)!!fJer/11J.11J ur details Cade Michals Publisher / CEO • ~baJJ?
[email protected] Bill Clevenger PresitJent
[email protected] Frankie Espinoza Music Editor
[email protected] Lance Wilcox Creative Marketing Director
[email protected] Tyler Frazier Special Projects Manager
[email protected] Photographer Paul Stricklin abOUT Magazine P.O. Box 667626 Houston. TX 77266 (713) 396-20UT (2688) (281) 274-9349 rJagen www.abOUT-Online.com .~ ISSN Library of Congress 2163-8470 (Prim) 2163-8446 (On-Line) All original arriclel. photographs. design. and artwork is the $Oleproperty of .bOUT Publications and may nor be reproduced wiehaul the e%prcs. permission of abOUT PublicaliolU views expressed do nOI ncwwily rc&:t the views of the tall'. publilher or abOUT PublicadolU. Unwlicircd material is :=pled. ,bOUT Publicatiotll2012 All Righu RcscrvcdO NOVEMBER 30TH - DECEMBER 9TH First Year I Anniversary ALL WINTER SPORTS JACKETS 50% OFF ALL SWEATERS 40% 0 ALL SHORTS 30% 0 JOIN US FOR A WORKING ALL TEES 20% OFF MAN'S LUNCH BREAK. MEMBERS GET $)0 LOCKERS, WEEKDAYS~ MIDTOWNE PM ~.s non-members add $8 31QO FFlNNN 5TAEET - HClUSTt::JN.TX 77Q04 [7l3) saa-a37S FASHION STUDIO 'A': IJ~ llll W~~th~imeRa, . Ho\l$ton 1X11006 1l1,S41t-1661 'What the hell is wrong with you gays and fag hags these days?! I recently had a fabulous ~ SAVE [!]I"·~[!] ~ night out and noticed how badly mannered M ~.] , people can be. When you push your way through ': $2 [!j :'l : a circle of people conversing to say "Hello", it's rude to ignore the rest of the people standing i 5Off '"""/",,,••.",c.I i there.