Almond and Stone Fruit Growers Reduce OP, Increase Pyrethroid Use in Dormant Sprays

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Almond and Stone Fruit Growers Reduce OP, Increase Pyrethroid Use in Dormant Sprays Instead of applying an organophosphate dormant-season spray, almond growers can monitor and treat only when pests are present. For the peach twig borer, one alternative is a bloomtime spray of the microbial agent Bacillus thuringiensis. Almond and stone fruit growers reduce OP, increase pyrethroid use in dormant sprays Lynn Epstein u Susan Bassein -I Frank G. Zalom Growers and pesticide applicators face water contamination and the ore than 750,000 acres of in California are legally required Federal Clean Water Act man- M almonds, nectarines, peaches, to file pesticide use reports with dates a reduction in movement of plums and prunes are grown in the details about every application to OPs into surface water. However, Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys (fig. 1). During the 1970s and 1980s, a commercial crops. We used the the decline in use of OPs has suggested component of an integrated individual applicator records to been accompanied by an increase pest management (IPM) program for document a decline in the use of in use of pyrethroid pesticides, these tree crops was to apply an orga- organophosphatepesticides (OP) particularly in stone fruit orchards. nophosphate (OP) insecticide (e.g., on almond and stone fruit orchards Additional implementation of diazinon, naled [Dibrom], phosmet during the rainy season in Califor- “reduced-risk” integrated pest [Imidan], methidathion [Supracide] or nia, a time period in which the management practices could fur- chlorpyrifos [Lorsban]), generally with trees are dormant. The decline is ther reduce use of dormant appli- oil, during the dormant season. Dor- important because dormant appli- cations of OPs and pyrethroids on mant sprays effectively control a com- cations are a major source of sur- almonds and stone fruit orchards. plex of significant pests, pariicularly 14 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 54. NUMBER 6 the peach twig borer (Anarsia lineatella) and the San Jose scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus). The application also con- trols two important aphids on plums and prunes: the leaf curl plum aphid (Brachycaudus helichysi) and the mealy plum aphid (Hyalopterus pruni). The oil component of the application controls the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi) and the brown mite (Byobia rubrioculus) on all of the orchard crops. When the application of an OP dur- ing the dormant season was first intro- duced in the early 1970s, it was viewed as an environmentally sound practice, because one application dur- ing the dormant season potentially re- places multiple applications during the growing season (Rice et al. 1972). Also, an application of an OP during the dormant season has other environ- mental advantages over an in-season application: fewer adverse affects on beneficial arthropods, less exposure to field workers, and no exposure of fruit to potential residues. However, during the 1990s, in response to food safety concerns, regulators took a critical look at use of OPs. Carbamates (e.g., carbaryl [Sevin])and OPs are targeted under the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. In addition, federal and state regulatory agencies are particularly concerned about OP contamination of surface waters, such as streams and spinosad (Success);or in-season use of Fig. 1. Counties In the Sacramento and rivers. The OPs originate in part from pheromones for mating disruption San Joaquln valleys with at least 6,175 acres of elther almond, nectarine, peach, dormant-season applications that are (Bentley et al. 1999; Zalom et al. 1998). plum or prune orchards. Regulators are washed from almond and stone fruit To control San Jose scale, the reduced- concerned about the contamination of ma- orchards during winter rainstorms risk treatment is a high rate of oil jor rivers by dormant-season appllcatlons (Domagalski et al. 1997). without another insecticide. Alterna- of organophosphates (OP). Research to determine alternatives tive practices for aphids on plums and to dormant-season OPs for almond prunes are currently being researched. throids, with some observed field fail- and stone fruit orchards was initiated To control these pests, growers also ures. Also, residues of the pyrethroid in 1990 (Barnett et al. 1993; Hendricks can use either dormant or in-season insecticides permethrin and esfen- 1995). Use of the research results was applications of conventional pesticides valerate persist on bark, and may im- promoted by UC Cooperative Exten- that have a broad range of activity and pact beneficial arthropods for an ex- sion advisors and specialists, and also are somewhat effective: either pyre- tended period of time (Zalom et al. in by the Biologically Integrated Orchard throids (e.g., permethrin [Ambush or press). Systems (BIOS) demonstration project. Pounce] or esfenvalerate [Asana]) or in To comply with the Federal Clean The first recommended alternative to some instances carbamates. However, Water Act, the California State Water dormant-season OPs is to monitor for there are environmental risks associ- Resources Control Board and the Cali- pests, and treat only when the pest is ated with these materials. Dormant fornia Department of Pesticide Regula- present. For the peach twig borer, en- applications of pyrethroids and car- tion (CDPR) are required to prevent vironmentally reduced-risk treatments bamates might also contribute to con- and to respond to movement of OPs may include any of the following: tamination of surface water. Further- into surface water (Bennett et al. 1998). bloomtime sprays of the biocontrol more, in areas of the Sacramento Toward this goal, the Regional Water agent Bacillus thuringiensis; a dormant, Valley, there is greatly increased toler- Quality Control Boards instituted en- bloom or in-season application of ance of the peach twig borer to pyre- vironmental monitoring and devel- CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2000 15 ware, the 1990 and 1991 data were too unreliable to use (Epstein et al. in press). Consequently, we used 1992 as the first year of our study, except for two county-crops (Butte County almonds and Stanislaus County peaches) in which the data were not of suffi- cient quality until 1993. For this study, pyrethroids, carbam- The pile of frass at the entrance of a peach ates and endosulfan twig borer hibernaculum indicates the pest‘s presence. To reduce peach twig were classified as “other chemicals.” B. borer populations during the season, thuringiensis, spinosad and oil applied 5 growers can use pheromones for mating without an insecticide were classified -2 disruption. Ym as “reduced-risk” alternatives. Phero- * mones were not included here as a tive IPM practices. There may be ad- reduced-risk material because it is To control San Jose scale in the dormant vantages to growers in switching to al- generally used in-season. In addition, season, a reduced-risk treatment is a high ternative control methods, particularly although there may be underreporting rate of oil without another insecticide. in parts of the San Joaquin Valley of pheromone use in the PURs, the where the San Jose scale is becoming overall use of pheromones for peach oped regional plans. The Region 5 Wa- resistant to OPs. Also, to the extent twig borer mating disruption at any ter Quality Control Plan is focused on that growers can monitor and then time of year was very low during the the Sacramento and San Joaquin river treat only in the years when it is indi- study period. watersheds, including the land drain- cated, reduced use of OPs may lower In this paper, the “rainy season” co- ing into the Sacramento, Feather, San production costs if monitoring is less incides with the ”dormant season,“ Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus and expensive than pesticide application. that is, the dormant period in which Tuolumne rivers and their associated chemical treatments are applied plus creeks and drains. This area includes Applicator records the bloom period in which either B. the Sacramento Valley and the north- In California, growers and pesticide thiiringiensis or spinosad are applied. ern and central portions of the San applicators are legally required to file We considered the “rainy season” to Joaquin Valley (fig. 1). Pesticide Use Reports (PUR) with de- be from Dec. 10 to March 20. Although The State Water Quality Plans have tails about every application to com- the actual rainy season starts during three tiers of implementation. In tier I, mercial crops. We analyzed the or- the autumn in California, treatments growers are asked to voluntarily use chard crops on which the largest with OPs on the dormant plants do best management practices to reduce quantity of OPs are applied on dor- not commence until mid-December be- movement of OPs into surface water. mant orchards (almond, peach, prune, cause leaves typically remain on the If the Regional Water Quality Control plum and nectarine) and the counties trees at least until this date. Boards deem it necessary, they have with at least 6,175 acres of these tree We computed the relative percentage the authority to invoke the more crops (fig. 1).When indicated, we have of planted acres that were treated with stringent tiers. In tier 11, regulators presented data only for selected coun- either OPs, other chemicals, reduced- set water-quality goals and encour- ties in the Sacramento Valley (figs. 2 risk materials, or were untreated dur- age use of best management practices. and 3) and in the northern and central ing the dormant season. Data also was In tier 111, regulators control effluent San Joaquin Valley because use of examined on a per-grower basis. Re- release. To date (October 2000), CDPR dormant-season OPs in the southern sults on a per-grower basis were com- has asked growers to voluntarily take San Joaquin Valley is of less immedi- parable to the data shown here that are measures to reduce water contamina- ate concern to regulators. on a per-area basis. tion from OPs during the rainy season We retrieved all individual applica- We calculated the total pounds ac- (Bennett et al.
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