Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of Groundnut in Bangladesh Panel of Authors Dr. Hamiz Uddin Ahmed, Team Leader Dr. Md. Abdul Latif, Senoir Entomologist Dr. Md. Fazlul Huq, Agronomist Dr. Abu Taher Mia, Plant Pathologist Dr. Md. Abdul Latif, Entomologist Dr. Shaker Ahmed, Economist Kbd. Md. Rabiul Awal, Study Coordinator Reviewed by Md. Ahsan Ullah, Consultant– PRA, SPCB Project, DAE Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh Project Plant Quarantine Wing Department of Agricultural Extension Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka. June 2017 Submitted By Center for Resource Development Studies Ltd 13C/8C Babar Road, Block-B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh Tel: 880-02-55020295, 01978154150; Email:
[email protected] Foreward The Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh (SPCB) Project under Plant Quarantine Wing (PQW), Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Ministry of Agriculture conducted the study for the “Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of Groundnut in Bangladesh” according to the provision of contract agreement signed between SPCB, DAE and Centre for Resource Development Studies Ltd. (CRDS) on 11 December 2016. The PRA study is a four-month assignment commencing from 11 December 2016 under the SPCB, DAE. The overall objectives of this Pest Risk Analysis are to identify the pests and/or pathways of quarantine concern for a specified area of groundnut and evaluate their risk in Bangladesh, , and to identify risk management options. To carry out the PRA study, the consulting firm conducted field investigations in 70 upazilas under 28 major groundnut growing districts of Bangladesh for listing of pests of groundnut in Bangladesh. The study covered the interview of 7000 groundnut growers; 28 FGDs each of which conducted in one district; information from DD of each districts, UAO and 10 SAAO of each upazila and BARI/BINA Researchers of each region; physical inspection and visits of the groundnut fields under sampled districts.