2020 Buffalo Rocket Issue 19 Page 3
Buffalo RocketCOMMUNITY NEWS Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969 www.buffalorocket.com Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times Vol. LI ISSUE No. 19 • Thursday, May 7, 2020 The Summer of the Ride Food Drive Scheduled The Hertel North Park WNY for much needed Youth Baseball and Soft- support. ball League is hosting We can’t do it alone a food drive and you can on Saturday, help. Please May 9th from dropp of your 12 pm until 2 can goods, pm. The drop non perish- off location ables or make will be at 475 a monetery Beard Ave- contribution. nue, Buffalo, Restaurant NY. gift cards and No one check will should go be accepted. hungry Make checks during the COVID-19 payable to FeedMore pandemic. With school WNY. closures, job disruptions We hope to see you and health risks, many there to support this Western New Yorkers worthy cause. are turning to FeedMore The Summer of the Ride gives the community two ways to celebrate the 25th anniversary — ride with us or ride their own way between August 1 and 21, 2020. The Ride for Roswell, climate and concerns to celebrate throughout presented by the West about how long the need the month of July; get- Support Local Herr Automotive Group, for caution will last, the ting on bikes to ride Au- introduced the Summer usual single-day format gust 1–21; and a closing of the Ride, a re-imag- will be replaced with ceremony August 21. It Restaurants ined event offering mul- summer-long engage- will also offer many new tiple riding options be- ment opportunities offer- kinds of rider rewards tween August 1 and 21.
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