Lower Colorado River RV SUPPLIES HILCO R.V
Complimentary Guide to Enjoy the Colorado River 2011-2012 www.visityuma.com for Yuma summer hotel packages. River Recreation Map 201 North 4th Avenue, Yuma 1-800-293-0071 Lower Colorado River Known as America’s ‘Nile’, the Colorado River is the most important river in Imperial 5 Y 9 Dam the Southwest. Yuma was the only practical crossing point on the lower Colorado W River which made Yuma a strategic transportation hub. For many years, ferries H provided a way to safely cross the River and riverboats operated out of Yuma bringing supplies and travelers to Yuma. Laguna Restoration Multi Species Today, the Lower Colorado River area is a mecca for water enthusiasts. Fishing, Conservation Project AL DAM ROAD swimming, canoeing, tubing, kayaking, are some of the ways to enjoy this stretch IMPERI of the river. Birdwatching is abundant and the beaches and parks are great for Mittry family fun. Lake Please enjoy your time on the river and leave it clean for the next person! Laguna Dam Betty’s Imperial Dam Colorado/Gila River Confluence Kitchen From intersection of Interstate 8 Where the Colorado and and 4th Ave, head NorthEast on Gila Rivers meet Imperial Co. Hwy S-24 to Senator Hwy 95 to Ave 4½ E Wash Road or East on Hwy 95, 20 or Pacific Ave. North - East on miles to Yuma Proving Grounds Levee Road C turnoff, left at large cannons, 7.3 o l miles to Senator Wash Road Yuma East Wetlands o Redondo r a Pond 3 mile hiking trail L A d G U Mittry Lake begins at Gateway Park N o A Fortuna D Wildlife Area A R M Pond Boating, camping, fishing, hunting, Gateway Park R CALIFORNIA i O v A boat launch ramp, pit toilet Parking, bathrooms, showers e D r Highway 95 to Ave 7E playground, beaches, grills AVE 7E North to end of pavement, ½ mile West Wetlands Park Restored wetlands, boat launch Betty’s Kitchen ramp, parking, restrooms, park, St.
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