INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ISSN NO : 2236-6124 LAND UTILIZATION ON FARM IN FATEHABAD’S DISTRICT OF HARYANA 1 Virender Singh Research Scholar Tantia University, Shri Ganganagar (Raj.)Email Id:
[email protected] 2 Dr. Rajender Godara Assistant Professor, Department of Economics at Mizan Tepi University Mizan Ethiopia 3 Bal Krishan Assistant Professor (Contractual) Department of Economics, Choudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana)Email Id:
[email protected] 4 Dr. P.S. Shekhawat Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Economics SKN Agricultural College, Jobner (Raj.)Email Id: premsaa72@gmail. Abstract During the five year plan 2012-2017 year. Haryana state’s GSDP compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.96 percent. The Current year prices of Haryana state’s total GSDP US$85 billion in 2016-17. Haryana agriculture’s contribution of 7 percent export in agricultural sector. The production and productivity of wheat and rice in India has reached at saturation point. But the farmers of agriculturally advanced states like Punjab and Haryana still preferring to grow the wheat and rice even aware about the problems created by this crop rotation in terms of degrading the soil health and depleting water level. Moreover, profitability from these crops has almost stagnated due to stagnating yields and increasing input expenses including human labour. In such situation, crop diversification towards coarse cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables and commercial crops will be a future strategy to increase the income of the farmers and sustain the natural resources from further degradation. In this background, the diversification from traditional crops to commercial crops in and blocks level as well as district in fatehabad of Haryana assumes special significance and this study is planned to focus on these concerns.