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April14minutes NOTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CLOWNE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 14TH APRIL 2014 IN THE MEETING ROOM, CLOWNE COMMUNITY CENTRE, VILLA PARK, CLOWNE COMMENCING 6.45PM. PRESENT: Cllr Reid, Chair. Cllrs Bailey, Buxton, Connerton, Dobson, Page, and Stanton APOLOGIES: Cllrs Haywood, Hendry, Patrick, Patterson & Smith IN ATTENDANCE: 6 members of the public; PCSO Fox and Galley; Derbyshire Constabulary & D.E. Cameron (Clerk) POLICE REPORT The Chairman welcomed PCSO Fox and PCSO Galley to the meeting. PCSO Fox presented the monthly crime figures for March 2014. MARCH 2014 Violence 03 (2 x restorative justice) Shoplifting 02 (1 ongoing enquiry & 1 ticket issued) Criminal damage 06 (2 graffiti & 1 restorative justice) Theft from MV 03 (2 x catalytic convertors) Damage to a vehicle 01 Other Thefts 04 (2 x mobile phone & 1 x fuel) Burglary 01 (car taken with keys) Breach of ASBO 01 (charged to Court) Theft of MV 01 (vehicle found in Notts – fire damage) Attempted burglary 02 (ongoing) Burglary 01 (garage) TOTAL 25 (increase on February 2014) (It was noted that 3 crimes were linked activity). PCSO Fox reported that at the recent Police Panel meeting held Monday 14th April 2014, the Police Priority area was set as: Anti-social behaviour and associated nuisance problems at The Sidings Skate Park (continued Priority Area) and additional area to be covered at Chestnut Drive, Clowne. The police representatives gave a brief report on the several incidents of vandalism and graffiti around the village over the past few weeks. PCSO Galley thanked the local parishioners for their support of community policing and explained that community Twitter had been a positive tool for the local police and had been well supported by the local community and had helped with ongoing investigations. COUNTY COUNCIL Apologies were submitted on behalf of Cllr Anne Western. 75/13 APRIL14 Page 1 DECLARATION OF INTEREST 334/13 It was confirmed that the Declaration of Interest Book had been signed. APOLOGIES 335/13 Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cllrs Haywood, Hendry, Patrick, Patterson & Smith. MINUTES 03/03/14 336/13 Resolved that the Minutes of the Clowne Parish Council held on Monday 3rd March 2014 be approved and adopted and signed as a true record. MINUTES 31/03/14 337/13 Resolved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Clowne Parish Council held on 31st March 2014 be approved and adopted and signed as a true record. ACTION FROM THE PARISH FORUM 338/13 The Chairman reported on the various items of business relating to BDC, DCC and the police which had been discussed and would be forwarded onto the relevant Departments. 339/13 The Chairman reported that parishioners had explained their concerns regarding the lack of consultation following the decision by Clowne Parish Council to close The Sidings Skate Park. The Chairman explained that the decision had not been an easy one to make and had followed numerous and ever increasing acts of vandalism and anti- social behaviour linked to this area. Discussions over the past three years with various agencies including police and District Council, and ever increasing maintenance & insurance costs had resulted in the Parish Council decision. CHAIRMANS REPORT 340/13 Cenotaph – Update. The Chairman reported on the ongoing plans for the proposed Garden of Remembrance. He added that partial funding had been secured with Ben Bailey Homes (through BDC Arts Development) and the Parish Council would continue to seek additional grant funding through alternative sources (Derbyshire Environmental Trust, Biffa & Derbyshire Community Fund etc.) in order to minimize any cost to the Council. CORRESPONDENCE / ITEMS TO THE COUNCIL 341/13 Read & Noted. Information from DALC: General Circulars 05, 06, 07 342/13 A complaint had been received from a resident of Chestnut Drive regarding the increasing nuisance behaviour of schoolchildren from Heritage High School (en route to/from school). Resolved that a copy of the complaint be forwarded onto the Head teacher of Heritage High School to investigate and that the parishioner be advised that Chestnut Drive had been identified as a Police Priority Area (with immediate effect). 76/13 APRIL14 Page 2 343/13 Read & Noted. Information from Clowne & District Community Transport advising of the increase in Group Transport Charges. 344/13 A letter had been received from a local resident interested in organizing a Community Event. Resolved that further information be sought, and the parishioner be invited to meet with the Chair & Vice Chair of the Council to look at the ideas. (It was noted that all CRB checks would be required for proposed event). 345/12 Cllr Connerton declared an interest in the following item of business and took no part in the discussion. Information had been received from Marcol Co/Bolsover Lane Ltd regarding the Planning application submitted to regenerate the former Coalite Works site in Bolsover, North East Derbyshire. Members expressed their appreciation for the continued information and updates of progress from Marcol Co / Bolsover Lane Ltd. 346/13 Noted: News Bulletin – March 2014 from DCC Cllr Anne Western. 347/13 Read & Noted. Information from BLSP: Bolsover Partnership & Parish Councils Liaison meeting arranged for Thursday 20th March @ The Arc, Clowne commencing 1.30pm. 348/13 Information from Derbyshire Victoria County History and invitation to attend the launch of the Derbyshire Victoria County History Volume III and Marc Litch lecture @ Heritage High School, Clowne on Saturday 12th April 14. It was resolved that Cllr Bailey represent Clowne Parish Council at the event held on 12/04/14. Cllr Bailey gave a brief review of the launch and displayed the publication Derbyshire Victoria County History Volume III for Members to view. The book contained a section on the history of Clowne. Members resolved that the book ‘Derbyshire Victoria County History Vol III be purchased on behalf of the Clowne Parish Council and be available for parishioners to view at The Parish House. (It was noted that other publications would be available: BDC Offices, DCC offices and Clowne library). Proposed KR Seconded TC ALL IN FAVOUR 349/13 A request for support had been received from BDC – Community Outreach Programme 2014/15. Resolved that FOC use of the facilities at The Centre, Villa Park, Clowne to enable continuation of the diversionary programme for Clowne North. Proposed TC Seconded MS ALL IN FAVOUR 350/13 A request had been received from BDC for funding towards 2014/15 Streets Sports Diversionary Outreach Programme @ £720. It was noted that this would be a continuation of the Scheme previously available in Clowne and funding had been allocated @ annual precept. Resolved that the Clowne Parish Council support the Sports Diversionary Outreach Programme 2014/15 (as in previous year). Proposed MS Seconded GB ALL IN FAVOUR 77/13 APRIL14 Page 3 351/13 A request had been received on behalf of Clowne Roadrunners for use of Community Centre & facilities for 29th Annual Clowne Half Marathon & Fun Run on Sunday 23rd November 2014. Resolved that FOC use of The Centre and Villa Park facilities be granted to Clowne Roadrunners for 23/11/14. Proposed TC Seconded MS ALL IN FAVOUR Clowne Roadrunners to be reminded of their responsibility for litter clean –up and clearance of site following the event. 352/13 Read & Noted. Information from DCC - Raising Aspirations in Bolsover: Namibia Team. PLANNING Cllr Connerton declared and interest and took no part in the discussion and left the room. 353/13 APPLICATION No: 12/00348/FUL Change of use to one dwelling for Mr. D Deakin (change of determination – Planning Committee). Noted. 354/13 APPLICATION No: 14/00087/FUL Variation to the location of electricity substation @ Ben Bailey Homes Development Off Mansfield Road, Clowne for Miss K Lupton. Members asked that all street furniture removed during development is to be replaced on completion. 355/13 APPLICATION No: 14/00102/LAWEX Use as a single residential property (Use Class C3) in breach of an agricultural occupancy condition @ Romeley Hall Farm, Romeley Lane, Clowne. Urbanization of agricultural site. 356/13 APPLICATION 13/00540/FUL Erection of a barn for equipment and hay storage and winter animal pen @ Romeley Cottage, Romelely Lane, Clowne for Mr.D.Lewis. Urbanization of agricultural site. 357/13 APPLICATION 14/00139/FUL First floor extension to side over garage, utility and kitchen @ 18 Ramper Avenue, Clowne for Mr. Massey. No Comments. 358/13 APPLICATION 14/00154/FUL Single storey extension to front and construction of pitched roof over existing extension to side/rear @ 28 Station Road, Clowne for Mr. L Cooper. No Comments. 359/13 APPLICATION 14/00127/FUL Erection of detached single storey dwelling @ land adjacent to 25 Bentinck Drive, Clowne for Mr. D Smart. Members expressed concerns regarding the possible invasion of privacy of the neighbouring properties etc. 360/13 APPLICATION 14/00125/FUL First floor extension to side and alterations to roof @ Romeley Cottage, Romeley Lane, Clowne for Mr. D Lewis. Noted: See Comments 353/13 & 354/13. 78/13 APRIL14 Page 4 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 361/13 Resolved that the following out of meeting cheques are endorsed and approved and that the cheques are presented for signature by Cllrs Buxton & Connerton. PAYEE CHEQ NO DATE AMOUNT Clowne PC ¼pc 106815 13.03.14 248.45 Aljacks DES Ltd 106816 “ 121.53 Spire Marketing Ltd 106817 “ 186.09 Direkt Doors Ltd 106818 “ 65.00 Doorsteppa 106819 “ 75.00 Fuse Fireworks Ltd 106820 “ 984.00 E ON 106821
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