture style, and ability can coach the team. A Chapter may also but it should be conferred with enthusiasm by each find someone among the Masonic Ritualists to assist Officer. The Ritualists should be trained to speak with Ritual coaching. clearly ~and with correct pronunciation and expression. It is best to select a certain part of the work to They should be able to impress candidates with their concentrate on at each rehearsal. Also it is often earnestness and sincerity rather than dramatic acting. helpful to have rehearsals to practice just the lines, They must speak slowly, caIrri1yand loudly enough so or words, of the ceremony before adding the floor that every word may be heard. A word unheard is lost, movements. and the Ritual has no words that can be lost without loss of effectiveness. ENTRANCE AND EXIT OF OFFICERS The entrance and exit of Chapter officers are important matters, and the instructions in the Ritual DEMOLAYDEGREE must be followed. The officers must walk in a dignified The DeMolay Degree was written in a different and unhurried manner. vein than the Initiatory Degree. Itis intended to be dramatic, within reasonable limits. Over-acting ROBES makes the Ritualist conspicuous at the expense of It is not essential to use robes when conferring The the Ritual, and is as great a fault as Initiatory D9ee or during Chapter meetings. under-presenting. However, there may be much greater interest ifyou The DeMolay Degree includes archaic language use robes. and is filled with many words which may be unfamiliar to the average DeMolay. But remember FURNITURE that it does not contain a single word which has no Purchase or make your own Preceptor stands. Cover meaning or relation to every other word. It is critical your altar with a large white altar cloth, draping it in ( that you present the Ritual clearly, since it contains large folds to form beautiful lines. Place flowers on and many sentences whose whole meaning is lost if every around it to add to the beauty of the work. Arrange word is not heard. The setting of the DeMolay seven candlesticks to form a circle or shield about and Degree is adaptable to the circumstances of nearly to the East of the altar. See the Ritual of Secret Work any Chapter, as far as physical accessories are for a diagram on the placement of the candlesticks. In concerned. But the essence of this, and all other other words, try to make the entire setting a picture Degree work, is effective speaking and action, which that will impress the candidates with the teachings of are within the potential of all Chapters. the Ritual. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF A DEGREE TEAM For information or pricing on Chapter robes, It is an honor to be an officer or a member of a candlesticks or other paraphernalia, call Degree team. If an officer feels that his Ritualistic 1-800-DEMOLAY. work is merely part of the duties of his office, he will fall short of his opportunity. OBLIGATIONS The selection of the members of the Degree team All members of the Chapter must memorize the should be a major consideration of the Master Obligations of the Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees Councilor. Personal friendships should not enter into unless otherwise directed by a jurisdictionaJ. Executive the selection of team members. The primary Officer. judgment should be based on interest, enthusiasm The Junior Councilor usually instructs and coaches and ability. new initiates in their Obligations. He does this by REHEARSALS setting a time and place for coaching, and by keeping The officers and members of a Degree team should in touch with all members who have not memorized have regular rehearsals. Many Chapters have an the Obligations. The Junior Councilor should have a Advisor assigned specifically to work with the Ritual permanent record book to keep the names of those who program and to give instruction in Ritualistic work. are working on their obligation proficiencies.


No member may hold officeor vote in elections or on membership applicants unless he possesses an Obligation Card unless this specificrequirement is waived by the Executive Officer.Obligation cards can be ordered from the Service and Leadership Center. They are issued as certification that the member is proficient in the Obligations.

CHAPl'ER MUSIC Music has a definite place in all Ritual work. If skillfully handled, music will enhance the beauty of each ceremony. Take care to eliminate any pause or break in tempo at the end of a sentence where a musical selection follows.At the close ofthe musical selection, the next speaker should immediately begin his lines so there will be no awkward pause. The selection of music is at the discretion ofthe Chapter. Remember, the music used should add to the Degree and not detract from it or overpower it, either by volume or the type of music selected. The Ritual of Secret Work indicates several places inthe Initiatory Degree where music would be appropriate. Many Chapters use pre-recorded tapes and or compact discs very effectively.They have queued the tapes to the Degree length so that the music is appropriate to the section of the Degree being presented. Compact discs are very easy to queue to an exact piece ofmusic. Ifyou have questions regarding Ritual, contact your district or jurisdictional Ritual Advisor or your Executive Officer.


• The Importance Of Membership • Recruitment (How 'Ib...) • Growth Equals More Fun! • Starling New Chapters (

( , (

ew members are the lifeblood of every for every Chapter library. This publication explains DeMolay Chapter and the Order of DeMolay how to run various membership recruitment N as a whole. That's why every member should campaigns. It takes the reader through the "Seven make it a goal to bring in at least two new members Steps of Selling Membership in DeMolay," and it has within his first two years - one to replace him and over 50 proven ideas submitted by DeMolays and one to help the Chapter grow. That's the subject of the DeMolay Chapters to assist in your efforts. following section on "Recruitment." The DeMolayMembership Planning Guide and Idea Keeping members and insuring that DeMolay is a Book can show you: friendly, fun, helpful and successful experience for • How to earn a Founder's Membership Award them also is important to Chapter stability and or Blue Honor Key by learning the "one-en-one" growth. It's a well-known phenomenon -happy sales approach. "customers" usually don't say too much about their • How your Chapter can conduct a large or experiences, but unhappy ones will complain to anyone small "prospect party .." who'll listen, including strangers, about a bad • How you can make up your own "special team" or experience. That's why this Chapter also includes a "hit squad" approach, or section on "Orientation" - to help new members make • How you can have fun and get new members all ( friends and get Involved fast! at the same time with the wacky "10 Most Once your Chapter gets membership recruitment Wanted" approach. and orientation in hand, your Chapter may be in a RECRUI'I'MEN'I" TIPS position to help start a new Chapter or reinstate an The following are some tips to aid you in being old one. You'll find more information in the last section successful when talking with candidates and/or their of this Chapter on "Starting New Chapters." parents. There is also an outline for conducting a prospect party. On your mark, get set, grow! RECRUITMENT L Have and BMW apoBitive attitude. Think The main job in obtaining new members is selling positively about DeMolay and about yourself. the Order of DeMolay in general and your Chapter in Don't talk about the negative aspects of DeMolay particular. You don't have to be the greatest salesman or your Chapter (If there are any). Ifyou can't in the world to sell DeMolay. The product is good say something good about someone or something, enough, the benefits are easily demonstrated, and we keep quiet. have something that young men - as well as their 2. Look sharp. Dress appropriately. Nice slacks, a parents, brothers and sisters - can visualize, sample, dress shirt and tie never hurt anybody! Just use feel and enjoy in the process of being sold on DeMolay. common sense and dress for the occasion. It is all But, like all sales presentations, you must put your a part of pride. You're selling a first-class youth best foot forward. To assist you in your recruitment organization. Be proud of it! efforts. the Service and Leadership Center has an 3. Be organized. Know what you are going extensive list of membership recruitment resources to say and be prepared to say it in a logical, available to individuals and Chapters. These resources progressive presentation. You have to assume include "how-to" booklets and videos, brochures, that your prospect knows nothing about pamphlets, handouts and more brochures! DeMoiay. Take a look at the "Sample Questions There's also an excellent and detailed DeMolay and Answers." This outline covers most of the Membership Planning Guide and Idea Book - a must questions people ask about DeMolay. ( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

:S1mP~JJESTIONSANDANS~ ws.t isDeMo~ - ~ friltemiil ~tion. ': ~qqog.menwho are,atleast 12 ye8rs Q_f Ilge and ~ ~ ~~ itCOSt;tojo~.DeMo~ owliohave:~pletedl.the~~th g;ra4e or,~ ~3 - ~ Gha~decl~ .~~ may,jobl. . -" I:Jfetiine.memlieniliip'. Mut'1)imeve in.ary.premeBeing, otb~e ~ ~gjODis;yOur own choice. 1 ~ No·~ Of similar·activities; - Qoald~~.h8lp ~~UII\I meb

THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Hit and miss solicitation of new members will not achieve the membership results you want. Organization and strategy are the keys to any successful Chapter membership program. Therefore, a Membership Committee is one of the standing committees required by ISC Statutes. Appointed by every Master Councilor to handle this important task, the committee must exert every effort to obtain new members. GETI'ING ORGANIZED Eligibility of Candidates - Any young man who has passed his 12th birthday and has completed the uaw did DeMoJay start? seventh grade or who has passed his 13th birthday ~ ~atiletleS8¥Ju,pg man: _LOuis Lower. and has not yet reached his 21st, who is of good moral _ Frank s.~dlhel~ h!m fOrm,a club. character and who expresses a belief ina Supreme _' Grew.~tbroUgbout·V~·andCanadaan4 , Being is eligible to become a member. Membership is 'is woi!ld-wi~ today NOT limited to the sons or relatives of Masons. Make sure everyone inyour Chapter knows all of this Wiiat'4JOes

process to obtain prospect names. The followingis a brief list of possible sources to contact for names: - ( 1. New Chapter initiates. - 2..Current Chapter members. 3. Senior DeMolays. 4. Master Masons. 5. Adult Leadership Team members. 6. Junior and senior high schoolprincipals. 7. Schoolteachers. 8. High schoolyearbooks. 9. Scoutmasters. 10. YMCAsecretaries and youth directors. 11. Your clergy or Sunday Schoolteachers. You can contact secretaries of localMasonic bodies to review their membership rolls for members who have DeMolay-agesons. Masons who employ teenagers are other sources. ..! JII~....• 'llu.bln .",.,. U. 11Ir ... ~Ift 4""'(, t •• ""l1li""1' .1 f~' Ct,m Eleven and Twelve-year-olds are a future source of .f PtS ..... ;"tIl_t •••• prospective members. When you find their names, J )I, k kn."" .u nnp "u ..... III' ..... ).Hllim, ,. ,..mllit I. M "'"~ ,.lIb ,,.In...... "'r rtMqt.lpn. I,-:b,", ~"II I~'" "it., 1'" don't skip them. These younger boyswill be flattered .,.rtn en dp bl" •• 1,,,,,,,,.• Jlb allnl"", I'" .1..... " .....NI••. by the attention ofolder members. By attending some ,lttiU.t.". D",,, DrJl.I •• D..,I'II' lI...... ,.. ..,_ C-Ol.' II¥' ,,""III o...w-...".,_ meetings where Chapter activities are explained, they ...... , ••_1: ~_.. 1l.~ ,.___ ~. «.., ~_ I,rn.'" ... _ ~ ( ~ ... undoubtedly will be anxiously awaiting the time which ...... _ ( ~..~.", . they may join. Make a notation to contact them at a later date. Immediately after initiating a group of candidates, addresses--- of all his eligible-- friends who-- are not already have each new member write down the names and DeMolays. Contact older members of the Chapter from time to ( time to be sure they have given you all the prospect names they know. Also take time in a Chapter Demo/aM meeting every three or four months to have everyone MEMBERSHIP APPUCA110N write a prospect list. This will help locate any new (1'IITTl1ON) **AnOrganization/orYoungM~n*· prospects that have recently moved and live near a member. Don't forget to ask your Chapter members to I.N."." 1. Dolo-: solicit names from adult friends. J. Addn:>a: 4. City: ,. s-.tZip: 6. I'hane; ( ) 7. BinItDIIe 00WI¥I'l'I ProgressReporl- The Executive Officerof each 8. SchooIAIIOI>dOI" 9. IbIi:; jurisdiction receives a monthly Membership Status 10. Fa_ School Subje

II HoIUco: year in each Chapter. This report reflects only initiates reported on Form lOs. 11 a.hs. O!plliz.aimJ: Folww-Up- After a membership campaign 13. o..mvs~,""",: 14. 1I

Nunc: Addn:oo; Phone: 2. Make a follow-uplist of those remaining from the

My~_ormyjDlninl DcM<>Iay. original prospect list who did not submit an IS. faIhoi. Nome: 16. McdI

secrets ofhis success. 5. Recognize the newest member who brings in the most new members. This shows the other new

members the importance of recruitment. Doar(tIIlte, _ 6. Begin planning the next campaign. -...... -.-.1-..1 O>e of thom .ught be in )'rtllllity to join the _ of llotblay. [)oft)lay I. an intotmaticnal orgonizatlon \otUch pmnot_ good elthONIUp am devel_ Holding a large prospect party can be exciting for I~p am charB<:tAIr. Sinoo it'. founding in 1919. Dt Bill Malter Cnlnkite. am John Wayne. 10 cpty-«>e r-ro of bership. But to get the most out of it, the Membership _.__p are ~)'WID clainll wuch ""'""""'" .tand&tde of Committee needs to start planning 8to 12 weeks ahead. d>orllCUlt am 1deoslo of cithONIUp are _loped. n... gnq> a young non auoo:iates with cla1ng .- )'WID i of the _test The following checklist should help you keep on track: WI...... ,.,. 1n t\U I1t.. In DoItolay)'lay.)'blie·opltited dUz .... conflict with school events, vacations, exams). Dll':tbtay 1. not _ substitute for hIDII,~~ or ac:bool. It i. e _t eU-=tive __ am orv-Uzaticn for ~ical • ...ul. ..,rel. and 3. Call a "names meeting" to obtain names from _ial _I_,t. l'U'UclpatiCll in th!c>ter d1scuqi..,.. CIl committee members. civic. ocx:1al. am athletic ...... ma. and _ other oalviti_. pzavidoo tra1ninr;I of 1nood1ote .... _ of _t val... tor 4. Announce the date, place and time to the tho Nture. ,.. yal probobly _. _.., yal "",,'. _ _,t to be peraonaUy Chapter. ._,.1bl. for their ..... oaiOllll. IIa fu eo pou1bl•• tho a..pter 5. Send invitations'letters (10-14 days beforethe event). ....t>aro c:adIct the _u-. of their th!c>ter. MIlt guid.snca am _tiona ant providod by the edviamy ocuncil. Nt _ that yaI ..."t )'lay10 that _. Yau- om ean abtAIn 7. Arrange for entertainment/videotapes. hi. IU. _p in>layfor jUllt $_. lin W<=IItia>al J>IOIP>leCIlt the Intemat1CO'1&lOrdor of>lay10 enelO8«1 fot your 8. Arrange for brochures, pens, pencils, name ....,i.... If yal t )'layar _ how ony furtt.r badges, etc. _tiona can~. pl_ notify .. or: _ -., of tho _lOOty CDIncll. CbnSiallyYcun. ('llIn&turel Q!OJo/aJL--- th!c>ter_: AdvI.oor

ccatel Dear The Order of DeMolaywanta to giv. you a chance to do thiCO. you like to ee, with peopl. you lik e , A chanc. to call y®r own .hot•• am1 organize .nd enjoy ac-civiti •• that are 9. Make phone calls five days prior to the meeting. b1gger and better tb4n YO" COIIldorl1"'1o. by you.r .. U. And a chanc:. to have fun. 10. Make reminder calls the night before. Ther. are thouaanda of ~Kal.y. aero •• the United Stat •• and around t.he world. juat. Uk. your•• U:. ready to ahare their 11. Hold the party. friend.nip. f.ll ...... hip. and .. parience witll you. 12. Arrange interviews. We. the ..ezaber. of •Cha!pter. have prepared an evening •• pect.Uy for you in order to provide M 13. Keep a list for follow-up. opportunity to explain the variau. activities that DeMolayha. to otfer IIIndyour friend •. It will be 4t CtiM' on (dat•• at Take a look at the sample letters of invitation to a ______-,-_loc;.tion. Should you require any further infor1Mtion. or require prospect party and to parents of a prospect. Use these tran.port.aeion to or ftQa the ••• tlno pl .... phon. .ither of for reference. It's a good idea to include one of the the nWftber. belovo W. bave plenty ot d.river •• v.ilabl •• Al.o .hould you wiah to bring- on. or .or. of your trJ.•nc1a membership promotion brochures from the Service with you, ple~ue f •• l tre., to do .0. They are more than "elc:o=-. and Leadership Center with the letter. The letter s•• you on (date) • Sincerely. should be sent at least two weeks inadvance of your C.ignat.... ' ""OM Jane. prospect party. You can draft a similar letter to the New "ember. Chai.... n Cor He' Phon.'.,....._..,.... _ parents of the prospect ifyou are planning for them to For information: attend the program. (N.... '...,.._...,..,,-- _ NewHember Advi.or Phon.: _ Pnon.:_ Also take a look at the "Sample Prospect Party Program." It will give you an idea of what to do. Adjust the program to suit your Chapter's needs and resources. Ifpossible, plan a dinner as part of your program. The "Sample Prospect Party/Agenda" indicates how long each section of the program might DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

be. It's only a guideline. Remember to keep your REMEMBER: Be honest! Be sincere! Be program long enough to cover the subject, but short enthusiastic! MOST IMPORTANT: Make sure your ( enough to be interesting. The prospect's first program is carefully planned so everything will flow impression will be a lasting one. smoothly. At all times, make sure the prospect feels SAMPLE PROSPECT PARTY ACTIVrrIES (4 minutes): PROGRAM/AGENDA Discuss Chapter social activities. Include civic service and Obligatory Days. Be sure to include The Prospect Party Program is usually presented dances and conclave. prior to some Chapter activity which allows the prospects the opportunity to get better acquainted ATHLETICS (4 minutes): with Chapter members they may not know. A swim Briefly discuss the Chapter athletic program, party or renting out the high school gym are popular local-Chapter competitions and state championships. activities. Show off any Chapter trophies with pride and enthusiasm! WELCOME (3 miDutes): FtJND~BAlSING (3 'minutes): Hello everyone. My name is Explain the different types of Chapter fund-raising , 1------,and Iam the 1 of Chapter. efforts and their importance. We're glad you are here. Please ask questions. ORGANIZATION (3 minutes): DeMolay is, above all, a large circle of friends. Later Explain the organization, how the Advisors you will receive a membership application ..• but now function and why the Masons sponsor DeMolay. I'd like to introduce who is our Chapte~s _ AWARDS AND HONORS (2miDuteS) Show and briefly describe some of the awards and WHAT DEMOLAYIS (2 minutes): honors available to all members. DeMolay is a club, a fraternity, friends who like to do things together for the common good. For some OURPURPOSE, THE SEVEN CARDINAL ( members, DeMolay is the center of their social life. For VIRTUES, THE RITUAL (3 minutes): others. it is a diversion from school-sponsored The purpose of the Order of DeMolay is to take activities. Itis a service organization, and an active good young men, and to make the. better. We social group. DeMolay is what you and I make of it. accomplish this through leadership training and The video you are about to see depicts all this and through practicing our Seven Cardinal Virtues. These more. virtues are the basis of our Ritual, which is a unique and special part of the Order of DeMolay. Explain the SHOW APPROPRIATE AIV(10 minutes) Seven Cardinal Virtues: filial love, reverence for - Chapter produced video or slide show sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, - A video from DeMolay International cleanness and patriotism. - Etc. There are two initiation ceremonies. They are DEMOLAY TODAY (3 minutes): presented from memory by Chapter members. These Summarize the video. Explain that each Chapter is are serious ceremonies that teach important lessons unique because it is run by its members. Today, anyone, who chooses to, can live by. The 2nd Degree, DeMolay is international in scope. Wherever you go, or ceremony, is a dramatic representation of the story you will find a DeMolay. Since 1919, there have been of Jacques DeMolay, acted out entirely by the Chapter over a million DeMolays, and many Senior DeMolays members. still work with the organization and proudly wear the emblem of a DeMolay. MEMBERSIDP APPLICATION PROCEDURE (5 minutes): PRESENT BRIEF DEMOLAYIDSTORY (3 Hand out applications and pens. Explain the life minutes) membership program. Review the basic requirements - See history & heritage section in Chapter Gne. to join. Explain the need for references and sponsors.


Emphasize that you need not be the relative of a separated for the purpose of open discussion. Mason. Explain that the visitation, if any, is an 2. Discuss the Purpose of DeMolay - to make interview that helps the Chapter to get to know the goodyoung men into better citizens, sons, and people applicant better as well as givingthe prospective ingeneral. We are not rehabilitators or babysitters. member and his family the opportunity to find out We teach leadership, tolerance and comradeship. more about the Chapter. Explain balloting procedures DeMolayis, above all, a character-building and the target date for initiation. organization. Show the Legacy of DeMolay or some other video. BENEFITS OF JOINING (2 minutes): 3. Cover Chapter Activities. Briefly explain the Reinforce the selling points of DeMolay and your activities, athletics, fund-raising and competitive Chapter in particular. Remember to mention our fun programs. Emphasize planning and leadership activities, leadership training and goodreputation. training. Stress the personal invitations they received - they 4. Describe the Advisory Council- who makes were recommended for membership in the Chapter. up the Council and what its function is. Also mention the Adult Leadership Team or Parents' Club. REFRESHMENTS AND ACTIVITIES: 5. Cover Sponsorship of DeMolay - who and Prospects: what the Masons are, why they sponsor the Chapter Be sure the prospect gets to the refreshments first. and what their connection is with DeMolay. Take this opportunity to reinforce the personal 6. Describe the Ritual and Cardinal Virtues. invitation tojoin. Send prospects home safely and at a Briefly explain to them and, if time is available, reasonable hour. present the Ceremony ofLight for illustration. Be sure Parents: that an active DeMolaydemonstrates the Ritual work. At some point during the evening, usually after the It is important that the parent imagine his/her son DeMolay history, have someone escort parents to a performing the Ritual. separate room and discuss the followingtopics with 7. Talk about the application procedure, the them: benefits oflife membership, insurance, scholarships, 1. Explain what the prospects are being told. etc., and then rejoin the group for refreshments. Make sure that the parents know that they have been welcomeand important. Give him V.I.P. treatment. Second, they provide an ideal opportunity for Chapters Have name tags for each prospect and parent. Make to add to their membership, and become stronger and sure a Chapter member greets each prospect at the more active. door, serves as his host for the evening, and introduces Special classes have been - and continue to be - him to every Chapter member. tremendously successful. The competition, the Have each prospect complete an information card. uniqueness ofeach class and the excitement they This card should state name, address, age, telephone generate make special classes an opportunity that number, special remarks and the names ofhis friends every Chapter should explore. whom he would like to see join DeMolay. Refer to this These classes are not difficult to arrange. However, card in your follow-up.Visit those who did not sign an like the prospect party itself, they do take proper application during your prospect party. Within a few planning and execution to be successful. days after the party, go in teams of two to the Chances are that your Chapter has had a class in prospects' homes. Be courteous and dress neatly. Take the past. Ifso,your challenge will be to make your a DeMolayvideo, publications, applications and next class even bigger and better than previous ones. brochures with you. You also will find that Masonic leaders will be eager to Special Membership Classes help you implement this class in your area because it The special membership class concept honors contributes to their desire to see DeMolay grow and various branches of Masonry. Appreciation classes, prosper. held on a local orjurisdictional level, accomplish two Choose an appropriate name for each class to help things. First, they allow the Order ofDeMolay to pay stimulate interest. Many Chapters have found it helps tribute to particular Masons and to Masonry in goodMasonic relations to name classes in honor of the general, without which DeMolaymay not exist. head of their sponsoring body, the Grand Master ofthe


Grand Lodge (also done on ajurisdictional basis) or care and attention should be given to those prospects ( some other outstanding Masonic leader. who are the leaders and will influence others by Set a class membership goal. Don't make the their action. number too large to reach. Your Chapter will lose MEMBERSHIP AWAlIDS interest ina campaign goal it can't possibly attain. The Service and Leadership Center gives automatic However, the number should be large enough to awards to DeMolays who bring in one, three, five or be worthwhile. multiples of 10 new members. Remember that in When it comes to the actual solicitation, the addition to your special campaigns, individuals are best results are usually obtained by having a team eligible for the Founder's Membership Award for five competition of some sort. Awarding tangible prizes to applications and the Blue Honor Key for ten the best team works better than having each Chapter applications. member work alone. Use your imagination! The scope of awards is Team Competition unlimited. Local merchants might be willing to donate Organize the Chapter into teams based on some swimsuits, sport shirts or other merchandise to use as sport, such as basketball or baseball. Suppose a prizes ..But ifyou have a team campaign, provide a basketball theme has been selected. Teams consist of special reward for the winning team, as well as special five or less members each, and a captain is selected. recognition for the outstanding individual membership An official scorekeeper is named, and two points are recruiters. Rewards help motivate membership teams credited to each team for every application secured. and individuals to make their best efforts. Here are Scoring should be kept up to date for each Chapter just a few your Chapter can offer: meeting and posted in a prominent place. Choosing a 1.A tie tack. name for each team helps to make the competition fun 2. A DeMolay hat. and builds team pride. 3. A ticket to a special banquet (paid for by the Hold a kickoff meeting. Inform the teams about Chapter). campaign rules and hand out an ample supply of 4. A DeMolay key chain. blank membership applications to each team. Stress 5. A copy of the book, "Hi, Dad! " . the importance of calling on the prospects and their 6. A DeMolay sweatshirt. ( parents more than once. Remind the teams to visit 7. Cufllinks. the prospects first and then the parents. Visits should 8. Two tickets to some big sporting or other be made by two team members. Itis always harder to entertainment event for five or 10 petitions. say "no" to two persons than to one. 9. A DeMolay pin or jacket for 10 petitions. Hold a prospect paTty. At the prospect party, 10. A steak and beans dinner on the Chapter, with either of the various membership teams can be all members getting a specified number of assigned particular prospects, or they may be applications enjoying a steak and the rest beans. turned loose to work on any of the prospects. Prospects who do not sign up at the party or do VISITATION OR INTERVIEW PROCESS not show up should be assigned to a team for The [Se Statutes contain information on for further follow-up. Some Chapters prefer to divide interviewing applicants for membership. In the list evenly among the teams, but whatever small Chapters, the interview ordinarily is not a method is used, an accurate record should be difficult matter, since the applicants usually are kept and posted of those contacted and already well-known in the community. The following the results. plan is well-suited for use in larger cities and may be Visit parents. After making the initial visit with adapted to the needs of a small community. the prospective member, visit with his parents. Give Ifapplicable to your Chapter's situation, the Master them some informational material about DeMolay. Councilor appoints a committee to review each If enough Advisors are available, having one of them applicant ... and answer any questions accompany the soliciting' team of two can be a positive he or his parents may have. help insewring new members. The Advisor can be A Visitation Questionnaire Form should be used especially useful in persuading the parents to as the guideline for the interview. These forms are encourage their son to join DeMolay. available from the Service and Leadership Center. Some Chapters invite prospective members to This is also an opportunity for the applicant and his a dance or some other Chapter social affair. Extra parents to become better acquainted with some of


the people from the Chapter. 1. Home Life - Do his parents approve of his desire It is important for the team to convey a first• to be a member of the Order? Are they agreeable to his class image. Be prepared to answer any questions spending at least one night a week at Chapter concerning DeMolay in general and your Chapter in functions? What home duties does he perform? Has he particular. Call ahead to set up an appointment. ever been arrested? If so, when and for what? What Remember to be diplomatic about your manner of church, if any, does he attend? Etc. Make a written getting to know the prospect. Start a general report here, giving your general opinion of the conversation and weave any questions in as you go applicant to become a member of the Chapter. along. Be sure to cover all the areas listed on the form. 2. Social Life - Does the applicant take pride in Itis important to learn about the applicant's home, his appearance? Do you feel that he would be a credit school and social life. Ifhe is also employed, find out to the Chapter? Do you feel that he will endeavor to how this will affect his participation in the Chapter. uphold the high standard of membership? What sort of Remember to emphasize the positive aspects of our entertainment does he prefer? In what sort of athletic Order. activity does he engage? Does he playa musical Return the visitation questionnaire form, with the instrument? If so, what instrument does he play? membership fees collected, to the Chapter as soon as What other clubs or fraternities does he belong to? possible after the visit. We want to convey to new Does he drink or use drugs? 3. SchooUEmployment Record - What grade is he in school? Has he ever been suspended or expelled from school? Is he prone to break school rules or destroy property? What school DeMOLAY Dear Brother: activities does he MEMBERSHIP You are hereby appointed to the Intemew camU ttee. an the PLANNING Applicationfor ~hip in this Chapter. for __ engage in? How long GUIDE & (l1tII!IIIj .me resides at (address,• IDEA BOOK n.. telephone nlmlbar is _ has he been employed in his In.eructions present position? 1. You are assigned the duty of Interviewing the applicant and inquiring into hi. reputation. Give the name of his 2. Please answer to the beat of you ability all of supervisor. Does his the questiona on the visitation questionaire you have regarding our prospect. employer consider l. Hake an appointment by phone before calling on he him ambitious and and his family a. it will them teel lIIore comfortable and often saveB a trip. making satisfactory 4. Before calling on anyone, review the visitacion progress? Does he quoationaire carefully. 5. Remlllllllerto be friendly in your ....nner of assume intervi...... responsibility 6. Return your report promptly and do not tail to report in some way at the appointed t.ime. willingly? ,. Your report. ia due on __ (date). Please send it to ma 80 that r ~an receive it by or Demolill. earlier. if po.aible. MEMBERSIDP GROWTH ~------~ Sincerely. (signature' Every Chapter loses a percentage of its members Master Councilor each year through transfers, members reaching majority and inactive status. Normally only 40% - 60% of the members on a Chapter's roster will participate actively in Chapter affairs. Not only must such losses be replaced ifDeMolay is to remain strong, but additional members must be added ifDeMolay is to applicants how important they are to DeMolay. grow. Therefore, we don't want to delay the joining process That's why membership growth depends on your any longer than necessary. The following letter might recruitment efforts continuing throughout the year. It be sent to each committee member: is not enough to hold just one prospect party each term, or to conduct one class per year. Membership The various questions for the interview are: programs must be a combination of classes, prospect


parties and personal contact with potential members designed to help each member, new or old, become a every month, allyear long.. committed, effective,and well informed member and ( The most important thing about any membership leader. campaign ~senthusiasm and zeal among the Chapter The DeMolay Member Ori,entation P-rncram is members to go out and make new friends. Making new the first component of a multi phase comprehensive friends is what membership recruitment is. Without a education program for DeMolay.This program is video strong spirit, no campaign can succeed. One or two based and created for ease of use. members can supply the spark to ignite the whole Ifyour Chapter doesn't have an Orientation Chapter with enthusiasm. Committee, you should form one for your next group of We briefly mentioned several ways to conduct a initiates. You'llnotice what a difference it makes in membership drive in this Chapter. You can comeup the kind of Chapter members they become. with many other goodideas like these: The International DeMolayCongress strongly • One Chapter contacted a local cable TV group recommends that each Chapter use the Member and developed theie own cable access show about Orientation program. In fact, the followingsuggestions teens.. have been drawn from the recommendations made by • Another Chapter set up an employment bureau, the DeMolay Congress: with its Advisor's help, for teens. Prospective member 1. Make each new member feel welcome.He is the names could be gotten from those who attended. future ofyour Chapter. Get to know him and make • Still another Chapter made 11" x 14"posters himfeel that his joining is one of the best things to saying "Is your son a DeMolay?"with the Scribe's happen to your Chapter. He'll respond with dedication telephone number at the bottom. These signs were and enthusiastic support. placed in store windows. 2.. Usually, the Junior Councilor assists with • The head of the sponsoring body of one Chapter orientation. Older Chapter members, called Big sent a special letter to all Lodgemembers. The letter Brothers or Orientation Coaches, can be assigned by asked them to turn ina membership application from the Master Councilor to one ofthe initiates. The Big a young man they knew. A membership application Brother's responsibility is to see that his candidate was printed on the back side of the letter. ultimately becomes an active and interested new ( Many ways exist to bolster membership, but the member in the Chapter. important thing is to get new members. Remember, 3. The Orientation program takes the candidate without them, your Chapter and DeMolay as a whole from the time the Chapter knows about him until he wi11perish. becomes an active member. TIPS FORAN ORIENTATION PROGRAM ORIENTATION OF NEW:ME:MBERS Organize your orientation program so that the new Finding a prospective member, introducing him to members are busy in their orientation class while the DeMolayand securing his application begins his Chapter is having its business meeting or are in DeMolaycareer. Ensuring that he is a successful, between or getting ready for degrees. It is important active member is by product of a good orientation that the instructor is well-versed in all points to be program.. covered and capable ofanswering any questions that The key to any successful Chapter is its program may be asked. Here are some tips to help you with and having members learn about the organization your orientation program: they belong to is the absolute first part of a good 1. Practice prior to the actual presentation. There Chapter program. are instructions on the video and in the Prog11am. It is a well known fact that any organization is only Leaders Guide. as good as its members. Effectiveand committed 2. Meet ina convenient, well-ventilated place. members are well informed about the organization 3. Appoint a responsible and well-prepared they represent and therefore will keep the foundation orientation chairman. ofthat organization firm. So it is with DeMolay.Well When the Chapter Scribe has informed the informed DeMolayskeep the foundation finn in each candidate ofhis election and the Master Councilorhas Chapter and in so doing, help keep the future bright made assignments to the Orientation Coaches or Big for the Order of DeMolay.Because DeMolay Brothers, each Orientation Coach makes his first International recognizes the importance of the contact with the candidate by inviting him to the first DeMolaymember, they developed a program that is orientation session. Usually, this session is held prior ( DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

to the conferral of the Initiatory Degree. When the 6. Knows about the Leadership Correspondence candidate arrives, he is greeted by his Orientation Course, Leadership Training Conferences, and Coach and taken to the room where the session will be other DeMolayeducational and leadership held. The candidate is then introduced to the person programs. who conducts the session. The presenter shows the first video segment and 7. Understands the importance of membership explains the history of the Order and the Chapter to recruitment. the new member. He outlines the duties of the officers, 8. Develops a real and permanent interest in the Advisory Council or Adult Leadership Team, and Chapter, its activities and its ideals. committees. He also tells the new members about the Periodically review the progress of a new member conduct and dress expected at meetings and Chapter and answer these questions about him: activities. Finally, he explains what to expect at the 1. Is he attending meetings? Initiatory Degree. 2. To what committee is he assigned? After the degree, each Orientation Coach introduces 3. Does he seem happy to be there? his initiate to every Chapter member and tells him the 4. Does he attend Chapter activities? time and place ofthe next orientation session. The 5. Has he brought in any new members? second session is held after the Initiatory Degree and 6. Does he have the potential to be an officer? before the DeMolay Degree. Again a segment ofthe Parents are interested in their son's organization video is shown and the candidate receives a review and deserve an orientation, as well. Make sure you: and explanation of the initiatory degree and is told of 1. Invite them to attend open ceremonies and the the DeMolay degree. Degrees oftheir son. The Orientation Chairman then: 2. Inform them about DeMolay.(Use brochures.) 1. Explains DeMolaystructure at all levels - ISC, 3. Make them feel welcome. Executive Officer,International Congress, etc. 4. Inform the new member's parents about the 2. Explains Chapter customs - etc. Parents' Club, or Adult Leadership Team. 3. Explains what to expect at the DeMolay Degree. Setting Up an effectiveorientation program in your 4. Informs the new Chapter will pay dividends interms of increased members about various attendance, new activities and greater fellowship. Chapter committees etc. MEMBER STARTING NEW CHAPTERS The next session is held ORIENTATION Let's suppose that you are in a community that has after the DeMolayDegree PROGRAM no DeMolayChapter. Realizing DeMolay'spotential has been conferred. Itis value to the young men in your area, you desire to conducted in a similar start a Chapter. Or maybe your community had a manner to the other sessions. DeMolayChapter inthe past and you wish to revive or Throughoutthis reinstate it. How do you go about it? What is the orientation, the initiate's INSTRUCTOR'SGUIDE procedure? Orientation Coach is Establishing a DeMolayChapter is a very extremely important. The DeI1IgI'Y important undertaking, and must be done properly to Orientation Coach should insure the best possible future success and operation. have completed the DeMolayLeadership Once the interest inestablishing a DeMolay Chapter Correspondence Course and be familiar with the exists, the Executive Officerofthe jurisdiction must be DeMolay Leader'sResource Guide and the ISC contacted for approval. He will then provide the proper Statutes. He should make sure the initiate: procedures to be followedin accordance with the 1. Shows up for his policies ofthat particular DeMolayjurisdiction. The degrees. approval ofyour Executive Officermust be obtained 2. Attends Chapter meeting and orientation before any work can begin to establish a DeMolay sessions. Chapter. Normally, the Executive Officerutilizes 3. Participates in all Chapter activities. personal representatives (with various titles such as 4. Meets all ofthe Chapter members and adult District Governor, Administrator, etc.) who act in his volunteers. behalf inproviding the necessary information and 5. Understand what the Obligations mean. assistance in establishing a new or reinstated DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

DeMolayChapter. 'organization accept the followingresponsibilities: A new Chapter is defined as one which is 1. Providing a proper place for Chapter members to ( established ina community (or part of a city) Meet. where there has never been a DeMolayChapter, 2. Supplying and maintaining an active Advisory or where there has not been a DeMolayChapter Council of three or more Master Masons. for a minimum of five years. A reinstated 3. Supervising the Chapter through an Advisory Chapter is one which is formed ina community Council where a Chapter was in existence and operating 4. Guiding the development of the Chapter and its within the past five years. DlIembers. Abasic step-by-step procedure for establishing a 5. Assisting the Chapter whenever and however new or reinstated Chapter exists, and there are needed. additional sources ofinformation to assist you. These After passing the Resolution to Sponsor, the mclude discussions or correspondence with the sponsoring body nominates a minimum of three men Executive Officer(or his appointed representatives in to be appointed by the Executive Officerto serve on the area) and visiting other DeMolay Chapters to the Advisory Council ofthe new Chapter. The observe and discuss problems and procedures. Advisory Council Registration Form included in the STARTING A CHAP'l'ER Chapter Start-Up Kit is used for this purpose. The The followingsteps are general and designed to appropriate Advisor fee must accompany the filing of cover most situations. A special set ofNew Chapter the form as must a completed DeMolay Adult Worker Start-Up Kits have been produced by the ISC. They Profile form. The duties of the Advisory Council are givefull details and step-by-step instructions on how described in detail elsewhere in this Guide. to proceed in organizing a new Chapter or reinstating Each member ofthe Advisory Council must be a an old one. These kits are available for the asking from Master Mason ingoodstanding, a Senior DeMolayor a the Service and Leadership Center. qualified adult. Ifhe is a Mason, he does not Step I-Securing a Sponsoring Body. necessarily need to be a member ofthe sponsoring The first step ~nestablishing a DeMolayChapter, body.Appointments to the Advisory Council are made after speaking to the Executive Officer,is to find a by the Executive Officer,usually inconsultation with ( sponsoring body.Asponsoring body can be any the sponsoring body.The Advisory Council term of organization composedexclusively of Master Masons, officeis one year. The Advisory Council selects its i.e. a Blue Lodge, body, Scottish Rite body, Chairman and Chapter Advisor, and appoints a Scribe Shrine Temple, Grotto, High Twelve Club, a National for the Chapter. (Normally, a Scribe Advisor is also Sojourners Chapter. etc. assigned from the Council.)Each of the other Advisors Ifno such organization is available in a given is given a responsibility (e.g. Ritual, Membership, locality, a group of Masons may form a club to act as Athletics, SocialActivities). sponsor for the Chapter, subject to the approval of the Step 2 - Selecting a Chapter Name. Executive Officer.Joint sponsorship may be No DeMolay Chapter can be named for a living undertaken by two or more Masonic groups such as person. Many new Chapters are named for the city or two Blue Lodges in the same city or adjacent cities, a geographic area in which they are ~ocated.Ifthis is a RoyalArch Chapter and a Blue Lodge,or any other second Chapter in a city where the city name has combination. However,generally it is better to have already been used, then consideration could be given just one Masonic organization as the sponsor. to names ofoutstanding deceased Masons ofthe The Service and Leadership Center has some aids community or historic names. A name should be available to help in locating a Masonic sponsor for a carefully selected for permanency. DeMolayChapter. These include special promotional Step 3 -Petitioning for Letters Temporary. pamphlets. Videocassette programs also are available Upon forming an Advisory Council. the sponsoring to help you communicate the message ofDeMolay. body then forwards the resolution of sponsorship and Once the sponsoring bodyis obtained, it officially Petition for Letters Temporary. to the Executive passes a Resolution to Sponsor a DeMolayChapter, Officerfor his approval. along with the the Advisory and executes the printed resolution of sponsorship and Council Registration. petition for letters temporary included inone of the Ifthe Executive Officerapproves the request. he New Chapter Kits. By agreeing to sponsor a DeMo1ay forwards the documents to the Service and Leadership Chapter. the officersand members of the Masonic Center. A nominal fee must accompany the Petition for ( H' DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

Letters Temporary. any hazing, violenceor use ofcontrolled substances. Upon receipt of the approved Petition for Letters Alsogive a complete explanation of the fees required to Temporary, the ISC authorizes the Executive Officer be a member and the program of activities that the to provide for the initiation of 15 or more new Chapter will carry out. members to form the Chapter. Each Advisory Council Choose high schoolleaders and sell them on joining member listed on the Advisory Council Registration the Chapter. In turn, they can sell the idea of Form will receive an Advisor's Card and be placed on membership to their friends far easier than an adult the mailing list to receivespecial Advisor mailings can. A story in the local newspaper also can be from time to time. effective.(For details on this and other public relations When the Letters Temporary are issued, they are tools, see the Chapter on Public Relations.) sent to the Executive Officer.He will retain them until NOTE: Do not limit your recruiting to the sons of the Chapter is ready for institution. The Chapter will Masons. Make it perfectly clear to the general public receive the Letters Temporary upon institution, and that DeMolay is open to all eligible males of good will work under that authorization until a Charter is character who believe in a Supreme Being and issued. who have passed their 12th birthday and The ISC may grant a permanent Charter if it is completed the 7th grade or who have passed satisfied with the progress of a Chapter operating their 13th birthday but have not yet reached the under Letters Temporary. Letters Temporary status is age of21. limited to eight months, but may be extended by The next step is to initiate the first class of officialrequest. members and begin the Chapter activities and Step 4-Insurance and Tax Exemption. functions. The meeting place should already have been Prior to initiating the first class, you will need to selected. In most cases, the sponsoring body request that your Executive Officeradd the Chapter to understands that furnishing a meeting place free of the rolls of Chapters covered under the DeMolay charge is an inexpensive way of rendering a valuable International insurance program. In addition, you will service to the Chapter. If it is necessary to rent a need to obtain a Tax Identification Number from the meeting place, care should be taken that the rental Internal Revenue Service prior to opening any bank charge is not in excess of an amount that the Chapter accounts. This Tax ID Number may be obtained by can pay without seriously affecting its chance of filing an SS-4 form with the IRS. (The SS-4 is survival. available from the IRS or from an accountant.) Initiation Fee - All candidates must pay the Step 5-Instituting the Chapter. initiation fee before receiving the degrees. All Chapters Selecting Members - A minimum of 15 members is are required to operate on a Life Membership Plan. required to establish a new Chapter. A member must This fee must include the amount due to the ISC for have passed his 12th birthday and have completed the each initiate, plus the lifetime fees and dues that 7th grade or have passed his 13th birthday and not yet remain with the Chapter. In many jurisdictions, a have reached his 21st birthday. The Advisory Council standard fee is established for all Chapters by the selects and approves the membership applications for Executive Officer.Be sure to check with your the initial class. Often a new Chapter will have Executive Officerbefore establishing the Life DeMolaystransfer from other Chapters to become a Membership fee foryour Chapter. part of the instituting group. Initiation of the First Class - Arrangements Whenever a new Chapter is instituted, think should be made for an active Chapter to send its beyond the minimum initial class of members and be degree team to initiate the members of the Charter sure there is a sufficient supply of prospective class. Obviously, a full degree team, presenting the members to sustain the Chapter. entire Ritual ceremony from memory, is desirable and The Advisory Council may use any method it impressive. choosesin obtaining the initial group ofcandidates. Immediately followingthe initiation, and not more One of the most successful ways is to have meetings of than 10 days later, the initiates must be reported to eligible young men and their parents to explain the the Service and Leadership Center on Form lOs, purpose and activities ofDeMolay. Videotapes are accompanied by the ISC fee for each initiate. available for this purpose. Selection of Chapter Officers - The first set of At these meetings, point out that the DeMolay Chapter officersmay either be selected by the initiation and program does not contain nor condone Advisory Council or elected by the candidates. When DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE •• Membership

the candidates know each other well, it is probably who are 6lling adult leadership positions, ifit is to ( best to have them elect their own officers. survive and prosper. Banquets, dances and other social affairs are often Take full advantage of all the publications and held to celebrate the initiation of the first class of a services available from the Service and Leadership Chapter. However, some new Chapters wait for such Center, as well as the advice and counsel of your open functions until the installation of officers. Executive Officer and his representatives. Don't An open installation of officers is recommended for hesitate to contact any of them ifyou need information introducing the new DeMolay Chapter to your and assistance. community. Here again, it is best to have another REINSTATING A CHAPTER Chapter or the jurisdictional officers do the installing, The procedure for reinstating a DeMolay Chapter is although the Advisors may do it ifnecessary. Many very similar to that for forming a new Chapter. A Chapters precede the installation with a family dinner. Chapter may be reinstated under its former name and They follow it with refreshments for all and a dance for Charier ifit has been forfeited for less than five years. the DeMolays and their guests. The reinstatement fee prescribed by the ISC Statutes Chapter Bylaws - Each Chapter must adopt must accompany the Application for Reinstatement. bylaws as set forth in ISC Statutes. Additional bylaws The fee provides for basic supplies such as the current may be adopted by the Chapter ifthey are consistent DeMolayLeader's Resource Guide. 1SC Statutes, with ISC Statutes and approved by the Executive breehures and membership applications. Officer. A reinstated Chapter also must qualify for Supplies - The following supplies are considered chart.ering by reaching a minimum of 15 members on essential for the proper and efficient functioning of any the roster. The Chapter may then operate under its DeMolay Chapter: reinstated Charter. 1. Ten copies of the Ritual. 2. Five copies of the Monitor of Ceremonies. 3. Fifty paper membership cards. 4. Fifty Proficiency Cards. 5. Crown of Youth. ( 6. Altar cloth. 7. Bible. S. Supply of Leader's Resource Guides. 9. Supply of Program Planning Guides, Membership Planning Guides and Insurance and Risk Management Guides. 10. Robes. (Some Chapters no longer use robes,) 11. DeMolay Degree costumes. 12. A copy of DeMolay's Youth Protection Program. 13. A DeMolay Member Orientation Program Kit. Some of these items may be obtained from the Executive Officer, but the Service and Leadership Center is the official distributor of DeMolay supplies. A current copy of the DeMolay and More Store catalog is included in one of the Chapter Start-Up Kits, and extra copies can be ordered free of charge. A full line of DeMolay Chapter supplies, as well as DeMolay jewelry and wearing apparel, also are available through the DeMolay and More Store. All items are high quality, and members will be proud to wear them. Chapter Operations - If you have completed the before mentioned steps, your DeMolay Chapter is in existence and operating. A Chapter must have constant and dedicated attention and interest from the Master Masons who are its sponsors, as well as those ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Membership

CHECKLIST FOR ORGANIZING A NEW CHAPTER Contact the Service and Leadership Center approves, he forwards papers to the Service and and request a New Chapter Information Kit. Leadership Center for processing.) Talk with the Executive Officeror his Lookover material and publications received personal representative about establishing a and order any additional supplies needed. DeMolayChapter. Establish an initiation fee. Find interested Masons and conduct an Make sure your Chapter is added to the informational program. insurance roll. Secure a sponsoring body and have it pass a Obtain your Tax Identification Number. Resolution to Sponsor. Organize a membership drive for an initial Select an Advisory Council and follow class ofmembers. registration guidelines found inthe [Se Sign up and approve initial applicants. Statutes. Initiate first class. Select a Chapter name. Report new initiates to the ISC on Form lOs. Fillout the Resolution of Sponsorship and Select and install the first set of Chapter Petition for Letters Temporary. officers. Forward the Advisory Council Registration Adopt a set of Chapter bylaws. and Resolution of Sponsorship and Petition Proceed to operate the Chapter inaccordance for Letters Temporary to the Executive with [Se Statutes and jurisdictional policies. Officerofthe jurisdiction, along with a check Request the Charter. to cover all fees. (If the Executive Officer

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) DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE • Public Relations • Newsletters .• The DeMolay Electronic Bulletin Board Service B.B.S. • Media Communications ( • Other Public Relations and Marketing Opportunities



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IJBLIC RELATIONS there's more than one way to communicate with them. On a personal level, goodpublic relations To lots ofpeople, the term "public relations," means Pmeans living up to and practicing DeMolay "the general public."Actually there really isn't a teachings in all ofyour actions ... and it means "general public." If there were, you would have only talking about the benefits ofDeMolayto others. On a one kind of music, only one newspaper, only one TV channel, only one political party, only one style of Chapter level, it means planning and I~g out a clothing, only one kind ofcereal, etc. communications program that will help your Chapter Your Chapter has several publics - both internal grow, prosper and succeed. and external. External publics are groups ofpeople Goodpublic relations is everything you do to outside your organization whom you lookto for communicate a positive image of DeMolay. The image support and goodwill. Those groups include potential you portray to your many "publics"will determine, to a members, teachers, localofficials,community leaders, great extent, the success and reputation ofyour potential contributors to a charitable project, Chapter and the Order of DeMolay. Agoodimage will newspaper readers, television viewers, etc. attract and encourage outstanding young men to join Just as important to the success ofyour Chapter are DeMo]ay. its internal publics - Chapter members, their ( If you can answer "yes"to the followingquestions, parents, adult volunteers and members of the Masonic your Chapter already has a goodpublic relations family. program going for it: Here are some ofyour important "publics"and the • Doyou ever see or hear about your Chapter on impact that a goodpublic relations or communications television? program will have on them. The first three are • Doyou "post" information about your Chapter internal. The last two are external. and its activities on localcommunity electronic • Chapter Members - Newspaper and television bulletin board systems? How about on DeMolay coverage will make your members proud oftheir International's BBS (816)891-O058)? organization. A goodnewsletter will help them • Doesevery teacher and student at your school feel involved. Altogether, goodinternal public know that your Chapter exists? relations will help retain members and keep • Can you remember the last time you read about them active. your Chapter in the local newspaper? • Parents-Your newsletter, parent-son events, • Doesyour Chapter have its own weekly radio or the Flower Talk and Ceremony ofLight will help television show on a community access station? parents of members and potential members • When you mention DeMolay,do people recognize appreciate the value of DeMolay.Youwant their the name? goodfeelings because, in many cases, parents • Do Chapter members, adult volunteers, the underwrite the cost ofjoining and other costs. Masonic family and others receive timely Parents also can support your Chapter as communications about Chapter events? volunteers. They'll help keep attendance up when • Do community leaders, the media, civic they know about meetings and events. And organizations and local officialsknow about supportive parents will "spread the goodword" DeMolay and what you're doing? about DeMolayto parents of potential members. As you can tell from the questions above,your • Masons- A Masonic body sponsors your Chapter has more than one kind of "public."And Chapter and provides a meeting place. Find ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Communications

every opportunity to let your sponsoring body He should be outgoing and enthusiastic, and have good ) know you appreciate it - help them maintain speaking and writing skills. He also should have the Temple, hold a "Sponsor Night," support their organizational and management skills, because he will causes, send them a newsletter, recognize have to set deadlines, coordinate people and projects, them publicly, send personal invitations to your and handle follow-upactivities. important events, etc. "Word of mouth" is the A typical committee might include your Chapter best kind of advertising, so Advisors should visit newsletter editor, someone to handle media contacts often and mention DeMolay at and someone to coordinate special promotions, such as every opportunity. exhibits, floats in parades, window displays, etc. In • Masonic-Related Organizations - Job's fact, the person in charge ofDeMolayWeekIMonth Daughters and Rainbow Girls are a great source could be your special events coordinator, since that one of support for your activities. And their brothers event often is a Chapter's major public relations and boyfriends are a goodsource for prospects. activity. Send a newsletter to keep them informed about An Advisory Council member who's knowledgeable DeMolayhappenings, invite them to attend your about the media and public relations can lend valuable events and honor their leaders - it adds up to assistance. Or you might look outside the Chapter for goodpublic relations. advice.Alocal media, public relations, advertising or • Potential Members - Reach potential marketing professional might be willing to help your members - your most valuable external public Chapter with its program. Contact people like these - by word of mouth, posters, billboards, parades through businesses or professional associations. and exhibits, dances and parties for members Planning Your Program and nonmembers, brochures, fund-raising The first step is to determine your goals and projects, special events and media coverage. Who objectives: wouldn't want tojoin such a popular • What you are trying to accomplish and why? organization! • Who are the key publics you want to reach? • Other External Publics - Who else outside of • What do you want to tell them? DeMolayand Masonry do you want to reach ... • How will you communicate your message? Will it and why? How will you reach them? Community be a newsletter to your internal publics, news releases leaders, local officials,school officialsand and story suggestions to the media,or brochures for business leaders have something to offer to your your marketing promotion efforts?You decide. Chapter. Create a favorable image by planning After you've made those decisions,youll need to activities to honor them. Invite them to your complete a deadline schedule and assign public ceremonies. These groups and others are responsibilities. Use the "Sample Communications interested in your Chapter's community service Planning Guide" as an example. and charitable activities. Enlist media help to CHAPTER NEWSLE'ITERS make sure they know about your gooddeeds. Likely your newsletter is the Chapter's major Again, ifyour Chapter - and DeMolay- are to communication with all its "internal publics"- succeed, you must earn the support, understanding Chapter members, parents, Masons and and favorable impression ofyour many publics. How Masonic-related organizations. In fact, a Senior do you do it? Put some ofthe following"how-to's"into DeMolayand Chapter Dad has said, "AllChapters action. should have a newsletter. Period." There are five major YOUR CHAPI'ER'S COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM goals for an effectiveChapter publication: Your Chapter newsletter, media relations efforts, 1. To inform members about upcoming events and and other marketing and public relations projects all activities. work together to create a positive response to 2. To report about past events. DeMolay.Getting these all together and focusingthem 3. To report news about the members ofthe on the right publics is part ofyour Chapter's Chapter. communications program. To have a goodone, your 4. To notify members about stated meetings. Chapter needs a committee and a plan. 5. To recognize members for their accomplishments Start with a Committee or efforts - first-line signers on membership Designate one member ofthe Chapter to serve as applications, members who make straight Ns in chairman of the Chapter's communications committee. school,etc. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE "." Communications

SAl\IPLE COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING GUIDE ( Project AudienceJMailing List BegiDlEnd Dates Person Responsible

January newsletter Chapter members Nov. 15- Dec. 19 CraigP. and AlumnilSenior DeMolays staff Adult Leadership Team Leaders ofSponsoring Body Job'sfflainbow officers Media list

News releases on Sponsoring bodynewsletter MailJanuary 10 MattS. officersinstalled Job'slRainbow newsletter in January Media list - major newspaper, community newspapers only

Support January Membership Drive!

• Direct mail letterlbrochure Masonic family Mail December 27 Jon McG. • Posters at mall, schools, Potential members Place by January 2 DavidL. libraries, fast food outlets • Promote charitable works Media list Mail December 3 MattS. • Try to get Master Radio personality list Late Dec}ear]y Jan. MattS. Councilorand Senior DeMolay ( on radio talk show

Start Planning Promotion Entire Communications January 15 MattS. and for DeMolayMontblWeek Committee and DeMolay DougR. Month/Week Chairman

February newsletter Chapter members Dec. 15 - Jan. 17 Craig P, AlumnilSenior DeMolay and staff Adult Leadership Team Leaders of Sponsoring Body JoM9IRainbowofficers Media list The appearance and quality ofyour Chapter's PRODUCING YOUR NEWSLE'ITER publication will determine how well it win be read. Doesyour Chapter already have a newsletter, or are Your Chapter newsletter can be great looking, you planning to start one soon?Ineither case, it's a informative, fun and easy to produce. Personal goodidea to ask your contacts at local newspapers, computers are readily accessible to nearly everyone in advertising agencies or company communications schools,offices,public libraries and "computer departments to advise you on how to improve or start lime-share suites." Chances are you have one yourself. your Chapter newsletter. They'll provide you with good With a computer, you can produce readable advice on producing a nice-looking,readable two-column and three-column formats like the publication. examples you see. Getting Started Good organization, a simple format, good content, ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Communications

and a regular publication and mailing date are the • Add interest with cartoons, drawings or other most important qualities of a goodnewsletter. Here artwork, like the DeMolayclip art in the back are a few tips to help you get started: of this book. Budget. To plan your newsletter budget, you'll need • Outline stories with boxes or highlight with to decide on how many copiesyou want to print, how boldfacetype to draw attention to important many pages your newsletter will have, and how much information. you must spend on photos, postage and printing costs. • Use photos if possible. Multiply that by the number of issues you plan to mail Composition. Composition includes getting the each year to create your annual budget. information, writing the stories, designing a page Editor. The editor is the head staff'person. You'll layout, and typing or inputting stories and artwork want someone who writes fairly well, has a good into the layout. Decidewho will serve as staff members command of grammar and punctuation, and has a to handle these tasks, and what their assignments are. good feeling for what wouldbe interesting to members. See "Sample Story Ideas" for suggestions. The editor also manages the budget, and assigns Reproduction. After you have finished your original, writing and other tasks to staff members. how will you reproduce your newsletter? Small Title. Some Chapters hold a contest to name the printers or "quick printers" are a goodchoiceif you use newsletter. Another way is to "brainstorm" for ideas. photographs or coloredink inyour newsletter. Perhaps Nameplate or "Flag." Your newsletter name should a printer will donate paper and printing services, or be the most outstanding feature on the first page of charge a reduced fee. An officecopier often is the least every issue. Decideon the artwork to present the expensive and easiest way to print your newsletter. name attractively. The volume number, issue number Distribution. Some Chapters hand out the and publishing date appear under the nameplate. newsletter at the first meeting of the month. A better Format. A simple two-columnor three-column :SAMPLES'fOjlY-mEtS format is the most readable. You can enhance your newsletter's format in several ways: L Announcements of-!IPOO~.ever;rts. Let • Use computer type fonts to set off'your stories Chap'termembei'S1inOW wnat is;being;p'~ed with boldfaceheadlines. fm:their'benefit. The coming,.actMties$ould


soun iffiuiand fu~. . oenera:temteres~.fiil1;1_1 visual interest to your newsletter. Additional clip art is your memi)ers -:- an!}give them as many ditaDs available at no cost from the Service and Leadership ( _"~le. Center. If you use a computer desktop publishing 2. Re_port OD past events. Let Chapter members program to produce your newsletter, you also can who missed the event seewhat they missed o¢ order a diskette of the DeMolay emblem and other on. Also let.the Chapter members who did official logos that have been scanned into a graphics paiticipate see their names in print. file. Ifyou're "on-line" with the DeMolay BBS you can 3: Fea~ International Sup~e C01in~ download graphics directly into documents or into a i~ Some of these articles graphics file. couldinclude the ReJ)!'eBentative DeMolay The Service and Leadership Center also can provide ,.ptQgrBIllt the Leadership Corre3pOn~ you with mailing labels and current address Course, merit bar progriun or other awardS. information. There is a small fee for this valuable &. In'''~~jurisdictionil and district p~ service. Contact the DeMolay and More Store for more aDIloUDcements. Write a feature article on j information. 'dIii!i yearly ccnvention.Announee.the dateS of, MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS diatiict meetings or events. Your newsletter is your most important internal 6. Iiiclude gener8I iilteNst items. Reviews ~ communications tool. But media communications may mOvies, music, video games, concerts or SP9~ be your most important external communications tool. events are always popular. Both print and broadcast mediums can help produce 6. Feature.members. Include a story about the name recognition and positive feelings for DeMolay. newly elected Master Councilor, reeogniae MEDIA INVENTORY ffiBt-line signers, or introduce new members An important first step in your media With a special feature. Outstanding participation communications program is to develop a media list. IbY m~ in church, school, community or Perhaps your local United Way agency or Chamber of 8p(!rts activities also would be interestim{. Commerce will share its media list with you. Or you 7. Fill;~the blanks with "fillers."·No can do your own media inventory. Survey all the media newsletter has just the right amount of"eapy" to opportunities available in your community. Then select ( fillits columns. If you're short of material, the ones that can help you reach your audiences. include articles on the PMC-MSA, leadership Ultimately your list should include complete address ~ps and-conferences, available honors ahd and telephone information, plus contact names. Update @,wardS, a biography of a famous Senior the list about every six months, because people get DeMolaYt a historical fact or two, etc. promoted and change jobs. Before you phone or meet your contact for the first idea is to mail you newsletter to members, Advisors time, read the publication or watch the station. Ifyou and other people who support your Chapter. Your show some savvy about wbat your contact publishes or news will reach more people, and your Chapter will broadcasts, and match your activities to those needs, have better participation in events and meetings. you have a good chance at coverage. Be sure to put the head of your sponsoring body on You may never have heard of some of the items your mailing list. Jurisdictional and District Officers, listed in the "Sample Media Inventory." With some the Executive Officer, and the Service and Leadership detective work you may discover several different kinds Center also should receive a copy of your publication. of media outlets for your communications efforts. You also may want to include Rainbow or Job's SAMPLE"MEDlAINVENTQR'i: --....., Daughters officers, as well as the Master Councilors of surrounding DeMolay Chapters. Print Investigate the various methods of mailing the • Daily newspa_pe'n • Weekly ~~ publication with your local post office. First class mail • NeighborhoOdShoppers. Coupon ~PQJI is the fastest but most expensive method. If you mail • Month)y newspapers • Scliool ~pers 250 copies or more, it would pay to apply for a third • ~ MaSOnic • Other -:::-:;~!S::=~~~ class mail permit. The post office also will advise you pulilicatioils on how to fold your newsletter. Television Handy Clip Art and Mailing Labels • NetWork affiliates • ~'Pi:lb1!~Te_levi¢9~ The clip art located in back of this book will add outlet


board channels where you may be able to list Chapter activities and contact information. City hall, the local library or your school may have its own closed-circuit television channel. If they can provide the right audience for you, it might be worth your effort to discuss how you can work together. RADIO Inaddition to commercial stations, there are growing opportunities to air audio community access programming over locally operated cable systems. While this opportunity is just beginning to grow, take advantage of local radio talk shows on commercial stations. Some talk shows "specialize" in community events and activities. Use talk shows like these to promote fund-raisers, community service projects and BROADCAST AND PRINT OPPORTUNITIES DeMolay WeekIMonth activities. How about proposing a weekly radio or television TELEVISION show about teens in your community? You could At one time, the local affiliate of a major network highlight school athletes, local bands or DeMolay. You was your only access to television coverage. Often a could have your own teen-produced and teen-directed noon "talk show" or the last 30 seconds of a newscast radio talk show or a music and talk show. How about a was all the time the station could devote to community "Teens Today" weekly television show? You could projects or "feel-good" photo opportunities. You can feature local teen events, give out SAT. test help, etc. imagine the competition for this time. Ifyou have the manpower, and ifany of these Because television is a visual medium, you increase broadcast outlets has an appropriate audience for you, your chance of accessing this time ifyou can propose a your Chapter could gain some important visibility. visually interesting idea along with your news release NEWSPAPERS or fact sheet. What kind of information will newspapers run? The Think about what a camera operator (and the best advice is to review the coverage they give other viewing public) might "see": organizations. Ifyour activities and events are similar, • DeMolays taking handicapped children to a definitely callyour contact person and follow up with a circus. news release, fact sheet or photo idea-well in advance. • DeMolays collecting coats and gloves for the Here are some story ideas that may make the news: station's "Winter Warmth" drive? • New Chapter Officers - Send a news release, • DeMolays performing a flag ceremony at a along with a head and shoulders photo of the new cemetery on Veterans' Day. Master Councilor, to the teen section or commun• Good visual ideas like these will improve your ity section of your local daily. Also send it to local chance at television news coverage. If your event is weeklies, shoppers' guides and Masonic publica• covered on television, be sure everyone is wearing tions. (Find out more below about writing a news DeMolay apparel so viewers can see that you belong to release and submitting a photo.) DeMolay. • Charitable Activities - Send a fact sheet or Many communities also have other kinds of news release to print and broadcast media. Be television stations. Cable companies have community sure to include descriptions of photo opportu• access channels. These channels air programs created nities. Don't worry about sending a photo. by individuals and organizations. Most will even help Inmost cases, the media prefer to handle you produce your show. Ifyou contact your cable their own photography. station well ahead of time, perhaps your Chapter • New Ventures - Is your Chapter starting a job could schedule air time during DeMolay MonthlWeek referral service for teens, an environmental to show a DeMolay video. Use the station's character project, a grammar or math hotline, or other generator to follow the video with DeMolay contact ongoing community project? New ventures like information on the screen. these often are the kind of "good news" the media Cable companies also have community bulletin are looking for. Handle the announcement DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE 111,1 Communications

with a news release or fact sheet, and possible 5. Be brief. Avoid opinionated language and flowery ( photo opportunity description. prose. A news release usually runs between one • Successful Teens - Has a DeMolay member received a high honor? Does he have a history of ---NEWS RELEASE--- service and academic success to back it up? He may be a candidate for a feature in newspaper youth pages, feature pages, family living sections or community news sections. You may want to submit a head and shoulders photo along with a

cover letter, fact sheet and brief biographical TDD.,...IIoI(()UYI sketch. __TDA'I'I'IIJID ot n.aamA.COlI'IUlICI~ID_ • ProcU!motWn Signing - Government officials -..WUJ_. ~~ sign hundreds of proclamations a year. Many __ ,,_U_IiJIAIIoI&IJd,JIarIda_oIIme large media outlets decide not to report any of ""'oIIII7L them because they couldn't runstories on them ~1IIoI~_IoIId--....m1Jo all. However, community newspapers might run 1IIIla--._x-...... &laa-.oII_ -m,aa_jWIIoft.oJ_T_-'_a...,.... a photo, a news release and a copy of the _1oIId_ot.&laa-'WUJ __ proclamation. If a DeMolay MonthlWeek JIIUII- ....puUoIpo&e"'.~~_lbr a...,- proclamation is on your agenda, contact these -'1a.-..aI~_,.,...., __ publications in advance to see ifthey will cover UI"'lU.""""'aIIr__ ~-_"',....I, the event. __ ot...... _....~w_ WRITING A NEWS RELEASE A written news release, preceded or followed by a ••• telephone call to your contact, is the professional approach to media relations. News releases are very helpful to small and two pages long. publications. Some community weeklies, shoppers' 6. Write inthe present and future tenses. Old news ( guides and neighborhood newspapers may run is dead news. Ifthe media wishes to cover your virtually all the information in a news release - function, they will decide. Your job is to inform especially ifit announces new officers, a public event, a them in advance. spaghetti fund-raiser, Christmas tree sale, etc. 7. Write in inverted pyramid style, placing facts in News releases also provide background information descending order of importance. Ifeditors need to to daily newspapers and broadcast news departments. cut information, they "cut from the bottom." These larger media outlets will handle their own End every news release with a position follow-up or reporting if they choose to do a story. statement similar to the one below. It identifies Because television is a visual medium, always include who you are: a description of the video opporiunity. The Order of DeMolay is a fraternal The following tips will help you prepare your news organization for young men between the ages of release: 12 and 21. There are approximately 800 1. Make sure your story answers the basic DeMolay Chapters in the United States .More journalistic questions - who, what, where, than one million young men havejoined when, why and how. DeMolay, including , President 2. Be sure your message is newsworthy. Read the Willard Scott and Walt Disney. publications, listen to the radio, and view For more information about the localDeMolay television news and talk shows. Ifyour story Chapter, contact (name, address, phone). seems similar to the kind of material used, S. Place photo or video opportunity suggestions there's a good chance your news will be used, too. following the body of your release. The media will 3. Submit your information well in advance - up to contact you ifthey want to send a photographer three weeks in advance ifpossible. or camera crew. 4. Check and double check all the information, 9. Type your release error-free! Take a look at the spelling of names, etc. sample. It's typed double-spaced, with contact information (including telephone number) at the ( "tIil DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Communications

top. Also put a release date or "For Immediate by prospective members. Release" at the top. Margins should be at least 1" Put a contact name and phone number on the wide. back of each poster, as well as the date the poster Handle fact sheets in a similar way. However, type should be taken down. A statement like "Please fact sheet information in a single-space outline style, leave up until March 24" will insure that your with double spacing between items. Use the basic poster is not thrown out prematurely. Keep a list journalistic questions as your guide. of the locations of all of your posters, and take Whenever you meet personally with the media, them down on the final date with a word of thanks or ifsomeone contacts you about on-site coverage, be to the business. sure to dress appropriately and respond helpfully. Window Displays - Attractive window displays Sending Photograph8 - Most larger news• inlocal shopping centers and downtown areas are a papers will only use submitted head and shoulders very effective way of publicizing your Chapter during shots of individuals. They take their own photos if DeMolay Week (or any time of the year). Contact the they plan to include one with coverage. Smaller store manager about a month inadvance of your newspapers may accept a posed photograph. If display. you have a chance to submit a photograph, follow Marquees - Many community shopping centers, these guidelines: banks, motels and bowling establishments have 1. Submit glossy photos insharp focus. Either marquees to announce local events. Permission to 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" can be used. Check with promote DeMolay MonthlWeek or other very special your newspaper for the preferred size. events should be obtained from the management of the 2. For head and shoulders shots, type a label establishment at least two to three months inadvance. with the subject's name address and telephone Local Plant. Company, Church or Club Publications number. Also include a line relating the photo - These publications are interested in news about the to your news release, such as "New DeMolay activities of their employees or members (and their Master Councilor." families). They are also a great source of publicity for 3. For larger group photos, type the information on your Chapter's events and DeMolay Week. a piece of plain white paper. Identify people from Outdoor Advertising - Outdoor billboards are left to right. Include as many of the basic journal• perhaps one of the best forms of publicity. However, istic facts as possible. Also include contact infor• billboard space sometimes is difficult to obtain because mation. Tape the information on the back of of the costs associated with designing and installing a the picture. 24-sheet poster. Short of paying for it, the easiest way to 4. Never write directly on the front or back of a obtain space is to cultivate a contact within an outdoor print, and never use a paper clip. advertising company, perhaps a Senior DeMolay or a OTHER PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING Mason. You also may contact a local member of the OPPORTUNITIES Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc. to There are many other important ways to publicize discuss obtaining free space, or write to the association DeMolay. The traditional car washes, city-wide dances at 24 West Erie Street, Chicago, II.. 60610. and posters instore windows provide great one-on-one Direct Mail and Postcards - Direct mail letters are communications opportunities. Here's a list of public very useful when contacting a special segment of your relations and marketing ideas that can benefit your many publics. A mailing to the local Masonic Lodge Chapter: members might be appropriate before a Masonic Poster» - Local retail businesses generally are appreciation night. Letters to prospective members are willing to allow you to post information on upcoming another form of direct mail publicity. events. Posters are frequently used for fund-raising Like stories written for the media, letters should be events which you want the public to support, such as brief and concise. The shorter the letter, the better the spaghetti suppers, car washes or flea markets. chances it will be read. Postcards are very handy tools Another popular use of posters is during DeMolay to remind people about an upcoming meeting or event. Week. They also are a good way to let members know they Posters should be prominently placed in locations were missed at a stated meeting. like libraries, barbershops, churches, schools, commu• Community Information Guides - In many cities nity bulletin boards at shopping malls, recreational and towns, the local Chamber of Commerce or other centers or any public place that may be frequented groups will publish annual community information DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE 1'1" Communications

booklets. These are distributed by local businesses and state conventions to show offthe activities ofyour by mail to new members ofthe community. Find out if Chapter, district or region. Don't overlookexhibiting at ( such publicity is available in your community and who state meetings ofMasonic-related groups. Audiovisual publishes it. Try to get your special events or unusual programs and brochures for your exhibit are available projects listed, as well as information about DeMolay from the Service and Leadership Center. and your Chapter. News IUta- Anews kit is a collectionofrelated Yearly Directories - Inmany communities, a local mamliaJ distributed to the media in order to maximize group sponsors a directory of phone numbers and publicitypotential forspecial events. YourChapter could services. These directories often list community use a news kit forthe really big and unusual events. organizations, the dates they meet and a name of a Compiledneatly in a folder,the kit should contain: member to contact for information. Ifyour community - An officialannouncement ofthe event has such a directory, be sure your Chapter is included. - A news release - An officialprogram Display Advertising - Many Chapters have found - History of the event that the purchase of a full- or half-page advertisement - Background infonnation on your Chapter and in the local newspaper is extremely worthwhile. DeMolay Contributions from sponsors can pay for the cost ofthe - Factsheet ad. Use display ads to publicize DeMolayWeek, a - Biographies ofspeakers and excerpts oftheir speeches membership campaign or a special event. Plan this - Picb:Ims of speakers project early and have the material to the newspaper - List ofhonored and famous guests at least two weeks to a month before publication. Be - Details of the highlights of the event sure to send a thank-you note to all the sponsors along A news kit would be especially appropriate if your with a copyof the advertisement. Chapter were to undertake a large project to raise Leite,." to the Editor - The "letters to the editor" funds or hold an Anniversary celebration. section ofdaily and weekly newspapers is often the Brochures, Clothing, Pins, Decals, Etc. - The most-read section. Awell-written letter describing a DeMolayand More Store has many items you can use civicservice project of the Chapter is just one of many to publicize DeMolayand your Chapter. Consult the examples of an appropriate letter to the editor. This is latest catalog. Anything worn or displayed with the another form of Creepublicity which will enhance the name "DeMolay"on it will help your publicity efforts ( public image ofDeMolay.Don't use it too often as it and give someone the opportunity to ask, "What is will dilute the effect (and probably not get printed). DeMolay?" Public Speake,." - Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs and DEMOLAY MONTHIWEEK - All Chapters are other organizations are constantly lookingfor good urged to observe this important anniversary in March speakers. If a member ofyour Chapter is an each year. It's the international celebration of the experienced and competent public speaker, let local founding ofthe Order of DeMolay,as well as the single groups know he is available. Have your Chapter most important public relations opportunity ofthe Advisorand/or Ritual Advisor review the speech prior year. All ofyour DeMolayWeek activities should be to its presentation. aimed at catching the attention of the public. More Fact Sheets - Fact sheets are a valuable source of information for the media, speakers and other contacts TIlE DBMOLAYINTERNATIONAL unfamiliar with DeMolay.They can be used to ...~~. \IO . _ BULLETIN accompany news releases, business letters, etc. :::!-~ --.~' BOARD Usually written in outline form, fact sheets contain , /lllll.·· ==- --;) SYSTEM background information on the organization: - History - Size and membership ~ -~ . --~ (816) 891--0058 - Goals and purpose -Activities The future is now ... Join us! - Leadership and • Local Chapter structure information information on this event appears in Chapter 2 Exhibits - Exhibits are portable displays placed at Nearly everyone seems to be on-line these days. The conventions, conferences and seminars. Fairs, Internet, the World-WideWeb,Prodigy, Comp-u-serve exhibitions, career days, shopping mall promotions and other on-line opportunities, the advent of "E-Mail" and other similar events are goodexhibit locations for and the accessabitity and affordability ofP.C.s have your Chapter. Exhibits also are popular at DeMolay sparked a new revolution in the way in which we ( DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Communications

communicate. DeMolay is right in step with technology FUTURE EXPANSION IDEAS: and has its own bulletin board system. The BBS is very flexible and can be usedin a variety • Would you liketo communicate with of different ways.Listed below are just some ideas of DeMolays, Advisors, and other inDeMolay from future enhancements. For other enhancements, just use other cities? Other States? Other Countries? your imagination. • Gather Membership Ideas • Electronic Filing of Form 10's • Find out about upcoming events • LCC Registrations • Communicate directly with the Service and •D&M Store Orders Leadership Center • Periodic Surveys - Your Esecutive Officer • Interactive Educational Courses -The International Master Councilor • Gateway to the Internet • Send and receive private E-Mail • "Live" Moderated Conferences DBS ACCESSmn.ITY: DEMOLAYDULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM The BBS is available 7 days a week, 22hours a day. GUIDELINES: Initially, 3 phone lines are available. We are looking into 1. All Boards ~ Private E-Mail are PUBUC FORUMS. This means that anyone whose security allows them aa:es8 to a particular board 800 lines and hooking to the Internet. Call the DeMolay may read all messages even ifaddressed to someone else. Service and Leadership Center to find the current and 2. Ifyou would like to have PRIVATE DISCUSSIONS please do so, but best way to call. keep them in Private E-Mail. A word about privacy. Even though others may not read Private E-Mail messages unless addressed to OBJECI'lVE: them, the SYBOP periodically monitors all messages both private and To provide DeMolay leaders, at all levels, with a public. 3. Pleasehelp keep the boards from being littered with old messages. tool to exchange ideas, share information, improve After reading your messages, please "KILL" them. Messages that have communications and assist in the management of not been "killed"will be removed after 30 days. their jurisdiction and Chapters. Not to mention the 4. You are responsible for the messages you send.. You can be held legally of personal "E-Mail" and a lot of other features! liable for what you say in your messages. fun 5. Chain letters, illegal material, threats, and obscene material are not AUDIENCES: allowed on these boards. Material in violation of federal, state, and Anyone may access the DeMolay Bulletin Board. The local law is not allowed. Other offensive materials BUCb asbigotry, hate, and racism will not be permitted. Ifyou see any of these, please notify availability of most of the features would the Sysop. All use of the DeMolay BBS should be in keeping with the be limited, through security to members Seven Cardinal Virtues ofDeMolay: Filial Love (Love ofParents), and active volunteers of DeMolay. ReverenO! fur Sacred 'l'hinp

• Active DeMolays • Senior DeMolays . • Advisors -1- Everyone (




veryone likes to receive recognition. To fill this portion of the Ritual. need, DeMolay has provided numerous honors 2. Before his installation, he must present and Eand awards for the official recognition of distribute a printed planned program to all service and achievements. Advisors and Chapter members. All events and This Chapter lists and briefly describes each award, dates planned for his term of office should be honor or other form of recognition. It's important to listed in printed form. remember that there is a difference between an award 3. At the begjnning of his term (and within 10 days and an honor: ofhis installation>, the Master Councilor must • An award - is an achievement to be worked send a letter to the Executive Officer or his toward, a goal or a recognition to be earned. You can representative. The letter must: apply for an award. - State his intent to qualify for the award. • An honor - is granted without the recipient - State his plans for a successful term. knowing about it until it is announced. DeMolay - State that Ritual work has been memorized. honors must be voted on by the ISC as a whole. - Include a copy of'his printed term plan or There are honors and awards for Active DeMolays, program. Senior DeMo1ays, Advisors and anyone else who - Include any other information that may be provides special service to a DeMolay Chapter. important. ( - Be countersigned by the Chapter Advisor. ACTIVE DEMOLAYS Prior to completing his term, the Master PAST MASTER COUNCILOR'S MERITORIOUS Councilor must fulfill the following: SERVICE AWARD 1. Exemplify both degrees of the Order, along with One of the miDstprestigious awards in all of his degree teams, from memory, at least once DeMolay, the Past Master Councilor's Meritorious during his term of office. Service Award, was designed by our founder, "Dad" 2. Initiate his pro-rata share of the Chapter's Frank S. Land. membership goal during his term, or the Chapter must initiate its total Chapter membership goal during the year that begins with his installation. 3. Hold at least one social, civic, Masonic service, athletic and fund-raising activity in the Chapter. 4. Observe each Obligatory Day that falls during his term. 5. Establish a program that increases or maintains a high level of attendance at Chapter meetings. 6. Submit all Form lOs, reporting new initiates The award itself is an attractive gold-colored medal during his term of office to the Service and and is granted without charge. Qualifying for the Leadership Center with full payment, within 10 PMC-MSA is an exercise in good program plmming. days following initiation. The following reQuirements must be fulfilled for 7. See that all of the Chapter's required reports Qualification: reach the Service and Leadership Center before 1. Prior to his installation, the Master Councilor the delinquent date, ifthe due date falls inhis must memorize and show proficiency in his term. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE , Honors and Awards

At the closeofhis term, the Master Councilor must officialactivities involving the whole Chapter, as well submit a letter to the Executive Officer,or the person as activities affecting large or small groups of designated to administer this program, summarizing DeMolays, or individual members. his term and explaining the items listed previously. In A DeMolaymust have a minimum orabe months the letter, he must analyze his program, explaining membership by the time he files his lkpresentatiye the results of each activity and any changes that were Demolay Amllication Foun. He mustalso have earned made. The final letter must contain a statement of his Oblimon Card. An application form can be found confirmation from the Chapter Advisor and must be in Chapter 9 of this book. sent within 10 days of the end ofthe Master While answering questions on the final form, a Councilor's term. DeMolay analyzes his thoughts and actions, and can readily evaluate them to see ifthey are appropriate. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOLAY AWARD When completed, the final form must be signed by the The Representative DeMolayAward is the highest Chapter Advisor or Representative DeMolayAdvisor. self-achievement award Active and Senior DeMolays Then it should be forwarded to the Executive Officeror can earn. It's a self-assessment program where you his designated representative. Content, neatness, progress toward goals you set for yourself. You spelling and grammar are considered when the final complete a detailed survey ofyour interests, form isgraded. Each area ofqualification is reviewed achievements, general knowledge and habits. to indicate the applicant's strengths and weaknesses.

THE REPRESENTATIVE DEMOLAY"FINAL" APPLICATION FORM Here's a closer look at some of the subjects covered on the Representative DeMolay"Final" Application Form: Self-Expression - In this section, you document The Representative DeMolayAward is a revealing your experience in self-expression. Examples include study of the type of person you are. You rate your being an officerwith a speaking part, presenting progress in the fields ofmental, physical, social, committee reports, debating and participating in a economicand spiritual development. You evaluate DeMolay forum, mock legislature or court. your own status, and you analyze your own strengths BobbieB - Hobbies aid the development of and weaknesses. The Representative DeMolayAward character and personality. This requirement says the tells the world that you have already established a list DeMolayhas developed an interest outside of himself. of definite accomplishments. It demonstrates his desire for independence, a sense of "Dad" Land said it was his dream that every personal responsibility and pride in one's DeMolay should be a Representative DeMolay.The accomplishments. Representative DeMolayProgram was first PhyBical ActivitieB - Physical activity is vital to established in 1924, and for many years was a healthy growth. Opportunities are available to any competition to select outstanding DeMolays. In 1935, member, including sports activities offered by the the program was redesigned to fill a growing need for Chapter. self-evaluation by every DeMolay. ReligioWl ActivitieB - Although this requirement is DeMolayinitiation ceremonies provide great left up to the individual, the Representative DeMolay inspiration. However, DeMolayprecepts and Advisor should encourage the Chapter's program, to standards must become part of a person's thoughts help all members to have a well-balanced religious life. and actions in everyday life. Character is the DeMolay ActivitieB - Active and interested automatic reaction of an individual, in both thought DeMolays can fulfill this requirement easily. With a and action, to everything that occurs during his little extra effort, a member can attain high officesand waking hours. Character cannot be taught from books. honors. It must be developed by experience. The Citizenship - It is important for every DeMolay to Representative DeMolayProgram furthers the become a public-spirited citizen, willing to contribute DeMolay purpose ofdeveloping and improving time and effort to promote the public welfare. Many of character. the officialactivities ofthe Chapter will contribute The Representative DeMolayProgram also includes something to this purpose. Each member should be


informed about current public and civic events. Emphasis should be placed on the importance of ( maintaining our democratic form of government, appreciating the Constitution of the United States, and maintaining competent and unprejudiced courts. CivicB - Civics should not be confused with citizenship. Knowledge of government, and how it works, may be used to the advantage of the community. Discussion of the duties of elected and appointed officials will be helpful in dtizenshlp training. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOLAYADVISOR AND BIG BROTHER Many Chapters appoint a special Representative DeMolay Advisor. He can provide a great support for the Representative DeMolay applicant by setting up special classes, following progress and arranging for proper presentation of the award. Each Representative DeMolay pledges to help at least one other DeMolay earn this award each year. The Representative DeMolay Advisor appoints the Each Merit Bar is produced in five colors. Each color new awardee as a Big Brother who helps another designates the number of times a DeMolay has member earn a Representative DeMolay award. A received a bar in that category. The color designations special dinner or event for each set of Big and Little are: Brothers who have accomplished their task adds 1st award - White enthusiasm to the program. 2nd award - Red PRESENTATION CEREMONY FOR TIlE AWARD 3rd award - Blue ( The Representative DeMolay Ceremony should be 4th award - Purple performed for each member who receives the award. 5th award - Gold This impressive ceremony will inform the community Each time a DeMolay achieves the next award in a about the purposes of DeMolay. It is important to category, he himB in his present bar and receives the convince school superintendents, principals, ministers, next higher award (the next color). As a result, at no editors and other community leaders to attend. Also time would he display more than 18 bars. invite members of your sponsoring body. Attending Most Chapters have a "Merit Bar Bank" this ceremony win 'increase their interest in DeMolay. administered by the Awards Advisor. The bank is a Invite parents of prospective members or the general depository for merit bars turned in by older members public, too. as they progress to different colored bars. For example. Announcing ceremony dates at the beginning of the a member who earns a red athletics bar would turn in year will encourage candidates to complete their the white one. The white one, in turn, would be records. The Representative DeMolay Ceremony also presented to a Chapter member earning his first may be combined with the presentation of other athletics award. New Merit Bars must be purchased awards. from the DeMolay and More Store. It is best to present the Merit Bars to the awardees MERIT BARS at a ceremony. The names of the recipients also should Merit Bars primarily are awards that recognize be published in the local and/or Chapter newspaper. DeMolays for achievement in some phase of Chapter Here are the basic requirements for es:_rnjngeach of activity. Religion and scholastics are the two the Merit Bars: exceptions. Merit Bars are awarded to individual Athletic - For participating in a Chapter's athletic members on the recommendation of the Awards program a full year, with a minimum of six game Advisor. The Advisory Council makes the final competitions in one or more sports. decision about whether an individual has met the Attendance - For perfect attendance at regular requirements for each bar. meetings for one year in a member's Chapter or; if ( DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Honors and Awards

away from home, for the same number of meetings at Advisors. another Chapter. Make-up meetings counted toward Religion - For not missing a regular weekly the Attendance Bar may not be used to fulfill the religious service for one full year. requirements of the Visitation Bar. Scholastic - For maintaining a "B" grade average Civic Seroioe - For 10 hours of service on behalf of (or equivalent) for one full year of school. the Chapter, without financial remuneration to the Visitation - For six visitations at regular Chapter individual or the Chapter, in three different civic meetings of Chapters other than one's own, or for a service projects. total traveled distance of 150 miles one way. Conclave - For attending three state, jurisdiction Ritual- For sustained and UNUSUALLY or provincial conclaves as a participant or visitor. IDGH-QUALITY WORK in the performance of Fine Art - For membership in a DeMolay musical DeMolay Ritual parts with a minimum of 125 points group, with a minimum of six performances, or for earned according to the ISC point scale. Points usually participating in a minimum of two Chapter theatrical are based on the number of lines in a part. Points are performances. awarded each time that part is given (see chart). Fund-Raising - For working on at least three Contact the Executive Officer for more information on different fund-raising projects for the Chapter, for a jurisdictional guidelines. Because memorization may total of 20 hours, without direct financial not assure impressive delivery, the applicant may be remuneration to himself. denied the bar because of poor delivery. This action Installing - For participating in six Chapter would need to be approved by the Awards and/or installation ceremonies as a member of the installing Ritual Advisor. The following outline is the ISC scale team. for earning points. REMEMBER: these are only point Journalism - For serving as a Chapter newspaper scales for achieving Ritual merit bars. staft'member for one year, during which a minimum of six issues were published and forwarded to the Service Initiatory Degree Points and Leadership Center. Master Councilor 40 Correspondence Course - For successful Marshal 25 completion of each lesson of the five-part Leadership Senior Councilor 20 Correspondence Course. This bar is automatically sent Senior Deacon 20 to the individual member on completion of the course. Junior Councilor 20 Masonic Attendance - For bringing 10 different Chaplain 10 Master Masons in good standing to a DeMolay Preceptors 15 Chapter meeting. The awardee must list each Mason Senior Steward 5 and have the list confirmed by both the Master Junior Steward 5 Councilor and the Chapter Advisor. In order for the visits to count toward the award, which is limited to DeMolay Degree one bar a year, the visiting Masons may not be an Master Councilor 35 Advisor of any Chapter. Jacques DeMolay 50 Masonic Seroice - For participating in three Master Inquisitor 45 different Chapter Masonic service projects, for a Junior Inquisitor 25 minimum of 10 hours without payment to either the Orator 25 individual or Chapter. Senior Inquisitor 10 Membership - For being the first-line signer on Guy of Auvergne 5 three membership applications of individuals who Senior Guard 5 subsequently are initiated in the Chapter. Marshal 5 Merit - For contributing 20 hours of service to Lord Constable 5 DeMolay in an area not covered by another bar without payment to the individual or the Chapter. Representative DeMolay Priory - For being a member in good standing of a Ceremony Priory for a minimum of one year and for attending Chancellor 50 two-thirds of the Priory functions. The Priory must Herald 5 have held a minimum of six activities other than regular meetings. The bar may be ordered by Priory DEMOLA Y LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE "tl Honors and Awards

~ority Service requirements list after he reaches majority. Additional ( Master Councilor 25 Blue Honor Keys. with stars to designate each Senior Councilor 10 multiple of 10 new members secured. are also granted. Junior Councilor 20 OFFICER'S SERVICE CERTIFICATE Chaplain 5 A DeMolay who serves efficiently as a Chapter officer may. upon recommendation of the Chapter Flower Talk 40 Advisor. obtain a Service Certificate. This award is signed by the Grand Secretary and Ceremony of Light 30 the Grand Mester and is suitable for framing. It designates the office held, the term. the year and the MEMBERSHIP AWARDS name of the Chapter. See the current DeMolay and Membership awards are given for seeuring' new More store catalog for prices. DeMolay initiates. The ISC grants these awards automatically. First-line signers may claim the same LIFE SAVING MEDAL new members to earn the Membership Merit Bar. This life saving medal which was approved at the Founder's Membership Award and Blue Honor Key. 1969 ISC Session. may be granted in cases where a Membership awards are earned in the following order: DeMolay has performed an act that resulted in the #1 Lapel Pin - It's exciting to sign up your first saving of a human life. Recommendations are made by new member. The #1 lapel pin recognizes this the Advisory Council and must be forwarded to the important achievement. Executive Officer for his approval. The Merit Bar - The Membership Merit Bar. recommendation is acted on by the ISC or its Board of mentioned in the previous section. is granted for being Directors. the first-line signer on membership applications of three initiates. MEDAL OF HEROISM The Advisory Council may nominate a DeMolay Founder's Membership Award - This award is who has performed an act of heroism for this honor. granted to a DeMolay who is the first-line signer on his Nominations for this medal are made through the first five membership applications. Executive Officer of a jurisdiction. Nomination forms ( are available from the Executive Officer or the Service and Leadership Center. Newspaper clippings and other substantiating material should be included according to the instructions on the form. In considering this nomination. the ISC requires that the act of heroism be one in which the nominee was indanger oflosing his own life. Many nominations have been submitted for this coveted award, but fewer than 150 have been granted since the Medal of Heroism was created in 1925.

Blue Honor Key - The Blue Honor Key is awarded CHEVALIER to an active or Senior DeMolay for being the first-line The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that signer for 10 new members initiated by the Chapter. an active DeMolay can receive. This honor also may be These 10 membership applications do not have to be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation secured for anyone class or in anyone year. An active for outstanding and marked DeMolay activity and member who secures fewer than 10 applications before labor. The nominee must be a minimum of 17 years of he reaches his majority may complete the age on January 15th of the year nominated, and have been a member ingood standing for at least two years as of that date. The degree cannot be applied for. and the nomination is made without the knowledge of the DeMolay to be honored. The unanimous vote of the ISC at its regular Session is required to elect a nominee. DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Honors and Awards

Distinguished Service Award and sends the nomina• tion to the Executive Officer. The Executive Officer also has the privilege of making a personal nomina• tion. Nominations may be made twice each year. After receiving the nominations from all the Chapters, the Executive Officer selects one of the DeMolays for the Distinguished Service Award. The medals given in connection with the award are outstanding in appearance. Presented at a dinner, a gathering or at a conclave, they are an excellent way Recommendations are made by Advisory Councils to recognize a DeMolay before the citizens of your to the Executive Officer of the jurisdiction. Nomination community and jurisdiction. forms are available from the Executive Officer. The nominations must be received by the Executive SENIOR DEMOLAYS Officer's deadline. Each year a nomination fee is Senior and active DeMolays alike may receive the established by the Grand Secretary. The fee covers Representative DeMolay Award, Blue Honor Key and processing and regalia. Submit fee with completed Chevalier Degree described previously. A Senior nomination form to the Executive Officer. DeMolay also is eligible for 10, 25, 50 and other year The regalia is distributed by direction of the pins indicating life long membership and the following Executive Officer. The Chevalier ring is available from forms of recognition. the DeMolay and More Store and is not included inthe nomination fee. Details on ordering the ring are ZERUBBABEL KEY included with the notification sent to the nominee who This award encourages establishing new Chapters has been elected to receive the Degree. The investiture or reinstating forfeited Chapters. The individual ceremony must take place within one year from the chiefly responsible for organizing a new or reinstated date of election. Chapter may be recommended for the Zerubbabel Key. Only one key is granted for each new or reinstated PAST ILLUSTRIOUS KNIGHT COMMANDER Chapter. MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD The Past lliustrious Knight Commander Meritorious Service Award was established to encourage greater efficiency and progress in a Priory's program. More information and require• ments are available from a Priory Advisor or Executive Officer.

DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Every nomination for the Zerubbabel Key must be The ISC established the Distinguished Service approved by the Executive Officer of the jurisdiction in Award in the fall of 1959. Insome jurisdictions, this which the Chapter is located. The key should be award• award is known as the "DeMolay of the Year" award. ed within one year of the institution of the Chapter. The The purpose of the award is to recognize one DeMolay Service and Leadership Center will send the recommen• in each jurisdiction for outstanding service, to others, dation form for the granting of a Zerubbabel Key. in his home, school, church, Chapter, community and country. LEGION OF HONOR The Chapter's Advisory Council members select The Legion of Honor is the highest h2n2r conferred one or more members of the Chapter whom they by the ISC. It's conferred on a Senior DeMolay for believe worthy of this recognition. Adult leaders in outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor or for the community then are asked to evaluate the success in fraternal life, including adult service to nominee's performance in various areas. DeMolay. Nominees must be over 25 years of age When all of the endorsers' recommendations have before January 15. been returned to the Chapter, the Advisory Council No one may apply for this distinction, and a selects one Chapter member as its nominee for the nominee, or the membership of a Chapter, must have


no knowledge of the recommendation by the Advisory 4. After yearly reports have been processed, the Council. Failure to observe secrecy in making this Service and Leadership Center sends nomination ( nomination subjects the nominee to the penalty of not forms to Advisory Council Chairmen of Chapters being considered. fulfilling the first three conditions. The fonn Nomination fonns are available from the Executive must be completed and returned to the Service Officer. The nominations must be received by the and Leadership Center. Executive Officer's deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established by the Grand Secretary. The fee If the same individual receives more than one key, a covers processing and regalia, but does not include the star is added to the background of each successive key. ring available from the DeMolay and More Store. The Only one key can be awarded to a Chapter in each fee is submitted with the completed nomination form DeMolay year. to the Executive Officer. If approved by the Executive Officer, the nomination will be referred to the ISC, whose unanimous vote is required to receive this honor.

CROSS OF HONOR An Advisor who wears the Cross of Honor has received a distinctive honor that can only be given by the ISC to a member of an Advisory Council or a personal representative of an Executive Officer. It ( HONORARY LEGION OF HONOR denotes three or .nore years of conspicuous meritorious The ISC may confer this honor on a Mason over 30 service to a Chapter or jurisdiction, and exceptionally years of age who has performed unusual and outstanding efforts on behalf of DeMolay. Since females meritorious service on behalf of DeMolay, or who has may serve on an Executive Officer's staff, this is the evidenced a spirit of cooperation and appreciation for only DeMolay honor which may be granted to a woman. the Order of DeMolay. He does not have to be a Senior DeMolay. No one may apply for the distinction. Nominations for the Honorary Legion of Honor are handled in the same manner as Legion of Honor nominations. A ring is also available. ADVISORS ADVISOR'S HONOR KEY An Advisor's Honor Key is an award granted to the Chapter Advisor or another member of the Advisory Recommendations are made by the Advisory Council on the following conditions: Council to the Executive Officer, who nominates indi• 1. Form lOs, Advisory Council Registrations, the viduals for this honor. Nomination forms are available Annual Financial Report and other required from the Executive Officer, who must receive them by reports are submitted by established deadlines his deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established during the calendar year. by the Grand Secretary. The fee covers processing and 2. The net membership must exceed the previous regaHa. The fee is submitted with the completed calendar year's net membership. nomination form to the Executive Officer. He forwards 3. Initiates must exceed majorities for the the nomination to the ISC, whose unanirr80us vote at calendar year. the annual Session is required to grant the honor. ( DEMO LAY LEADERtS RESOURCE GUIDE Horwrs and Awards

ADVISOR OF THE YEAR (GUILD OF THE ) LEATHER APRON) MEDAL OF APPRECIATION A Chapter may recommend any person over 21 years of age for the DeMolayMedal ofAppreciation in recognition of outstanding service to DeMolay.The nominee can be a man or a woman and does not need any Masonic affiliation. Nominations may be made at any time. Forms may be secured from the Service and Leadership Center. Tbe nomination form must be forwarded to the Executive Officer and. if approved by him. will be forwarded to the Grand Secretary. The Chapter pays the cost ofthis medal. NnSCELLANEOUSAWARDS The Advisor of the Year honor is designed to give Many Chapters establish local or Chapter awards singular recognition to a DeMolayAdvisorwho in the which often become some ofthe most prized by past year has made outstanding contributions to the DeMolaysand adult volunteers alike. Some examples growth and success of the Order. The Advisor is one ofsuch awards are: who should exemplify the ideals and precepts ofthe -DeMolayof the Term Order ofDeMolay in his daily life as well as in his -Ritualist oftbe Month work with the young men in DeMolay.Selection ofthe -Advisorofthe Term Advisor of the Year is at the discretion ofthe Executive -Parent(s) ofthe Year Officerofeach jurisdiction. -Etc. EVERYONE Several forms of recognition are available for anyone who has provided service to the Chapter. Among them are: THE CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AND OTHER CERTIFICATES A Certificate ofAppreciation may be given at any time during the year. These certificates are available from the DeMolay and MoreStore, which completes the certificate, attaches a seal and sends it to the Chapter for presentation. A formal presentation should be planned and all DeMolayparents invited. Many other certificates are available. Check the listing in the DeMolay and More Store catalog. HATSOFFAWARD The Hats OffAward may be presented to anyone rendering outstanding service to a Chapter. It consists of a lapel pin, a card and a certificate. The set may be purchased through the DeMolayand More Store. Many Chapters have a dinner in connection with the presentation, or the presentation may be made at an open ceremony such as an installation. Chapters may wve as many Hats OffAwards as they wish and are the sole judees ofwho receives them. Often the award is used to cite a community leader.


• EIGHT Appeaclant .~rganizations

• Alumni Associations • Chevalier Courts • Legion of Honor Preceptories • Knighthood Priories (



.t Organizations

ince 1919, the Order of DeMolayhas helped communities to enjoy the brotherhood of DeMolayand shape the character of more than one million at the same time give something back to an Smembers. During that period, members have organization that has given so much to them. found their own ways to stay involved and to give The Alumni Association's goal is to provide an something back to the Order. opportunity for each alumnus to get involved to some To dothis, they have formed several organizations extent. Level ofinvolvement is a personal decision. which are available to active and Senior DeMolays. But, ifan alumnus can be involved in one project, once Together, they offera variety of programs to assist your a year, he will make a difference in the life of a young Chapter and jurisdiction. The followingpages describe man. some ofthe better-known ofthese organizations. The long-term success of DeMolaydepends on our ability to develop a network of alumni into a strong ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS foundation. The International DeMolayAlumni Today, more than ever, the Order of DeMolay Association is organized to be that strong foundation, depends on the support and leadership of alumni and the basis upon which we will build and expand in the friends. As the Order faces the challenges of the future. future, the leadership ofSenior DeMolays and friends Bright Past-Shining Future will become increasingly important. DeMolay has made a significant impact on the lives ( The International DeMolayAlumni Association was ofthousands ofyoung men, and in tum they have formed in 1984. It has become the vehicle for alumni responded by significantly adding to our quality oflife involvement and leadership for closeto 5,000 life through their professional and career members. As the officialorganization of Senior accomplishments. They have brought honor to DeMolays and friends of the Order, the Alumni themselves and to the Order ofDeMolay. Association offers a special way to lend support to the The list of prominent Senior DeMolays includes mission, purpose and principles ofthe Order of astronauts, governors, congressmen, generals, inventors. DeMolay. entertainers, ambassadors, writers. athletes and major corporation executives. Some outstanding DeMolay alumni inc1ude: Walter Cronkite (Journalist) Walt Disney (Cartoonist) Gary Collins (TelevisionStar) BobMathias (OlympicChampion) John Steinbeck (Author) Frank Borman (Astronaut) (Governor) John Wayne (Actor/Patriot) U.S. Sen. Mark Hatfield (US Senator) Dan Rather (TelevisionNews Anchor) Mel Blanc

John Cameron Swayze (Journalist) LIFE MEMBERSHIPS Willard Scott (Television Star) A life member of the Alumni Association does not The International DeMolay Alumni Association is pay an annual membership fee. Life members receive committed not only to recognizing the achievements of a hand-embossed membership certificate, card, lapel our already successful alumni, but also to recognizing pin and all editions of the Alumni Association the next generation ofleaders who are currently Newsletter. Life members also are welcome to become developing their skills in DeMolay. involved in a local association. Call1-800-DEMOLAY Alumni started the International DeMolay Hall of for life membership information. Fame, and it continues to be sponsored by the ALUMNI TRUST FUND International DeMolay Alumni Association. The Hall The interest income from the Alumni Association of Fame spotlights our bright past and will be the Trust Fund is used to promote the Order of DeMolay, showcase for our shining future. to organize local alumni associations, and to provide ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS increased educational opportunities for the young men Annual memberships in the association are of DeMolay. available under a program designed for those brothers who prefer to pay an annual fee rather than a lifetime CHEVALIER COURTS fee. An annual member receives a membership card A Court of Chevaliers may be formed with the and all editions of the Alumni Association Newsletter. authorization of the Executive Officer on either a The Newsletter will keep you up to date on DeMolay, jwisdictional, regional or Chapter level. fellow DeMolay alumni members and the DeMolay The Court must be made up entirely of Chevaliers. Alumni Association. More importantly, an annual All Chevaliers should be active, in that they have member is eligible to become involved in a local alumni participated in their last observance and have mailed association. Call1-800-DEMOLAY for information. the required observance report to the Service and Both the Newsletter and local associations are Leadership Center. designed to strengthen the bond of brotherhood within The Court may elect the following officers: the Alumni Association. Commander Commander in the West Commander in the South Marshal Chaplain Secretary The function of the Court is to confer the Degree of Chevalier on those named by the ISC and to aid in all areas where DeMolay may be furthered through the participation of Chevaliers. In receiving the Chevalier degree, all Chevaliers have been obligated to perpetual service to DeMolay, and they should keep this uppermost in mind. The following are examples of areas where a Court may work: 1. Sponsor and maintain an annual Chapter Membership Contest and assist with jurisdictional membership programs.


2. Conduct installations when needed. Dean 3. Assist in the judging of ritual, athletic or similar Vice-Dean ( competitions. Secretary 4. Promote better understanding of the Order Treasurer through presentations of history and ideals on Chaplain the Chapter level. Sergeant-at-Arms 5. Be active in the area of extension, so that new Chapters may be formed and membership The function of the Preceptory is to assist the increased. Executive Officer in conferring the Legion of Honor 6. Assist and encourage visitations among DeMolay Degree on those elected by the International Supreme Chapters. Council and to help the Executive Officer in any other 7. Help out at jurisdictional conclaves and manner he might desire. conventions. A Preceptory may develop a program and dinner for The Court should plan an annual observance and the annual observance on March 18, and carry out invite all the Chevaliers within its area of some of the following activities to aid DeMolay, responsibility. provided clearance first has been obtained from the Sample bylaws for Chevalier Courts are found in Executive Officer. Members may: the appendix of the ISC Statutes. 1. Assist the Executive Officer in ways such as LEGION OF HONOR PRECEPTORmS The Legion of Honor was founded for the pW'pOSeof bringing together a select few out of the millions who have knelt at the altar of DeMo lay. Legion of Honor recipients must have actively demonstrated outstanding meadership in some field of endeavor, whether it be in a civic, professional, fraternal or spiritual arena. It consists of men who can be ( implicitly relied upon, as the years pass, to aid young men in carrying the ideals ofDeMo~ay into every walk ofllfe. finding Advisors, and planning and promoting a The Legion's mission is to consecrate the hearts and successful conclave. minds of its members to an unfaltering belief in God, 2. Serve as Advisors when needed and officially support of the public schools, and defense of the rights register as such. ofall. 3. Aid Chapters with membership programs, A DeMolay legionnaire can be of great assistance to sponsor activities, and encourage and support the Order. His leadership is needed to guide the young Leadership Training Conferences. men of today who are lemning those teachings that 4. Help DeMolays find summer and regular have helped guide his life..One man alone may falter, employment. but, united, legionnaires can expand and extend their A Preceptory may be fonned in the following abilities, interests and leadership, building a manner: foundation of service and accepting the responsibilities 1. Gather a group of interested Legion of Honor of tradition. members. Legionnaires throughout DeMolay have been united 2. Request the authorization from the Executive in Preceptories, carrying out their responsibilities by Officer to organize, noting those interested in extending their leadership to DeMolay. All members of joining. the Preceptory must be legionnaires, either active or 3. When authorized, elect officers as listed honorary. Each legionnaire should be a participating previously. member, and have observed last March 18 and mailed 4. Plan a program of activities. his required observance report to the Service and A Preceptory should establish a meeting schedule Leadership Center. which includes the annual observance on March 18. The Preceptory may elect the following officers: The pride and honor of being a legionnaire can best be shown in service to the Order. ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Appendant Organizations

Sample Preceptory bylaws can be found in the Commander Meritorious Service Award was , appendix of the ISC Statutes. established. Ifyou are interested in organizing a Priory, contact your Executive Officerfor guidelines in KNIGHTHOOD pmORIES your jurisdiction. The Order of Knighthood is an appendant organization of older DeMolays.The Knighthood program is for active DeMolaysbetween 17 and 21 years of age who are organized into a subordinate unit known as a Priory with its own officersand ritual. The Order of Knighthood made its debut in 1946, when it's ritual was exemplified before the Grand Council, now known as the International Supreme Council. Through the years, the activities ofthe Knights have consisted of social and educational programs geared to older DeMolays,with a special emphasis on career planning and coedactivities. The officialname of the Order of Knighthood is the Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order ofthe Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay.It is not an honorary degree or award, but a working bodywhose purpose is to extend fellowship and serve the Order ofDeMolay. The main functions of a Priory are to: 1. Extend and assist the Order ofDeMolayand its Chapters. 2. Maintain the active interest of older DeMolays. 3. Provide an interesting program for the Priory members. 4. Above all, to provide and maintain a proper example for all DeMolays. The officersofa Priory are: illustrious Knight Commander Squire Commander Page Commander Registrar Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Prior Preceptor Sacristan Standard Bearer Sentinel Some of the services that may be provided by a Priory include: 1. Conducting the Majority Service. 2. Conducting memorial services. 3. Assisting with jurisdictional activities. 4. Serving as coaches,umpires or referees in athletic events. 5. Participating in Masonic service projects. To encourage greater efficiencyand progress in a Priory's program, the Past illustrious Knight ) DEMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE 'ttl (


( More Store _._...... t Facts and

• DeMolay and More Store, Plus a $5.00 DISCOuntCoupon • Suggested Medical Release and Consent Form • Representative DeMolay . Application Form • Leadership Correspondence lilliiiillliilliliiliiiliiliiiliillilllliiiiiiil.... Course Enrollment Form • PMC-MSA Application Letter • Camera Ready DeMolay Artwork (

~( EMOLAY AND MORE STORE The DeMolayand More Store is the name Dof the retail outlet ofthe DeMolayService and Leadership Center. It gives DeMolays,Advisors, Parents and other friends ofDeMolay the opportunity to obtain a wide variety ofofficialitems bearing the emblems and logosof the Order ofDeMolay. The DeMolay and More Store also sells officiallylicensed products of the fl.l"t:NBDJv Order of the Rainbow for Girls and products for many other Masonically affiliated organizations. A catalog may be obtained on request. No other retail or wholesalejewelers are authorized to sell DeMolayjewelry or any other DeMolayitem. This is a protection against manufacturers of poor quality merchandise. It insures that all DeMolay To provide the best customer service possible, the Chapters will have the opportunity to deal fairly for DeMolayand More Store has established the following materials and goods needed. service standards: 1. Allorders must beprocessed and shipped within 48 hours. DeMolaypins, sweetheart pins, medallions, bumper 2. We willnotify customers when they are placing stickers, T·shirts, emblems and a full line of contem• the order if any part ofthe order has to be back-ordered. porary clothing are just a fewofthe items available. 3. The 1-800-DEMOLAYlinewill be responded to within four rings. The DeMolayand More Store also offers a full line 4. Allphone messages will be responded to within 24 hours



ORDERING INFORMATION All merchandise ordered must be accompanied by ( full prepayment, or the order will not be accepted. Visa or MasterCard may be used. All orders should be sent to the DeMolay and More Store, 10200 N. Executive BiDs Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64153. Or you may call1-800-DEMOLA Y toll-free and use an approved credit card. Orders also may be sent to the store by fax. The fax number is 1-816-891-9062. Special order items for Christmas must be ordered by October 1 to insure delivery. Shipping except on weekends and holidays. This includes messages left AB we mentioned in the service standards, our zual on the answering machine. I:> 5. All eustemer complaints will bere8po111dedw within 24 hours, is to have all stock orders shipped within 48 hours of 6. We will process requests for catalogs within 24 heurs, receipt of order. Most DeMolay and More Store items 7. All orders will contain a eustomer feedback card addrt>ssed to are delivered via regular UPS so we can track your the Executive Director of DeMolay International. S. Any time a customer is placed on hold, a conscientious effort order better. UPS will not ship to post office witl be made to keepthat time to a minimum. boxes. Our service is even faster when you choose: 9. 'The store will have someone prescot and answering phones ND Air from 8,00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Central Time, Monday through • ext ay Friday, with only exception being holidays. • Express Mail 10. All non-customer calls will be routed to office lines. • 2nd Day UPS 11. All customers will bedealt with courteously, regardless of • Other options _ please call. the complaint, problem or nature of the call. 12. AlImrrespondence will be responded towithinfivewmkingdays. There isan additional charge for all shipping 13. Alljurisdictional requests for consignments must be shipped other than regular UPS or 1st Class mail Alaska and and received one week before the event or activity. Hawaii customers must include the 2nd Day UPS ~"'n~. 14. All merchandise will be packed to ensure that damage does ....u:u.e;'" ( not occur during transit. Questions and Comments 15. Items on the priority inventorylist will never be below All questions and comments should be directed to minimum balance 88 required by program or customer demand. th D M la d M Sto t th S· d 16. All credit card orders must be verified beforemerchandise i.e e e 0 y an ore re a e ervice an shipped. Leadership Center, or call1-800-DEMOLAY and 17. A packing slip must accompany each order. speak with one of our customer service representatives.!t~------~------~------$5.00 OFF! $5.00 OFF! $5~00OFF! THE DEMOLAY LEADER'S PACK

Clip out this coupon and send it to The DeMolay and More Store. You'll receive $5.00 oifyour purchase of The DeMolay Leader's Pack! Check your DeMolay and More Store Catalog for details, current price information and ordering instructions. The DeMolay Leader's Pack contains all the resources a DeMolay and or a DeMolay Leader should have. Name __ Membership Number _ Chapter _ StreetAddress ___ City, StateZIP _ Daytime Telephone ( __ ) _

This coupon only redeemable at the DeMolay and More Store inKansas City, via US mail. (The coupon must be sent in with order.) 1-800-DEMOLAY ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE SAMPLE Important Information

MEDICAL RELEASE AND CONSENT FORM Jurisdiction: Cbapter Name: _

1. I, the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian of , do hereby give my consent and permission for him/her to participate in . I understand all activities and events of any duly chartered Chapter, Order of DeMolay, of the Jurisdiction of including any activities or events conducted at the state or jurisdictional level, or by the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay; WITH THE FOLLOWINGEXCEPTIONS: (State on line below. Ifnone, write NONE.)

2. In the event of any injury or illness to the above named minor, I, the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian, hereby authorize any adult DeMolay Advisor in attendance to secure, and any physician in attendance to provide, such emergency medical treatment as shall be deemed necessary by those present; including but not limited to hospitalization, injections, anesthesia, surgery, x-ray, blood, and medications. I understand that every reasonable effort shall be made to contact me prior to medical treatment. 3. The above named minor is subject to the followingmedical problems, and/or is receiving treatment under the supervision of proper medical authorities as follows:(State on the line below.If none, state NONE.):

4. Neither DeMolay International nor the jurisdiction of , Order of DeMolay, maintains any medical insurance for its members. I understand that we will be responsible for any and all costs of medical ) treatment incurred by or on behalf of . My family health insurance carrier and policynumbers are as follows:

Insurance Company Name PolicyNumber(s) Policy Holder's Name 5. I, the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian, AND the undersigned Youth (legal minor), do hereby agree that we will abide by the Statutes, rules, regulations, and edicts of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, and its duly authorized representatives. We agree that ifin the opinion of any DeMolay Advisor that if either of us should be removed or asked to leave any DeMolay activity for violation of the same, that the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian will immediately take the necessary action to cause the transportation of violator from the activity site at the expense ofthe undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian. 6. We hereby agree to release and hold harmless the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. the Grand Master of DeMolay International, and its members together with the Executive Officer, staff members, and Advisors of jurisdiction, Order of DeMolay. from any and all claims or cause of action which the undersigned has or may have. This specificallyincludes any and all plans which arrive out of the attendance at ______event, including transportation to and from said event. 7. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. AND THE UNDERSIGNED PARENT OR GUARDIAN CANNOT BE REACHED, THE UNDERSIGNED PARENT OR GUARDIAN HEREBY AUTHORIZES THE FOLLOWING PERSON TO ACT ON THEm BEHALF: Name: _ Phone: (_) _ Address: _ Relationship: _


8. Parent or Legal Guardian: Please provide the following information about yourself: ( Yourfullname: __ - _

Street & Mailing Address:_- ...... ~~ __ (if different) Cicy~~~: _

Telephones: (Home) (_) _ (Work) (_) ---- _ Relationship to Youth: _

9. ITyouth's address is different than Parent or Legal Guardian, please state on lines below. (If SAME, write SAME.)

Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Signature of Youth Gaga} minor)


( - DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Important Information


The DeMolay Leadership Correspondence Course (LCC) is really five separate courses. They have been designed to give a better over all picture of DeMolay. Call for current course costs. (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL COURSES MUST BE TAKEN IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER. THEREFORE. A STUDENT MAY SIGN UP FOR ONLY ONE COURSE AT A TIME. NO TESTS WILL BE RETURNED TO STUDENTS.) If there is need to retake a course, there will be a retake fee. Upon the successful completion of the first course, the student will receive a certificate. Active DeMolays will also receive a white merit bar. Upon completion of each additional course. the "DeMolay" student will receive a new merit bar in a different color. corresponding to the particular course being taken. Upon completion of the fifth course, ALL STUDENTS (Advisors, Sweethearts, Parents and Friends) will receive notice that they are eligible 10 purchase from the DeMolay and More Store, the very prestigious "LAMP OF KNOWLEDGE" lapel pin.

To enroll in the Leadership Correspondence Course. please complete the application below and include a check. money order. or credit card information. Call 1-800-DEMOLA Y for pricing information.

You may also enroll via the 1-800·DEMOLAY phone line. APPLICATION mR ENROLLMENT

Name Chapter Name

Address City State Zip Code

Member or Advisor ID# ChapterID#

When signing up to take a course, please be sure to indicate if you are taking the course for the first time (Ist), or if you are retaking the course (R) (1st) (R) Check One: Course #1 - Basic DeMolay Knowledge DeMolay Course #2 - DeMolay Administration Advisor Course #3 • History and Heritage Sweetheart Course #4 - Advanced Knowledge Parent Course #5 - Leadersbip Participation Friend

Check One:

__ ....:CheckIMoney Order Name on Card: __ ....JMasterCard Account # of Card ___ Visa Expiration Date on Card $------Signature Amount Enclosed



( Important Information

Representative DeMolay Award Application Form

Member lD. No. Chapter I.D. No. _ Age __ Birthdate _ Name __

First Middle Last Address,_,. ,_,. ,_,. ,_,.,_,.,_,. -...-... __

City ,_,. -... ,_,. State -... -'"Zip,_,. _

Initiatory Degree Date DeMolay Degree Date _

Chapter Location. _

Approve __ Chapter Dad Advisor.RD Advisor,or Chairman

Address City ,_,. State ,_,. .Zip _

1b be eligible for the Representative DeMolay recognition, you must have been a DeMolay for a minimum of six (6) months, passed both of your obligations and have compiled a satisfactory record of DeMolay activities. Those over 21 years of age are eligible, provided they continue to show an active interest in DeMolay.

Have this application approved by your Chapter R.D. Advisor, Chapter Dad Advisor, or Advisory Council Chairman. Send it along with the regalia fee to your Executive Officer. Call your Executive Officer for R.D. fee information.

Send this form to your state office, Executive Officer or his representative. Do Not send this to DeMolay International.

Your Representative DeMolayfinal formshould be returned to you within two weeks. The fee submitted covers the COIIotf the lapel pin, wallet card. certificate, forms and postage. ) DeMOLAV LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE (




Jurisdictional Executive Officer Jurisdictional Awards Director Dear Sir: This letter is to inform you of my intent. to qualify for the Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service Award. Upon my honor as a DeMolay, Icertify that I have memorized ALL of my portion of the ritual prior to my Installation, and that all information contained in this application has been reviewed and approved as indicated by the signatures below. Enclosed you will find a copy of the Program for mx term of office as approved by my Advisory Council. I certify that the enclosed Program was distributed to ALL members of my Chapter JZri2r to my Installation. Ifurther state that I have read and understand ALL of the requirements for the PMC-MSA, and have included with this letter ALL of the information required for my participation in the PMC-MSA Program. The beginning and ending dates for my term of office as well as my full name, mailing address, zip code and telephone number are printed below. Fraternally.

Master Councilor (EJect) ______Chapter NAME: Telephone: _

ADDRESS: City: ZIP: _ BEGINNING DATE OF TERM: ENDING DATE OF TERM: -:----:-_ (If exact date is not know, please approximate)

APPROVED BY: __ ~ __ ~~_-=~ DATE: _ Signature of Chapter Chairman DATE: --~---~~-~~-----~Signature of Chapter Advisor ------Enclosures:



( Important Information


+ CI






( Important Information





( Important Information






( Important Information

NEWS RELEASE From DeMolay - The Fraternity of Young Men.

Note: For More Information Contact: May be used as N~e: __ art to accompany Address: _ article

Telephone: _





( Important Information

) ~ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PETITION) **An Organization for Young Men**

1. Name: 2. Date: _ 3. Address: 4. City: 5. State & Zip: _ 6. Phone: ( ) 7. Birth Date (MMlDDIYY) 8. SchoolAttending: 9. Grade: _

10. Favorite School Subject(s): _

11. Hobbies: _

12. Clubs, Organizations: _

13. ChurchlSynagogue: _ ) 14. References: List 3 friends (your age) you have known for one year. Name: Address: Phone: _

Name: .Address: .Phone: _

Name: ---'Address: P.hone: _

My Parents/Guardians approve of my joining DeMolay. 15. Father's Name: 16. Mother's Name:. _ 17. Is your father a Senior DeMolay? If so, where? _ 18. Is your father a Mason? If so, where? _ 19. Parent/Guardian Signature: _ 20. Applicant's Signature: _ 21. DeMolaySponsor's Name and Signature: _ 21B. Second DeMolaySponsor's Name and Signature: 22. Masonic Sponsor's Name and Signature: _

YourLife Membership Fee of: .must accompany this application



( A TOPIC PAGE Chapter Advisor...... 58,69 Community Service/CivicAdvisor 63 Activity ideas...... 27,28,29, Fund-Raising Advisor 63 30,31,32, Insurance and Risk Management 33,34,35, Advisor 63 36,37 Membership Advisor 60 Address, mailing to DeMolay Obligatory Days Advisor 64 International 47 Public Relations Advisor 61 Adult Leadership Team...... 53 Representative DeMolayAdvisor 61 Adult Recruitment Program 52 Ritual Advisor 59 Advisor of the Year Award Scribe and Financial Advisor 60 Guild of the Leather Apron-See Awards SocialAdvisor 63 Advisory Council Penal jurisdiction of 55 Appointment 54 Powers 54,55,56, Authority to elect or reject 57,58 membership 77 Registration of...... 54 Budget, responsible for 55,56,57, Responsibilities, general...... 55 74 Selection of 54 Certification through DADProgram Supervision of Chapter 54,55 See DeMolay Advisor Development 'Thrm 54 Chairman 58 Vows 54 Chapter Advisor 58 Alcoholic beverages and other Composition of 54 prohibited practices 72 Disciplinary authority 55 Alumni As80ciation...... 7,122,123 Duties...... 54,55,56, Appeal 57,58 From decisions of Eligibility to serve 52,54 Master Councilor 45 Exclusion of objectionable person{s) Advisory Council 45 from Chapter functions...... 55 Appendant~zatioDS Financial responsibility 55,56,57, Alumni Association...... 7,122,123 74 Courts of Chevaliers...... 123,124 Gifts, approval of 56,57 Legion of Honor Preceptories 124,125 Meetings 54,55 Priories of the Order of Knighthood 125 Other Advisors 58,59,60 Application to establish Chapter 93,94,95, Activities Advisor...... 61 96 Assistant Chapter Advisor 69 Application for membership...... 86 Athletics Advisor 62 Appointed Chapter officers 44,50,51 Awards Advisor 61 Appropriations, Chapter 56,57


Awards Balloting on,.. +.II' •• ~I.MH.H,., " _ 76,77

j, +I••• " 'I!••• ( 10, 25, 50 Year Awards .~...... 117 Eligibility .•+ •• !"'~ j.... 85 Awards for: Initiation _ n n...... 79,80

Active DeMolays ..... HH .... "...... 112,113, Certificate, Senior DeMolay .~...... 47 114,115, Former member may receive 116,117 Chapter Provisions

Advisors ,., ~ ii+ ••••• fo.!I1.1l,!l " " 118,119 AdvisorslAdvisory Council

Masons ...•, i"' , HIII "'...... •••• 117,118." See Advisory Council 119 Application to establish Chapter . 93,94,95, Mothers' or Parents' Club ••.•"...... 63 96 Others ~~ _...... 119 Budget _.'''_.H . 29,30,55, Senior DeMolays 117,118 56,57

Certificate of Appreciation...... 119 By-laws '""'",.. i.i •• i •• ·i "' . 71,95

DistinsuiOlh_edService Award Charter "' ' 01'1' ,.,."'_" " .. 94,95,96 (DeMolay of the Year) 117 Committees

Founder's Membership Award 116 "' "'....•.!liil< •• ., ••• ' ~I ... 50

Guild of the Leather Apron Failure of ,,' 1 + "' '" 60 (Advisor of the Year)...... 119 Investigation of memhenhip Hats Off Award 119 applicants _ . 90,91 Keys Master Councilor appoints .. 50 Advisor's Honor Key +...... 118 Meeting of. ., + 'f'_••~~••" . 60 Blue Honor K.ey 116 Membership Committee . 85

Zerubbabel Key " ,...... 117 Reports of "...•"." ,..,._ "'•.tioih.tlM •• , ofI 74

Medals Special commit"tees -li •.•• iHiiti.W + ,. 50 Medal ofAppreciation M...... 119 Standing comnlit"tees w .. 50 Medal of Heroism 116 Cont:rol, 6Jlan.cial .•."".•.•"'" .. 29,30,56, Medal for Saving a Human Life 116 57 ( Merit Bars 114,115, Decorum ,.....•., .. 73 116 Election of officers _ . 43 Miscellaneous H,...... 119 Establishment of Chapters .. 93,94,95~ Officer's Service Certificate 116 96 Past illustrious Knight Commander's Expendi'bJ.re8, ,, "' " 57 Meritorious Service Award "...... 117 Fees _ .., "' .. 95 Representative DeMolay Award 113,114 Financial regulations

Control 1MI••••• 9 ••••••• !f-+ . 66,66,57

Gifts i +ii••••••••••• +•••• ~ •••• ,!! . 57,71 B wens , " ' iHi • ., ••• re 57 Balloting procedure 76,77 Past Master Councilor's Jewel or Pin . 67,71 Bars, Merit ..,.. 114,115~ Supreme Council funds payment . 67 116 Ftmds, raised by a Chapter .. 67 BBS (Electronic Bulletin Honors and awards Board Service) 108 See Awards Blue Honor Key...... 116 See Honors Budget, Chapter 29,30,55, Institution of new Chapter 95 66,57 Letters 'lemporary H...... 95,96 Business, Order of "...... 73 Mailing lists •.".,..'...., "'11'••• "'''' ••• " •••• , •• ,...... 47 By-laws, Chapter 71 Meetings Conduct of business ....M...... 71,73 Exdusioo of individuals from functions .. 55 C Kneeling 74 Candidates for membership Quorum " 71 Application process 74 Special meetings 4i111••• "' "' " .,.. 45 ( DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Supervision 54,55,56 103,104 Word of the Day...... 73 Reports and remittances...... 47,48 Membership Also see Scribe, chapter Application for membership Form 10 and fees...... 47 (process)...... 85,86,90, Ritual...... 77,78,79, 91,92 80,81 Sample Application 149 Seal 49 Ballot required...... 76,77 Sponsorship...... 11,54 Degrees...... 77,78,79, Suspension, ifreports not submitted.... 57 BO,81 Charter, issuance of Election for Degrees 76,77 Qualification for 94,95 Eligibility 1,3 Reinstatement of 96 Life membership...... 1 Checks, Chapter 46 Membership application 86 Chevalier, Degree of...... 116 Membership card 71 Court of Chevaliers 123 Proficiency/Obligation card 80 Nominations...... 117 ) Orientation of new members...... 46,92,93 Conduct unworthy of a DeMolay...... 72 Patent, issuance of 71 Congress, International DeMolay...... 7 Proficiency/Obligations Your First Establishment of...... 7 Duty, Court of Chevaliers 123,124 46,80,92 Rejection of application...... 77 D Resignation from office 43 Senior DeMolays 1,47 Voting privileges 43,80,92 DeMolay Naming 95 History 7,8,9,10, New Chapter Start-up Kits 95 11,12 Obligatory Days 33,34,35 Important dates 10 Officers Purposes of xi Absence 73 DeMolay Advisor Development 54 Appointed 46,47,48, DeMolay and More Store...... 128,129 49,60,51 DeMolay Clubs Election of...... 43 Mothers' Club...... 64,65 Installation...... 37,38,39 Parents' Club...... 64,65 Junior Councilor, duties...... 46 DeMolay Congress Master Councilor, duties...... 43,44,45 See Congress, International DeMolay Presiding Officer...... 43,44,45 DeMolay Degree 80 Qualifications, Master Councilor ...... 43 DeMolay Foundation, Inc...... 7 Resignations...... 43 DeMolay Hallof Fame 5 Scribe, duties 47,48,49 DeMolay, Jacques 8 Selection by appointment 47 DeMolay Service and Senior Councilor, duties...... 45,46 :Leadership Center 6,7 Supplies 96 DeMolay WeekIMonth 35,36,37 '!erm of office...... 43 Disciplinary authority of 'lreasurer, duties...... 46 Advisory Council...... 55 Vacancy 43,72 Disputes, Supreme Council todecide.... 45 Order ofbusiness...... 73 Orientation 84,92,93 E Paraphernalia for Degrees 72 Use of...... 77,78,79 Election Prohibited practices...... 72 Chapter Officers 43 Publications...... 101,102, Eligibility DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE - Index

Membership .•.•.•. 1,3 International DeMolay Congress Voting privileges .,... 1,3,80 See Congress, International DeMolay ( Emblems ...... •...... •.••...... "... ,...... 8~72 International Supreme Council of Enrollment of members 47 the Order of DeMolay...... 66,67 Establishment of new chapters 93,94,95t Interview or visitation 96 for new member 90,91 Executive Officer of Supreme Council xi,66.67 Inventory, chapter 48,49 Authority .,.., "...... 66 Obligatory observances. may change date 33 Representative of Supreme CounciL..... 66 J Jacques DeMolay...... 8 Jewel, Past Master Councilor's 57,71 F jewelry and emblem use, approved Finances "...... 56.57 by Supreme Council 72,128 Also see Scribe, Chapter Jurisdictional activities ,...... 39,40 Also see Treasurer, Chapter Form 10 K Report required "...... 47 Founder's Cross...... 11 Knighthood, Order of...... 125 Founder's Membership Award...... 3,116 Knights Thmplar.. 8 FundRaising "..... 56,60 Frank S. Land, founder of DeMolay... 8,9. 10~11, 12,35,66 L Land, Frank S., founder of DeMolay.. 8,9,10,11, 12,35,66 G Leadership Correspondence Course.. 4,5 Gifts, use of Chapter funds...... 57,71 Application 133 ( Grand Council, formation 10,11 Leadership Training opportunities.... 4,5 (Name changed to International Supreme Council) Legion of Honor Grand Master 66 Active 117,118 Honorary Grand Master 12 Honorary 118 Nomination 118 Preceptory 124,125 H Traditional observance...... 124 Hall of Fame, DeMolay...... 5 Letters Thmporary Hats Oft'Award 119 Application for 95 History, DeMolay...... 7,8,9,10t Executive Officer 95 U,12 Institution of Chapter under.... 95 Honorary Grand Master "...... 12 l.ower, Louis "...... 8 Honors First DeMolay Chevalier, Degree of...... 116 Cross of Honor 118 Legion of Honor, Active 117 Legion of Honor, Honorary 118 M Mailing address, DeMolay International I 47 Masonry, endorses DeMolay...... 11 Initiatory Degree 79,80 Master Councilor InstaUation of Chapter Officers 37,38,39 Appointment of officers...... 44 Introductions...... 38 Committees, appointment of...... 44 Institution of a Chapter 95 Committee member, ex officio 44 Insurance and Risk Management...... 6,25,63 Duties...... 44,45 DeMO LAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Index

Past Master Councilor's DeMolayDay of Comfort 33 Meritorious Service Award 44,112,113 Devotional Day 33 Qualifications for office 43 Educational Day...... 34 Special meetings 45 Frank S. Land Memorial Day...... 34 Vacancyin office 43,72 My Government Day...... 34 Medals Parents' Day...... 34 Medal ofAppreciation 119 Patriots'Day...... 33 Medal of Heroism 116 Officers Medal for Saving a Human Life 116 Chapter Meeting procedures 72,73 See Chapter Provisions Meetings, Chapter Chevalier Court See Chapter Provisions See Court of Chevaliers Members, Chapter Preceptory Attendance.. 72 See Legion of Honor Affiliation..... 76 Priory Ballot on application 76,77 See Knighthood, Order of Election for Degrees 76,77 Order ofbusiness...... 73 Eligibility for 1,3 Order of DeMolay Life Membership..... 1 Founding 7,8 Obligations Examination 46,80 History 7,8,9,10, Orientation.... 84,92,93 11,12 Vote,eligibility...... 1,3,76,77, Purposes of xi 80 Orientation, Chapter 84,92,93 Wearing the emblem 72 Membership Application for 85,86,90, 91,92 p Campaigns 84,85,86, 87,88,89, Parents' Club 63,64,65 90 Contact with Chapter 6 Membership Advisor 60 Parents witnessing Degrees 79 Membership Planning Guide Parliamentary procedure...... 74,75 and Idea Book...... 84 See Robert's Rules of Order Minimum number of members Past Master Councilor's Meritorious for a Chapter 95 Service Award...... 44,112,113 Minutes of Chapter meeting...... 48 Patent, when issued...... 71 Monitor of Ceremonies Preceptory, Legion of Honor See Ritual See Legion of Honor Priory See Knighthood, Order of Procedures, Chapter...... 72,73,74, N 75,76,77 Name of Chapter 95 Proficiency/Obligations 80 Non-Masonic Advisors 54 Program planning, Chapter 25,26,27, 28,29,30, 31,32,33, 34,35,36, o 37,38,39 Obligation/Proficiency Card...... 80 Prohibited practices 72 Qualification for office 1,43,80 Public ceremonies Required to vote...... 1,3,43,80 See Ritual Obligatory Observances DEMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE Index

Public relations '..•....•.•.••,.. ,.. 100,101. Sponsorship of a Cbapter ,...... 95 ( 102,103, 104,105~ 106,107~ Supplies, Chapter 96 108,109 Statutes, International Publications, Chapter , ,.. 101,102, Supreme Council...... xi 103 Supreme Council See International Supreme Council Publicity and the media .•.••..•.•..•H...... 104,105, 106,107 Purchases from the International Supreme Council ....•...,...... 57 TIUW 'li'easurer, Chapter _...... 46

Uniforms, Chapter See Ritual (Robes) Quorum Chapter meetings ..,...... 71 Voting Chapter _...... 43,76,77 Qualifications 80 R Recruitment, Chapter _...... 2,84,85, 86,87,88, WIXIYIZ 89 (

Regalia + ••• ! •• +~."'•••• ".;o'."'+•• + •••• " ••• !"'.+••••••• "'••• ''''.io+I... 72 Word of the Day...... 73 Reinstatement of charter 96

Rejection of membership...... 77 Year, DeMOlay..i.iHi ' •• .,.,. iHI;u "-, •• "'. 71 Representative DeMolay Award...... 113,114 Year, Chapter progrBm M.•W...... 30 Resignation Youth Pro,tection "...... 6,25 Chapter Officers 43 Resolution to sponsor a Chapter Zerubbabel Key 117 Petition for Letters Thmporary ". 95 Ritual Author of...... 9 Conferring Degrees 77.78. 79. 80,81 Robes., ,.,.....~ ..•.."' +.*_+i•••••+ •• +...... 72,80 Robert's Rules of OnIer...... 74


Scribe, Chapter...... 46,47,,48, 49,50 Seal, Chapter 49 Senior DeMolay 1,4 Store See DeMolay and More Store ( It11 DeMOLAY LEADER'S RESOURCE GUIDE NOTES: NOTES:



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