Downloadable Content, and Other Low-Cost Con-Themed Items Provide Similar Experiences
Nova Southeastern University From the SelectedWorks of Jon M. Garon 2017 Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals: Introduction and Introduction and Table of Contents Jon M. Garon Available at: jon_garon/49/ FILM FESTIVALS, COMIC CONVENTIONS, MUSIC FESTIVALS AND CULTURAL EVENTS DOMINATE THE MODERN CULTURAL LANDSCAPE. EVERY ATTENDEE, VENDOR, EXHIBITOR, PANELIST, AND ORGANIZER NEEDS A PLAYERS HANDBOOK TO NAVIGATE THE RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLDS OF CONS AND FESTIVALS. Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Fes vals provides a real-world guide and reference for these exhilara ng experiences, providing rules, strategies, and insights for the people who a end, work, and develop these fantas cal worlds. With discussions on cosplay, selling autographs, film fes val submissions, organizing panels, policing bootlegs as well as insurance, crowdfunding, budge ng, pyrotechnics, safety and Con planning, the Handbook provides the defini ve guide to “Con Law.” It is an essen al planning tool for any road trip for a conven on and a must for anyone launching or managing a Con or fes val. Advance praise for Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Fes vals “DO NOT HOST NERDS WITHOUT READING THIS BOOK! Anyone who cares about fandom, conven ons, gamifica on, making money and following the law must read this book cover to cover.” - Theodore F. Claypoole, Partner at Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP "Cons are no longer just events; they are full-fledged businesses requiring professional planning, management and legal compliance. … The book includes extremely useful G guidelines for successfully organizing Cons, mi ga ng risks, and achieving planned outcomes." a r - Dr.
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