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04A Legislative Text.Indd LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 5HG¿VK/DNHLQ)HEUXDU\ Photo Courtesy: Adam Gulick adamgulickphotography.smugmug.com/ LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS 136 IDAHO BLUE BOOK Legislative Branch The Idaho Legislature is responsible for translating the public will into public policy for the state, levying taxes, appropriating public funds, and overseeing the administration of state agencies. These responsibilities are carried out through the legislative process -- laws passed by elected representatives of the people, legislators. Since statehood in 1890, Idaho's legislators have enjoyed a rich and successful history of charting the state's growth. Much of that success can be attributed to the fact that Idaho's legislators are "citizen" legislators, not career politicians. They are farmers and ranchers, business men and women, lawyers, doctors, sales people, loggers, teachers. Elected for two-year terms and in session at the Capitol just three months each year, Idaho's citizen legislators are able to maintain close ties to their communities and a keen interest in the concerns of the electorate. The Legislature's Mission The Idaho Legislature is committed to carrying out its mission in a manner that inspires public WUXVWDQGFRQ¿GHQFHLQHOHFWHGJRYHUQPHQWDQGWKHUXOHRIODZ7KHPLVVLRQRIWKH/HJLVODWXUH is to: Preserve the checks and balances of state government by the independent exercise of legislative powers; Adopt a system of laws that promote the health, education and well-being of Idaho's citizens; Preserve the state's environment and ensure wise, productive use of the state's natural resources; Carry out oversight responsibilities to enhance government accountability; and Raise revenues and appropriate monies that support necessary government services. The Chambers The Idaho State Capitol, constructed in the same classical style of architecture as our nation's &DSLWROZDVVWDUWHGLQDQGWKHFHQWUDOSRUWLRQZDV¿QLVKHGLQ7KHHDVWDQGZHVW ZLQJVRFFXSLHGE\WKH/HJLVODWXUHZHUH¿QLVKHGLQ,GDKRVDQGVWRQHZDVXVHGLQIDFLQJ WKHRXWVLGHZDOOVDQG$ODVNDQPDUEOHZDVXVHGIRUWKHÀRRUVVWDLUFDVHVDQGWULPPLQJV7KH inside walls are of Vermont marble. The interior of the Capitol Building has been remodeled several times during it's 100-year history. Interior changes were made during the 1950s and 1970s to accommodate a growing Legislature. By the 1990s, crowding, outdated mechanical systems, and decades of hard use left their mark on the aging building. Recognizing the need to save the historic Statehouse and keep the building a working seat of government, the Legislature authorized creation of the Idaho Capitol Commission in 1998 to plan for and oversee a complete restoration, refurbishment, and expansion of the Idaho Capitol and its grounds. This massive undertaking was completed LQ'HFHPEHU The Membership Presently, the Idaho Legislature is composed of 35 Senators and 70 Representatives elected for two-year terms. The state is divided into 35 legislative districts, each represented by one Senator and two Representatives. Reapportionment, which must take place soon after the U.S. &HQVXV¿JXUHVDUHSXEOLVKHGHYHU\WHQ\HDUVUHDOLJQVOHJLVODWLYHGLVWULFWVSURSRUWLRQDWHO\ZLWK the census population totals. This had been the responsibility of the Legislature prior to 1994, LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 137 when an amendment to the Idaho Constitution was adopted creating an independent commission WRUHDSSRUWLRQVWDUWLQJLQDQGWKHUHDIWHU Elections are held in November of even-numbered years, and the newly elected legislators RI¿FLDOO\WDNHRI¿FH'HFHPEHUIROORZLQJWKHHOHFWLRQ5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQGVHQDWRUVPXVW be citizens of the United States, electors of the state and residents of their legislative district for at least one year prior to election. Legislative compensation is established by a citizens' committee, subject to rejection by the full Legislature. Legislators receive $16,116 per year, plus expenses for housing and travel GXULQJWKHVHVVLRQDQGDFRQVWLWXHQWVHUYLFHDOORZDQFHRI7KH3UHVLGHQW3UR7HPDQG Speaker receive an additional $4,000 per year. The Sessions Until 1969, sessions of the Idaho Legislature were held every two years. In November of 1968, the citizens of Idaho approved a Constitutional Amendment which authorized annual sessions. Since 1969, the Idaho Legislature convenes each January on the Monday on or closest to January 9th. Extraordinary sessions of the Legislature may be called only by the Governor by proclamation DQGOHJLVODWRUVPD\WKHQDFWRQO\XSRQWKRVHVXEMHFWVVSHFL¿HGLQWKHSURFODPDWLRQ 7KH2I¿FHUV 3UHVLGLQJRYHUWKH6HQDWHLVWKH/LHXWHQDQW*RYHUQRUZKRLVDQHOHFWHGH[HFXWLYHRI¿FLDO When presiding over the Senate, he is designated the President of the Senate. The Senate also has a President Pro Tempore, who is elected each session by the Senate membership. In the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House presides over the sessions. He is elected at the beginning of the session by the members and is a member of the majority party. 7KHPDMRULW\SDUW\RIERWKKRXVHVDOVRVHOHFWVPDMRULW\DQGDVVLVWDQWPDMRULW\ÀRRUOHDGHUV who assist in the orderly process of the session, along with the minority and assistant minority ÀRRUOHDGHUVZKRDUHHOHFWHGE\WKHPHPEHUVRIWKHPLQRULW\SDUW\ The Speaker of the House, in cooperation with the members of the majority party, assigns the chairmanships of all committees and the memberships of the committees in the House. In the Senate, the President Pro Tem, with the approval of the Senate, assigns members to committees. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House assign all bills to committees as they are processed "across the desk" during the sessions. Senate Leadership /W*RYHUQRU %UDG/LWWOH 3UHVLGHQW3UR7HPSRUH %UHQW+LOO 0DMRULW\/HDGHU %DUW'DYLV $VVW0DMRULW\/HDGHU &KXFN:LQGHU 0DMRULW\&DXFXV&KDLU 5XVVHOO0)XOFKHU 0LQRULW\/HDGHU 0LFKHOOH6WHQQHWW $VVW0LQRULW\/HDGHU (OOLRW:HUN 0LQRULW\&DXFXV&KDLU &KHULH%XFNQHU:HEE 138 IDAHO BLUE BOOK House of Representatives 6SHDNHURIWKH+RXVH 6FRWW%HGNH 0DMRULW\/HDGHU 0LNH0R\OH $VVW0DMRULW\/HDGHU %UHQW-&UDQH 0DMRULW\&DXFXV&KDLU -RKQ9DQGHU:RXGH 0LQRULW\/HDGHU -RKQ5XVFKH $VVW0LQRULW\/HDGHU *UDQW%XUJR\QH 0LQRULW\&DXFXV&KDLU 'RQQD3HQFH Lobbyists Any person who contacts a legislator or a legislative committee with the intent to LQÀXHQFHWKHDSSURYDOPRGL¿FDWLRQRUUHMHFWLRQRIDQ\OHJLVODWLRQLVDOREE\LVW,IWKLVSHUVRQ DFFHSWVSD\PHQWIRUKLVVHUYLFHVDVDOREE\LVWKHPXVWUHJLVWHUZLWKWKHRI¿FHRIWKH6HFUHWDU\ of State and comply with the “Sunshine Law” for political funds and lobbyist disclosure. The Sunshine Law for Political Funds and Lobbyist Activity Disclosure, (Title 67, Chapter 66, IGDKR&RGH), was enacted into law by an initiative in the 1974 general election by 78 percent voter approval. The law was effective upon the Governor’s proclamation on 1RYHPEHU 5HJLVWHUHG OREE\LVWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR ¿OH SHULRGLF UHSRUWV RI WKHLU DFWLYLWLHV ZKLFK GLVFORVHFRQWULEXWLRQVDQGH[SHQGLWXUHV7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVDUHIURPUHFRUGVRQ¿OHLQWKH Secretary of State¶VRI¿FH No. of Registered Total of Year Lobbyists Expenditures 1999 340 403,446.49 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 139 7KHH[SHQGLWXUHVRIOREE\LVWVUHJLVWHUHGLQZHUHLQFXUUHGIURPWKHHIIHFWLYHGDWHRI WKHODZ1RYHPEHUWKURXJK'HFHPEHU The Legislature at Work Each daily session of each house of the Legislature begins with the roll call of the members DQGDSUD\HUE\WKH&KDSODLQZKRLVVHOHFWHGE\WKHPHPEHUVWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHVHVVLRQ Traditionally, the sessions begin at 10:00 a.m. each morning and last until all immediate business WREHFRQVLGHUHGLV¿QLVKHG,QWKHHDUO\PRUQLQJDQGODWHDIWHUQRRQFRPPLWWHHPHHWLQJVDUH VFKHGXOHGWRSUHYHQWDQ\FRQÀLFWZLWKWKHVHVVLRQV/DWHLQWKHVHVVLRQODWHDIWHUQRRQVHVVLRQVDUH common. The sessions held at the beginning of the year are of a shorter duration as committees are meeting much of the time to consider legislation referred to their committees. 6RPHRIWKHDFWLYLW\RQWKHÀRRULVQHFHVVDU\GDLO\URXWLQH)RUWKLVUHDVRQDWWLPHVPHPEHUV will be away from their desks. Some may be in caucuses, which are informal meetings of the members of one political party, or perhaps testifying for their own bills before Senate or House committees. Others may be involved in hurried conferences with other members, or be seeing constituents or groups from their home districts who are visiting the Capitol. Some of WKHLQIRUPDOFRQIHUHQFHVRQFRQWURYHUVLDOLVVXHVZLOORFFXURQWKHÀRRULWVHOI Press, radio and television correspondents assigned to the Legislature have been allocated GHVNV DORQJ WKH VLGHV RI WKH SRGLXP RI WKH FKDPEHU ÀRRU VR WKH\ FDQ IROORZ FORVHO\ WKH session business. Most of the media quarters are located in the basement of the Capitol in the Rotunda area. The Committee Structure The House of Representatives has 14 committees and the Senate has 10. Committee membership is determined basically by the interest of the individual members. Although no one member FDQEHH[SHFWHGWREHH[SHUWLQDOO¿HOGVWKHYDVWPDMRULW\RIWKHPHPEHUVWKURXJKWUDLQLQJ or inclination, are highly conversant in certain areas. Effort is made to see that each member is assigned the committee of his choice. When appointments of committee chairmanships are made, it is customary to appoint a member of the majority party as chairman. Once the legislative session gets underway, the committees concern themselves with all bills assigned to them. Those interested in a particular bill are encouraged to testify before the committee to which the bill is assigned. Committee study guarantees a fair and impartial hearing upon each bill before committee members vote upon its merits and then determine whether
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