The Electronic Journal of . A publication of the International Linear Algebra Society. Volume 3, pp. 23-30, March 1998. ELA

ISSN 1081-3810.




Dedicated to Hans Schneider on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.

Abstract. Finite sets S of p oints in a Euclidean space the mutual distances of which satisfy

the ultrametric inequality A; B   maxfA; C ;C; B g for all p oints in S are investigated and

geometrically characterized. Inspired by results on ultrametric matrices and previous results on

simplices, connections with so-called centered metric trees as well as with strongly isosceles right

simplices are found.

AMS sub ject classi cations. 51K05, 05C12.

Key words. Ultrametric matrices, isosceles, simplex, tree.

1. Intro duction. In the theory of metric spaces cf. [1], a metric  is called

ultrametric if

1 A; B   maxA; C ;C; B 

holds for all p oints A; B ; C , of the space.

Let us observe already at this p oint that if A; B and C are mutually distinct

p oints, then they are vertices of an isosceles triangle in which the length of the base

do es not exceed the lengths of the legs. This is the reason why ultrametric spaces are

also called isosceles spaces.

It is well known [5, Theorem 1] that every nite ultrametric space consisting

of n + 1 distinct p oints can b e isometrically emb edded into a p oint Euclidean n-

dimensional space but not into suchann 1-dimensional space. We reprove this

theorem and, in addition, nd a complete geometric characterization of such sets.

Supp ose thus that we are given a nite set S of p oints in a p oint Euclidean n-

dimensional space. Wesay that this set is ultrametric if the mutual distances satisfy

1 for all triples of p oints in S .

In the sequel, we use a result on strictly ultrametric matrices [6], [8]; these are

real symmetric and entrywise nonnegative matrices a  satisfying


a  mina ;a  for all i; j; k ;

ik ij jk

a > max a for all i:

ii ik

k 6=i

Theorem 1.1. [6], [8]. Every strictly ultrametric A is nonsingular and

its inverse B =b  is a diagonal ly dominant symmetric M -matrix, i.e. b  0 for

ik ik


jb j for al l i. al l i; k , i 6= k , and b >

ik ii

k 6=i

Let us recall now some known facts from the Euclidean distance geometry and

qualitative simplex geometry.

Fact 1. Let A ;:::;A be points in a Euclidean space E . Then these p oints are

1 m

linearly indep endent if and only if


0 e

2 det 6=0

e M

Received by the editors on 14 January 1998. Accepted on 11 March 1998. Handling editor:

Daniel Hershkowitz.


Institute of Computer Science Czech Academy of Sciences, Pod vod arenskou vez 2, 182 07

Praha 8, The Czech Republic  [email protected]. This researchwas supp orted by grantGACR

201/95/1484. 23


24 Miroslav Fiedler


where e is a column vector of m ones, e its transp ose and M is the m-by-m Menger

matrix the i; k -th entry of whichisthesquare of the distance A ;A .

i k

Let, for n  2, A ;:::;A , b e linearly indep endent p oints in a p oint Euclidean

1 n+1

n-space E ,thus forming the set of vertices of an n-simplex . By Fact 1, the n + 2-



by-n + 2 matrix M in the left-hand side of 2 is nonsingular. Consider the matrix


Q =q , r;s =0; 1;:::;n + 1 such that



e f

3 Q = 2M :

This matrix has the following geometric meaning [4].


Fact =4r , r b eing the radius of the circumscrib ed sphere to ;



q are the barycentric co ordinates of the circumcenter of ; b the numb ers



c the matrix Q =q , i; k =1;:::;n+ 1 is the the matrix of mutual


inner pro ducts of the n + 1 outward normals to the n 1-dimensional faces of ,

normalized so that their sum is the zero vector. Thus, Q is p ositive semide nite with


rank n and the vector 1;:::;1 is -up to a nonzero factor- the only nonzero vector

x for which Qx =0.

A certain converse also holds as b efore, e is the column vector of ones.

Fact 3. Toevery n + 1-by-n + 1 real symmetric p ositive semide nite matrix

Q with rank n satisfying Qe = 0 there exists in E , up to congruence in E , a unique

n n

n-simplex  for which the construction ab ove yields this matrix Q.

The crucial prop erty of the matrix Q is that it determines the dihedral interior

angles of the simplex . Indeed, the dihedral interior angle  between the n 1-


dimensional faces opp osite to A and A i 6= k  adds with the angle of the outward

i k

normals to these faces to  so that



cos  = 4 :

p p


q q

ii kk

For sake of completeness, we recall and provide a complete answer to the question

of characterizing all p ossible distributions of acute, right and obtuse angles in an n-

simplex [2]. To make the result more transparent, we transfer these distributions to

the edges of : we call the edge A A i 6= k  positive if the opp osite dihedral angle

i k

 is acute, the edge will b e called negative if the opp osite angle is obtuse, and the


edge will b e neutral if the opp osite angle is right. We then refer to signs of the edges

the neutral edges will have sign zero.

Theorem 1.2. [2] In every n-simplex, the positive edges form a connected set

on the set of al l vertices. This condition is also sucient in the sense that whenever

we assign signs to edges of an n-simplex in such a way that the positive edges form a

connected set on al l vertices, then there exists a position of the vertices that realizes

these signs.

Proof. Denote N = f1;:::;n +1g. Supp ose that the set of p ositive edges do es

not connect the set of vertices fA g, i 2 N . This means that there exists a subset M


of N , ;6= M 6= N , such that in the previous notation, none of the angles  , i 2 M ,


k 2 N nM , is acute. By 4, q  0 whenever i 2 M , k 2 N nM . Since Qe =0,we



have q = 0 for all i.Thus q = 0 which can b e written as

ik ik

k i2M k


q + q =0:

ik ik

i;k 2M i2M

k 2N nM

This is imp ossible since the second sum is nonnegative whereas the rst is p ositive:


it is the value of the quadratic form q x x for the vector z =z , z = 1 for

ik i k i i i;k


Ultrametric sets in Euclidean p oint spaces 25

i 2 M , z = 0 otherwise, and z is non-zero and not a multiple of e.



To prove the converse, denote by E , E resp ectively, the symmetric subsets of


N  N corresp onding to p ositive, resp. negative edges. Supp ose that E connects

the set of vertices. The quadratic form



x x 

i k


i;k ;i

is clearly p ositive semide nite and -b ecause of connectedness- equal to zero only if the


vector x isamultiple of e. The matrix Q of this form is thus p ositive semide nite



with rank n and Q e = 0. Let similarly Q b e de ned for the analogous quadratic

form corresp onding to summing for i; k  2 E .

By basic prop erties of p ositive semide nite matrices, all principal minors of order at


most n of Q are p ositive. It follows that for some suciently small p ositive " the


same will b e true for the matrix Q = Q + "Q . Since Qe = 0, this matrix Q satis es

the assumptions of Fact 3. The corresp onding simplex will have edges of prescrib ed

signs which completes the pro of.

Remark 1.3. Observe that we assigned to an n-simplex with n +1 vertices a


signed undirected graph G =N; E ;E  whose set of vertices is N and sets of



p ositive, resp. negative edges are E , E , resp ectively. Here, and in the sequel, we

+ +

omit the neutral edges. By Theorem 1.2, the p ositive subgraph G =N; E is



connected. By elementary , the numb er of edges in E is at least n and


in the case that it is n, the graph G is a tree.


Corollary 1.4. [3], [4]. Every n-simplex has at least n acute interior dihedral

angles. There exist n-simplices which have exactly n interior dihedral angles acute


and al l the remaining i.e.,  right.


Simplices mentioned in the second part of Corollary 1.4 were called right simplices

in [3]. The edges opp osite to acute dihedral angles i.e., p ositive edges were called

legs.Thus the legs form a tree, geometrically a set of segments not containing any

closed p olygon and connecting the set of vertices of the simplex. Analogously to the

two-dimensional case, the face determined by all end- vertices of the set of legs will b e

called the hypotenuse of the right simplex. In [3], we proved the following theorem.

Theorem 1.5. [3] Any two legs of a right n-simplex areperpendicular. In

other words, the set of legs can becompleted to the set of edges of a rectangular

n-dimensional paral lelepiped. Conversely, any connected subset of edges of a rectan-

gular n-dimensional paral lelepiped no two of which areparal lel forms the set of legs

of a right n-simplex.

Remark 1.6. It follows from the Pythagorean theorem that the Menger matrix

M de ned ab ove is identical with the of the graph G whichisa


tree if we assign to each edge the square of the length of the corresp onding leg.

Corollary 1.7. Let a simplex H with n  3 vertices be the hypotenuse of a

right simplex the corresponding graph of which contains vertices of degree two. Then

H is also the hypotenuse of a right simplex  the corresponding graph of which has

no vertices of degree two. The number of vertices in  does not exceed 2n 2.

Proof. The p ossibility of restriction follows from Remark 1.6. Let now m b e the

numberofvertices of the tree which do es not contain vertices of degree two. The

number e of edges of this tree satis es e = m 1aswell as 2e  n +3m n. This

implies m  2n 2.

Remark 1.8. Observe that the center of the parallelepip ed is at the same time

the circumcenter of the right simplex.


26 Miroslav Fiedler

An easy consequence of this fact is the following result.

Theorem 1.9. [3] The barycentric coordinates of the circumcenter of a right


n-simplex are c , where for i =1;:::;n +1, c =1 d , d denoting the number

i i i i


of legs incident with the vertex A . The square of the diameter of the circumscribed


hypersphereisequal to the sum of squares of the lengths of al l legs.

Confronting the formula 3 with the results in Theorem 1.5, Fact 2 and the

expression for the Menger matrix from Remark 1.6 one sees easily the following fact.

Fact 4. In the case of a right n-simplex, the matrix Q =q  has the form



q = A ;A  if A A is a leg;

ik i k i k

q = 0 if i 6= k and A A is not a leg;

ik i k


q = q for all i:

ii ik

k 6=i

We conclude this section with an imp ortant fact ab out simplices without obtuse

interior dihedral angles. In this case, the set of negative edges E is void and the

graph G has p ositive edges only. Such simplices were called in [7] hyp eracute angled;


we call them hyperacute.

Theorem 1.10. [3] Let  be a hyperacute n-simplex with the set of vertices

fA g, i 2 N .Let M be a subset of N . Then the faceof determined by the vertices


fA g;i 2 M , is again a hyperacute simplex. Its graph G is uniquely determinedby

i 1

the graph G of  as fol lows. The set of its vertices is M ; two distinct vertices p and q

areconnected if and only if there exists in G apath from p to q such that al l vertices

of this path, except p and q ,belong to the set N nM .

2. Results. We rst intro duce a sp ecial kind of metric trees, i.e. trees every

edge of which has a p ositive length. In such a tree, the distance of twovertices is

simply the sum of lengths of edges in the unique path b etween these vertices. We

call a metric tree centered if it has a vertex C which has the same distance from all

end-vertices of the tree.

It is evident that in a centered metric tree T the vertex C is unique; we call it

the center of T and its distance from end-vertices is the radius of T . In addition, the

diameter of T , i.e., the maximum distance b etween twovertices, is twice the radius

of T .For our purp ose, we agree to consider as such centered metric tree also a graph

with a single vertex which is at the same time an end-vertex and the center, the radius

b eing zero.

The following lemma is easily proved.

Lemma 2.1. Let V be a vertex of a centeredtree T , let T be the induced subgraph


of T on the set of those vertices W of T for which the path from C to W contains V .

Then T is again a centered metric tree and its center is V .


We can now formulate a theorem the essence of whichwas proved in [8].

Theorem 2.2. Basic theorem on ultrametrics. Let D =  beareal sym-


metric n-by-n matrix. Then the fol lowing areequivalent.

a The numbers  are mutual distances of some ultrametric set of n distinct points.


b There exists a centered metric tree with at most 2n 1 vertices and exactly n

end-vertices, such that  are mutual distances between these end-vertices.


c There exists a centered metric tree with at most 2n 1 vertices and exactly n

end-vertices, with center C and radius r such that for any pair i; k of end-vertices,


r  is the distanceofC to the path between i and k for i = k , the path reduces



to the point i.


Ultrametric sets in Euclidean p oint spaces 27

Proof. a  b. We use induction in n.For n = 1 and n = 2, the implication is

true. Supp ose that n>2 and that the implication is true for smaller p ositiveintegers.

Let A ; :::; A , b e p oints of the ultrametric set U . Let  = max A ;A . De ne

1 n 0 0 i;k i k

a relation R in the set N = f1;:::;ng by

0 0

iR k  A ;A  < :

0 i k 0

The relation R is re exive, symmetric and, by 1, transitive. Let M [ M [ :::[ M

0 1 2 s

b e the decomp osition of N into classes of equivalence with resp ect to R . The sets

0 0

U = fA ;j 2 M g, k =1;:::;s, are again ultrametric and since s>1, each of them

k j k

contains less than n p oints. By the induction hyp othesis, there exist metric trees T ,


k =1;:::;s, with centers C and radii r such that the mutual distances b etween

k k


A ;A ; max their jM j end-vertices are the corresp onding  's and r =

p q p;q 2M k pq k




observe that all the r 's are smal ler than  .Wenow construct a centered tree T

k 0 0


from the trees T by joining eachvertex C with a new vertex C by an edge of length

k k 0

r r . The tree T is indeed centered with center C since the distance of an end-

0 k 0 0


vertex in, say, M , from C is r , from C to C is  r , so that its distance from

i i i i 0 0 i



C is r = max A ;A . It is also immediate that the distance b etween

0 0 p;q 2N p q



two end-vertices in di erent M 's is  . Finally, the numberofvertices in T is

k 0 0


2 jM js + 1 which do es not exceed 2n 1.



b  c. Take the same tree T in c as wehave in b. We again use induction.


Let i, j b e end-vertices. If i = j , the assertion in c is correct. Let thus i 6= j . If the

path from i to j in T contains C , then  =2r and the assertion is again correct.

0 0 ik 0

Let now the path from i to j not contain C . Then b oth i and j b elong to some M

0 k

in the previous notation. By the induction hyp othesis, the distance of C to the path



 . Since the distance b etween C and C is r r , the result is as asserted. is r

ij 0 k 0 k k


c  a. Let a centered metric tree b e given. It suces to show that for any triple

p, q , r , of distinct end-vertices, at least two of the distances d , d , d , of the paths

pq pr qr


from the center C are equal and the third is at least that long. Let C b e the last

vertex in common to all three paths from C to the end-vertices; of the rst vertices


C , C , C , of these paths to p, q , r , next to C at least one, say C , is di erent from

p q r p


each of the other two. Then b oth d , d , are equal to the distance from C to C and

pq pr

d is not smaller.


We pro ceed now to the case of Euclidean spaces.

Theorem 2.3. Every ultrametric set of distinct points in a Euclidean spaceis

formed by linearly independent points.

Proof. Let M b e the Menger matrix of the given p oints forming an ultrametric


set, and let M b e the matrix


0 e


e M


By Fact 1, wehavetoprove that det M 6=0.To this end, it suces to showan

equivalent statement that


0 e

6=0 for some : det


e ee M

Cho ose  greater than the square of the maximum distance b etween the given p oints.


The matrix ee M will then b e strictly ultrametric. Its inverse B =b isby ik


28 Miroslav Fiedler

Fact 2 a diagonally dominant M -matrix and thus satis es


b > 0 for all i:



Wehave then, I b eing the ,


0 e 0 e

det = det

T 1

e ee M e B


0 e


= det B det

Be I

1 T

= det B e Be



= det B b :



Since this sum is p ositive, the pro of is complete.

In the sequel, wethus consider ultrametric simplices only, i.e., simplices the ver-

tices of which form an ultrametric set. Having in mind the relationship b etween trees

and right simplices mentioned in Theorem 1.5 and Remark 1.6, weintro duce a notion

which corresp onds to that of the centered metric tree.

A right simplex  is called right strongly isosceles if one of its vertices C , called

quasicenter, has the same distance from all vertices of the hyp otenuse H of .

Remark 2.4. It is easily seen that an equivalent prop erty of such a right simplex

is that for some vertex, the quasicenter, the line connecting it with the circumcenter

of the hyp otenuse is p erp endicular to the hyp otenuse. Observe that, due to Remark

1.8, the center of the parallelepip ed generated by the simplex is also a p oint of this


We can now formulate our main result.

Theorem 2.5. The vertices of the hypotenuse of any strongly isosceles right

simplex form an ultrametric set of at least two points. Conversely, every ultrametric

set of n  2 distinct points in a Euclidean space forms the set of vertices of the

hypotenuse of a strongly isosceles right simplex of dimension at most 2n 2.

Proof. Let  b e a strongly isosceles right simplex the hyp otenuse H of which

has n vertices. Clearly, n  2. The set of legs of  forms a tree T .Ifwe assign to

each leg as a new graphic length the square of its geometric length, then T can b e

considered as a metric tree. By the Pythagorean theorem, the square of the geometric

distance b etween anytwovertices of the hyp otenuse is equal to the graphic distance

in T . Since  is isosceles, T is centered. By Theorem 2.2, the distances b etween

the end-vertices of T satisfy 1. The same is thus true for the geometric distances

between the n vertices of the hyp otenuse. By Corollary 1.7, H is even the hyp otenuse

of some right simplex with at most 2n 1vertices, since the quasicenter mightbe

incident with only two legs. This simplex is easily seen to b e again strongly isosceles.

The converse follows also from Theorem 2.2.

Theorem 2.6. Every ultrametric simplex is hyperacute.

Proof. It follows from Theorems 2.5 and 1.10.

We conclude this section by an apparently new characterization of the distance

matrix of a general ultrametric set formed by n distinct p oints.

Theorem 2.7. Let D =d  beann  n matrix. Then the fol lowing are



1. D is the distance matrix of an ultrametric set of n distinct points.


Ultrametric sets in Euclidean p oint spaces 29

2. There exist n 1 positive numbers a ;:::;a ,andapermutation P of the indices

1 n1

1;:::;n, so that d =0for k =1;:::;n; and


5 for 1  i

P i;P k P k ;P i j

Proof. It is immediate that 2. implies 1. To prove the converse, we use induction

in n. The implication 1:  2: holds for n = 1 and n = 2. Supp ose that D =d is


an ultrametric distance matrix corresp onding to n>2 distinct p oints and that the

implication holds for all such matrices of smaller order. D is nonnegative symmetric

and has zero entries only in the diagonal. Let d b e a maximum entry in D ;we can


assume that p

iRk , d

ik pq

This relation is re exive, symmetric and, by ultrametricityofD , also transitive. Let

N = N [ N [ ::: [ N b e the decomp osition of N into classes of equivalence with

1 2 r

resp ect to R, the rst, say, s of them having more than one element, the remaining

only one. Reorder N so that we start with entries in N and continue till N .Ifs =0,

1 r

all o -diagonal entries of D are equal to d and we can take a = ::: = a = d .

pq 1 n1 pq


Let thus s  1, let m = jN j. In the reordered matrix D the upp er-left-corner m  m


submatrix is again ultrametric corresp onding to distinct p oints. By the induction

hyp othesis, there exist p ositivenumb ers a ;:::;a , and an ordering of indices in

1 m1

N so that 5 holds. The same holds also for N [ ::: [ N with some numb ers

1 2 r

a^ ;:::;^a . Set now a = d , a =^a , k =1;:::;n m 1. For the

1 nm1 m pq m+k k

appropriate ordering, 5 will hold for the whole matrix D .

Remark 2.8. The ordering of p oints in this \interval representation" is not

unique. For instance, the two p oints determining the interval with one of  the small-

est a can b e switched. On the other hand, if wehaveaninterval representation of


an ultrametric set S and if S is a subset of S , then an interval representation of S

1 1

can b e obtained by preserving only the p oints corresp onding to S , and setting the


value of the interval I between the two consecutive p oints in S as the maximum of


the values of the original intervals whose union is I .

3. Realization of Ultrametric Sets. We end the pap er by showing howto

realize ultrametric sets in Cartesian co ordinates of the Euclidean space.

Let D =d  b e the matrix of mutual distances of n  3 p oints satisfying the


ultrametric inequalities. Using the partitioning algorithm from the pro of of Theorem

2.2, we construct a centered metric tree T without vertices of degree two except p os-

sibly the center which has exactly n end-vertices and such that the mutual distances


are the squares d . This is p ossible since the squares again satisfy the ultrametric


inequality. The total number m of its vertices thus satis es n

Corollary 1.7.

Let V ;:::;V b e the vertices of T , E ;:::;E its edges. We can assume that

1 m 1 m1

V ;:::;V are the end-vertices and V the center of T .To eachvertex V we assign

1 n m s

its radius r and to each edge E =V ;V  its length  = jr r j.

s k p q k p q

Wenow construct a set of m p oints W ;:::;W in the Euclidean m 1-

1 m

dimensional space with the usual orthonormal basis and corresp onding Cartesian

co ordinates as follows.

, ;V ;:::;E ;V The p oint W has all co ordinates zero. For s>1, let V ;E

j k j m m k

t t 1 1

j = s, b e the path from V to V in T . The co ordinates a ;:::;a ofW are

t m s 1s m1;s s


30 Miroslav Fiedler

given by



a =  if j = k for some p; 1  p  t;

js k p



a = 0 otherwise :


Let us show that the p oints W form the set of vertices of a right and even strongly


isosceles m 1-simplex whose set of vertices of the hyp otenuse solves our problem.

Observe that if V ;V  is an edge in T , then the co ordinate vectors of W and

i k i

W di er in exactly one co ordinate. The set of edges of T thus corresp onds to the set


of legs of a rightm 1-simplex with vertices W ;:::;W . In addition, the square

1 m

of the length of each leg is equal to the length of the corresp onding edge of T . The

prop ertyofT to b e centered implies that this simplex is strongly isosceles with the

quasicenter W .


Let us show that the mutual distances of the vertices of its hyp otenuse form in

the appropriate ordering the matrix D .

Let thus W , W b e distinct vertices of its hyp otenuse, thus corresp onding to

i j

end-vertices V , V of T . Let V b e the closest vertex of the path b etween V and

i j k i

V to V .Wehave then by the de nition of W and Theorem 2.2 that the square

j m k



of the distance b etween W and W is r d . Since the squares of the distances

m k



between W and each W , W are equal to r ,we obtain by Pythagorean theorem that

m i j


2 2 2

d and thus jW W j = d as asserted. jW W j = jW W j =

i j ij i k j k




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