Interplay of 4 f -3d interactions and spin-induced in the green phase Gd2BaCuO5

Premakumar Yanda,1 I. V. Golosovsky,2 I. Mirebeau,3 N. V. Ter-Oganessian,4 Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal,5 and A. Sundaresan 1 1School of Advanced Materials and Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur P.O. 560064, India 2National Research Center, Kurchatov Institute, B. P., Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188300 Gatchina, Russia 3Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 4Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia 5Institut Laue-Langevin, 71, Avenue des Martyrs, CS 20156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

(Received 19 December 2019; revised manuscript received 31 March 2020; accepted 29 April 2020; published 3 June 2020)

In most of the spin-induced , the ferroelectricity is caused by inversion symmetry breaking by complex spin structures of the transition-metal ions. Here, we report the importance of interplay of 4 f -3d magnetic interactions in inducing ferroelectricity in the centrosymmetric (Pnma) green phase compound 3+ 2+ Gd2BaCuO5. With decreasing temperature, a long-range incommensurate ordering of both Gd and Cu spins at TN = 11.8 K occurs with the modulation vector k = (0, 0, g) and a lock-in transition to a strongly 1 noncollinear structure with kc = (0, 0, /2)atTloc ∼ 6 K. Both spin structures induce electric polarization  consistent with the polar magnetic space groups Pm1 (α,0, g)ss and Paca21, respectively. Based on the symmetry analysis of magnetoelectric interactions, we suggest that the ferroelectricity in both commensurate and incommensurate phases is driven by a complex interplay of two-spins and single-spin contributions from magnetic ions located in noncentrosymmetric environments. Our study demonstrates that the green phase family of compounds may serve as a playground for studying the multiferroic phenomena, where the interplay of 4 f -3d interactions demonstrates an alternative route to find magnetoelectric materials.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023271

I. INTRODUCTION are the exchange striction, the spin current, or the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, and in some cases p-d Magnetoelectric multiferroics, which allow magnetic-field hybridization [3,7,20]. control of electric polarization and electric-field control The green phase compounds R BaCuO , where R = of magnetization, have been the subject of great inter- 2 5 Sm–Lu and Y, having a centrosymmetric (Pnma) crystal est in the field of condensed-matter physics due to their structure exhibit a wide range of magnetism and ground- fundamental physics and applications in spintronics [1–5]. state spin structures due to strong 4 f and 3d interactions Along this line, the spin-induced multiferroics, in which [21–25]. In these compounds, the magnetic interactions be- certain magnetic orders break inversion symmetry and thus + + + + tween Cu2 ions occur through Cu2 –O–R3 –O–Cu2 su- induce electric polarization, attracted much attention be- perexchange path and therefore the magnetic interactions be- cause of strong coupling between electric and magnetic or- + + tween Cu2 :3d and R3 :4 f sublattice moments are important ders [2,3]. For example, the well-known rare-earth man- in understanding their magnetic properties. In general, the ganites RMnO , RMn O ,CaCoMnO ,NiV O ,MnWO, 3 2 5 3 6 3 2 8 4 Cu- and R-sublattice moments in these compounds undergo CoCr O ,Gd. Dy . MnO , delafossites, and the recently 2 4 0 5 0 5 3 long-range antiferromagnetic ordering at different tempera- reported aeschynite family of oxides, RFeWO (R = Eu, Tb, + + 6 tures except Gd BaCuO where the Cu2 and Gd3 moments Dy, and Y), etc. are known to exhibit spin-induced mul- 2 5 order simultaneously around 12 K [25–28]. Previous neutron- tiferroicity [6–14]. While the layered copper oxides were diffraction study on Gd BaCuO reveals that this compound known for the high-temperature superconductivity, several 2 5 exhibits incommensurate with a modula- complex copper oxides such as LiCu O ,LiCuVO,CuO, 2 2 4 tion vector k = (0, 0, g) below 12 K and undergoes lock-in Bi CuO ,GeCuO , and CuFeO have been reported to ex- 2 4 2 4 2 transition at 5 K to a commensurate magnetic structure with hibit multiferroic properties [13,15–19]. In all these materials, k = (001/2) [29]. Considering that the magnetic ions are the microscopic mechanisms responsible for ferroelectricity c located at the local noncentrosymmetric crystallographic sites [30], we thought that these magnetic structures may induce magnetoelectric properties. In this paper, we report the observation of ferroelectricity Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the in both commensurate and incommensurate spin states of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further the compound Gd2BaCuO5. Reinvestigation of the previous distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) neutron-diffraction data [29] reveals that the incommensurate and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. ordering corresponds to elliptical cycloidal structure with the

2643-1564/2020/2(2)/023271(7) 023271-1 Published by the American Physical Society PREMAKUMAR YANDA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 023271 (2020) polar magnetic point group m1, and the low-temperature commensurate phase is strongly noncollinear with the po-  lar magnetic Paca21 (point group mm21 ). We suggest that a complex interplay of two spins and single- spin contributions from ions located in noncentrosymmetric environments are responsible for the multiferroicity.


Polycrystalline sample of Gd2BaCuO5 was prepared by heating the stoichiometric mixture of high-purity Gd2O3 (pre- ◦ heated), BaCO3, and CuO at 950 C in the air as described in Ref. [21]. Magnetization measurements were performed by a superconducting quantum interference device magne- tometer (MPMS, Quantum Design). The specific heat (Cp) was measured in the physical property measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design). To measure the dielectric con- stant and pyrocurrent (electric polarization), we used 0.46- mm-thickness hardened pellet of polycrystalline Gd2BaCuO5 sample covered with an area 25 mm2 of silver paste, while the temperature and magnetic field control were provided by PPMS. The dielectric constant as a function of tempera- ture under different magnetic fields was recorded using the Agilent E4980A LCR meter. The temperature dependence of pyrocurrent was measured with a Keithley 6517A elec- trometer and electric polarization was obtained by integrat- ing the pyrocurrent with respect to time. Low-temperature neutron-diffraction data collected at the G61 diffractometer FIG. 1. (a) Schematics of the crystal structure of Gd2BaCuO5. (λ = 4.76 Å) in the Laboratory Léon Brillouin (Saclay) were (b) Temperature-dependent dc magnetization measured under vari- used to analyze the crystal and magnetic structure refinements ous magnetic fields in field-cooled sequence (left axis) and specific performed by using the FULLPROF program [31]. heat data measured under zero magnetic field.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION seen in Fig. 1(b), where a small anomaly at 6 K indicates the Figure 1(a) depicts the crystal structure of Gd2BaCuO5 lock-in transition. viewed along the b axis. The refined powder x-ray-diffraction We observe dielectric anomalies at both the TN and Tloc (XRD) pattern and complete structural details are provided in temperatures under zero magnetic field as shown in Fig. 2(a). Fig. S1 and Table S1, respectively, in Supplemental Material The low-temperature anomaly at Tloc is suppressed gradually [32]. In this structure, the oxygen coordination polyhedra of with applied magnetic field and disappears above 0.7 T. On two Gd3+ sites differ slightly but the local environments differ the other hand, the high-temperature anomaly shows a small significantly. The Gd2 ion is bonded to six nearby copper ions shift to low temperature and becomes broad. A notable mag- through oxygens, five of the six Gd2–O–Cu bond angles being netodielectric effect is observed below the magnetic ordering close to 180◦, whereas Gd1 is bonded to only three copper temperature with the value of ∼0.05% on an average [32]. ions at bond angles close to 90◦. To explore whether the dielectric peaks are associated with The peak of magnetization at 11.8 K at low field (0.01 T) ferroelectricity, we have recorded temperature-dependent py- in Fig. 1(b) confirms the long-range antiferromagnetic or- roelectric current under different magnetic fields which are dering of Cu2+ and Gd3+ moments, which is suppressed shown in Fig. 2(b). Prior to the measurement, we have poled under applied magnetic fields indicating possible change in the sample where a magnetic field was applied parallel to the the magnetic structure. Upon further cooling, we observe a poling electric field. A clear asymmetric peak is seen at the small anomaly at Tloc ∼ 6 K which is consistent with the TN = 11.8 K under zero magnetic field, indicating the emer- lock-in transition [29]. This anomaly shifts to high tem- gence of spontaneous electric polarization. At Tloc, another perature with applied magnetic fields. The Curie-Weiss fit pyrocurrent peak appears in the same direction, indicating the and field-dependent magnetization are presented in Fig. S2, appearance of a ferroelectric state below Tloc with an addi- Supplemental Material [32]. The effective magnetic moment tional polarization. The corresponding polarization is shown obtained from the fit is μeff = 11.56 μB which is close to the in Fig. 2(c), where the appearance of spontaneous polarization theoretical value of 11.36 μB. The negative Curie-Weiss con- at the onset of magnetic ordering and the enhanced polar- stant is θCW =−4 K, indicating that dominant interaction is ization at Tloc demonstrate the type-II multiferroic nature of 2 antiferromagnetic. The behavior of M(H ) data are consistent Gd2BaCuO5. The value of polarization is 5.5 μC/m at 2 K with the antiferromagnetic ordering. The long-range order is under zero magnetic field. We did not observe any significant further confirmed by λ transition at 11.8 K in heat capacity, as change when the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to


FIG. 2. (a) Dielectric constant (εr ) as a function of temperature measured under various magnetic fields at the frequency 50 kHz. (b) Pyrocurrent as function of temperature and magnetic field. Inset shows pyrocurrent under zero magnetic field (c) Polarization obtained by integrating the pyrocurrent with respect to time. (d) Polarization measured with positive and negative poling electric fields. the poling electric field. Interestingly, under applied magnetic origin a,b,2c;0,0,0]. The transformation to the standard setting fields, the pyrocurrent peaks at Tloc are opposite to that at Paca21 is performed by c,b,−a;0,1/4,1/8. The refined mag- TN , which is reflected as a dip in polarization and which netic moment is 6.73(0.03) μB per Gd and 1.02(0.02) μB per shifts towards TN , consistent with the magnetization behavior Cu which are comparable to the theoretical values of 7.0 μB 3+ 2+ [Fig. 1(b)]. The switchable nature of electric polarization by per Gd and 1 μB per Cu for fully localized electronic changing the direction of poling electric field and observation states, respectively. It is important to note that the magnetic of dc bias signals (Fig. S4) confirms the intrinsic nature of space group Paca21 is polar and thus breaks the inversion ferroelectricity as shown in Fig. 2(d) [32]. Hence, our exper- symmetry of the parent group Pnma1 and induces electric imental results demonstrate the spin-induced multiferroicity polarization of the form Pm = (px, 0, 0) in the parent setting. in Gd2BaCuO5. It is worth pointing out here that the isostruc- tural compound, Sm2BaCuO5 exhibits polarization only under magnetic field, typical of linear magnetoelectric effect [33]. The observation of multiferroicity in Gd2BaCuO5 is not consistent with the reported ground-state magnetic structure with magnetic space group PS1,¯ which is centrosymmetric and therefore cannot induce ferroelectricity [29]. To unravel the nature of the magnetic ordering, which causes the polar- ization in Gd2BaCuO5, we have reinvestigated the magnetic structure by analyzing low-temperature magnetic powder- diffraction data in more details, using the magnetic space group formalism. Firstly, we have refined the neutron data at 1.3 K by Rietveld method with the magnetic structural model 1 consistent with the wave vector kc = (0, 0, /2) and param- agnetic space group Pnma1. The low-temperature magnetic structure obtained from the refinement is commensurate and strongly noncollinear as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 3.The obtained orthorhombic magnetic structure associated with cell FIG. 3. Refined neutron-diffraction data recorded at 1.3 K. In- doubling along the c axis can be described by magnetic space set shows the noncollinear commensurate magnetic structure of group Pc21ca [Belov-Neronova-Smirnova (BNS) setting that Gd2BaCuO5 at 1.3 K in the magnetic unit cell. (Gd1, purple; Gd2,  is related to the parent Pnma1 and conserving the same orange; Cu, blue).

023271-3 PREMAKUMAR YANDA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 023271 (2020)

FIG. 4. Magnetic structure of Gd2BaCuO5 at 9.8 K viewed along the b axis (bottom) and a general orientation (upper part) described in Pm1(a, 0, g)ss. The magnetic structure shown here is constituted by 1 × 1 × 10 unit cells of the paramagnetic structure. The nonmagnetic atoms as well as the Cu atoms have been removed for the sake of clarity. (Gd1, purple; Gd2, orange).

 On the other hand, for Tloc  T  TN , the magnetic struc- The deduced magnetic structure is polar Pm1 (α,0, g)ss ture is incommensurate with propagation vector (0, 0, g), [point group m1’, polarization within the (a,c) plane, see with g evolving with decreasing temperature and locking below] which is in complete agreement with the observed to g = 1/2 at 6 K. The symmetry analysis performed with spontaneous electric polarization appearing at, and below, BASIREPS for Pnma and with the incommensurate wave vector, the Néel temperature. As seen from Fig. 4, the magnetic using the extended little group, provides four two-dimensional structure of Gd2BaCuO5 is nonconstant moment cycloidal irreducible representations (irreps). The main characteristic structure because the propagation vector is within the (a, c) of all the basis vectors for the position 4c is that the cor- plane where moments are lying. The global features of the responding magnetic moments are either along the b axis obtained magnetic structures as a function of the temperature or perpendicular to it. We have used ISODISTORT [34]for are common to all the refined models: the magnetic structure determining the possible magnetic modes and the correspond- is basically formed by interpenetrated cycloids with elliptical ing magnetic superspace groups. The k vector corresponds envelope, so the magnetic moments are not constant. The to the point LD in the Brillouin zone and, for magnetic degree of elliptic shape depends on the particular site. We have modes, the four irreps are labeled as: mLD1, mLD2, mLD3, to stress that the weak magnetic moment of the Cu makes it and mLD4. We have done systematic tests of all possible difficult to assess the details of this part of the magnetic struc- solutions using to explore the param- ture, which may be constrained to have a circular envelope eter space for all the maximal magnetic space groups. We without changing too much the calculated diffraction pattern. found only two possible solutions for the magnetic structure, For different simulated annealing runs, there are differences namely mLD2_P(a,0):Pnma1(0, 0, g)0s0s and mLD2_C(a, in the amplitudes within the zero cell in spite of fixing a polar  b): Pnm211 (0, 0, g)0s0s. We have mainly worked on the data angle for the first atom; this means that some other magnetic at 9.8 K because that corresponds to the highest departure structures seem to fit the experimental data but the difference from the commensurate g = 1/2 value. The amplitude vectors between them is only a phase between the different sites. It of the magnetic moments are constrained to be in the (a, c) is difficult to compare the magnetic structures looking at the plane in both cases. Although the overall refinement looks pictures because due to the long period of the modulation in quite good in both cases, it is important to notice that there the visualization box we see only a part of the global mag- are few regions in the diffraction pattern where a clear dis- netic structure. We provide the global aspect of the magnetic agreement between the observed and calculated patterns for structure at 9.8 K and its comparison with the commensurate both models is observed. Going down in symmetry there is lock-in phase at 1.3 K in Fig. S11, Supplemental Material only the subgroup Pm1(α,0, g)ss as the next candidate which [32]. is consistent with the fact that the moments mainly lie in the We discuss below the theoretical understanding of our mirror plane. Indeed, we have found that reliability parameters experimental results using the symmetry analysis of mag-  are better in this case compared with Pnm211 (0, 0, g)0s0s. netoelectric interactions. The low-temperature commensurate The superspace groups of each symmetry mode, refined magnetic structure doubles the crystallographic unit cell along neutron-diffraction patterns, and complete refinement details the c axis, whereas the incommensurate magnetic structure are provided in Ref. [32]. possesses the wave vector kinc = (0, 0, g), with g continu-

023271-4 INTERPLAY OF 4 f -3d INTERACTIONS AND … PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 023271 (2020) ously varying from ≈0.4446 at temperature TN to 1/2 at Tloc. in the ac plane and the phase shift is such that only term Thus, the magnetic phase transitions in Gd2BaCuO5 are due to (2) is not zero, whereas term (3) is zero. Therefore, in the the instability at the kc point of the Brillouin zone, whereas the modulated phase the electric polarization is directed along at Tloc can arguably be considered as a lock-in the x axis. In the commensurate phase, which is described by phase transition. At the kc point of the Brillouin zone, the the OPs of the form (a, a) and (c, c), additional contribution paramagnetic space group Pnma1 has two two-dimensional from the magnetoelectric interactions term (1) appears, which irreducible representations (IR) Z1 and Z2. The magnetic rep- explains the anomaly of polarization at Tloc. Thus, electric resentation for each crystallographically different magnetic polarization in both magnetically ordered phases has the form position (Cu, Gd1, and Gd2) splits into 2Z1 ⊕ 4Z2 with the (Px, 0, 0). x- and z-spin components transforming according to Z2 and In order to understand the microscopic origins of spin- the y components according to Z1. According to our neutron- induced electric polarization one can rewrite the magneto- diffraction data, in the commensurate phase the spins are electric interactions terms (1) and (2) through spins. Since confined to the ac plane. The symmetry analysis shows that in both the modulated and commensurate phases all the 12 the magnetic structure can thus be described by the phase state two-component OPs come into play, it appears that magneto- (c, c)ofIRZ2. electric interactions are numerous and are extremely difficult Further, we use the magnetic order parameters (OP) to analyze, however general conclusions can still be made. (a1, a2 ) and (c1, c2 ), which transform according to Z2 and All three magnetic ions Cu, Gd1, and Gd2 are located in may describe the spin components along the a and c axes, local polar environments with local electric dipoles confined respectively, and (b1, b2 ), which transforms according to Z1 to the ac plane. Therefore, the magnetoelectric interactions and describes the spin component along the b axis. The have single-spin contributions from all spins [30]. However, OPs (a1, a2 ) and (c1, c2 ) are only 2 of the 12 possible OPs two-spin contributions to the magnetoelectric interactions are transforming according to Z2, because this IR enters 12 times also present and the analysis reveals that they consist of ∼ · into the full magnetic representation of Gd2BaCuO5 at kc, exchange striction terms with P Pij(Si S j ) and general whereas (b1, b2 ) is one out of six OPs transforming according contributions from interactions of two canted spins. It has to to Z1. be noted that the latter are not of the commonly assumed form The incommensurate modulation of the high-temperature P ∼ [Si × S j] though. Indeed, according to results of neutron phase along the z axis is due to the existence of Lifshitz diffraction and symmetry analysis the spins are confined to the invariants ac plane whereas electric polarization is directed along the a ∂a ∂a ∂b ∂b ∂c ∂c axis, i.e., lies in the spin rotation plane. The facts that (i) the a 2 − a 1 , b 2 − b 1 , c 2 − c 1 , values of electric polarization are similar in incommensurate 1 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂ 2 ∂ z z z z z z and commensurate phases and that (ii) upon approaching which prevent a direct phase transition to the commensurate the lock-in phase transition the modulated magnetic structure phase. continuously changes to the commensurate state suggest that The magnetoelectric interactions, constituting the rele- the microscopic origin of spin-induced electric polarization vant terms of the Landau free-energy polynomial expression, is the same in both phases. Therefore, we conclude that both are single-ion and two-ions interactions with general expressions for electric dipole moment induced by two canted spins [35] , , , a1a2Px c1c2Px b1b2Px (1) as well as exchange striction mechanisms are responsible for magnetoelectric effect in Gd2BaCuO5. (a c + a c )Px, (2) 1 2 2 1 The green phase family R2BaCuO5 with R = Sm–Lu and Y presents a dozen compounds that according to litera- − , (a1c2 a2c1)Pz (3) ture data demonstrate a variety of ground-state magnetic structures depending on the particular R ion owing to the − , − . (a1b1 a2b2 )Py (b1c1 b2c2 )Py (4) peculiar properties of 4 f -3d magnetic exchange coupling as well as local anisotropic properties of the rare earth. According to the neutron-diffraction data in both the in- Depending on R, the ground-state magnetic structure pos- = = commensurate and commensurate phases the spins are con- sesses different wave vectors, e.g., kc 0(R Sm [33]), = , / , / = = , / , = fined to the ac plane and the modulated phase is an ellipti- kc (0 1 2 1 2) (R Y[36]), kc (0 1 2 0) (R Er, = , , / = cal cycloidal phase. Therefore, the OP (b1, b2 ) is zero and Tm [37]), or kc (0 0 1 2) (R Gd, this work). The the magnetic phases are described by a single IR Z2.Our occurrence of linear magnetoelectric effect in Sm2BaCuO5 results indicate that electric polarization appears below TN was already shown [33], whereas in this work the multi- and experiences a small anomaly at Tloc becoming a more ferroic properties of Gd2BaCuO5 are found in accordance pronounced jump in applied magnetic field. In the modulated with the violation of the Lifshitz criterion for the IRs in phase the magnetoelectric interactions in terms (1) average kc = (0, 0, 1/2) [30]. According to symmetry analysis, ex- out to zero and do not contribute to the macroscopic po- cept the U point, all other Brillouin-zone boundary points larization. In turn, depending on the phase shift between (i.e., X, Y, Z, T, S, and R) violate the Lifshitz criterion and, the OPs (a1, a2 ) and (c1, c2 ) magnetoelectric interactions thus, the corresponding magnetic structures are candidates in terms (2) and (3) can give rise to macroscopic electric for spin-induced electric polarization. Therefore, the variety polarization. However, according to neutron diffraction in of magnetic structures in R2BaCuO5 suggests the diversity the elliptical cycloidal phase the spins continuously rotate of multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties in the whole

023271-5 PREMAKUMAR YANDA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 023271 (2020) green phase family of compounds. Given this and the fact IV. CONCLUSION that solid solutions like (R, R ) BaCuO (where R and R 2 5 In conclusion, we have discovered multiferroicity in are different rare earths) should have even more complex Gd BaCuO which belongs to well-known green phases. magnetic properties, one can conclude that the green phase 2 5 In both the incommensurate and commensurate magnetic family may serve as a playground for the studies of multi- phases, spontaneous electric polarization is induced by mag- ferroic and magnetoelectric phenomena. The importance of netic ordering. According to the neutron-diffraction data, the 4 f -3d interactions in the determination of the ground-state polar elliptical cycloidal and the low-temperature commen- magnetic structure suggests that the richness of such phe- surate magnetic structures break the inversion symmetry and nomena in this class of compounds will arguably overcome induce ferroelectricity. We find that Gd BaCuO is a type-II that of the orthorhombic rare-earth manganites RMnO and 2 5 3 multiferroic, in which both single-spin and general two-spin manganates RMn O including the diversity in electric po- 2 5 interactions are responsible for the observed multiferroicity. larization directions and its magnetic field induced reorien- Based on our findings we argue that the whole family of tations [6,8]. However, this compound is similar to RFeO3 = green phase compounds may serve as a rich playground for (R Gd and Dy) where the 4 f -3d interactions determine the studies of multiferroic and magnetoelectric phenomena. the magnetic structure and the ferroelectricity is induced by the exchange striction between the R- and Fe sublattices [38,39]. Our results indicate that external magnetic field has strong influence on electric polarization, Tloc, and TN .How- ever, thorough and substantiated description of the magnetic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS field effect on magnetic structure and electric polarization A.S. and P.Y. would like to acknowledge Sheikh Saqr requires single-crystal studies and possibly single-crystal neu- Laboratory (SSL) and International Centre for Materials Sci- tron diffraction under magnetic field, which will help study- ence (ICMS) at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scien- ing different mutual geometries of magnetic field, electric tific Research (JNCASR) for various experimental facilities. polarization, and crystal lattice. The polycrystalline nature P.Y. acknowledges University Grants Commission (UGC) for of the studied samples allows only for a general conclusion Ph.D. Fellowship (Award No. 2121450729). N.V.T. acknowl- that external magnetic field alters the magnetic anisotropy of edges financial support by the Russian Foundation for Basic the system, which is responsible for the lock-in phase transi- Research Grant No. 18-52-80028 (BRICS STI Framework tion, and also affects the directions of noncollinear magnetic Programme). I.V.G. acknowledges the financial support from moments, which are responsible for emergence of electric the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 20-02- polarization. 00109)

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