June 2008 Annual Subscription Rs. 60

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June 2008 Annual Subscription Rs. 60 June 2008 Annual Subscription Rs. 60 June 2008 ◆ Swaminarayan Bliss 27 1 23 4 SWAMISHRI IN SARANGPUR, April-May 2008 1. Swamishri blesses the assembly of 8,000 devotees gathered for the diksha ceremony (23 April). 2-3. Swamishri blesses the 21 newly initiated sadhus and 30 parshads. 4. Swamishri performs morning puja on the occasion of Sarangpur mandir’s 92nd patotsav (10 May). Title: Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj, Yagnapurush Smruti Mandir, Sarangpur Photos: Sadhu Yogicharandas June 2008, Vol. 31 No. 6 CONTENTS FIRST WORD 1. Swaminarayan History How well do you listen? Shri Hari’s Sadness ..............................4 Effect of spurning Muktanand Swami’s victory... Do you allow your friends to finish what they are saying? Or, do you often finish sen- 2. On Life Music to Whose Ears............................7 tences before they can? Do you really try to The universal language... understand what they are saying or do you 3. Guru Parampara assume you know what they are saying? Dur- Shastriji Maharaj: Master, ing meetings are you patient and responsive Motivator and Manager .....................11 or are you impatient and reactive? Maximum output from limited resources... Asking yourself these questions and many 4. Great Indian Personalities more will help you realize that your listening Maharshi Valmiki ...............................15 Author of the Ramayan... skill could do with some improvement. Effective listening enables you to under- 5. Spirituality A Temple to Science? .........................18 stand what the person is saying the first time. The unchanging Truth... This helps you avoid making mistakes and mis- 6. Vicharan representations. You can save a lot of time, and Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Vicharan ....20 reduce error and stress by listening attentively. 7. BAPS News People often become vexed and uninterested UK Kishore-Kishori Mandal when they are not listened to. Proper listening ‘Bring-A-Friend’ Day, London.............23 helps one avoid interpersonal conflict. Gujarati Spelling Bee Competition, People who listen keenly are liked, trusted Houston ..............................................24 Anti-Addiction Rally, Jaipur...............24 and respected. They give an impression that Kishore Summer Shibirs,Gujarat .......25 they genuinely care for what you have to say. Bal-Balika Summer Camps, Gujarat...26 And that is why they are most sought out for Environmental Awareness Cycle Rally, Surat ...............................26 friendship and guidance. How well do you listen to spiritual dis- Website: www.swaminarayan.org courses? Shravan or listening is the primary E-mail: magazine@swaminarayan.org and fundamental step towards spiritual real- Founder: HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj Editor: Sadhu Swayamprakashdas ization. Without effective listening one is Contributors: Sadhu Vivekjivandas, Sadhu Amrutvijaydas stymied from progressing to the next steps of Designer: Sadhu Shrijiswarupdas Published & Printed by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, manan (evaluation), niddhidhyas (repetition) Shahibaug, Ahmedabad–380 004. India. and sakshatkar (realization). ◆ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Correction: In last month’s First Word the word Outside India (By Air Mail) India Shaktipanthis was mistakenly repeated for the third type of Rupees Pounds US DollarsRupees 1 Year 400 6 10 60 kusang. It should have been Shushkavedanti, who believe 2 Years 800 12 20 110 God’s abode, his divine form and the murti of God’s avatar 3 Years 1200 18 30 160 to be false. SWAMINARAYAN HISTORY TRANSLATION: SADHU VIVEKJIVANDAS Shri Hari’s Sadness Muktanand Swami won a debate in Vadodara. Shri Hari was pleased and rejoiced at the news. But a new twist saddens Maharaj... otiba nodded and start- But news of Muktanand Swami’s ed walking away. Shri victory and glory were not appreci- MHari called her and ated by Nirvikalpanand Swami and said, “Motiba, listen. This is Haryanand Swami. They both not a small thing. You simply hissed of jealousy and arrogance to nodded and took off. Muk- Maharaj, “What has Muktanand tanand Swami’s victory in Swami achieved! If you had the royal assembly in sent us, we too would Vadodara was an occa- have been victorious.” sion that calls for Shri Hari was not celebration and pleased with joy. Bring some their comment. sugar crystals. I Muk- want to give tanand Swami handfuls to all.” was like a moth- Motiba realized er in Satsang. that Maharaj was in an He was concerned exultant mood. She respond- about the prestige of the ed with gusto, “Yes Maharaj, it Satsang fellowship. Shriji was indeed a phenome- Maharaj believed him to be nal victory. Muktanand his guru and respected him as Swami’s victory was a victory for the such. And the two sadhus nourished whole of Satsang. I shall order the sugar crys- such ill feelings towards him! They considered tals immediately.” After Motiba’s departure, sev- him to be their peer. Their words were like poi- eral sadhus came to Maharaj. Shri Hari narrated son vitiating the joy of victory. Shri Hari’s face the good news about Muktanand Swami’s victo- turned solemn and sad. He declared, “When ry. Shukmuni Swami praised, “Maharaj, he was there is no respect for each other in Satsang, no victorious because of your grace.” Maharaj acceptance of another’s greatness and stark jeal- replied, “I grace those who are eligible. And ousy and hatred for one’s seniors, then it is not only then victory of such calibre happens.” worth my staying any longer. These two sadhus 4 Swaminarayan Bliss ◆ June 2008 are personifications of ego. They are in Satsang, spiritual assemblies at all. When Mukund Brah- yet they are aloof and disconnected.” Then machari brought food for him, he would eat Maharaj added, “I shan’t stay any longer in this very little and that too only sometimes. Every- Satsang fellowship.” Thereafter, Maharaj one became despondent at Maharaj’s sadness. returned to his residence and remained inside Neither Brahmanand Swami nor Sura Khachar his room. When Nath Bhakta and Jusaji came could dissolve Maharaj’s melancholy. and prostrated, Maharaj was pleased. He asked Once, Shri Hari said, “Soon, I shall go away them whether they had rested well. Both of to the forest. Like before, I will travel in the them nodded and replied that they were going forests alone. If an aspirant comes my way I to depart for Vadodara that day. Maharaj got up shall preach to him.” from his bed and embraced the two devotees to Brahmanand Swami replied, “You will only express his joy and blessings. Shri Hari told come across animals. There will be no people Adbhutanand Swami to bring to him a large wandering in the forest.” piece of quality paper. Maharaj wished to print Shri Hari explained, “Even though animals his charnarvind (holy feet) and send them to have less intelligence they do have some power Muktanand Swami. Adbhutanand Swami of understanding. Man has the power of intelli- brought the paper along with a large dish of gence, but his base instincts of prejudice, enmi- saffron, sandalwood paste and kumkum mixed ty, lust and anger have made his intellect stub- in water. Maharaj decided to imprint two hun- born and evil. Therefore he is worse than an dred pairs. While he was imprinting, Shukmuni animal.” Swami tried to stop Maharaj from making any Brahmanand Swami realized the strong further effort, “Maharaj, you will get tired!” Shri tinge of disapproval still lingering in Maharaj’s Hari replied, “Muktanand Swami has achieved a sadness. He humbly beseeched, “Maharaj, we great victory. Despite his advanced age and will try to become better humans. But that will tuberculosis, see how much he endeavours. So, be possible only if we have your association. how can I tire in such minor effort. Even if I Therefore, do not look at our faults. We live by were to prostrate to such a sadhu, it would not your grace and compassion.” be enough.” Shukmuni Swami remained silent The lamentations of Laduba, Jivuba and and was awed by Maharaj’s respect for Muk- other women devotees heightened. They sent a tanand Swami. He thought that Maharaj was message to Shri Hari, “Maharaj, you are our pleased in praising Muktanand Swami, there- soul. If you leave us then only our dead bodies fore his sadness would soon evaporate. So he will remain.” But Maharaj was firm in his deci- simply listened and acknowledged Maharaj’s sion. They added, “If you leave Gadhpur words. Then Shri Hari gave the two hundred because of your sadness then the whole of Sat- pairs of charnarvinds to Adbhutanand Swami sang will criticize us.” and said, “Go with Nath Bhakta to Vadodara Shri Hari replied, “I will celebrate one last and give the charnarvinds to Muktanand Swami. festival and then take permission to leave from Tell him that Maharaj is very pleased with you, the Satsang community of sadhus and devotees. and has sent you these charnarvinds.” But I do not wish to stay here any longer.” Adbhutanand Swami prostrated before “But which festival do you want to cele- Maharaj, placed the charnarvinds with respect brate?” Sura Khachar asked. on his head and left for Vadodara. “Come to the village of Adaraj in Gujarat. Day by day Shri Hari’s sadness increased. He There, I shall celebrate the annakut festival and remained in solitude, not presiding over the then depart forever. Send invitations to all the June 2008 ◆ Swaminarayan Bliss 5 devotees. I shall leave for Adaraj tomorrow, but wise and prudent people have started appreciat- no one should follow me.” ing the difference between the decadent Vaish- Some prayed, “Maharaj, since you are not nav community and the sterling virtues propa- coming back, allow us to accompany you to gated by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. By and by Adaraj. Even a little association with you will you too will understand and appreciate this.” make our hearts peaceful.” Himraj Shah became pensive. He too was Shri Hari agreed and declared that all should aware of the stark difference.
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