Cincinnati Reds Continue to Menace Giants As New York Lead Is Reduced
TUESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1923 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES 9 Cincinnati Reds Continue to Menace Giants as New York Lead Is Reduced Indiana’s Center and Captain Pennant “Ifs” Today Zev Ready Spalla Yelps -\ By 'United Press SECOND ROUND IN By United Mews TECH WILL PLAY National League NEW YORK, Sept. 26.—Zev, MILAN, Italy,, ,Sept. 25.—Not the Rancocas 3-year-old and one to be outdone by Harry Wills Pet Win. Lose. of the American candidates for who tried to knock out Jack the international turf race Dempsey with a writ of certior- New York 626 .628 .622 against Papyrus, has resumed PRO GOLF BEST ON MEET Supreme ari in the New York STATE’S working Cincinnati 604 .607 .600 training. He is Well Court, Erminlo Spalla, the and Sam Hildreth, trainer for heavyweight champidn of Italy, the stable, said he would be in will try to knock an opponent American Association shape selected. to run if AT PELHAM CLUB flat with a Judicial decision from HARDWOOD COURT Pot Win. Lose. the International Boxing Feder- .682 ation. 4 - .675 St. Paul 679 Spalla and a heavyweight Kansas City 662 .664 .658 Stars Come Through First named Mumbeck fought through Basket Schedule twenty of the worst rounds ever Day—George Stark, Local seen. The referee declared the Includes Games With match "no contest,” although he Player, Meets Defeat, said Spalla had shown a "slight Leading H, S, Fives. superiority." This ruling puz- INDIANS CLII By United News zled Technical High School will play* PENNANT FIGHT all beholders of the bout COUNTRY CLUB, WEST- and PELHAM sixteen basket-ball games this winter CHESTER, N.
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