, "





Victoria's leader for rare and beautiful true-stain bred TANKS: custom made on premises, glass or acrylic, any size. Discount to V.C.S members, (bring your current membership card.)


OPEN - 7 Days a week. hours: weekdays ­ 10·30 - 7 ·00 pm. weekends ­ g·OO -6 ·00 pm. September 1984 Vol 13 No 6 T e i hlid Month Y The CJ...c.hU..d Mof'l..thly J.i:, pubLUhed mot1.t:hf..y by THE VICTORI~V CrCHLIV SOCIETY. Cj- 23 Mangana V~ve, Mu1.;::jJUl.ve, v.i.c:toJr...ia, ALut:Jta.U.a.. 3170 • •*••***~*.*.**••••*.*.****••••**•• *.**.~.******* ••** ****~****.*************************~*********

Edit~d by KEVIN ARCHIBALD MJ.>~:te.d by MIANDA GENOVESE. COMMITTEE FOR 1984 pJt.e-6-i.de.nL DANNY GENOVESE Phon.e. 527 2546 Se.c.Jt.e.J"..JJJty. GRAHAM ROWE /I 560 7472 TJt.ecu> uJi..~. KEITH PATFORD " 714 2425 V-i.ce P!'~e-6A.-dVLt JOHN McCORMICK /I C59-h43502 Show Se.C}lIu.aJUj• DON OLNEY /I '726-0138 T!'~acUng Table.. Stv,IJCtJt.d. STEVE BUTCHER " 546 9568 So c.J..a..t Se..cJte;taJty • AMANDA GENOVESE IP 527 2546 Ub:WJUfl.n.. ROY HUGHES 726- 0057 Ed.-J:o!'~. KEVIN ARCHIBALD Ir 7915479 Comm a.:t laAg e... MARTON HARTLEY GEOfF GUNN 470 5660 SCOTT HAYMES JOHN EMANUEL fJ 598 0262

LIFE MEMBERS ••••••.• HEINZE STAUDE GRAHAM ROWE KEVIN ARCHIBALD. ** ••*********************************

The. C-i.dl1..{..d Monthty .iA Re..g.iA:te.Jt.e.d by A/.L6:tJta1.,{,a. PoJ.>t Pub{ieatio~ No. VBH0291 **************************************************** The.. C-i.chLU:i Souay ~ a me.mbe.Jt. 06 .the. Fe.deJw..:tum 06 VictoJt...i.a.n. AQu.aJUum Soueti~. ~**********~*.*************************.************

FlLOn.-t Cove.Jt. de6-Lgrted by Vav"w TholLn, evdwOM, by Ke.v-i.n A.Jt.cfUbaY...d. • 1 ------~-<--~-~--~._.__ .._._------­ CONTENTS

2. Editorial 3. The No.1 Cichlid. by K.Archibald 5. Rowemin l 'round. o.r Minutes of August meeting. 7-8 Food For Thought. By K.Archioald. 9. Fish House Report. Il. $20 a gallon for water 7. 12. Table Show Report. 13. Some Helpful hints for Fishkeeping. 14. ~ne f\mazing angel Maze. 15. Cichlid Scene.


The.ftc. ''Je/u2. many phone c.~ .involved .iJL a PCULUc.u1.aA cUd-ic.l e ;t!1a.t I :t"J.-ed ;to w/Lite. ;t1viJ.J month and ;the tLeMOn nOtL them (lJM tha.t a doc.umerd wh~c.h be1011g/j to the c.fub went mi6.6.ing.

Nov..: Lt 171tg(~t no;t .6ee.m a vetLy .impotL;tw1-t doc.umc.ntj .it WM the pMt Jtec.oJtd-j 0;) the tabteohow, but.it.-L6 a tLe.c.otLd on oWL rv0,;to/tU and C.CLVI. ptLOve ;to be a vefLY valuable. tLec.olld jM;t UOJL .-L:t~ .6;ta;t,L6UU 6JLom tAme. .to rune. At plluent tile c.omm..Lttee hM de.!ega.ted the. job on pu:t:.t..tng toguhVt a hand bool<. and aUo c.omp-iling a U:,;t 015 aMW and .it .-L6 amazing how we have. got a£.ong without the.m nOtL 1.:>0 tong. It w--ili be a job well done. in theoe ]ob.6 Me. c.omple:te.d M both ]ob.6 tLeQuJAe a gtLea.t dea£. oil WOtLR. but Me vetLy e.6,6enti~l.-t ;to ;t fee. .6rnooth tLunvU-ng ali yOM c.,f.Lib. AUo in thelle Me any pJLO bte.m.6 oiL QUeJiftJ..u ;tha.t I c.cm ptunt .in ;the magazine bOiL you, teet M.ee to c.Of1-tac.:t me and I wi£.l ,6ee ill I c.an help, cw you. ne.vetL {mow thetLe might ruo be. !.:>Omeone we out thetLe eA;thell having OiL had the .6arne ptLoblem,6 • .60 let '.6 get the ball !Lolling and ,6tev-J;. to c.ommuyuc.cae.. See you next mee.ting.

2. TH N9


All right all you little African lovers I can heaT you groaning ll out there, saying things like II here he goes again and all that other ga:rbage> but be carefull this time, -because this time I've got some facte to '::lack t',e up.

The most successflJ.Il fish in v.e.s. lTLsto:ry is a South American. yes a South Ar~eY'ican c~m you hear me J.R.??? This aillazing fact came to my wind the other night ,,-hen I returned bone from our monthly r~eetihg with a blue ribbon in hand and popular choice trophy wHh it. frau some of.' you might say Big Deal anyone can \lin a table show, bu t d:id you know -the first Cichlid Expo vms won by this species and it was up against the best Africans i-le wiLL ever see in my opinion because they vere ,,'ild specimens of Nick Vitkovic IS.

Also this species ,,-on the horne show in 1980 in a rock tank display by Bill Paterson using just a male and female of the species, this mind you was up against some of the best tanks I have seen in a home show. .3 I use them as the feature fish with other South Americans in the last Aqua Life and feel they helped me win best V.C.S. display.

No-one I think would argue that Gordon Freese had won of the best ex~~ples of this species as his success ratio in table shows with this fish was also unbeatable.


Year Placings

74 3rd (12 fish entered) 75 1st & 2nd / 4th 76 3rd. n 1st & 3rd. 78 1st. 81 1st & la'M 82 1st & popular choice. 83-84 1st, lst,lst, 2 won pop. choice.


FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE. tanks ~~d Stands plus complete operating equipment. 1 x two tier 3 1 system with 2, 3x14x18 tanks on a steel stand paanted pale yellow. Features levelling screws and sliding overhead lights. $190.00. O.N.O.

3 - Cichlasoma festivium approx. 6" 2 males, 1 fern. $25.00

1 two t ~r 4' system with 1, 4x2x18 tank, alluminiurrl edged with perspex cover. 1 tank 4x14x18 , overhead sliding double flouro' lights are attached to the stand which is made of pine polished and varnished to light oak colour. Shelves surfaced with 1aminex. Pr :iJ::e. 5290.00 a.N.c). PHONE 596 - 4129 ..

4. Rowemin' -'round

Now that all the pageantry is over we can fly over LA without being shot at by laser beams or mistaken for a flying saucer. Deek wouldn't get a sweat up on our journey this month.

We will call in on our only stopover and trust that next month will get more invites when posties (and editors and authors) lose their Olympic fervour. The single invite was included in the May issue of THE KITSAP AQUARIAN from Kitsap Aquariam Society Inc. (It was repeated in the June issue) Here we find the delightful and dedicated Rosemay Mearns is still at it convincing people of the cuteness, companionship and character of cichlids, She explains thoroughly how she tried and tried again to get her angels to spawn and raise their young naturally. Eventually, just to get some youngsters, she b egan "Spawning .A..ngels Artificially". Jack E. Phillips is pleased to tell everyone about his favourite fish "The Kribensis(Pelvicachromis pulcher) ".Jack E.Phillips then explained to everyone how to keep and breed Kevins favourite "the Convict or Zebra Cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) "

Dale Ritter told us of the joys associated in assisting lfMigrating .A..ngelfish".

Settle back and enjoy our inflight must read literature.

CICHLID CIRCULAR Vol 2 No 2 May 84 NSW. DCG INFOffiiT.ATION May 84 Germany ALL CICHLIDS Ap, May, June 84 Michigan

Incidentally in the June issue of All Cichlids is only the second report !ve seen on spinosissimum. The first was in Nov 80 ? ( I think) issue of the Cichlid Monthly. Also they confirm that the Archocentries grpup is no longer Cichlasoma but officially Cicfulorus.

Until next flight.


Me Eting opened at 8.20 with thw President in the chair. 26 members and 2 visitors were present. Apologies received froo Bill Foreman, Ross Duncan, David Mee, Sylvia Butcher, David & Helyna Thorn, Margaret Thorn, June & Alex Caughey.

Mfudes of July meeting taken as read on motion moved by Roy and seconded by Grant.

Treasury Report. Cash at start $ 335.64 Income $ 954.05 Expenses $ 768.99 Cash at hand $ 520.00 This report was received on a motion moved by John Reeves and seconded by Bob. Th e correspondence was heen read. New member Steven Hare welcomed, presented ,with badge, planner, a.nd membership card.

Scott Haymes then spoke on his adventures with Cichlids.

B cb Lee narrowly defeated Scott in the quiz to win a. book. Steve Butcher was thanked for providing the questions.

Danny mentioned how eveyone enjoyed the fish house night and thffiked Heinz for opehing up his shop for us.

Fereration report. Marion Hartley was elected the new President and was warmly congratulated. After a short break, Bob battled the bugs to present an edertaining talk on his favourite fish. Danny moved a vote of thanks which was carried by acclamation. Syd Saleh was presented with his ribbon for first place in the T role Show. Door prizes presented by Helmark won ·by Debra G. Matthew Riley, Mark Lee, Amanda G.(declined) John Reeves, Grant Haymes and Glen Briggs. Draw Prizes 4.' light won by Steven Ware, Pellets won by Syd Solch. Danny mentioned recommendations of Advisory Committee. Meeting adjourned for supper at 10.30 ..•...•.....•.•• ••......

6. It seems that in thislnodern day and age convenience is a key word, ,.".hereas twenty years ago we might of sat down to a roast dinner on Sunday, nowadays we are more inclined to go to a McDonald's just because it is more convenient.

Vhat has th:is got to do with fi shkeeping did you say, well the same pattern applies here twenty years ago there was very limited fish food available and most of the aQuarists from this era had to make or catch the food themselves nowadays the majority including myself feed their fish on Cichlid Pellets or f18Les, now I know that there will be alot who will say what's wrong with that? and I agree there is nothing really wrong with it but it is a long way from being ideal.

Some of our best cichlid keepers have been heard to say that they feed their fish on a balnced diet of pellets and pellets, now this is good to hear for a bit of a laugh, but it can be very misleading,paTticularly for newer members who could easily beleive that this all that fish reQuire.

Some of these experienced members fail to mention that now and then they might chuck in a few small common live fish and the odd lettuce leaf to get their breaders in condition. Also to push this point further some of our most saccessful breaders go a step further and mix their ovm special formulars contain­ -ing vegetables and either beef heart or fish meat depending on which side of the ocean your fish swim.

Variety of diet is the key factor in successful fishkeeping and there are many different foods you can offer your fish wit lDut buying them in a can, earthworms, slaters, moths and earwigs are a few that you can obtain just from your garden, other popular variations of diet are fresh shrimp, squid meat and krill when obtaiable. It all makes common sense to me because when you think about your own diet how would you feel if you were fed nothing but vegemite sandwiches everyday I think you would have to agree there is nothing like a bit of variety, so start putting some lettuce on your vegemite sandwich a.nd do the same for your fish. P.S. I don't mean feed your fish vegemite and lettuce sandwiches

although it's food for though~. ( sorry about that)


Member Fish Food- John Mc. Americans Pellets, beef heart,peas and slaters. Geoff Goon Africans Beef heart,flake,frozen brine shrimp. Roy Hughes Africansl Flakes ,pellets ,



o." All Aquarium &Pet Supplies


We Specialise in Cichlids, Natives,killifiSh ORAL and all other rare Species.

PHONE: 546-1025

Business Hours SEA mon.- sat. Sam - 7pill son. Ham - 5pm 404 High St, red. closed' •. .. e...... a Malvern . MElBOURNE'S fiRST AND ORIGINAl CICHUD CENfRfl",-__ I~

I i,( &M AQUARIUM- i ~ f Phone: _.. ..~ 278 RAILWAY POE, (YARRAM SHOPPING CENTRE) \ " ...... -1;\ ',.' n A!li ..... j /" NOBLE PARK VIC PHONE 7931972 509-5106 : . l···t:,1 /T \'.1 - • CUSTOM BUILT BUFFET & WALL UNITS ~:'~":~~~..:at:._, • OCTAGONAL & STANDARD SIZE GLASS AQUARIUMS ~ • PLASTIC AN D LIVE AQUATIC PLANTS • SOLID PINE AQUARIUM STANDS /~~\\~~ • PUMPS-FILTERS ANb AQUARIUM ACCESSORIES \ \, ~ -. -- ~ ! , j • LARGE VARIETY TROPICAL & IMPORTED GOLD FISH ~i ~ :1 'i/,' : ~ • SOME MARINE &CICHLIDS AVAILABLE • FRIENDLY ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE ASSURED .' ." i • BANKCARD OR LAY-BYS WELCOME Marine,Tropical, Japanese Gold Fish COME AND VISIT US AND AT THE SAME TIME MEET ONE\\r OFTHE LARGEST FISH CURRENTLY HELD IN ANY AQUARIU 7A\ [" &. Cichlid Specialist. ~ "BIG JULIE" THE GIANT GOURAMI' I <>0 Tanks made to order. 10% ViAc.ou.n.t 60lt V.C.S. membeM 60lt PUltc.h.a..6~ r. ...~' oveJt $1 0• ;$. ..".""-: l ·...----­ EMPEROR GREAT SH MARIN Graham Rowe AQUARIUM 79 Gilbel'tRd. Preston. hone 470 1548


The origina I designers and speciaJists in backdrop filters - made to order. Large range of tropicals, Marines,Cichlids, New Guinea rainbows " , 23 Mangana Drive, .MELBOURNES BIGGEST MARINE CENTRE Mulgrave, 3170, Vic. Ph. (03} 550 7472 OPEN 11-00am - 6 -00 pm.

Closed Thursdays. "FISH_ HOUSE REPORT" T his month we had the pleasure of viewing Heinz Staude's magnificient collection of cichlids. Heinz doesn't have a fish house in the true sense as his collection is housed at his c Aquarium shop in Mulgrave.

Hcinz first kept fish as a child in Germany when his mother

< bmght him a goldfish in a bowl for his birthday. The gmldfish however didn't live for very long and his interest turned to the native fish and tadpoles that could be caught in the local creeks •

It was around 1955 that his interest turned to cichlids, he kept all the old favourites I<"xibs, Rams, Jack Dempseys, Angels and Apistograrrunas.

He then came to Australia to live and opened the shop that he still occupies now, In the early days the shop consisted of around 16 two foot tanks a few at three foot and one six foot display tank. Heinz and his hobby have come a long way since thffi, as his shop now consists of approx. 256 tanks with over half of these devoted to his personal collection of cichlids.

Heating is provided by a gas wall furnace which coes a. very good job of heating the entire shop, ~he air is supplied by an air pollution pump out of a Mazda, filtration varies from tank to tan k., with some of his larger tanks filtered with power filters, others have box filters and some used undergravel filters, all systems to be quite efficient.

You have to see his collection of cichlids to beleive it,he would have to have nearlly all of the species currently available in Melbourne.

To tell you the truth as I walked around looking at the vast selection of fish I wondered where I would begin writing this report. Should I start by telling you a~out the beautiful pair of Cichlasoma festae that were going through their pre­ spawning ritual? or maybe about the huge Cyphotilapia frontosa approx. 14 inches long.

A starting point is hard to find so I will some of the species in He~nzs' collection, in Heinzs' collection, then if you are interested, a trip to Mulgrave to see them would be well worth your trouble.

One particular which is well represented is cichlosoma, starting with the pair of festae that I mentioned above, Heinz has managed to spawn these beauties on a number of occasions. Other species in this genus include, Syn5pilum,Maculicauda, S~vini,Meeki. Negrofasciatum,Psitticum,Severum (gold and norm~l green) and others.

Heinz keeps many other neo-tropicals including Aeq.Rivulatus, Aeq. Pulcher ,Geophagus , Brasiliensis ,G,Surinamensis , G.Hondae, Neet roplus Nematopus and many more than I have room to mention and just so the African fans don't feel left out it I will list a few. Haplochromis P~ectens, H.Rostratus,H.Bu~toni, Tilapia Busttikoferi, Hemitilapia Oxyrynchus, Lamprologus Brichardi, , Caninus, Trematocranus Jacobfreibergi and various Pseaudotropheus and Melanochromis species. the collection does really have to be seen to be appreciated, so if you get a chance to see it don't pass it up.

At this point I would like to thank Heinz for making the night possible and provi6.ing the supper. I'm sure that eveyyone that attended thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

JOHN McCORMICK. Th~ Edlto~ and xyp~t ~~ not ~eApo~lb{~ no~ any ~o~ ~n th~ above ~~potd ~ we both n~[f went cTLO..Z[f tLfplng U. Ed.

1 'in,r

10. The air-freight people process a lot of strange shipments, and there's probably not much that surprises them anymore. But a few eyebrows might have been taised over a 200 pound shipment that recently went from Nevada to Australia. It cost over $1,000. The cargo? Fifty gallons of water.

vlh 0 "\muld pay that kind of money to ship "\-rater? The sportsffiIDl's Club of Mineral COUI1ty,Nevada,with assistance from the Nevada Trappers Association ,raised the funds in a last ditch effort to find fish that can survive in Nevada's highly alkaline Walker Lake.

Tbe lake water vas sent to Australia for extensive testing at the Arthur Rylah Institute in Heidelberg. Scientists hope that two species of perch that seem tolerant of alkalinity "Jill be able to live in Halker Lake. If the experiment succeeds, other highly alkaline lakes could benefit as well.

Nevada authorities have tried to stock various fish from across the United States in Walker Lake,to no avail. About the only fish that can handle the alkaline waters is a famous strain of cut-throat trout ,and now,even the cutts may be on the way out. People are taking more and more water from the Walker River, which feeds the l~~e, and the lake level has dropped several feet in the last three yaers. As the level drops, alkalinity increases. Nevada fish specialist Dale Lochard says the cutthroats could be finished in about nine years unless water use can be controlled and the river's flow increased.


The table show for this month was Dwarfs and we had a correspond­ -ingly small entry. My thanks to Syd Solch for bringing his Aequidens curviceps which was a nice little fish and worthy of a first prize ribbon •.

Recently we have been experiencing a return of numbers to the table show and whilst Syd.' s lone entry was dissapointing, I do feel that from some of the enquiries I received during the night quite a few members were not quite sure what fish qualified for Dwarfs.

Th e cOIlli"'llittee is working hard to overcome these difficulties with the production of a handbook which will cover the clubs operations, table show rules etc.

In the meantime keep on showing fish, next month there's no doubt what to bring , it's Africans and Asians, and so you can "plonk a blue blob" in the bucket (or, if you prefer, a Chromide)

See you next month at the black plastic section. Regards Don.

The. ~ypA.J.:,~ h.M an. Ctpotogy ~o mak.e. ~o you aU, ~ha;.t M G.Jtaham waU ~o a-tot au :tJwuble. to mak.e. a W~ oj) Vwa.Jtn .6)'Je.Ue.-6 bOIL me. to wt br. ta.6~ moVltrl!.> magazbr.e., and I tlOJLgot to put U br. •• SORRY • •••••••••••••••• ************************************************************** SOME HELPFUL HINTS FOR GOOV FISHKEEPING.

* Atwayh ~y to buy the ~geht tan~ po~~ibie,aQQo~ding to yo~ ~eq~eme~~.

'" Buy a .6pMe.. mn~ 60lL emMgenc.iM, ,~uQh a.6 hiQ~ n~h, o~ a n~h bwg (1CV1JtCt6 ed by anothM etc..

'" Re..gula/!.. wo.-teJL c.hangeh Me.. eh!.J~ nO~ he..althy 6~h.

* AJ!»Jay!.J c.hec.~ yOlL wa:teJL c.oncU:tion!.J and ~e..e..p tho~ e.. !.Jame.. wa:teJL c.ondition!.J antM e..ac.h wateJL Qhange...

* CheQ~ youn P.H. and G.H. lLegulafLiy.

* Vo not oVMneed yo~ 6i.6h, lLe..membM to ne..e..d the FISH not the.. .6ize 0n tlt·~ ;. an~.

*Vo not get a ntUe..nd to 6e..e..d youn n~h, uni-ehh he.. Iu:u had e..xpeJLienQe befio~e... He.. iI.J bound to oVeJLne..e..d. YoUi~ n~h witt c.ome to no haJLm i6 ie..6t with no nood nOlL a we..e..~.

* Vo not ovMc}wwd youn mnk.6. By doing ,~O you c.an lLe..duc.e.. the.. oxyge..n c.ovLte..n.:t On the.. wateJL.

* Vo not !.JWnp 01'1. n~on, give the.. n~h ;the.. beht you. c.etvL a660~d.

* Che..c.~ ail e..quipment at ie..a.ot onc.e.. a wee..~ and e..n.6u.fLe.. ail ~ wOlL~VLg plLO pe..JLly , !.Jome..thrleh cU.!LL{.neh get hoM and 6ail to pa.6.6 aJ.A t(vwugh ade..qua;tle..y, c.he..c.~ hea;teM and theJLmomete/W nOlL ClVLY6au1.to, many a tClVL~ (uu.:, be..en OVMc.oo~e..d 6~om 6ewLty theJLmometeM •

* Le..aJLVL to ioo~ at youn 6i.6h e..ac.h day p~op~y by ~ec.0911.izin9 any ~oubie J.n youn ;tan~, .6ome.. p~obie.m!.l QQn be.. avoide..d in !.J e en ;to )mme..d.ia;te..ly.


. 13 · M4ZE-INq ANQ.....

.14. CICHLIV SCENE ff!!l

1. SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEETING The.. ne..rt ge.neJ1.a£ me..e,t{.Vl.g --L6 on WedneMiay 19~h Sep~embeJl.. a.nd ~tlJJJ:. be held a:t the MhbuJLton U-b,'WJty. Mee.ung -6taJL:t6 a.:t 8.00pm -6uppM. w..u.l be held aMeJt the meeiJ.J1g. you CUte wele.ome to btung a p.f.a.:te ~o e.oYLtJrJ.bu.:te.

Tab.f.e -6how. • A6tU.-e.aYl-6 and AJ.:,-WM. l'U,n.-£. tatk • •• 11 {-(ow 1 ftedJAe.oveJl..ed -6--L6h 11 by Roy Hugheo.

,·la-tn .ta..f.k. • •• n PftO' -6 and Con' -6 06 bac.lz clJwp and ,6-<-de d.JLop /~teJtJ.:, by Ge066 GW1n. VOOft ptUZeh.. by Pet and AquatL-i.wn I nd(}.;~~eA. Ra6Me PfL-i.ze ••• Ehe.-i.m Au;to FeedeJt and wcdetL e.on~oneJl... "You've go~ ~o be -<-n il ~o w-i.-n il /I 2. FISH HOUSE NIGHTS. Oc.tobeJl.. 9th [Tue..,odayl Don O.f.ney'-6 93 HayfL-i.e.k Lane.. MOOROOLBARK •••••••.•


OM annu.a.t cwc;U.o n --L6 e.o m-wg up 0 n ~he 2Uh 0 -6 0c.to beJl.. , ali good-6 mU),~ be.. 1..n by 1.30 pm. Auc;U.oVl. ,6.tcuLt.o at exac.t.e.y 2.00 p.m •. AU. good-6 mU),~ be .tabeUed,.t.atLgeJl.. 6--L6h mU),~ be bagged ,6 e:.peJt..a;tty, ali equ.1..pme~ mU),~ be .tabeUed whethe./t Oft J10~ iVl. wottWz.g ottdetL, Vl.0 motte thaVl. 5 .f.ou 06 one -6peuf2.;~ a.nd a.te. -6 --L6 h mU-6~ be bagged pltO peJt.t 0' • Ou.tt cwc.t1..0Vl. .f.M~ yeCUt WCU> ~he be..,o~ eVeA and .f.e..t-6 my and make trUl. yeatt',6 an even betteJt OVl.e .•..•.•••••••••.••.•...... ••••• ************************************************************

You may Vl.oUe.e a .6ught d-i.66e.tteVl.e.e m trUl. mo~h.6 mag, M ~h1..ng.6 WeAe ge..:t.:ti.ng a -U;t;t,te hedie. aftoUVl.d home I told OM deaft EDITOR ~o get 06 6 l~vW TI' bu;tt" and e.ome aVl.d do ,6ome a/Ix woftk ete.. So hme.e iotLth ~h-i..6 wonde.ttMLU, ediUoVl.. So I -6a.y heAe and now I am -<-n no way ftehpoMible Oft fub.f.e 60ft any DRAWINGS, CARTOO~~, COMMENTS ete.. Ha Ha, Dea.tt Otd Ed;-6 go~ bfto ad .0 ho u.-C.deJu.:, he c.an ~ak e -6 u..t.e. 1te-6 po MibiU.:ty• AU joke..,o Mide.. 1 ftea.Uy appfteua.:ted rLtt the hup. Kev .••. REPRINTS. Any society that so desires. ~ay reproduce any material fro~ this magazine PROVIDED the source ~~d authorship are acknowledged ffi1d two copies of the publication are forwarded to the V.C.S.

INVITE A FRIEND TO JOIN THE SOCIETY. FEES: Otu:L.iJtQ.,i.Y MembeM lup $8.00 & $2 jo~g 612.12.. FaJ1U...tU ,\tern be/L6 (up $9. 00 & $2 j 0-01);19 6ee.. JWUDlL l\{vnbeJt-,5{up $500 OveJU,eLL4 Membe/t.6{up A$11.00 S~6ace m~0t MJuna..il by !te.g O~Yl.

****************************************************** *******

Tlte Sec/te:tM.lj(GJ.altam Rowe) V..teto JUrot CicJ;L.td So cidl), 23 i~.tangCU1.a. VJr.i.ve, Mu.lgJta.v e, V: n +n • . ..v.;...uJJL,tQ.. AUSTRALIA. 3170

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BRING IN YOUR WATER MONDAY 1~,OOp.m.-6.00p,m. SAMPLE FOR MARION TUESDAY 12.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. TO TEST, SHE WILL GIVE WEDNESDAY CLOSED HER EXPERT ADVIOE THURSDAY 12.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. FRIDAY 12.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. FREE! ON HOW TO SATURDAY 10.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. MAINTAIN YOUR TANK, SUNDAY 10.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.