Cardinal Newman Break-In Will Cost Over

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Cardinal Newman Break-In Will Cost Over He was a Runner Fun-filled Event Peregrinos for Japanese Mafia. at Our Lady of Guadalupanos Now a Catholic Guadalupe Church Encontraron Nueva Priest Page 5 in Windsor Page 15 Virgin Page 18 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The Newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • • JANUARY 2017 Noticias en español, pgs. 18-19 Everyone invited to ‘Walk for Women, Walk for Life’ at 13th annual pro-life event in San Francisco San Francisco, December, 2017 – Organizers of the A significant goal of our prayer garden is to facilitate a sense of community where everyone’s participation is of equal importance. The theme of our prayer garden is Peace and Hope, and it is open to everyone. 13th Annual Walk for Life West Coast invite everyone to join them on January 21, 2017 in San Francisco to continue proclaiming a powerful message that has been present since its beginning over a decade ago: New Prayer Garden Unites there is hope and healing from abortion, women deserve better than abortion, and as a society we have Parish Community to do better. A new prayer garden beside Our Lady of Guadalupe You might think that the above paragraph is inter- Catholic Church, near the corner of Old Redwood esting—but you might also be wondering what is Highway and Alden Lane in Windsor, was officially such a big deal about a prayer garden being dedicated. dedicated—after two years of planning, fundraising After all, don’t most Catholic churches have some sort and construction—with a blessing ceremony Sunday of outdoor grotto? In this case, the big deal is not the afternoon, December 11th, by Santa Rosa Bishop fact that a prayer garden was created but rather HOW Robert Vasa. (see New Prayer Garden, p. 4) These women, and the over 50,000 people expected to join them at the Walk for Life, believe these options are actually more “pro-woman” than abortion, protecting a woman’s Cardinal Newman break-in natural instinct to love her child and giving her choices to empower her to do so. will cost over $100,000 The Walk for Life West Coast began 13 years ago as a grassroots effort from locals who live in the At approximately 7:00pm on December Bay Area. Co-founders and Bay Area residents Eva 19th, an intruder broke into the main office Muntean and Dolores Meehan started the Walk for building (through window areas of doors) Life West Coast to show people that there are other and went through building, breaking items, options for woman than abortion. These women, breaking windows, destroying office areas, and the over 50,000 people expected to join them and emptying drawers and cupboards, and at the Walk for Life, believe these options are actu- defacing the statue of Cardinal Newman. ally more “pro-woman” than abortion, protecting a Eric Parker, Facilities Director and Laura woman’s natural instinct to love her child and giving Held, President arrived on campus by her choices to empower her to do so. 7:30pm and joined fire department, and the Each year, an important part of the Walk for Life is Good news is no one was hurt. We sheriff department. The sheriff department the “Info Faire” that takes place before the Walk. The are all safe.” Laura Held, President was able to apprehend the person respon- Info Faire features both local and national resources of Cardinal Newman. (see Cardinal Newman Break-In, p. 4) (see Walk for Life, p. 4) My dear people: I want to take this opportunity in the space of my Those Old Testament words continue to touch our throughout the year a renewed sense of wonder and usual column to express to you my most sincere and hearts, affect our lives and move our actions. The awe in His presence. May you experience God in the prayerful hopes that the Christmas Season which con- spoken word, however, was not all that God had silence of your hearts. tinues for about two weeks after Christmas be for you planned for us. Finally, He sent His Word in person I also want to take this opportunity to thank you a time of unparalleled joy. I pray that the grace and and that Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. for your faith-filled generosity to your parishes, to the peace of God our Father, the love of Christ the King That Word, Jesus, is still with us, in our midst, pres- Diocese and to charitable endeavors. While there are and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit the Sanctifier ent among us. God sent His own personal touch into challenges ahead of us Christmas reminds us again of ever abide with each of you. I pray that your Christ- the world and the world figuratively stood still and the presence and providence of God, fills our hearts mas celebrations have been filled with grace, that they silent at the event. with hopeful joy and strengthens us to face more have been times of reflection, prayer It was a silent night, a holy night, a boldly and courageously the various challenges of life. and spiritual growth. night divine, a night on which Christ I assure you of my constant prayers for you and I ask We now stand in the early weeks our Savior was born. We enter into that God send every good grace and blessing upon of the New Year with the Birth of that same silent, holy, divine night, you throughout this New Year. ❖ our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that same experience, as we celebrate immediately behind us. We can still the Christmas event in our Sacred remember well the moving tones Liturgy. In that celebration we real- of Silent Night and O Come All Ye ize again a fulfillment of the prophecy Faithful. One could sing Silent Night of Isaiah, “The people who walked in PRIESTLY and other Christmas hymns at any darkness have seen a great light and time of the year but it is really only at upon those who dwell in the shadow ORDINATION From the Bishop Christmas when they are mixed with of death, Light has shown.” (Isaiah 9:2) such marvelous graces that they have Jesus is our Light. Jesus is our Savior. ANNIVERSARIES the capacity to touch our hearts. The Bishop Robert F. Vasa is Jesus is our Redeemer. He sets foot into Rev. David Galeana reality is that it is God Himself who the sixth bishop of the our world and God dwells among us. Diocese of Santa Rosa. January 13, 2012 reaches into our world and touches I pray that on our most recent ‘Silent our hearts. He did this many times Night’ you too had the opportunity over the centuries as recorded in the Old Testament. to stop in silence and experience what the shepherds Prayer for Priests He talked to Adam, summoned Noah, called Abra- heard and felt. Yet, we know with faith that Jesus Gracious and loving God, we thank ham, appointed Moses, anointed David, sent Isaiah, abides in the world not only at Bethlehem at Christ- your for the gift of our priests. and, at the end of that era, commissioned John the mas but every day in each of our local Churches. Through them, we experience your Baptist. Then in the fullness of time God spoke defini- Throughout the year, I pray that you frequently enter presence in the sacraments. tively in the Person of His own, only Begotten Son, into the Presence of the Lord and joyfully remember Help our priests to be strong in their Jesus, the Anointed One. the Angels’ song. Our experiences at Christmas are vocation. Set their souls on fi re It is this most welcome intrusion of God into our wonderfully heightened but we can and really must with love for your people. history and into our lives which we celebrate and experience and appreciate every day the wonderful Grant them the wisdom, understanding, relive at each Christmas Season. God’s word trans- touch of God and His ongoing entry into our lives. and strength they need to follow in mitted through prophets and kings certainly had I pray that God will send into the lives of each of the footsteps of Jesus. the power to touch the hearts of the Chosen People. you at the completion of this Christmas Season and Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to CONTENTS experience joy in their ministry. NEW PRAYER GARDEN UNITES POPE FRANCIS PARDONS PRIEST TIED TO VATILEAKS NEWS BRIEFS ........................................................15 Help them to become instruments PARISH COMMUNITY ...............................................1 SCANDAL .................................................................6 of your divine grace. CAN CLASSICAL EDUCATION SAVE US FROM WALK FOR WOMEN, WALK FOR LIFE .......................1 DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MOTTO? .............................7 VICTIMHOOD CULTURE? ........................................17 We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. CARDINAL NEWMAN BREAKIN WILL COST FATIMA VISIONARY PREDICTED ‘FI NAL BATTLE’ MIS QUERIDOS FELIGRESES: ..................................18 Amen. OVER $100,000 ........................................................1 WOULD BE OVER MARRIAGE, FAMILY .....................7 PEREGRINOS GUADALUPANOS ENCONTRARON MY DEAR PEOPLE: ...................................................2 WHO YOU GONNA CALL ON MURKY MORAL NUEVA VIRGEN DE BRONCE ...................................18 ISSUES? CATHOLIC BIOETHICISTS ..........................8 THERE’S A GENERATION THAT DIDN’T KNOW NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL ..........................................19 JOHN PAUL II THIS FILM IS FOR THEM. ..............3 ‘I MADE A HUGE MISTAKE’ WHY ONE RADICAL FEMINIST CHANGED HER MIND ON ABORTION .......9 WHY IS MY PASTOR ALWAYS ASKING HOW CAN YOU TELL IF SOMEONE IS FOR MONEY ...........................................................21 DEMONPOSSESSED? ................................................3 WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A HOMELESS PERSON? ADVICE FROM CATHOLIC URBAN MISSIONARIES ..10 CALENDAR .............................................................22 HE WAS A RUNNER FOR THE JAPANESE MAFIA.
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