Arxiv:2010.10536V3 [Cond-Mat.Mes-Hall] 17 Jun 2021
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Topological correspondence between magnetic space group representations and subdimensions Adrien Bouhon,1, 2, ∗ Gunnar F. Lange,3 and Robert-Jan Slager3, y 1Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA), Stockholm, Sweden 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden 3TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J.J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom (Dated: June 18, 2021) The past years have seen rapid progress in the classification of topological materials. These diag- nostical methods are increasingly getting explored in the pertinent context of magnetic structures. We report on a general class of electronic configurations within a set of anti-ferromagnetic-compatible space groups that are necessarily topological. Interestingly, we find a systematic correspondence between these anti-ferromagnetic phases to necessarily nontrivial topological ferro/ferrimagnetic counterparts that are readily obtained through physically motivated perturbations. Addressing the exhaustive list of magnetic space groups in which this mechanism occurs, we also verify its presence on planes in 3D systems that were deemed trivial in existing classification schemes. This leads to the formulation of the concept of subdimensional topologies, featuring non-triviality within part of the system that coexists with stable Weyl points away from these planes, thereby uncovering novel topological materials in the full 3D sense that have readily observable features in their bulk and surface spectrum. I. INTRODUCTION eigenvalues indicated schemes [34], that is symmetry indi- cators [35] and, very recently, topological quantum chem- With the advent of topological insulators (TIs) { istry [36]. gapped quantum matter having a topological entity by Already in the non-magnetic case the refined evalua- virtue of symmetry { the past years have seen a rein- tions resulted in new insights. In particular, the discrep- vigorated interest in band theory. Time reversal sym- ancies between different approaches culminated in the metry (TRS) has played a major role in these develop- formulation of the concept of fragile topology [37]. These ments, standing at the basis of the developments of the are topological invariants that, unlike stable counter- first models of the general notion of symmetry protected parts, characterize band-subspaces separated by energy states [1,2]. More recently, the interplay with crys- gaps from the other bands that can be trivialized upon talline symmetries has provided a plethora of topologi- the closing of the gaps [38{41]. Of particular interest are cal characterizations [3{22]. In particular, it was found systems with PT or C2T symmetry that were early char- that a substantial fraction of topological materials can acterized through a stable Z2 invariant [42{45], and more be diagnosed by refined symmetry eigenvalue methods. recently through a fragile Z invariant [38, 46] given by the Heuristically this pertains to considering combinatorial Euler class [47{49] for which new physical effects have constraints between high symmetry momenta in the Bril- been predicted [50]. In fact, taking into account multiple louin zone (BZ), which can be shown to reveal classes of gap conditions [49], these phases go beyond any sym- band structures that actually match the full machinery metry eigenvalue indicated notion and relate to the mo- of K-theory analysis in certain cases [23], and then com- mentum space braid trajectories of non-Abelian frame- paring them to real space atomic limits in order to define charge characterized spectral nodes [48, 51, 52]. The role non-triviality with respect to this reference [24, 25]. of C2T symmetry has also been pointed out in the non- Despite the crucial role of TRS, arguably the most trivial topology of the low energy bands of twisted bilayer paradigmatic TI model actually involves the formulation graphene [53, 54]. of TRS-breaking Chern bands [26], manifesting the orig- Here we revert to the question what physical impli- inal inspiration of these pursuits by Quantum Hall ef- cations the extension to magnetic space groups (MSG) fects. Hence, it is of natural interest to consider the role symmetries can bring within the above context. To arXiv:2010.10536v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 17 Jun 2021 of magnetism in combination with the above recent de- this end we start by a case study in space group fam- velopments. While the interplay of topology and mag- ily (SG) 75 and find that within a magnetic background netism entails a vast and established literature, ranging some Wyckhoff positions necessarily imply non-triviality. from spin liquids to axion insulators [27{33], there have Turning to anti-ferromagnetic case we, for the first time, been rather fruitful results on both essential symmetry find a model exhibiting fragile and Euler class topol- ogy in a MSG and identify the protecting symmetries as well as defining quantities. The magnetic symmetry defining anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) order is however bro- ∗ [email protected] ken upon adding a generic Zeeman term, giving rise to y [email protected] a ferro/ferrimagnetic-compatible (FM) phase within the 2 a) b) II. MAGNETIC SPACE GROUP AND MAGNETIC STRUCTURE: A FIRST CASE STUDY IN SG P4 (NO. 75) 2b 2c To concretize matters we depart from a simple model for the tetragonal magnetic space group PC 4 (MSG No. 75.5 using the BNS convention)[57, 58]. The MSG can be decomposed into left cosets as G75:5=G75:1 = (Ej0)G75:1 + MSG75.5 MSG75.1 0 (Ejτ) G75:1, where the space group G75:1 = C4 × T (P 4, No. 75.1 in the BNS convention) has no anti-unitary FIG. 1. Background magnetic structures for MSG75.5 symmetry [57](E is the identity, the prime (·)0 stands and 75.1 with Wyckoff positions of interest indicated in for time reversal, and τ = a =2 + a =2). MSG75.1 (P4) standard notation. The latter MSG is effectively real- 1 2 ized by making the oppositely-oriented moments (red/blue has point group C4 with the normal subgroup of trans- spins aligned with thez ^-axis perpendicular to the plane) lations T corresponding to the primitive tetragonal Bra- in the former of unequal magnitude. This thus relates vais lattice fn1a1 + n2a2 + n3a3gn1;n2;n32Z where the an antiferromagnetic-compatible configuration of the SG75- primitive vectors are a1 = a(1; 0; 0), a2 = a(0; 1; 0), family with a ferro/ferrimagnetic one. and a3 = c(0; 0; 1). In the following we first focus on the two-dimensional projection z = 0, namely we study the corresponding magnetic layer group pc4 (denoted MLG49.4.357 in [58]). In addition, we use the fact that MSG75.5( PC 4) is generated by (C4zj0)T (C4z is the ro- tation by π=2 around the z-axis in the positive trigono- same family. The correspondence subsequently manifests metric orientation) and (Ejτ)0T (we will call (Ejτ)0 a itself by conveying that the fragile topological nature has non-symmorphic time reversal symmetry (TRS) as it to translate into bands of finite Chern number in the contains a fractional translation). FM counterpart. Going beyond fragile topology, we find that the other remaining possibility of this configuration entails a symmetry protected Weyl semi-metallic phase phase, characterized by a quantized π-Berry phase. The Generally, magnetic space groups with non- symmorphic TRS, called Shubnikov space groups stable nodal phase corresponds to finite Z2 symmetry in- dicator [35] that is protected by the combination of the of type IV [57], correspond to AFM structure. Writing (r; m) for a magnetic moment m located at r, the C4 and C2T symmetries. We moreover show that this 0 phase possesses a systematic correspondence to a non- action of (Ejτ)0 gives (Ejτ) (r; m) = (r + τ; −m), and [(Ejτ)0]2 trivial Chern insulating FM counterpart at half-filling, the square (r; m) = (r +a1 +a2; m), i.e. the mo- characterized by an even Chern number C = 2 mod 4. ment is conserved under translation by a Bravais lattice We then generalize our findings by formulating an ex- vector while it is flipped under a fractional translation. haustive list of tetragonal MSGs featuring this necessar- Hence MSG75.5( PC 4) is compatible with the AFM ily present topological configurations and their system- structure drawn over one unit cell in Fig.1a), where atic correspondences relating AFM and FM counterparts. all the moments of equal sign (pointing in the direction We moreover address the effect of adding and remov- of the verticalz ^-axis) are obtained under the action of ing unitary symmetries leading to the identification of elements generated by (C4zj0)T. In the following, we magnetic Dirac points [55], and the generalization of the assume the existence of a magnetic background and C2T protected Weyl semi-metallic phases to numerous describe its effect on the band structure's topology of MSGs. Most importantly, we find that this mechanism itinerant electrons. We note that such magnetism can can occur on planes in 3D systems that were previously be obtained directly as localized atomic magnetism diagnosed as trivial. At the crux of the argument lies within density functional theory frameworks [59], or as that the in-plane topology must coexist with symmetry the solution of an effective spin Hamiltonian mapped indicated nodes away from the subdimensional regions, from the Green's functions of interacting electrons such that the 3D conditions appear trivial. Nonetheless, [60, 61]. Alternatively, effective electronic tight-binding these subdimensionally enriched topological nodal topolo- Hamiltonians were derived from the double exchange gies exhibit robust topological features, such as corner model, i.e. non self-interacting electrons coupled through modes plus Fermi arcs in the subdimensional gapped Hund's coupling to local classical magnetic moments fragile AFM case [56], or Fermi arcs plus Fermi arcs in the that interact via super-exchange coupling [62], where the subdimensional Weyl nodal AFM case, and thus pinpoint electron spins anti-align with the local moments, and to a new class of gapped-nodal topological materials to for which line-nodal semimetallic phases were recently explore.