Review of Counselling Services in the Pacific Final Report Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development March 2017 Review of Counselling Services in the Pacific Preferred citation: Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2017), Review of Counselling Services in the Pacific Final Report, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development. For further information about this report, please contact: Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Website: Email:
[email protected] March 2017 Published in March 2017. Every effort was taken to ensure information included in this publication was correct at time of printing. Ⓒ Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development 2017. All rights reserved. Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development is an initiative of the Australian Government. Pacific Women i Review of Counselling Services in the Pacific Acknowledgements The evaluators wish to acknowledge the support of Nilesh Goundar, Program Manager of the Australian High Commission in Fiji, for his contribution to and cooperation with this review. Linda Petersen and Tara Chetty of the Pacific Women Support Unit played an invaluable role in facilitating the review. Thanks also to Nicolette Solomon of Cardno for support with the logistical requirements. Leaine Robinson and Patricia Fred, Program Managers of the Australian High Commission in Fiji and Vanuatu, spent hours organising the in-country visits and a wide range of meetings. To colleagues at the Vanuatu Women’s Centre (in Port Vila, Santo and Tafea), Empower Pacific, the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre, Lifeline and Medical Services Pacific – thank you for hosting our visits and sharing your views. Finally, we are grateful to all those external stakeholders and counsellors who took time to answer our many questions and share their views with us.