National Wind Coordinating Committee C/O RESOLVE 1255 23Rd Street, Suite 275 Washington, DC 20037
NuclearRegulatoryCommission Exhibit#-APL000019-00-BD01 Docket#-05200016 Identified:01/26/2012 Admitted:Withdrawn:01/26/2012 Rejected:Stricken: APL000019 10/21/2011 Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities A HANDBOOK REVISED 2002 Prepared by the NWCC Siting Subcommittee August 2002 Acknowledgments Principal Contributors Dick Anderson, California Energy Commission Dick Curry, Curry & Kerlinger, L.L.C. Ed DeMeo, Renewable Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Sam Enfield, Atlantic Renewable Energy Corporation Tom Gray, American Wind Energy Association Larry Hartman, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Karin Sinclair, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Robert Therkelsen, California Energy Commission Steve Ugoretz, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources NWCC Siting Subcommittee Contributors Don Bain, Jack Cadogan, Bill Fannucchi, Troy Gagliano, Bill Grant, David Herrick, Albert M. Manville, II, Lee Otteni, Brian Parsons, Heather Rhoads-Weaver, John G. White The NWCC Permitting Handbook authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of those who worked on the first edition of the Permitting Handbook. Don Bain, Hap Boyd, Manny Castillo, Steve Corneli, Alan Davis, Sam Enfield, Walt George, Paul Gipe, Bill Grant, Judy Grau, Rob Harmon, Lauren Ike, Rick Kiester, Eric Knight, Ron Lehr, Don MacIntyre, Karen Matthews, Joe O’Hagen, Randy Swisher and Robert Therkelsen Handbook compilation, editing and review facilitation provided by Gabe Petlin (formerly with RESOLVE) and Susan Savitt Schwartz, Editor NWCC Logo and Handbook Design Leslie Dunlap, LB Stevens Advertising and Design Handbook Layout and Production Susan Sczepanski and Kathleen O’Dell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory The production of this document was supported, in whole or in part by the Midwest Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory under the Subcontract YAM-9-29210-01 and the Department of Energy under Prime Contract No.
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