Technical Report UW-CSE-2018-12-02 Technology-Enabled Disinformation: Summary, Lessons, and Recommendations December 2018 John Akers Gagan Bansal Gabriel Cadamuro Christine Chen Quanze Chen Lucy Lin Phoebe Mulcaire Rajalakshmi Nandakumar Matthew Rockett Lucy Simko John Toman Tongshuang Wu Eric Zeng Bill Zorn Franziska Roesner (
[email protected]) Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Abstract In this report, which is the culmination of a PhD-level spe- 1 Technology is increasingly used — unintentionally (mis- cial topics course in Computer Science & Engineering at the information) or intentionally (disinformation) — to spread University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School in the fall false information at scale, with potentially broad-reaching of 2018, we consider the phenomenon of mis/disinformation societal effects. For example, technology enables increas- from the perspective of computer science. The overall space ingly realistic false images and videos, and hyper-personal is complicated and will require study from, and collabora- targeting means different people may see different versions tions among, researchers from many different areas, includ- of reality. This report is the culmination of a PhD-level spe- ing cognitive science, economics, neuroscience, political sci- cial topics course1 in Computer Science & Engineering at ence, psychology, public health, and sociology, just to name the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School in the a few. As technologists, we focused in the course, and thus in fall of 2018. The goals of this course were to study (1) how this report, on the technology. We ask(ed): what is the role of technologies and today’s technical platforms enable and sup- technology in the recent plague of mis- and disinformation? port the creation and spread of such mis- and disinformation, How have technologies and technical platforms enabled and as well as (2) how technical approaches could be used to mit- supported the spread of this kind of content? And, critically, igate these issues.