United States Naval Administration of the Trust of the Pacific Islands
,,.,,, ,,,.- . ---._ .... ,,: ~4 . m UNITED STATES NAVAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS By DOROTHY E. RICHARD Commander, U. S. N. R. i llic Office of the Chief of Naval Operations 1957 ,,, ,.-, ,.-.,,,— ,.,,., -.. ,,.,. .— ,.,-- ,,, -, ,,,..,, ,,.,,,,—.,,.., e+ CONTENTS Page Part I Trusceeshlp Chapter I. Planmng for Trusteeship 3 1[ Esrabl]shment ot che Trust Tcrrjcorv of the PJcIfIc Islands 26 Part 1[, Naval CIVI1 Admln]straclon Chapter 1[[. Establishment n( CIVI1 Admlnlstratlcm 47 [V. The Chief of Naval Operarlons (Island Gnvcrnments) 52 V. The High Comrnlssloner, The Denield-Ramsey Era 65 \71. The High Commlwoner, The Rad!ord Reg]me 91 VII. The Chief Admlnlstratnr F]eld Headquarters 119 VIII. F]eld Admm]scrat]orr. The Govern~rs 129 IX. Field Adm]rrlstratlon The C1\ll .{dm]nlscrators 140 X. F,eld Admlnlstratlon CIVI1 Admlnlsrratlon Umt SUffS 157 Part 111. X,c\al Command Chapter XI. The Command System 169 XII. The Secur]tv Problem 178 XIII. Loglstlcs, F]nwsce, Supply and Trmsporcatlon 207 XIV. Operaclons Publtc W’orks and O~ratlmral Atds 249 XV. Personnel: Pol]cy and Tralnlng 271 XVI. Personnel. Allowances X39 XVII. Persnrrnel. Asslgnmenrs 310 part IV. Narlve Admln Lscrarlnn Chapter XVIII .idmln]srratlon POIICVand Problems 353 X1X. Sr~tus nf the People 370 XX. Local Government : S3 XXI. Terrltorlal Law 421 XXII. The Judlc]ary 436 XXIII. >Ialncenarrce of Law and Order 4s0 Part V. SucIal Rehab]lltatlcm Chapter XXIV Social Cnrrdlclons 477 XXV. Land and Clalms 500 XXVI. Relocation of Peoples, I 507 XXVII. Relocation of Peoples, 11 556 XXVIII. Sclenclfic Assistance 571 Pare VI. Economic Rehabllltarlon Chapter XXIX.
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